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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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20210735 No.20210735 [Reply] [Original]

>fast for ~30 hours
>uncontrollably shit with the color and consistency of jello pudding, literally every single time
The problem is that the urge comes on quick. I will literally shit myself if I don't run to the toilet to expel my pudding.

Am I doing something wrong? Should i eat different before the fast or supplement during the fast to prevent spilling my pudding cup?

>> No.20210738

If you fasted for 30 hours, what are you shitting out? Fix your diet

>> No.20210743

>don't eat
>stomach gets upset
>no poop
>get water out butt instead
Makes sense to me.

>> No.20210755

See a doctor. This shouldn't be happening.

>> No.20210766

> Go visit doctor.
> Oy vey there's nothing wrong.
> Here take this paracetamol.

>> No.20210769

I guess it's different if you aren't a thurdie

>> No.20210770

Is there a name for this condition so I don't have to read this embarrassing post to my doctor?

>> No.20210771


>> No.20210775

But my bowels are fine usually? It doesn't hurt or irritate

>> No.20210778

>But my bowels are fine
>uncontrollably shit with the color and consistency of jello pudding, literally every single time

>> No.20210783

Only if I fast for 30 hours straight

>> No.20210784

are you drinking electrolytes? I found that when I mix too much electrolytes in my water this happens.

>> No.20210791

No. Maybe my body has too much electrolytes and not enough water? So I should drink more water when I fast?

>> No.20210792

> Go visit doctor.
> Oy vey there's nothing wrong.
> Here take this paracetamol.
> that'll be 5000$ plus tip to your local trans community
First world edition

>> No.20210804

I kind of have this issue too unless my last meal was starchy/fibrous.

Eating a pound of beef, spices, some sour cream and salsa? I get liquid shits - not painful, but it comes all at once.
Eating beans, rice, pasta, fibrous vegetables plus the above? It's not as bad. I'll only drink water and don't take any pills or anything.

>> No.20210812

Have you confirmed that fasting is the cause? I mean I get diarrhea occasionally too from eating something vile at the "fresh" section of my local grocery, fasting usually just makes me constipated

>> No.20210818

not op, but it's probably different for everyone. i get watery poops when i don't eat for long enough

>> No.20210823

What is the scientific basis for this? I always figured that not eating meant your bowels would over absorb liquid, not blast that shit like a slip and slide out your anus like a greased pig.

>> No.20210847

I think the body is trying to quickly shift the body's electrolyte balance and allowing the saltpoo to stay in the colon for even a few hours would allow a lot of it to reabsorb so it forces its way out

>> No.20210849

Id try high protein meals before your fast. No carbs. Minimal fat. I would see what that does for you. I mean could be simply the last food working it's way through your system and your body freaks out because you arent used to fasting.

>> No.20210889

>plus tip to your local trans community
You sound like you could use a doctor TDS schizo

>> No.20210930

something tells me this is complete bullshit and you aren't a doctor

>> No.20210938
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>and you aren't a doctor
Because Doctors are so smart, hey remember that safe and effective covid vaccine that stopped you catching COVID? Yeah who were the people telling you that you had to take it or else everyone would die?
Oh that's right Doctors, who were 100% on literally everything. Yeah I'm not gonna listen to Doctors anymore, they're stupid and don't actually know anything and just regurgitate what big pharma have told them to say

>> No.20210958

Vaccines don't prevent you from catching it you excuse of a human being. They make it easier for your body to fight the virus once you get it.

Also, with 30hrs fasting there's still some residual matter in your intestines. If you're worried about it go see a doctor or a dietician. Seeking answers on this underground Taiwanese basket weaving site is a bad move.

>> No.20210971
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Doctors told everyone you get the shot and you won't catch COVID.
Then you needed boosters for it to work
Then it didn't prevent you catching it but spreading it
Now it doesn't even stop you catching nor spreading it and furthermore pfizer was on tape saying they were under no obligation to make the vaccine safe nor effective
Those Doctors, I'm supposed to listen to those Doctors? Fuck off retard

>> No.20211007

>If you fasted for 30 hours, what are you shitting out?
It takes up to 3 days for food to actually get shit out. You don't actually empty your colon unless you fast for 3-4 days, and you'll be shitting each day as normal without taking in any new food. What's neat is on the 4th or 5th day you'll suddenly get bubble guts and an extreme urge to run to the toilet, then when you sit down you'll shit out a ton of bile and mucus (sometimes accompanied by a lot of gas which makes it a bit explosive). THAT is the point where your colon is actually empty and if you continue fasting beyond that point you won't shit any more and your digestive tract will be fully shut down until the next time you eat food.

>> No.20211064

You should move to India, their culture is more accepting of the consequences of your lifestyle choices. It'll be much more convenient than being at the mercy of bathroom placement.

>> No.20211068

Sounds like a you problem. I've fasted before and this has never happened to me and I've never heard this from any of the numerous people online or in books who talk about fasting constantly.

>> No.20211069

So stop

>> No.20211077

why do i explosively shit out pure grease and shitslop after i eat a piece of fried chicken then anon? Even if i ate no greasy food prior to that. Im talking like 25 minutes after the first bite im either shitting the toilet or my pants

>> No.20211078

So your logic is that because sometimes other people get things wrong therefore your made up nonsense is right?

>> No.20211102

Have you fasted for more than a week at a time? It happens pretty consistently and if you actually seek out the information you'll find it. Here's a guy talking about it: https://youtu.be/KTXdpG-OBKc

I said UP TO. Different foods spend different amounts of time in your colon and something very like oil is more likely to freely mix its way forward into your next shit sooner. The point is that your digestive tract doesn't fully clear out every time you shit, if you stop eating there will still be food in there to shit out for a few days. There's also more than just food in your shit, like bile and mucus and dead blood cells and other bodily refuse and you don't have to eat to accumulate those things either.

>> No.20211104

>something very like oil
Something very FLUID like oil.

>> No.20211107

Here's another guy talking about it the day 4 fasting shit, timestamped at 51 seconds: https://youtu.be/3pEQ_MhEYF8?t=51

>> No.20211278

Gut bacteria populations and activity changing in absence of constant food. This will happen every time unless you permanently fast.

>> No.20211503

Its completely normal and everyone in this thread is a complete retard.

If you fast and then eat heavy food you can even die, its called refeeding syndrome. You need to start with light soups, broths, kefir and then a couple hours later u can eat anything. Lick salt also while u fast and drink more water than usual.

>> No.20211558

30 hours is nothing, you're not going at risk of refeeding syndrome unless you're fasting for a week or more

>> No.20211691
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My digestive tract has been awful for the last ~3 years and I have no idea why. I have a similar problem to OP but a little different. My stomach gets very bloated and then I'll proceed to shit out transparent/white colored jelly. No idea what that stuff is. It goes away and comes back randomly without seemingly any relation to my diet. I'll also get liquid shits randomly.

>> No.20211944

I've done 5 day fasts multiple times and this has never happened to me. I shit normally for the first 2 days then don't need to do it again until I eat something.

>> No.20211959

>White colored jelly
Stop guzzling cum

>> No.20212077

Sounds like it could be the mucus lining of your intestine. I had that happen after having intestinal issues for a while. You probably have an issue with something that you're eating. For me I had to stop drinking coffee, eat more raw fruits and vegetables, and stop eating wheat. But it could be anything.

>> No.20213499

That's from getting booty blasted

>> No.20213505

>i wonder what’s happening on the food and cooking board?
>”hey guys why do i have uncontrollable diarrhea?”

>> No.20213541

It's digestive tract general

>> No.20213595

It's not diarrhea it's pudding

>> No.20213982

Fasting is for fat retards, please kill yourself

>> No.20215122

Food is shit

>> No.20215463

I will never kill myself

>> No.20215514

So lets walk through this step by step. Lets say you eat dinner fri evening, and you start the fast at 8pm. 24 hours later is 8pm Sat, so you have eaten nothing, save for drinking water. 30 hours later is 2am Sun. Are you telling me you wake up and have jello shit in the middle of the night? Or are you starting a fast say Fri lunchtime and shitting jello on Sat afternoon/evening? Still seems odd.

I can tell you I have been able to skip a full day for food, starting at like 8-9pm on Fri and not eat until Sunday for lunch with no explosive shits. In fact, my shits usually get delayed until mon/tues as a result.

Main thing when I fast is I still drink plenty of water, usually with some electrolyte drink to help ensure I get a little bit of salt/potassium mixed in for balance. I only have rapid onset liquid shits when doing tea + soup. Tends to overload my fluid levels and the caffeine helps send the shit along. Doesn't help the soups are from asian restaurants and likely has something off about it.

>> No.20215517

You're going to shit yourself to death

>> No.20215526

Sounds like this guy gets liquid shits due to caffeine per his addiction admission. Your colon should be properly reabsorbing water if not taking in caffeine, so you piss it all out instead of leaking it out the ass.

When I fast, that includes caffeine. It helps reset my sensitivity to caffeine so I don't get into needing more and more of it over time.

>> No.20215593

I experience the day-4 shits and I never have caffeine. When I fast I only drink water with added sodium, potassium, and magnesium. It's not water, either, it's mostly bile. Your body creates bile based on when it expects food intake (similar to how ghrelin is produced to make you hungry around expected meal times) and if it builds up enough without any food to use it on it gets flushed out. That's what happens a few days into the fast. I guess it's possible that a high fat diet causes more bile build-up and that's what triggers this effect, so if you have a low fat diet maybe you just don't have as much bile to flush out so it doesn't come on as strong and you don't have that definitive day-4 shit.

>> No.20215620

Fresh fruits are the best food going into & coming out of a fast.

>> No.20215624

your guts are fucked up somehow for sure. Get into kefir and eat lots of whole grains and leafy greens with it one meal per day. This sounds insane but it was fucking lifechanging like leaving Plato's cave. Having solid but quick shits, like 15 seconds on the shitter, one continuous perfect firehose and on top of it you wipe with like 2-3 squares of toilet paper and they come back white.

I think this is also correct. The ideal pre-fast meal has to be high in fiber so your gut biome has something to munch on while you're not eating. But like others mentioned, extended fasts beyond the typical 3-4 day safe period can result in watery stool especially if you're trying to feel full by drinking more liquid or using teas.

I have a specific kind of herbal tea I brew to do this consisting of peppermint, ground white and black pepper and ghost pepper flakes. I feel that it's cleansing but would obviously be bad to do too much, I drink it once or twice a year and it 100% gives me an emergency pure liquid shit that evacuates my entire colon, I often feel much lighter after it.

>> No.20215910

I'm on day 21 of my water fast and I'm still taking small shits almost daily. That's normal, right fellas?

>> No.20215929

yes. your body still needs to get rid of dead bacteria and other stuff in your digestive system. half of your poop is normally bacteria, it's not all digested food.

>> No.20216400

Take some antibiotics. Eat raw carrots

>> No.20216497

Seconding the carrots. I noticed big improvements when I started making lots of vegetable stews in winter. The hydration plus the carrots fixed everything for me. Then I found out raw carrots works even better.

>> No.20216613

What else do you put in the veg stew?

>> No.20216694

One per day? Or more?

>> No.20216751

Most optimal would be a carrot salad (grated or shaved into ribbons) 2-3 times a day. Add vinegar, oil, herbs, seasonings if you like. *Between meals* so the fiber can work on your GI tract unobstructed by other foods, but just eating a carrot here and there whenever you can is also very helpful. I'd recommend leaving the skin on since it contains antibacterial compounds to protect the carrot underground

>> No.20216923

Don't you mean probiotics? Lol

>> No.20217061

No, antibiotics. Contrary to popular belief, it's actually preferable to have a completely sterile gut as babies do when they're born. The "microbiome" at best interferes with the absorption of nutrients, at worst actively steals nutrients while promoting putrefaction and releasing endotoxin, which is associated with inflammation, leaky gut, immunosuppression, etc.

A sterile gut is a practical impossibility though, so occasional antibiotics, ample insoluble fiber from e.g. raw carrot, and prioritizing quick-digesting sugar over starch (which travels farther into the bowels and feeds the microbiome) is recommended.

>> No.20217065

>being a digestionlet
Sorry, couldn't be me.

>> No.20217344

Why are you deliberately depriving yourself of food? You must be some special kind of retarded.

>> No.20217352

this sounds completely wrong. there is so much research connecting healthy gut biome to general health, immunity, brain function, longevity, and so forth. I got extremely sick after intravenous auntie biotics over 6 months, to the point where I lost weight and my hair was falling out and they were screening me for cancer. Finally one smart doctor asked me how long I was on probiotics after my surgery and I said "what's that?" and he just fucking lost it and got me on probiotics right away and I recovered

>> No.20218123

You were eating starch and cooked meat, weren't you? Admit it

>> No.20219548

0/10 troll. Fuck you.

>> No.20219631

you learn not to trust farts while fasting

supposedly the bile and mucous ("biofilm") is where a lot of the disease-causing toxins live so if you get to that point it's really good for you. for me it happens around the 36 hour mark.

>> No.20220503

I don't troll.

>> No.20221138

Vaccines made you immune to a given virus for all of time up until 2021. This is why your parents got you your shots for polio and measles, and then you didn't get those things. Then in 2021, a vaccine became a "therapy" which "reduced the severity of spread of a disease". Of course it turned out the COVID vaccines didn't do any of that.

>> No.20222121

>Vaccines made you immune to a given virus for all of time up until 2021.
No, they really never did. Vaccines have always been a scam and you only just noticed.

>> No.20222136

i've tried a bunch of stuff. the thing that has worked the best for me has been lactoferrin

>> No.20223024
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People with constipation and maybe other problems, consider consuming 100% cocoa powder. 30% of it is fibre. You may have to add sugar or some other sweetener to it.