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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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File: 102 KB, 780x438, intro-1571064354.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
19863897 No.19863897 [Reply] [Original]

>Order rare steak
>It arrives medium rare

I fucking hate steakhouses

>> No.19863905
File: 14 KB, 480x360, grey poupon.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

More rare than that and it's still on the hoof.

>> No.19863906

rare steaks are often sent back because people think they're eating rare at home when it's actually medium and then they get rare from a steakhouse and think it's raw

>> No.19863928

>can't order Pittsburg style or blue rare

>> No.19863930

Ok, but the steak in OP photo is actually raw.
Rare is still cooked. That meat isn't red it's purple, and the texture of raw meat is obvious.

>> No.19863934

This commercial sold so much mustard.

>> No.19863942


>> No.19863944

I kind of disregarded the op image since it's just a stock photo. the point still stands. steakhouses will always cook a little more done than rare because rare meat is a minefield of idiots returning their food because they didn't even know what they were asking for.

>> No.19863945

I think you might be colorblind, anon. You do understand that "Rare" means exactly what you just said, right? Seared, cool in the middle.

>> No.19863950

Restaurants are usually too pussy to cook to order when it's a request for rare.
I love over medium eggs and LITERALLY NO RESTAURANT can cook them properly.

>> No.19863972

If you go to a steakhouse and they don't cook your steak correctly you can absolutely ask for a refire. Being able to cook a steak to temp is one of the main things that they do. If they come back and tell you it is cooked the way you ordered it, 99.99999% of the time YOU are the one who is wrong.

>> No.19863993

i like eating raw beef

>> No.19864028

I feel like noting that you posted the appropriate picture for the thing you want rather than, as is within conventions for 4chan, the thing you mean to denigrate/ridicule/do see as lesser.

>> No.19864126

That is not what "rare" means though, which is probably the source of your confusion. What you are apparently wanting to order is a level commonly called "blue".

>> No.19864159
File: 507 KB, 1080x339, 1699031765857.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>actually raw.

>> No.19864354

I had steak today, though it was only eye round. It was solid, I did it medium, i’d only wished i made it somehiw softer

>> No.19864693

>order medium rare steak
>it arrives anywhere between rare and medium
>Enjoy steak.

>> No.19864698

no OP's pic is cooked blue seared on the outside cool on the inside, but still cooked.

>> No.19864859

>order margarita and 6 oz steak
>gay waiter hits on me
leaf me alone u faget

>> No.19864874

This is why I aways order blue rare and scowl at the waitress so she doesn't ask me if I'm sure

>> No.19864879

That is dangerously undercooked OP. I am not going to risk my life trying to be a pretentious foodie.

>> No.19864893
File: 903 KB, 1242x913, 400.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>all steaks start out raw (common)
>least amount of steaks is ordered well done
>therefore well done should be called rare
>but a well done steak is rare because most cooks are hacks

>> No.19864915

you were asking for it by ordering a margarita
captcha: K0VAX0

>> No.19864927
File: 47 KB, 680x680, 1645915659706.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's called well done because it's fucked, so it's like a sarcastic well done.
"Oh well done, we-ell done" accompanied by slow-clapping, and then a fine for Gross Abuse of a Corpse.

Medium Well is meaningless horseshit, and it's fitting because you can serve a Well Done steak to these cunts and they'll eat it, or a Medium steak to these cunts and they'll eat it because anyone who orders medium well, all fifteen of them in the global population, is only ordering it because they don't want to look like a retard who orders Well Done, but they are a retard so they think Medium is erring on the side of bloody.
Speaking of which, why the fuck do these people think cows are just massive bloodbags where the blood doesn't travel through veins but seeps through the meat?

Medium, Medium Rare, and Rare are all perfectly acceptable.

Blue is "My Entire Personality Is That I Eat Blue Steak"

>> No.19864931

this. if you eat that steak you might literally fucking die. its no joke.

>> No.19865147

Steak is a trash prisoner food. Real men with refined tastes eat smoked brisket.

>> No.19865174

what?? no!

>> No.19865252

I fucking hate annoying faggots that get uppity about their steak being rare.

>> No.19865354

how the fuck do you make palatable non-raw/non-rare steak that actually melts in your mouth
only once did i make it proper and i beat the shit out of it with a hammer to a 1inch thin disk
literally unchewable from medium and awful tasting at rare
i use a whole stick of butter with herbs to get a fuckin smelly old boot to eat with my carbonara
pork is gazillion times easier fuck beef

>> No.19865378
File: 2.06 MB, 2874x3366, 20231101_155000.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

just make steak at home. Those gray rings fucking ruined that steak.

>> No.19865390

>paper plate
what a fag

>> No.19865391
File: 197 KB, 1078x340, 1699055116410.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>it's totally cooked bro
if you serve me that thing we're gonna have a problem

>> No.19865402

Reverse seer is 100% fool proof.
>cover steak with salt and let it sit in fridge for 2 hours or overnight
>put steak in oven cook until internal 130 degrees
>heat up frying pan with a high smoke point oil get it as hot as you can
>seer steak on all sides for 30 seconds to a minute each
>while steak is resting heat a few pats of butter and some minced garlic and herbs of your choice in a pan
>after 5-10 minutes slice steak and drip butter herb mixture over the slices
>enjoy perfect steak

>> No.19865444

this anon gets it, there is a lot of difference between cold raw meat and this fine balance of heat tenderizing red mead does before actually changing color

>> No.19865561

>reverse meme
stopped reading there

>> No.19865574

I'm sorry your terminal case of contrarianism keeps you from enjoying things.

>> No.19865581

This isn't rare. This is "blue."

>> No.19865584

I'm not contrarian.

>> No.19865596

ceramic dishes are dirt cheap, what the fuck are you doing man

>> No.19865612

>order well done steak
>they serve you the toughest burned piece of shit
Stupid faggot chefs taught me to never order the way I prefer it because they are to incompetent to prepare it that way. Im always going with medium or medium well. Not like its the way you ask for it anyways.

>> No.19865623

You are but it's not your fault it's just the collective reactionary syndrome of being a long term 4chan user. Often it's a useful defensive tactic to avoid the rampant conformity of normalfags to shitty things but sometimes it backfires causing you to reject simple and useful things just because some faggy youtuber made a video about it so you have to hate it because you hate the person doing the thing.

>> No.19865626
File: 463 KB, 1600x1600, steak tartare ju.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What's the point of ordering a thick piece of meat if you don't want it cooked through? Might as well have a tartare.

>> No.19865628

I'm not a long term 4chan user.

>> No.19865633

That's even worse, you don't even understand why you are being contrarian you are just copying others that do it which in fact makes you a conformist.

>> No.19865637

No I'm not.

>> No.19865642

you're both retarded

>> No.19865643

Just try the steak, you'll thank me. Don't worry you won't catch aids or get kooties I promise.

>> No.19865645

That's rude, calling a retard a retard.

I can't afford steak anyway ._.

>> No.19865652

I know that feel, did a double take the last time I walked down the meat aisle. Honestly don't know how much longer this shit can go on. Are people just going to accept that food doubles in price every year? When is the breaking point?

>> No.19865661

Maybe you should try getting a job?

>> No.19865710

>Go to upscale steakhouse for the first time
>Order steak rare
>It was great, but not what I expected
>Learn that I actually prefer medium rare for thick tender cuts.
>Every place I've been to before was always over cooking my steaks.
I mean, I've actively avoided ordering steaks at most family restaurants because I knew it would be mediocre compared to what I could easily make at home, so it makes sense in hindsight.

>> No.19865719

ikwym but I think it's more thanks to dumb customers who think they like rare but actually like medium rare
"nah bro I like it bloody!!"

>> No.19865741

>Blue is "My Entire Personality Is That I Eat Blue Steak"
Sometimes you just feel like eating a bit of raw meat, Anon. It's like getting an appetizer of steak tartare. As long as that's not their default modus operandi, there's nothing off about it.

>> No.19865743

Do amerifats really?

>> No.19865762

Does this look like an entree to you? >>19865626
(Remove the egg, fuck their fancy photography bullshit.)
It's something you typically share between two to four people. If you can find that many people who will eat raw steak.

>> No.19865769

>Big hunk of meat
>Several breadsticks and slices of bread
Just a light nibble before the main course, really...

>> No.19865772

I like my stakes blue like that. Went to a steakhouse once and ordered one, waiter looked pleasantly surprised. Still one of the best steaks I had that wasn't one of my own.

>> No.19865785


>> No.19865796

>not the default
to be fair I'd rip and tear into raw leg meat if it wasn't for the risk of foodborne illness

>> No.19866127

uh oh! i cringed! cringe cringe! Cringeee cringa cringa cringe! cronge crange cringe! yeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeehaw

>> No.19866146

>he wastes his time washing dishes or pressing a button on a dishwasher
couldn't be me I just throw them on the floor when I'm done and let my cleaner pick it up

>> No.19866152
File: 2.59 MB, 2700x3600, 169864542238385419.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I went to Wolfgang's and this is medium rare; is it or is it rare?

>spend more than $100 on a steak
>still no way to know if they're fuckin cooking it correctly or not
>still have no idea if I like are or medium rare more

>> No.19866153

>Blue is "My Entire Personality Is That I Eat Blue Steak"

You don't know me.

>> No.19866159
File: 2.52 MB, 2114x2375, degrees-of-doneness-0120.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Even visual guides to doneness seem inconsistent; medium rare here looks more like almost medium.

>> No.19866162

For me it's medium well with a side of a1 or some hickory brown sugar sweet baby rays.

>> No.19866167
File: 89 KB, 683x1024, Steak-Doneness-683x1024.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Another one; rare looks medium rare, medium-rare looks medium, and medium already looks medium-well.

>> No.19866182

Just come to my house Anon where every steak is rare, it'll make you appreciate steak houses more

I gave up making steaks a while ago, can't get it right, and I'm never gonna bother trying again

>> No.19866386

Ladies and Gentlemen, we got him.

>> No.19866402

This. Med-rare done right is objectively the best but it's also still fine if they slightly over or undercook it a bit. The chef has to be a real fuckup for it to not at least be edible.

>> No.19866464

blue is hard to chew.

>> No.19866626
File: 57 KB, 438x445, 1474861494546.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I will never order the lamb shank at a restaurant because my way of eating a lamb shank is to grab it by the bone and rip that fucker apart with my teeth. I eat every scrap of tendon, I suck out the marrow, I cleanse it of every bit of meat and wind up with a bunch of completely separated bones.
I also chew the crunchy ends off a chicken drumstick.

I go fucking caveman. Sometimes I'll even gnaw on the bone till it starts to fragment.
Luv me gristle, luv me fat, something about meat on the bone turns me into proto-man.
The most comfortable way to eat it is hunched over the plate. Especially plate on the floor, hunched over in squat.
God damn, that's the most primordial pleasure of eating right there.

>> No.19866968

You and I both. I did it at work once with some smoked turkey wings and got a few concerned looks.
Wait til you learn about the joy of pressure cooked ribs.

>> No.19867037

I first used 4chan in 2011. I only started regularly using in 2013 (maybe late 2012). Missed out on the great 2008.

>> No.19867207

Just say you were wrong

>> No.19867208

only straw here is your dick you cocklet

>> No.19867210


>> No.19867233


>> No.19867234

Still retard

>> No.19867238

No you're getting the fuck out in that case

>> No.19867255


>> No.19867324

youre brown don't talk to me

>> No.19867333
File: 33 KB, 680x763, IMG_0125.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>order well done with ketchup ontop

>> No.19867371

how do you fuck up spelling steak and then spell it correctly the second time

>> No.19868026
File: 2.26 MB, 1440x2815, Steaktartare.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I just ate picrel an hour ago! Tastes like a Big Mac.

>> No.19868057


>> No.19868062

Autism. Just shut the fuck up and eat your slop goy

>> No.19868068

he upped the steaks

>> No.19868079

You are extremely stupid, you know that don't you?

>> No.19868081
File: 70 KB, 1024x768, 1698943904939731.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

> be me
> ask for medium rare
> most places make it a little more medium than rare so I think I know what to expect
> received steak
> middle is basically raw
> wtf,jpeg is this what people are eating when they say rare?

Are you rare eaters just eating raw meat?

>> No.19868105

take a break from the internet and google projection and strawmanning

>> No.19868107

this looks stupid

>> No.19868187

>not a house made out of steak
I was lied to

>> No.19868258

>spending more than $100 on three pieces of steak

I just ate a whole sirloin and i bought on sale, how am i eating better than you?

>> No.19868269

Your picture / lightning quality is so fucked that I have to question if the steak doneness truly looks like what the picture shows.

>> No.19868279

It doesn't help that my phone screen is utterly destroyed. I'm basically fighting it constantly. Autocorrect makes for a nice one-two punsch.

>> No.19868291

Tartar is a pretty common starter my dude.

>> No.19868378

there are "people" who would not eat this beautiful steak, because it's "raw"

>> No.19868831

Imagine being scared of cooking a steak. Europeans really are frightened of their own shadow.

>> No.19868836

If the shoe fits my friend. Let me know if you want any more basic cooking tips, I've cooked a lot of steaks in my time so I can probably help even the most basic cooklet to make something passable.

>> No.19869048

The doneness was perfect and this is what I want In future steaks, so I want to know how I should be ordering

>> No.19870042

it's a traditional european entree...

>> No.19870046

yes, that's the whole point

>> No.19870055

>tfw colorblind
>the middle three in bot images look the same

>> No.19870061

>>Order rare steak
>>It arrives medium rare
Still a Win! Being too picky is stupid. If it's any range of pink or slightly pink even, but tender, still juicy, whatever. Only at a known trusted steakhouse do you get exactly what you most prefer.

>> No.19870102

>using twitter and pol buzzwords
kys brownoid

>> No.19870300

Right, as I was getting at: it's an entree, not an appetizer.