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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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19894012 No.19894012 [Reply] [Original]

Well, /ck/?

>> No.19894013


>> No.19894035

I like them all. People who only eat their food one way every time are retards. Expand your mind, and your palate. If you haven't had a well done steak yet this year, go out and get one right away.

>> No.19894049

I usually eat it well done mostly because I don't want to get salmonella.

>> No.19894052

well done with ketchup

>> No.19894069

Fuck me, that explains my teribble shits. I just had a rare steak the other day.

>> No.19894072


>> No.19894079

Well done. If it's not completely cooked, I feel like I'm eating raw chicken and get scayed

>> No.19894081
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well done, with ketchup.

>> No.19894086

so anon, what food do you not like then? whatever it is, you need to expand your mind and your palate.

>> No.19894101
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medium rare bros rise up

>> No.19894221


>> No.19894230

I wouldn't risk anything under well done. My health matters more than impressing other people.

>> No.19894303

>The well done steak made in a sous vide.

You can have a completely brown steak that still has all its juices, and is as tender as the rarest steak.

1. sous vide the steak
2. flash grill the steak with very high heat to get the caramelized crust char.

>> No.19894304

I like my rare steak

>> No.19894306

I know it's not supposed to be, but I eat mine well done. I want that shit like shoe leather by the time I get to it. I just can't bring myself to get past that red color. It's too "alive" looking and I won't eat it. But it's also why I usually just don't eat steak.

>> No.19894338


>> No.19894341

medium rare/medium but I'll still eat it if it's done a little more or less. Just don't want it rare or shoe leather.

>> No.19894358
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i tried rare for the first time. didn't like it. i don't know why people like it so much, none of the flavors on the crust reach it. the raw part is cold and tasteless

>> No.19894381

it's not supposed to be cold.

>> No.19894399

am i supposed to let it sit in the pan at a low temperature for 10 minutes?

>> No.19894419

really drive those microplastics into the meat for full flavor

>> No.19894423

no youre supposed to cook it well done
anything less is not cooked

>> No.19894656

i'd drive those microplastics deep into greta's butthole, if you know what I mean ....

>> No.19894667

medium, or medium well.

>> No.19894710
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>> No.19894711

medium rare with a burnt, peppery crust

>> No.19894881

>Blue rare
simple as

>> No.19894954

Only 'well done' is properly cooked
Just admit you are all savages who like uncooked meats like a caveman. Brain full of parasites, influenced by societal gaslighting, and insisting on 'juice' and a disgusting texture and flavor.

>> No.19895007
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Medium for me desu :)

>> No.19895013

paper thin, well done, on a skewer on a grill, the only good way to eat a steak

>> No.19895091

Medium Rare if it's a good place. Medium if not.

>> No.19895513

I don't have any foods I dislike, because I'm a grownup. One day, when you grow up, I hope your paradigm shifts.

>> No.19895562

for me the perfect steak is something between rare and medium-rare.
blue rare: pretty good
rare: great
medium rare: great
medium: clearly worse, but still ok
medium well: still barely edible
well done: you completely ruined a perfectly good steak

>> No.19895608

I had steak for dinner and it was rare. I didn't want rare, I wanted something between medium rare and medium :(

>> No.19895825

Cook it brown and stay around. Cook it red and you might be dead.

>> No.19895901
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what if i cook a bison steak purple?

>> No.19896182


>> No.19896194

Every steak in that image is overcooked

>> No.19896218


>> No.19896574

fried chicken

>> No.19896871

What kind of third world shithole are you buying your meat from?

>> No.19897149


>> No.19897181

Medium rare

>> No.19897197

Are you all just shit posting or are you zoomie bitches?
I've never got runny shits from "undercooked" beef, dave for the time I drunkenly made a burger and it was raw and I ate it anyways
I bet you faggots cut the fat out of your steak as well because the texture is gross

>> No.19897203

Steak is trash tier

>> No.19898188

Blue with kimchi and a glass of jack on the rocks.

>> No.19898212

It's a samefag.

>> No.19898220

Anything from medium rare to medium is perfect.

Rare is pushing it a bit but depends on the cut. Blue rare is just the cook fucking up most of the time. If I wanted just rare beef I'd get beef tartare.

One time I was in Paris and asked for a medium rare steak. I got essentially barely seared blue rare, and demanded a new steak. The waiter actually though he could argue with me, but I just told them that if they refuse to make a new one I'll just pay for my escargot starter and leave. After that they got me a proper medium rare on the second try.

>> No.19898249

My ideal target is a medium rare.
If I'm eating a really nice steak at a really nice place I'll order rare.
If it's a place I don't trust as much I'll order medium.

>> No.19898307

I'll have it anywhere between medium rare and medium well depending on my mood and if I managed to cook it right

>> No.19898314

>Knock the horns off, wipe its ass and put it on a plate
So for me, it's blue. But depending on the cut all the others can be good too.