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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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File: 501 KB, 636x570, kale.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
20252454 No.20252454 [Reply] [Original]

>> No.20252467

Humanity is doomed. What else is new

>> No.20252476
File: 101 KB, 746x717, 1694552559679447.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Huh, it's almost like the "experts" are trying to make you ill and kill you by feeding you poison

>> No.20252477

I could eat kale with every meal. Also I assume I will die from the effects of alcoholism in a few years anyway.

>> No.20252485

well I'm safe, I wouldn't eat that with your mouth.

>> No.20252497

"journalism" is now pure sensationalism anyway, any amount of truth you might find in an article these days is strictly coincidental

>> No.20252501

>eat kale every day
>rarely wash it

>> No.20252505

The amazing thing about poisoning the soil is that everything you grow in that soil is also poison. People who switch to carnivore diets are "healthier" because they stop filling their bodies with as much poison as they did when they ate vegetables. Carnivore diets are sub-optimal for humans, we need to eat a variety of food, but sub-optimal-and-not-poisoned is better than optimal-and-also-poison.

>> No.20252534

As if animals wouldn't store those forever chemicals so you eat them too.

>> No.20252541

Probably, but you can still find stuff like grass fed beef where all of the food the cows eat hasn't been soaked in glyphosate like wheat, soy, and corn are. Can't eat fish though, we poisoned the oceans too and fish are just outright poison now.

>> No.20252547

>Carnivore diets are sub-optimal for humans
Meat only? Yeah. Add in eggs and dairy and it becomes optimal.
Vegetables and grains are literal garbage, literal serf kibble. It's all glucose.

>> No.20252550
File: 99 KB, 500x506, misguided.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

corn wheat and soy are soaked in glyphosate? wow i had no idea thats how food production worked.

>> No.20252559

My dude they literally spray the entire harvested crop with glyphosate because it makes them dry out faster.

>> No.20252566

Sar please do the needful.

Do not reedeem the kale sar.

>> No.20252617

>People who switch to carnivore diets are "healthier" because they stop filling their bodies with as much poison as they did when they ate vegetables.
Meanwhile, in reality...

>> No.20252621
File: 369 KB, 864x1081, 1695369309680.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

forgot pic

>> No.20252644
File: 143 KB, 1070x869, 1686304073691379.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>jewish bullshit about how meat is ackshually bad for you
shut up science bitch

>> No.20252653

It's Joever

>> No.20252658

Turns out your wrong and they eat the same food.

>> No.20252659

I mill my own flours from sacks of grain. None of my chit is sprayed.

>> No.20252676
File: 144 KB, 724x720, 1690203218120022.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Turns out your wrong and they eat the same food.
Oh yeah like they take the same vaccines as us?

>> No.20252683

What's a forever chemical?

>> No.20252968

These are the same people who tell us we shouldn't hunt and fish because there's TOXIC AMOUNTS OF FOREVER CHEMICALS IN THE FISH AND ANIMALS
Motherfucker if these forever chemicals are so bad, why the fuck are the deer alive and thriving?

Motherfuckers just want you to have no alternative to the supermarket. They've made it literally fucking illegal in places to grow your own vegetables.

>> No.20252977

I don't think most people are eating wild birds that feed on fish that live in watersystems filled with pesticide runoff. Not saying chemicals aren't a problem with meat, but a cow eating grass is not going to bioaccumulate toxins the same way a carnivorous wild animal would.

>> No.20252991

Eggs are bad, cows are destroying the planet, chickens and pigs are spreading diseases, crops are ruining the top soil, the ocean is filled with oil and chemicals, local rivers and lakes have chemicals and heavy metals from mining and factories, cheeses are bad, milk has pus and blood in it, fruits are just sugar bombs, veggies have pesticides, might as well kys

>> No.20253673

>by feeding you poison
yep, that's what people get for eating vegetables instead of food we can actually digest lol

>> No.20253677

>nobody sprays anything on pasturage or corn fields
This is how delusional you sound rn

>> No.20253681

wait until you hear what the livestock are eating

>> No.20253683

so because other animals eat vegetables, humans should do so too?
retarded argument

>> No.20253699

no you dipshit
because animals eat the vegetables with chemical spray so will yhe people who eat the animals
youre not escaping it

>> No.20253700

And are the corn stalks eating each other and biocummulating the the chemicals? No. Maybe you should reread and reply again.

>> No.20253705

vegetables have natural poisons because they're not meant to be eaten, dumbass
we are meant to eat their fruits to spread their seeds
a vegetable is the part of a plant that is meant to stay alive, which is why humans can't digest it and we call "fiber"

>> No.20253764

>a vegetable is the part of a plant that is meant to stay alive
>um ackshually
um ack- yourself.

>> No.20253776
File: 223 KB, 602x361, 1706898163323627.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

you are mentioning genetically engineered crops
do you even know how corn used to look like before domestication?

cucumbers are not vegetables
neither are pumpkin

>> No.20253790

Who the fuck actually eats kale? That shit was used for decoration my entire life growing up. It was never considered edible.

>> No.20253794


I'm sure it's not just Kale at this point that has "disturbing levels" of PFAs. If you're really concerned, trying growing some yourself in soil you know is "clean".

Good luck: most rain water has PFAs in it, so pretty much so do all our plant foods. There's really no getting away from cancer causing poisons in the american diet, unless you meticulously grow everything yourself.

>> No.20254135

fun fact: this means that bloodletting is becoming a practical thing to do in order to clean your blood up. go donate some blood

>> No.20254143

Veganbros are gonna die faster than Jack Scalfani

>> No.20254168

It's fine cooked. It can add a nice flavor to a lot of soups as well. Or rubbed with salt.

>> No.20254172

a buzzword for soccer moms

>> No.20254175

imagine being so dumb you actually fall for this meme

>> No.20254182

>People who switch to carnivore diets are "healthier" because they stop filling their bodies with as much poison

Forever chemicals accumulate up the food chain which for most begins with plants (or tiny creatures in the ocean) which absorb these chemicals into their physical being. Mercury and tuna for instance.

>> No.20254521

well enjoy the diabetes or whatever

>> No.20254716

Enough about carbs.

>> No.20254758

That doesnt really make meat any better lmao what do you think theyre feeding the cows and pigs with?

>> No.20254782

>Vegetables and grains are literal garbage, literal serf kibble. It's all glucose.
meat and lard also becomes glucose in the end

>> No.20254792

They keep coming out with news about stuff being healthy or unhealthy and I just don't fucking care.
I select entirely for deliciousness.

>> No.20256445

it depends on where you get the sacks of grain. they spray the crop in the weeks leading up to harvest in order to dry the grain out, which increases the yield by allowing more of the groats to come loose when they are threshing them. pretty much every wheat and oat product has more glyphosate than anyone ever expected there to be when they set regulations on how much can be used

>> No.20256516

Huh. I eat the hell out of kale on sandwiches, soups and with oven roasted chicken and vegetables. Doesn't really matter, I'm going back to my old job and I paint and customize plastic models. Not eating kale wont make a difference.

>> No.20256812

I've been steaming mine and adding it to soups and sauces, works great and adds a ton of green power to my diet. At this point I've just kind of accepted that pretty much everything grown on earth is poisoned in some way due to nuclear weapons, rampant industrialization, and horrible farming practices. It sucks, but there's not a whole lot I can do about it directly.

>> No.20256834

My pet rabbit loved kale

>> No.20256883

If you gathered together all the articles ever published with this type of headline and cut them all out of you would end up with virtually nothing. Just stuff so rarely consumed it has escaped notice by shitty journos and assorted schizos.

>> No.20257086

Post body

>> No.20257092

What do you think those animals eat before you eat them? And, much like your mom's fat ass, bovines eat more than the average person so they'll accumulate more of the toxin

>> No.20257094

>spray the entire harvested crop with glyphosate because it makes them dry out faster.
Lol what? That's the most retarded thing I've ever heard. Please explain how that works and where you heard this.

>> No.20257143

Shit that doesn't react with anything.
Like Teflon. PFOA. idk. CFCs.