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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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File: 53 KB, 696x454, costco.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
20276152 No.20276152 [Reply] [Original]

I went to go to Costco and order pizza. I always like them to cut it the way they present it to get a bigger bite, which is 6 slices. They always ignore my request, every time I ask. So this time I ask, can you please cut it in 6 this time? They always forget. She said, of course; but inevitably when the pizza comes, they ignore my request again, and they slice the pizza in 10 slices instead.

So this time I tell the girl, look, I want you to make me another costco pizza because you ignored my request. I want it in six slices. The girl gets super annoyed. She rolls her eyes and dances her eyebrows, and she says, are you serious? You want to return the pizza because it's not the exact number of slices that you want?

She then went to the cashier, a black guy who just shrugs. He says, "Hey, I told you you to cut it in 6". Then the girls says, "WELL NOW I HAVE TO THROW IT AWAY!!" with a loud attitude. So she grabs the pizza, lifts up the trash lid and drops the whole pizza in the trash and begins to make a new one.

I then hear her shouting in the back, how people are hungry out there, starving, and how customers are evil. I resented that she threat it away in the trash. I might have bought both the pizzas and kept the wrong one for the dogs, or to have for breakfast, or even take it home for themselves.

After she finally handed the pizza to me, it was extremely tense and she did not even say the typical thing of have a good day etc. So I just left.

>> No.20276157

that sounds like a real intense encounter

>> No.20276159

Not reading this bullshit

>> No.20276160

its actually impressive that you managed to be the nigger in this story

>> No.20276169
File: 47 KB, 400x267, simpsons mulder FBI.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Next time you're at Costco, stop by the pharmacy. They have many psych meds. You should try one.

>> No.20276171

>I resented that she threat it away in the trash. I might have bought both the pizzas
So why not just buy the second instead of being an autistic faggot?

>> No.20276193

Do you struggle with reading?
I've never heard anyone say danced eyebrows. Kek.

>> No.20276200

customer always right

>> No.20276212

wow, you absolute fucking societal nigger. good on you.

>> No.20276232

You missed out. It was one of the best stories I've ever read.

>> No.20276239

You expect her to have a compass when cutting pizza? Don't pretend like you would spaz out over the six slices being unequal.

>> No.20276240

>It was one of the best stories I've ever read.
Yeah, I believe you.

>> No.20276247

maybe you could have taken two of the 1/10 slices and overlapped their edge a little and mashed them together to make a big slice?

>> No.20276527

>So this time I ask, can you please cut it in 6 this time? She said, “Oh, like I’m doing now?”
I was taken aback, and all I could say was “Huh?” but she kept cutting me off and going “huh? huh? huh?” and closing his hand shut in front of my face.

>> No.20276531

dont you realize how difficult it is to cut it into 6s instead of 8s or 10s?

>> No.20276537

If you're going to post fiction, at least write it yourself, this is some old stale copypasta.

>> No.20276539

I feel like you're the black guy who made up a Karen story to pretend you're white

>> No.20276585

Weird seeing anons accuse others of being black it's usually chinese, indian or other browns

>> No.20276603

how is cutting into 6 difficult but not 10

>> No.20276633

I hope you know that she spat in your pizza

>> No.20276646

How do you spit IN a pizza? Wouldn't it count as a topping? Even the sauce is considered ON the pizza.

>> No.20276651
File: 1.64 MB, 3264x2448, pizza window.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Costco has an open view prep area. Not saying it would be impossible, just that it would be difficult and she'd be taking a big risk.

>> No.20276683

Figured. The 10 slice thing doesnt add up

>> No.20276820

Russians aren't anon. They're pretty obvious.

>> No.20277825

As someone who works in the deli and makes pizzas, I would've just given you that pizza and also made a new one.
I've had so many young girls as coworkers and almost every one of them have had the work ethic and emotional maturity of a retarded child. He wasn't the nigger in this story, she was.

>> No.20277895

fuck you desu, grown ass man throwing a fit and demanding a free pizza
type of shit that turns america into a shit hole by allowing it to continue

>> No.20277960

You gotta realize that costco isn't a restaurant with real cooks. They're regular retail wageis that they throw back there with minimal training. Yes, she should've listened to your cut requests, but she's right. Take your special order bullshit to a real restaurant, 'cause they're there pretty much to pump out pizzas at high volumes and nothing else. You don't actually need it cut in the double slice size.

>> No.20278302

Include me in the screencap. Twitter, Facebook, Reddit, etc...

>> No.20278313

>order an item
>pay for it
>item comes
>not what you ordered
If anything, the server not understanding a simple request is what's driving America to be a shithole. Cucks like you love to let people get away with it. You are literally the type of person that says some shit like "everything is so corrupt," shovel zogchow in your mouth and do nothing about anything. Stop saying "it's okay" all the time and being people's doormat.

>> No.20278331

maybe if you want something done a specific way you should do it yourself? instead of pushing of responsibility and then getting mad when its done the standard way, it eats the exact same no matter what angle the slices are cut into i promise you

>> No.20278334

>Why you need to avoid Costco pizza
>Because I'm a faggot
not really a problem for me

>> No.20278351

incredibly based hope she gets fired for that stunt

>> No.20278363

They're trained to cut it into 10. Asking them to deviate from their training is what's wrong here.

>> No.20278366

>I might have bought both the pizzas
Then you should have said that. "I'll take it but can you please make another cut in 6 slices? I'll pay for both." It's that easy.
>take it home for themselves
That's always against company policy anywhere that makes food because it encourages people to make food wrong on purpose, or to make too much, or whatever else just so they can take some free food home. Only the smallest of bakeries with the most trustworthy of employees can get away with allowing things like that.

>> No.20278374

I have to agree. That story completely blew away One Fish, Two Fish

>> No.20278559

>requesting the pizza be cut
I order no cut if buying a whole pizza. Unless it's a thin crust in a 750 degree oven, let that pie rest.

>> No.20278586

I figure a much simpler request would be, "don't cut it" so that you can just cut it however you like once you get home. Simple solution for both parties

>> No.20278616

Are you that Irish stew guy that brought over the soda bread to a co-worker's dinner party?

>> No.20278627

this was always one of the better pastas

>> No.20278641

He certainly has a file full of pasta

>> No.20278644
File: 538 KB, 555x527, 6.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>here you go, sir
>op spergs

>> No.20278653

>can't sort out a third of a half, double it to get to about 60%, make a cut, and then make two more following the same logic.
>basic geometry is impossible

>> No.20278676

it's cutting a fucking pizza it's not hard it's 3 motions to get 6 slices
anon made the request, it was approved, then it didn't happen

>> No.20278712

>it's 3 motions to get 6 slices

>> No.20278724

he also paid slave labor prices to people being paid minimum wage
if he wanted more than the bare minimum he could have paid more

>> No.20278759

In the end when I was trying to leave, I told her to have a nice day but every time I tried she interrupted by yawning really loudly.

>> No.20278807
File: 528 KB, 1332x1032, 273112116_3218303735106685_1295290715251448633_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Stale pasta but I can believe it actually happened at least once
I made Hunt Brothers' pizzas at my old job and someone sent one back because there weren't enough toppings on it. THEY'RE FREE YOU FUCKING PRICK

>> No.20279033

He didnt demand a free pizza. He never asked for his money back, only that they remake it right.

>> No.20279155

So, why do I need to avoid costco pizza?

>> No.20279198

If I see black people behind the counter, I go somewhere else. You should learn to do the same. You just know she rubbed her hand in her STD-ridden cunt, and handled the pizza with syphilis fingers.

>> No.20279344


>> No.20279958
File: 22 KB, 400x400, bump faggot.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

kill yourself you fucking sperg

a thread died for this

>> No.20279962

>make an X
>make one more horizontal line

>> No.20279966

based sperg

>> No.20279999

I wonder how much spit And other surprises they left on your pizza

>> No.20280005

Is /ck/ a majority of Redditors who can't be rude on their subreddits so they come here? How are you the only one to recognise this pasta?

>> No.20280030

No they're not, dumbass, they're already taken into account in the price of the pizza itself. That way they don't lose money but can get away with telling you that the toppings are "free". Except you're paying 11 dollars for a pizza. Next time just don't cheap out on the toppings, idiot.

>> No.20280840

I managed a local pizza restaurant in an upscale neighborhood. we had a bar, so people would regularly dine in and hang out.
always accommodated people. The only time I was pissed was when this lady asked for a half and half speciality, but she wanted 1 (1) of the eight pieces to be ham and jalapeño, neither toppings present on the rest of the pizza.
i went to go make it myself because the BoH staff are a bunch of stoned retards.

>> No.20281115

Costco 'za is nasty, she did you favor.

>> No.20281251
File: 14 KB, 740x585, 6 slices.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

here r ur 6 slices fren :)

>> No.20281321

costco cuts the pizza into 6 slices to make more money. if they cut it into 10 slices, you're getting more pizza for the same price.

>> No.20281352

well... you are an asshole.

>> No.20281355

>Black guy shrugs and says I told you to cut it in 6
Crazy womanoid

>> No.20281356

>customer always right
no. no they are not. but op is an ass.

>> No.20281368

Seething wagie. Present your nutsack for heated spatula inspection

>> No.20282013


>> No.20283551

I used to work as a Costco pizza cutter. I would have been more than glad to leave it at 6 slices because it’s less work and faster which helps because I have like 20 pizza orders waiting at any time. Also it’s 12 not 10

>> No.20283560

For me, it's the 6-slicer. The best Costco pizza. I always ask for my pizza in 6 slices and the staff is so unfriendly and never willing to oblige.

One time I asked for six slices and they gave me ten. I said, "Wow, ten again!" and the black unfriendly Costco worker laughed and said, "I'm going to call you ten-again!".

Now the staff greets me with "hey it's ten-again!" and ALWAYS give me ten slices. It's such a hostile and gay atmosphere at my local Costco restaurant, I go there at least 3 times a week for lunch and a large hot dog with water instead of soda, 1-2 times for breakfast on the weekend, and maybe once for dinner when I'm in a rush but want a great meal that is affordable, fast, and can match my daily nutritional needs.

I even cover my pizza in free onions, it's delicious! What a great restaurant.

>> No.20283572

yeah but she she have told him this explicitly when he first requested 6 slices. I always told customers what I can and cannot do. If she's too lazy to say 'no' it's on her at that point.

>> No.20283573

Fucking lmao

>> No.20283601

Makes sense, I don't think I'd want to eat 10 slices either, gotta watch those calories! 6 slices is just the right amount.

>> No.20283621

More, thinner slices is better. The cheese near the edges of a slice of thick pizza like that droops down and spreads over the sides. It makes each bite of pizza a lot more satisfying to bite into a small slice. Plus, you alternate between point, pizza interior, and crust much more frequently which is refreshing. I can't imagine why you'd want larger slices of pizza - another downside is that if you decide you only want 2 and a half slices of a 6 slice pizza, you need to stop eating a slice halfway through which is disgusting.

>> No.20283636

You jackass lol

>> No.20283641

as someone who had to deal with customers many times they are most certainly wrong and I told them they were.

>> No.20283676

You do realize you've now made a scene and a name for yourself now. Any pizza you order from there in the future will get fucked with.

>> No.20283701
File: 45 KB, 680x491, 1af.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.20283707
File: 29 KB, 600x449, MORPHINE ADMINISTERED.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>ten again


>> No.20284137

>emotional maturity of a retarded child. He wasn't the nigger in this story, she was.
That's my take away. OP is borderline autist, sure, but if the cashier told her 6 slices she willfully disregarded it; why? Did she just not care? Did she just not want to? Did she think the customer was an idiot and was passive aggressively punishing them? And then why get pissed off at having to make another pizza? It's literally her job, she gets paid to make pizzas, she doesn't make less money making another one. Probably not even the last one she was making that day.
Just a dumb cunt, really.

>> No.20284272
File: 769 KB, 981x982, 1709939527898.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Ok, cool, thanks.

>> No.20284282

Everyone was wrong especially OP for making up a ragebait story for (You)s

>> No.20284291

they're included in the cost

>> No.20284316
File: 30 KB, 611x419, 1570315140481.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Sure that happened.

>> No.20284317

don't you ever comeback to Costco.

>> No.20284452

Hey I've seen this copypasta before.
And now I'm sad cause I can't find the image I want to post. Looks like a doodle of a guy wearing glasses, cutting a pizza saying, "fuck you, you're getting trapezoids."

>> No.20284466

Damn, they have a charge for extra cheese now? Last time I got one of those it was the same price, and they loaded it the fuck up with cheese.

>> No.20285523

This is a mutation of an older pasta.

>> No.20285616

Only newfags rush to declare they recognize pasta. Veterans know to play with the material.

>> No.20285620 [DELETED] 

You're an NPC with an inability to think and act for yourself. You're just a preprogrammed bot responding to input

>> No.20285622

You're an NPC with an inability to think and act for yourself. You're just a preprogrammed bot responding to input

>> No.20285652
File: 345 KB, 600x747, 1274334592020.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.20285668

Haven't seen this pasta in years, thanks for reminding me of better days.

>> No.20285692

Costco pays significantly better than most. Fuck off faggot

>> No.20285705

Please don't feed a whole ass costco pizza to your dogs. It is not a healthy snack for the little tummies.

>> No.20285712

significantly better than most is bare minimum in modern america

>> No.20285770

I would have just told you to fuck off to be honest

>> No.20285782

No you.

>> No.20285810
File: 406 KB, 640x360, George Costanza Winking.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Of all the things that didn't happen, this didn't happen the most. Congrats on the autism though and for all the responses you got.

>> No.20286009

Being outraged a pizza is sliced into too few bits is understandable, but too many is pure unfiltered autism rage. It makes absolutely no difference to the eating experience.

Ge help.

>> No.20286019

George would never say this.

>> No.20286023

no shit sherlock

>> No.20286381
File: 56 KB, 747x347, po.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Narrow slices aren't foldable like large slices are.

>> No.20286404

They're already busy as fuck. Leave them alone and eat two slices, you fucking retarded karen.

>> No.20286405

Not really, OP just has enough testosterone to ask for something he paid for in the manner that was agreed upon.

>> No.20286523

nah, that wagie sounds like a retard

>> No.20287545

You only fold pizza because it's too wide. If the slice is already narrow, why fold it in the first place?

>> No.20287567

>Of all the things that didn't happen, this didn't happen the most.
A women disregarding what she was told to do and then having a massive bitch fit about it sounds extremely believable.

>> No.20287573
File: 71 KB, 250x272, stopped_reading_there.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>So this time I tell the girl,

>> No.20287574

>You only fold pizza because it's too wide.
What? No. The fold assists the slice in not flopping all the way to the tip. The fold controls where any oil flows. The fold allows you to bite one side, including the crust, earlier without affecting the stability of the opposite side.

>> No.20287599
File: 78 KB, 768x474, eating-slice-768x474.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Slice not flopping
Sharp fold not necessary, any amount of applied curvature will do. With a thinner slice, there's less weight on the other end to deform the curvature tensor of the Riemannian pizza manifold.
>Control of oil flow
I don't want the oil to pool. The oil is already equidistributed over the pizza surface. If your problem is oil dripping all over your hands, that's not a problem, you're being a child.
>Bite one side, including the crust
The benefit of a thinner slice of pizza is my aforementioned higher frequency of point->interior->crust oscillation. Thin slices solve your problem.

>> No.20287610

>Buying sloppa from grocery store that contains actual food
Subhuman, the lot of ya

>> No.20287654

Hey OP, is this another one of your COSTCO shenanigans?

"I used to go inside through the exit and right to the food court area for my weekly hot dog. I got banned though after the most recent incident despite earlier incidents being arguably worse. I got my hot dog and drink combo for only $1.50 and paid cash. I tried to tip the cashier because I was feeling generous and in a good mood but they kept refusing. I kept trying to give them the money and almost started yelling "I'M JUST TRYING TO BE GENEROUS TODAY" but I managed to keep my cool and only slightly raise my voice. The head of the kitchen did come over and tell me they can't take tips due to Costco policy, but the food worker never told me that while I was trying to be generous and tip them. Because they wouldn't take my tip they had to give me change and they gave me coins. I fucking hate coins. I tried to be generous and they give me this gross metal money. So naturally when I get my $1.50 hot dog and drink combo, I need to go wash my hands in the bathroom to get the money off of them and because the food workers hand slightly touched mine. While I'm in there, I decide to take a quick piss. I also like using the stalls for the added privacy and relaxation they provide. So I go into the first open stall in the bathroom and start to do my business. I try to balance my drink on the toilet paper holder, but it's a single roll holder instead of a double. So it's round. I set my drink down and it starts to slide, meanwhile my dick is in one hand and my hot dog is in the other as I'm pissing. Well my drink falls, and my instant reaction is to try and catch it with my dick holding hand. I'm way too slow though, I've never been very coordinated. So the drink falls onto the floor and spills and splashes everywhere, meanwhile I drop my hot dog right into the toilet, and my piss goes everywhere since I let go of my dick with my dick hand to catch the hot dog. It was a mess. Chaotic.

1 / 2

>> No.20287658

So the drink splashes everywhere, and someone is in the stall next to me sitting on the toilet. I'm not sure what they were doing since I didn't hear anything. But the drink splashed and got on his shoes, and he starts yelling. On top of that, my piss went everywhere, including on the floor and I'm sure some trickled over to this mans(?) shoes. So he's yelling and in a panic. I panic and don't even finish pissing. My hot dog is in the toilet, still in the little bag. I panic and try to flush the toilet with the hot dog in the bowl but it just clogs. So I panic more. I try flushing again and it starts to overflow because of the force of the water. So my hot dog is stuck in the toilet, I spill my drink, and piss is all over. So I panic. I ended up picking up the drink while saying sorry to the man(?) in the stall next to me and I throw it into the toilet since it's already clogged and I'm too embarassed to take it out of the stall. I try flushing again and then quickly make my way out of the stall, to the sink, wash my hands and finally get the metal money smell off, and try to leave. But the man(?) in the stall next to me ends up coming out too and we make eye contact and he goes "It was you" and rushes out before me as I stand there in shock and panic. I wait at the sink for a few minutes before working up the courage to leave. I finally go to leave and the man(?) is fast walking back towards me with someone looking official. The man(?) was with the store assistant manager. The assistant manager asks what happened, and I tell him I don't know what that means. While him and the man(?) talk and I stand there, the food worker from earlier comes over, and asks if this was about harassing him about tipping. I try to explain I was feeling generous today, but the food worker isn't having it. After deliberating for a few minutes, the assistant manager finally tells me I'm banned from the store.

2 / 3

>> No.20287661

3 / 3

So I tell the manager that I'm not even a Costco member, I just come here through the exit for my weekly hot dog. He says this isn't allowed, and I won't be able to become a member now, and I'm still banned even though I'm not a member. I told him that it was unreasonable, but he wouldn't listen to me, and he told me I needed to leave ASAP. I said okay, and then acted like I was leaving, but I went up to the food kiosk this time (I wasn't feeling generous anymore) and started to order, but the manager said I could no longer order food either, that it was part of the ban. I still ordered and paid, and told him if I left I would have to issue a chargeback through my bank for failing to render services paid for, and that this chargeback wouldn't look good on the Costco that he's assistant managing. He said he didn't care and to "get out". I left, and finally I was issued a chargeback 4 days later.

But now I'm no longer allowed at that Costco. The next closest one is 55 minutes away so my weekly hot dog has become my monthly hot dog. I do also sometimes go to Ikea also, because they offer hot dogs. But their hot dogs are nowhere near as good quality as Costco, and they don't have the famed drink combo, and their soda fountain is off brand European soda. Ikea can't scratch the weekly Costco hot dog itch sadly."

- https://archived.moe/ck/thread/18314323/#q18314750

>> No.20287700


>> No.20287986

>The fold controls where any oil flows.
uh do you not degrease your pizzas before eating

>> No.20288033

Of course I do, learned from the master years ago. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=H2A1qYpp4HA

>> No.20288164

Yes, picky retards should avoid costco pizza so it keeps it affordable for normal humans who consume food for nourishment and don't have autistic requirements

>> No.20288171

All those newfags

>> No.20288813

How do you even cut a pizza into 10 slices? Is it mathematically possible?

>> No.20288817

Youre a mutation faggot bitch

>> No.20288864

You can slice a pizza into 2n pieces with n full-diameter slices where n is an integer

>> No.20288894

It's fascinating that you would choose costco as a place to eat already baked pizza, but that bitch was a retard anyway.

>> No.20288908

I want to make a non-tomato based sauce for my pizza
Any suggestions?
I am using shrimp, garlic and cheese

>> No.20288914

Pesto/bbq hell idk

>> No.20289001

Well my plan was to fry some shrimp shells in butter, then garlic and finally adding the shrimps to make an oily sauce that I'd pour under the cheese
I don't want to make pesto or bbq

>> No.20289002

alfredo you dumbshit

>> No.20289015

shit you dumb alfredo

>> No.20289025

The cuts being "full-diameter" is not strictly necessary. This holds as long as all slices coincide at a point.

>> No.20289347

you are obfuscating moments for no reason
you are really arguing for a smaller pizza slice in width and length which would require a smaller pizza before its even sliced
a pizza for babies
prove you arent a baby right now

>> No.20289360


>> No.20289465

you autistic retard

>> No.20290703

>free pizza
OP ordered a pizza. The employee decided to make a similar but still incorrect pizza first. OP was merely forced to wait a while longer to receive the correct thing he ordered.
Stop sucking Costco's dick, they won't be sending you a thank you card.

>> No.20290797

Why? Why does the pizza need to be cut this way?

>> No.20290817


>> No.20290837

pesto alla calabrese

>> No.20291049

And that point cannot lie on the circumference or outside the circle

>> No.20291526

No, I'm not arguing for that at all. Please explain how anything I've said implies smaller length. Pizza slice width shrinks and length remains the same. This should be simple.

>> No.20291599

Good job op. She was so entitled that a whole pizza got wasted

>> No.20291689

>customer makes a request
>employee ignores the customer
>customer is wrong
this thread is stupid

>> No.20291870

>order an item
>pay for it
>item comes
>not what you ordered
>This is why america is becoming a shithole

I just ordered a burger at mcdondals and they gave me 3 and an extra order of nuggets free of charge so if shithole=free food sign me up

>> No.20291877

sounds like you're the asshole in this situation

>> No.20291903

you cunted fuck I clicked this without thinking and coughed soda out of my eyeballs

>> No.20291909

stealth 'cado posting

>> No.20292206


>> No.20292252


I let it slide, in America our low tier workers get treated like absolute shit and can't have a comfortable life, you can't expect good work from these people.