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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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File: 62 KB, 639x276, unnamed.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
19954870 No.19954870 [Reply] [Original]

foreign burgers look fucking weird. weird buns, weird beef. weird arrangement of toppings. so i ask: why the fuck is a burger outside of the USA so weird looking?

>> No.19954887

I have no idea. Other countries always try to do some fancy or gimmicky shit to burgers. I guess they are trying to "elevate" the burger, but a burger is best in it's traditional American form.

>> No.19955052
File: 693 KB, 680x800, image_2023-11-30_112141481.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>no egg
>no betroot
>non-caramelized onions
Grim. I feel bad for Americans.

>> No.19955064

That is crime against humanity level shit right there

>> No.19955076

Have you even tried an Australian style burger?

>> No.19955083

Fuck no and I never will if it looks like that abomination

>> No.19955092

Americans genuinely believe they invented the beef patty sandwich, lmao

>> No.19955099

Overcomplicating it and trying to appeal to local tastes

>> No.19955104

stick to dino nuggies, fag

>> No.19955106

Dont ever post here again you disgusting anglo no one should be taking culinary advice from you out of all people

>> No.19955138

Nah bitch I live in America where we make real cheeseburgers, not some wierdo shit like you posted. You will never be on our cheeseburger level.

>> No.19955144

>You will never be on our cheeseburger level
Every country in the world has regular cheeseburgers, you dumb faggot. only difference is the beef isn't full of industrial filler like yours.

>> No.19955146

You can't call us burgers and say we don't own it

>> No.19955149

>Disgusting anglo
How does it feel to be inferior? Couldn't be me.

>> No.19955150

Egg on burgers is excessive and anything savory with pineapple in it is gross. Beetroot could be good though, maybe spicy pickled beetroot on a lamb burger with goat cheese.

>> No.19955153

That patty you posted looks like pure premade patty filler. I go to a butcher and get fresh ground 80/20 bitch. You know nothing of which you speak, now get out of my face and go fuck a koala.

>> No.19955154

White people wont exist in the next 100 years how on earth is anybody of colour inferior to you kek had one too many eel pies there Nigel?

>> No.19955156

>go fuck a koala.
Don't they have chlamydia. Like, legit human chlamydia? If so, someone was certainly getting freaky with those weird four-thumbed fucks.

>> No.19955170
File: 1.27 MB, 311x240, 1700176041098322.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>fatburgers and upside down fatburgers literally arguing over who is the fatter burger
You can't make this shit up

>> No.19955172

in france we just use actual cheese on burgers
blue cheese burger is the shit

>> No.19955174

>the american reveals himself to be a non-white
whoa, what a shock.

>> No.19955178

>kek had one too many eel pies there Nigel?
You appear to be arguing with an Aussie, I don't know if you are aware but Nigels and Bruces live on opposite side of the globe!

American education - Pah!

>> No.19955179

Don't think so

>> No.19955180

My gf is white okay you got me there kek your women belong to us now goyim

>> No.19955187

Shut it frog, American Cheese was given to us by God himself as the superior burger cheese. It's not supposed to be some retarded haute cuisine overthought shit like OP posted.

>> No.19955188

>he doesnt know that Australia was colonized by the British over 100 years ago
You need a minimum highschool education to post here thanks

>> No.19955192

IMO sharper cheeses just overpower the meat, I've tried using English sharp cheddar on burgers and it just took over, blue cheese would be way too much. Gouda, Raclette, similar mild cheeses do work well, but considering the cost of imported cheese these days I'm usually just using American, which for a burger is fine. The cheese is not the star here, the beef is.

>> No.19955199

there's nothing haute cuisine about blue cheese

i found out that if you use blue cheese or potent cheese in general it's better if you don't use too much and add two slices on two smashes patties in order to diffuse the flavor
but i get your point, kraft singles just feel so natural on a burger i love it too

>> No.19955200

You were caught out being a dumb ass, deal with it.

>> No.19955209

NTA but he's right, Australian’s and Brits share the exact same history and culture, you have no right to be calling anyone a dumbass desu

>> No.19955212

>Australian’s and Brits share the exact same history and culture
kek, you dumb fucking retard.

>> No.19955217

It's better to save potent cheese for grilled cheese, where one actually wants some cheesy flavor. There's nothing like a grated blend of Gouda, Sharp Cheddar, and Colby melted between two crispy slices of white bread on a cold day, or if one is feeling fancier Brie on crusty bread with some sliced apple or pear

>> No.19955221

Kek everyone laugh at the white monkey jumping up and down because he doesnt know is own family heritage, your land and your women belong to us now convict scum thank you diversity

>> No.19955224

i don't think so, blue cheese wouldn't fit so well in a grilled cheese sandwich imo, blue cheese is a great fit with meat, try making a blue cheese sauce with your steak ideally with roquefort and you might change your mind

>> No.19955227

>Australian’s and Brits share the exact same history and culture

Your ignorance is embarrassing, please stop posting.

>> No.19955234

I only really use blue cheese on salads, Cheddar is my sharp cheese of choice for grilled cheese, sometimes Parmesan but usually not much.

>> No.19955240

>two of the most irrelevant immigrant dumping grounds on the planet
Shouldnt your wife be getting BLACKED right now?

>> No.19955244

>shit opinion about cheese and obsession with interracial sex

yep it's an american thread

>> No.19955249

American cheese is actual cheese you stuffy peanut butter stuck to the roof of your mouth fruitcake

>> No.19955256
File: 21 KB, 540x569, 1696924253857384.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

actual cheese "product"

>> No.19955263

>Shouldnt your wife be getting BLACKED right now?
Blacks make up 3% of our demographic, so I doubt it.

Like I said, stop posting you are just making yourself look more stupid than I thought you were.

>> No.19955268
File: 66 KB, 850x497, 7aussieburger.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is why we declared independence from the british crown
This shit right here

>> No.19955273
File: 1.95 MB, 498x498, wtf-no-judge-dredd-law-angry-disgust-wth-hellnaw.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You eat shit?

>> No.19955280

Why are all anglos seemingly physiologically incapable of melting cheese?

>> No.19955281

>hurr durr le epic statistics
We are coming for your wife you fucking redditor

>> No.19955286

That is too much sugar for one person to consume on an average basis, no wonder you guys have one of the highest rates of diabetes in the world

>> No.19955285

i (burger) had a cheeseburger with fries in estonia once, it had bbq sauce and some other shit on it. it was pretty good. i would also try an aussie burger, and i love blue cheese on a burg like our french friend said. ill give most any burger a chance even if they’re a bit different

>> No.19955300

What is this fucking bizarre picture? Green o farm? the aussie gourmet bakery? smoked the board?

I just looked these places up and apparently it's some cambodian restaurant in cambodia that tries to make aussie style burgers.

>> No.19955308

>We are coming for your wife you fucking redditor
I doubt it, I don't move in circles that mix with your type.
You might have luck with some sink council estates but that's where you belong.

>> No.19955311

>thinks a bit of blue cheese and salad makes it haute cuisine
This is why everyone in the world laughs at your food.
It's a shame, because traditional American diner food has potential.

>> No.19955318

Since you clearly incapable of defending your land and your women against us I only find it fitting that whites needs to be colonized once again to prove who is the strongest and must remain ontop, come here you fucking goyim

>> No.19955324
File: 1.95 MB, 188x264, 1700629817693663.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Buddy, you're giving people second hand embarrassment.

>> No.19955325

I meant Blue Cheese on a burger you disingenous fagola, and I was talking about OP's pic

>> No.19955326

no, not product, cheese

>> No.19955359

The only embarrassing one here is you white cuck imagine once ruling the world and now you have a trans son top kek

>> No.19955410

maybe ours is the weird one.

>> No.19955417

Minus the betroot, that's a true improvement. Respect aussie.

>> No.19955437

burgers in burgerland have become a meme
you can't get a normal good burger anywhere
the only normal good burger I got was in gordon ramsey's burger in vegas, and he's a bong

>> No.19955444

You don't have to lie to post here

>> No.19955505

Almost everyone in this thread is very obviously not American. It’s kind of amazing you can go into a literal “do Americans really” thread and somehow come to the conclusion that you’re reading posts made by Americans.

>> No.19956069

bbq bacon bleu is a godly combination
especially with grilled onions

>> No.19956148
File: 631 KB, 1026x1124, 1687877513338.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Have you ever tried something like pic rel? It's a Japanese 照焼バーガー. It's much tastier and FAR far healthier than any fast food you can get in the US. Give it a go and you'll never look back, I guarantee it.

>> No.19956976

That onion looks like it was cooked for about 5 minutes, wanker cunt.

>> No.19957919

No, I don't care for semen on my burger.

>> No.19957924

I feel bad for people who have prescriptions for what food should taste like such that, excepting total unpalatability/inedibility/toxicity, they suffer and lament if it isn't just so.

>> No.19957983


>> No.19958018

when I have time to make a nice breakfast my favorite omelette is bacon, caramelized onions and mushrooms, and bleu cheese