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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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20250816 No.20250816 [Reply] [Original]

Thread for discussing coffee and coffee-related topics

Obesity edition.

If you're new or confused, start here: https://pastebin.com/UEzwuyLz
If you're old and confused, had any physical activity lately?

Previous thread: >>20227328

>> No.20250840

its nice you dedicated a thread to your mother.

>> No.20250865
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The retards have finally discovered slow feed. If only someone let Morgan know years ago :(

>> No.20250867

does he have to jerk the portafilter?
wdt is going to mix it up anyway

>> No.20250904

Mom doesn't drink coffee

>> No.20250911

Double espresso shot is kino pre-workout stim.

>> No.20251011
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Blacker than a moonless night, hotter and more bitter than Hell itself... that is coffee.

>> No.20251032

>blacker than lunchtime rowdies

>> No.20251076
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This is the gayest shit I have ever seen
I looked it up and this thing costs 4k

>> No.20251127
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>Drink 500ml of green tea
>Drink 500ml of iced black tea
>Down a few caffeine pills
>Drink a cup of coffee
Stomach pain...

WHY? I just want to drink my fucking coffee? Why does it hurt my stomach more than green tea or caffeine pills?
It's not the caffeine here

>> No.20251300

Use the thickest paper filters you can find, see if that helps.

>> No.20251346

Are you a tranny? You seem like a tranny...

>> No.20251414

Now that's just some retarded shit.

>> No.20251464
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i've been told you pay extra for the engineered slop and that is in fact on purpose and desirable

>> No.20251466

For me, personally, it's the 4:6 method

>> No.20251495

Been looking at used machines, anyone here got experience on refurbing the old model gaggia classic machines?
I've seen them as low as 150 bucks for non refurbished ones and as high as 300 from people who took good care of them.
Am I fucking myself as a not experienced rookie by getting one that may need deep cleaning?

>> No.20251513

It's gonna be some work, but gaggia classic machines have a very active and developed diy community. If you're willing to bother with it you can definitely fix them up.

>> No.20251514

How are you making your coffee?
French press coffee does this to me but pourover, mokka, espresso, all of those are fine

>> No.20251572

4am coff?

>> No.20251574
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No. Get some hot choco instead.

>> No.20251580

I'm looking up tutorials and there are a lot of nice seeming older men telling me how to, seems doable.
Thanks anon :)
Have you tried that machine yourself, by chance? If so, how'd you like it?

>> No.20251581

Ame ame ame ame
san se uu
onai le
kedi kedi da

coffee first
cortado probably
i have some Ecuadorian chocolate powder
its some pretty intense shit
almost gives the same kind of head high as coffee

>> No.20251583

I considered it and looked into it but ultimately I went with a sage bambino because at the time I had too much going on to bring myself to also fix up a gaggia. If I was buying it today I'd probably get a used gaggia.

>> No.20251625

It's called a floating carrier. They're very common.

>> No.20251690

new hoffee is up!

>> No.20251695 [DELETED] 

oh and all the movement skills are useless

>> No.20251708

Hoff should stick to informational content and not reaction slop

>> No.20251711

i have little hands-on experiencce with espresso, and while i really enjoy my moka pot, i wonder
would you guys reccommend preheating the cup before pouring the moka? i picked it up for pourovers but i just realized that it might not have the same benefit, here, as i sip my cup and the sharpness fades as it cools

>> No.20251784

dont see how it would hurt
worth a try i guess
are you using glass or ceramic

>> No.20251791

i was just wondering if preheating one's cup is a common practice for espresso, really
among those who drink it straight, anyway
that is, for the flavor

>> No.20251829
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>i was just wondering if preheating one's cup is a common practice for espresso
why do you think they keep espresso cups on top of the espresso machine?
its literally a cup warmer

>> No.20251882

i dont know
i mean, i do now
i mentioned i dont have much hands-on experience with espresso

>> No.20251957


>> No.20252045

i got a new gaggia classic with a vst filter in a bottomless pf, using a 1zpresso j-max to grind machine is unmodified. i wdt before tamping. but the goff that comes out is making a mess, it goes everywhere except into the cup, although the puck looks fine. any ideas where i'm fucking up? i wonder if its the shower screens, when i draw water without a portafilter in the water comes out more on the left side

>> No.20252150

>any ideas where i'm fucking up?
Factory opv is set too high.

>> No.20252162

I think I'm gonna go with cheaper beans and go all-in on milk drinks for the next month or so.
I'm finally decent at steaming milk, still can't do latte art tho

>> No.20252189
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Chicory anon here.

I tried boiling it 4 minutes in a milk pitcher and it turned out better than with the moka, but it's still watery and kind of weak, it's like long coffee filtered with paper in the aeropress.

I'm sad bros, 14 years drinking coffee like a champ and as soon I started getting serious into this hobby with good equipment too I now have to sell my brand new items. Fuck this gay earth.

>drink tea

Nope, I need something dense and thick as coffee...there aren't substitutes.

>> No.20252242

yeah been thinking about modding the pressure, but i'm not sure if my problems come from this or the uneven water flow

>> No.20252256

what's the problem? just buy a bag of citric acid powder and a new shower screen if you're that worried about. you should swap that out at least once a year anyway (3 or 6 mo if you make more than one cup a day). honestly though it sounds more like inconsistent grind. get an actual grinder.

>> No.20252285

>Chicory anon
The irony that your old nickname does not suit you anymore.

In case you don't have celiacs, you can brew Caffè d'orzo with your stainless steel moka pot.

Acorn coffee is also something you can explore.

You can also brew RedEspresso with your manual espresso maker which is finely ground Rooibos.

Not sure if those three are compatible with your condition. Report back.

Godspeed detetitian anon.

>> No.20252309

If the water flow was uneven, you'd notice it in the puck. They set the pressure high because tastelets desire thick crema. There's a reason it comes with a spouted pf. Keeps people from realizing how their shots are actually flowing.

>> No.20252327

its not coffee but i really like cascara and reccommend you try it

>> No.20252369

I'm sorry but it's over for me, I'll just keep the moka pot and sell everything hoping not to lose a lot of money...my fucking espresso machine have been used 3 weeks only...

>> No.20252377

i assume youve looked into low acid options?
lots of roasters try to cater to people with your exact issue

>> No.20252379

>what's the problem?
well that's what i'm asking. i clean the shower screen with caffiza every other week, so the issue would be that the stock one is shit and not dirt.
>get an actual grinder
the good ones start at 1k and everything below that is unusable, yeah?
puck looks fine most of the times. i'll stop being lazy and change the pressure then

>> No.20252392

LOL fuck please tell me tardbatti can't drink coffee anymore. I might start going to church.
Your grinder is fine.

>> No.20252413
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>rent free
he really buckbroke you huh?

>> No.20252416

You can and should balance the mug upside down on ur moka pot I do it

>> No.20252419

thats ok, ill just warm it with hot water

>> No.20252426

Blood type 0 is incompatible with coffee, it fucks me badly and it's not related to the acidity.

I've been drinking coffee 3 times a day until 2 months ago for years without a single problem, all it took was to change the diet to reveal sudden intolerances because I stopped eating gluten, milk/cheese and all the foods that weren't suited for my immune system.

Having a much quicker digestion, coffee increases the acid production in my stomach, which produces a lot of acids even without (my group is prone to ulcers and other issues), so if I drink even 1 small cup from my moka pot it hurts my stomach and makes me nervous, even the decaf, and I've never experienced something like this before.

Aren't you happy anon?

In the end, it appears that you have won and I'll stop posting here.

>> No.20252473

Has your condition improved under your new diet? How's your skin?

>> No.20252492
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Today was a good day. I'll go get a real nice dose out of the freezer. Not that I believe you in the slightest.

>> No.20252514

It's too early to tell, since I started the diet I've lost 4 kg (I'm 64 kg now) because my body is burning all the fats accumulated by eating carbs and gluten rich foods (I ate a lot of bread and pasta because it's our culture here) despite not being fat at all in the first place...however I'm also eating more than before, 3-4 veggies per day, always fish each day, meat 4 times a week, eggs, etc..

My skin looks better but it's still dry, the eyes are a rollercoaster, sometimes dry and sometimes less dry, anxiety almost disappeared, depression is always there but at least I don't feel tired anymore after eating.

The diet is not even half the job, I now have to do sports and work on my depression, I've been told by many people who followed this diet that result may start to appear after 2-3 months from the beginning and it's expected that in the beginning you can actually feel worse as your body need to detox and re-adapt (the gluten really fucks up your intestine covering in a thin layer of gluten that prevents it from absorbing nutrients and vitamins, hence why the deficiencies and tiredness lack of energy).

Coffee and caffeine wasn't giving me the energy to stay awake, that's the plot twist.

The main challenge now is to identify which foods, even the ones that I can eat in my blood group, I tolerate and which I don't because we are not the same and everyone is different. I also have custom indications for what I can and can't eat for each of my symptoms, it's depressing as fuck.

Unless someone has been impersonating me in the last 2 months, you can stay assured that I never even opened /ctg/ after posting about my new Flair. I simply stopped posting.

>> No.20252516

how do i find out my blood type

>> No.20252520

Ask your family doctor or take a blood test.
Even pharmacies have quick tests with a needle that punctures your index and instantly tell you the answer.

>> No.20252545

but how would you see what you moka is doing if there is a cup on it?

>> No.20252549

Did you have your condition pre 2019? Also are you vaxxd and do you consume cannabis?

>the coffee merchant only finds happiness in the suffering of others

>> No.20252551
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Noone has been impersonating you. I figured you finally killed yourself, as previously suggested. This works out just fine. You now realize that on a genetic level there's no reason for you to post here and the last year of autistic fixation has been a waste.

>> No.20252558

Glass cup baby

>> No.20252563

>Did you have your condition pre 2019?
Yes but it wasn't as bad as now

>Also are you vaxxd?

>and do you consume cannabis?

I searched for the answer but I coulnd't find anything sadly, so I stopped caring.
My life is shit since I turned 18, even if I was almost healthy back then, so it is what it is.
Better luck in the next life.

It wasn't a waste, I can assure you.

The skills I've learned can still be useful.


>> No.20252651

Donate blood and they'll tell you.

>> No.20252969

>knows intimate medical details about anonymous posters
Is this a dossier?
>the coffee merchant
Kek. Your patient was stalking, shilling, and posting vacation photos of a roaster for a year.

>> No.20252992
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Goddamn it Mokafrà, at least try pourover coffee through a thick paper filter before completely shutting the door on this!

>> No.20253762

let him sink

>> No.20253946

Guys...my butt
I can't do it, how do you live like this? I started a few days ago and oh my God it's been a show stopper

Legit had accidents requiring clothing changes and a shower twice this week

>> No.20253952

bro how much grounds are you using?

>> No.20253958

sodomy is a sin

>> No.20253979

Like 1.5 tbsp 2-3 times

>> No.20254029

just tried the short strand blend from andytown coffee, coarse ground in a french press. really shocked at how tasty it was holy shit! i think they might have improved somehow since i last tried them a year or two ago. im actually amazed at how good it was hot fucking damn

>> No.20254034
File: 2.89 MB, 576x1024, LOL.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

are the baristas still obese?

>> No.20254035

i haven’t been to their cafe in years. i always thought they were mediocre at best compared to all the other coffee in that area but with how good these beans are i’m reconsidering.

>> No.20254095
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How do I store whole beans once I opened the packaging? Search results say airtight, but what is that valve/ outlet thingy in picrel, should I keep it, or wrap the packaging tight, which covers the outlet?

>> No.20254109

>volume measurement
Do you have a weight/mass? If the beans used are particularly dense or roasted one way or another the volume will not be an accurate measure of how much coffee you're putting into your body.

In general though you should probably cut back if you're having bathroom accidents

>> No.20254114
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>> No.20254133

What spices would pair best with Geisha beans for a possible homemade coffee liqueur?

>> No.20254144

Pubic hair

>> No.20254170

Okay, thanks!

>> No.20254268
File: 1.36 MB, 697x2500, 1696760772584414.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Latest beans, mono origin american, washed.

>Mexican coffee is known for its spicy aromas, which give it a unique and delicious taste. It is often blended with other coffees from the region to create an exceptional blend that captures the authentic flavors of the country. The spicy aromas blend perfectly with the natural flavors of the coffee to create a tasting experience that takes you on a gustatory journey.

>Coffee trees are grown in the mountainous regions of Mexico, where the climatic conditions and nutrient-rich soils contribute to the quality and taste of the coffees produced. Local coffee growers have developed unique methods to maximize the aromas and flavors of their coffees, giving them a distinct personality.

Tastes like balanced coffee, no notable acidity nor bitterness.
Mouthfeel is nice and thicc with an aftertaste that spans for what is expected from a 100% arabica.
I can see why it's usually blended, alone it's just some ordinary coffee, nothing special.

>> No.20254278
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If I drink more than 1 cup of coffee in the morning, it makes me nauseous and when I try to brush my teeth, I end up puking like 5 times

>> No.20254279

I would smack this fruity faggot at the back of the head with my Louisville slugger

>> No.20254280

Why do you only buy from Trottet?

>> No.20254293
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These guys are too expensive but I have tried a lot of flavors.

>> No.20254302

this looks like gimmick bullshit

>> No.20254377

But that actually is floating on purpose by design, that's how it's supposed to be

>> No.20254470

>no don't add milk you'll neuter the polyphenols
Does drinking black coffee with a fatty meal (e.g. scrambled eggs) also ruin most of the healthiness, or is it only a problem when the drink itself is adulterated?

>> No.20254509

if you need to store bulk, freeze it in an air tight container, don't do this if you'll need to re-freeze it
if it's just your daily beans or w/e the bag is honestly fine, you can put them in a more airtight container if you want.
to answer your question, the bag has that vent on it because the beans outgas for a week or two after they've been freshly roasted. if there wasn't a vent, you'd have exploding bags of coffee beans everywhere. they don't let air in though, they're designed to only vent excess escaping gas.

>> No.20254572

what kind of coffee do you drink?

>> No.20254575

who cares

>> No.20254577

oils, nigga

>> No.20254587
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I drink one/two days old coffee from my moka with no issues. Get real

>> No.20254704
File: 3.96 MB, 1080x1920, 10 minute shot.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

the more cumbersome and expensive equipment, the better the shot. if a planetarium employee says so it must be true. that's soyence chud.

>> No.20254711

>60g shot
How many g of beans did they put in the grinder?

>> No.20254715

this seems not that bad to me. aside from turning the portafilter which I guess they might as well, that's not a terrible workflow, might even add wdt.you only get 2-3 20g shots a day and they're very pleasurable, why would you rush? you probably jerk it for longer

>> No.20254723

20 grams you can read it on the scale. a 1:3 isn't that crazy for a very light bean, admittedly I'm a basic bitch who prefers 2.5 but maybe the bean is particular.

>> No.20254745

Is there any reason to go for a dual boiler over single boiler with PID if I only many drinks for 2 people at a time? I’m trying to decide between profitec go and maybe a rancillio Silvia pro

>> No.20254787

I pull 16.5 to 65 by default.
He's turning the pf to avoid mounding. Normal people would grind into the included Weber shaker but he wants a direct to pf workflow for some reason.

>> No.20254845

Thank you for the explanation and the tip! :)

>> No.20254870

you thought he did it for free?
these posts account for 1/3 of their annual marketing budget

>> No.20254873

thanks for the tier list anon
i will never use it but i appreciate the effort :)

>> No.20254877


>> No.20254886

>Normal people would grind into the included Weber shaker
also he's wdt-ing in a large dosing funnel just seems like he's avoiding a non-issue.
I meant rdt here oops

>> No.20254920

i should drink coffee before eating my eggs?

>> No.20254945

Weird shit you have to do when you're using filter specific burrs past chirp I guess. He's doing the slowfeed to avoid clogging and regrinding with the tiny outfall. I might look into getting a set of ultra low fines this year.

>> No.20254954

espresso seems ridiculously autistic
for me its pourover and moka

>> No.20254983

the slowfeed is because it leads to better grind consistency, it's the hot new espresso reddit hack
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7_U8nwO4cy0 but doing this when you're not bothering with rdt, I don't understand that, maybe the weber deals poorly with rdt? I can't imagine that

>> No.20254996

yes the order is coffee, then eggs, then porridge

>> No.20255002

it's about as advanced as you make it, pourovers are harder to get consistent great results from, objectively

>> No.20255011

>to avoid clogging and regrinding
>because it leads to better grind consistency
Thats what I said anon.
>The retards have finally discovered slow feed

>> No.20255014

fair enough, I assumed when you said clogging you meant literal stop on the engine

>> No.20255021

>espresso seems ridiculously autistic
it just has a higher capacity for tism

>> No.20255033

>pourovers are harder to get consistent great results from
that just makes the autism around espresso seem poorly justified

>> No.20255050
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>literal stop
Nah but its funny that even with him dropping in a bean or two at a time you do see rpm drop on the eg1 motor at 1500 rpm. Doesn't happen on my wug at 400rpm, but I do have a very different style of burrs. Grinders are weird. Pic rel.

>> No.20255080

I do all the things and it adds maybe a minute or two to my shots. If you're just dumping dark roast shots into milk none of it really matters. This is all about optimizing taste and extraction for very light roast, straight espresso. It sucks wasting expensive shit to pull a bad shot, so you learn how to max your chances of not getting fucked.
>single dose
>slow(ish) feed into grinder
>wet bottom filter
>dose to portafilter
>quick sworks wdt
>top paper and puck screen
>yeet espresso

>> No.20255093

what's an ulf?

>> No.20255119

Bros pls

>> No.20255141
File: 227 KB, 1100x825, EG1_ULTRA_DB2_f85bb928-68e7-43c1-96df-295a07b5bc75_1100x.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

One of the burr sets for that grinder. Ultra Low Fines. He's doing the slow feed autism because he's using a filter burr set to grind way finer than intended to build some pressure for espresso.
>The Core (DB-1), which currently ship with all EG-1s; The Ultra (DB-2), built to be the ultimate for pour-over coffee; And The Base (DB-3), our burr set utilized in our original MK1 EG-1s.

>> No.20255147
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>Making coffee every morning is fun now because I get to Spin the Device

Thank you Chinese people

>> No.20255159

dual boiler is nice if you want to steam milk while pulling shots.

>> No.20255161

make sure to do it sideways

>> No.20255191

Okay. How much difference is there between what you do and:
>single dose
>dose to portafilter
>wdt using conventional wdt tool
>pull shot
How much improvement is there and is it really justified to go through all of your steps for every shot?

>> No.20255197
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I want to explore different coffees from different terroirs but same roaster. They have a large offering of single origins at an honest price and are local to me.
I also buy from other roasters from time to time. New decaf offering from La Semeuse, Peru Mexico arabica bio blend. And a Nicaragua Waslala 90 square.

>> No.20255234
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I bought this because I cannot be bothered to get anal about coffee
Please tell me how much of a bad decision I made

>> No.20255243


>> No.20255254

i dont know what that is

>> No.20255283
File: 1.45 MB, 1313x1751, PXL_20221126_001925627.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

takes time off the workflow. I get some chaff and fines static'd to my exit funnel most of the time if I don't so I have to bang it on the table a bit to knco it all loose. Visually better grounds as well. Little fluffier.
>slow feed
Takes a little time off too. Dropping in a half dose at a time keeps my "feed" funnel clean so I don't have to go back and push little popcorned bits and stray beans back in.
>wet paper filter
Less necessary now that I have a 2200hole high flow basket, but it still helps out with extraction a bit by keeping the basket holes from getting clogged with how fine I'm grinding month old light roast. I drop this out of the routine when my shots are running faster than I'd like/want to pull something higher bodied for a cortado. There's also different papers with different flow/properties like sibarist and ahlstrom 909s. Ahlstrom's are supposed to drop astringency somehow. I just use cut chemex filters.
>conventional wdt tool
minimal difference, its just nice. I dropped my 3d printed one behind my bar and I'm too lazy to move shit to get it. When I say quick wdt my grounds come out very nice and uniform so its more of a quick distribution/settling when I pour it in. I'm not busting up any clumps.
>top paper and puck screen
I've got a flair 58 so there's no shower screen. Puck screen keeps water from potentially digging into the top of the puck causing channeling, paper filter spreads it out even more, but mostly keeps the puck screen cleaner. I think its worth the extra minute. Every few weeks I take 10 minutes punch out a few hundred papers. 4 layers per cut, 20 espresso papers per chemex square.

>> No.20255296

Nespresso pod machine.

Is it actually true that the consumer machines make worse coffee / espresso than what can be done manually? I feel like if you're not an expert and don't have a machine that costs as much as a new car, then a pod machine is just as good and the quality depends more on the coffee used.

>> No.20255313

I don't get it, why not just get a normal batch brewer? I guess if you "don't wanna get anal about coffee" and that's taken to mean you don't care if your coffee is good, then any solution is as fine as another, good buy.

>> No.20255334

>depends on the coffee used
well a few problems with that, nespresso doesn't just control variables to make things easier for consumers, the process is entirely different from espresso. secondly
>depends more on the coffee used
espresso sells really very bad coffee and tries hard to make third party sellers impractical. but yes, coffee is more important than technique, ultimately. if you want to take control out of your hands and just buy nice coffee, you could go for a bean to cup espresso machine, but believe it or not, they make worse espresso than a semi-automatic for full manual for the price, you don't need that much expertise to bridge that gap, automation doesn't mean perfection in this instance.

>> No.20255335
File: 282 KB, 1280x1280, 4C9312B2-7422-4C68-8B21-C907672B4C20.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Is this coffee?
No, it’s chicory with almond “milk”.
It’s close enough to keep me sane.

Farewell /ctg/ we had fun, thank you all.

>> No.20255338

semi-automatic *OR full manual
just get decaf weirdo

>> No.20255354
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About the gayest, poorest drink you could imagine. How fitting. You've gone from filler robusta to an even cheaper filler. Make sure to try it with some organic soy.

>> No.20255397
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cafelet here, just got a cheap moka pot for 10$ a couple days ago and holy fuck it makes me feel so GOOD, some normal Columbian brew tastes 10x better than in my regular coffee maker

>> No.20255459

Huh, sounds pretty reasonable. I might start using the top paper + puck screen. What do you use to cut the chemex filters? You mentioned something about a punch.

Have these tricks improved taste and shot quality, or is it purely for ease of prep and clean up?

>> No.20255642
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Improved is subjective, but flavors definitely change when you're changing your grind size with bottom filters/different flow baskets.
I use an ektools 2 1/4in. Its a scrapbooking punch. It sucks but it works. Shitty blade(apparently you can sharpen it with a small jeweler's file), shitty "action", its all plastic. Tears some papers, occasion rough edges. I had to exchange my the first one I bought. Whenever I get fed up enough to replace it I'll get something like pic rel. Adjustable razor blade you spin around to get the exact sizing for your baskets.
>Have these tricks improved taste and shot quality, or is it purely for ease of prep and clean up?
They've made my shots more consistent. When they act consistently its easier to tune your taste/coffee. With rested coffee I know I'm going to be somewhere between burr touch and about 120 micron gap. That range gives me anywhere from a 8second gusher to a minute long slow drip. High flow+unclogged basket means my "pressure" comes from the puck, not the co2 from (rapidly changing) fresher coffee or any resistance from a lower flow basket. It seems like you're adding steps but its just cutting out potential bottlenecks.

>> No.20255672

Folgers instant coffee

>> No.20255696

arrivederci lattanon

>> No.20255703

Based incest enjoyer

>> No.20255722

epf tastes cleaner but there's no evidence that it has less body, especially not if you grind slightly finer for it(which usually you will). I suppose that this in the grey zone between the objective and subjective and maybe having larger microfines in the brew is perceived as fuller bodied, but really in an objective sense I don't think there's compelling evidence

>> No.20255757


>> No.20255944

Mokachads stay winning

>> No.20255947
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I wonder if cafec made a custom paper for them or just used one of their other filters. I decided to cut some abacas, mediums, and whites. Here they are next to the cut chemex squares.

>> No.20256010

I just used epf as a generic term but yeah I think weber has an exclusive deal on them, which I guess wouldn't account for much if they had zero unique characteristics. wouldn't be shocked either way tho. test it since you have a 58mm machine, do it for us

>> No.20256126

Huh? Like hold the whole thing horizontal?

>> No.20256131

almost sideways, still need gravity

>> No.20256141

Great way to wear down one side of the outer burr disproportionally.

>> No.20256159
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Why on earth would I do such a thing mister

>> No.20256162

what kinda psycho has an exact spot for hand placement? grinders are cylinders, it's a well known way to slowfeed in manuals, if anything they last longer for it

>> No.20256164

more consistent grind, less regrinding

>> No.20256171
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This sounds like bullshit. Let me get her out and see

>> No.20256201
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Left is straight up. Right is sideways. They look the same nerd.

>> No.20256210

dont worry, one of the gridneranons will probably come explain the real benefits to you before too long
i cba sorry

>> No.20256216
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I’m just messing around. In she goes to my dumpy DeLonghi.

One day I will kill you and replace you but not today my darling.

>> No.20256239

it's quite literally simple physics
it's the same grind size retard the microfines won't be super obvious, get out the sieve, even then it's not guaranteed to be different, it's about minimizing a potential problem.

>> No.20256311
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>he did it?

>> No.20256325

>he doesnt know

>> No.20256329

i-is it over... is he gone?!

>> No.20256337

based equatorial anon

>> No.20256365

It was garbage anyway. Feels random wether my coffees great or garbage.

>> No.20256406

I recommend watching videos on how to pour desu. I thought the same thing until I learned how to control my pour. (assuming you are doing pour over)

>> No.20256434

Yeah me and my lovely pour over machine

>> No.20256449

It's probably the machine then, maybe try aeropress if you want something easy but still pretty convenient

>> No.20256457

Natural is so much better than washed it's insane. Washed is just boring by comparison.

>> No.20256493

You know I do have one of those. Used to use it all the time. Got tired of doing it all the time for slightly better than pot coffee.

>> No.20256498

Well, if you are willing to learn some technique, pour over will give you better results than aeropress, but it is less consistent. Definitely more reward for your effort though.

>> No.20256515
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I really hope he offs himself before getting anywhere near that poor old man.

>> No.20256524

anyone tried espresso mixed with milk tea?

>> No.20256527

uhh your carbonic maceration natural process bro?

>> No.20256534
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Probably not gonna get one. Don’t really need another coffee device. But maybe one day.

>> No.20256538

I know you're memeing but I would like to experience more esoteric processing methods

>> No.20256568

Hydrangea is great for checking out dank processes.
>Process: JAQ Crepe Cultured

>> No.20256617

i just finished a bag of this
Washed process - indigenous heirloom
Natural process - Catuai, Caturra, Typica and Villa Sarchi
Honey+ (Wine Yeast / Peach) process - Castillo
Honey+ (Wine Yeast / Lulo) process - Pink bourbon

and then rested in the bag for a whole month
shit was fucking crazy
it was some of the most wild coffee i have ever had, kicked like a mule. you would never know it had any washed in it at all.
i bought 2 more bags last night.
there are people that drink washed dark roast colombian/brazilian/ethiopian coffee their whole life, i dont understand how you can live like that.

>> No.20256705
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Don't worry anon, all you gotta do is get your beans wet. The bean juice comes out about the same no matter what. Your taste is gonna be different from day to day so it's not like it matters much anyway.
Making coffee is not a hobby unless you think buying things is a hobby. Use what you got and enjoy it.

>> No.20257391

Imagine the look of shock on 3rd-wavers' faces when "4th wave coffee" becomes a thing and starts dragging the previous wave for pushing a "lack of diversity" in roasting and brewing methods, which results in coffees themselves becoming more homogenous despite the increased variety of origins

>> No.20257418
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>> No.20257463

Did... did he just dump his leftover grounds into the cup after the pourover was done?

>> No.20257468


>> No.20257616

my hobby is paying my mortgage

>> No.20257642

nah don't see how you're seeing that, he just didn't like the coffee

>> No.20257700

I haven't cleaned my Specialita in over 2 years, any other lazy bastards here?

Is grinder maintenance a hoax?

>> No.20257762

the abrasiveness of the beans cleans the grinder

>> No.20257903

espresso is suddenly tasting bitter. beans are old, so that might be it.
what variable should I mess with first?
>grind coarser
>change amount of beans
>change amount of espresso pulled
>change temperature

>> No.20257910

you can grind less fine but that works against having less co2 so your shot might be way too fast, that's why old beans are kinda rough for espresso. you could add a pinch of salt or milk to the cofe to fight bitterness

>> No.20257913

>so your shot might be way too fast
yeah that's a problem I'm suddenly having too.
Luckily I'm down to ~100g of beans left so it isn't a huge deal
>you could add a pinch of salt or milk to the cofe to fight bitterness
I've been doing lattes for the last few days because my espresso has been so bad haha

>> No.20258047

Natty is low rent shit meant for adding body to a blend, hardly a step above robusta.

>> No.20258113

I wish espressos were bigger, it's sad that you can't nurse a cup for very long.
natural is a more expensive process than washed

>> No.20258200

For me, it's paying my gas bill

>> No.20258201

bought a moccamaster last week.
the hype is real, just good coffee.

>> No.20258219

You did get the thermal carafe version and not a hotplate one, right anon?

>> No.20258293

Switch to the decaf life and start doing 4x double espressos at once.
My problem now is that regular coffee tastes too watered down

>> No.20258314
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build a tolerance to caffeine and enjoy the coffee lyfe

>> No.20258326

400mg of caffeine is a bit excessive

>> No.20258355

It's funny that all it took for Europe to leapfrog the rest of the world was switching from downers (alcohol/beer) to stimulants (tea/coffee)

>> No.20258365

no, I only make enough to fill my thermos for the day, so it never sits for more than a few minutes after brewing.

>> No.20258446

Recovering from having it's population decimated, twice, probably helped

>> No.20258552

>Switch to the decaf life and start doing 4x double espressos at once.
it'd be a pain on my shitty dedica that doesn't have a solenoid and is only 51mm. it does sound great though

>> No.20258819

>making 80mls of coffee with a pourover
do japs really do this or is it just for comedic effect

>> No.20258846

doubt it, then again they probably didn't make the cup for the bit, and it looks like it'd be annoying for espresso.. so not sure. maybe it's just for experimenting/dialling in?

>> No.20258886
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>> No.20258895

that says for 1 cup that's still way more

>> No.20258941

that's it I'm getting a decaf, pissed that I can't get another delicious shot before bed. any particularly great decaf roasters? or should I just default to Wendelboe as the goat roaster?

>> No.20258954

>not a single one of my favorite roasters are even carrying a decaf option right now
grim, starting to question this venture

>> No.20258978

Just stop reacting to caffeine anon, why make things complicated?

>> No.20258994


>> No.20259000

well then you can't be helped I'm sorry to say

>> No.20259007

Friends, if I can down a double espresso then immediately go to sleep with no issues does that mean I have good genetics or am I defective? Asking for me.

>> No.20259011

I can, by getting decaf.
just means you're good at sleeping/have good sleep hygiene. congrats anon. I can't do that shit I already struggle sleeping

>> No.20259016

just roast your own
lol neat, anyone have any experience with one of these?
clearly not what he's using in the webm but idk why i balked at that in the first place when i brewed just 160 mls myself earlier

>> No.20259128

>just roast your own
I won't, there are people better at it than me with contacts that let them get more exciting beans than me. also afaik getting good decaf is fairly expensive compared to roasting normal

>> No.20259155

>Is grinder maintenance a hoax?
for home users? yes mostly

>> No.20259159

good SWP decaf greens are quite reasonably priced

>> No.20259167

4 u

>> No.20259168

Even daily use in a home setting isn't really going to do enough to your grinder for it to need "maintenance" very often at all. If your grinder is retaining enough crap in it to need disassembled and cleaned then it's a piece of shit that you should replace.

>> No.20259169

i mean yeah it can range slightly higher but its still far less expensive than buying roasted beenz

>> No.20259178

that's not a concern though, just wanted some recs for some quality decafs, if price was a concern I'd obviously not buy from tim wendelboe

>> No.20259181

you brought it up
i dont have any recs im afraid but i understannd not wanting to get into roasting

>> No.20259189

yeah I brought up asking for recommendations for decaf, as in, what roasteries make good decaf.
I might get into roasting someday but not anytime soon

>> No.20259192
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>> No.20259197

it's shit

>> No.20259210

also if you wdt there really shouldn't be any problem
skill issue
also we have no idea what grinder or what beans are most used.
the idea of grinder maintenance came from commercial grinders which actually do need to be taken apart and cleaned once in a while because they grind more beans per day than a home user grinds per month
and they almost exclusively use dark oily beans and obviously dont wdt
and on top of that the average temp and humidity is going to be way higher inside a commercial grinder than a home grinder
i mean at home its 1 dose in the morning and maybe 1 in the afternoon?
in a cafe its constant grinding.
the machine simply doesnt have the time to cool down between doses

>> No.20259216

assuming you mean rdt

>> No.20259238

Don't correct the psued he obviously knows what he's talking about. Whisk those beans.

>> No.20259314

you brought up the price of decaf greens (even though it's apparently a non-issue for you) so i commented on that
if you have a good roaster that you like, then chances are, you will like their decaf too

>> No.20259324

no I meant the process of making decaf. as in, expensive on an industrial scale. I had thought it was done on the roasters end of things as it sometimes is commercially afaik

>> No.20259329

i see, fair enough
i should think it does add a cost but i dont think its an especially high one

>> No.20259399

i am uncaffeinated right now

>> No.20259433

read Johnathan gange ignore the Reddit smoothbrains

>> No.20259457
File: 112 KB, 905x857, slightly_outdated_analysis_but_gagne_hasnt_written_that_recently_about_the_matter.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

you guys are so fucking annoying, gagne supports slowfeeding and bean-by-bean, which is what sideways grinding emulates in handgrinders. why would you think gagne disagrees with me without even looking into it?

>> No.20259512

tea hurts me on an empty stomach more than coffee. especially stuff like Houjicha and Oolong

>> No.20259593

i had a coworker who drank cups of instant coffee at espresso level concentrations, he eventually went to the doctor for stomach pain

>> No.20259622

been going to st****cks lately just for a place to be with the wife and newborn outside the house. got a tall “strawberry lavender tea latte” for my wife, she didn’t like it so i ended up drinking it. turns out this thing had like 230mg of caffeine despite having no coffee. when will they stop sneaking absurd amounts of caffeine into everything?

>> No.20259641

considering that espresso is like 50% coffee that's almost impossible if your coworker added water at all, since instant is like 50% filler woody fibers from them overextracting like crazy(45%+ extraction) to save money. I guess I'll interpret as espresso consistency.

>> No.20260049

>considering that espresso is like 50% coffee
it's not

>> No.20260689
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early coof not mine didn't make it(might add more)

>> No.20260700
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>> No.20260746

the K6 is there twice buddy

>> No.20260765

>so is the k4
don't take it seriously a schizo made it after all

>> No.20260807

Sometimes when I drink coffee; yaknow good coffee made with good beans, it hurts my stomach. Anyone else? It feels like I'm going to puke it up, despite it smelling and tasting good.

>> No.20261056

no, I think you might just be sick

>> No.20261135
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Between this and a nespresso machine what should I get bros? I like my moka pot but it's just a hassle to use every morning

>> No.20261145

>I like my moka pot but it's just a hassle to use every morning
how is that possible?
also that machine is as much or more work than a moka
if you want less work just get a pod machine

>> No.20261149

You can put ese pods in the delonghi

>> No.20261155

dedica is the very very obvious choice, but it cannot make good espresso alone, so if that's the whole budget from scratch, I guess you're stuck with nespresso. if you're willing to switch out the portafilter, and have/can get a grinder that can grind espresso fine, the dedica is so far above what you can get with the nespresso that there's no conversation to be had, the dedica is better. it might still be better if you use preground espresso in the pressurized basket, but that's such a waste and also debatable

>> No.20261179

>I like my moka pot but it's just a hassle to use every morning
I take it back, just get a batch brewer it's by far the most convenient, will still be able to create far better coffee than a nespresso, more conveniently

>> No.20261379

Have you tried to use a chemex or just two filters? Their filters are very thick and remove a lot of the oils and acidity which could be upsetting your stomach.

>> No.20261574

anyone roast their own beans? it's awesome and satisfying.

>> No.20261585
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Thoughts on this badboy?

>> No.20261627

if you're in europe just buy the gaggia classic pro cause it's overpriced to shit here and the gaggia is just way way better, in usa idk, seems like an okay budget option if it's not much more expensive than the dedica.

>> No.20261712

Better espresso out of the box than a gaggia. Gaggias are more moldable and repairable though.
No shit.

>> No.20261720

gud enuf

>> No.20261725

>Better espresso out of the box than a gaggia
but just the OPV mod instantly reverses that, and that's borderline a free and very easy fix.

>> No.20261741

From what I can see DeLonghi Dedica is ~200, Breville Bambino is ~300 and Gaggio Classic Pro is ~430. The Gaggia seems to take a long time to get started? The Bambino webpage says it gets started in 3 seconds which is pretty amazing if real

>> No.20261744

>The Bambino webpage says it gets started in 3 seconds which is pretty amazing if real
it's fast as fuck but really you're gonna use more than 45 seconds to prep the puck so it ends up not making any difference in your workflow. I've heard it's nice if you're also using it for tea though, don't quote me on that

>> No.20261746

Yeah you need to turn the gcp on in advance. The dedica is almost as fast

>> No.20261747

I'm reading online about some people giving it 10-15 minutes... is it a meme?

>> No.20261753

I was comparing to Dedica, that's my machine, dunno about Gaggia sorry

>> No.20261771

Bambino is also just more thermally stable/repeatable out of the box. Well tuned stock pid, its just not adjustable.
You want everything to be heat soaked. Nothing in the way like a cold portafilter/grouphead to sap temp off your water.

>> No.20261824

Thanks everyone. I'll do some more thinking but I may go for the Bambino or the Dedica. I like that the Dedica is very compact.

>> No.20261831

fwiw I have a hard time imagining that I could get much better shots than I do with dedica, to me it tastes delicious(so long as you replace the pressurized basket and prepare your puck properly)

>> No.20261923

I've got one and I like it a lot. Comes with a normal basket out of the box which is nice, I did eventually switch the portafilter with a different one that didn't have the spouts and had a nicer wooden handle.

>> No.20261936

Kek. Moddable. Fucking autocorrect.

>> No.20262446


>> No.20262578

more satisfying than cooking food honestly

>> No.20262622

steam wands hurt my ears
is there any other way to steam milk

>> No.20262632

Best decaf in Southern California? I blended some alright decaf with some really good regular and it made a good doubleshot for a Cortado. I think there must be better decaf around though.

>> No.20262635

>feel tired
>drink coffee
>still tired
cant even game like this

>> No.20262656
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>> No.20262668

extremely sorry for fag hendrick but he has a good video on it
or you can use this

>> No.20263596

I bought a GCP during the sale a little while back and it takes almost no time to heat up. You flip the power switch on and by the time you've prepped your beans, portafilter, glasses, milk, etc. it's ready to go. It heats up fast enough that you need to temp surf to get it back down to a reasonable brew temp.

>> No.20263602

Also if you get the GCP evo from whole late love it's literally already got the 9 bar opv mod out of the box

>> No.20263688

And you get a flaking boiler + shitty customer service as a bonus.

>> No.20263691

Thoughts on the K Ultra versus the ZP6 for pourover? I heard the ZP6 gives more clarity and the K Ultra has more body.

>> No.20263723

Eh, I've had no issues with mine

>> No.20264052

thanks for replying
fool that i am, id hoped to simply, learn some techniques instead of purchasing a unitasker

>> No.20264162

oh sorry
:) ( :( )

>> No.20264186

take the zp6 pill

>> No.20264195

thats ok

>> No.20264217

"Different kinds of clarity". They're incomparable. I'd also say try the zp6.

>> No.20264267

Plug ear

Follow me for more hack

>> No.20264467

i cant find the follow button

>> No.20264488

You put your email in the name field and then type "noko" in the options field.

>> No.20264505

skill issue

>> No.20264507

3rd coffee of the morning, why is it so good?

>> No.20264526

its goffee

>> No.20264542

the usual fix here is sleep

>> No.20264549

gcps are known for longevity while the breville is the opposite

>> No.20264812

Could someone give me a tl;dr on what it means when hand grinder have problems with static?
I'm looking for a budget hand grinder, because I moved to a place that has a couple of coffee shops close by. So I can get small quantities of freshly roasted beans now. I'm going to be using them in an aeropress the vast majority of the time, with the occasional pour over if I've got people over and need more than one cup. I've been shopping around and the kingrinder p0/p1 seems to get good reviews, but I've seen the occasional complaint that the plastic housing has problems with static? Alternatively I've also ran across the timemore c3s, but the main sticking point there seems to be that the dial doesn't have a lot of steps. Though I'm not sure that matters much if I'm not going to use it for espresso?
I'm very new at this, so if I've missed any obvious options I'm all ears. I'm using a really old electric blade grinder right now that used to my grandma's, so that needs replacing sooner rather than later.

>> No.20264827

>Could someone give me a tl;dr on what it means when hand grinder have problems with static?
all grinders have a problem with static
the way you deal with that is doing rdt
no more static

>> No.20264870
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>buy three bags of specialist coffee beans
>try grinding each, cooking them on stove w/ moka pot and adding a little of the coffee to a small cup to try before I add them to the usual lattes I make
>each one tastes sharp as hell, and I can taste nothing but cherry despite the 'notes' that are advertised on the packaging
Am I doing something wrong? Does the comparative tasting demonstrated by James Hoffmann only apply when you try multiple shots of different coffees in quick succession?

>> No.20264873

Any European roaster equivalent? My usual roasters usually have one dank process offering, but it's often expensive.

>> No.20264884
File: 41 KB, 506x345, Screenshot 2024-03-03 124800.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Ah, actually I got a P1 after it being recommended to me on one of these threads. And yeah, I understand what is meant by the static - when you grind coffee some of the grounds stick to the base. Interestingly, I've noticed that this depends to a large extent on what coffee you're using - so far when I've been using fresher blends from specialist producers the result is that a LOT more grounds get stuck to the base, but with the P1 you get a wee little brush that I use to sweep these grounds into the moka pot thingy thing. If I get store coffee then the problem of static, whilst still there, isn't nearly as prevalent.

Attatched diagram shows very similar to how the P1 works btw, albeit with plastic casing. I love it but so far its the only grinder I've used. You can step it up a lot (I use 30 for the moka pot, and 40 for the coffee machine at work) which works nicely. You put the hand crank in the top before rotating the uh... stepper for lack of a better word in order to get the desired no clicks (you'll feel it getting harder or easier to move depenidng on how fine/ course you're going).

But best to look to others here for advice, they know better~

>> No.20264887

>before I add them to the usual lattes I make
Maybe you don't like coffee

>> No.20264909


>> No.20264935

I'm curious how long it takes you to grind a dose of say, 15 grams. I remember ceramics being torture

>> No.20265117

Idk... I don't measure grams, I just got enough to fill a moka filter, so like a shot or two?... It takes like a minute and a half maybe, I usually grind whilst I'm having the kettle boil.

>> No.20265473

I agree. This one felt like a back-up to meet his video quota this month.

>> No.20265599

hey amerigolems, how do you call the coffee with water you drink, the rest of the world calls it "american", but how do you call it?
Just "black" coffee?

>> No.20265615

>Please tell me how much of a bad decision I made
Not at all a bad decision. Pretty convenient and the centrifugal shit happening on the inside I think helps for a pretty decent extraction. It obviously won't be a 100% amazing espresso, but it will conveniently give you a 90-95%. Also the original is shit so the best decision you made was at least getting the vertuo.

t. family has original, I have vertuo

>> No.20265621

they call it an americano
because americans in italy were weak bitches and couldn't handle the strong coffee, so they took the coffee that italians drank and added hot water
and because only the americans ordered this drink it was called the americano.
and yes americans in america call the americano the americano when they order an americano.

>> No.20265640

someone posted a pic of ulf vs core and it seemed like the outfall was 10x bigger on one of them, idk which, even though it was the same geometry aside from that. lots of people on teh forumz are sayin that ulf isn't really as low-fines as something like brew v1.

btw guys reminder if you're using tapwater ur doing it wrong

>> No.20265647

bahah what their triple shot doesn't get me feeling a buzz when my avg dose is 18g med roast

>> No.20265648

nice pleonasm

>> No.20265652

>"specialist" coffee
>james hoffmann
fuckin retard use aeropress brew at 85

>> No.20265671

high iq not extracting the microplastiks

>> No.20265673

Thanks for that, senpai
I see, thanks. So it's limited to the grounds sticking a bit to the base then? Which should be solved by the method in the other anon's videos, if I'm understanding correctly.

So, with that info, it seems I've got a couple of options here:
>kingrinder p0: 30 euro, cheapest options
>kingrinder p1: 40 euro, slightly more expensive. Unsure if it's better somehow?
>kingrinder p2: 50 euro, first one to be advertised specifically for espresso
>timemore C3S/ESP: 52/58 euro, maybe better constructed?
>timemore C3 PRO: 70 euro. Not sure what the upsides are over the C3S except for the folding handle
>Other: ?
If anyone wants to chime in why a certain option here is good and I should get it, or awful and I'm an idiot for even considering it, I'd appreciate it. Other options welcome, I'm just listing what I can find locally, but I'm willing to use aliexpress if need be.

>> No.20265676

outside of the mainstream insults there's the good ones
you sure they don't just call it "black" coffee?

>> No.20265734

>you sure they don't just call it "black" coffee?
black coffee is any coffee made in any way
as long as there is no milk in it, it is black coffee.

>> No.20265764

Calling it a pleonasm is in and of itself an insult anon.

Also it's calle POC coffee, get with the times biggot.

>> No.20265809

Are you spritzing your beans or not?

>> No.20265818

Get a p0 or a p2. Not really worth checking ali listings imo, with the added VAT it comes out to almost the same if not more expensive than ordering from a european amazon, and you have to wait four times longer for shipping.

>> No.20265912

Ulf is allegedly 80mp.

>> No.20265923
File: 1.08 MB, 3024x3024, 20240303_124927_compress37.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

God I needed to make this. Its basic bitch blended coffee steeped in a french press with cardamon spices, with frothed half&half sweetened with sugar and added vanilla extract, rose water, and dark chocolate drizzle. I kinda cant wait to get good coffee to drink black, but I do love me some good flavored drinks.
It's the tannins or acid level. It can cause your bowls to dump contents which is people say coffee makes them poop. Dont drink light roast or very acidic coffee and strain it through a paper filter. Also drink it wu food.
This kinda reminds me of a light roasted washed Catuai from Gatamala. Its was noted to taste like earthy roasted marshmallow. It was basically that, but I'd describe it as the most plainest coffee flavor. No nutty, chocolate notes or fruit. Just roasted earthiness with a natural sweetness that builds. Its nothing amazing but just really solid. Like really good plain cream icecream. Just comfy. Still had more character than a Brazilian blend.
Nice mug
Putting it in a clear glass was a mistake.
Welcome to the cult moka bro
When you say "sharp" do you mean acidic or sour?

>> No.20265980

>get a batch brewer
any suggestions?

>> No.20266000

NEW NEW NEW >>20265997 >>20265997 >>20265997

>> No.20266157

it doesn't denature the amino acids and proteins under about 82. i brew at 80 in ap with nordic roasts, just gotta stir. thickness for days, nobody recommends it except luna