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19923963 No.19923963 [Reply] [Original]

How long do the benefits of a healthy meal actually last?

Does eating fish with broccoli for dinner make you feel better for the rest of the week, or just for what remains of that day?

>> No.19923978

it's an unusual question, because its like
>hey what does NOT having a heart attack feel like?
you dont "feel" better at all. the benefit is hopefully that you just live longer.

>> No.19923989

I just know you have a triple chin.

>> No.19924035
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>> No.19924061

Are you a child?

>> No.19924068

The fuck you on about, I love fish and broccoli. I just wanna understand "healthy" dieting better because I always found it unsatisfying when food is described as "healthy" without really going into the actual effects of it. Or the actual detriments of not eating said food. Minus the obvious like burgermaxxing obviously leading to obesity

>> No.19924078

im thinking the benefits are more a cumulative effect of consistently meeting your macronutrient and micronutrient requirements while also avoiding poisonous slop rather than a temporary boost

>> No.19924097

Eating a broccoli once a month ain't gonna counteract the effects of eating nothing but bigmacs. If you don't eat healthy consistently, systematically, you ain't gonna get any real benefits from it.

>> No.19924111

Guess I'll re-word this question and try again in a week because clearly I'm not gonna get a lot of serious answers and mostly anons projecting their mom's dietary habits on me

>> No.19924116

>guess ill just eat slop for another week until somebody says the magic words i want to hear

you were gonna do that anyway, fatty

>> No.19924140

think about it this way, if you have some deficiency and you take a supplement, you will feel better for a little while, if you consistently take it your levels will normalize and you will no longer be deficient, so about a day if you eat a bad diet, about a week or so if you eat a good diet

>> No.19924161

so you wanna know how long you have to stop eating slop before your arteries unclog themselves???

it's a cumulative process and everybody's body works differently. nobody knows how long it's gonna take for your metabolic diseases to go away

>> No.19924182

>Or the actual detriments of not eating said food

>> No.19924207

Autismo OP acting like healthy eating is a buff in a video game.

>> No.19924209

If you are interested in this subject I suggest reading about an ayurvedic diet. and ayurvedic theory of how the body tissues are made from the food we eat. It’s fascinating stuff. It’s a lot of information but modern science has proven a lot of what they said.

>> No.19924232

This is a good start to understanding

>> No.19924424

From my experiences, theres the short term effect and the long term effect.
Short term, you feel better only until your next meal. It takes many healthy meals to see the long term effects. Were talking months and years.
The effect of 1 goyslop meal will take more than 1 healthy meal to undo.
Once you have known what having a healthy body is like, you never want to go back. It is not at all difficult for me to resist junk food. I have 0 interest in eating it.

>> No.19924521
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anon its going to depend on how fucked up you are and what kind of fucked up you are. If your body is craving specific micro/macro nutritents it could make you feel really good that day, and keep you feeling good till your body exhausts those nutritents.

whatever you are deficient in can have various effects on your health and cause different disturbances. Here's an example that I sometimes think about that I once read in a book:

the typical 13th century peasent lived off a diet of bread and beer. Their diets tended to lack quite a bit of protien during certain part of the year, and many would get sick because of it. But ho, the local witch has brewed them a magical potion that makes them right as rain! What is in this mystical concoction? A unch of random bullshit, but the real magic ingredient was ground up earthworms. This particular location was so deprieved of basic protien during certain times of the year, that literally eatting a few bugs satisfied their dietary requirements and 'healed' them.

Another example is children during puberty: in areas with a lack of access to calcium, children tend to complain of pain in their legs. This happens because their body wants to build larger bones but lacks the nutrients to do so. Giving these children milk makes the pain go away.

Another example: groiters. In countries that lack iodine in their food, its very common to develop thyroid problems. One kind of thyroid problem is called a groider. A severe lack of iodine basically makes your throat swell up and it looks like you have a giant fucking tumor in your neck. Ask yourself: how does that feel? and how much better would you feel without that? Pretty good, I'd imagine. Pic related.

>> No.19924526

oops, spelled Goitre wrong.

>> No.19924538

it's not a drug dawg it's broccoli
shit just helps you keep living

>> No.19924579
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I concur with this. Healthy food makes me feel good meal to meal. Junk food will throw me off for 1-3 days.

>> No.19924753

you dont get benefits from eating healthy, you just maintain a baseline
eating unhealthy and you'll feel that baseline lowering, which feels bad

>> No.19924779

Broccoli is a natural test booster

>> No.19925230
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i understand what you mean
its not really a question of healthy food specifically, but rather how long your body can utilize the nutrients from one meal.
like other anons have said, in a generic sense, eating healthy meals is best for the long term, while the short-term benefits of one good meal will just last until the next meal.
for the more specific "carrots help your eyes" type benefits that certain foods might give, its a question of how long you feel the effects of certain vitamins and minerals.
both correcting vitamin deficiencies and having signs of deficiencies can take weeks or months- it takes time for your body to both build up and flush this stuff out.
filling up on broccoli and fish will make anyone feel good in general for the short-term, but the "benefits" will not be immediately apparent to someone who is deficient. for someone who has good eating habits, the meal will help keep their body full of these nutrients

>> No.19925236

As I have gotten oldre I have noticed that having a shiddy diet and then going onto quality home cooked meals; like fresh vedge and healthy proteins, less carbs etc. I feel way better starting the next day and if I keep it up for a week or two people literally tell me I'm looking a lot better.

My problem is I hit the sauce too much which turns into poor eating choices, missed shopping trips, laziness to prepare mæls at home, etc.