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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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20299190 No.20299190 [Reply] [Original]

Thread for discussing coffee and coffee-related topics

Coffee is good for you-Indian Robusta edition


If you're new or confused, start here: https://pastebin.com/UEzwuyLz
If you're old and confused whats your favorite dripper?

Previous thread:>>20281824

>> No.20299196

Can't choose between the K Ultra and ZP6

>> No.20299199

Im about to start brewing some coffee. It's almost 11:30 and I need to get ready to drive the bread truck for the local bakery.

>> No.20299208
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game changer

>> No.20299213

My grandmother has one of those. I don't understand why she doesn't just use a stainless steel tumbler. Coffee tastes horrible if reheated.

>> No.20299226

dont you see anon
he has a chart
whatcha brewing?

>> No.20299235
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Should I get a cold brew and breakfast sandwich at the gentrified coffee shop for breakfast tomorrow?

>> No.20299268

whats the pissing policy in this thread?

>> No.20299274

As long as it ends up in a toilet your all chill.

>> No.20299433
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This is a finest indian robusta thread sar. Relieve yourself whereever you please.

>> No.20299467

i-i already started pissing before i typed the message...

>> No.20300054

What's in a dolce gusto coffee pod? Tried the espresso capsule at my gf's place and it was the most horrible tasting coffee I've ever had, but I remember having some nespresso before and it was somewhat okay. Is it even the same system

>> No.20300056

i intentionally set my grinder to the finest setting to make a normal filter coffee and now my coffee is bad. how could this be happening to me?

>> No.20300057

fuck offee

>> No.20300113

stale, burnt coffee

>> No.20300160
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Picked some of this up at the grocery store. It's "interesting" I'll give it that, but I don't think I would drink it every day. The beans are significantly more dense than I'm used to though so maybe I have to adjust the ratio, but I'm not confident I can fix it

>> No.20300337
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I luv cowfee

>> No.20300362

Their blends are on the darker side but their SO stuff is fairly light. How are you making it?

>> No.20300420

French press

>> No.20300427

Kaapi Royale

>> No.20300460
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>> No.20300462

you should be good to yourself, anon

>> No.20300468

Sometimes, like today after a bike ride, I will be hot but still want some coffee, I make it iced

>> No.20300469
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>> No.20300472
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I am most of the time

>> No.20300475

do it just a little more often

>> No.20300488

Taking my post ride shit as i write, then i shower and brew me a hot decaf cuppa.

>> No.20300501
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Anon pls.

>> No.20300512

Things will be better if you stop self-harming.

>> No.20300676

just tried that supertaster cafetiere techniique from that ugly dane except i poured it through a v60 like anon reccommended
its not bad
is this the kind of brew a switch makes?

>> No.20300700


>> No.20300703

also 1:7 ratio?
the switch you can alternate immersion and percolation more easily but that's about it. plus the plastic part.

>> No.20300715

nah i did 1:15 like he suggested because i didnt want to waste the beans for 100 mls of koohee if i didnt like it
ill try that next though
arent they making a version without the plastic now? either way does the plastic even contact the brew?

>> No.20300717

Is it me or most highly acidic washed coffees smell and taste like tomatoes? Especially smell.

>> No.20300718

Tomatoes are also highly acidic.

>> No.20300723

The only plastic is the little toggle that holds the ball stopper in place. Cone is glass, base is silicone.

>Glass bowl : Heatproof glass
>Base : Silicone rubber
>Switch : PCT resin
>Stainless steel ball : Stainless steel

>> No.20300726

so the answer to my second question is no?

>> No.20300731
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>> No.20300734

>either way does the plastic even contact the brew?
>The only plastic is the little toggle that holds the ball stopper in place.
it does contact the brew

>> No.20300737

thank you for clarifying

>> No.20300797
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Just took a couple pictures. Couldn't quite get the angle right while the water was coming out. As you can see there is a plastic (resin) peg that pushes the steel ball up. When open, liquid passes over the peg.
Also, for what it's worth, I can't find any research indicating that PCT resin is or isn't food safe with hot liquids. If any Anon could point me in the right direction that would be greatly appreciated. For now I'm going to assume PCT is not safe with hot liquids.
The plastic switch itself seems simple enough. I wish I had access to a small foundry so I could get one made out of aluminum or brass. I guess if I cared enough I could MacGyver something out of bent wire and a popsicle stick.

>> No.20300921

Yeah I never trust plastic. There's no such thing as "food safe" plastic to me, since they just play whack-a-mole with various cancer causing mixes. One day it's BPA, then oh shit BPA causes cancer so now it's all BPA-free! Except they replaced BPA with BPS and BPF, and now oh shit BPS and BPF also cause cancer! Now they push PCT, haven't had any cancer studies run on that one yet. Same shit with teflon, PFOA was used and then PFOA was found to cause cancer so they switched to PTFE and the only reason they keep using it it because it hasn't been long enough for the study that finds PTFE causes cancer to come out yet.

BPA, PET, PCT, PBT, they're just gonna play shell games with you every time.

>> No.20300967

just tried the 1:7
it was pretty fucking good but for the amount of work and the final result id rather just use my moka pot

>> No.20301302

its instant coffee, nothing close to an espresso

>> No.20301549

>buy an 01 pegasus with 02 cafec papers because no one on amazon has 01 cafec trapezoid papers
>great cups in under 3min even when going finer than recommended
>decide to return it and buy the 02 because the 01 felt small and limiting
>receive 02 and it fucking stalls every time even on coarser settings
why is this? brews are taking 6min now. the only thing i can think of is the paper didnt completely sit on the bottom because of the 01s smaller size.

>> No.20302232

Just had a tomato soup Kenyan

>> No.20302608
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with the impending tik tok ban, will we lose beauty's like this forever? i will make this fit, thin young woman my wife and never let her get ugly and fat.

>> No.20302660

It is not the same system. Nespresso machines are more expensive and the coffee is supposed to be better. I'm enjoying americano and lungo pods in my Dolce Gusto machine, but the espresso pods I've tried have been the worst kind. No body to them, useless unless you're making a milk drink.

>> No.20302671

>will we lose beauty's like this forever?
video unrelated?

>> No.20303134
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>> No.20303161

Fucking kek. It really is crazy how fat she got. I’m guessing it’s side effects from one of the many antipsychotic drugs the doctors put women like this on.

>> No.20303304

Pretty sure she does youtube shorts not tiktok

>> No.20303327

Calling her "short" is a low blow, I'm sure she'd take the high road with you, anon.

>> No.20303432

i assume its because she drank every stupid tiktok drink she made instead of pouring it out

>> No.20303939

can i make something better than instant coffee with $50 in equipment?

>> No.20303974

i think yes it is possible
but not for everyone.

>> No.20303983

you could get a french press or a moka pot and a P0, it would definitely be better than instant

>> No.20304061

what do you suggest I do? i use some soviet looking electric grinder with yellowed plastic and i use some moka pot my mom bought from a store, probably a cheap one. I usually pour some of that coffee into a cup and add hot water to it, it's not particularly good but it's not like i'm using good beans either.
i have a moka pot, is there any meaningful difference between different ones?

>> No.20304068

No they're all pretty shitty.

>> No.20304072

skill issue.

>> No.20304111

Autistic e&b shill?

>> No.20304399

jesus fucking christ look at her arms she's a coat hanger with sticks for limbs
you could snap her in half if you just held her wrong

>> No.20304418

Wow I got a french press today and brewed one, grinding with my Vario, and expected that reading that you have to fuss to minimize sediment in it that I would get at least one sludgy cup, but I got barely any. Shit was tasty.

>> No.20304460

glad youre enjoying the cuppa
coffee can be quite simple if you allow it to be

>> No.20304486

settle down morgan

>> No.20304689

Why did you wake up and decide to tell lies?

>> No.20305271

I had to look it up but she doesn't look any fatter to me, she was always doughy and soft looking. Kinda disappointed, you made it sound like she destroyed herself with obesity. She's maybe gained 20 lbs.

>> No.20305545
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>> No.20305570

I'd still fuck her. She's a little (pretty) chubs but there's something really cute about her.

>> No.20306208

Does anyone else use dried mandarin oranges to sweeten their expresso/moka pot coffee. Shit is delicious.

>> No.20306274

no, i just drink fermented natural process beans and get the same effect.

>> No.20306363
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what the FUCK is this shit?
i dont even care whos side hes on with this shit, i watch for coffee kino not religious slop.
fucking hell.
fucking boomers.

>> No.20306621
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He got decaf wrong

>> No.20306633
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*sips* >>>/wsg/5480859

>> No.20306876

Coffee today had notes of cocoa pebbles.

>> No.20307316

I regret the zp6 get the k ultra you can do more with it. If you are pour over only then the zp6 is better and you should get that one.

>> No.20307428

Regret seems like too harsh of a word, do you not like pour over? I'm sure it could work for espresso if you adjust the dose to get the timing of the shot right.

>> No.20307623

Not really how 250um outfalls work but go off.

>> No.20307630

nta but how do 250um outfalls work

>> No.20307698

was this chud content?

>> No.20307732

>Video unavailable

>> No.20307741

it was somehting about chuck schumer talking to a rabbi, probably about the war or netanyahu

>> No.20307766

But did some coffee tuber upload the video or something?

>> No.20307769

didnt get a chance to see but no

>> No.20307802
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I'll use 98mms as an example. Big gaps(outfall) at burr touch/0 let big chunks though. Hard to build pressure when your particle spread is skewed towards the big chunks. SSP Low Uniformity doesn't do "classic" 9bar espresso because of that big outfall. People like them for fast low pressure turbo shots though. The smaller aperture on the High Uniformity skews that the other way. Higher fines higher body traditional espresso. That other anon is saying the zp6 is less versatile because at the zero point, there's still a ~250micron gap. The k-ultra on the other hand does high clarity filter, but also can produce enough fines for espresso.

>> No.20307879

"Natural" as in treated with natural cane sugar lol

>> No.20308469

>This video is no longer available due to a copyright claim by Al Jazeera
he used a bunch of news footage which must have been owned by Al Jazeera
he was talking about how Israel is a false state that no real jew would support because the torah directly condemns everything jews did to form the nation known as israel
which is based but i dont want fucking politics in my coffee kino.
its like reading a coffee article and being told in the middle "white man bad".

>> No.20308474


>> No.20309834
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>> No.20310083

If you can't appreciate cute latte art then you're more bitter than the robusta you whine about

>> No.20310160
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Tell me why shouldn't I buy a P0 if I'm only going to make coffee on aeropress and moka pot

>> No.20310425

I had heard that people were disappointed with recent Hario filters. I need to order some new ones. Does /ck/ have any recommendations?

>> No.20310437

its better for pour over i just wanted one hand grinder that can do both on vacation. i have an electric grinder already. the difference is not worth buying two grinders. if you only do pour over buy the zp6.

>> No.20310491

Cafec T90 will absolutely change your life. Hario filters are unbelievably shit and stall constantly.

>> No.20310500

I have been struggling with stalling for a while, even when I tried to change my grind or change pouring technique. I'll try the Cafecs out, thanks!

>> No.20310555

>spend years in Korea
>every corner has a coffee shop with a large selection of iced/hot coffees up to a liter in size
>served in less than a minute usually
>runs you about $.75 to $2.00
>come back to America
>go to tranny coffee shop with ally flags plastered everywhere
>$4.75 for a small iced coffee that takes 15 minutes minimum
>barista whirls around ipad with obligatory tip page
>1000 yard stare of expectancy
>tip 15% for someone to put ice cubes in a cup and pour cold brew over it
>drink it while watching a grifter harass people outside

America fucking blows

>> No.20310587

>tip 15% for someone to put ice cubes in a cup and pour cold brew over it
That's why you look that nigga in the eye and tip zero. It's not like they're gonna do shit about it, they're too pussy, but you're not gonna be a repeat customer anyways there are you?

>> No.20310609
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i fucking hate when people require 2 hands to hold a cup or a glass or whatever, makes you look like a bitch, if its too big to hold with one hand then its the cup's fault and it shouldn't exist, otherwise fuck you, you dumb whore

>> No.20310611

she's using one hand for a cup and one hand for the straw

>> No.20310625

same shit, to take a drink from the said cup it required 2 hands, i have an unexplained hatred for this shit, looks awful looks disgusting, women seem to do it alot more than men but it happens and i just want to throw up from the cringe overdose

>> No.20310634

I felt this very strongly after coming back from Japan.

I had a similar experience to yours recently.
> Visiting friend
> They take me to a coffee shop they haven't been to but wanted to check out
> "Nerd" themed, Back to the Future, FF7 and gay flags everywhere
> Order $6 pour over from obese, profusely sweating cashier
> Tranny barista complaining that her Jewish therapist was Pro-Israel
> Other gay barista tells her she needs to educate her therapist on why he should be Pro-Palestine then talks about how cathartic it would be to strangle a goose
> My pour over was completely forgotten about
> Homo barista tells me it was intentional so it would be the "perfect drinking temp"

And that is why I never tip.

>> No.20310636
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u see it even with coffee mugs, a good fucking handle which lets you get a good grip on the mug in various ways and some whore decides to use both her hands to cup it like she cups cock and balls, its disgusting,

>> No.20310722

This is autism isn't it?

>> No.20310741

It's autism + repressed homosexuality. He's got a classic case of violently reacting to things he perceives as being "gay" to hide the fact that he can't stop thinking about cock and balls all day long, ironically he isn't even aware that his casual hatred of women only digs him deeper in the hole.

>> No.20310794
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New bins n' choc bruhs

Zinash Adugna G1
>This coffee from the Yirga Chefe region is produced by Zinash Adugna, who owns 3.6 hectares at an altitude of 2000 metres. Zinash is married with 5 children. Her farm is located in the village of Harfuso Waro. The ripe cherries are pulped at the washing station. The coffee is then fermented for 72 hours. It is then washed and dried in the sun on African beds. This coffee has aromatic notes as varied as citrus fruits, flowers and caramel, with a very delicate body.

Taste delicious, 1:1.5 nice and thicc mouthfeel, balanced as fuck, pairs with the San Ignacio like mom and pop.
Feint tomato taste balanced by some sweetness with a finish of some gentle acidity. Was roasted last week, so i'll see how it matures with some rest.
Nibbled on the chocc so no aftertaste report.

San Ignacio 70 (2022 harvest)
>This tender and unctuous Cru de Terroir, totally devoid of acidity and bitterness, presents delicate floral and ripe fruit notes on a slightly caramelised chocolatey base.

>Located between the foothills of the Andes and the Amazon, in the far north of the country, the province of San Ignacio is bordered by the the Rio Marañon valley and its steep canyons.
>Despite its high altitude, between 1000 and 1250 metres, its exceptional microclimate and its isolation have allowed the conservation of a variety of cacao long considered extinct: a genetically perfectly pure Nacional.
>Since 2010, this cacao has been the subject of an exceptional preservation programme, thanks to the support of 400 farmer-owners in the region, gathered around a model post-harvest treatment center.
>After several years of experimentation, a strict fermentation and drying protocol has been developed, allowing the perfect expression of the extraordinarily delicate aromas of this cacao, unique in the world.

Also tastes delicious, on the sugary side as i tend to prefer higher cocoa. Caramel and honey are the most prominent flavours.

>> No.20310809
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>He's got a classic case of violently reacting to things he perceives as being "gay"
never said it makes you look gay, i said it makes you look weak and like a bitch i didn't say anything targeting women just that women do it more, you fucking retard

>> No.20310823

hardo faggot

>> No.20311204

Any good right wing coffee companies?

>> No.20311249

theres black rifle but its burnt shit from what ive seen

>> No.20311252

The difference between it and a p2 is ~ the cost of a bag of coffee.
Nta but I shill cafecs. They're great. The traditionals(green and yellow label) are the original hario tabless. I also like mediums(t90), origamis, and abaca. light(t92) and dark(t83) stall at different points, haven't tried abaca+.

>> No.20311323

>black rifle
>right wing

>> No.20311396

Black Rifle is owned by jew leftists running a grift.
Blackout coffee at least supports gun rights if nothing else. No idea on the quality.

>> No.20311423

forgive me for judging based on their name and advertising rather than looking deeper into the motivations and origins of an untterly shite roaster

>> No.20311432

I forgive you.

>> No.20311453

>good coffee
>right wing

>> No.20311656

is the P2 that much better? I'll go for it if that's the case

>> No.20311668

Is it too much to ask for a coffee roaster that doesn't prominently display the communist manifesto in their branding?

>> No.20311671

After careful market research, yes.

>> No.20311771

The p0 is basically a plastic timemore c2($70). The p2 is a plastic comandante($325).

>> No.20311891

And by plastic I mean its an all metal interior jammed in a cheap plastic body.

>> No.20312368

trips of lies
fake story
and dilate, tranny

>> No.20312382

do you intentionally make the lines between pictures transparent?
also i think these are the lightest and least oily beans i have ever seen you drink

>> No.20312387


>> No.20313292

Those woke golems are the same ones propping up all these new "Xth wave" movements that value producer identity over actual body and flavor. I don't care how destitute the female farmer growing my bens was, all I ask is for a coffee that doesn't taste like the Perfume Department

>> No.20313302

id on this grinder?
never seen it before.

>> No.20313312

blessed coffee poster

>> No.20313315

Must be an American thing
Even packaging from Leaf roasters is no-bullshit and set up like a Wine label

>> No.20313316
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Finally coffee tailored to the american palate.

>> No.20313351
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why does coffee that i make on a mokka machine always tastes like battery acid and has no body? doesn't matter the coffee brand. i remember tasting good moka coffee at some point, so there's something wrong with me, not the method. i take the machine off the fire immediately, i've tried different temperatures and removing the machine earlier, doing on-and-off the fire to finish it, but all to not avail, it still tastes bad

>> No.20313354

because you made it wrong.
and your beans are bad
and you probably have a bad grinder

>> No.20313400

Americans are increasingly unable to navigate life without a left/right dichotomy to guide them. Political ill-will has taken the role that the bible used to take as their moral compass.

>> No.20313416

i just realised that generals exist to group all the retards and schizos together
i went into a totally different general on a different board and everyone was completely insane.

>> No.20313877

Congrats. Go tell all your friends.

>> No.20314015

i just did :)

>> No.20314053

Chur, bro.

>> No.20314056

If you just now realize this don't worry you'll fit just fine.

>> No.20314061
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>Day nine of replacing my french press with a Nespresso
Glad I did it, happy with my coffee, can't shake the feeling that I have submitted to the cold jew and sacrificed my patricianhood, but I dgaf the variety is fun and it is simple to use

>> No.20314077

>the variety is fun
big cereal fan i see.

>> No.20314087
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Its us. Hello again. General is better than shitty 4 reply threads that clog up my catalogue. Somehow changing the thread structure doesn’t eliminate the mentally ill population of posters here (me)

>> No.20314275

Maybe you're putting too much coffee in the basket

>> No.20314319

Where are my /6cup/ moka pot chads

>> No.20314332

3cuplet here
do you just drink a great big cup of the stuff or do you have other koohee drinkers in the house

>> No.20314364

I drink it with hot milk and sugar in a large mug because i have a high caffeine tolerance and work early mornings. Da gf drinks lmao tea

>> No.20314371

very nice
do you just nuke the milk? thats what i do along with frothing it with a push whisk

>> No.20314373

Exactly but i dont whisk it. Gotta get one i think

>> No.20314378

i would call it a solid investment

>> No.20316159

Coof from page 10

>> No.20316366

no its not silly
its page 4 :)

>> No.20316885
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I miss my espresso from the FLAIR >>>/wsg/5484035

>> No.20316959

That guy got fat.

>> No.20316995

Finer grind, darker roast
If that's still not enough, then get Liberica beans and get used to the taste of campfire

>> No.20316998

Caliber Coffee is pretty decent and is actually from an incredibly based and pro gun company.

>> No.20317025
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Organic Ethiopian made in the Chemex :)

>> No.20317047

that doesnt look like coffee to me

>> No.20317060

The inside of the mug is black man, it was definitely a delicious cuppa coffee

>> No.20317067
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Yeah the closest thing to a political statement I've seen from a roaster here is a guy that puts images of women from the countries the coffee is from on the packaging.

>> No.20317070
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ask and you shall receive

>> No.20317079

nice shirt anon :)

>> No.20317166
File: 2.75 MB, 2786x3715, EBAF3890-5265-46D2-AB4F-A06CBF57A817.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I just wanted to say hi.

>> No.20317169

what the fuck is that?

>> No.20317173

Almond milk.

It’s the particles of chopped almonds in suspension that creates that cool effect.
I wanted to try hazelnut milk but I only find them with added sugars.

>> No.20317181

>that cool effect.
you mean it split and looks gross.
i have had that happen too and the texture just made it undrinkable

>> No.20317182

Have you tried (thick) paper filtered pourover yet?

>> No.20317196

No, I can't drink coffee at all no matter the extraction method.
Sometimes, like 1 per week I can try drinking one espresso or something, at worse I can start with 50% chicory and 50% coffee and see how it works for me.
For the moment the diet is helping me with energy levels and other things, I don't want to risk ruining the progresses.

>> No.20317199

Is it the caffeine or something else? You could try decaf if it's the former.

>> No.20317219

It's the coffee, the plant, it's not compatible with my blood type immune system as it promotes gastric juices release in an already highly acidic stomach (my group tend to suffer from acid reflux, gastritis and such).
When I was poisoned with gluten, my intestine didn't alert the immune system when the coffee "particles" were going to be absorbed, so they went through without alerting the whole body (no pain, no stomach anything, anxiety, etc) and therefore the organs were able to become more and more attacked with inflammation.

If you want to make an experiment, I'd suggest (especially if you have 0 blood type) to 100% stop eating everything that has gluten (pasta, pizza, flours, every single premade or store bought product which has gluten inside, that includes eating at restaurants where you don't know which ingredients they use unless you order steak for example), ideally you should also stop drinking milk and every single milk based product (cheeses, sweets, gelato, etc) too for the same period, stop drinking coffee too all of this for 3-4 weeks (the more the better), without cheating. When you're "clean" try to reintroduce coffee and see how your body reacts, be sure to pay attention to anxiety levels, stomach and hearth beat.

>> No.20317221

Ps. If you're AB blood type then coffee is like a medicine for you, you're lucky.

>> No.20317362

Fuck off. Go back.

>> No.20317398

this sounds like nonsense
but what do i know
im just glad i can enjoy goff

>> No.20317417
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Ciao come stai?


>> No.20317431

I still want to go and visit him, it’s almost as if I personally know him and he’s a friend of mine for all the time we memed him here.
At worst I can always buy his coffee and gift it to someone I want to initiate to good coffee.

It isn’t though.
Coffee is an acidic beverage and the substances in it promotes acid production into stomach because coffee is a digestive beverage, so it makes sense that some people can be hurt from rush if they have sensitive stomachs or already suffer from some digestive trait issue, that’s also the reason why you shouldn’t drink coffee on an empty stomach!

Also keep in mind that some conditions are temporary, so if you have an upset stomach/intestine you may not tolerate coffee (like you previously did) until it heals, but make sure not to make it ill again by abusing substances and food that fucks it bad, coffee being for some people one of them.

>> No.20317444

i think everyone who cares to knows coffee that can be acidic but thank you for the run-down
i drink moka on an empty stomach every morning
sorry its given you issues

>> No.20317451

>i think everyone who cares to knows that coffee can be acidic*

>> No.20317460

We weren't memeing him. We were memeing your autistic fixation on a random roaster who you had never tried before, signore redditore.

>> No.20317473
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i drink two espresso on an empty stomach daily. am i gonna make it?

cope. seethe. dilate. suicide.

>> No.20317476
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>> No.20317478

what is this?

>> No.20317486

> for all the time we memed him here
Yeah, as long as you're not genetically deficient.

>> No.20317686

Chicory “coffee” + almond milk.

The concept is like a long drip coffee, aka dirty water, but it tastes earthy, nutty and caramel sweet or at least that’s my own impression. You don’t have to add tons of chicory, not even the same dose you use with coffee, you add 1 and a half teaspoons of it in say 200 ml of water (you can adjust to your taste but you shouldn’t exaggerate with the chicory because it’s sugary hence why it’s sweet), boil at least 3-4 minutes and filter before enjoying.

I make the above dose and split it between 2 or sometimes 3 espresso cups, full, and enjoy it as an after meal and breakfast drink.

It’s not coffee, it’s something different, but I’m sure many people ITT would enjoy it as an alternative sometimes. Besides, it has a lot of beneficial properties and you can always blend it with coffee (once both are brewed).

Ignore the inbred Anglo video about chicory. He’s an idiot and always has been.

Only you know yourself, so listen to your body and decide.
I too used to drink coffee that way, rarely though, and not always my stomach was bothered, so it’s up to you but still I’d only do that few times and not regularly.

>> No.20317792

>The story of how chicory became entrenched in the American South involves another economic power struggle—this one known as the Union blockade, a naval strategy introduced by Lincoln and the Northern states to prevent the Confederacy from trading.
>In the absence of the precious caffeinated bean, soldiers were forced to try rather unpleasant innovations. Chicory was far from the only alternative used to imitate or stretch coffee rations: acorns, corn, parsnips—really anything that could be roasted and ground—was used as a substitute in desperate times.
>After the blockade was lifted and the Union restored, most places went back to using pure coffee in their morning cup. One notable exception is of course New Orleans, where people continued to doctor their coffee with chicory along with cream and sugar.
>The Civil War was not the last time people were forced to use chicory with or in place of coffee; references to this beverage come up again during the trying times of the Great Depression in the U.S. and during the extreme scarcity of WWI in Great Britain. It resurfaced in a lesser-known event called the “East German coffee crisis” in 1976, when a confluence of black frost in Brazil and global oil shortages came together to nearly quadruple the cost of coffee in East Germany.

>> No.20318128

just like in france
that said id love to try the stuff

>> No.20318150

Alright bros I'm sacrificing myself to science. My local grocery store accidentally way overstocked on espresso beans and I bought like 5kg for dirt cheap. I put most in the freezer split to doses for a day or two. I'm trying to see how/if the taste deteriorates over time. I'll report back to /ctg/ from time to time if I remember.

>> No.20318167

>local grocery store
>espresso beans
Already off to a poor start.
>It almost tastes like low altitude robusta!(another war time cope)
For me its the sad brown chunky water with soymilk.

>> No.20318181

>Already off to a poor start.
Yeah, I know. They're not very fancy, just for the everyday brew. That's exactly why I felt they're a good choice for this. Widely available, fairly consistent quality(take that word how you will) and I won't be kicking myself if they end up really poor towards the end. As for the grocery store part, I see no problem with it. It's a fairly fresh batch, roasted just a couple of weeks ago. They just stocked way too much.

>> No.20318317

I recently froze some beans for the first time too. Froze them at 22 days (3 weeks) past roast date. I've definitely noticed the aroma is different and a bit stronger. When I grind them they give off a roast beef type smell. While brewing they give off a strong herbaceous smell. Like wild mint with a touch of kale. The final brew tastes pretty much the same as unfrozen when properly extracted. If I underextract the brew, as I did today, it tastes very vegetal. While the same beans unfrozen just taste plain sour when underextracted. Anyone else experience anything similar?
Beans are Zavida "100% Columbian" if anyone cares to know. I froze them by squeezing as much air out of the valve as possible, then covered the valve with T-Rex tape. I froze them February 3rd, opened and portioned them into ziploc freezer bags March 4th. I left all but one of the portions to stay frozen in the freezer.

>> No.20318970

I forget there are still some grocery stores around that have actual fresh-ish whole bean coffee stocked that you can buy by weight. I remember loving walking down that aisle as a kid. Most of those vanished when keurig started getting big. 5kg is a shit ton of coffee, so doubtful you will make it past month 3 before it starts to taste bad. If the bags are vacuum sealed it will probably last longer, but give it enough time and the beans will taste like the inside of your freezer smells. From my experience a sealed airtight container stored away from light can hold a good bit of a coffee's flavor for about two months before the notes get dull and you can start to taste the staleness. Even then there's still some flavor there several months past that. Certainly not as bad as the bulk preground prefiltered coffee we have at my job that that's 3-years old now and tastes like wet moldy cardboard water.

>> No.20319042

Hey now, my store's "espresso" blend is medium Colombia and Ethiopia, suck it

>> No.20319045

just buy peets big bang. ez.

>> No.20319184
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Costco sells "light roast single origin ethiopian". Its still cat piss quality.

>> No.20319470

Kirkland coffee is roasted in partnership with Starbucks iirc.

>> No.20319527

Only the cheap blends.

>> No.20319906

I like the cheaper blends.

What’s The Best Cheap Coffee? | James Hoffmann Blind Taste Test

>> No.20319959

Woke up way to early and couldn't get back to sleep. Decided fuck it and made a coffee while I also got high. I swear to god I made the perfect cuppa. Perfectly well balanced in terms of acid/etc, flavors coming out are lime and vanilla and sugar. So god damn good dude I'm losing my mind.

Made it in a v60 from my izpresso hand grinder.

>> No.20320190
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Today's cuppa: light roast organic Ethiopian. I fucked it up and it's too weak and watery tasting. Does anyone have any tips on dialing in grind size or temperature? Those seem to make the biggest difference in terms of flavor, but I can't get them consistent. Grinding finer always seems to make it bitter immediately.
Also what techniques do you guys use for pourover? I like the Hoffmeme recipes, but those are for either 500 grams or 250 grams. I can do very well with those amounts, but today I made 400 grams, and I don't know how to adjust.

>> No.20320214

Yeah I'm aware I'm mostly likely going to end up with a bunch of not great coffee. But again, the price was so cheap and I'm autistic enough that I felt a little experiment like this could be interesting, even if the results most likely are predictable.

>> No.20320231

Post pic of your grind

>> No.20320253

Most likely not grinding fine enough.

>> No.20320373

Hello frens. Is there anything I can add to my coffee to make it taste all fancy and good? I was going to order $4 coffee from McDonalds but figured I could probably make something halfway decent

>> No.20320376
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Not important but I forgot the pic and that annoyed me

>> No.20320379

fwesh whipped cweam is vewwy good and can be made in the time it takes to bwew a cup
maybe a little hazelnut extwact or some sywup

>> No.20320480

Tasted coffee from Burundi for the first time. Very clear citrus notes, which is rare for me.

>> No.20320641

What do I do to reduce sourness of black coffee I'm making with pour over? What kind of beans and roast do I look for for less sour.

>> No.20320672


>> No.20320733

Based notes taster.

>> No.20320827
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Trial and error is sadly the only way. You can try different brew methods as well, try ones with more pours less pours etc. I currently use the Samo bloom. It won't work with every coffee but I've really enjoyed it when it did. Also try a flat brewer as well.

>> No.20320960

I want to upgrade from my Breville bes 840 to something that’s a bit stronger in the heat department, what are my options bros I’m thinking dual boiler

>> No.20321008
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>tfw just drank a cuppa where the beans were still warm when I ground them.

>> No.20321030
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I tried it on a flair a few years back and the excess CO2 popped the brewhead apart.

>> No.20321043

yeah you have to bloom them carefully, I wouldn't put them in any sort of pressurized machine until they've sat for a few days.
I'm glad my first trial with them was pour over.

>> No.20321545

Cool diagram, thanks for that.
And I've never heard of the Samo bloom, I'm gonna check that out

>> No.20321556

Darker roasts are less sour. Sour means your grind is good.

>> No.20321572
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Anxiously awaiting fresh beans from a new place.

>> No.20321577

What beans? What place?

>> No.20321586
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That's a heckin birty dird
don't even think I'm hungry anyway

>> No.20321614
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Golden Hour and Daddy's Girl (kek) from Padre. It was a place linked in the thread that I haven't tried yet. Already I have a small complaint, their shipping was more expensive and much slower than Single-O. I've had my Single-O beans arrive within two days maximising freshness and longevity. These Padre ones have taken over a week in transit.
He is a clean bird and a coffee appreciator. That is a very pretty kot

>> No.20321621

Can birbs drink goffee more than once?

>> No.20321645

Yeah, a week is definitely pushing it for any product, especially something like coffee that has such a short shelf life. But I hope the beans are worth the wait and the reddit names lol

>> No.20321708

that's a huge bitch

>> No.20321713

normal size in the americas

>> No.20321728

>coffee that has such a short shelf life
Only shitty oily beans have a short shelf life.

>> No.20321790

>These Padre ones have taken over a week in transit.
i think it was me who recommended padre(i have used them every other week for the past 2 years never had a problem)
i hope you enjoy the beans.
when did you place the order?
i order on saturday or sunday day (not night) and they always without fail arrive on wednesday.(3 days)
but yes i agree their shipping is pretty expensive these days.
back when i started to use them it was alot cheaper.
i havent heard of this "Single-O" before, do you recommend?

>> No.20321791

He has had it intermittently throughout his life. I mostly let him eat the steamed milk at the top. Social bonding over sharing food is a major aspect of bird ownership. I offered him this honey oat slice but he didn't want any :(
Got the txt it's coming today so I'll brew it up later and report back. Which meme name should I start with?

>> No.20321800

>Which meme name should I start with?
Daddy's Girl
although it is unfortunate that you picked the blends instead of the single origin
such as

>> No.20321812

>old man yells at cloud
dawg look at my coffeetuber.
hes actually full boomer

>> No.20321819
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I really like everything I've had from Single-O including their basic bitch blend, Killerbee. I don't think they have my preferred beans on their site right now unfortunately. Shipping from them was about two days and I live very rural (Snowy Mountains). I ordered the Padre beans on the 14th, they were predicted to arrive on the 22nd so I'm pretty happy to get them two days early. Thank you for the recommendation anon.
Yeah usually I buy one of each to try but I was rushing this time. I'll get one of those two next time which will probably be in April. They have a lot of stuff so even if the shipping is annoying I want to try out more of theirs.

>> No.20321833
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I want to get a percolator again.

>> No.20321862

Does anyone have a good recommendation for one of those little electric stirrers? I find myself needing one often for things like coffee, hot chocolate, eggs, etc. Is there like a "best" one or does it really matter?

>> No.20321871

Use a mixing bowl and a whisk. It works better, it's more versatile, there's no batteries and you earn more chef cred. If you're too lazy, you need another coffee.

>> No.20321873

Buy one of those mini whisks they cute

>> No.20321885

>I'll get one of those two next time which will probably be in April
padre is strange sometimes they get new beans in in what seems like every other week and sometimes they keep the sames range for months.
>Shipping from them was about two days and I live very rural (Snowy Mountains)
wow, what altitude are you at? im not in snowy but im 1000m. hope you have a nice view like me.
> I ordered the Padre beans on the 14th
yeh ording on a weekday is a bad idea going forward.
but it could also be that you are alot more remote than i am.
where do they fly in to? snowy mountains airport? or somewhere else.

im finishing the last of this
which was gross, but i just dont like washed colombian.
i got it because i needed to taste what normal coffee tastes like after about a month of natural processed multi fermentation blends.
and i will be having that Ethiopia, Idido - Single Origin probably tomorrow.

>> No.20321888

like this?
if you dont know what you are talking about just say so and leave.

>> No.20321895

Based bird friend anon. Enjoy your goffee.

>> No.20321905

a coffe lover i see

>> No.20321920

unbased cunt.

>> No.20321922

cope and seethe

>> No.20321925


>> No.20321935

What a bozo.

>> No.20321972

thank you Chef

>> No.20322055

>wow, what altitude are you at?
About 800m/2625ft. The view is mostly trees because of nature reserves, it's not so bad. We only got snow twice last winter, but I am moving soon (hopefully) slightly closer to the snow.
>where do they fly in to?
Sydney, it is pants on head retarded. Over all it went Vic > Syd > Canberra > My town.
Thank you friend I have a drive later so I am going to make it to enjoy on my cruise.

Speaking of which, here is a question I've had. I have a yeti for my portable goffee, it's stainless steel inside and I noticed it affects the flavour, is this a known thing or am I insane? It tends to go up and down of how much it affects the drink. It also keeps my espresso so hot I can't drink it for hours so I started only using it for milky ones.

>> No.20322112
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>Vic > Syd > Canberra > My town.
>it's stainless steel inside and I noticed it affects the flavour, is this a known thing or am I insane?
i have a very sensitive sense of smell and taste and i honestly dont know how anyone can drink or eat anything that has been stored in stainless steel, the smell and taste makes food and drink inedible.
but other people seems to not be able to smell or taste anything strange at all.

>> No.20322684
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>> No.20322702

How do I make instant coffee taste better?

>> No.20322722

*bash dj mixer on her head* PLAP PLAP PLAP PLAP PLAP

>> No.20322746

Mix it with cold water first, then add some hot to bring it up to temp.

>> No.20323532

ahhh le goff

>> No.20323594

Is 30g coffee /900g water strong or weak for pour over? I got people saying both.

>> No.20323595
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>> No.20323640

that sounds very weak, the average for pourover is something like 60g coffee /1L water

>> No.20323651

>/900g water
extremely weak

>> No.20323655

i always felt like i should take up smoking after my great grandfather's pipe was passed down to me.
well, get it restored and cleaned first obviously.
but weed is illegal and tobacco is just kinda gross in general.

>> No.20323942
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You're really telling me coffee from these will taste different? Fuck you.

>> No.20323946

The chemex filter is much thicker and will make the end product taste worse desu

>> No.20323948
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Costco doesnt sell non-Keurig pods for their breakfast blend coffee, so I buy the pods. At $44 for 120 cups, it's still much cheaper than McDonalds coffee each day.

Why dont I buy other coffee? I have Crohn's and most coffees give me a glass stabbing sensation around my asshole. It's like hemorrhoids but worse. It's really uncomfortable, so I stick to what doesn't do that.

Other brands that are bad
>tim Horton's
>Happy Goat
>Starbucks from the store

Other good brands
>Starbucks from Starbucks
>Key coffee (japanese)
>Doutor coffee (japanese)
>pretty much any coffee in Japan, oddly enough

I feel like I could be a test subject for good and bad coffee, or whatever the differences are between all of these

>> No.20324230

ive had a lot of success with quan's technique, its basically just lots of agitation and relatively high temperatures to maximize extraction on light blends
of course it will taste different
whether the difference is appreciable is another matter entirely
have you tried decaf

>> No.20324255
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Good afternoon, coffee crew!

>> No.20324536

>have you tried decaf
Not yet. I have a caffeine addiction and wouldn't want to give myself a headache :s

>> No.20324540

my mom used to bring me coffee to my desk in that cup when I played world of tanks lol

I should go visit her

>> No.20324567

You could be making very good coffee for $3 a cup.

>> No.20324598

invert your math, my guy

>> No.20324632

You could also be making very good coffee for 37 cents a cup.

>> No.20324637

>$3 a cup
Truly the dumbest board holy fuk

>> No.20324640

Their coffee is crap now, but that mug is pretty nice.

>> No.20324645

you got that right, my man

>> No.20324649

>that mug is pretty nice
Without a doubt. Those are very well made. They offer nice sized sips, and a nice holding experience

>> No.20324650
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>> No.20324685

>it's too late to drink coffee and I must have caffeine

>> No.20324771

Just made a cuppa. 2019 Monteblanco purple caturra.

>> No.20325376

Bought some decaf from a local roaster and it's pretty dece

>> No.20325483

if youre in a state where you need caffeine then its not too late to drink coffee, is it?

>> No.20325662

Essential webm.

>> No.20325863

You should post it again next thread.

>> No.20326068

If I'm around. sure.

>> No.20326075
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>If I'm around

>> No.20326253

sooo eepy..

>> No.20326336

I'll post it for you if you aint.

>> No.20326369


>> No.20326541


>> No.20326638


>> No.20326862

i could fix her

>> No.20326890

fitness coach?

>> No.20326894
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Is it too much heat?

It looks and tastes like shit

>> No.20326900

I love making coffee so much brehs I wish I could make money doing it

>> No.20326914

Looks like too much heat to me. But it also could be the stove itself. I had induction for months and could never get anything good. It would either be way too hot and fast or too cold to make anything happen. Now with a small gas burner it's so much easier to dial in and make micro adjustments to the heat. I really think these are a gas burner only product if you want this best product.
Also pretty based that you got the steel one not aluminum.

>> No.20326916


>> No.20326961
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Heat to high, grind too coarse.

>steel moka webm
Here's mine.

>> No.20326974

post your coarse

>> No.20326982
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>> No.20327011
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Coarsest I have ground for moka is 93 clicks on K6, too coarse in my opinion. Finest I have ground for moka is 30 clicks on P2, too fine in my opinion. Pic related is at 63 clicks on K6, 6 cup Venus post brew. The webm I posted was finer than this and double filtered (below and above the 'puck'). Do with this information what you will.

>> No.20327018

>116 usd
wew lad

>double filtered
you mean the paper filter?

>> No.20327112

>116 usd
You can find it on AliExpress and Amazon. Prices fluctuate, cheapest I've seen it is 99 USD with coupon on US Amazon. P2 is the same burr geometry at a smaller size. 44 USD on US Amazon. I recommend the K6 over the P2, it's worth the extra money if you can swing it. I can give you more details if you'd like.

>you mean paper filter?
Yes, paper filter. For what it's worth I prefer moka unfiltered. Paper filters can help get a more even extraction if your grind is inconsistent or just too fine.

>> No.20327171

did you even grind the beans?
anon, are you putting whole beans in your moka?

>> No.20327174

>double filtered
>filtering at all let alone more than once
fucking why?

>> No.20327209

Some fatties have to look out for their cholesterol sadly they don't enjoy the pure taste of coffee.

>> No.20327346

I have a stepped hand grinder I'm using for espresso. When I grind on 2 clicks, the grind is too coarse. Comes out acidic, thin, 36 grams out in about 23 seconds. When I go 1 click finer, it's too fine. Comes out bitter, 36 grams out in closer to 40 seconds. I am keeping the same 18 gram dose. Any advice to dial this in?

>> No.20327353

>I have a stepped hand grinder
you could have typed less characters if you just said what grinder.

>> No.20327371

It's a cheap porlex. I didn't want to get made fun of. I know the real answer is a better grinder, and I'm going to get one. But I'm trying to maximize what I currently have in the meantime.

>> No.20327408

better to just give as much info as possible from the get go.
even if you get made fun of at least you might walk away with your question answered.

>> No.20327422

Wouldn't the methodology of dialing in a stepped grinder be the same regardless of which grinder it is?

>> No.20327425
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>> No.20327430

Poorlex anon here. How do I improve my skills? I have only been making espresso for less than a week, I'm well aware I'm retarded and doing everything wrong. I just don't know how to improve.

>> No.20327438

what happens if you grind 1 click finer and dose less?

>> No.20327440

I'll try right now. How much less if a dose would you try? 16 grams?

>> No.20327448

Also would i still be shooting for 36 grams out? Or would it be a 2:1 ratio for the reduced dose? Say 32 grams out for 16?

>> No.20327454

>16 grams
i dunno it's a good start. report results
go for 2:1

>> No.20327455


>> No.20327524
File: 2.05 MB, 4000x3000, 20240321_130112.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

16 grams in, 32 grams out in 27 seconds. Much better than any shot I've pulled yet, good flavor, a little thin, and still a little acidic. I'm going to try 17 grams next I guess.

>> No.20327598

>Much better than any shot I've pulled yet
good to hear

>> No.20327803

There's nothing that says you're limited to a 1:2 ratio. Pull a little longer and taste it. That extra water is only going to help extract more. I run 16.5/65.

>> No.20327808

not espresso

>> No.20327846

Just say you don't know what you're talking about and move on.

>> No.20327847

Does the basket holding the grinds fit properly? UwU Mine was dinged up and did this until I replaced it

>> No.20327861


>> No.20327867

lucky he has that lifetime warranty

>> No.20327878
