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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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File: 1.09 MB, 570x501, tenor.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
19764567 No.19764567 [Reply] [Original]

Have you tried cooking in your pajamas before? It’s comfy.

>> No.19764571

I do it all the time at home when I'm too lazy to get changed

>> No.19764574

I sleep naked the whole year, so my answer is still yes

>> No.19764581

I haven't worn pajamas since I was 5. I don't wear clothes at all at home, including in the kitchen. Just seems weird.

>> No.19764591

>tranime pic
>dumbass thread


>> No.19764593

I cook bacon and deep fry on the stove fully nude

>> No.19764594

is this some epic new /pol/ meme?

>> No.19764597
File: 221 KB, 1078x892, SmartSelect_20230128-160447_Chrome.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.19764609

when the oil gets their way on your jammies it's not comfy anymore

>> No.19764611

I'm a 31-year-old male so I don't own pyjamas

>> No.19764617

Yeah, but not when I’m frying. Getting the oil off is a hassle.

>> No.19764619

You do know this is an anime site, right?

>> No.19764780

i do most things in my pajamas

>> No.19764787

I cook naked. My peenor looks like the back of a chefs hand

>> No.19764795
File: 51 KB, 600x349, On WEED.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Have you tried cooking in your pajamas...ON WEED??

>> No.19764803

Based nudist

>> No.19764828

It's like a circle of insecurity it never stops.

>> No.19764845
File: 482 KB, 720x405, 1320963325546.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>expecting sincerity on 4chan
>expecting anime to ever go away on 4chan
Anime will outlast you on this website, anon. It's too entrenched to ever go away naturally and the best way to get something posted more of something is to try to force people to stop doing it. Complaining about it just outs you as an election tourist.

>> No.19764863

>>expecting sincerity on 4chan
We used to have that before you swarmed en-masse you know. We also had a demographic that knew how to read and didn't put so many words into someone's mouth they might as well be talking to themselves.You should try it sometime.

>> No.19764870
File: 571 KB, 715x1080, 1687065579939520.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The only "recent swarming" is a sudden uptick in complaining about anime that coincides with the flood of election tourists. You might think you've been here long enough that people wouldn't notice but you underestimate just how long many people have been wasting their time on this site.
Keep crying about it faggot, it will never change. If you weren't new to this site, you'd realize that from its continued presence.

>> No.19764883

It isn't the anime itself that's the problem, although it is all complete trash, it's that you can tell instantly a thread headed by a moeblob will be some dumb ass cock sucking waste of time written by a faggot who struggles to open a can of tuna

>> No.19764894

It doesn't work when you make it this obvious. Go back to school and learn how to read.

>> No.19764913
File: 318 KB, 569x800, 1677116571435462.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's amazing how riled up you lot get from an image of a chinese cartoon. You won't last here.

>> No.19764936

And I'm sure you'll keep up your low quality shitposting to prove me right like the animal you are.

>> No.19764946

What is a beast to a man? You are nothing kiddo.

>> No.19764948

>no u

>> No.19764962
File: 189 KB, 660x589, 1687316169078827.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

No, I always change my clothes when I cook because I don't like the smell of the smoke on my clothes.

>> No.19764971
File: 2.22 MB, 1600x900, a9cdf1ca-23ff-424a-9954-9f96de6e73d8.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

*shits in your mouth* heh, like I said kiddo, your nothing. come back after a 1000 year training montage

>> No.19764984

No. Aren’t pajamas a thing for only women?

>> No.19764986

They're perfect for receiving your qtpie neighbour in the early morning so she can gaze upon your schlong.

>> No.19765005

been here since 2016 so I'm definitely an oldfag. its insane how much this place has changed since then. we have been completely flooded with newfags who dont give a fuck about the sites culture and its such a god damn tragedy to witness. I guess in the end at least we have the memories of the golden age of 4chan.

>> No.19765020

>since 2016
lowtier bait

>> No.19766574

Only when I'm feeling lazy.

>> No.19766828

Being naked at home doesn't make you a "nudist". Are you also a nudist if you shower naked? Or have sex naked? I'm actually really uncomfortable being naked around other people unless we've reached a point where we're basically applying tongue to [any and every imaginable part of the body]. It just doesn't make any sense to me to wear clothes in your own house. Like, is there someone else there, living rent free in your head?

>> No.19766839

I still can't believe that 2016 was 8 years ago. Literally nothing has happened in that time. It feels like 8 months. Zoomers must have had the worst childhood in living memory.

>> No.19767936

Believe it

>> No.19767942

i haven't, but you reminded me of those nasty "cooking in my dorm room" tiktoks that randomly appear on my youtube where the sheets and bed are covered in stains

>> No.19767944

I live alone, so at home I’m usually naked or just in boxers. I’ll put on a t-shirt sometimes if I’m feeling ritzy. Who even wears pajamas past the age of like 10?

>> No.19767964

people who like to have a slightly higher living standard then animals and ogres

>> No.19767975

In areas where it gets cold, when it does get cold, pajama pants are very comfortable.
>Why not just turn up the heat?
It's nice to feel the coolness where you want it and still be warm on the whole, the same way it's nice to sit on a covered porch in the rain and feel the moisture while not getting soaked.

>> No.19767982

I spoke to someone recently who talked about being 13 in 2016 and posting up a storm on /pol/. rattled me to the core

>> No.19768002

>Who even wears pajamas past the age of like 10?
I have IBS, so at a bare minimum I always wear underwear.

>> No.19768016

I sleep nude.

So yes.

>> No.19768225

This post has Big Jammie Energy. They’re comfy in the winter because I don’t like paying the extra money to heat the place up to 72F.

>> No.19768262
File: 121 KB, 570x855, il_570xN.4271427285_jfwb[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>and then he said he had "big jammie energy"

>> No.19768273

>In areas where it gets cold, when it does get cold, pajama pants are very comfortable.
This. In summer months I typically lounge around in boxers. But in winter months I typically lounge around in pajama pants instead. Half the time I leave the house when it's cold I just throw jeans on over my pajama pants.

>> No.19768291

>I leave the house
Go Back

>> No.19768300
File: 115 KB, 600x832, ZU-se0Nev4[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Wearing pajamas is far more cringe than going outside. He does both at the same time.

>> No.19769787

No, I cook wearing a full set of bunker gear after that close call of deep frying ice cubes.

>> No.19769792

You shit yourself, gramps?

>> No.19769811

Fuck, grampa shits himself.

>> No.19769967

you should try cooking in your kitchen instead, you dumb weirdo.

>> No.19769976

This is my default way of cooking when I'm alone.

>> No.19770069

I don't know why it's been happening more lately. I just encountered this really pointless reply in the wild.

>> No.19770298

I've been here pretty much forever and have no idea what makes either of those images "tranny". What fucking boards are you spending time on that you would even know that?

>> No.19770322

>I just encountered this really pointless reply in the wild.
Makes sense to me. Dude it just said he doesn't like how things are getting more expensive and the other dude responded with verbal diarrheas screeching about niggers.

>> No.19770325

what if my pyjamas are shit stained whitey tighties? doesn't seem hygienic

>> No.19770340
File: 196 KB, 562x663, 1684142638004822.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Staying home? Pajamas.
Just got home for the day? Immediate pajamas.
Making soup or stewing something while it rains? Pajamas.
Embrace comfymaxxing in sleepwear whenever possible.

>> No.19770345
File: 683 KB, 500x281, 1361535788623.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Bro, what are you talking about?
This image is peak based.

Protip: Those aren't his pajamas.
Do the rest of the math yourself. This man is beyond "not caring", he's straight up showing off by dressing like this.

>> No.19770354 [DELETED] 

"muh tranime!!!" is a forced meme among tourists. They hate anime and are just trying to associate anime with something they think 4chan hates.

>> No.19771081


>> No.19771097

The same thing that makes you a faggot.

>> No.19771109
File: 17 KB, 486x124, 21213231.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>"muh tranime!!!
I mean its partial forced but go look at the /lgbt/ catalog. T B H you guys do avatarfag like the furries and bronies used to plus weebs and otakus are kinda kidding themselves trying to pretend its 2007 and they are posting lucky star or even 2011 with K-on or whatever Fotm moeshit they like.

>> No.19771111 [DELETED] 

Anime used to be cool
Now it's pozzed with aids and homofaggot shit.

>> No.19771600

>2016 election tourist
Golden Memories, alright.

>> No.19771951

>I don't like anime
Then go back to >>>/reddit/.

>> No.19771957

I would dress exactly like this if I had said outfit. I stopped caring about what I'm wearing a few years ago.

>> No.19771989
File: 40 KB, 1020x748, looking closely.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i dont want to be comfortable all the time. i dont want everything to be easy. who ever learned something or accomplished anything important while "comfy"?

>> No.19771997

That guy dresses like that because he just dicked down the actual owner of those clothes and he's wearing them as a trophy.
What's your excuse?

>> No.19772017

Clothes aren't supposed to be uncomfortable, they're supposed to be utilitarian.

>> No.19773492

He's literally shopping at Walmart. There's no, "I'm above caring" or being "based" in that situation. He's literally shopping at Walmart in his pajamas. It would be like dressing in vintage hipster type clothes and setting up a tent in a homeless camp, uploading selfies to instagram, and then claiming some kind of authenticity. He's trailer trash garbage. Covering himself in tribal tattoos would be exactly as cringe as what he's doing.

>> No.19773661

>his pajamas
They aren't "his" pajamas, anon.
They're "hers" and he's borrowing them.
He just got laid and that's why he doesn't give a fuck.

>> No.19773758

Having sex isn't an accomplishment you braindead incel zoomer. Holy shit. Literally go along with your mom the next time she's heading to Walmart to buy you more tendies and look up from your phone for 5 seconds. Literally every disgusting, poor, ugly motherfucker on the planet is having sex constantly and popping out dozens of disgusting little shits that follow them around like disgusting little ugly ducklings. Fucking the girl next door at the trailer park and picking up some "sips" at the "mart" while wearing pajamas is not based. It's the cringiest thing on the planet.

>> No.19773809
File: 157 KB, 1719x2869, 1696223892323710.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I keep at least a shirt and briefs on all day, so that's what I cook in. Do people usually get dressed just to go into their kitchen?

>> No.19773868

>Having sex isn't an accomplishment you braindead incel zoomer.
I'm 32.
You're the pentup virgin who can't pick up on obvious cues. Type some more, lol.

>> No.19773917

i dont have pajamas. i only wear socks and shorts at all times

>> No.19774101

i don't remember the last time i did that, but it's more likely than not i did that once or a few times in my life

>> No.19774356

shit boards deserve shit threads
shit threads deserve shit replies
simple as

>> No.19774359

It is until the bacon grease pops and scalds my nips.

>> No.19774370

>tranny may pic
>posing an absolutely mindless question
Every fucking thread

>> No.19774634

>incel zoomer
Word of advice kiddo, use the correct, direct, concise identifier that is [Liberal] in the future.
Those well-adjusted individuals [read: 18yo freshmen zooting the day away in their pyjamas and flipflops, waddling through walmart in the toy aisle]
are the ones who've no prospects in life other than to fucky, bucky, n cuckee.

>> No.19774645

esl moment

>> No.19776067

I often cook naked lol

>> No.19776074


thanks anon, this really affirmed my gender :D