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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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20273165 No.20273165 [Reply] [Original]

why do boys not like pasta as much? not that they hate it but they just don't like it as much.

>> No.20273175

Men are supposed to eat meat, not egg noodles.

>> No.20273177

Because Men prefer potatoes.

>> No.20273203

we need meat to not feel like our maculinity is under threat

>> No.20273214

Opposite. Women complain about carbs so order a salad.

>> No.20273224


>> No.20273227

>how to spot an incel
women love pasta

At least all the ones I fuck with my peepee. And that's quite a lot ;)

>> No.20273229

They still like the pasta a lot tho dingus, they just don't want to be a fat fuck.

>> No.20273236

They have a love hate relationship with pasta. That said men love pasta. It's the uniter of the upper and lower classes.

>> No.20273265

We're too busy trying eat vagina instead.

>> No.20273322

post your feet

>> No.20273334

I don't hate pasta, I just hate Italians and refuse to eat their food

>> No.20273347

I mean I really like pasta, but I'm also a tranny. Do I pass as not a boy now? :3

>> No.20273348

>crediting all pasta to shitalians

>> No.20273430

This is such a cringe post

>> No.20273490

This. Everyone knows the best pasta is American

>> No.20273495

Jelly you’re not having sexual relations with pasta loving girls with big stinky butts?

>> No.20273501

Pasta doesn't have enough protein

>> No.20273519
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can you please stop with the pretend girl thing? I dislike women enough already and this is not helping.

>> No.20273525

but I'm a real girl teehee

>> No.20273533


>> No.20273816

Women for sure love non-spaghetti pasta dishes more than men. Doubly so if it's a cold pasta dish.

>> No.20275519
File: 62 KB, 575x382, UVWEUMACWPUWMYGTFZSQLVGHRI.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

From boys to men pasta is loved by all true males.

>> No.20275554

Dick or GTFO

>> No.20275944
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>> No.20275950

our hypersexualized and emasculated society makes men selfconscious when forced to slurp something up in pbulic because of the nonstop imagary of sucking dick. Nobody wants to end up on social media looking like a fag because they ate their shitty noodles the wrong way.

>> No.20275959

You're reminding me of that one post from like ten years ago where an anon said he always takes his dates out for pasta and wine, because when he convinced the slags to do anal, their farts smelled exactly the same coming out. Are you that guy?

>> No.20276012
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>> No.20276089

Look up what a false premise is please

>> No.20276092

starch foods lean feminine

>> No.20276097

What? I've never heard of this. I fucking love pasta

>> No.20276105

Pasta!=egg noodles
I think this might just be an Anglo thing. My son and I like pasta just fine.
Self hatred is not healthy, ma'am.
I have never thought of dick while eating anything. Have you tried not being a flagrant cock-hungry homosexual?

>> No.20276938

Pasta reminds me of like a weird shaped, wheat gummy bear. I like rice and dumplings tho

>> No.20278552
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i would absolutely eat fucking plain pasta all day, what the fuck are you talking about?

>> No.20278571
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>> No.20278574

hes literally me

>> No.20278579
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Pasta is for whores

>> No.20278596
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