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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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File: 1.50 MB, 1242x1856, IMG_8584.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
20145276 No.20145276 [Reply] [Original]

This injustice can not stand. Where am I supposed to go for prime rib and extremely nostril clearing creamed horse radish?

>> No.20145289
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I’m gonna miss the cart

>> No.20145296
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They hired carolers around Christmas

They’d come by your table and sing songs.

>> No.20145302
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Need my Diamond Jim Brady Cut

>> No.20145308

All the bad things that happened in the past few years are 100% the fault of Biden and if you vote Trump nothing bad will ever happen again.

>> No.20145317
File: 1.01 MB, 1242x910, IMG_8588.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Who said it was Biden’s fault? That’s like blaming Kermit the frog instead of Jim Henson.

My mouth waters for Lawry’s delicious food. It was the only place that still made you dress up.

>> No.20145327

Now you'll have to go to an actual hotel if you want to eat a $70 baked rib-eye steak in a hotel conference room.

>> No.20145338

I don’t want to. I want Lawry’s!


>> No.20145341

It's nice but $60 for one ribeye and some mashed potatoes is nuts. You can get a whole roast for that price. Anyone with an oven can make a rib roast.

>> No.20145349

Yeah, but it’s like a sammich. It tastes better when someone else makes it.

Besides how poor are you if a C note sets you back?


>> No.20145378
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>people still believe in the inflation myth

>> No.20145418


I don’t even have a response to this. You think the government can just triple unemployment payments plus send everyone 2000 dollars and there won’t be inflation?

>> No.20145434

I remember when $5 got you a combo at McDonald’s.

>> No.20145436

Maaan not Lawrys :[

>> No.20145490

It’s so fucking over isn’t it?

>> No.20145544
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>Who said it was Biden’s fault? That’s like blaming Kermit the frog instead of Jim Henson.

>> No.20146943

there's no reason inflation should be a thing

>> No.20146947

damn bro where's mine

>> No.20146948

>Wasting money means you're rich
Poorfag with minimal skills detected

>> No.20146954

Ah yes, the payouts to the public were the problem. Definitely not the trillions of dollars in corporate welfare. Guess that didn't work either.
It's almost like if you tell people they can't go to work it'll fuck up the economy or something.

>> No.20146957

will we still get the seasoning salt

>> No.20146971

but trump was the one that passed all those trillion dollar+ covid "recovery" bills that went straight into the pockets of fortune 500 companies

>> No.20146979

This place was asking for it. It's a piece of shit and I'm glad it's gone. I'm happy for OP that they have nostalgia for it, but as a recent patron I was really disappointed all around. The interior was ugly and dated, the people there made me uncomfortable, they didn't have good meal options for my partner and I've made steaks at home for 1/5 the price. It's really difficult for me to understand why people develop these rose-tinted glasses for every shithole their parents stuffed them into as a child.

>> No.20147040
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Like poetry.

>> No.20147044

>chef, offensive lineman
yeah this is an american thread

>> No.20147052

were they promoting misedgery?

>> No.20147058

good bait faggot, you got me

>> No.20147073

inflation doesnt NEED to happen, its a construct to keep poor people poor

>> No.20147105

Inflation would happen even under bartering. it's just part of life.

>> No.20147221

Restaurants aren't any healthier than fast food or processed food.

>> No.20147229

Who do you think benefits from the CHIPS Act and Inflation Reduction Act?
Small businesses aren't making semiconductors and don't need to spend billions or millions for green energy.

>> No.20147230

This is the one business people might actually believe just months after saying stores were lying about shoplifting.

>> No.20147255

O4m, you ever been to any of the Brazilian steakhouses in DFW? They're priced like a Lawry's but you get as much as you want of like 14 different meats.

>> No.20147408
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Yes I believe the seasoned salt is safe

The decor reminded me of a time when whites were the clear majority, so I liked it.

O line, best line

The ones we had were all white and beautiful.

Lawry’s had good prime rib and the horse radish burned my sinuses so good. I’m going to go before they close. I’m so sad to lose my every other year special occasions place. Feels bad man.

>> No.20147414
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He didn’t buy 10 years ago

Is poor man

>> No.20147923
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I went to bucee’s

>> No.20147932
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How about we play a game, can anyone find a dollar?

>> No.20147945

Niggers drove them out

>> No.20148294

not taxing economic activity is not the same as printing money for direct payments.

>> No.20148295

Where do you think the printed money goes?

>> No.20148298

whites are being systematically replaced by brownies and you deserve it for being homophobic despite knowing better

>> No.20148349

Juice will not replace us!

>> No.20149040

>the only place that still made you dress up.
Hence why nobody goes there so it's closing.

>> No.20149044

You can pinpoint exactly where inflation started. It was 3 months after Biden got in office. You are a genuine retard if you think inflation happens on a dime and that Biden did enough damage to cause that spike in inflation in 3 months. It was a supply chain crunch and loose monetary policy that started back during Obama and continued under Trump (by Trump's demand). Biden just made things worse.

>> No.20149102
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I didn’t know there was more than one location, I thought there was just the one in Beverly Hills

>> No.20149205

this looks bland as hell is this what white ""people"" consider gourmet food

>> No.20149689

>That’s like blaming Kermit the frog instead of Jim Henson.

>> No.20150874
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>> No.20150924

i buy 2 litre bottles of store brand now

>> No.20150948

cope harder poor.

>> No.20150982

>this looks bland as hell is this what white ""people"" consider gourmet food
Cafeteria lunches and prison meals aren't white people food anon...

>> No.20151418

They have several locations and they’re based.

Ethnics will tell you that whites have no culture whilst speaking English and writing on technology developed by whites.


>> No.20151612

dont @ me tripnigger

>> No.20152500


>> No.20152503

FU, america is dead
Time to enjoy tacos, the most consuimed food in america
I don´t care if you are sad, it´s over

>> No.20152557
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Anyone oldfag enough to remember the boomer who would post photos of a prime rib and a grasshopper and the text said "dinner at lowery's"

That was before hof and BBQ KING, way way back in the glockpan days

>> No.20152566
File: 156 KB, 1228x571, cce9129e18beeec4c5ef2a45d71a5e00.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Last seen about 11 years ago?
Him, ponyfag and Edgar were all mentally ill.

>> No.20152599

oh wow I forgot about edgar

>> No.20152602

Logic is not required when historical evidence is available I can just point to countries were the government printed too much money and it lead to inflation and poverty such as post war Germany, Venezuela and Zimbabwe and tell you when the government prints too much money it leads to inflation and poverty
When it rains the ground gets wet
When it's hot ice melts
When the government prints too much money it leads to inflation and poverty

>> No.20152621

t. dumb fuck gold standard retard

>> No.20152638

Macro policy is all about tradeoffs. If you have a choice between mass unemployment, or causing the value of the mattress stuffed with $100 bills to be reduced over time, the current consensus is that hurting the guy with the mattress is the lesser evil, for two reasons:

1. People depend on a steady paycheck or an unemployment spiral can happen, further increasing unemployment

2. The mattress would be doing better work if it were (re)invested anyway

Populists will get upset at this because they can't understand tradeoffs and think of every policy decision as either unadulterated good or unadulterated evil, and that's why in theory we're supposed to have non-political appointments to important positions, unfortunately schizo shit like the gold standard is popping back up now that expertise is no longer in fashion, so we're in for some bad times ahead

>> No.20154635


>> No.20154934

>after 40 years
>invented valet parking
Lauren Drewes Daniels is a fucking dipshit

>> No.20155028

The restaurant industry notoriously easy and wildly profitable before 2020. There was a reason that the saying "if you want to get rich, open a restaurant" was so common.

>> No.20155201
File: 226 KB, 1600x864, IMG_9661.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>this looks bland as hell
Add some of their seasoned salt and seasoned pepper

>> No.20155344

Only Lowry’s brand will do.

>> No.20155740

>he orders the rich people chicken nuggets equivalent

>> No.20156168

bland, mushy boomer chow. say what you will about zoomers but at least they finally admitted the truth which is that foreigners make better food

>> No.20156317

That bait almost got me.

>> No.20156335

don't act like superior cuts (e.g. skirt steak, picanha, etc) became hot items magically on their own through the power of white people because we both know that's not true

>> No.20157152
File: 104 KB, 1280x720, young person what is this deliciousness.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>say what you will about zoomers but at least they finally admitted the truth which is that foreigners make better food
Zoomer experiences Lawry's the Prime Rib. His zoomer mind is blown away at how delicious it is. "If they lied to us about how good the food in America used to be, what else did they lie about?"

>> No.20157158


>> No.20157160

not an argument

>> No.20157162

me when i have low self esteem because i’m not white

>> No.20157163

>It's big, so it must be good
Boomers are literally the ones who turned American food from, well, food, into the slop it became.

>> No.20157172

this kid is double digit iq and spends most of the video eating bread
why are all rich people so retarded and dull

>> No.20157175

i think he's trying to look as puncheable as possible to draw attention, it's like the soi grim people put in tumbnails.

>> No.20157178

rich people don’t have personalities because they never had to try at anything

>> No.20157184

They do have personalities, it's usually those in the middle class who grow up to be basic bitches and generic white guys.

>> No.20157191
File: 161 KB, 1500x1000, you can never haz poor anon.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>this kid is double digit iq
This kid is double digit iq and yet he can eat at Lawry's the Prime Rib and you can't afford to, waaagh :( Must be sad to be you.

>> No.20157194

you don’t have an argument you’re just saying no
you don’t have a personality
you’re probably rich

>> No.20157196

>You be sad because you cannot eat at this slop fast food.

>> No.20157197

yeah if only i was some retarded rich kid who has no idea what his life even is
he has no concept of quality why would i want to be an npc?

>> No.20157254
File: 1.12 MB, 1114x625, enjoy.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>yeah if only i was some retarded rich kid who has no idea what his life even is

"Hey anon, want to go to Lawry's the Prime Rib with us tonight, we're treating?"

"Hell no! I'm an independent thinker. I don't eat old fashioned American 'cuisine.' I'm going to an Ethiopian restaurant tonight. You pathetic low IQ retards can enjoy your medium rare prime rib au jus with fresh horseradish. I'll be eating some superior non-white Ethiopian cuisine tonight."

Later: all-night diarrhea-city for non-Lawry's eating anon. "It was worth it" says non-Lawry's eating anon. "At least I didn't eat white boomer food. It was probably bland anyway."

>> No.20157262

yeah the only other choice is shitty ethiopian food that’s exactly what i said
rich people have such great theory of mind and reading comprehension no wonder they are so much richer than me
it’s because of how obviously smart you are

>> No.20157330
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>yeah the only other choice is shitty ethiopian food that’s exactly what i said
not that guy, but do you think Ethiopian food is shitty? You've never tried it have you? I think maybe you believe in white supremacy for believing that a non-european cuisine is "shitty." Ethiopian cuisine certainly isn't shitty for Ethiopians or for fair minded western people. You know what? Your shitty hot dogs and shitty cheeseburgers are shitty. What do you think about that you nazi? Non-europeans have their own valid cuisines. Ethiopian cuisine is not "shitty." I think maybe you don't know what your life even is and that you have no concept of quality. Maybe go to an Ethiopian restaurant and find out you low iq dummy

>> No.20157350

it looks like shit
keep calling everybody that doesn’t like eating dirt a nazi i’m sure it’s amazing marketing for your shitty restaurant you poorly shill

>> No.20157391
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If you guaranteed that I wouldn't get a bad case of diarrhea afterwards I would totally like to try these foreign foods. But that can't be guaranteed can it? If I threw my fear of diarrhea to the wind I'd just get a couple of plates of some good old fashioned American oysters

>> No.20157443

you do know that the person that posted that catgirl doll is and always has been tacobell anon

>> No.20158233
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steakhouses are the perfect way for someone who thinks they're part of the upper class to roleplay a bit.They're easy to understand, you're never challenged in a steakhouse. The food is essentially always going to be some variation of meat and potatoes, you might as well just be british eating a roast beef.

Now I'm not saying that a steakhouse can't provide a solid meal, quite the contrary even. Because of the relative simplicity of some of the most even elite steakhouse menus, they're usually focused on service and the quality of their limited options. They should not, however, be seen as some type of emblem of wealth or culture. I'm not even advocating for some alinea fuckery, there are just so many other great options to choose from when going out for an upscale meal and a steakhouse is usually the pedestrian choice.

Unrelated to this pretentious rant, is this really where that shitty lawry's seasoning salt comes from? I finally understand.

>> No.20158256

i hate colored people

>> No.20158266

>They're easy to understand, you're never challenged in a steakhouse. The food is essentially always going to be some variation of meat and potatoes
It really is that simple isn't it. I always feel a little superior to people who obsess over steakhouses but I could never figure out what accounts for my disdain for those types

>> No.20158297
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>It really is that simple isn't it. I always feel a little superior to people who obsess over steakhouses but I could never figure out what accounts for my disdain for those types

>> No.20158863

boomers don’t have taste

>> No.20158927

wtf is that yellow fried cheese thing off to the side of the meat (not the corn)? It looks like the crust of a slice of cheese pizza was 'shopped in.

>> No.20158931

Steakhouses and Italian food also make sense If you are hosting a large group. Picky eaters can find something they like and the steakhouse or Italian place usually has gluten free and vegan options for "that person" in the group. Also Midwestern people generally like steak and potatoes, so its a safe bet if you are hosting people from that region.

>> No.20158978

that's a yorkshire pudding, anon.
This is what I was getting at. They're good for fancy group dinners for large groups of people because you don't know what you're potentially dealing with.

>> No.20159856

is that a picture of you? you should pick up some weights or something

>> No.20159984
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>I’m gonna miss the cart
I love the carts. I especially love how they are full of hot prime rib

>> No.20159987

normally I'm not into tattoos but if a cute transgirl had prime rib tattoos on her calves and wore cute little boots I'd make an exception just this once especially if she was surrounded by chuds who wanted to hatefuck her and she had to keep them at bay with a 24cm wa-gyutou

>> No.20160060

His tastebuds haven’t fully transitioned to female buds. Prime Rib is about the most manly thing a person can eat.

>> No.20160084

lmao. oh no, where else in dfw will someone be able to eat large slabs of roast? it's texas nigga
see >>20158978

>> No.20160094
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fine with me, I'm a value investor when it comes to tranners. get in on the ground floor and complete the feminization process yourself, that's my strategy. her taste buds can be conditioned with a daily dose of hot protein.

>> No.20160120
File: 59 KB, 500x500, artworks-Vsi0dN6jnpzzR6WS-nyDy2w-t500x500.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

okay so what is superior to the steakhouse that make me look gay and poor? but still accessible

>> No.20160124

A tiny amount of inflation is unironically the best way of keeping the economy healthy. Money needs to keep moving, if it doesn't everything goes haywire. What we're experiencing now is the blowback from the lockdowns where money stopped moving.

>> No.20160134
File: 532 KB, 2560x1707, 2020SummerCourse5_02-scaled.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

if your menu isn't mostly seasonally appropriate seafood and vegetables you're not at a good resto and are basically eating high end McDonalds

>> No.20160167
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okay dumb question incoming, ......... why?

>> No.20160170
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Jesus H Christ my fucking sides are gonna explode

>> No.20160265

depends on where you live and what you have access to. Some places in the US the only upscale joints you can go to are steakhouses/italian/"french" restaurants. Basically it can take some effort but a solid chef will have a rotating menu based on what ingredients he has access to at the time. It's more of a risk sometimes but worth the effort in my opinion.

>> No.20160312
File: 178 KB, 1080x1440, IMG_9670.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yo dawgs, for me it’s prime rib with scallops

>> No.20160486

they didnt sear any of that right

>> No.20160526

If you are on the east or west coasts your choices are almost limitless. Out in the middle of nowhereville there seem to be two to three "upscale" restaurants per city and even at those places the food choice is generally pretty grim.

>> No.20160562

different anon, but that rolled up thing is a spongy fermented / naturally probiotic bread that's really good for your stomach. the food is like if you took the best flavors across middle eastern and indian food, made them fresher, and de-fecalled them.

>> No.20160601

>rich people don’t have personalities because they never had to try at anything
lmao the absolute seethe and jealousy emanating from this post

>> No.20160778

Haha tsmt

>> No.20160954

Inflation didn't have anything to do with it, Prime Rib restaurants are a thing of the past.

>> No.20161125

>Prime Rib restaurants are a thing of the past.

The civilized world begs to differ.

>> No.20161132

They made a whole restaurant based on a seasoned salt mix?

>> No.20161211

nice argument…

>> No.20161281
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Dat prime rib carte.

>> No.20161285
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Dat tat

>> No.20161299

insane prices for slightly better than applebees quality

>> No.20161333

Not an argument just a statement of fact.

>> No.20161359

you just pooped your pants
it’s a statement of fact

>> No.20161361

Whatever helps you cope at night being poor.

>> No.20161376

you’re so witty and clever you have to be a millionaire

>> No.20161417
File: 983 KB, 2560x1920, 20220627_142740-2-scaled.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

lambertbros rise up

>> No.20161422

Ethiopian food is unironically really good though, bad example. Everyone responding to you is right also; it's retarded to act like you're doing something exceptional by overpaying for a piece of meat. You can get a tasting menu at a Michelin starred restaurant for comparable prices to this place.

>> No.20161430

This kind of shit is why people mock flyovers.
>no you don't understand, they THROW the BREAD at you!!!

>> No.20161453

It's fine. As a society we've evolved past the need to consume beef.

>> No.20161487

Just say you haven't been there it's ok. If you ever get the chance you really should check it out it's a really fun experience.

>> No.20161890

I’m going soon. Will post pics here. It’ll be a few weeks, but it’ll have its own thread.

>> No.20161944

Reminds me of that stupid hot dogs and swearing restaurant in shitcago

>> No.20161970

>As a society we've evolved past the need to consume beef.

No we haven't soi boi.

>> No.20161976

It's nothing like that, it's a dignified establishment for well behaved white people. It's basically cracker barrel but with the fun little twist of a man rolling a cart around with massive fresh rolls right of the oven that he will toss to you. It's a small but fun addition of entertainment to your meal and they are delicious as well.

>> No.20161977

>no you don't understand, they ROB YOU and STAB YOU TO DEATH while you wait for the bus!!!

>> No.20161982

15 minute cities!

>> No.20161984

Diversity is (((our))) strength.

>> No.20162014

Oh well now that you put it that way it's on my bucket list, wow, white people throwing mediocre food, amazing!

>> No.20162022

I'm glad you've seen the appeal, I hope your visit is very fulfilling. :)

>> No.20162027

They throw the bread TO you, not AT you.

>> No.20162124

Sounds about right for the state where Branson was created

>> No.20162475
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Is this in $?

>> No.20163189

No, it's in cents.

>> No.20163216

Inflation can still happen on the gold standard if the government inflates the money supply while not increasing the amount of backing asset it owns. It's not a fiat vs gold standard issue, it's a supply and demand issue.

>> No.20163870

i dont understand why these places close instead of starting over. the problem isnt inflation. the problem is laziness and greed. find better suppliers, simplify the menu, lower prices until youre booked a week ahead and then raise prices until you have enough openings to encourage walk ins to support the bar

>> No.20165164

They weren’t empty, they just decided to sell the building. Place was always full.

>> No.20165204

his, faggot