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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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20099906 No.20099906 [Reply] [Original]

are deep fryers worth it?

>> No.20100064

I have no idea why but I have never once made fried wings as good in one of those as what comes out when I cook in a large pot filled with oil on the stove. How can the texture of the batter be so different?

>> No.20100070

Please get one that is easy to clean.
Otherwise big no since you will never decide to use it again.

>> No.20100084

They can be nice in the summer since you can fry outside and not stink up the whole house

>> No.20100136

Got a Cuisinart CDF-200 2 years ago. For a counter top fryer at its price-point, it’s pretty good if you’re not retarded and do the basics..watch your temp/portions. Stuff comes out very nicely.

>> No.20100646

what is the sell of using this over a stove pot?

>> No.20100663

My friend used to have one and he would make some good as fuck lil deep fried cubed potatoes all the time. Fat fuck.

>> No.20100672

YES. if its a good gas operated one.

>> No.20100720

Why buy a deep fryer when you can just fill a big pot with oil?

>> No.20100735

don't these things automatically manage the temperature?

>> No.20100737

>Why buy a deep fryer when you can just fill a big pot with oil?
I use a sauce pan for this.
I am disgusting and I have no shame.

>> No.20100741

Like I said, so you can take it outside and not stink up your whole house

>> No.20100747

>Like I said, so you can take it outside and not stink up your whole house
Do you not have a vent in your kitchen that sends air outside?

>> No.20100759

Yeah we spent sixty large on the counters alone
Not my decision but we

>> No.20100863

I have windows and a fan

>> No.20100878

>implying vents are that efficient

>> No.20101009

cant be any worse than whats already in the air


>> No.20101082
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I have a big double basket one that takes a fuck ton of oil but it's worth it
The consistent temperature alone is the main reason why. Frying on the stove it's always way too hot or too cold. A lot less clean up with the fryer too considering I can do it on the deck or breezeway.
I've made some bomb ass fried chicken in it

>> No.20101124
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I've just got a pot and a dream. I deep fry everything, and let me tell you it's scary when it's just you and a pot half full of boiling oil, but you feel like a man when your face is still all there and you're deepthroating a deep fried apple pie after two deep fried burgers with deep fried tomatoes and bacon or chicken and waffles (both deep fried) and knowing you're going to chug a shit ton of sweet tea or red bull afterward. Yeah, you might get all the torso related cancers, your face burnt off, your waistline expanded beyond belief, diabetes, or gout but you won't feel an ounce of stress, an ounce of anything when it's just you and your deep fried friends making the best of memories. So yeah, probably if you like to deep fry stuff as much as me but a deep pot will get the job done.

>> No.20102564

cook outside so your house wont smell awful.

>> No.20102592

Why does everyone on here eat off paper plates. Manchildren can't wash their dishes baka

>> No.20102602

It’s pony faggot.
He’s been spreading his gay aids here for years.

>> No.20102683

Why wouldn't you just use a deep pot on the stove?

>> No.20102698

As a dutchman who loves his kroket, frikandel, kaas souffle, I'd rather not buy one otherwise I'd eat it evry friday night.