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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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20281824 No.20281824 [Reply] [Original]

Thread for discussing coffee and coffee-related topics

Toasted to the point of burning edition

If you're new or confused, start here: https://pastebin.com/UEzwuyLz
If you're old and confused stop using aluminum mokas

Previous thread:>>20265997

>> No.20281829


>> No.20281836
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I move in next week.

>> No.20281846


>> No.20281889

For you its Tastelet's Choice.

>> No.20281942
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>> No.20281961

does it count as being a neet if you made enough money to never have to work another day in your life and you decided to retire early?

>> No.20281969

Preground and Torani salted caramel? Slay queen.

>> No.20281979

that's probably the best way to be NEET, but you wouldn't live with your parents in such a case.
I'm new to coffee so I'm starting from the familiar and working from there.

>> No.20281988

Garbage in garbage out newfriend. I wish you luck on your journey.

>> No.20281994

it's coffee, so it's all dirt water, man.

>> No.20282010
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Fruit water. If its tasting like dirt water, ask for some recs.

>> No.20282025

what are some light, medium, and dark roasts that I can use to develop a palate around?
simple, bold flavors I can branch from with increasing subtlety?

>> No.20282058

Do you have a decent grinder or are you still looking for places that will grind for you? Intelligentsia and SW will both grind for you. Links from darkest to lightest, couple normie blends and a fantastic ethiopian.

>> No.20282185

thanks, I'm without grinder for the moment.

>> No.20282438

But you're not without GRINDR are you, you raving chutney ferret.

>> No.20282551
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Coffee is all I need for breakfast


>> No.20282736
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The K6 is out of stock on every european amazon and it's considerably more expensive from the UK, what's a good alternative bros? I only do moka and aeropress

>> No.20282770
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WDT sisters... the espresso boomer BTFO us again...

>> No.20282782

I can't believe everything was a lie...

>> No.20282790

B-but my $500 wdt tools!

>> No.20282837
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Why are these colored ones so much cheaper than the regular bialettis?

>> No.20282838


>> No.20282842


>> No.20282859

how do you think they get it so yellow anon?
thats right, spent nuclear fuel rods ground up and mixed with normal yellow paint.

>> No.20282861

unless the hoff says it, its wrong.
simple as that.

>> No.20282869

based, this is what a non mentally ill coffee enthusiast looks like
No you're not more of an enthusiast for using meme tools you're just retarded

>> No.20282909

But the fatty and his refractometer said it was needed..

>> No.20282911

seems like channeling is instead caused by incorrect pressure.
which is why if you go on the espresso reddit, its full of morons buying machines they dont know how to use, doing expensive puck prep, and then having coffee explode over their kitchen.
also i would like to see him redo this video but with much lighter roasts.
he does mostly use dark, oily beans.
so perhaps thats another reason why other people have channeling.

>> No.20282917

1zpresso J is good and is like $130 USD I think

>> No.20282932

called it
they are absolutely seething

>> No.20282956

>gets different results from everyone else}
>o-omg! he must be right and the rest are wrong
I've never had a channeled shot in my life
twc strikes me as the closest to mentally ill of all the coffee youtubers.

>> No.20282968

just watched the video, the whole thing is a strawman. no one said you can't pull a shot without meticulous puck prep, the entire espresso industry is a testament to that, meticulous puck prep is for me consistent and higher extraction %. such a fucking mouthbreather

>> No.20282971

I don't watch any actual Coffee influencer channels, I prefer to sit back and watch ASMR videos of beans being roasted with no talking at all

>> No.20282977

Twc is a boomer moron. I can see why you guys like the positive reinforcement. All you need is an ek43 and an oily roast for perfect espresso every time.

>> No.20282985
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How much would this actually improve the shots I get from my Dedica? Is it worth it considering is 1/4th of the cost of the WHOLE machine?

>> No.20282993

Don't throw good money after bad. Recognize you have a shitty machine and enjoy it for what it is.

>> No.20283002

could you post some?

>> No.20283019

Waiting two weeks for them to be back on euzon.

>> No.20283044

I was watching this one last time
Warning for some: It involves the Torrefacto process

>> No.20283052

god why even drink coffee if you hate the taste of it THAT much

>> No.20283086

the salt is likely reducing a lot of the bitterness you'd expect from that kind of roast, and the insides of the beans still remain a medium brown as the color of the grind is light compared to the beans
It's also a much better way of adding a "salted caramel" flavoring to beans than artificial extracts

>> No.20283089

it's not salt it's sugar my man

>> No.20283090

salt is added at the start when the beans are green, sugar is added when they turn brown

>> No.20283093

It's sugar and margarine pal.
You mean you don't add butter/imitation butter to your coffee?

>> No.20283100

sugar at the start would burn by the time the beans turn blonde
at the very end they add sticks of salted butter

>> No.20283102

>that's their official youtube channel
holy shit. even the music borderline sounds like they're making a joke, just needs to be played on a recorder and it's perfect

>> No.20283107

if the inside is medium brown and the outside is incredibly oily and black how are you even supposed to get a good extraction? not sure I get how that's a good thing

>> No.20283109

I prefer the sounds of cracking at coffee-sugar bark

>> No.20283126

Torrefacto extractions in espresso makers are very dark and thick, similar to a Cafecito extraction

>> No.20283142

>Mass of smoking black goo on the table
Nah it ain't burnt senpai

>> No.20283158

Does it taste like sugary coal?

>> No.20283168
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Don't forget burnt sesame seeds?

>> No.20283173

Thai's do that as well for Oliang
Torrefacto typically results in a deep, molassesey taste

>> No.20283215

twc is based and correct even if he's wrong and kind of schizo about everything that happens in the coffee space being down to extremely marginal monetary gain (it's actually all about clout)

>> No.20283218

is your current basket unpressurized?

>> No.20283223

Truly disgusting practices for masking low quality crop.

>> No.20283225
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thank you

>> No.20283251

he very much has a boomer mentality to spending money
>spending $5 on something useful
>spending $5000 on something because "thats just what you do"

>> No.20283256

if you have the default pressurized baskets with the dedica and a grinder that can do espresso fine, then this is almost mandatory, you can't make good espresso with a pressurized basket. if you don't have a grinder and you use store bought preground espresso it won't work, that's what the pressurized basket is designed for, making preground espresso.

>> No.20283276

i shan't watch chud content

>> No.20283283
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good, fuck off.

>> No.20283285

Any money spent on 51mm accessories would be better off put towards a different machine.

>> No.20283299

yeah except that isn't true. the dedica can make perfectly fine espresso so long as it has a bottomless basket, and it can't without. that means you can get a decent espresso machine for like 20-40 bucks if you already have the dedica, or you can pay 300+ dollars to get a better machine that won't have as nice a basket out the box. it's like not doing an opv mod on a gaggia because you're "throwing good after bad", that logic is retarded

>> No.20283301

Changing an opv spring is sub $10, not 1/4 of the machine's price. Free if you grab a spring out of a ball point pen.

>> No.20283377

Kinokinokino(I don't actually give a shit but I'll beat someone else to the punch)

>> No.20283382

I'm at work and made myself a cuppa Starbucks pikes place k-cup, 10oz, black so it doesn't break my fast. it's horrendous

>> No.20283387

finally, non-chud content.

>> No.20283388

Using "chud" like an insult just outs you as a redditor.

>> No.20283422

thanks, chuddie.

>> No.20283452
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my pleasure

>> No.20283461
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>my flat high fines italian espresso burrs taste like my conical high fines italian espresso burrs

>> No.20283484

im surprised by the frothing quality a french press can produce desu

>> No.20283491

why is he so late to the party?

>> No.20283495


>> No.20283502


>> No.20283507

You definitely have some form of mental illness.

>> No.20283521

Because I recognize a grifter pseud?

>> No.20283524

avoiding mentally ill people seems like the opposite of mental illness

>> No.20283581

He doesn't need to chase viewers. Hoffmeme is already within 2k views of the retard's 10 month old video he rushed to get out.

>> No.20283620

Live Quan kino in a few minutes

>> No.20283622

Oops wrong link

>> No.20283633

LMAO you're seething so hard

>> No.20283644

Millennials and Boomers are the ones who propagate needless importance of arbitrary purity

>> No.20283646

>he thinks it's one anon

>> No.20283661

Here you might like this one too. Seems right up your alley.

>> No.20283671
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Based anon, enjoy the beans and maybe report back how they brew.

>> No.20283678

>she thinks it isn't

>> No.20283691
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Out of
>Moka pot
>French press
what's the best for cappuccino

>> No.20283705
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>> No.20283711

for cappuchino? probably the mokapot, but that's an espresso drink so why not get an espresso machine?

>> No.20283819

out of those, the moka pot will get you the closest, only get the nespresso if you dislike both coffee and money

>> No.20283916

because those options + something to froth milk will run me about $50 total and a decent espresso machine is at the very very very very least 5 times that much

>> No.20283920

I mean you can also just abandon delusions of making good espresso at home and instead target a more achievable goal like a cafe au lait or cafe con leche instead of a cappuccino.

>> No.20284007


>> No.20284092

>a good espresso machine is at the very least 250 dollars
wrong. but if budget goes before sensible purchases for you, just go for the fenchpress since it doubles as a nanofoamer

>> No.20284832

>it's your generation that *buzzwords*
ah the cross board frogposter

>> No.20285145

Holy shit is that some Mokino?

>> No.20285170

>cat on the kitchen counter
fucking disgusting
didnt even wipe it after.

>> No.20285186

cats are very hygienic

>> No.20285187

so is this bitch fucking retarded or what?
did she do zero research on how to use a moka properly?
i mean shes just doing everything wrong.
i pity her fans.
looks gross.
>you dont get it! its hair spray/oil/gel, its supposed to look like that
dont care, looks like shit.
she also seems to be getting even fatter
look at those sausage fingers.
i guess the fatter she gets the more retarded she gets.

>> No.20285197

>walk into litter box filled with piss and shit
>walk all over the house
>lick their butthole and gentiles
>eat stinky cat food
>instantly start licking their fur
>fur now covered in cat food
>paws and fur touch counter
>human touches counter with hands
>human touches eyes, nose, mouth with hands.
yeh, super hygienic
i have had 2 cats. i know exactly what im talking about.

>> No.20285257

>so is this bitch fucking retarded or what?
did you see her try to brew arab coffee, she's a joke but heckin' hello there anyway though

>> No.20285492

>did you see her try to brew arab coffee
no, could you link it?

>> No.20285823

go back

>> No.20285985

damn she fat
not even fat in a cute way either she just fat ugly

>> No.20286044

Does anyone have that gif/webm of the Japanese dude making coffee and then spitting it out?

>> No.20286069
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What's (You)r favorite V60 recipe?

>> No.20286075

Bloom, then one long pour.

>> No.20286086


>> No.20286091

Bloom 1-3 minutes depending on the coffee. The pour I don't time, I just try to keep the same consistent flow rate I'm used to.

>> No.20286095

Sounds over-extracted to me.

>> No.20286111

Too many Vietnamese Egg Coffee's
Like drinking liquid cake

>> No.20286158

30g coffee grounds and 200g hot water poured into an insulated thermos, stirred well and then left to sit for 4 minutes. Stirred again just before pouring the whole slurry all at once into a V60 to filter cleanly into my cup in a single drawdown. Yields about 140mL of excellent coffee that strongly emphasizes dark chocolate bitterness.

>> No.20286164

trips of truth

>> No.20286179

throwing the v60 in the trash and getting a B75 instead

>> No.20286185
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>> No.20286314

I tried the aeropress filter on mokapot method and my coffee suddenly lost half of its flavor

>> No.20286323

well... yeh?
you took out all the oils.

>> No.20286368

13g, 200g
4*50g pour every 30 secs

>> No.20286499

As good as they taste, those oils are linked to elevated LDL cholesterol levels and heart disease. Coffee should always be filtered before drinking.

>> No.20286631

you talk like a woman.

>> No.20286679

So true, sister!

>> No.20286690

you're both obese

>> No.20286695

just made an aeropresso, what did i think of it?

>> No.20286698

lose weight, lance

>> No.20286730

>i mean shes just doing everything wrong.
>fine but not espresso fine
>heating the water before adding it
>clearly grinds more coffee than she needed for the serving, leaving grounds to stale
incorrect, but forgivable for filming convenience, she does say it's fresh
>level but don't tamp
>keep the heat low
>letting it cool down by itself
what do you mean she's doing everything wrong? it's not great but it's better than 99.9% of italian households

>> No.20286736

the oils don't taste good you filter for
you should grind slightly finer with a filter

>> No.20286812

*you filter for taste

>> No.20287046

i bet you filter your cigarettes too brandon

>> No.20287154

Wake up babe new EG-1 writeup just dropped from the Quanoverse.
>The EG-1 is full of contradictions - it’s a whale of a grinder in some aspects (certainly in its footprint). On the other hand, it casts doubt that '“small” 80mm lacks against 98mm. Touted as the most expensive grinder in the world, it is certainly not bulletproof in criticism. It’s supposed to be the (EG-)one, but I can’t help but think about the WUG-2. Reading all this you may think me not very keen on it, but I have no regrets with it. The proof is that I’ve kept it a year longer than anticipated; but ultimately it is just another tool on the counter, not my crown jewel.

>> No.20287828
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Is coffee good for you?

>> No.20287856


>> No.20287990

Barely any coffee shops bother with WDT and meticulous puck prep because it's a waste of time and mainly used as a cope for bad grinders/machines.

>> No.20288082

nonsense. barely any coffee shops bother with it because they're businesses and they're very time consuming. have you ever tried a pour over in a coffee shop? it's inferior, if you can even find one that doesn't just use a batch brewer. not because they don't know about better recipes, but because they simply can't put in the time.

>> No.20288128
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Odd that cafe focused tools like duomo the eight and the bh autocomb exist and are in high demand.

>> No.20288298

>>heating the water before adding it
she was boring so i skipped that part
and then when i skipped forward i saw her touching it with bare hands and just assumed it was cold water.
also as she said it wasnt boiling when added and then she left it to cool down farther because????
but fair enough i will take the L on that one.
>>keep the heat low
wrong start max, then when coffee fills up the base of the top(so that the shiny metal can no longer be seen, only the inner wall.) turn to min until it fills to halfway to the bottom of the spout.
once this point is reached turn off the heat completely and wait for the coffee to rise to the bottom of the spout
then take it off the stove and run cold water over the base of the moka to stop any and all brewing that may still be happening.
her camera angle is shit so we cant see the size of the flame. or what setting the stove is at.
her flow rate is way too fast.
that brew is ruined. that sputter = improper brew.
i wouldnt drink that brew.
>what do you mean she's doing everything wrong?
well she could have seen what her peers are doing since they have already done comprehensive moka videos.
i mean surely she is aware of hoffmanns moka series right?
also her basket was suboptimal.
and she should be using an E&B Lab moka.

>> No.20288311

>1 year ago
>NOTICEABLY thinner and healthier.
anyway i will take your word for it. i tried watching that video and couldnt stay focused, she is just so boring.

>> No.20288318
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>Wake up babe new EG-1 writeup just dropped from the Quanoverse.
craig lyn bros, its over...

>> No.20288393
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>> No.20288401
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>> No.20288686

Can you guys recommend a decent decaf medium roast?
My local roasters decaf is unpopular and therefore always stale and I'm going going to night shift in a month so I have to take a break from caffeine. The last Amazon shit I got was vile.

>> No.20288790

>My local roasters decaf is unpopular and therefore always stale
probably the other way around.

>> No.20288806


>> No.20288963
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... may I see it?

>> No.20289052

I don't have it.

>> No.20289073


>> No.20289167


>> No.20289178

Basic 4:6 with 20g and 5*60ml. Fast and easy.

>> No.20289300
File: 2.85 MB, 460x350, 1697924992244164.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.20289470

What are your favorite unorthodox coffee drinks?
I like to make strong moka pot coffee, cool it down in the fridge and add huge amounts of milk and sugar and an ice cube.

>> No.20289478

>an ice cube.
what about 2 ice cubes?

>> No.20289498

Guy with a used vario from last thread, I got it working properly now. I think most of the issue I had with it was actually user error aside from the fact the drive pulley is missing a set screw. Shit was a good cop

>> No.20289593

Is it wrong to like dark roasts?

>> No.20289607

People just act like that around here for clout and to sound smart, I have doubts the people whos make those posts even drink coffee at all IRL.
When you find good ones they're very chocolatey and winey. If you want straight-up wine smell and flavor, then look for Thai beans

>> No.20289618

but it is wrong to like commodity coffee that is a dark roast/oily
like if you overcook a $5 steak from the grocery store, its going to taste pretty bad and you are wrong for enjoying it
if a professional chef overcooks a $50 steak its probably going to taste just fine and much better than the $5 steak.

>> No.20289621

bro this fermented coffee is cooking my brain.

>> No.20289625

they're 3/5ths the price of the regular one

>> No.20289776

Wait. Honestly at 99€ it's amazing price/quality ratio.

>> No.20289820
File: 2.39 MB, 3024x4032, PXL_20240310_124507239.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Every dank process Indonesian I've tasted in the past year has been a banger. Wish other SEA countries step up to specialty grade coffee too.

Also, where to buy cafec abaca filters in bulk online in europe?

>> No.20289850

i think i posted it a few threads ago but its a triple ferment blend
i bought 2 more bags and im drinking one 3 days after roasting and im going to have the other 3 weeks(or more) after roasting to see how the flavor develops
its just so dank
and sorry im not from EU so i cant help.

>> No.20289858
File: 121 KB, 1920x1080, MV5BMTk4ZjIxYjItYTkyZC00ZWEwLWI4MTEtNzBiNmNjYTg2NDI2XkEyXkFqcGdeQVRoaXJkUGFydHlJbmdlc3Rpb25Xb3JrZmxvdw@@._V1_.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>roast date 04/02/2024
can I get some stock picks and the winning powerball numbers for monday 3/11?

>> No.20289861
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>triple ferment blend
Americans get the dankest processes.

American education kek.

Should I spend money on this bros?

>> No.20289871

I'm looking into getting some slightly better coffee than the cheap ass supermarket shit I normally buy. I read the pastebin. Why the fuck are there so many roasters? I just tried googling roasters in The Netherlands since most of the EU ones are a bit further then I'd like. But just quickly looking and I already found like 50, all offering like 10 things obviously.
I just want something decent. How do you filter between all these things?

>> No.20289874

im not american

>> No.20289875

bro fuck any company that does this shit
>125g OR 1kg
fuck off

>> No.20289879

What's the issue? You either want to sample it or drink it, both bases covered.

>> No.20289881

>Why the fuck are there so many roasters?
you know the pastebin is like 2 years out of date right?
and its just filled with shit that the regular posters could personally think of at the time that it was being written.
try the barn

>> No.20289888

because 1kg is going to go stale before you finish it.
what if i want 500g?
guess fuck me right?
every place i buy coffee at has 250g, 500g, 1kg.
also holy shit bro charge your phone.

>> No.20289891

>is going to go stale before you finish it.
Skill issue, learn to store coffee.

>also holy shit bro charge your phone.
You're schiz'ing out.

>> No.20289893

lurk more newfag

>> No.20289899

>you know the pastebin is like 2 years out of date right?
Not at all, seemed mostly relevant. But okay, I was looking at that one as well. I guess I'll just try that one. Thanks.

>> No.20289906

>reply to post that has no phone screenshot
>tell poster to charge their phone
>act indignant when called out for it

>> No.20289908

sorry. bad phrasing. i meant to say, 2 years old. not 2 years out of date.

>> No.20289943

Coffee roasting ain't an easy business, they offer 250g/1kg on most of their offering. Just freeze what you won't use immediately.
>also holy shit bro charge your phone.
I like living on the edge, battery life be damned.

>> No.20289954

I'd reccomend friedhats for the Netherlands, never been disappointed with anything from them. Brace yourself for the expensiveness of specialty coffee (especially behind Dutch kek) and I hope you have the basic gear to make it worth it.

>> No.20290040

I'm looking at friedhats, and I find it weird that in their FAQ they say to ask them specifically for a fresh roast? I would assume they're not going to send out stale roasts, but the way they're wording this just seems weird to me. Or do they mean you don't necessarily need to rest it or something?
And I have an Aeropress and a (cheap) burr grinder. Not looking to get the best possible, but I think this is good enough to not waste the coffee.

>> No.20290060

Yeah it's about resting, mostly for espresso but it does affect filter too. If you want your beans as fresh as possible so you can freeze them then you ask. Quality beans are the best investment you can buy for better coffee after a good grinder and followed by proper water.

>> No.20290065

they could send out bags that have been sitting for a week or two, which is perfectly fine.

>> No.20290391

Check out DAK.
>have doubts the people whos make those posts even drink coffee at all IRL.
You're retarded.

>> No.20290395

Manahattan coffee roaster have some nice cheap beans too. Or expensive ones for that matters

>> No.20290493

>(cheap) burr grinder
Hope it's a steel burr at least.

>> No.20290745
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>accidentally bought preground coffee

>> No.20290975

is it gay to spend almost 1k on an espresso setup (robot + grinder) without having tried v60s and moka pots? in the morning I just want a strong coffee fast, and the v60 and moka techniques both look like a faff to brew something decent. I dont care about spending the money as its coming out my business expenses so if I dont spend it the government will steal it.

>> No.20290986


>> No.20291013

No, but a cafelat robot is still going to be way more involved than a v60 or switch brew. I'd just be looking into small auto batch brewers like the ratios if you're trying to avoid faff. Good materials, good water distribution, they brew hot, and you can toss different drippers under them to tweak shit if you want. Cold water tank is plastic but your lines are glass.

>> No.20291038

I pour the water in the beans
it get hot

>> No.20291385

Help! I can’t figure out how to dial in my beans.

The closer I get to the 1:2 ratio in 25-30s, the more it tastes like shit. The least objectionable taste I’ve found is 18g in, 46g out in 18s. It doesn’t even taste good, it’s not as strong as when I grind finer.

These are the beans I’m using: https://mikkocoffee.com/products/coffee-love-blend?variant=45496588796183

My grinder is 1zpresso J-Ultra and my machine is Breville Bambino Plus.

Does anyone have any tips? This is my first time dialing in. I’ve used up 75% of the bag trying various grind settings

>> No.20291476

Stop trying to dial into arbitrary recipes.
>The 1:2 in 30 seconds “rule” is but a guide in pulling a good shot of espresso. It is not the be-all and end-all, and the sooner you let go of the need to hit these parameters exactly, the easier it will be to dial in your next coffee.

>> No.20291540 [DELETED] 

what's the proper ratio of french roast to water for a drip machine? i usually just filled up my grinder and call it close enough

>> No.20291549

As a tea nigga getting into coffee it's weird how little stuff I see about enjoying how the coffee actually tastes compared to all the shit about achieving arbitrary, repeatable parameters for making the cup of coffee. On one hand I kind of understand how it appeals to the brain, because I try to get repeatable results with my gongfu tea sessions by using precise weights and times, but it's like, that's pretty much it. I'm more focused on enjoying it so I stay open to experimenting and experiencing different results.

>> No.20291556

I think researchers should look into caffeine causing OCD

>> No.20291581

Its almost like people younger than millenials are pathetic af

>> No.20291594

Its called the wall.

>> No.20291680

>it's weird how little stuff I see about enjoying how the coffee actually tastes compared
In /tea/ you can probably find someone drinking from the same cake or someone who has previously tried it. Not really the same for coffee with different roasters/crops/availability worldwide. You mention how good your cup is and some dark roast tard thinks you're bragging about it and derails the thread.

>> No.20291692 [DELETED] 

someone help me. i'm cold and want coffee

>> No.20291966
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>> No.20291988 [DELETED] 

cool thanks

>> No.20292113

shes looks older than 17 tho?

>> No.20292161

>it's weird how little stuff I see about enjoying how the coffee actually tastes
>compared to all the shit about achieving arbitrary, repeatable parameters for making the cup of coffee.
sorry that making coffee is a little more complex than dumping some dry leaves into hot water.
a big part is at least from what i know about tea is that it is all immersion brews(with a few minor exceptions)
and at some point in the process the tea is strained/ filtered even when the leaves are ground, there is no concern about how it was ground or what the grounds look like or the size range of particles that were created.
tea is never put into a pressurised environment.
alot of the specialty coffee hobby is about controlling as many variables as possible.
making every recipe and technique as repeatable as possible
and then once those have been reached(to a comfortable degree) one can start to care alot more about taste because all the groundwork has already been done, the foundation of knowledge is set, and you may begin to build anything you like on top.
i would say the biggest thing a beginner has to learn is how to dial in correctly
making coffee, tasting coffee, adjusting grind setting, adjusting dose, adjusting water, adjusting brew time.
at every step of the process we have to taste and make adjustments based on what we taste. so learning how to adjust and when to adjust is very important.
sorry for being so wordy, i have just sat down with my first cup.

>> No.20292297


>> No.20292343
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French press that looks most like this one? Been looking for it, but don't ask me why

>> No.20292350 [DELETED] 

I like how the glass is curved to prevent a proper seal for filtration; dysfunction is really cool. Like black people.

>> No.20292385

The filter is also wider than the thinnest part so I don't think it could be pulled out. Prolly just a stylization

>> No.20292930

make cappuccino or americano with your shots
lots of people dont like espresso nothing wrong with that

>> No.20293138


>> No.20293239
File: 1.66 MB, 1385x1326, 1682081069776920.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

New seeds gentlemen. Hundo hondo washed catuaï.

>Honduran coffee is known for its roasted pine nut aromas, which give it a unique and delicious taste. It is 100% Arabica, which guarantees finesse and an absence of bitterness in the taste. With a strength of 4 out of 10, this is a light coffee, suitable for those who prefer a less strong drink. The remarkable flavour on the palate, moderate acidity and delicate taste make this coffee a popular choice for coffee lovers. It also has a pleasant length in the mouth, allowing the aromas and flavours to be savoured to the full.
>Honduran coffee is grown in mountainous regions, where the climatic conditions and nutrient-rich soils contribute to its unique, complex flavour. The light, floral character of this coffee blends perfectly with the aromas of roasted pine nuts, creating a delicious combination that will appeal to the most demanding coffee lovers. In short, Honduran coffee is an ideal choice for coffee lovers looking for a delicate and pleasant tasting experience, with aromas of roasted pine nuts and a light, floral character.

Tastes great, thicc mouthfeel, virtually no bitterness, well blanced with some light floral. Lots of CO2 released for a thicc crema but fades rather quick. Substantial lingering aftertaste. This cuppa was delicious.
The flavour has similarity to the indian light roast robusta except much less intense and thinner mouthfeel. Did not know a washed 100% arabica single origin would bear resemblance to a monsooned 100% robusta single origin. Coffee is wild.

>> No.20293351

>virtually no bitterness
That sounds absolutely awful, like a cup of pure sour acid.

>> No.20293353

charcoal coffee fan detected

>> No.20293401

Oh do tell us again about how the website called it floral, you actually forgot to mention how it tastes like pine nuts too which was called out one time more than floral was in the marketing fluff since that seems to be the only place your opinion comes from.

>> No.20293476

I sit at the coffee bar and discuss different notes with the baristas

you could bring your own coffee there and we could compare the tree bark notes of your different french roasts instead

>> No.20293486

Hey look it's a dark roast tard trying to derail the thread. Pottery, but the mass produced worthless kind.

>> No.20293640

managed to return it in store without the receipt
today the store manager wagie was based

>> No.20293752

opened sw's washed yirg. 1:18 ratio in an aeropress using gagnes method but brew time reduced to 2min30sec starting with an aggressive stir. 50 clicks on k6. very nice. jasmine upfront with notes of peach.

>> No.20293785
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Good morning, coffee crew!

>> No.20293792
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LMAO I would love to see you do blind tastings without reading what the marketing tells you.

>> No.20293803

cream and cheese?

>> No.20293804

daily remider turbo shots are not espresso but turbo pour over. it's okay if you dislike espresso.

>> No.20293828

The best way to enjoy a cheese bagel.

>> No.20293837

they also mention other possible notes, but you conveniently left those out of your screenshot. should i not share my findings in the coffee general? this is a rhetorical question.

>> No.20293850

Fuck It i don't have the time or energy to make coffee in the morning fuck the moka pot and fuck the aeropress those are weekend things now, im getting a nespresso

>> No.20293859

Allow me to use a choco analogy to explain the bitterness level. If 100% choco is bitter, 40% choco sugary (represents sourness, bear with me) well these hondo beans would be a 70 or 75% choco. Meaning enough sugar (acidity) to mask the bitterness, but also enough cocoa (bitterness) to mask the sugar (acidity).
Bitterness and sourness are not binary but a spectrum.
The 100% robusta either light or medium roast are exempt of acidity, so if you hate sourness, i encourage you to try them.

>> No.20293911

Stonefruits and florals are incredibly common in ethiopians...
Glad people are ordering from sw. He really should jack his prices up 15%+.

>> No.20293916
File: 351 KB, 1200x673, lun.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

is Tokyo Vivalto Lungo the only passable nespresso capsule? everything else is trash right?

>> No.20293932

Get a drip machine. Fill it up the night before and run it on a timer.

>> No.20293937

>He really should jack his prices up 15%+
You might want to be more subtle in your shilling, it's too obvious

>> No.20293940

It literally takes around 5 minutes for both of those, don't be lazy

>> No.20293977

I'm the laziest faggot on earth and even I manage to wake up the five minutes earlier it takes to make something in my switch before work.

>> No.20293979

wowowowow so ignorant!! Arpeggio quite good!!!! oWo

>> No.20293987

it didn't work for me

>> No.20293993
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You're going to schitz regardless.

>> No.20294014

depends what type of drinks you're into

>> No.20294016

coffee and tea and mineral water

>> No.20294040

is this sw light roast?

>> No.20294053
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>> No.20294057
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>> No.20294096

>I'm the laziest faggot on earth
>before work
must be different with you faggots but lazy people don't work

>> No.20294111

I only get those and Colombia. I liked shanghai for a while too

>> No.20294133

>invented during the civil war
so it's slop

>> No.20294151

it's trash but i like it

>> No.20294215

aldi coffee, boiled for several minutes and drained through steel mesh

>> No.20294231
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>> No.20294242

Just take caffeine pills at that point

>> No.20294249

What torrefacto percentage you recommend?

>> No.20294324
File: 149 KB, 679x1496, nat-torr.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i buy this one, it's 80% natural toast / 20% torrefacto

>> No.20294331

italians making /ctg/ seethe again?

>> No.20294360
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Gracias bro, i'll grab a pack next time i'm in spain

>> No.20294501

I do oversight it's not even real work

>> No.20294819

Wild how much longer these threads last when there's not an autistic moka "person" constantly spamming.

>> No.20294938


>> No.20294947

true, this place is dead when it's just protestants coping about their lack of roasting abilities

>> No.20294953

>365+ days later
>still seething
im impressed honestly

>> No.20294986
File: 677 KB, 1382x1336, 322721763_719769712999864_1242722888901673425_n.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Couldn't even make it a year into the 10 years warranty.

>> No.20295037

>be me
>buy cheap coffe because poor
>bitter and meh
>add spoon of nutella
>coffe is now rich and tasty and sweet
voilà, here's an easy hack for y'all ;)

>> No.20295067

shalom, in the name of tikkun olam i will have to ask you to delet this.
todah rabah goy.

>> No.20295766

ignore him, hes not a free thinker.

>> No.20295770


>> No.20295778

which wasn't needed because it wasn't broken, that rattling sound inside the pressure valve is standard for all moka.

>> No.20295904

Is there some trick to enjoying bespoke speciality beans? I only drink espresso and espresso milk drinks. I've been trying tons of "espresso blends" and the more expensive and fancier they are the more sour they taste.

I'm not going to pretend to be some barista champ but I really do enjoy the Starbucks dark roast espresso beans and similar Lavazza, but I feel like I must be leaving something on the table here. I've tried stumptown, onyx, Tony's, methodical espresso roasts and they're all just very unpleasantly bitter no matter what I do. Even in milk drinks the bitter shines through normally.

I'm using a solis barista perfetta plus and a mignon notte grinder. My machine has a manometer so I've tried finer and coarser grinds and tried for everywhere from 9 to 12 bar pulls. I've noticed with these fancier beans my machine will choke if it goes to 14 bar, and I'll get an extremely unpleasant dribble of Satan's piss after asparagus night and a puck that could be used for ice hockey.

Are there any good dark roasts out there you would recommend for a tastelet?

>> No.20295942

im assuming you mean light roasts
and it could be that you simply have an undeveloped palate
in third wave specialty coffee, it is a common goal to achieve "fruity" notes. which you might be interpreting as sour
have you been having many medium dark natural processed beans?
or fermented natural process.

>> No.20296015

>solis barista perfetta plus
>tried for everywhere from 9 to 12 bar
Its a breville/sage bambino plus. Might be worth doing a dimmer mod to drop pressure and give you better control over it.

>> No.20296022
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>Roast: medium
also they dont even say what the beans are or how they are processed or anything
might as well just buy lavazza and be done with it.

>> No.20296035
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oh and dont forget the sugar

>> No.20296046

The guy enjoys starbucks and lavazza and wants tastelet beans. Saka 60% robusta fits the bill. Not a chance he pulls something sour.

>> No.20296155

Going back home for the week. What's a hand grinder that is good enough for medium and light roasts for a hario v60? I use a fellow ode 2 at home. Looking for something relatively cheap. Is anything by hario worth it?

>> No.20296171

>Is anything by hario worth it?
Not really. I've heard good things here about the P1.

>> No.20296173

do you have a link? I'm not looking for the best or anything, ideally something below $50. I just know what a bad grinder does to a light roast and I still want good coffee for the next week or whenever I travel

>> No.20296174

You have a computer at your fingertips.
I don't even know where you live.

>> No.20296178

US and I don't trust Reddit when it comes to these matters. I would appreciate if you helped me out, but I understand if you want people to do their own research. I like the result I get from the ode v2 but its also retard proof so I don't want to waste money on a shit hand grinder if I can avoid it.

>> No.20296203

>ideally something below $50.
not gonna happen

>> No.20296204

if im used to the quality of the ode v2, what is the cheapest hand grinder what will get me like 80% of the way there?

>> No.20296218

you can get it on amazon, its quite affordable, great for p/o and probably better than anything you can get from hario

>> No.20296228

$44 plastic chinese comandante.

>> No.20296230

imagine a coffe tree like this

>> No.20296302
File: 479 KB, 553x471, SOVL.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

get this one

>> No.20296453
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>making 3-6 shots of espresso per day at home, mostly milk drinks
>still using my shitty little breville duo temp
>had to put a dimmer switch on it to get the pressure in a decent range, constantly flipping it up and down for brewing vs steaming
It's not a horrible machine or anything, but I want a nicer one real bad. I'm hoping I get a raise this year and can save up easily for something "prosumer" with a dual boiler like a lelit or a profitec.
Probably also going to start roasting my own beans soon.

If you're buying specialty, single origin is more of an experience than a blend. Blends tend to "smooth out" the characteristics of the individual beans.
It sounds to me like you're kind of just shooting in the dark with respect to grind, pressure, etc. It might help to add some constraints and work on one variable at a time. Try to start off aiming for a 1:1.5 or 1:2 brew ratio, set the pressure to 9 bar (I wouldn't generally go higher anyway), and only adjust grind to get it into a decent time span.

>> No.20296462

Is cold brew the most wastefull way to brew coffee?

>> No.20296548

He's traveling, that's not exactly a convenient travel format grinder. Also don't bother with nerds who say you can't get a grinder that's less than $50, you're gonna be traveling for one week, it's not that big of a deal and you're not gonna end your life because the $20 ceramic burr grinder can't make perfectly even espresso grind. When you get home you'll go back to using the electric grinder and never touch the hand grinder again, don't waste money on it.

>> No.20296559

>Are there any good dark roasts out there you would recommend for a tastelet?
Thailand Chiang Mai (blood orange, pure cocoa, and red wine)
Yemen Mokka (dark rye and blueberries)
Bali Blue Moon (dark chocolate and vanilla)
Congo Kivu Honey (candied grapefruit)

>> No.20296581

porlex mini enjoyer?

>> No.20296613


>> No.20296767

I brew hot immersion+filter hybrid coffee at a 1:7 ratio.

>> No.20296929
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Coffee was making my head feel weird. Thought I was developing a sensitivity, so I swapped from a natural Ethiopian to a washed Colombian, and no weird aftereffects. Should I not trust African or natural coffees? Also, these puck screens are the best.

>> No.20296997

like the supertasters french press method?

>> No.20297035

Pretty much, but I think that exact method is kind of annoying. Putting a coffee filter over the french press mesh filter offers no practical benefit over just pouring out the french press slurry into a drip cone like a V60, unless you happen to not own a drip cone. The added benefit is you don't need a specialized french press at all, just a glass container. It's a lot easier to clean up without having to disassemble the press mesh, and coffee grounds are easily discarded with the V60 filter paper instead of needing to scrape them off the bottom of your glass container. I've never had any issues with the fines clogging the V60 this way, and there's no concern about special pour timing since it's an immersion brew. It drains about as fast out of the V60 as the time it would take me to slowly press down the french press mesh filter, if not a little faster.

A Hario Switch would achieve much the same results, but I don't own a Hario Switch, and even if I did I'd be schizo about the little plastic bits coming into contact with hot water.

>> No.20297126

What coarsness do you grint to and how long the immersion? I think i'll try a cup

>> No.20297167

Can't give you an objective coarseness, I use a Baratza Encore set to 10 or a few clicks under 10. According to the manual this is between espresso grind at 8 and aeropress grind at 12. I let it brew for 4 minutes.

>> No.20297266
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>> No.20297300

Nice, useful chart

>> No.20297354

Dunno if it's just me but I got a Jmax and I can't grind at less than 1.0.0 without it clogging and jamming up. Could be because I prefer lighter roasts. Doesn't really matter because I never want it that fine, but it's misleading to suggest these grinders can grind at 0.0.1

>> No.20297417

Its not suggesting they can grind at that setting, its showing the burr gap at various settings across grinders. Nothing to do with the actual coffee.

>> No.20297425

>at less than 1.0.0 without it clogging and jamming up
You should probably take it apart and make sure everything is clean, seated, and zeroed. That sounds fucked.

>> No.20297472

I calibrate it according to the instructions and keep it clean, but maybe I am calibrating it wrong. 1.0.0 on mine is very fine powder, probably for Turkish coffee. I only go that fine to experiment and get a feel for a new variety.

>> No.20297714

>Should I not trust African or natural coffees
dont worry, thats normal
natural processed beans can often give a "funk" or "dank" feeling.
like an extra head "high" apart from the caffeine you are consuming.
if you dont like it thats ok. but the coffee hasn't gone bad or anything.

>> No.20297729

i was going to ask why you left out the rok but then i remembered that it has no adjustment numbers or indicators at all.
today is goffee day :)

>> No.20297816

I've been drinking naturals for a few years. I going to swap between the Ethiopian and Colombian to make sure. Also, find some washed Ethiopian.

>> No.20297833

Reporting back, it was surprisingly tasty for filtered coffee. But that was a lot of coffee.

>> No.20298028

Didn't make the chart fgr. Also I've been snapping up justice vinyl lately.

>> No.20298038

>But that was a lot of coffee
I get one small cup of coffee for 30g of beans, I guess that's a lot considering most people do ratios more like 1:16. All in all I think it's in the running for being about as wasteful as cold brew.

>> No.20298627
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game changer

>> No.20298946

how so

>> No.20298962

it keeps your coffee hot

>> No.20298971

not a problem for me
if you wanna bake your koohee instead of just drinking it faster or using a thermos, be my guest

>> No.20298973

it keeps it at the perfect temperature

>> No.20298976

i actually really enjoy how the flavor of a cup changes as it cools

>> No.20298978

it cools too fast

>> No.20298983

not if you keep it in a thermos or drink it faster
at least, its perfect for me

>> No.20298987

a thermos keeps it too hot for too long

>> No.20298999

i dont see how a hotplate would be any better
i have a 20 oz thermos and with a little headspace it keeps 300-500 mls of koohee hot but not for too long

>> No.20299024
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>> No.20299083

Quankino is up

>> No.20299187
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Almost bought one the other day. Kind of want to try one of these as well though.

>> No.20299193


>> No.20299264

just drink the coffee?
skill issue

>> No.20300120

my beans have not gotten hot yet. wIll hard water stop my beans from getting hot? captcha: sa4d

>> No.20300274
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