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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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19797832 No.19797832 [Reply] [Original]

Why the fuck would you eat any steak cooked less than Well Done? I don't fucking understand it. It's literally just water and uncooked. A well done steak will still be dripping with juice and not need a god dam motherfucking sauce to go with it.

>> No.19797854
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Well friend, that's a really good looking steak and also from a restaurant so probably higher quality and fat content allowing for it to remain juicy even though it's "well done". This is not the case for a piece of shit ribeye or strip from walmart or shoprite.

>> No.19797877

too dry and chewy for me, id send it back at a restaurant but wouldnt turn my nose up if a friend or something made it

>> No.19797879

>It's literally just water and uncooked.

>> No.19797880

>t. retard that doesn't know how to rest a steak

>> No.19797892
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Assuming this isn't just a troll thread so manchildren can sperg out and spam contrarian opinions, I'll humor you since it's a slow day at work and I have time to kill.

It tastes good. Basically it, same reason you like yours well done. And on top of that, most cuts of steak get a lot tougher when we'll done so it's more tender. I personally like a medium rare, has some pink but no blood. Each to their own, people who sperg about how other people eat their food are unbearable

>> No.19797901

Well son, that is because I like the taste of meat, and not leather.

>> No.19798164

The less it's cooked, the better the flavor and the texture imo. I enjoy them more when they're so rare they're practically raw on the inside.

>> No.19798332

Freshly butchered raw beef is ca$h money.

>> No.19798352
File: 1.68 MB, 1252x932, Screenshot 2023-06-18 174028.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

so i don't need ketchup like you

>> No.19798439

Most of the people that like well done steak actually like the crust and they've never had a steak properly cooked. The majority of people only have experience with shitty chain restaurants like Texas Roadhouse, Outback, and Longhorn, or their retarded boomer parents that can't cook for shit. It's either burnt or unrendered raw meat. I remember the first time a friend, who is a chef, cooked a meal for me and my gf and he cooked the entire thing medium rare, then cut it into strips and put a crust on all sides of the steak and it was changed my entire perception of steak. We went to one of those meme wagyu steakhouses in japan and they only order it rare and it was great.

>> No.19798446

>Why the fuck would you eat any steak cooked less than Well Done?
I don't like my steaks well done. That's all the reason I need.

>> No.19798467

>he cooked the entire thing medium rare, then cut it into strips and put a crust on all sides of the steak
I don't understand. Please explain in more detail so I may attempt to replicate.

>> No.19798478 [DELETED] 


This is the superior way to cook a steak

>> No.19798484

Posted the wrong video and had to delete it. This is the superior way to cook a steak

>> No.19798489

Good man.

>> No.19798504

>sear steak
>cut into strips
>then sear the interior edge of those strips
>now you have strips of steak with seared edges on all sides

This increases the overall crunchy seared surface area compared to just searing a steak whole and leaving it as is.

>> No.19798595

How thick of a strip are you talking about?
When I think "strips" I think less than a pinky thick, and I can't fathom a way to crust the newly exposed surface area of those without them cooking all the way through to well done.

>> No.19798597

That's nice, dear. Not watching the video, though. There's no need to. No video will magically make me like well done steaks.

>> No.19798620

Should be possible if the pan is smoking hot. Otherwise, yeah, it'd cook through.

>> No.19798650

I refuse you believe it's physically possible for the thickness I described.

>> No.19798670

Okay Adam

>> No.19798820

That looks pretty decent. Would eat / 10.

>> No.19798836

Many people fall for the medium rare meme because of celebrity chefs. If properly prepped and cooked, a well done steak can be beautifully done. Now, if we're talking about people ordering a burger "medium rare," that will definitely get me going REEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE

But to each their own, I guess. Do whatever the fuck you want.

>> No.19798838 [DELETED] 


>> No.19798843

There is a big psyop going on where the shittiest opinion is being pushed like its fact, and I've seen it plenty on other boards too. On /o/ slow economy cars are being pushed as the "right" choice and you are a dumb meathead if you like anything fast or exciting (on a car enthusiast board of all places) and now I've been seeing on /ck/ that well done is the "right" choice and that it tastes the best. I really don't get it.

>> No.19798847

I have a cheapy supermarket steak that I've salted and let come to room temp. I am going to heat up a pan and cook the steak for only 40 seconds on each side, sprinkle with some black pepper, rest for a bit, and then consume with the insides being pretty much raw, and there's nothing you can do to stop me.

>> No.19798853
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>> No.19798855
File: 51 KB, 800x857, man-eating-lunch-gentleman-suit-eating-steak-fork-knife-drinking-glass-red-wine-219615483-1796818147.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.19798857

The only time I'll enjoy well done if it is super thin skirt steak that is gonna go in tacos

>> No.19798860

ketchup huh?

>> No.19798867

Ketchup on steak is amazing. Before you knock on it, try it. A perfectly seared steak, with all of its maillard and juices, pairs perfectly with the acidic and sweatness of ketchup. Way better and way more healthy than the goyslop that is A1 Steak sauce (which is essentially ketchup but with additives to make it brown).

>> No.19798876

In an OP that claims Well Done does not need any sauces.
Pretty obvious this is just a troll thread.

>> No.19799637
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No compound butter? Flavorlet.

>> No.19800391
File: 1.75 MB, 1247x929, Screenshot 2023-06-18 180335.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

it was pretty juicy because i cooked it long enough to render then fats so all it needed was salt and pepper
plus i wanted to taste the steak not herbs

>> No.19800487

a medium rare steak is *objectively* juicier and more tender than a well-done one. that's how the meat proteins behave with heat.
most steak cuts become inedibly dry and chewy when cooked for too long.

>> No.19801028
File: 177 KB, 640x480, trollfood.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>this is not a troll
first sign you are being trolled.

>> No.19801036

contradiction the post
ribeyes are the most juicy steaks

>> No.19801043
File: 27 KB, 375x307, cutebutwrong.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Many people fall for the medium rare meme because of celebrity chefs.
where do you get this bullshit? I like medium rare because I like it. I started liking it when I was about 12. my parents always cooked it done. getting a medium rare steak was mind blowing. there is nothing better.