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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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20162219 No.20162219 [Reply] [Original]

Will YOU eat the bones?

>> No.20162224

I would rather eat ze bone meal than ze bugs, yeah

>> No.20162226

people who eat chicken nuggets deserve this

>> No.20162228

I thought this was already a thing with most chicken nuggets.

>> No.20162230

Tbh hell yes that sounds based

>> No.20162235

Bone meal is already added to pet food

>> No.20162250

>finland invents jello
what will those crazy fins think of next

>> No.20162254

extra calcium?

>> No.20162261

>if we slaughter the mother when she's pregnant we can just throw all the fetuses into a grinder and they'll turn into an edible product that takes no extra processing
I'm pretty sure we've basically been doing this forever.

>> No.20162268
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>bone meal
>chicken nuggets

>> No.20162282

Same. Plus the beaks

>> No.20162287

Honestly yeah so long as it’s not filled with additives and preservatives. Bones are still a natural animal part and I’d have no issue eating them.

>> No.20162290

We used to make bread out of ground human bones

>> No.20162303
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>Will YOU eat the bones?
About time!

>> No.20162310


>> No.20162317


>> No.20162320

Your mom allegedly has shitload of sex with niggers.

>> No.20162343

go back up your bean stalk, your kind isn't welcome around here

>> No.20162402
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nigga i been eating bones

>> No.20162420 [DELETED] 
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If it tastes good, why not?

>> No.20162438

You only eat the marrow, not the bones

>> No.20162440

What's wrong with eating bones? I already eat em in deenz. Making stock softens bones to a somewhat edible state. I see nothing wrong with this.

>> No.20162442

it's called bone broth not marrow broth retard

>> No.20162443
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>> No.20162549

This tbqh

>> No.20162565

Where you get the bones? Just rock up at the butcher like, 'where your bones at nigga?'?

>> No.20162576

unironically this, they usually pre-package them for sale too

>> No.20162579
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Wasn't that horse hoofs back in the day?

>> No.20162581

Didn't the leftover ones go to the glue factory?

>> No.20162597

This. Especially fish meal is common fodder.

>> No.20162601

sure, that seems fine. good, even

>> No.20162608
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>europeans try to make eating dog food trendy
Why are they like this?

>> No.20162644

this is actually a great way to get cheap meat for an incredible stew. just make sure to skim it after 15 mins cooking

>> No.20162699

grinding bones has been a thing since giants roamed hte earth.

>> No.20162794

I would already eat bones if I could. I eat the cartilage and suck the marrow from ham bones. If it doesn't change the flavor or texture I would be okay with it. Bones are very nutritional.

>> No.20162809

I do already.

>> No.20162827
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Sure with the deenz, put it some crusty garlic bread and go to town

>> No.20162832
File: 536 KB, 1366x768, EatABullet.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Fine, more lead for me, you aren't fooling any one with this "lead is bad for you" shit.

>> No.20162871

Won't all that extra calcium cause kidney stones?

>> No.20162886

honestly these

>> No.20162969

Oh no, not the hecking nutritious organs of an animal. Meat is suppossed to be muscle.

>> No.20162974

holy based, why does fast food nutrition keep getting better while also making retards seethe at every step?
Like you think I won't eat a chicken, locust, soy and bone burger emulsified to a pleasing texture with more protein and vitamins than anything else available?

>> No.20162975

Bullets aren't made of lead anymore, they were polluting water, directly and indirectly.

>> No.20162976


>> No.20162978

>fast food nutrition
Nobody but west coat california types cares about so called "fast food nutrition" that's gay bullshit that only those types will ever understand.

>> No.20162985
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More lead water for me.

>> No.20163002

How fucking dumb are you?

>> No.20163008

stop thinking and applaud The Science!

>> No.20163055

Bones seem like they'd be healthy to eat. People are always talking about how good bone broth is.

>> No.20163063

They absolutley are still made of lead unless you're using copper solid hunting ammo or that wacky training round the army developed that I've yet to see in the wild.

>> No.20163341

Every post after this is irrelevant

>> No.20163346

Tell me you're Swedish without telling me you're Swedish.

>> No.20163382

Why? It's more profitable to make bones into fertilizer for organic vegan plants.

>> No.20163399


>> No.20163408

As long as it’s good and not full of chemicals, I don’t mind. It’s only right to use as much of the animal as you can.

>> No.20163416

Why does some of the text have a white background and then it switches to a blue background with white stripes between the lines? It's like a child attacked the paragraph with MS Paint. I ain't reading that shit.

>> No.20163878

One of my friends makes a chicken soup so that the bones get so soft that they become edible. It's pretty tasty.

>> No.20164240

>noooo you can't cut down on waste in a utilitarian way!!! that's yucky!!!
I hate hate hate hate hate hate people like this
No. Consumption of calcium leads to a decreased chance of developing kidney stones, as it binds with oxalates in the digestive tract before they can move to the kidneys.

>> No.20164243

>full of chemicals
I can't fucking take this board anymore. I don't know if like 50% of the posters are trolling at all times, or if it's somehow become a refuge for boomer political tourists, but it's unbearable now.

>> No.20164254

What you on about mayt?

>> No.20164264

Already do. Bones are my favorite part of sardines, mackerel, and factory farmed chicken wings.

If I can't eat the bones directly, I dissolve as much bone as possible in broth.

>> No.20164273

Yeah same. Fpbp.

>> No.20164277
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It could be anything.

>> No.20164280
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??? I mean, theres a lil bit of tin in em but theyre still lead

>> No.20164281

So? Lead is a naturally occuring element, and you need a daily value of every periodic element anyways

>> No.20164289

Oh nice, I no longer will have to put in effort to eat marrow

>> No.20165004

Only if you don't drink water and magnesium.