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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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File: 41 KB, 662x662, egg.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
20198777 No.20198777 [Reply] [Original]

How do I avoid cracking eggs when putting them into boiling water with a spoon? I usually manage, but today I broke 3 out of 4 fucking eggs man
Also, is it true that egg whites are worthless calorie-wise, basically water, and the yolk is the only thing that matters nutritionally? Because I removed the "contaminated" whites (the eggs are dirty on the outside) and just ate the yolks

>> No.20198815

1) put a splash of vinegar in the water
2) put the eggs in warm water before you turn the stove on

The biggest reason for cracks is thermal shock. Reduce the difference in temp between the eggs and boiling water. The vinegar will quickly coagulate any leaks that do form, plugging them.

Egg whites have all the protein, so no they're not nutritionally worthless

>> No.20198818

you're supposed to place the eggs in cold water and let it all heat up together

>> No.20198866

Egg whites are all the protein, egg yolks are all the fats, cholesterol, and micronutrients. They're both important.

>> No.20198877

put eggs on tray into rolling boil water, but have water reach only half of egg height
top of egg will steam nicely and they will never break, enjoy easier peeling too
store the eggs pointy egg down for yolk in the middle
put eggs into cold water after boiling for runny yolk
use crushed egg shells as feed for your chickens

>> No.20198898

This is how my mom always hard boiled eggs. I've never heard of dropping eggs into boiling water to boil eggs and it sounds like a lot of unnecessary hassle.

>> No.20198905

>put eggs into cold water after boiling for runny yolk
Cold water won't soften a boiled egg yolk.

>> No.20198906

Those are testicles

>> No.20198923


It's there to prevent them from after-cooking leading to the yolk getting hard by the remaining heat in the egg. You put it into cold water to quickly cool it down enough.

>> No.20198926

jacques pepin mentioned that he pierces a hole in the butt end of the egg with a push pin so the pressure escapes and that this prevents them from cracking

>> No.20198937

lmao that sounds like a hobbit name

>> No.20198941

you should get an egg pricker
it will make a needle size hole in your egg, and it will stop it from cracking in boiling water.
but i dont know if you can find this in your country. as far as I know, they are popular only in france and germany. other countries may have never even heard about those

>> No.20198946

precisely this>>20198941

>> No.20198956

I use Canada's official guide for boiling eggs

>> No.20198967

The can still crack easily. Setting up the eggs in cold water works the best in my experience. Obviously a combination of both is even safer.

>> No.20198991

The part that leaks out is boiling in water that has touched the outer part of the egg which is coated in a thin layer of chicken butthole grease now dissolved in the water.

>> No.20198999


>> No.20199243

instant pot
3 min for soft
4 min for jammy
5 min for hard
solved my life

>> No.20199257

>yessir, i like my yolks as green as the fields in june

>> No.20199268

Put the egg on a spoon and lower it into the water

If they still crack, then your eggs are trash from sickly chickens. Find a local free range farm and buy lots to get a good price.

>> No.20199294
File: 63 KB, 1332x920, 61G-JUEZTZL._AC_SL1500_[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Put the eggs in the water cold.
Add salt to the water, if they do crack, the salt should coagulate the white and prevent it from spreading too much through the water.

Get one of those little red egg timers. If you're some whiny little bitch like >>20199257 and can't time your eggs properly, it's idiot proof and only requires paying attention periodically.

>> No.20199321

I feel bad for chickens
they try so hard every day and birth these eggs from their poor cloacas fucked up from getting fucked and giving birth to eggs every day and we fucking eat their egg babies like faggots

>> No.20199354


>> No.20199384

its honor for a chicken to be part of human meal, not eating the egg is denying a chicken its purpose

>> No.20199385

cope from a guilt-ridden egg-eating FIEND

>> No.20199553

>you should get an egg pricker
You don't need to consoom a new kitchen gadget. Just use a thumbtack that you already have.

>> No.20199566

pour boiling water over eggs. They've only ever cracked for if put the eggs in boiling water

>> No.20199582

won't that make it leak?

>> No.20199608

Turn the water off as soon as it boils and wait 8 minutes then put them in ice and i never get eggs

>> No.20199643

the yolks are fatty and where most of the calories and ("good") cholesterol are, the whites are lean protein. if you're trying to health nut, you'd skip the yolks

>> No.20199651

>if you're trying to health nut, you'd skip the yolks
isn't it more efficient to just buy protein powder at this point?

>> No.20199662

protein powder is almost pure soy and got very expensive

>> No.20199679

many people enjoy eating food

>> No.20199717

>consoomed a thumbtack gadget instead of just using his egg pricker he already has

>> No.20200159

This makes the eggs very hard to peel, putting them in boiling water makes the shell come off easier

>> No.20200314

I cook my boiled eggs in the air fryer. No water required. 135 degrees C for 12 mins for runny yolk, 13 mins for firmer yolk, 15 mins for fully hard

>> No.20200364

stop cooking eggs like a retard
1. put eggs in a pot
2. fill pot with water till eggs are covered
3. put in some salt
4. gently bring it to a boil for a min or 2
5. cover it with a lid, take it off the heat and wait 12mins
simple as that, perfect hard boiled eggs every time

>> No.20200685

This and pull them out of the fridge a half-hour ahead of time. Crank up the stove and just put them in, gently, by hand, while it's beginning to warm.

>> No.20200699

Oh yeah, once they're done, dump the water and put them in a cold water bath for an hour or so - they'll peel easily.

>> No.20200716

You're supposed to steam the eggs, dumdums

>> No.20200729
File: 98 KB, 1140x550, Boil-Eggs-Perfectly-Every-Time-Soft-Boiled-Hard-Boiled-Eggs-Copyright-2022-Terence-Carter-Grantourismo-T.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How do you monitor them ? I want the 7 minutes egg or I don't eat it. Don't tell me you don't care how cooked your eggs are.

>> No.20200738

>put in some salt
This does nothing.

>> No.20200774

>add one more egg
>now there is less water and more eggs to cook
>leave them for the same 12min
>all raw
it is not simple at all, it is trial and error until you find the parameters that work for your setup. change any parameter and you are fucked.

>> No.20200779

i use a rice cooker to steam eggs, always perfect, requires less attention than boiling them, doesn't matter how many eggs you use

>> No.20200793

get the egg timer like >>20199294 said
Pull it out when it hits the line between medium and hard, then dump it in cold water to stop it from cooking more

>> No.20200800

really? i read that it keeps the eggs from cracking, probably bullshit idk.
i usually cook 4 eggs like this, probably works with more but i havent tried cause i dont eat more than 4 eggs in one sitting

>> No.20202070

use little grabbers instead of a spoon

>> No.20202120

I'd do it like this, but the timing gets fucky because the egg starts to cook before the water is boiling, so I can't time it properly to get pretty orange yolks, or runny yolks.
If you let the water boil first, it's easier to time them

>> No.20202133

I like them hard/dry so just let them in there for 15 minutes.

>> No.20202155

Came to the conclusion that IT'S THE EGGS.

>> No.20202158

>solved my low life of a fag

>> No.20202586

That's the great thing about those egg timers you put in the water, they "cook" at the same speed as the egg and give a very accurate measure of how done the egg is. For less than 10 bucks and checking the pot every minute or so you can get your eggs perfect every time.

>> No.20202592

What happens at 9 minutes?

>> No.20202648

I see, they seem handy, but I don't like the looking at it every minute part. What I do is I let the water boil, then set up an alarm for 6,7,8 minutes and get eggsactly what I want every time

>> No.20202658

I never managed to crack an egg like that, how do you retards do it exactly?

>> No.20202668

It's a gift from God, child. You wouldn't understand.

>> No.20202670

Forgot to mention that I put the eggs in AFTER the water reached boiling point

>> No.20202675

Do you guys wash your eggs? I always put them in as is, covered in chicken cum and everything. I think boiling sterilizes everything, and it only affects the shell, anyway, which I remove

>> No.20202803

Use a spoon to lower them in

>> No.20202807


You don't wash eggs. Either you'll open them, then the inside will come out with barely any contact with the outer shell or you cook them, then they will come into water anyway.

There's no reason to wash eggs unless you love to lick them. The cuticula makes sure that nothing from the outside comes inside.

>> No.20203066

We do not talk about it.

>> No.20203345
File: 81 KB, 1200x1600, s-l1600.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I use pic related. People don't just look in the drawer and say to themselves "ah, this will work"?

>> No.20203346


>> No.20203360
File: 20 KB, 469x612, spaghetti-server.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's much better for boiling eggs than scooping noodles.

>> No.20203412

Put them in the water slowly, they have to gradually raise their shell temperature or it will crack.

What is going to help you is also putting them when the water is close but not boiling.

>> No.20203440

>Cook eggs
>Immediately drop them into very cold water
>Wa la, thermal shock

>> No.20204184

Buy good eggs. If they crack the chicken that laid it has a deficit of calcium in their diet. Good eggs have nice thick shells.

>> No.20204197
File: 88 KB, 713x581, Jeep.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Skill issue, mine come out orange and not too hard.
How hard is it to turn off the water once it begins to boil?

>> No.20204200
File: 393 KB, 680x648, Retarded4.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I melted one of these one day, makes a neat refrigerator magnet.

>> No.20204209
File: 153 KB, 1073x836, KnockItOff.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You would deny a gift from The Almighty?

>> No.20204215
File: 1.86 MB, 228x170, Ren.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

In his pants, right?
You mean in his pants.

>> No.20205098

>Egg whites have all the protein

>> No.20205421

An egg is a period

>> No.20205432

>Egg whites have all the protein
egg yolk has 16 grams of protein per 100 grams
egg white has 11 grams of protein per 100 grams

>> No.20206214

mustard gas

>> No.20207103


>> No.20207136

If you're American, leave them out of the fridge for 20 or so before putting them in the boiling water. Also, use as slotted spoon to put them in.

>> No.20207152
File: 43 KB, 898x883, 51xADkTP6IL._AC_SL1000_-2615092222.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

use these, cut windows into the bottom

>> No.20207303
File: 4 KB, 275x183, peelanegg.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

1. tap the eggs round side light so you feel a very light crack
2. put eggs in cold water and put on full heat on stove
3. when water boils, turn of heat and wait 5-6 minutes (depending on size)
4. cool the eggs in water
5. use a spoon for more easy peeling

>> No.20207317

Good advice. Thanks.

>> No.20207413

you literally put the eggs in cold water from the tap on the stove. turn the stove on and keep an eye but takes a couple minutes til they're at a rolling boil. turn off and remove from heat. let rest for 10 minutes in the water, remove to ice water bucket or super cold tap water filled bowl.
they come out yellow. unless they are shitty store bought eggs.

>> No.20207417

egg yolks are wear the best flavors are too. it took me a long time into adulthood to figure this out, too long in fact.
don't feed chickens eggs or their shells, they will get used to eating this as part of your diet and you will wonder why you suddenly have no eggs to collect

>> No.20207421

Absolutely nothing and you best fucking stop asking about it.

>> No.20207472

>egg babies
there aren't any babies coming out of those though

>> No.20207706
File: 153 KB, 1170x871, IMG_5885.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

actual pro way of hard boiling eggs: use a steamer

- pre warm them to prevent cracks
- put entire steam basket on at once to avoid cracks
- peels easiest

>> No.20207761

how would you provide calcium to chickens then? globo homo soy corn flour? i will just crush the egg shells, so they dont look like eggs.

>> No.20207780

Wrong, after you boil them you transfer them to cold water to cool. It will peel nicely.

>> No.20208792

>how would you provide calcium to chickens then?
Mealworms or black soldier fly larvae.

>> No.20209174

Skill issue

>> No.20209418

overfill the saucepan you're cooking the eggs in, then pour some of it into a bowl and cool it down with cold water, put the eggs in there for a bit to warm them up. that makes it much less likely your eggies will crack when you put them into the boiling water

>> No.20209943

what do you think about dubia? i dont like to deal with worms
dubia seems to be pretty cool

>> No.20210152

kind of a stupid question, but I don't know how exactly digestion works
so we don't eat ze bug, but chickens do
so by eating ze chicken, are we eating ze bug by proxy?
I mean, they actually consume and absorb the bugs, right? Is it just protein, or do they, in a sense, assimilate the bugs and their dna or whatever into their muscles? does the meat have bug particles in them? are we eatan ze bug?

>> No.20210188

yes, and bug eats the oats, which eat the sun
we are eating the sun, anon

>> No.20210201

>you're supposed to place the eggs in cold water and let it all heat up together
This doesn't always work

>> No.20210206
File: 76 KB, 1920x1080, burner-turned-on.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>that pic
Only if you use pic related

>> No.20210212
File: 108 KB, 1209x1500, 612wEEoRRdL._AC_SL1500_.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

just get one of those mass egg boiler machines where you pour water in, depending on how much water determines how cooked the egg is (does this by steaming all the water). Once you find the water level that you like you just put in that same amount every time, no monitoring, no timing, just walk away and let it go until it plays it's jingle.

If you're going to make boiled eggs regularly this is one of those kitchen gadgets that are clutch. They also never really get messy, it's just steamed water.

>> No.20210215

>They also never really get messy, it's just steamed water
but what about the chicken cum and shit on the eggs

>> No.20210226


? You're not eating the shell. And if you're worried about that stuff getting caught in the appliance this thing is super easy to pull apart and rinse, it's like 3 pieces.

>> No.20210396

can i just use pot istead of meme gadget?

>> No.20210532

On my authority, you can, my child. I allow it. Godspeed.

>> No.20210536

nice, can i cook rice in pot too?

>> No.20210540

Indeed you can, my son. With what power I have vested in me, I grant you the right to cook rice in the pot.

>> No.20210541

alright, we got rid of egg cooker and rice cooker
how about boiling water in a pot?

>> No.20210548

I bless your pot, child. Henceforth, you may boil and cook within it whatever you see fit. I grant you ultimate authority, the whole world is for you to boil. Use this gift wisely.

>> No.20210561

thank you based pot
how about cooking steak on a pot? coould i replace pan too? lol

>> No.20210569

Like I said, your pot has ultimate dominion over the mortal world, anything you deem worthy may go into your pot to be prepared as sustenance.

>> No.20210572

could i raise a chicken in a pot?

>> No.20210581

Now you're overstepping your boundaries, little one. Do not squander your gift, and bother me no more. Farewell.

>> No.20210587
File: 826 KB, 934x619, chicken tractor corner.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i have to agree, chicken tractor cannot be replaced with a pot

>> No.20212914


skill issue

lmao this guy can't even cook eggs