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20018625 No.20018625 [Reply] [Original]

Amaro edition.

Friendly reminder that you don't need anything more than these 3 bottles in your life:

>Nonino Quintessentia
>Amaro Montenegro
>Amaro Camatti

Feel free to @ me any time with your choices.

>> No.20018627 [DELETED] 
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I’m drunk right now

>> No.20018631

i spend a lot of time thinking about bloody mary's and bloody mary adjacent drinks like the red snapper

>> No.20018633
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Pic related won the world's best amaro 2023 award.

I want to try it.

>> No.20018640

>bloody mary adjacent drinks
>red snapper

>> No.20018651
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yes it is
now go be a tranny somewhere else

>> No.20018671

It's exactly the same drink but you swap one clear alcohol for another. It's an inferior drink, but it's still close.
The local liquor store had a handle of buffalo trace for $47, so it's gonna be a bourbon soaked Christmas boys.

>> No.20018677

>want to try Arak as it's related to my cultural heritage
>it's anise-flavored, which I despise
Any anons had it who can report back? Or know a good one sold in small quantities so I won't be wasting it if I hate it?

>> No.20018686
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Go to a bar and ask for a shot of Sambuca, which is imho the reference for anise liquors, then see if you like it.

>> No.20018706
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Nonino is among the best. No argument there. We also keep Gran Classico stocked in our bar at all times and use it for our house boulevardiers
I drink a lot of Razzouk. It's really cheap so it's a low risk experiment, but if you hate anise you're unlikely to enjoy it. It's possible you could acquire an affinity for the stuff if you really try i guess. Don't forget to add a little bit of water before you add the ice so that you don't get the precipitate while you drink and rinse out/get a fresh glass for each refill for the same reason. Good luck, Anon.

>> No.20019066

This is a Cynar board

>> No.20019072

That's two more amari than I usually have at any given time... but I do usually wind up throwing them at various liquors and wines. Who wants a black Manhattan? Go make it yourself; the door's open.

>> No.20019109

Your hand reveals your disgusting anatomy. You must fix this.

>> No.20019196

Okay real talk. You probably don't *need* both Nonino and Montenegro in a limited bar. My go-to amari are Montenegro (mmm orange), Fernet Menta (mmm Andes), Averna (mmm cola), and Braulio (mmm trees).

>> No.20019303
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I just bought this. has anyone tried it?
Poli is one of the most prestigious grappa distilleries in Italy

>> No.20019420

>Grouse no good, JWR undrinkable, Glenlivet is a no, Laphroaig fine outside the peat
is the bourbon you drink higher proof than those bottles? none of these scotches you mention are particularly high proof or have heavy barrel effects so you should look for Deanston Virgin Oak or some single that is from the Highlands matured or finished in virgin or first fill bourbon and at higher proof/cask strength. Independent bottlers should offer something if you cant find the Deanston or Aberlour A'bunadh Alba(which is all american white oak and no sherry iirc).

Bourbon drinkers moving into scotch they go for the heavy stuff, be it sherry bombs or peat monsters and apart from The Glenlivet 12(should be the twin wood or whatever it's called which has some sherry but its subtle and minimal abv, so not a good representation of the full power) you only tried the niche part of the spectrum with Laphroaig.

Generally if a bourbon drinker doesnt like scotch, they are called rum drinkers.

>> No.20019430

>or some single that is from the Highlands matured or finished in virgin or first fill bourbon and at higher proof/cask strength.
If you anon has the option to use global online shops(mostly limited by shipping costs) I'd definitely recommend finding some Balblairs from when they were still using vintages. The 89 and 90 are some of the greatest scotches I've tried, but the late 90s have some strong years too.

>> No.20019450

I'm a rum drinker who likes peaty scotch. The missus is a bourbon drinker who hates scotch in general. What do?

>> No.20019516
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>> No.20019527

invest in Jack Daniel's.

>> No.20019544
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I like whiskey cus I’m a real man.

>> No.20019546

Have all the scotch to yourself? What's the downside, here?

>> No.20019615
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Sounds like you get all the scotch, and she gets all the bourbon.

By the way, have you had this? It's Mount Gay aged in bourbon casks and finished in Islay casks. It's...interesting. Unlike anything I've ever had. It tastes exactly like you expect it to lol.

>> No.20019647
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I like whiskey

>> No.20019659

You put that you're 5'0" on your dating profile...

>> No.20019660

Sit on the top level in sauna and we can talk again about "being a man".

>> No.20019740

College is in the rearview, my friend.

>> No.20019769
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luv me Negroni
simple as

>> No.20019872
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>be Italian
>go often to bars and to be honest, Amaro isn't one of the most preferred after coffee / spirit asked
>if someone asks for that stuff, they usually go for whatever the bar has, especially cheap stuff like pic related
>and yet here people boasting that sugary shit like it's the best ever
I'm baffled really

>> No.20020682

Negroni sbagliato > Negroni

Amaro del capo is worse than Montenegro because it’s a pale imitation

>> No.20021394

Used some St. Vivant Armagnac to make a homemade Le Mousquet liqueur
Since there is no recipe online for recreating it I just guessed by pureeing 11 whole oranges (2 navels, 2 ponkans, 3 satsumas, 4 baby mandarins, seeds peels and all ) and a strip of pomelo peel, and mixing the strained liquid from that in with the liquor and sugar in a mason jar

>> No.20021457

You might find that the seeds and juice do some unwanted things. If you plan on trying it again, you might find that candying a bunch of seville peel, and then letting that soak in the armagnac does the trick.

>> No.20021490

The goal with pureeing the entire fruits was a better extraction of their essential oils and fragrances than could be allowed with a mere peel alone
I was also considering the method used for Grand Marnier, where you pierce the orange and put a string through it, then hang it over the liquor and swirl it so the liquor splashes on the peel

>> No.20021502

Sevilles aren't readily available in PNW

>> No.20021574

But you can get Satsumas? What a world we live in...
If it works, then great, but just based on my own experimentation, the filters you'd need to clean the juice up to avoid a pruno flavour would trap the oils, and the seeds and pith - left untreated - add a harsh bitterness.
It's limes to oranges, but if you want to experience the purest form of failure, try it with mashed key limes. I'm glad I didn't spend a lot of money or time on that one... It did teach me to zest and juice separately, sweeten and filter the juice, and to retain maybe two seeds tops for a mild herbal/amaro hit on the finish.

>> No.20021591

>But you can get Satsumas?
Yes, I live in BC and we get more Asian stuff than the US. Ponkans are considered "rare" in the US outside of Florida, and the "baby mandarins" used were Shatang sugar mandarins, which aren't seen much in America at all, and are similar to the Kishu Mikan

>> No.20021690

Paper plane with nonino quintessentia = über comfy

>> No.20022156

i like vodka because it is just alcohol without the pretentious shit. just admit that you want to get drunk.

>> No.20022233

The concepts of "purity" and "alcoholism" are practically opposites but go off spergbro
when you get the shakes just imagine me laughing at you with a glass of tasteful tasty liqueur in hand

>> No.20022270

>when you get the shakes just imagine me laughing at you with a glass of tasteful tasty liqueur in hand
wasting money on buying expensive alcohol doesn't make you special, it just makes you pretentious. the fact is that you can't taste shit when you have 40% alcohol burning your mouth, and no amount of pretending is going to change that.

>> No.20022287

im drunk right now.

>> No.20022290
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>the fact is that you can't taste shit when you have 40% alcohol burning your mouth
actually embarrassing
Anyways my rec for this thread is pic related, can be hard to find but it's really amazing

>> No.20022297

>the fact is that you can't taste shit when you have 40% alcohol burning your mouth
You're fucking retarded. 50%+ ABV has more flavor than lower proofs.

>> No.20022336

>50%+ ABV has more flavor than lower proofs.
lol ok

>> No.20022343

It does. Compare a barrel proof whiskey to an 80 proof one. The 80 proof will taste almost like water in comparison.

>> No.20022393

Last christams eve, i was playing assassins creed valhalla. I got to the DLC level where you fight Nidhogg, and I could not beat it. I had drank about 2-1/2 four lokos, and then some shitty gas station wine so I was pretty fucked up.
Anyways i get to the last portion of the battle on my 4th attempt and i fucked up and didnt time my attack right.
I fucking lost it, i took a snow shovel to the drywall of our garage and shattered my ps4 and all of my remotes. My grandparents kicked me put of the house for two weeks after that, but I didnt truly get bakc on my feet until months later. Fuck them, i hope they fucking die for putting me out on the street like that

>> No.20022401


>> No.20022493

He judges quality by how hard the drink hits, and calls himself a sommelier

>> No.20022503

If my math is correct, and the wine wasn't fortified I'd say you were somewhere between 12 and 14 loko. Pretty much anyone would smash up a garage at that level, but you should still have played odyssey.

>> No.20022720
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I really enjoy Amaretto. There's just something about it that I find absolutely delicious. I think it's the sweetness combined with the almond taste that does it for me.
Any other drinks that hit a similar feel?

>you can't taste shit when you have 40% alcohol burning your mouth
You absolutely can. A dark rum, a bourbon, and a rye whiskey all taste and feel completely different even at the same proof.

>> No.20023031

A steward of wines?

>> No.20023092
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Been drinking pic related this week, really been enjoying it. Havent really drank cognac or brandy much before now so if anyone has any reccomendations im all ears.

>> No.20023102
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Opened a bottle of this, instantly sucked all the moisture out of my mouth. I don't think it's for me.

Planning on making negronis and/or boulevardiers for Christmas, seems appropriate for the season

>> No.20023124

Armagnac de Montal's no bad. I do recommend Hennessy at some point just to know what the McDonalds of brandy/cognac is.

>> No.20023129

Love me some heavy amari in Negroni type drinks. Sometimes they take a little balancing - Lillet, Marsala or Port instead of vermouth, maybe some bitters, but the end result usually makes me happy. Worst case Ontario, it makes a passable Black Manhattan.

>> No.20023153

On a budget, St Remy XO is impossible to beat

>> No.20023178

Even the VSOP ain't not half bad

>> No.20023269

10 Generations Cognac

>> No.20023855

Thank God migrants are overrunning you Guinea cunts.

>> No.20023979

Also try Domaine de Joy, the value you get is bonkers with the prices for their ages of drinks
Look up the price of their 25 year old bottle right now

>> No.20024055

Why did they choose such a weird top for their Optima Grappa bottles? I can't tell whether it's a twist-off or you break it off

>> No.20024246

Would I enjoy port wine if I really liked a scotch finished in port casks? I've never had wine before.

>> No.20024439

Port's a weird one. It's generally fairly sweet, sometimes a little syrupy (especially tawny port)... nothing like scotch at all - the scotch would just take a little hint of honey and nuttiness from a port cask.
You might like port, or sherry (or other dessert wines), but they're not really indicative of what most wines are like; something bold and tannic like a Syrah/Shiraz or Malbec won't have much in common with them aside from grapes and bottles.

>> No.20024449

>the scotch would just take a little hint of honey and nuttiness from a port cask.
The scotch I was referring to was Glenmorangie Quinta Ruban and it tasted almost like liquid chocolate. The flavor difference from their normal 10yo bottle was significant.

>> No.20024489
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Both of these are delicious, and honestly taste better than the standard bottles you find in a local bar / restaurant.

>> No.20024499

They're aging in ruby port casks as a secondary? Interesting. Probably a quick char to give the oak flavour some darkness, and between the sweetness, plum/apricot thing and oxidation of that in contact with the scotch... yeah, I could see how chocolate would happen there. Fucking strange that they're not using tawny port.

>> No.20024563

I think he mean the drink 'four lokos' and not the number 4, so he only had 2 1/2 and is a pussy.

>> No.20024580

No, read it again.

He had 2-1/2 four lokos AND a bottle of gas station wine.

>> No.20024587

No I double checked, my math is pretty accurate. >2.5 four lokos = 10 loko
>gas station wine = ~2-4 loko
The total is somewhere between 12 and 14 loko, and I think we've all had that night where a shovel and drywall show us why Odyssey is a better game.

>> No.20024691
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>> No.20026335
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fortified wine is amazing, forswear thin potations and buy some port and sherry right fucking now

>> No.20026393

You've convinced me. I'm gonna grab some Bristol Cream tomorrow and go caroling dressed as, and sounding like Tom Waits until my voice gives out.

>> No.20026463
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this, finished off a delicious bottle of ruby port last weekend

>> No.20026622

Montenegro is one of my faves. Thanks for the recs!

Last time I went to Bevmo they only had a small selection, so I just got some Fernet Branca. I'll get Nonino next time at the bigger Bevmo. Never seen nor heard of Camatti

>> No.20026665
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I like Tuaca and Galliano

>> No.20026848
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Bought a bottle of this today to mix with soda. What should I actually be drinking for good Peated Whisky.

>> No.20026852

Talisker or Ardbeg.

>> No.20026881
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Might turn into a tradition.

>> No.20026883

Anything is going to be good after Teacher's.

>> No.20026895

Laphroaig 10 and Quarter Cask is what I usually go with

>> No.20027020

>mix with soda
stop this or stick to bourbon/rum

>> No.20027645

Any decent bourbon is worth drinking neat

>> No.20027647

Liqueurfags do you drink this stuff by itself or use it primarily for cocktails?

>> No.20027652
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Trying out a local brand.

>> No.20027767

Depends on the liqueur and the day.
Anything incredibly sweet is usually taking the edge off of a liquor, or going into something sour or bitter (or both - like the orange curacao in my tequila and espresso this morning. May the god I don't believe in bless this holiday season that I don't really celebrate).

>> No.20029018

no shit, but hes obviously not old enough to appreciate an unadulterated spirit.

>> No.20029022

Ha, boobs

>> No.20029054
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these are all scams let's be honest. at least picrel scam is an older recipe and done by monks

>> No.20029114

dumping all the garden clippings in a vat of eau de vie isn't a trade secret, anon

>> No.20029124

It depends what's in your garden.

>> No.20029473

Laphroaig 10

>> No.20029955

Drinking Fernet and pineapple juice rn

I'm a monster

>> No.20029984

fuck I forgot that stuff exists, i got hammered on that NYE in like 2010. it's weird, it's clear but if you add water it turns white like milk

>> No.20029985

Imagine letting your wife drink liquor. Couldn’t be me.

>> No.20029991

Imagine pretending I could tell my wife what to do, and not have to explain to the triage nurse why there's a knife in my spleen.

>> No.20029993

Go back to the 1920s you temperance movement faggot

>> No.20030045

based beyond belief

>> No.20030064

Made an old fashioned with Johnnie Walker Black and it was pretty good

>> No.20030097

>Johnnie Walker Black
I like to step it up to Johnnie walker Green for an old-fashioned personally

But I tend not to make too many mixed drinks so I tend to only buy stuff that is good enough to drink alone, which JW Black isn't quite there.

>> No.20030132

I don't like using anything pricey as the primary component of a cocktail

>> No.20030137

I mean yeah it would make it taste better, but it just feels wasteful on something that would be great by itself

>> No.20030389

Maker's Mark is the exception for me

>> No.20030786

Explain the Presidente Margarita (sub regular tequila with anejo or extra anejo, sub cointreau with Patron citronge, add brandy to the overall mix)

>> No.20030857
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Let's see your cabinets, al/ck/

>> No.20030885

Based bottom shelf enjoyer.

>> No.20030953

I don't know anything about margaritas and have never had one

>> No.20030962
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All of you will end up like this. A very painful and slow death

>> No.20030967

I plan on dying before then

>> No.20030971

Everyone says that

>> No.20030974


>> No.20030995

An expensive take on something that's good enough with bottom shelf garbage

>> No.20031003

I don't get hating nicer alcohol.

Just like with nicer beef, a shitty steak is still steak, so you're gonna enjoy it, but if i'm going out for a nice meal, i'm happily going to pay for a nicer steak.

It's the same with drinks in my opinion. I hold nothing against you if you want to enjoy cheap drinks, more power to you. But nicer alcohol tends to taste better, more complex, etc, and i'll happily pay for it.

Maybe if you're a drunk who just wants to get sloshed all the time, it's just a waste of money, but for people who actually LIKE an occasional drink for the taste/flavor, why not use a nicer alcohol in a mixed drink?

>> No.20031026

No one said they hate nice alcohol. They said they don't like using nice alcohol in cocktails because it's expensive and can be enjoyed better drinking it alone.

>> No.20031033

Your formatting tells me that I could spell it out for you in great detail, and you still wouldn't get it... but... Diminishing returns on investment coupled with an enjoyment of most aged spirits neat.

>> No.20031039

I mean sure, I don't drink mixed drinks often, I just don't see the point in specifically ordering bottom-shelf alcohol in a mixed drink JUST because it's a mixed drink.

I don't buy a USDA Prime steak at a steak house because it's a good value.

>> No.20031055

When you do, do you slather it in bearnaise, or go for simple accoutrements?

>> No.20031061

Depends how good the steakhouse is.

If they're nicer, then a red wine reduction or a mushroom sauce is always nice to pair with.

And again, if I were ordering mixed drinks all the time I could see the argument for using the rail, but if I only have a mixed drink very rarely? Why not enjoy it with the spirit I actually enjoy drinking?

>> No.20031097

Why do you hate beef? Why do you hate liquor? Why do you hate single line spacing?

>> No.20031104
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This is why

>> No.20031106

>Going to a steakhouse that isn't top class
Do you hate steak? If you like something you should be fine spending as much money as possible on it.

>> No.20031110


>> No.20031125

>equating wanting nicer liquor in a mixed drink with not liking beef if you get it with a sauce

Lmao even

>> No.20031180

Why do you hate chuckling?

>> No.20031407

how's that Irish Cream compare to Bailey's? shit is over $30 a bottle everywhere now.

>> No.20031467

That's a baby born with budd-chiari syndrome, not an alcoholic

>> No.20031852

Baileys lasts a while at least (for me). I only use about a teaspoon for a cup of coffee and I only put it in coffee on the weekends since I have work during the week.

>> No.20031864
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>Normally drink bourbon
>Decide to try scotch
>Get a few single malt bottles
>Don't really like it
>Seems weak, doesn't give me the flavors I normally associate with whiskey
>Decide to just keep drinking it anyway and see if I start to like it
>I do end up liking it somewhat, though it still seems like I'm not getting what I normally do from whiskey
>Go back to bourbon after a while
>It all tastes harsh and cheap
>Realize the flavors I wasn't as fond of in scotch are really what good whiskey tastes like and the flavors I was associating with whiskey before were just trashy corn flavors
>Go back to scotch and genuinely enjoy it now
I converted

>> No.20031887

I still don't like peat though.

>> No.20031895

That's okay, peat is an acquired taste.

My grandfather loved peated scotch and so I grew up sipping on various peated (and non peated) scotch over the years. I still wouldn't go out of my way to buy a bottle of peated scotch, but I wouldn't balk at it if served or given a bottle as a gift.

>> No.20031897

I like the corn flavors, gives it some sweetness to go with the alcohol burn and the oak barrel flavors.

>> No.20031902

The only peated scotch I've had is Laphroaig so I might try a peated highland scotch at some point. I've heard they have a different peat taste.

>> No.20031909

You can just prefer scotch over bourbon without being a pretentious faggot about it.

>> No.20031910

Yes, some can be very peat forward, others less so.

Don't be afraid of blended scotch either, some good blends have peated scotch in the blend that mellows out nicely losing much of the heavy peat bitterness.

>> No.20031912

please understand, theres a woman in the house and it's the holidays. I mean is there a noticeable difference in flavor or anything.

>> No.20031914
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Anon, if you want a soft peat that doesn't have the medicinal character of Laphroaig, try this. it's more of a smoky peat and tastes amazing for the price.

>> No.20031931

highland peat is softer and more nuanced.

problem for me with most peated scotches is that its almost always too heavily peated and as a result not very well balanced between spirit and barrel flavors.

once you have one really nicely balanced bottle it will more or less ruin all others.

>> No.20031933

for me it's
>amaro confetti
>amaro tortellini
>amaro amaretto

>> No.20031938

nta but I've been thinking about getting the Ledaig 18 since there seems to be a bigger variation in the last few runs of the 10 when it comes the amount of sherry used.

>> No.20031945

>blended scotch
I too enjoy some blends, too many snobs stick their noses up at blended scotch, but there are some good price/performance blends that are batch to batch very consistent.

>> No.20031954
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Currently sipping on my second glass of Ardberg 10 at 12:49PM because I have to go visit my in-laws in an hour and a half and I need all the courage I can muster.

>> No.20031980
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The 10 is fantastically priced IMO, despite the inconsistencies. I haven't tried the 18 as i usually try to pick up independent bottlings at those higher costs, and the 46% ABV puts me off. This Loch Fyne 13 is unbelievable.

>> No.20032044

I thought scotchfags were snobs before but I feel like I get it now

>> No.20032048

That one in particular I'd say is actually better than Bailey's. It's smoother and tastes closer to condensed milk.

>> No.20032053

Thanks for the info
Might pick up a bottle once my current stash gets low

>> No.20032063

Bought some port and sherry to try. Never had actual wine before. It's not expensive stuff so I just put it in the refrigerator. It says to serve it chilled.

>> No.20032071

Chilled, not cold.

So before cellar temp (55f) but above fridge temp (40f)

Usually if you've got a wine fridge you'd go for about 48-54

>> No.20032074

I don't have a way to get them to a specific temperature. If I really like them I might invest in something. I guess I'll just let them warm a bit after I pour them.

>> No.20032078

Yea, fridge + 10-15 mins at room temp will do it.

>> No.20032086

Thanks anon

>> No.20032157
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the 18 is quite decently priced compared to the few IBs in my area...

>> No.20032163
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>> No.20032189

If you knew something about all these scams you'd know that eau de vie isn't in for shit. These scams are all pure ethanol mixed with water and sugars, the alcoholic version of mountain dew.
As I said, at least the monk scam is a more refined scam with higher quality ethanol and it is, in fact, a trade secret with a fascinating lore.

>> No.20032211

I tried to resist it by using other glassware, but a glencairn really is the best whisky glass.

>> No.20032365

What does this actually taste like?

>> No.20032510

Tried the sherry. It was nice and I enjoyed it. Not sure it's something I'd want to drink regularly, will need to drink more of it to develop a better opinion. Will try the port later, I got both ruby and tawny.

>> No.20032630

Tried Bitburger pilsner. I don't like it. It's hoppy and bitter like a pale ale or IPA but doesn't have any pay-off like those have with their strong flavors. Hoppy light beer sucks.

>> No.20032990

>trashy corn flavors
Trashy anon makes a trashy post, nice.

>> No.20033001

What is so bad about them?

>> No.20033005

Am waiting, what port did you buy?

>> No.20033011

the cum

>> No.20033023

The sherry was Harvey's which was the only import I could get without driving an hour. The ports are Sandeman. I've tried the ruby and liked it. It tasted similar to the sherry but more subtle. I think I like it more. I'm not experienced with wine so maybe it's hard for me to tell the difference very well. Going to try the tawny soon.

>> No.20033077
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Bros is it worth spending money to try this shit if you've never tried it before?

>> No.20033086
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These are the two highest rated I could find available down the street from me.

>> No.20033097
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This one is only in stock at a further store so I'd have to drive to get it.
But it's the cheapest.

>> No.20033152

>Not frivolously wasting money on alcohol

>> No.20033184

I like the tawny the most. The bottle I have doesn't have any age statement, so I'd be interested in trying this with more age on it. All three bottles I tried are enjoyable, though.

>> No.20033191

That's a meme, but the actual whisky in that bottle is really excellent. I have gitten a couple bottles because of the meme.

>> No.20033193

I know, it's funny though. I don't know about dropping $100 on a blend honestly

>> No.20033236


Just because it's a blend doesn't mean it's shit , that being said $100 is retarded, japanese pricing has been a meme lately.

>> No.20033241

I know there are good blends. Maybe I'll try it if the prices ever go down (lol)

>> No.20033257

Starts sweet, then a spicy burning builds up from the back of your throat. 10 hours later you're sitting on the toilet regretting your decisions.

>> No.20033423

Good man, Sandeman is a fantastic brand, from the $25 bottles to the $200. Personally, I've never had Graham's so i can't speak on it, but Taylor Fladgate is respectable. It's up to you on how much you want to spend, but tawnies have a richer, nuttier flavor, with more apricot notes than prune, but still tasting slightly of raisins. If that sounds like an improvement to you, go for the 20 year. If you're not sure, get the 10 year. Either way you'll either like it or not.

>> No.20033436

Just read >>20033184 get the 20 year and enjoy!

>> No.20033459
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I asked Google Bard to create a cocktail including Fernet Branca and pineapple juice. The liquid smoke is... interesting

>> No.20033799

>1/4oz liquid smoke
Christ that's horrendous
A drop or two might unironically be good in that though

>> No.20033825

about a year or so ago i started experimenting with making drinks with ginger juice and vodka, initially inspired by moscow mules
eventually i did manage to make something
ginger goes in the blender with a little everclear to extract the gingerol, ginger pulp gets squeezed through cheesecloth, sugar added, don't remember how much, then topped off with enough everclear to bring it up to 40% abv
i called the horrid concoction "gingerclear"
the burning of the gingerol covered up the alcohol and made it taste not nearly as strong as it was, while also not persisting for nearly as long as capsaicin does
only issue was the bitterness, sugar can only cover that up to a point before it gets too sweet, perhaps higher quality ginger would be less better, i have no idea
also had a small amount of white particulate collect at the bottom if it sits for a day or two, i suspect it was starch, i dare not try gelatinizing it to see the wonderful/horrible experiences a slightly starch-thickened 40% abv drink would give

>> No.20034144

enjoy yr cancer

>> No.20034417

I would say that ever stepping foot outside during the day would make you a hypocrite, but I know that you actually never do that, so I'll just call you a shit for brains instead.

>> No.20034663
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Playing devil's advocate for the sake of it - Dimethyl Sulfide and Dimethyl Sulfoxide are considered faults in basically everything but bourbon. That corn taste in almost literally everything else is a sign that proper care wasn't taken, and proper aging/maturation didn't happen. It's part of bourbon's character, and I do love me some bourbon, but it's the reason why I hate beer aged in bourbon barrels - it tastes like someone tried to fill out a grain bill with creamed corn.

Murdered a bottle of Amontillado with the missus and a mate last night. It's not the kind of thing you can drink quickly, but I do enjoy it... anyway, it went something like "I don't want you to think I don't appreciate this, but 1: I'm not drinking this alone, so grab some glasses, and 2: why Amontillado?" So we watched some Archer and drank some low-mid level wino shit.

>> No.20034673

That smoky finish is going to be surprising alright. If you subbed in an absinthe/ouzo rinse (or a tiny splash into the mix), a half ounce of peaty scotch or an anejo/reposado tequila on the rougher side, and a dash of angostura bitters, and probably doubled up on the pineapple, I think you'd have yourself a mighty fine cocktail indeed.

>> No.20036001


>> No.20036155

What is that? I only drink wine

>> No.20036168

any booze will give you esophageal cancer if you drink enough of it, assuming it doesn't kill you some other way first

>> No.20036174
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>> No.20036218

just started to get into gin

I like that it smells like something instead of pure alcohol

tried tanqueray, hendricks and just got some bombay raspberry that I did not like that much, not sure what to try now

>> No.20036262
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merry chrismas Al/ck/ohol!

>> No.20036271

more people get non-alcoholic fatty liver disease than drinkers who get cirrhosis

>> No.20036670 [DELETED] 
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Merry Christmas!

>> No.20036672
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Merry Christmas!

>> No.20036676

Make a homemade version of No Sleep which is a coffee-infused gin

>> No.20036690

You reckon you could beat it now?

>> No.20036715


>> No.20037158

>have 1 glass of wine for christmas
>immediate severe stomach pain and sternum burning sensation followed by cold sweats
Why does this happen every time i drink?

>> No.20037162

Asian flush? Sulphite allergy?

>> No.20037177

I'm german so idk what the first thing is. Usually it settles after about 30 minutes, but before thrn it is pure pain. Maybe I'm just allergic to alcohol.

>> No.20037217

If it's every type of alcohol, it could be an alcohol dehydrogenase issue (which cause Asian flush... East Asian populations tend to not have as much of the enzymes necessary to break down alcohol and the resulting aldehydes, but the enzyme issues sometimes pop up elsewhere) If it's just wine, you could have an allergy to sulphites.
Then again (and this is worth checking out), you might have an ulcer.

>> No.20037223

wine also harms me quite badly but i drink it anyway

>> No.20037295
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i just made a white russian with belvedere and kahlua. it's not bad. very christmas-y actually. had to add some extra milk though since it tasted too strong.

>> No.20037778

Just drank a Michelob Ultra <R> Superior Light Beer, thinking I might crack open another.

>> No.20038336


>> No.20038555


>> No.20038737

noice! you find it locally? I think my usual spot had a slow year of something. no special end of the year bottles were advertised and their raffle was just meme bourbons.

>> No.20038763

what is wrong with yout finger

>> No.20039445

Ah, I remember being 18

>> No.20039722

Gin is very adaptable and can take local ingredients very readily to really express terroir and all that gay shit, especially if you escape the stifling confines of London Dry Gin. Come to the Modern Gin side.

Do you like citrus? Try a more citrus-focused gin. Do you like herbal flavors? Go for a more vegetal one. Savory? Savory. Etc, etc.

Is there any specific flavor profile that you'd like to explore?

>> No.20039723

Yeah laphroaig is really fucking peaty, not a great one to get your toes wet with peat

>> No.20039871

Have you ever had frangelico? It has a pretty strong hazelnut flavor.

>> No.20039874
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How do I prevent this?

>> No.20039892

I have not. I don't think any of the stores near me have it in stock.

>> No.20039903
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>wants to stop drops
A dropstop obviously, anon

>> No.20039943
File: 142 KB, 1320x1507, Sebago-Lake-Spider-Island-Rum.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What are some simple drinks to mix with this?

Already bought some eggnog, and would prefer to avoid sweet drinks.

>> No.20039969

>would prefer to avoid sweet drinks

>> No.20039985

Hot water + rum.

>> No.20039994

This actually sounds pretty good.

>> No.20039998

That poor belvedere...

>> No.20040043

I've never had this particular rum (from Maine? Do they even have sugarcane in Maine?). If it's good enough to drink on its own, but you want to dilute it, I usually go with soda water, citrus (usually lime, but some rums are better with lemon or orange), and a splash of bitters if it needs it.

Rum lends itself best to fruit juices. Most rum based riffs on martinis and manhattans seem to be missing something (that something being whiskey or gin).

>> No.20040062

There is no sugar cane in Maine, we make it from imported molasses.

>Invented in the West Indies in the 17th century, rum caught on in the American colonies, where distillers began importing molasses and quickly created a major industry. At its peak in 1770, the colonies imported six million gallons of Caribbean molasses, much of which became rum in New England's 159 distilleries

>> No.20040159

lrn2pour. wipe it off with the edge of your hand or use a towel.

>> No.20040194
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>edge of your hand
there are several ways to solve this problem. using your hand is not one of them Rajesh.

>> No.20040226

It's the most rustic version of a grog. Often sugar is used too but you looked for something without it.

>> No.20040240

I added a small tablespoon of wild blueberry honey. It's good.

>> No.20040246


>> No.20040253


>> No.20040528
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>rum has to be sweet!

>> No.20040578

It’s funny because I am almost the opposite, started out with scotch, found bourbon to be overly sweet and obnoxious, and too similar. Now I love the nuance between different distilleries and LOVE the fact that it doesn’t have bullshit like artificial coloring and much more brands don’t chill filter, release products at good ABV, etc

>> No.20040588

To sound gay most bourbon connoisseurs and judges also consider the overly corn taste in bourbon a fault, it’s frequently cited as a youthful flavor, lacking in age, not aging out the grainy characteristic of bourbon is usually considered a flaw there too. The only grain forward American whiskey I like is unironically mellow corn which is grainy as fuck

>> No.20040897

We don't get it up here very often, but yeah, it's my favourite bottle of swill. I'll take it over Crown Royal or Jack any day of the week.

>> No.20041000

Belvedere Chad making the best drink

>> No.20041012

4+ vivinos, mostly primitivos and sangioveses

do you even dark fruit? does oak mean nothing to you? I will slurp the grandest of crus while you suck on fermented grains

>> No.20041050

With milk? Sounds like a fast track to some sweet, sweet curds.

>> No.20041279
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So I'm usually an aged rum guy but the Hibiki got me actin' up. Smooth as silk even with a high alcohol content.

>> No.20041280

No idea what any of these are. What do they taste like and do you just drink them straight? On ice?

>> No.20041481

I enjoyed Beefeater. picked it as my second go around with gin (I'd tried Bombay and HATED it) and redeemed it in my eyes
I like Hibiki but the inflated price from the mania around Japanese whiskey puts me off buying it most of the time. if you can find it below 80 bucks go for it for sure though

>> No.20041661


>> No.20041681

It's convenient when tastelets identify themselves so that way everyone else knows not to listen to them

>> No.20041686

Well alright then

>> No.20041690

There's no accepted term for a steward of hard liquors

>> No.20041691

Imagine thinking your wife doesn't drink when she probably does in secret because she resents you

>> No.20041777


>> No.20042378
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my swedish bookshelf is leaning

>> No.20042415

Should I get some amaretto and try a godfather? I have some Drambuie and made a few rusty nails and I'm not that fond of it. The flavor is pretty strong it seems like it overpowers the scotch even if I do 2oz scotch 1/2oz Drambuie.

>> No.20042564

You usually either drink them chilled with an ice cube or straight out of the freezer where you keep the bottle.

>> No.20043417

>get some amaretto and try a godfather?
Yes. Even cheap scotch will taste good mixed with amaretto.

>> No.20043425

That bookshelf is going to collapse.

>> No.20044470

wat you fags get for Christmas?

>> No.20044509

What are some rare and exotic drinks that will impress people if I tell them I drink it.

>> No.20044748

Brandy De Jerez
Raicilla and Sotol

>> No.20045009

I've never tried any rum. Elitism aside, what do people usually drink it with?

>> No.20045037

Cola. ginger beer, fruit juices and liqueurs.

>> No.20045135
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Depends on the rum, but I like drinking pic related with a small bit of lime/lime juice.
Citrus is really good at bringing out the flavor of rum if neat doesn't work.

>> No.20045315

aboriginal semen

>> No.20046585

So, Bundaberg?

>> No.20047024

tfw heartburn


ze tums do NOTHING


>> No.20047130
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>bought a liter of Cynar
>don't like it

Hopefully it will grow on me. Every amaro I've tried so far I've instantly liked, especially neat (Campari, Fernet, Montenegro, Nonino). Guess I'll be mixing this with Coke

>> No.20047629

Stop drinking period for one week. If that doesn't solve your issue you're fucked.

>> No.20047762

I like Amaro Nonino Quintessentia

Campari and Fernet(-Branca) are also good

I'd drink Quintessentia by itself though

>> No.20047836

>not getting your beer from the asian grocery for 80% off cause the best before date was 2 months ago
>not buying the unusual spirits when they inevitably are marked down cause no one wants them

>> No.20047852

obviously just lick it off
why waste it?

>> No.20047860
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>> No.20048638
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Abouta drink a couple of these

>> No.20048673

>There's no accepted term for a steward of hard liquors
There is actually. It's called an "alcoholic"

>> No.20049052

Real alcoholics tend to just drink cheap vodka

>> No.20049996
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Cynar and Coke is a success

>> No.20050028
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sippin' on a friday night

>> No.20050057
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This is the only beer I enjoy anymore since getting into whisky.

>> No.20050380

I was mostly just making a joke

>> No.20050383

You will never have grip strength. You didn't evolve; you just devolved into a puddle of soi that can't even open pickle jars

>> No.20050387

I was mostly just being autistic

>> No.20050389

Be sure to pronounce it Zam-book. Eye-tahyins say it that way and the last syllable rhymes with puke, which you will do after you drink this shit.

>> No.20050394

We're going to get along just fine

>> No.20050548

Good vodka.

>> No.20050686

> your mum

>> No.20050793


>> No.20052198

I've had the 12 and enjoyed it, never had the 15

>> No.20052213

Do you guys keep the fancy whiskey box after finishing the bottle?

>> No.20052218

In my acquantaince group anyone who uses the word "smooth" to describe alcohol gets laughed out of the room

>> No.20052221

>how will they know i drink kewl whisky otherwise

>> No.20052239

Smooth makes sense if there are tannins or perhaps congeners in your alcohol

>> No.20052242

For particularly nice stuff sometimes, but not generally.

>> No.20052243

That's similar to collecting beer cans and bottles

>> No.20052254

you seem to miss the reason it's your acquantaince group

>> No.20052366

Then you all have gay sex

>> No.20052421
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Is Bushmills 10 any good? I normally drink Scotch but the liquor store had this on sale for $30 and it's a single malt so I bought it on impulse.

>> No.20052651

Well I tried it. Has a nice honey taste. It's not on the level of a single malt scotch but it's definitely decent. I don't regret buying it.

>> No.20052660

>going through horrible depressive period
>drinking for the umpteenth night in a row
>wife, who I supported through hundreds of emotional and mental breakdowns, won't even mention it
I need to stop being a faggot, but at the same time, I hate women so much it's unreal

>> No.20052712

Tastes kind of like a cinnamon bun. I have some in the kitchen so I think I'll eat one once I've finished.

>> No.20052746

I think you should stop drinking and divorce your wife

>> No.20052931

The more I drink it the more I like it. This was a really good buy for the price.

>> No.20052972

Fernet Branca Menta is rock solid, makes for a good nightcap

>> No.20052977

>have problem
>make it worse
>get upset that someone else won't help fix it
perhaps you are the woman OP

>> No.20053108

I think I'm starting to get addicted to rye bourbons
I've only tried 3 distillers so far:
>Michters: loved it, kinda hard to find tho
>Rittenhouse: my go to, cheap and tasty
>Old Turkey: meh
Have a bottle of Sazerac Rye lined up for when I finish my Rittenhouse bottle. Is woodford rye any good?

>> No.20053235

Any good liqueurs I can make with a brandy base? Want to try my hand at making a liqueur, but I only have brandy and a dark rum (that's too expensive to use on a starter liqueur).

Was thinking of either a chocolate liqueur, an amaretto, or a raspberry liqueur, but I have no idea how any of those might work.

>> No.20053248

I grabbed some cheapass rum and am going to make hot-buttered rum for the new year.

>> No.20053357

>fiance depressed and resorting to an alcoholic relapse
>try to communicate with him
>he throws a tantrum and breaks up with me
Really activates my almonds

>> No.20053704

Laphroaig anything, Bruichladdich's Port Charlotte, Ardbeg.

>> No.20054184

I don't know if I should get drunk to deal with my shit or go for a drive (I live in the middle of nowhere shit hole). I want to do both but I can't I'll lose my license. Having to choose between driving or being drunk to survive the night is so fucking shitty

>> No.20054381

>Any good liqueurs I can make with a brandy base?
Grand Brulot
Grand Marnier
Forbidden Fruit (rare spiced pomelo liqueur, real bottles of it go for $500)
Creme de Mure
Creme de Cassis

>> No.20054384

Meanwhile I used a whole bottle of Armagnac to make homemade Le Mousquet

>> No.20054385

>>won't even mention it
>try to communicate

>> No.20054458

total alcohol noob here
just had whiskey for the first time but i didnt like it very much. it just burned my nostrils and throat in an unpleasant way and i couldnt pick up on the subtle aromas it was supposed to have either. i thought that i would like it since i looove bailey's
does it grow on ya? kind of like how beer does?
it's johnnie walker black label if that makes a difference

>> No.20054466

JW black is okay, but a bit smokey for someone starting out.

I personally prefer JW green and JW Gold, but they're ~2x the price of JW Black.

If you can get Green spot, Redbreast 12, JW Green or Gold, Glenfiddich 12, Dalmore 12, maybe a few others, that would give you a broader spectrum of tastes. Some a bit smokey, some a bit more oaky, some more sherry forward, etc.

Once you've had a half dozen or a dozen of the more well-known whiskeys out there and you still haven't found something that suits your palate, then you probably just don't like it.

>> No.20054493

If Hazelnut is doable, would Amaretto work for this as well?

Chambord and Creme de Mure seem like good options as well. The real Chambord is a bit too sweet for my liking, but the black raspberry flavor is superb.

What's Le Mousquet like? I can barely find Anglophone sources on it.

>> No.20054501

>What's Le Mousquet like?
It's an Armagnac-based orange liqueur

Grand Brulot is a coffee liqueur made with a cognac base

>> No.20054502

Add some water to it to reduce the alcohol.
Also blended whiskeys are generally more "punishing" than single malt ones.

>> No.20054507

Thanks, anon. I might look into those.

>> No.20054520

Cheap blends for sure (like johnnie walker black), moderate to expensive blends less so.

>> No.20054572
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>Crème de cassis
yum-yum sips

>> No.20055255

>it just burned my nostrils and throat in an unpleasant way
JW Black is only 40% ABV and isn't harsh. It's peated though (that taste of smoke if you could pick it up) which isn't to everyone's taste. That burning will go away after you get used to it. You'll still feel some heat, especially on your first sip, but it won't feel bad.
>and i couldnt pick up on the subtle aromas it was supposed to have either
Try getting a cheaper single malt like Glenfiddich 12. It's easy to find, not peated and has a nice taste and aroma of apples among other things. Also I don't know what type of glass you're using but it's harder to detect the aromas in a rocks glass since they're fully open and don't concentrate anything. It would be easier if you were using something like a Glencairn.

>> No.20055266

Also if you want an easy cocktail for the JW Black try mixing 2oz of it with 4oz of ginger ale and add ice.

>> No.20055317

Buy a bottle of something strong like Wild Turkey 101 (50.5% ABV) and drink it until you get used to it. When you go back to Scotch and Irish they won't bother you at all, guaranteed.

>> No.20055346

my brother drank Canadian Mist for about 6 months and now he can appreciate nicer single malts and shit whereas previously it was all just whisky to him.

>> No.20055371

Yeah I first got into whiskey with bourbon and normally drank 100+ proof stuff. When I eventually got into scotch later it was all nice and smooth and I could really appreciate the taste. I don't really like bourbon anymore but I'm glad I got into whiskey that way.

>> No.20056145

The godfather is as better scotch cocktail than the rusty nail. I don't really like the drambuie that much but amaretto is nice.