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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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20249593 No.20249593 [Reply] [Original]

What's the best microwave popcorn brand?

>> No.20249598

Jiffy Pop.

>> No.20249630

>silicone popcorn bowl
>fake butter topping

And your popcorn will be much better than the microwave stuff flavor-wisw

>> No.20249633
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this or Pop Secret Premium Butter Flavor

>> No.20249648
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Picrel is breddy gud

>> No.20249830

Act 2 & Orville are GOAT

>> No.20249957

Anyone have any good kettle corn recipies for home made?

Is that like a instant pot for popcorn? I grew up making it on the stove in a pan.

>>fake butter topping

>> No.20249970

just do it in a pot with a splatter guard over it, there is no better way

>> No.20249971
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Flavacol is the seasoning movie theaters use for popcorn, and fake butter also imbues that movie theater taste; real melted butter just makes popcorn soggy

>> No.20249977

You're right, I forgot about that. I use the silicone bowl because I didn't want to shell out money for a gigantic pot that I'd never use for anything else

>> No.20249995

there's this awesome website called google.com where you can type in every one of those questions and find answers. you should check it out sometime.

>> No.20249997

Get a time machine and go back 15-20 years to when microwave popcorn had trans fat in it.

>> No.20249999

Where did primordial man get his iodine from before 20th-century robber-baron companies started including it in table salt?

>> No.20250027

>fake butter also imbues that movie theater taste; real melted butter just makes popcorn soggy
>squirts half a cup of fake butter on his toasted corn for that movie theater taste

That shit tastes terrible, just bring your own seasoning, ask them to give you an extra bag or two, and just pour your shit in there and then cover the bag with the other one upside down with the excess in the other bag if needed, and shake it up.

Also, temper you butter, if you cool it down a bit it won't 'melt' the popcorn.

I was questioning the name and then included fake butter retarded nigger.

>> No.20250042

>contrarian retard who's never gone out to the movies with friends
>needs to look "cool" to anonymous nobodies on 4chan so he climbs up on a soapbox and moralizes how he's so above it all
yup, just incel things

>> No.20250067

I watched Jurassic Park at a drive in when it came out. Bringing your own food was the thing we did, and we cooked during the movie. It was a family or friends hanging out, or even a team thing for sports. Internet and cellphones weren't a thing. You poor children have none of this growing up, and it's sad. You learn a lot of cool tricks and hacks. Taking food into theaters was just common trade as going to a drive in, we didn't care when they said we couldn't. I do it to this day. You think some 17 boy is going to try to tell the middle aged guy with a plate of food he can't eat it there? They don't fucking care lol. Only go like once a year or two, but nobody gives a shit. I order the food to go and just walk into the theater in the middle of the day. Like an extended lunch break.

>> No.20250069

holy tryhard lmao

>> No.20250084

>pays $50 for two tickets, a popcorn and a beer
>pays $30 for two tickets, restaurant to-go, and some drink in a camelback or similar)

>> No.20250085

>real melted butter just makes popcorn soggy
Put it in a spray bottle you mog, or learn how to make popcorn in a fucking pot its simple

FIY movie popcorn is just palm oil and msg
this is literally powder salt thats it plus I think color the sugar ones are literally powder sugar and color too

>> No.20250087

>he's still going
that sore spot much ache bad

>> No.20250089

>power pop
Maybe? Just throw a handful of kernels in the thing, two minutes in the nuke box and wa-diddly-la, le corn du pop. Season as you like. Works great. You have to replace the little paper discs in the base every 20-30 batches, but they're cheap.

>> No.20250094

Just bored wanting Shogun to start, and want some kettle corn recipies. Other than smoking, drinking, watching the news, or some cape shit, I have nothing to do for the next half hour or so.
Based, I'll get one, been wanting to experiment with some different flavor blends, but cooking popcorn can be a pain in the ass unless you have a solid setup.
Been wanting to expirement with a honey and fishsauce spray, pretty sure it would be really good if I got the blend right.

>> No.20250103

*Palm oil and Flavacol

>> No.20250106

>tries to act "above it all" again after lashing out in a meltdown
>his entire shtick is based around trying to seem mature because he doesn't eat popcorn type x
it's the most bizarre attempt at self-aggrandizement I've seen

>> No.20250138

Butter is not the same as the fake butter oil. If you're going for movie theater taste, it doesn't compare. If you're going for real butter taste then yes, stick with real butter

>> No.20250144

>grow up eating home cooked popcorn
>don't like current theater slop
>ask for good kettle corn reciepe which can be eaten cold
anon, chill out. Not sure if trolling or discord tranny having an episode.

>> No.20250147

>he's still going
I really don't think I've seen anyone react with a bigger meltdown to a more innocuous issue than this
What hurt you?

>> No.20250155
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I don't get the nutrition facts on popcorn. Why would they include unpopped values? Who eats popcorn unpopped?

>> No.20250168

By law, they have to list nutritional info as packaged. You can add other info (see kraft mac and cheese) like when prepared as directed, but there are so many ways ro prepare popcorn, estimating that would be difficult

>> No.20250175

Fish, shellfish, seaweed, eggs, dairy, liver, turkey, beans, potatoes...
The soil was less depleted back then, so iodine levels in food were probably all higher. They didn't treat their water the way we do today so there was probably iodine in there, too.

>> No.20250178

>real melted butter just makes popcorn soggy
You have to simmer the butter until it stops sizzling, this way all the water is cooked off. Won't make it soggy this way and it tastes great.

>> No.20250184
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Out of curiosity, I looked up when I got mine. Lol, 10+ years ago. Works great, we use it at least once a week.

>> No.20250189

Isn't the fake butter coconut oil?

>> No.20250200

Thanks boss, I'm going to add it to my cart. Any tips or tricks using/cleaning it?

>> No.20250209

No, movie theaters stopped using coconut oil all the way back in the 90's during the retarded saturated fat scare. They just give the oil a coconut-like smell now.

>> No.20250216

The black base has some metal thing in it to attract and concentrate the nucleonic energy beams, but the rest disassembles easily for the dishwasher.

>> No.20250227

There was this really good brand that Boy Scouts in my area used to sell, forgot what it was called but I haven't seen it since that thing vanished. Orville Redenbachers is the best alternative because the old guy makes me feel cozy while I'm eating cheap processed junk.

>> No.20250329

>trail's end
Good stuff, crazy fundraising mark up

>> No.20250358
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Nothing with ever replace it

>> No.20250748
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This shit.

>> No.20250754


>> No.20251530

Orville Redenbacher's Tender White

>> No.20251575

from his weekly subscription of Soylent
nice trips

>> No.20251662

>four nines
Get glasses.

>> No.20252820

Wow I didn't realize this still existed. I got one from my hoarder grandma's house back in like 2006 and just assumed it was some insane 90s device that was already depeciated at that point. I just forgot all about it when I ran out of the paper discs.

>> No.20253375

I like to top my popcorn with lime juice and cayenne. It's so fucking good.

Also does anyone else like the pour over Orville redenbacher? Idk why it's addictive

>> No.20253378

lowry’s pork rinds

>> No.20253435
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Blast-O-Butter is king. You at least got the brand right.

>> No.20253659
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all quads are trips, but not all trips are quads

>> No.20253869

at the outdoor griling up burgers

>> No.20254719
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Zoomers will never know.