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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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File: 132 KB, 1024x682, nabe.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
19908893 No.19908893 [Reply] [Original]

>Boiled food with only salty seasoning made by wypipo = crime against food
>Boiled food with only salty seasoning made by japonis = delicate and high class cuisine
why the double standard?

>> No.19908904

hey bro pass me the blunt already, it's not a microphone

>> No.19908908
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>> No.19908924
File: 72 KB, 576x432, Meat+Fondue+With+Four+Sauces+Recipe[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What the fuck is the white people version of nabe supposed to be? The closest thing I can think of is fondue, but that typically involves more than just "salty seasoning".

>> No.19908932

Irish boiled dinner

>> No.19908944
File: 298 KB, 1568x1045, 1_TOP-1568x1045.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's the Umami's fault.

>> No.19908950

Meat, cabbage, mirepoix all have umami

>> No.19908970

White people food fucking sucks yeah

>> No.19908974

Prepare a separate bouillon or consommé, as that umami alone is often not enough.
This way, the vegetables are not overcooked and can be enjoyed with their tactile qualities intact.

>> No.19908979

case in point

>> No.19909006

Japanese are like white people on white person steroids. They're honorary aryans.

>> No.19909014

Case in point what? It's shit, there's your answer.

>> No.19909033

Eating "family style" isn't traditional in white cultures. Hotpot is a collaborative soup where people take out what they want, but whites usually have their portions prepared for them.

>> No.19909037

i agree
you should come to japan and impregnate as many as you can

>> No.19909058

I understand that. I just don't know what this "white people boiled food" OP is talking about is supposed to be. When I hear "boiled food" I always think of that scene in Apocalypse Now where one of the guys is talking about how he used to be a chef, but couldn't work in the Army kitchen after they took a bunch of good steaks and boiled them. It's just not a thing that actually happens.

>> No.19909078

one is an actual dish accompanied with a dipping sauce while the other, idk what you're referring to, boiled broccoli and mashed peas? yeah enjoy your slop, no one below the age of 40 does this anymore, the trendy thing is to roast all your shit in the oven

>> No.19909083

We eat family style
That's why we have the idiom
>family style
You absolute dunce

>> No.19909135
File: 21 KB, 593x517, pepe_original.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You don't even have families anymore

>> No.19909294

>I just don't know what this "white people boiled food" OP is talking about is supposed to be.
Going to go out on a limb and guess that OP is talking about... soup.

>> No.19910219

>Japanese eating raw fish dipped in brown salty water
>Mid-west amerifat eat chicken boiled in salty water
Literally the same thing if you are not biased

>> No.19911657

boiled food thread saved from page 10

>> No.19911783

Western umami is not nearly as strong as dashi. Dashi is king umami. It has been proven by food science.

>> No.19912977

cut carrots into 1in chips
cover in olive oil and salt, roast in the oven
saute a chopped onion in a pot
mix roasted carrots, salty water or broth with onions and coriander. Boil for awhile to mix the flavors.
Blend it with butter
Guarantee the plebs ITT have never even made something this simple and delicious.

>> No.19912988

The spices and sauces are different. The chicken is also probably different as Japan has different breeds. Reductive bullshit without frame of reference is for brainlets.

>> No.19912991

2nd Gen Asian American retards watch sitcoms like Friends and BBT and unironically think those accurately portray "white culture."

>> No.19913005

Correct, western soups are superior unless you just buy canned shit from the store because you were raised by a single mother.

>> No.19913051

America is the cultural epicenter of the world and its pop cultural perception of food has been thoroughly swarthified. Not to mention poor people have more of a voice now, and their tastes are influenced strongly by their inability to afford quality ingredients, lower quality slop needing more spices to mask the poor taste.

>> No.19913065

You have a point, actually. But I think they add some sort of fat, like animal bones, or non-fat, like miso. But you have a point.

The double standard is because some people are still culturally salty about european colonialism and the general white superiority complex.

>inb4 "asians have a superiority complex too"
Lots of different kinds of people suck for the same reason but this thread is only about two kinds of them.

>> No.19913067

The fuck is that pink thing?

>> No.19913081

D-do they not? How is white culture inaccurately portrayed by friends and how is it actually?

>> No.19913082

Kamaboko AKA fish cake. It's kinda like imitation crab stuff.

>> No.19913085
File: 5 KB, 180x191, 1683042883516972.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Well for one thing, Asians genuinely think that (white) Americans wear shoes inside their houses, on their sofas, etc. because the people in sitcoms don't bother taking them off when they do their scenes on TV sets.

>> No.19913113

whites is water
japs is stock (flavored water)
sugoi desu ne

>> No.19913114

>Never had soup or stew

>> No.19913116

Except that's not reductionist. That's originalist.

>> No.19913118

Define slop in definite terms. Provide examples that aren't absurd.

>> No.19913119

Soups and stews aren't boiled.

>> No.19913124

Anything covered in sauce. A loose meat sandwich covered with tomato sauce is a sloppy joe. Spaghetti strands with tomato sauce. That thread recently with the Slinger dish, a hamburger patty topped with chili. Slop is anything that makes a sloshing sound while dishing out of the cooking vessel

>> No.19913139

>Asians invented eating together as a family

>> No.19913164

Low-quality meats. You don't put chile verde on a5 wagyu filet. They don't understand that flavors can be pleasant outside of drowning something in spices. Someone who regularly eats high-quality meats will be less likely to insult dishes with limited seasoning.

>> No.19913184

lol @ whites feeling persecuted and genocided

>> No.19913210
File: 6 KB, 250x225, 1678906331883089.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Your sister/high school crush is getting fucked by a white guy, isn't she?

>> No.19913211

Chicken noodle soup

>> No.19913215

>Cabbage is umami
Just how white are you?

>> No.19913223

Not boiled.

>> No.19913236

Yes it is

>> No.19913250

The noodles don't count.

>> No.19913266

>Boiled food with only salty seasoning made by wypipo = based
>Boiled food with only salty seasoning made by japonis = based

>> No.19913271

noodles have egg

>> No.19913275

crazy how we let the Japanese have an entire flavor

>> No.19913279

Are you trying to say that chicken noodle soup doesn't contain noodles?

>> No.19913312

Real soup is boiled you idiot.
No, reheating leftover soup (including your canned goyslop) is what doesn't count.

>> No.19913321

It's just called savory ffs. Who came up with umami? Salty, sweet, sour, bitter, SAVORY NOT UMAMI, and spicy

>> No.19913324

I'm sure there are some soups that are boiled, but most of them aren't. Boiling is almost never the ideal way to extract flavor/cook ingredients.

>> No.19913331

Fuck off with this stupid forced meme. It's never going to catch on, because everybody know those two words mean different things.

>> No.19913354

Wrong, most soups are boiled. "Simmering" is a low boil.
Yeah sure you don't boil the absolute fuck out of a soup the way you cook pasta, but that's not relevant. Simmering is still boiling.

>> No.19913363

>boiling is a high simmer
You can redefine words all you want, but all you're doing is making them meaningless by getting rid of the distinctions, just like the retard trying to say "savory" and "umami" mean the same thing.

>> No.19913480

I'm not redefining words, you just don't understand them or are trying to make argumentative distinctions for no real reason.

>> No.19913490

You're right, you're not redefining words. Your just removing so much of the definition that they're effectively becoming meaningless.

>> No.19913698

Call it by its official name.
>Glutamic acid
>Inosinic acid
>Guanylic acid

>> No.19914260

Great, now make this sentence
>Not to mention poor people have more of a voice now, and their tastes are influenced strongly by their inability to afford quality ingredients, lower quality slop needing more spices to mask the poor taste.
seem worthy to say without saying something absurd.

>> No.19914263

>You don't put chile verde on a5 wagyu filet.
I would if it wasn't so expensive. I still might anyway. Meat is meat, be for real.

>> No.19914264


>> No.19914467

In the context, the differences in the definitions are not relevant. Simmer is a subcategory of boil and you made the mistake of not considering this.

>> No.19914501

Nigger you what, literally every soup and stew has a step that reads
>bring to a boil

>> No.19914550

Wypipo aintz Caesar daze foo

>> No.19914564

People would if I made up some bullshit story about peppers grown in some specific valley in New Mexico that has the perfect conditions for growing peppers and they've been grown there for thousands of years. If you match the autism you can sell anything

>> No.19915619
File: 1.05 MB, 400x220, lpbia5[1].gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

No. Every recipe has a step that reads, "bring to a boil and then reduce to a simmer to cook for [x] minutes." You bring it to a boil so that there's some consistency in the recipe. But you're probably one of those dumb frog posters who makes threads about how you're special and unique because you don't preheat your oven or tip, amiright?

>> No.19915627

Wtf did you say about my mother?

>> No.19915754
File: 66 KB, 472x649, 1700297813814.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What the fuck are you talking about?

>> No.19915757

You know that's a painting, right? Paintings often don't depict reality.

>> No.19915764

This. Thanksgiving is a myth