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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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20185886 No.20185886 [Reply] [Original]

What your food delivery driver's nationality/race will tell you about their performance:

>they'll accept the order despite being a 45 minute drive from the restaurant
>will be late, not to say extremely late
>if there's no anti-tampering device on the package they'll help themselves to your food
>if the drink isn't inside the package, they'll steal it
>they'll wander around your neighborhood completely lost and eventually leave the food at some random door
>wrong order
>if you tell them to leave the food at the door they'll knock non-stop until you open the door so they can hand it to you personally
Eastern European
>will sit in their car with your food for several minutes before they start moving
>several stops before getting to you
>no thermal bag so food is cold and ruined by the time you get it

>> No.20185892

>delivery driver
these still exist?

>> No.20185896
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>order food on app because I'm sick and can't be bothered to cook
>waiting to see if laquisha or sajeev will be fucking up my food today
>driver is a white man named kevin
food was still so hot that it burned my mouth.

>> No.20185972

I worked in nightmare mode of food delivery. I was in charge of spending the customers money for their personal order and it wasn't a requirement for me to have a food thermal bag in my car. My manager told me I could never get fired for mishaps either, which I made a ton of and it would prove he was right. No disciplinary actions ever against me. I remember reading the emails of the complaints against me on my first deliveries. "He's a creep", "Got my whole order wrong", "Pizza arrived lopsided".

The whole delivery experience made me realize people love to complain but never love to compliment.

>> No.20185981

>make a ton of mishaps
>people love to complain but never love to compliment

>> No.20185984

I appreciate your honesty

>> No.20186042

what rock do you live under bro