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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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19977907 No.19977907 [Reply] [Original]

Is it true the real reason certain cultures like Indians put so much spice in their food is to hide low quality ingredients?

>> No.19977920

Even if it was, would that be a bad thing? Indians/Pakistanis still eat every part of the animal. They dont pick and choose the most premium cuts of meat and throw the rest into dog food. So it would make sense to improve the less delicious parts with delicious sauce.
Also curry makes any vegetable or bean/lentil delicious.

>> No.19977923

One look at that shithole country and you're still asking this question?

You idiots are hopeless.

>> No.19977931

The real question is what should be considered skilled cooking.

Adding loads of spices and flavors to make something delicious


Knowing how to source and prepare the very best quality ingredients simply and in a way that lets the quality of the ingredients be the star of the dish.

>> No.19977934

you know whats hilarious to me- indians refuse to eat off ceramic dishes because they think its unsanitary

>> No.19977940

They use the same pig, chicken, and beef that we do. How stupid are you, exactly? They use more spices because more spices grow indigenously in tropical areas than in the temperate/polar regions that euros were relegated to.

>> No.19977950

that and rotting meat, yes

>> No.19977952

It was to heavily mask rotten meat as they are poor and have to make sure they can make it last as long as possible.

>> No.19977996

If true, that explains the massive inferiority complex Indian diaspora in the West has about their food. Anytime they talk about food it is about how great spices are.

>> No.19978021

if this video is to be believed the reason is spices can slow down spoilage due to pests and bacteria which is more of a concern hot and humid regions
from a biology standpoint it does make sense


>> No.19978090

It's more autistic than that.
Ayurvedic medicine combined with religious beliefs about the healing properties of all the spices and herbs, and how they need to be combined in various ways to produce the most healthy effects.
There are regions and groups who eat very little spices. And a large segment of India's population avoids "warm" spices entirely, no cumin, chilli, ginger or garlic.

>> No.19978143

why would a starving peasant who cant afford fresh meat have a well-stocked cabinet of spices?

>> No.19978248
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> t.

>> No.19978254

if you think the resulting meat product from a given species of animal is the same in every country you are beyond help

>> No.19978262

It's to make up for the lack of meat, which is the best tasting kind of food even with minimal preparation.

>> No.19978268

If cooking is technique, then your supply quality doesn't matter - how you use your local supply does. A good chef can take common items and make them gourmet. Whereas a person who has to depend on ingredient quality is fucked when they are unable to source said ingredient.

I would definitely say that making something too spicy renders it inedible, the opposite of good cooking.

>> No.19978391
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LOL there were no "starving peasants" in India. There's a reason why every horde of subhuman savages invaded India. We had huge swathes of fertile lands and wealth flowing through every house. And we were the biggest producers of spices for millennia. So yes, even a peasant could afford a fully stacked spice rack, especially in the southern states.

>> No.19978394

So why was your meat so rotten and shitty you had to encrust it with spices to make it edible

>> No.19978396

i heard that food with lots of capsacin has antimicrobial properties to some degree, like you wont shit yourself to death eating bad ribs as long as its saturated. is there anything to this? adds another layer to shits having to mask low quality ingredients but i dont want to spread fake news

>> No.19978436
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Retard, unlike you people, Indians don't eat days old shitty rotten meat. It's why never came up with any shitty processed, preserved meats like sausage and bacon. Even to this day we eat meat freshly butchered right in front of us. Spices are used primarily for their Ayurvedic and medicinal benefits, like this anon said >>19978090. And to preserve prepared meat throughout the day in the Indian tropical heat.

>> No.19978459

Meat is objectively better after some days of aging to allow rigor mortis to subside, and the proteins to start breaking down into more flavorful amino acids.

>> No.19978489
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>it's not rotting meat
>it needs all this to keep it from rotting in the sun

>> No.19978498
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Pajeet absolutely seething his shitty country is using spices to hide the rotten meat taste. Maybe if there wasn't so much bacteria in the air from street shitters your meat wouldn't be so rotten

>> No.19978538

Probably whiter than you are mutt now how is your brown square an argument against the observable fact that there are more species of plants from which to get spices from in the tropics

>> No.19978615

Like I said, it's you savages who use spices to hide the rotting flavor in your weeks old refrigerated degenerate meat. We eat freshly butchered meat. Spices to us are medicinal and therapeutic. Goyslop eating goyim savages like you wouldn't understand.

>> No.19978617

Yes, to kill bacteria, since spices are antibacterial toxins. A warm climate makes it easier for bacteria to grow.

>> No.19978620

the rotting meat hypothesis for increased spice usage just seems so fucking wrong. Like I don't even like indians but I'm pretty sure humans cultivated hundreds of different spice producing plants because they taste/smell good in different ways and not just because hurr their meat is rotten and covered in doodoo

>> No.19978627

So you admit it's rotting in the sun?

>> No.19978628

It's low IQ polcel invented "theory". What more can you expect?

>> No.19978631

Lmao you really did get him seething. Nicely done.

>> No.19978647

No. Spices are used to prevent rotting, not to mask the rotting flavor like the polcel retards like to claim. Indians eat freshly butchered and freshly prepared food. Whether it's meat or vegetarian food, it's prepared and eaten on the same day. So spices are used to prevent the growth of bacteria during the few hours that it might sit around between meals in the Indian heat. But primarily, they're used for their flavor and medicinal properties.

>> No.19978651

>and how they need to be combined in various ways to produce the most healthy effects.
That's true though, like how mixing black pepper and turmeric enhances absorption of certain compounds. It's not much different from saying vitamin C enhances absorption of non-heme iron.

>> No.19978655
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>> No.19978664

This board has been infested with poltards and intcels for at least a few years now, anything that doesn't fit into their shitpost narrative simply means that you're a seething member of the group their targeting to epically troll
You can probably count the number of anons who've actually tried making an indian spice mix and used it in a dish made with homegrown and high quality ingredients on one hand.

>> No.19978675

There's a lot of major league losers who have literally nothing going for themselves. No passion, no hobbies, no skill, no interest in any sort of learning. All ego mixed with extreme stupidity and proud ignorance. It's incredibly easy to defeat them, but it gets boring compared to having an actual conversation about an interesting topic.

>> No.19978737
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Sometimes the most powerful troll is to be genuinely creative and passionate when surrounded by snarky doomer cynics and shitcunts. Shine bright, despite.

>> No.19978768

Absolutely based and true. It's kind of funny to think of that as trolling, but I like it.

This may be schizo, but I also think there are bots on some boards that are designed to worsen the overall experience on here. Can't prove it, but some of the posters on here definitely make me think it.

>> No.19978773

This thread and the majority of posters are asian manlets trying to take the heat off asian people cooking by redirecting it onto indian people cooking

>> No.19978775

Are you? I'm not.

>> No.19978848

It's absolutely true if you think of trolling as going against the grain. When the masses go low, you go high. When everyone else is depressing and cynical, you shine brightest. That's punk as fuck.

>> No.19978967


>> No.19978972

>is covering rotting food with spices to make it palatable a bad thing?

>> No.19978977

>rotting food
why do you think the food is rotting? In fact, many people in this very thread have been saying the same thing, but is the food really rotting? By that metric, would covering a steak full of peppers and salt counts as "covering rotting food"??

>> No.19978978

Nice to meet you, Mr. Poo.

>> No.19978988

I don't think they eat beef

>> No.19978996
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If anything Indian livestock are healthier and closer to their natural varieties than the degenerate genetically modified and hormone pumped abominations you get in the west. Especially when it comes to goat and sheep, the most popular red meat in India. Most of them are grass fed and roam around in open pastures all their lives.

>> No.19978999
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>> No.19979030

>People add spices to food to make it taste better
Holy shit no way!!!

>> No.19979040

Those are stray goats, like stray dogs. Nobody eats them.

>> No.19979051
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Just showing off those grass fields and open pastures bro

>> No.19979056

You could probably prevent bacteria growth better if you practiced better hygiene to begin with Jeetman.

>> No.19979057

absolute state of /ck/
instead of talking about spices and how you can apply it to make food better, they spam political shits
so much shits that can make a pajeet cower in shame

>> No.19979077
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Except, bacteria exist everywhere. You can't practice hygiene with air, unless you turn your entire house into a sterile lab. Normal food that isn't goyslopped to hell will start rotting within a day no matter how clean you are, as long as it's wet and warm for long enough, like in the heat of tropical regions.

>> No.19979082

>Normal food that isn't goyslopped to hell will start rotting within a day
damn this nigga is a retard

>> No.19979105
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>as long as it's wet and warm for long enough, like in the heat of tropical regions.

>> No.19979135

funny how you explicitly ignored the guy who started the political shitposting. But hey somehow I don't think the purity of culinary discourse of ceekay is what you're really after here

>> No.19979156

It was a theory originally used to explain the high prices of spices in Europe and the great lengths Europeans went to in order to procure spices in the ages of exploration. It’s still wrong, the true reason behind spices is the human desire for variety and novelty which agricultural diets can’t easily provide.

>> No.19979158

feeling bad because you didn't get a (You) or something? Of course I wouldn't fucking quote the entire thread from head to toe

>> No.19979176

No I'm not feeling bad I'm just pointing out your philosophy of "it's only shitting up the thread if has views I disagree with"

>> No.19979179

He screeches and cries about poltards while being worse than one. He is extremely ignorant on meat processing and aging as well.

>> No.19979232
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Indian food gets too much bad rep on this board. Indian food is amazingly good as long as its made by white people.

>> No.19979574
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>People eat spices because they taste great

>> No.19980013

>Proto-Ramesh Grugjeet we are hungry, should we consume the plants available in our region whilst taking advantage of their own anti-microbial defenses in order to extend the shelf-life of our preparations which would otherwise rot within a few hours under the hot and humid environment?
>No, Early-Khamal, somewhere in the other side of the world there are people who live in a country of snow that allows them to leave meat as it is without it spoiling, we should do as them

>> No.19980020

How would they have low quality ingredients? Food is food.

>> No.19980025

>the quality of the ingredients be the star of the dish.
Quality of ingredients doesn't have a taste?

Bffr. Even poor uneducated people can tell edible from non-edible and figure out what makes things non-edible.

>> No.19980356

You're not adding anything you're just circling around whether it's rotting or not.

>> No.19980400

Ummmmmm yikes!

>> No.19980451

I feel like people probably overestimate how heavily poor people in India spice their food
The staple food is rice and cooked dal and it's not heavily flavoured

>> No.19980648

you are a schizo

>> No.19980760

Anglos, Nords, and Celts don't season their food.

>> No.19980849

Thank you sir, please redeem many poos sir

>> No.19980902

Surprisingly legit and plausible. Pretty well-expounded too. Too expound means to present and explain (a theory or idea) systematically and in detail.

>> No.19980919

That doesn't seem wholly accurate to me

>> No.19980949

>>indian people
pick one

>> No.19980952

pick two.

>> No.19980954

Pick one.

>> No.19980958

if you look at the foods of every culture. all the lower IQ ones have a overly spiced or strongly flavored cuisine. higher iq ones have moderate to bland food.

>> No.19980974

>asian people
irl, its more like indians trying to take heat of indians by saying "southeast asian." lmfao
"southeast asians" account for most rapists in Europe or Germany or UK or something like that.

>> No.19981001

>asian manlets trying to take the heat off asian people cooking by redirecting it onto indian people cooking
its indians who need to take the heat off them lmfao. the most hated race in the civilized world. lol.

>> No.19981104

Fast food addict take. Refined cuisine can be subtle, complex, delicate, etc. That does NOT make it bland.

>> No.19981170

yeah okay fine thats what i meant. the main comparison i wanted to bring bout was heavily flavored foods of low races, and the more subtle naunced flavors of the high iq. like the foods of the lower races is heavily flavored, and every single day too. I eat like thai food once in a while but eating it every day, i cant imagine. i cant imagine eating low iq race food every day, its just way too strong tasting.

>> No.19981178

Is French cuisine high or low IQ?

>> No.19981184

also, indian food doesnt have subtle, complex or delicate flavors.

>> No.19981185

i would say its high iq.

>> No.19981190

>indian people cooking
literal poverty subhuman food. Look at how its cooked in the streets. Sichuan, a place in china that eats very spicy, knocks india out the park.

>> No.19981191

indians come into west and start thinking they are also first worlders lol.

>> No.19981192

shut the fuck up, retard

>> No.19981204

yeah thats the reason. indians like to show off indian food made in the west, but check out those vlogs of westerners visiting restaurants in india and see how its served. it looks disgusting and unsanitary and the servers look smelly and gross.

>> No.19981258

>Is it true the real reason certain cultures like Indians put so much spice in their food is to hide low quality ingredients?
No, that's just retarded propaganda by arrogant westerners who love to brag about their wealth but know nothing about cooking.

>> No.19981263

t. seething poojeet.

>> No.19981266

>retarded propaganda
its not propaganda. lmfao. just look at the indian webms.

>> No.19981496


>> No.19981545

ok ,poojet

>> No.19981932

what a tedious post

>> No.19981971

If they're toxins, then they're extremely dangerous to humans. You're finding buzzwords to explain why your country continues to overspice its meat in place of proper food handling and hygeine standards.

The only way to improve your country is to bite the bullet, admit there's glaring issues with hygiene, food handling and water quality. Then implement the measures the west implemented over a century ago. You fucks want to be better than China? Then wash your hands with soap and water and clean your country up.

>> No.19981981

>country continues to overspice its meat in place of proper food handling and hygeine standards.
or maybe low iq places just eat very strong tasting foods?

>> No.19981983

>You fucks want to be better than China?
some indian on national television compared shanghai to bombay lol. he said "maybe one day, shanghai will be like bombay."

>> No.19981992

They eat strong tasting foods partly to hide the the type of meat consumed, the quality of the meat consumed, and to hide repugnant flavors present in the meat due to improper handling.

All low IQ places do this in some form or another.

>> No.19982022

Here's a fun experiment you can try at home. Take a piece of meat and leave it out on the counter for 24 hours. Now blast it with turmeric and cook it. Congratulations you learned /pol/ is retarded and makes shit up and you're a god damn fucking moron for falling for it, namaste.

>> No.19982155

>Now blast it with turmeric and cook it.
and wtf is this supposed to do? to cover up the color change of the meat? to cover up off flavors? tumeric is literally used as a food coloring agent.

>> No.19982160

>/pol/ is retarded and makes shit up
its not making shit up. theres correlation to show the more strong flavored the daily meals of a race is, the lower iq it is.

>> No.19982384

There is no such thing; those with more flavored food exist because they have access to more flavorful spices and herbs. Why the fuck do you think Europe also wants them? King Henry VIII has been eating shit ton of spices. Get the Pol retard outta here; this is a food board.

>> No.19982394

I don't think so. Indian food can taste fine. What's nasty is the slop they make in street food vendors because it hides the fact that you're eating (quite literally at times) shit. Whether it's unwashed hands and feet in the food or other shit. Go to an Indian market and make the food yourself and you won't have an issue. Even if you go to a nice restaurant they'll be spicy, but not just huge vats of random spices that all form to look like slop. So having that much spice is a street food thing mostly.

>> No.19982402

>In medieval Europe, those who could afford to do so would generously season their stews with saffron, cinnamon, cloves and ginger. Sugar was ubiquitous in savory dishes. And haute European cuisine, until the mid-1600s, was defined by its use of complex, contrasting flavors.

>Back in the Middle Ages, spices were really expensive, which meant that only the upper class could afford them. But things started to change as Europeans began colonizing parts of India and the Americas.

>"Spices begin to pour into Europe," explains Krishnendu Ray, an associate professor of food studies at New York University. "What used to be expensive and exclusive became common."

>Serving richly spiced stews was no longer a status symbol for Europe's wealthiest families — even the middle classes could afford to spice up their grub. "So the elite recoiled from the increasing popularity of spices," Ray says. "They moved on to an aesthetic theory of taste. Rather than infusing food with spice, they said things should taste like themselves. Meat should taste like meat, and anything you add only serves to intensify the existing flavors."

>> No.19982409

>generously season
thats not the same as low iq nations dousing it and completely covering the meats with spices. look at european dishes. none of them look like indian dishes.

>> No.19982411
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>Krishnendu Ray

>> No.19982414

then how come in the supermarkets, the stores marinate and season the not fresh meat?

>> No.19982417

>Even if you go to a nice restaurant
dont tell this guy about the indian restaurants in the UK lol. this guy thinks indians outside of india are different than indians in india. also, dont tell him companies with lots of indians in usa have "dont poop in the sink" or "dont wash feet in sink" signs.

>> No.19982419

denying that a third world shithole isnt heavily spicing their food to cover up the foul taste of rotting meat is delusional. Modern supermarkets in the first world literally do this to bad meat.

>> No.19982421

you eat fried cow shit and rice of the floor. I've seen the webm.

>> No.19982423

>in the UK
Well aware. But you Brits eat horrid shit anyway that's downright despicable. So I'm sure your Indians are just as rancid as your beans on toast and other disgusting slop. Birds of a feather after all. I meant actual civilized humans like Americans and high caste Indians. Not "people" like Brits and filthy dalit chandalas.

>> No.19982430

>Go to an Indian market
lmfao. what indian market? an indian market in india? or one in the U? lmfao? god forbid usa has one also.
>Even if you go to a nice restaurant they'll be spicy
what? you think in indian restaurants, they workers there are sanitary? indians have a different hygiene culture that doesnt change once they leave india. They do not seem themselves as dirty. there dirtiness threshold is a lot higher than you think. like what they think is normal is absolutely disgusting. we arent even talking wiping ass with hands or eating poop disgusting. like simply eating food off the work table is gross enough or wiping a public sink with their hands. idk if youre brown or something but there are literal brown people that refuse to wash their hands after wiping their ass with their hands because toilet paper reminds them of colonization.

>> No.19982445

Because you have no idea what history is.
People typically eat what is a staple food of their community, regardless of the ingredients present in the supermarket, because they get used to it. If a country gets used to eating a lot of spices, then they will keep eating a lot of spices. You can even see the higher class in those specific countries. They have access to Wagyu and still flavor it like their typical food. Americans have access to many flavorful foods now, and Chinese and other restaurants have made their home even in white areas. And Thai restaurants in America even have more flavor and spice than those they make in Thailand. Are you going to say that Thai have more IQ than White Americans?

>> No.19982454

Like did you see how Mia khalifa took off her face mask to pick up dog shit and then put the mask back on her face after? That’s literally not normal behaviour but is normal to them.

>> No.19982464

>why do you think the food is rotting?
Because every aspect of Indian culture is fucking filthy and disgusting. They bathe in a river filled with garbage and dead bodies, they shit on the street and wipe with their bare hand. They eat cow shit and piss, and sprinkle it all over their homes. That's why, Rajesh

>> No.19982473

Thais eat heavily flavoured foods daily. There is a correlation between cultures that eat heavily flavoured foods daily and iq. It just so happens that countries that do that are also low iq and third world. There is nothing wrong with being third world and having different standards. You think the Indian eating fried poop thinks it’s wrong? I myself don’t see anything wrong with it. I don’t care about cultural things because it literally is “just their culture.” The discussion in this thread is just about meat and heavy spices. And the heavy spices is to cover up rotten and off flavoured meats. Like what the hell are you redditors arguing about?

>> No.19982476

>Is it true the real reason certain cultures like Americans put so much artificial flavoring in their food is to hide low quality ingredients?
Pot to kettle, OP

>> No.19982477

Also, it’s like almost all hot climate places eat heavily spiced food. I wonder why. Oh yeah cause meat spoils quick there.

>> No.19982480

What you mean low quality?

>> No.19982483

I know you don't see anything wrong with eating shit, that's why everyone hates you

>> No.19982486

It's to mask the smell and flavor of the poop

>> No.19982489

If you're bad cooking, better ingredients won't make a difference.
If you're good at cooking, worse ingredients won't make a difference.

>> No.19982491

It’s a cultural thing. No one told you to interact with them. Indians have always existed and I’ve always known about them. The main issue is denial of the use of spices and dumb Redditors thinking that they suddenly have different hygiene practices once arriving.

>> No.19982494

Nigger, they're fucking everywhere, it's impossible NOT to interact with them

>> No.19982497

>Thai eat heavily flavored Food daily.
You have no idea what you are talking about. Both Thai staple foods, basil-stirred fries and vegetable soup, have fewer spices than average American foods. Basil-stirred fries only require salty sauce, garlic, and chili. And the soup only needs stock and black pepper. The only heavy, ordinary-spiced Thai meals are noodles, which come from China.

>> No.19982500

They are and they aren’t. But who said you have to interact with them. You are probably the type to talk shit about them but once you interact with them you’re all chit chatty with them. Indians are kind off everywhere in public areas, but who told you to go there? Did you really need to go to the coffee store?

>> No.19982502

I'm going to murder you in your sleep

>> No.19982505

I know what I’m taking about. Thai food, even the ones you mentioned, are strong tasting. It doesn’t have to be very spicy pungent, but it’s strong tasting. also basil cooked like that is very strong tasting. Nothing in Thai cuisine is delicate or refined.

>> No.19982508

Salt and garlic and chili and stir fried. Lmfao. Not strong tasting. Ok.

>> No.19982511

Simply adding chilies to every dish is pretty Thai and jungle tier and third world.

>> No.19982513

You’re retarded. So even their bland dishes has loads of chilies in it.

>> No.19982516

>Basil with garlic and chili is strong tasting
>Broth with a black pepper is strong tasting
No, you don't. There are reasons why Thai food in America includes more spice and sugar and why Gordon Ramsay's Pad Thai is "over-seasoned."

>> No.19982527

Pad Thai is strong tasting as fuck. That sour and salty is a lot. Also we don’t have to only focus on spicy pungent. Thai foods is always very strong tasting whether salty, sour or sweet. Like your taste buds are probably overly stimulated already if you think a pad Thai is plain tasting. You have different taste threshold. And you still didn’t explain why supermarkets spice bad meat.

>> No.19982531

Bland dish doesn't have chilies on it; don't be retard; I already described the bland dish, which only has black pepper in it.
>Simply adding chili is Thai.
That's not how it works. Even for Pad Thai, chili is a side dish and not a mandatory ingredient.

>> No.19982533

Like you denying that all of south East Asian eats strong flavored food is retarded. Like what are you arguing? Anyone that is well eaten knows the foods of all cultures.

>> No.19982553

Pad Thai is tangy and sweet and salty. Once again, it’s a flavour bomb. Third world food is always a bomb on the tongue.

>> No.19982554
File: 284 KB, 1169x1494, Chicken.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Sweet, salty, sour
>taste buds over simulated
It's just a lime by the end. If you think a lime is too strong for you, you are lying.
It seem You don't even read my post above. Thai foods in the West are over seasoned version with more sweetness. Average Scran sold at stadium those are even more flavorful than average Thai foods.

>And you still didn’t explain why supermarkets spice bad meat.
I explain that bad meat or not, people will keep eating like this because they get used to it. You can't read. It has more to do with culture; even if they got access to high-grade meat, they would still eat like this.

>> No.19982578

>Chili + Lime is a flavor bomb
At this point, I believe you are pretentious on the internet. Who argue in bad faith. Doing anything to justify your bias. If that's a flavor bomb of third-world tier, American BBQ Cajun dishes and sucking pigs might as well be the most shithole foods the world ever seen.

>> No.19982580

Nah, they put lots of spices in their food because they grow locally so any retard can just gather some from a garden or even the wild for free. Don't overthink it.

>> No.19982582

what is your goal with this loaded question?

>> No.19982585

/ck/ was a mistake, so are you and I.

>> No.19982589

Chili lime plus sour sauce plus salt and the noodle dish is very strong tasting and you can add the fish sauce too and also fried with chili or added hot sauce. It is clearly not a refined dish. And you’re thinking bbq like Popeyes, which the blacks have said is theirs.

>> No.19982598

It’s not the food that makes a place third world. It just so happans the third world has food that is very strong tasting that the people eat daily. Like every bite has loads of flavour whether spicy, sweet salty or whatever. And it just so happens it’s all also in South Asia. Are you denying Indian food is strong tasting?

>> No.19982601
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Did you somehow miss all the depictions in media of southerners as inbred retards? The land of BBQ is already stereotyped as low intelligence.

>> No.19982603

It’s not overthinking. This discussion keeps going on because browns and Redditors like to pretend the hot humid climate of the third world doesn’t spoil food faster while ignoring their food storage and hygiene practices.

>> No.19982607

And “Cajun” is like native Americans.

>> No.19982619

American bbq is flavourful. But it’s not like “covering up the meat” and dousing it. The cooking method matters too. Indian food is just doused in spices where it’s just spicy red and no other falls lots. It’s flat and one dimensional. And it’s put into a slop where the texture is the same for all dishes or meat or beans.

>> No.19982624

This. The whole thread makes me want to an hero.
> Why do people use spices, are they too poor for Applebee's Steaks or something?

>> No.19982641

Even Applebee’s steaks are not marinated in a layer of spice where you can’t even see the meat anymore and then thrown into a pot to be boiled with even more spices with lentils until everything in the pot is mushy and brown.

>> No.19982644

To start a discussion? I think both can be good, but which one takes more skill is an interesting debate.

>> No.19982645

So using lots of flavorful ingredients means you can't be refined? What even is a refined dish? French people use lots of aromatics and herbs in their food and nobody makes comments about their food not being refined enough. I feel like you've been eating chicken nuggets your whole life and the closest you ever came to spice was McDonalds Szechuan sauce. The fact that you can't think outside of chili, lime, and fish sauce for tropical Asian food is laughable, its like you skimmed the first paragraph of Wikipedia's Thai Cuisine page. Lmao, Sage

>> No.19982652

>Even Applebee's
Oh no no no bros

>> No.19982662

French food isn’t a flavour bomb with no complexity like third world food. You’re trying to talk about Thai food now being complex and refined lol. Thai food, even in all of east Asia, is known as “too strong tasting” and kinda primitive. You dragging Thai into this discussion just shows how dulled your third world taste buds has become due to eating like that since birth. You’re not only arguing with me, you’re arguing with all of East Asia which says Thai food is too strong tasting to eat every day and I’m sure East Asia has very authentic Thai food.

>> No.19982738

the purpose of many spices is to cover up rot. for example, tumeric is really good at making rotten meat/eggs taste good.

>> No.19982745

>French food isn’t a flavour bomb with no complexity like third world food
>tfw you enjoy some food even if it uses a lot of spices
>tfw some faggot tells you it's wrong
"/ck/ told you to reject the evidence of your tongue. It was their final, most essential command." - 1925 by moot

>> No.19982748

>why would poor people who live in the area where spices natively grow use the tumeric they found in their backyard?

are you literally retarded? tumeric is a tuber, mint is an invasive weed, peppers grow climb everything in the tropics. walk into the jungle and grab some random plant, its probably a spice.

>> No.19982753

>why was meat rotten in a tropical environment with no modern refrigeration technology

lol lmao

>> No.19982757

UUUHHH FYI using spices to mask rotting meat is exactly what they did in medieval europe….

>> No.19982770

>But it’s not like “covering up the meat” and dousing it.
wtf is dry rub
wtf is smoking to protect the meat from spoilage
seriously you have been samefagging this entire thread for long enough. fuck off

>> No.19982782

>white people 500+ years ago did things nonwhites are still doing to this day
>nonwhites somehow think this is a gotcha moment

>> No.19982799

You don't know what bbq is,brown monkey brother.

>> No.19982805

>Indian food is just doused in spices where it’s just spicy red and no other falls lots.
There's a ton of Indian food that isn't spicy. There's a big variety in textures and flavors. I used to think it's all the same spicy slop but that's not all it is once you start to really explore it.

There's even tandoori chicken and tamarind sauce which is almost like an Indian version of BBQ chicken. They have a creamed spinach dish with chunks of fresh cheese that isn't really doused in spices. So many different kinds of breads and condiments.

The best thing to do is find a decent Indian buffet if you can because then you can sample a little bit of everything and start to learn more.

>> No.19982811

Yeah that dude is straight up retarded for thst post. Almost as stupid as saying Japanese people only eat sushi and ramen.

>> No.19982818

>Almost as stupid as saying Japanese people only eat sushi and ramen
where do you think you are?

>> No.19982930

It is this nonsense again, what a funny joke. Well there are two obvious problems with such a theory. In first place, if you have rotted meat and cook it guess what? It tastes of rotten meat that had been cooked. Not shocking nobody mentions this on this forsaken board, nobody here has even cooked a sandwich in their life. Next thing is that meat does not spoil nearly so quickly as you may think. At a room temperature environment it takes a few days for meat to go rotted. Assuming that vermin are kept away. It isn't a problem normally however as the animal is slaughtered at the time it is to be eaten, this isn't difficult to understand. What do you think, Europeans before electricity never ate meat? Or they had magical iceboxes powered by Agartha black sun? Idiots.

>> No.19983475

French food is delicate. Indian food is just strong pungent flavours
Oh yeah tandoori chicken, a very strong tasting chicken dish. You thirdis are hiliarious. Where is pan seared chicken which relies on a good sear then bake with just salt and pepper and butter?

>> No.19983486

Yeah I’m retarded. And not the anons ignoring Indians fame for over spiced food, hygiene and hot humid weather and their Wierd low iq behaviour. When we see the post fridge threaads and cooking threads, it definitely puts things more in perspective. I’m definitely more well experienced in eating than most of you and my daily meals are for sure higher quality than 90% of y’all here. But uh uh Indian food is delicate and refined cuisine.

>> No.19983509

Right a country where the pm prayed to a dirty man’s feet sure has a refine cuisine and a great kitchen and cooking utentislls and a great culinary world and it’s not just fetishes by people in the first world who pretend India isn’t some shit hole and then cook the meat with proper first world technique that low iq third worlders have no idea what to do. Eating Indian food food the first world way isn’t even the proper way. Simply eating with a knife and fork isn’t India cuisine anymore. It’s like going to a Chinese restaurant and using fork and knife.

>> No.19983517

They salted and cured meat and didn’t drown it in spices to cover it up.

>> No.19983526

I’ve been to those buffets before. It’s shitty food and it was bfore 2015 so it was before the sudden poo bomb in the west. Maybe I ain’t poor or ignorant and eat high quality food every meal that I’m not impressed with a dish that’s slop and overly flavoured.

>> No.19983531

Or maybe I’m just that much more superior compared to brown people that eating their food is below me. And why should it be below me? They have billions that shit on the street and bathe in shit and their culture is third world. Why would I be impressed by the cuisine of the third world? Why would a first world born person that has eaten all luxury foods think Indian food is slop and heavily spiced cause the country is poor and uses shit quality ingredients and has shitty cuisine cause caring about fine foods is on on the bottom of importance when the people are poor and low iq and it’s dump.

>> No.19983533

Just how poor and rentoix are you guys to have to defend India’s food practice. No one that grew up superior would ever pedestalize Indian food or have anything nice to say about it. Only people who have nice things to say are people who grew up in a diverse world and not a world where the line between superior and inferior was divided and there is no “we all the same.” I grew up in a world where for a while, the internet had no brown or black people in it. Imagine that. The world used to be legit pure. Now it’s all shades of shit every aspect.

>> No.19983539

In supermarkets in first world, the non sold meat is put into kitchen and marinated and spiced and sold as pre marinated.

>> No.19983550

I guess it makes sense why you have such a strong opinion about something you have clearly demonstrated knowing absolutely nothing about. Your false sense of superiority is quite amusing.

>> No.19983566

> false sense of superiority is quite amusing.
why is it false? i simply have perspective and not viewing indians as first worlders because i feel bad doing it and i dont have a guilt complex for doing it. No east asian or superior people will have anything nice to say about indians lol. il assume youre brown or a white redditor.

>> No.19983570

>praises east asians
Have you seen what the average Chinese person eats? We know you eat shit like live birds, depopulate your rivers, and have filthy wet markets. On top of seething about India you outed yourself, Chang. Wumao.

>> No.19983572

you probably grew up with diversity and indians are supported by diversity and the "ohh shiny new object" factor where you dont see their culture and natural ways. like yeah i know that perspective too. but now that indians are such high populations, you can really see them regresing to their more thirld world ways. similar to how when theres only like a few blacks in your country like in japan, they are all cool and friendly. then the moment they are like even 10percent of you population, it can destroy your country. if you look up memes of brown areas in the west, a bunch of random third world indian specific shit happens.

>> No.19983577

yeah, thats why my area is all east asians. i didnt outst my self.yeah for sure. yeah for sure. its alll east asian third worlderes buying up properties in the west. and i mentioned east asians because chinese korean and japanese are definitely cultured, unlike canadians or americans or british which have been muttified. its to help keep things in perspective and to show no cultured place, you can nitpick all you want, will ever see india as a civilized country.

>> No.19983582
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>> No.19983583

Because you have proven that you know nothing about something you feel superior of. You're just a loser who is using your feeling to make yourself feel better. It's hilarious.

I agree that on average european cuisine is better, but there are plenty of world class indian restaurants. There is nothing stopping an indian farmer from growing/raising high quality produce on the same level as a european farmer.

Something analogous would be saying that all chinese people or restaurants serve dog because certain areas in china eat dogs, or because fast food is popular in American all Americans eat fast food 6 times a week. It's retarded.

>> No.19983584

its hiliarious but also makes sense its only westerners or browns that will defend brown food. maybe its because brown food is something very foreign and exotic so its like something fancy. east asians avoid thai food which is also very strong tasting but without the outrageously gross practices. east asians are the best examples because i cant use another brown race or a blacks or whites because whites have been come diversified.

>> No.19983593

>You're just a loser
yeah im a loser. i know for sure i eat better than 90percent of you lol. >>19983583
>It's hilarious.
yeah it hiliarous.
>there are plenty of world class indian restaurants.
putting third world food into a multicultural world doesnt elevate it. maybe to the nouveau crowd sure. but to people from the previous generation, no amount of world classim or lipstick or dressing up will ever turn south asian food into anything but putting lipstick on a pig. and this is the way the entirety of east asian over age 30 think and this opinion matters. its also only the first world that these "world class indian restaurants" exist too. lol funny huh. you would get laughed out of east asia if a "world class indian restauant" because east asians dont play the diveristy game lol. korea and japanese place have "no indians allowed" in stores.its only the western world that gets to enjoy " world class indian restaurants."

>> No.19983595

>There is nothing stopping an indian farmer from growing/raising high quality produce on the same level as a european farmer.
lmfao.keep twisting it. next thing its cooking indian food in a first world professional kitchen, and cooked by a non indian too and using proper techniques that didnt develope in india. face it, the ony way india food is even elevated is when its drops some of its indian characteristics and cleaned up.

>> No.19983597
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>and this opinion matters

>> No.19983598

Indian food is so fucking bad its insane. On the other hand Pakistani food is god tier (because it's way less watery and sloppy).

Truly, indian food doesn't TASTE bad, it is the consistency that is dogshit. Pakistani food improves on that

>> No.19983600

>all chinese people or restaurants serve dog because certain areas in china eat dogs
okay, but these dogs are not left rotting and heavily spiced by low iq people whose family members spend time in a tub full of shit. even TODAY, the indian memes happen in indian and the uk and canada and usa. literaly pajeet moments happen every day. majority of china has moved past the seeing the the world for the first time, and that was like 20 years ago. and trust me, i know.. they were a pain the ass, peeing in LV stores and buying up the whole store. china is light years ahead of india.

>> No.19983602

not sure why the opinions of brown lovers matter when their PM prays to the feet of a dirty man and wears a rag on the global meetings lol. you can take something out jungle but no amount of lipstick can over up the dirt.

>> No.19983608

>i know for sure i eat better than 90percent of you lol.

Prove it.

>> No.19983609

You are 100% a chink. HERRO

>> No.19983610

i just know lol. no thanks.

>> No.19983612

herro would you deep fried or steamed shit to go with your naan and how much level of fecal matter you want?

>> No.19983614
File: 77 KB, 800x533, wet-market-16_slide-2eb00e06b74f3c65eb2e6a7f58e5d2dcccd753bc-s800-c15.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Herro. Wow so this is the power of China.

>> No.19983615

as someone who has sampled the foods of the world at a young age and then trying indian food later on and then seeing wtih my own eyes how disgusting they are, indian food is simply a first world meme. Curry? thais do it better.
lol this is the menu of a popular indian spot in toronto. lmfao. what a unrefine menu. chinese menus mog the shit out of it. lmfao.

>> No.19983617

Lmao. You can't prove it. That's all I need to know.
Again proving that you have an ignorant and false sense of superiority based off only your feelings. No better than an sjw college student.

>> No.19983618
File: 117 KB, 860x572, HanoiMarket_Vietnam_2008-077-scaled-e1585602114421.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Truly this is nothing like India. You're a seething fucking chink lmao.

>> No.19983620

i dont wanna show off.

>> No.19983621

Ni hao! 1 bat soup with a side of golden retriever thigh.

>> No.19983629

the power of china is seen all over the world.
i would eat dog no problem before touching food prepared by a brown person even in the west lol.
chinese dont need to seethe. the best supermarkets in the west are all chinese owned. or at least chinese.
you need to seethe. i dont.
and here. https://www.pukka.ca/menus/ lmfao. this shows you how stupid the people that eat indian food are. they see it as new or exotic whereas peole that grew up with thai or viet food jsut see it as a shitty variaion of some of the dishes.

>> No.19983631

no, this is chinese power on display in the west. got the spending power to have a supermarket like this that is a go to for chinese and anyone that wants a real

>> No.19983633

But you have shown off! You've shown off how emotional and stupid you are. Lmao.

>> No.19983635

selection of groceries.

>> No.19983636
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>> No.19983639

you seethe. biden literally shoved sunak out the way a few months ago. fucking rude. shows you how cultured and older people view india and not the nouveau diversity crowd.

>> No.19983644

thats how i would look if i ate indian food for a week. literal tumeric leaking out my skin.

>> No.19983655

the popular indian food RESTAURANT that is fancy in downtown toronto has the menu of a chinese take out place hole in the wall that no chinese person visits. lmfao. it has a menu similar to cafes that chinese people eat it in a hurry. and lmfao look at the prices. its not for indians and its for westerners. lmfao. its literally only westerners that think indian food that is exotic willl eat indian food in the west.

>> No.19983656

That is how you do look right now, Ping Ling.

>> No.19983659
File: 108 KB, 860x571, 7C8B4BEF-1FFD-476B-9BC0-15D4128ECBF4_w1024_q10_s.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>accuses me of being part of "the diversity" crowd for showing chinks eat as terribly as jeets do
Your wet markets are no different than their street food. Food on the fucking floor, live, dogs, cats, rats, rhino cock, bugs, anything you can shove down your throat is on the menu, and the conditions are just as unsanitary. You're a seething chink and a wumao.

>> No.19983660

> emotional and stupid
am i stupider than the average person? i doubt that. i am definitely more refined that u.

>> No.19983662
File: 142 KB, 860x645, v3imagesbin6fae5d7d714706deaa059a7d42d40c0e-a1yq6ezv5o0hyipz2u2_t1880.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is how you eat, Chang. Do explain how this is different from India.

>> No.19983664
File: 120 KB, 860x573, 5EDD9DBA-7659-4EE5-9D32-43CD902835EB_w1024_q10_s.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Oh it's fine. Show us what you eat, bro. Are you ashamed?

>> No.19983667

its hilarious, cause chinese markets even mog western markets in the west. if you wanna know how a country eats, look the supermarkets. in canada, metro supermarket, sells 1 pound lobsters and microwaves it for you. LMFAO. in chinese ones, they selection is insane. live and frozen and fresh. really shows you the spending power. talk to me when even in the west, theres supermarkets that can match TNT supermarket. until then, lol stfu.

>> No.19983670

talk to me when chinese people are frying shit and eating it and bathing in it. thirld worldism in the first world is no excuse. that villagers excuse is he is a dumb villager. villagers in indian with cellphones that are 20 years old eat and frying shit is peak retard.

>> No.19983671
File: 68 KB, 520x850, Koolaide_man.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>am i stupider than the average person?

>> No.19983672

>Are you ashamed?
i literally cant be ashamed when the best stocked supermarket in in the west are chinese ones.

>> No.19983677

yeah indian menus are literal meme tier and meant for nouveau diveristy crowd lol. you can tell by where the restaurants are located.

>> No.19983678
File: 110 KB, 640x480, WetmarketHK.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Oh I see the power of your unsanitary culture. You're just as bad as jeets.

>> No.19983682
File: 1.64 MB, 1800x3058, 20231025_111818.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I don't make sweeping judgements based off my emotions like you. Lol. Really unrefined and just about as average as you can get.

>> No.19983683

in the west, its not possible to open up an indian restaruant in a proper area because bars and chinese food and steak houses are the top in the area. indian food serving that shit with those prices would get laughed out. Indian restaurants are generally in more downtown working class areas with young diveristy people and more white people. proper indian restaurants dont even open up in indian areas, the restaurants that do like those dirty mom and pop ones are the ones that open in indian areas.

>> No.19983684
File: 721 KB, 1373x1668, Screenshot_20231208_184611_Brave.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You eat fucking dicks lmao.

>> No.19983687

thats shit fresh as fuck. high turn over. definitely better than super market shit in western markets where i cut open a roast and its brown inside. the farm or building farming these are like a 10 minutes drive away and fresh each day. thats hong kong? hong kong definitely has the spending power to make it better if needed. and if thats recent, then its fine.

>> No.19983688

okay so what? is that good wine?

>> No.19983693

and thats hong kong, a city 20 years ahead of toronto with 0 blacks. lmfao.

>> No.19983696

if youre brown, you cant speak. if youre white, you got diversified and getting browned as we speak so you cant speak either.

>> No.19983698

Yeah. It is Hong Kong. That is the filthy conditions in even your finest cities. I've posted others too. I'm sure most of your nation is even worse. Chinks are fucking disgusting bugmen and have no place talking down to pajeets. Westerners can. You filthy bugmen do not when this is the shit at your most popular urban areas.

>> No.19983699

in the west the reality is, for an indian restaurant to be non indian friendly, it needs to be in non brown area where indians themselves will go "lol wtf is this menu and prices, our food is not worthy of this decor."

>> No.19983700

Do you not fucking know what gutter oil is? Chinese are just as fucking rancid as poojeets, and they eat fucking every living animal they can find. Dogs, rats, street pigeons, and they fry it all up in their fucking gutter oil

>> No.19983702

>Westerners can
westerns CANT.
hong kong is global world city like NYC (pre flood) or london or paris (pre flood) if anything, hong kong is the only world class city that doesnt have streets full of migrants now.

>> No.19983708

If you have a tiny penis under 4" you can't talk. If your nation is retarded and uses glorified hieroglyphs to talk you can't speak. If your nation eats food made in conditions on par with, if not worse, than India you can't speak. Now go eat some raw tiger penis with a side of bat soup and dog testicles that were left out for hours on the floor, you fucking mongrel.

>> No.19983709

>Do you not fucking know what gutter oil is?
yeah we aint serving that in our finest places. especially not in the west. reality is, western world doesnt exist anymore becaus it got destroyed by dei. china is the last hope for humanity where homogeneity and culture and wealth is still there.

>> No.19983716

>If you have a tiny penis under 4" you can't talk
you lost. shouldnt have said that. now i know you know you lost lmfao. better start talking about my looks and hairlines now. damn. i didnt think i would win so clearly. lol. i thought maybe we could keep throwing food related discussion.

>> No.19983721

>muh migrants
This is about your abhorrent food and practices. Try again, Chang.

>> No.19983722

like to talk about indians is like simply observing indian in india and the west. to talk sit about the west is like me talking shit about where i live, a place where whites gave away without firing a shot. but i live here so i try not to talk shit about it and i also dont view any pro china things cause it makes me feel inferior and im chinese myself. so me as a chinese literally stewing and seething when i see pro chinese shit, idk how you whites cope.

>> No.19983726

no this is about my penis. which you think of when food is discussed. i get into enough arguments daily lol and i know i win when looks or direct insults are brought up

>> No.19983727
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Superb, world class, wine.

Lmao. You're really funny.

If you only believe things based off your own feelings you can't speak.

>> No.19983732
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>> No.19983734

no but seriously, i never spend more than 10 seconds on pro chinese shit. i have no idea how westerners let their country turn into this. the moment i read or see something pro chinese, i turn it off. i aint watching it.

>> No.19983737
File: 92 KB, 860x566, Food_waste_for_sewage_oil.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>which you think of when food is discussed.
Yeah. Your little tiny eggroll. So how does the sewage barrel taste? I'm impressed by your nation's first world status.

>> No.19983741

>Superb, world class, wine.
okay thanks for the rec.
>Lmao. You're really funny.
not really. if anything,i can also pretend the diversity is awesome and can avoid it when wanted. lmfao. reality is, there is the browning of the west and seeing it fall into a third world is something that cant be ignored. (as shown in the dailymail airport report)

>> No.19983745

Simple answer? No, this is retarded, good whole spices are in and of themselves quality ingredients.

>> No.19983746

im impressed by yours. letting it get openly invaded each day with migrants walking openly on your highways.

>> No.19983750

all the pro palestine protests in the west, idk how westerns cope when they see it in the news. even the most ignorant to the west westerner should be awake by now lmfao. keeping making stock and sipping wine lol.

>> No.19983762
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Did you forget what spawned Tianenmen Square? You guys are littered with Africans. It's only you guys being over 1 billion that it matters. On top of your coming demographic collapse and entire subcultures of "wasting away" types akin to NEETs or hikkimoris. China is fucked and a shithole.

>> No.19983763

>world class
what is the west on the world stage but a dying civilzation where the smart ones want to work with china and the usa lap dogs will drown with usa?

>> No.19983765

Sin qua non. 400ish dollar bottles of wine. Grenache/syrah that stands up to the best examples from France.

You're obsessed with your feelings. Can't even stay on topic, and need to whine about something you're clearly ignorant about. What are you doing to fix the problem, or do you just like feeling despair and whining on the internet?

>> No.19983769

Back in the day, all global summits were dominated by usa president, now its Xi. look at how every world leader acts towards xi in person now. they all know who the boss of the world is. china. its done man. at least youre learning chinese.

>> No.19983783

>Lmao. You're really funny.
not really, youre leader is funny though. hes a great guy. player and aggressive with female, unlike most westerners. but he for sure has dementia and physical ailmemts causing him to trip and stumble in the world stage. that dude is are rep of you and your culture and civilization. he reps usa super power which is over but has no positive things left behind except twerking. Il give you one thing and il group usa super power and british super power as white. so you can feel better about yourself. but brtish super power left something good behind, and so did french. but what about usa? you can choose which of these you want to say you are lol. we can talk our opinions all we want. the reality is, in the west, the chinese supermarkets are the most well stocked. ive been to specific seafood markets in the west and an average chinese market mogs it. hong kong has been a world city for at least 40 years.

>> No.19983785

Imagine getting psy-opped into a state of hopelessness and despair so bad you become a part of the problem you fear.

>> No.19983786

>put so much spice in their food is to hide low quality ingredients?
no one ever did this. they put spices in their food to make them taste better.

>> No.19983792
File: 71 KB, 680x622, 1663909860177627.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

你就是个混蛋。 习近平应该被暗杀。 中共去死吧。 把民主带到中国。 台湾是一个主权国家。 三封信特工黑鬼光芒四射。 天安门的坦克人是英雄。
中国人都是令人厌恶的虫子。 你们的女人都是无趣的荡妇。 你们的社会和基础设施正在崩溃。

>> No.19983798

>400ish dollar bottles of wine.
damn. i dont blink spending that much on other substance. but for wine idk.i want a coffee maker. and a ps5 and a new tv. and a new laptop. is that your daily drinker?

>> No.19983800

>become a part of the problem you fear.
it is a problem when airports have reports of too many near accidents and accidents and employees are not smart enough for the job in an air traffic center.

>> No.19983804
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>> No.19983807

why would i fear it. the only concern is similar to the moment queen elizabeth was crowned and realized she was queen. now chinese is the super power and chinese people have a responsibility to act accordingly.

>> No.19983817

me what? trump was the last hope for a white male. and in the pic, another male that is crossed arms is a japanese that doesnt like the female.and trump isnt well liked in west by soy boys which is the majority of westerners. the rest of the whites in that pic are listening attentively to the female roastie pig. if anyting that pic makes all other white males look like cucks cause have open body language towards her when only the jap and trump dont. now look at france and usa, brown shit holes.

>> No.19983821

trump is amused. "hehe a girl is talking."
abe is "aish why female talking. i want sapporo."
all other leaders and reps are focused and listening lmfao. if i was there, i would be at the back looking somewhere else, which is how i act when females speak.

>> No.19983832

Nah, 30-80ish dollars is my average price range when I drink wine more casually. I have more expensive spirits because its easier to enjoy a shot or two rather than committing to a whole bottle most days. Bottles like that are saved for special occasions, or special meals. Good company really is the best flavor enhancer. Works with wine and food!
I have a 60 bottle wine cellar with something like 15k-20k in wine I'm aging. I've got some very rare and expensive bottles in there.

I made beautiful braised lamb leg shanks to pair with one of those bottles. Got the lamb from a local lamb rancher. Served with homegrown heirloom potatoes. Fantastic meal and a wonderful pairing.

My coffee set up is a 3k dollar pavoni lever press, and a 1.6k grinder. Thinking of getting a new espresso machine. Just closed on a 1.3mil dollar property I bought without a mortgage.

>> No.19983837

>ignore my question
>keep complaining

Typical psy-opped npc behavior.

>> No.19983839

this pic shows you how cucked the west is. trump isnt listening and is amused and she wants his attention. and abe is like "ew" and was killed the moment he wanted to open japan to foreigners. Japan is a gun free country but a jap boy killed him. usa is full of gun and gun crime but diversity is still pouring in. how you can still talk and talk and talk while i keep having more and more things to say is hiliarous. im not even trying to shit on you , and i avoided these the whole thread. even on the indians, i compared indians in the west to the west to make it better. comparing indians in india to the west is retarded and not worthy of discussion.

>> No.19983852

>enjoy a shot or two rather
yeah, no. you can enjoy your fancy alcohol. i dont like potatoes. i dont like peeling.
sounds good. not bad at all.

>> No.19983860

sounds good for sure. im not too bad myself.
you for sure dont care about the browning of the west then. and can just ignore the browning and pay 50 dollars for indian food and call it good when its just lipstick on a pig

>> No.19983862

shit guess i need another property too 3k dollar pavoni lever press, and a 1.6k grinder to match that.

>> No.19983865

Lmao. Why do you keep ignoring my question? It's so funny. Your entire take and attitude is so average, unrefined and exactly what they want you to feel. They've neutered you.

>> No.19983866

>1.3mil dollar property
where is it? or dont tell me. 1.3 mill doesnt buy anything nice. >>19983832
>3k dollar pavoni lever press, and a 1.6k grinder
guess il drop that much soon too then.

>> No.19983870

when it comes to alcohol, i like drink to get drunk. and youre older than me. >>19983865
>They've neutered you.
im a top 1%.

>> No.19983874

youre average, youre literally white i assume. you dont even have a country anymore. glad to see its not all poor people here. but im lazy and no way im making braised lamb leg shanks to pair with one of those bottles.

>> No.19983877

No no. I'm talking about everything youve said here. You entire outlook. All you do is bitch and moan. You're a literal npc.

It's rural, but in a really beautiful and temperate area. Perfect area to start a family. I'll be running a small business using my acreage as well.

>> No.19983879

>30-80ish dollars is my average price range when I drink wine more casually
i think im just cheap. i drop 100 on other shit without blinking but i aint buying 50 dollar bottons of wine. i dont want you thinking youre more refined or better than me though.

>> No.19983882

Nice larp. Lmao.

>> No.19983883

>All you do is bitch and moan.
i aint bitching and moaning. why would i? its not my country turning into a shithole. its yours. or i can turn a blind eye to it and pretend the browning isnt real. i see how china is the on the world stage and if anything it gives me responsiblity.

>> No.19983887

Okay, buddy. You keep telling yourself that.

>> No.19983888

i might be larping. but when it comes to getting fucked up i spend blindly and without thinking. alcohol is sth else for me. maybe il start building a collection myself.

>> No.19983892

>If you only believe things based off your own feelings
its based on what i see. i simply looked up indian restaurants meant for westerners and not the ones in brown areas.

>> No.19983894

>You keep telling yourself that.
keep telling myself what?

>> No.19983896

>Ayurvedic medicine combined with religious beliefs about the healing properties of all the spices and herbs, and how they need to be combined in various ways to produce the most healthy effects.

That is just cultural evolution of less people dying from eating rotten meat drowned in spices.
>rotten food tastes bad because it is toxic
>spices make food taste better (less toxic)
>less people die from food poisoning

>> No.19983901

>Your entire take and attitude is so average
im definitely not average. il look into some properties too. cant let u think youre better than me.

>> No.19983905

>3k dollar pavoni lever press, and a 1.6k grinder to match that.
damn. i only spent 200 dollars last month.

>> No.19983909

>Perfect area to start a family.
cool. yeah my son doenst need to work a day in his life.
anyways, your excuse for indian food is to just not have it made by indians with indian stanards or india.

>> No.19983911

You've made a complete fool of yourself to anyone less average than you. Imagine being so retarded and brainwashed you still use white as means to categorize people. You gotta take a break from the internet, larp master.

>> No.19983915

okay, you for sure work more than me. but i dont want you thinking youre better than me. i spend most of my time chilling. but after this, im going to have to change my spending habits cause im cheap as fuck. im gonna make a kit more and spend more and no get worked up over 50 cents in savings.

>> No.19983919

>you still use white
no, im allowing you to choose "white" or british or american or french or whatever.

>> No.19983920

>You gotta take a break from the internet,
what does this mean? so i dont read the news, suddenly china isnt the world super power and usa is still rising and global statistics suddenly changed.

>> No.19983926

>Imagine being so retarded
im not retarded. your idea of indian food is indian food not prepared the indian way. its not longer "authentic" and is dressed up. this is why even to your benefit, i used indian food IN THE WEST in my examples and not indian food in india. while you keep mentioning gutter oil while chinese restaurnats in the west dont use that and simply doing a menu comparison, average chinese restaurants mog the shit out of the fancy indian places.

>> No.19983930

funny how you have tried to insult me multiple times but i didnt even use one insult. (on the internet i dont use insults, its pointless, especially in these topics where all im doing is talking about food)
>categorize people.
in this discussion, i was talking about global super powers. Persian empire, spanish empire, usa empire, chinese empire, egyptian empire, french era etc. If anything "white" is better for you so you can larp as both french, usa and british. youre retarded lol. so now, if you say you dont idenitfy as white, you literally have no place on the world stage.

>> No.19983936

alright fine. il do a bottle of red wine, and fucking beef shanks.

>> No.19983940

Americans don't waste any part of the animal either. Just because we don't eat it straight doesn't mean we're not using it. Hot dogs, spam, and dog food are legitimate uses for meat. Dogs need to be fed protein so how is that a waste?

>> No.19983955

Bud, go spend a day making that meal to have with your red wine. Maybe go walk through a park or something while the shanks are cooking. You really need to take a break from the internet.

>> No.19983967

You keep returning to this rotten meat theory but many Indians and Buddhists and Rastafari are vegetarian.
If you travel more, you will quickly realise these cultures with the spiciest food have one thing in common - they are closer to the equator. The tropical countries grow the hottest peppers and eat the hottest food. Indonesia, Malaysia, Thailand, South India, Jamaica, Trinidad, Morocco.
Indonesian food, for example, is far spicier than most Indian food.

>> No.19983973

>they are closer to the equator.
exactly. and closer to the equator = dumber and low iq and third world.

>> No.19983979

>You really need to take a break from the internet.
what are you implying? i can walk 15 mins and il see black and brown people.

>> No.19983995

you can keep pretending there wasnt a time on the internet where it was still very busy and live and there were no third worlders on it. i literally remember when spanish people first started showing up on the internet. it was like 2008 when i assume our first world old computers were thrown into the dumps as garbage and shipped to mexico and the mexicans started using our old computers. then in 2015, the browning happened.

>> No.19984107


>> No.19984110

>a city 20 years ahead of toronto
then why is all of hong kong in toronto? really makes me think.

>> No.19984115

>hong kong is global world city like NYC
Hong Kong is a shithole and the only reason it was better than mainland china is because the british governed it. That should be a massive redpill for you.

>> No.19984121

>then why is all of hong kong in toronto? really makes me think.
canada toronto is/was a nice place. spacious.

>> No.19984127

>That should be a massive redpill for you.
the brits did okay, but the hong kong iq is high enough to maintain it. and eventually, due to HK and its human capital, it would be a global city too. and hk is a city, dont forget that.
so now do you want to larp as brit

>> No.19984129

Its been ruined with immigration.

>> No.19984133

so now do you want to larp as white? or british? lmao. pick one and stop changing it. >>19984115
>Hong Kong is a shithole
shithole or not its not up to your or me to say, hk is a world city. and has been for decades.

>> No.19984141

>then why is all of hong kong in toronto? really makes me think.
ignorant question but also isnt. like Canada is/was a nice place. and no one from hk is hating on whites or brits. so stop being so defensive or something. its only new brown/black immigrants that hate canadian or western culture.
yeah, especially with elimination of assimilation. Canadian culture has disapeared. and the newcomers come in yelling "canada is a melting pot"

>> No.19984143

British were literally the only reason. look at the rest of china. They also have this fabricated "high IQ" but are essentially a third world country reliant on foreign investment. The other thing about Hong Kong is that its become a sort of tax haven for rich foreigners and a place to stash wealth.

>> No.19984151

Assimilation is worse. You dont want to assimilate subhumans.

>> No.19984160

Hong Kong is a region, not a city. A world class city in Asia would be Tokyo or Kyoto. Seoul is ahead of Hong Kong. Hong Kong is where rich people buy underage chinese prostitutes and scheme to export counterfeit Chinese products.

>> No.19984161

>look at the rest of china
thats something YOU should do lol.

>> No.19984165

>Seoul is ahead of Hong Kong
no its not. lol. what is hong kong on the world stage compared to korea. what the fuck is another on the world stage compare to china. youre delusional running your mouth while the uk is led by a poo, canada with its first female prime minister, and usa with a dementia patient.

>> No.19984192

>what the fuck is another on the world stage compare to china
lol, chink detected

>> No.19984198

what is usa now
what is uk now
what is france now
what is canada now.
seething white detected.

>> No.19984216

you can pretend your country is fine even with the pro palestine protests every weekend.

>> No.19984221

reality is most asians live better off than most whites.

>> No.19984229
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>visibly mad
China relies entirely on the US and all those other countries dont have a dam that threatens to kill 400 million people every time it rains. Your assertions are buttmad and flimsy.

>> No.19984261

>China relies entirely on the US
us produces nothing. and china with its own population and production can survive. lmfao.

>> No.19984272

China is just labor outsourcing. Do you think an Iphone is "made in china" or just fabricated there? China needs other nations products to be made in its factories (that those nations set up in the first place).

>> No.19984273

china is moving away from that or already has. did usa think china is just gonna keep producing cheap junk for americans and the world forever lmfao

>> No.19984290

>Quality of ingredients doesn't have a taste?
Poorfags need not apply.

>> No.19984306

1% of people in the world are millionaires. by definition, 99% of people are poor.

>> No.19984324

>china produces something other than junk
But theyve also already been undercut by other countries. Chinas other main source of income is propping up a fake housing market in order to skim investor money.

>> No.19984354

>Chinas other main source of income is propping up a fake housing market in order to skim investor money.
meh shit like this happens in usa too with fake money printing and all that shit that we all brush under the carpet lol. dont bother mentioning the china housing thing, americans love talking about that.

>> No.19984360

>But theyve also already been undercut by other countries.
yeah i heard about that, but those other countries arent doing as a good job. either a human iq issue or tech. stop consuming so much anti chinese shit lol. the world is moving on without usa.

>> No.19984388

Chinas housing market is somehow 10x worse than USA even if you dont acount for the fact that China is a hellhole nobody wants to live in.

>> No.19984416

whatever you wanna cope with not having a country anymore lol.

>> No.19984488

>still crying
ok. show everyone chinas brithrates.

>> No.19984512
File: 8 KB, 300x168, america.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

show everyones americas demographics.

>> No.19984555

but america is much more powerful than china and has 1/4 the population.

>> No.19984557

>but america is much more powerful than china
holy lol.

>> No.19984564

>but america is much more powerful than china
thats not how the world sees it lol. lol.

>> No.19984602

americans are a broken bunch. the whites dont belong anywhere. and the black and browns are turning it into the third world. the chinese century is here, as all world leaders already act that way.

>> No.19984751

>subhuman calls someone a mutt
every time