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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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File: 1.28 MB, 3000x3000, Busch.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
19747722 No.19747722 [Reply] [Original]

Pro Tip: You can not.

>> No.19747731

Literally any other beer. Are you between 18-21?

>> No.19747736

63, why do you ask Anon?

>> No.19747766

Do you drink your own piss as well?

>> No.19747799
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'drinkable' beer is like 'electable' politician. the categories are basically coextensive thus the adjective describes nothing, essentially. elected politician is electable. drunk beer is drinkable. it becomes the thing after it has, by definition, done the thing that makes it the thing.

>> No.19747809

I would but I'm not poor or white trash like you.

>> No.19747815
File: 114 KB, 1000x1000, Scottish-Ale.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Best tasting, easiest drinking beer I've ever had. It's been my favorite for years

>> No.19747826

Beer is gross

>> No.19747834

Rich Nutt? Haha, seems kind of gay, no?

>> No.19747848
File: 155 KB, 1920x1078, home_Our_Beer_2023_b41952ec83.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Sipped one of these bad boys watching Akira the other night

>> No.19747908

Am I gaytarded that I always mix a 12oz can of Kern's peach/mango nectar with a 16oz bottle of Coor's in my 32oz glass mug? I like beer, but the taste is a little icky, so a can of nectar mixed w/it balances it great. [~.~`]

>> No.19747916

Oh, I love your channel KingCobraJFS <3

>> No.19747949


>> No.19747950

Same, except half vodka half gin.

>> No.19747955

You have to be 18 to post on 4channel.org

>> No.19747963

How is it in Blackoutville?

>> No.19747973
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>> No.19747979

I don't black out. I drink it over an hour.

>> No.19747983

a VERY close 2nd, I'm glad to see a fellow mobile home enjoyer among us.

>> No.19747998
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>> No.19748002

I'm trans, I don't know if that matters.

>> No.19748016

It sure does, just stick to the ones highlighted and you're good to go

>> No.19748036

Meds now!

>> No.19748270
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Embrace the white trash beverage of choice.

>> No.19748446
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>> No.19748452
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Hamm's. 4.99 for a 6 pack of 16 ounce cans. There was nothing better at my local super market during the pandemic.

>> No.19748846

PBR does check off the white trash box, but it's highly undrinkable.

lmao, to be fair this tastes better than PBR.

Hamm's just showed up in my area a few months ago, only available in a 24pk, not sure if I want to take the gamble. I've only heard good things though.

>> No.19748942

not a bad choice. Innis & Gunn is pretty good too for a Scottish ale
Hamm's is the absolute best value in beer. 10/10 would recommend

>> No.19748953

Mitsubishi makes beer
I can drink and drive with the same company? Hold on I'm off to get supplies for my next booze cruise

>> No.19748954

Anheiser Busch


>> No.19749019

Yawnbrow? Is that a style of IPA?

>> No.19749034
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I've yet to meet a PBR i couldn't drink

>> No.19749044

>noooo you can't drink beer from one brewery that operates autonomously and has brand integrity because it's technically a subsidiary of a large conglomerate!
That being said it's kinda neat how the Holy See controls all the most kino of trappist brewers

>> No.19749068
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>> No.19749092

It's just a joke m8. On that note they also make lucky Streak which is great for its price. Also when did encyclopedia dramatica go down?

>> No.19749104

Reminder that ab inbev doesn't own the Corona within the US, only outside of the US.

>> No.19749125
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I think this is pretty damn good.

>> No.19749510

this but in a can

>> No.19749771

yuengling light.

>> No.19749803

>Also when did encyclopedia dramatica go down?
You'll have to be more specific. It's changed hands and domains like 40 times since sherrod dehippo left.

>> No.19749813

came to post this

>> No.19749932

The King, based post

>> No.19749940

Oh idk, last I was there was probably like 2018 maybe. But that link even all the cats and gore are gone. Just remembered about it and poof.

>> No.19749953
File: 328 KB, 960x960, Aargangsbryg-2023.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

proper beer is the only thing i cant get in the usa

>> No.19750077

Black label

>> No.19750102

Modelo's Limon y Sal or Piña Picante

>> No.19750116

Mitsubishi owning Kirin is comedy

>> No.19750125
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this stuff gives the worst smelling farts. i don't get it.

>> No.19750127
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>mfw the best thing you have to say about your beer is that it's drinkable

>> No.19750131

>more drinkable
You misspelled "less". And no, I can't name a less drinkable beer than picrel.

>> No.19750235

A good beer, but not worth the 15-20 dollars they ask for a 12pk.

>> No.19750239

Miller High Life does taste better from the can, but those sexy ass bottles....it's hard to pass them up.

>> No.19750243

Skill issue.

>> No.19750326

this isn't autism, its retardation

>> No.19750392

cans are lined with plastic inside, enjoy your plasticides

>> No.19750422

Miller high life and literally anything else now fuck off with your redneck beer

>> No.19750439
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>> No.19750442

too bad your comments aren't

>> No.19750538

I like Pacifico but tecate is probably more drinkable. The flavor is very inoffensive

>> No.19750546
File: 182 KB, 341x277, O M beer.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Any of you niggers ever tried Old Milwaukee?

>> No.19750576
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The first time I had this it was at a beer garden type joint owned by some german immigrants near where my parents were living at the time, it was right out the tap and was so smooth, with the banana and clove flavors coming through real strong in the best of ways. No place I've found near me serves it on tap, and out of the bottle its just not the same. Its good, but not the dragon im chasing

>> No.19750602
File: 150 KB, 640x427, Old-Style.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Only the chads know

>> No.19750626

...how it feels to beat up nerds like you

>> No.19750648

perhaps it's the plastic that gives it it's better flavor. I'll stick to my plasticized drink thanks.

>> No.19750649

I would deck you irl

>> No.19750653

with your breath and b.o. yeah

>> No.19750660

You ever looked inside a can , mate?

>> No.19750666

Only your mom's after climax.

>> No.19750668

No with my fist like the ones your father takes up his ass

>> No.19750677

Clear bottles and green bottles don't protect from light, which can skunk a beer in just a few minutes. No light getting inside of a can.

Supposedly Miller High Life is made with a type of hop that doesn't skunk with light hitting it, but it does taste better from a can I feel.

Life hack, buy it in a can, pour it in to a beer mug. I'm probably the only person in this thread that owns beer mugs though.

>> No.19750684

Crappy light beer has its place, like if you’re out on the lake or at a tailgate, or something like that when you’re going to be drinking throughout the day in hot weather. Michelob is the best for that though, idk why you would drink Busch unless you’re in high school or college and on a budget

>> No.19750686

He enjoyed spending the money you gave him to do it. Thanks bro.

>> No.19750690
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>> No.19750691

Michelob ain't crappy dude its the best bottom tier beer. They charge more than the average macro place though

>> No.19750696

So you admit your dad is gay?

>> No.19750707

Michelob is what literal Boomers drink, I've never seen a person under the age of 60 buying it. It's watery and way overpriced. Dude....like what in the actual fuck? lol

>> No.19750712

It's meh. I've had better but certainly not the worst beer I've tried. Nothing to die over.

>> No.19750714

It's a beer attempting to be good that falls short of like literally everything

>> No.19750718

Nope he's an entrepreneur. Not gay if balls don't touch you stupid fuck.

>> No.19750724

>It's good
>It's bad
>It's meh
Which is it dudes

>> No.19750732


>> No.19750737

I don't know bro that's kinda gay

>> No.19750776

The entire point of it is that it’s beer flavored soda water that you can pour down your throat. It’s not supposed to be a good beer, just a light beer that tastes the least like piss

>> No.19750794

Me? I keep it simple I'm a natty boy genius.

>> No.19750830

I'm not a homo so i own steins not mugs

>> No.19750858
File: 399 KB, 2400x2400, 000076742-1488087187.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

only the best one

>> No.19750866

This isn't /lgbt/

>> No.19750871

wow how topical of you grandma

>> No.19750884

this actually tastes good

>> No.19750908
File: 28 KB, 500x426, 1527707332247.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm drunk on 6 or 7 cans of polish beer today and I cannot stop bawling my eyes out lads, what the fuck is wrong with me. Nothing's even that wrong in life, just feels like stuff keeps bubbling up inside me

>> No.19750914

Maybe something is bothering you that you're not aware of or paying attention to

>> No.19750915

>male cat poster
you should probably just end life now before it becomes even worse

>> No.19750931

Just like take a shit or something

>> No.19750935

never been good, the choice beer choice of high schoolers who buy off TV commercial brand recognition

>> No.19750948

how do you know that cat is male?

>> No.19751026

Look for its sack retard

>> No.19751063

1) They lost all "brand integrity" and autonomy when they let themselves get bought by a larger corp
2) are you seriously trying to argue that profits for a subsidiary doesn't mean profits for the parent corp?

>> No.19751100
File: 258 KB, 649x647, inceldrink.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Have secs, incel

>> No.19751146
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I may be late but shout out to my hammsbros, Midwest represent

>> No.19751217
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>> No.19752298
