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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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File: 3.50 MB, 4032x3024, 20230430_175815.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
19849474 No.19849474 [Reply] [Original]

Stay tuned, boys. The Pope of Chili Town will begin cooking soon... After he drinks a few beers.

>> No.19849487

That's not chili

>> No.19849491

illiterate and stupid recipe

>> No.19849497
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I've tweaked it a bit since I wrote that recipe down. It's gunna be a delicious rot-gut chili. Just wait.

>> No.19849512

What the hell is taco sauce?

>> No.19849518
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>only one can of tomatoes

>> No.19849524
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as in entire hamburgers? stupid, fat american.

>> No.19849543

Let me translate it from burger for you.
>3lb 85 Hamburger
1.36 kg 85% Lean / 15% Fat Ground Beef

>> No.19849548

>needing a recipe and not just doing it off the top of your head like all great chilismiths

>> No.19849561
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standing by anon. may your pot be blessed

>> No.19849566


>> No.19849579

It's salsa with no chuncks. It's smoooth.

>> No.19849581

I like beans in my chili so I don't need to cook beans separately to eat with it.

>> No.19849585

>numbering your recipes
A fellow scientist I see

>> No.19849590
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I have many chili recipes. But most are derivative of No. 1.

>> No.19849591

what did she mean by this

>> No.19849597

It's called seasoning, anon.

>> No.19849602

i'm gonna season your anon if you don't start cooking soon

>> No.19849621
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Hold your shit. I'm cleaning my pans and drinking and shit.

>> No.19849626
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>> No.19849634

Looks just like my writing.

>> No.19849637
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It's ginna be gud.

>> No.19849642

i heard americans are prone to emotional outbursts when their recipe calls for zucchini, but all they can find is courgette.

>> No.19849657
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It's gunna be real gud.

>> No.19849661


>> No.19849687
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That's cool! Me and my cousins all write the same too.

>> No.19849697

Have fun anon!
Also, using kidney beans ever instead of pintos is nonsense. Glad to see you have the right kind of beans tonight.

>> No.19849701
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I don't mind using kidney beans, but I prefer pinto beans. Sometimes I mix the two. I like to try variations on muh chili.

>> No.19849716
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Let's get the first pan oily and hot...

>> No.19849747
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First the ground beef fries... and we wait.
>beer bottle opens

>> No.19849758
File: 561 KB, 1296x864, THIS is chili con carne you giant faggots.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>3lb hamburger
Stopped reading there...

>> No.19849774
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If I go through the trouble to cook chili, I'm going to make enough to last five or six days.

>> No.19849799

I usually draft a base No. 1.0 from others' recipes and modify it from there, until some v1.x turns out to be either the best version possible or unsalvageable.

>> No.19849897
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Meat is almost done. Vegetables are chopped. Almost ready to cook CHILI

>> No.19849904
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>soy sauce
>taco sauce

>> No.19849923
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Next we cook the chopped onion.

>> No.19849979

>writes down recipe
>no measurements
why even bother?

>> No.19849983

sneaky Dorito

>> No.19850033
File: 2.60 MB, 4032x3024, 20231029_195323.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I put the dried chili in. We are on our way!

>> No.19850047

>canned beans
>well rinsed
do chili towners really?

>> No.19850053
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It depends on the beans you buy. Some need to be drained off, some need to be rinsed. Some you can simply dump in. Know your beans.

>> No.19850062

I was on board for the first scoop and then it became a HowToBasic video

>> No.19850065

Fucking hell 99% of the posts in this thread are whining. Post a better chilli recipe if you have one or fuck off, you sound like a bunch of bitchy women.

>> No.19850077
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I processed to the cooked chilis and now they back in the pan.

>> No.19850104

Not bad, but could use improvement.
Canned beans? No. Go through the work of rehydrating and cooking dried beans, it makes a huge difference. I like small red beans. Use 2 onions and an entire bulb of garlic. Coriander and cilantro do not belong in chili, use extra cumin instead. Also, cut a chuck steak up into 3/4 inch cubes for improved texture, brown along with the ground beef.

>> No.19850105
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The aroma of food in my house right now gets the ladies.

>> No.19850108

>Coriander and cilantro
retarded, fat american. go climb some stairs, fat boy.

>> No.19850140
File: 2.89 MB, 4032x3024, 20231029_203812.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Next the canned chiles go in. Just a bit before the beans.

>> No.19850171
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Cilantro time.

>> No.19850187

Are you a homosexual?

>> No.19850195
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No. But I do enjoy the flavor of cilantro.

>> No.19850198

>canned tomatoes
stopped reading there.

>> No.19850202

Canned are ok if you know how to use them.

>> No.19850223
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Everything is in. Now it's simply going to simmer for about five hours or so. It's already good to eat, but if you cover it and leave it overnight it's something else, my dudes.

>> No.19850229

Looks great, OP. This board is full of chili snobs. Fucking sniveling cocksuckers who can't appreciate a good meal.

>> No.19850248


>> No.19850249
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I've been cookin' chili since I learned from both my parents cook. For me, chili is all about what you feel like eating. Chili can go in a million directions. But if you can cook it yourself, you'll always get what you're hungry for.

>> No.19850253

I agree. I can understand people wanting to be "authentic" when it's a specific regional dish, but chili, like you said, can have a hundred variations with a hundred ingredients. If it's got beef and chili peppers of some kind in it, then it's chili as far as I'm concerned. I like ground beef chili, "authentic" style chili with chunks of chuck and chili peppers only, canned chili, every fucking kind imaginable.

>> No.19850256

>3 lbs. of hamburger
>2 cans of beans
This is one of those diarrhea chilis, isn't it? I like a looser chili, myself.

>> No.19850258
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>chili, can have a hundred variations

>> No.19850259
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You are correct. Chili is what you make it.

>> No.19850260

>Now it's simply going to simmer for about five hours or so.
jesus OP you really have no idea what you are doing.

>> No.19850265
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I know how I like my chili. That's enough for me.

>> No.19850266

Why is it so hard to buy dried beans and put it in water ? Why do you have to buy that overcooked crap ? It's even already transformed with "pork flavor". Do you hate your body that much ?

>> No.19850280
File: 885 KB, 594x655, main-qimg-31ddae2a0da78ff02924931dd80cb237.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I give no fucks about using canned beans. Especially when they're already seasoned. It's chili, damnit! It's supposed to be a desperate enterprise. You dump in what you have, stew it down, and eat it. It's fun and tasty.

>> No.19850295


If you do stuff wrong, you didn't make Chili, you made crap. Sure there's room for variations and inovations but it's supposed to IMPROVE the dish, not make it worse
> but everyone tastes is different and...
Wrong again. There IS a definition of taste. If I give you a 5$ wine and a 500$ wine and you prefer thé first one, it's not that the entire wine industry is a scam (another debate) it's most likely you have shit taste.

Replacing chunks of meat by groundbeef is wrong.
Using canned crap is wrong.
Confusing the SAME INGREDIENT in both spanish and english is WRONG.
Cooking it in less than 2 hours is also wrong.

>> No.19850300

You're confusing chili and goyslope. Enjoy your early diabetes and cholesterol.

>> No.19850309

Congrats op. You meal prepped for the week

>> No.19850336
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Indeed I did. And it's very tasty.

>> No.19850354
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I hope you enjoyed tonight's
>OP cooks a nice sloppy
I know I did. Come back next Sunday afternoon, when I'll cook some other horrible food.

>> No.19850466

Okay /ck/, my wife is a beta with low tolerance for spices. I typically make a pot with some bell peppers, and later with the seasoning I have to add extra dry shit to my own bowl.
What is the best way to get some more hot peppers in without making two batches? Will I get the desired effect if I cook it all to completion, portion some out, then add more hot peppers into mine, or is it too late?

>> No.19850524

Sounds good, I don't get why you'd use both fresh 'and' powered garlic though.

>> No.19850565
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Unbelievably grim. You need to add some water or beef broth anon

>> No.19850571

>going to simmer for about five hours or so
So do you just throw the pan away and buy a new one every time you make chili? That shit is gonna burn and stick to the pan after 5 hours

>> No.19850578
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Randy, I am the chili

>> No.19850580

>stew it down
You added no liquid to even "stew down"

>> No.19850594

Find a hot sauce you like and add it to your bowl.

>> No.19850639

>after a few beers
that’s insane, normally your let the chili simmer for several hours, and I drink about 4 to 6beers an hour

>> No.19851397
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anon you dont need to add oil when you brown beef
and you can saute the onions in the same pan/pot with the beef as it's browning

>> No.19851407

instead of adding salt you can use soy sauce for the sodium plus get the msg

>> No.19851409

what the fuck anon
there are only two ways to use dried chili
>soak them in warm broth then blend into a puree
>grind dried peppers into a powder (chili powder)

>> No.19851415
File: 881 KB, 1388x1045, Screenshot 2022-11-09 at 14-42-53 _ck_ - give me a recipe for a real NO BEANS chili - Food & Cooking - 4chan.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.19851528

Is this one of those AI images I keep seeing of Indians shitting?

>> No.19851617
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Oh, Anon.
>canned laughter erupts

>> No.19851620

Randy would happily put this chili on a lightyear tosted bun, put some cheese and mustard on it, and chow brown.
>It's all chili burger, Mr. Lahey!

>> No.19852449

Cilantro, culantro, and coriander are three different things.
>fine leaf
>coarse leaf

>> No.19852461

maybe if you're a retard, fat american that needs a mexican to help differentiate between different parts of one plant.
want to know what we call those things in chadistan?
because we're born with the wherewithal to know the fucking difference.

>> No.19852581
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>20 posts of seething and disgust over a ground beef stew... Looking like ground beef stew
This board is full of fucking dunning-kruger pseuds. You retards should have known it would look like that from the moment you saw the ingredients list. That's why people add beans to chili, it's what gives the chili texture beyond just being wet ground beef. But noooooo beans in chili bad! Funny how only like 2 of you dipshits pointed out that actual thing "wrong," which was that there's no solid beef chuck, which is still akin to italians seething over thick crust pizza. Practically none of you can actually cook, you're all just regurgitating internet memes and eceleb options like bots.

>> No.19852595
File: 1.03 MB, 408x340, 1698253509835372.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>dump INT for WIS
>language mastery falls to 0 as a result
>mfw retard attempts communication

>> No.19852623

>entire frame of reference is role playing games due to lack of real world experience.
try going outside, where things move, for a change. get some fresh air. go for a walk. maybe one day you'll lose enough weight to finally see what your cock looks like.

>> No.19852633

I have one that takes forever to make has too many ingredients and is a massive pain in the ass if youre interested.
Won every chili cookoff ive entered it with.

>> No.19852639

I miss looking at that little guy...

>> No.19852656

Sloppa threads bring out all the pseuds
>make a casserole
>"wtf that's just a bunch of shit put together with bread crumbs on top!!!"
>"yeah that's what a casserole is, but the ingredients are all high quality and the methods of cooking are bring out additional flavors. You see-"

>> No.19852662
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>rinsing canned beans

>> No.19852667

>Now it's simply going to simmer for about five hours or so
what in all fuck would make that necessary? Just stick the shit in the fridge and let it sit overnight. You're making slop, not chili.

>> No.19852678

so I feel like if you are going to simmer for hours why not add a liquid to allow it to fucking simmer?
half a can of whatever dark beer is a pretty common ingredient