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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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19698579 No.19698579 [Reply] [Original]


>> No.19698585

he left the pasta out on the counter for a week
bet he got the clot shot too

>> No.19698586

>After five days of the pasta sitting out on the counter at room temperature, he heated some up and ate it.
So don't leave it on the counter for five days.

>> No.19698589
File: 68 KB, 562x530, AndreLookingAtShit.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>After 5 days of leaving it out on the counter at room temperature

Not to mock the dead but that was genuinely retarded

>> No.19698591
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did his nose not work or something
5 fucking days out at room temperature would leave that thing smelling like a biohazard

>> No.19698592

OP is a faggot as usual

>> No.19698594

Retard left boiled, undressed pasta on his counter for nearly a week. I swear, every time I hear about “FrIeD rIcE sYnDrOmE” it’s some faggot with the iq of a lobotomized chimp doing some shot like this, and it gets all these midwits riled up

>> No.19698598

Zoomers are extremely neurotic germophobes who think leaving something on the counter for 2 hours is equivalent to 5 days like this retard did

>> No.19698615


>> No.19698643
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>left pasta on his desk for a week
>didn't recognize the smell of turned food
>didn't think to go to the uni clinic when his body desperately tried to invert his bowels to get rid of the lethal load it was being forced to process
>spent his final conscious moments smelly, feeble and tormented by his own volition

How this swirling black hole of subzero IQ didn't spontaneously shit his actual brain out the moment he turned 18 and was cursed with partial independence is astonishing.

>> No.19698727

Food preppers don't leave their food out on the counter for days at a time.

>> No.19698738

wish they would though

>> No.19698749

This story makes the rounds on social media every year or so. Always makes me depressed.

>> No.19698750

i'm an absolute slob and i know i can't leave anything wet out that long

the pro gamer move is to speedrun a single day's meals in less time than it takes a limp dicked meat cuck to pass a constipated shit

>> No.19698760

So four days is the limit for leftovers?

>> No.19698761

Pasta and noodles always go so bad so fast. I'm my bad days those would always make the quickest mold cultures along steam rice and apple juice.
It's weird that it's called fried rice syndrome though, because fried rice tends to last longer than regular rice and way longer than a saucy pasta.

>> No.19698772

Four days at room temperature, sure.

>> No.19698773

There's no limit for leftovers in the fridge, it depends on the food. But anything at room temp for longer than a day is risky. You can get away for 2-3 with certain items though. I've woken up hungover many a time and eaten day+ old McDonald's or pizza off the ground. I think it depends on your gut though

>> No.19698779

No "one" limit obv

>> No.19698780

>Five day old pasta
Fuck me. I'll leave pasta overnight at bench temperature, but on the second day that shit goes to the dog.

>> No.19698794

Science has saved the day again! Thanks, fren.

>> No.19698808

>20yr old dies

>> No.19698824

probably because fried rice is typically made from leftover rice.

>> No.19698907

trust in science with all your heart problems
theyll eat anything i swear

>> No.19698915

i mean how are you at all surprised?
its the same retards who make shit bait threads on /ck/ asking shit like "i fell asleep and left an entire pork roast out for 3 days, its still good to eat right?"

>> No.19698925

tfw have lived in third world country and eaten all kinds of horrible shit and been fine, just to come back to first world and listen to people freak out over meat that's been room temperature for an hour

>> No.19698934

>Zoomers are extremely neurotic
their failures are ours. We let them be (((raised))) on modern media and food chemistry.

>> No.19698946

>theyll eat anything i swear
it's just the way you make it. you can't use fresh hot steaming rice. It's a perfectly reasonable thing to do in your home kitchen.
But I bet the restaurant staff make rice and just let it sit around for the purpose of making fried rice. and being that it's them, they probably don't pay attention to how long it's been sitting out

>> No.19698950
File: 170 KB, 739x925, A296A133-1B15-4C06-98F3-3CF46A9520A8.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>fried rice syndrome
I’ve been saying how much I hate asian food for years and now I finally have a genuine reason to hate it

>> No.19698968

damn that sucks
>eat the bacteria filled food
>exercised afterwards

>> No.19698975

>After five days of the pasta sitting out on the counter at room temperature, he heated some up and ate it.
Don't even feel bad for someone like this. If he left food out on the counter for 5 days he probably lived in filth.

>> No.19698980

There is a limit for what you leave in the fridge. But the limit is dependent on the food. There is also a longer limit when you freeze it. If you're not going to eat it within a week, freeze it...

>> No.19698987

what the, i dont get it... why did he leave the pasta out on the counter for 5 days?

>> No.19698989

Because Italian food is so bad even bacteria won’t eat it

>> No.19699030

in 2011? you conspiracy nutjobs are getting crazier by the day

>> No.19699037
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Whenever I make Carbonara I make sure there's extra so I can microwave it the morning after for breakfast.

>> No.19699039

anyone else like to leave a smoothie out until it gets fizzy?

>> No.19699681


Darwin strikes again, apparently.

Don't leave your goddamn food out at room temperature for hours at a time. You're disgusting.

>> No.19699684

he's dead, jim

>> No.19699713

This happened in 2011, why is it resurfacing now? The retard left his food out on the counter, at room temp, for a fucking week then ate it.
It was natural selection at this point. Imagine being this stupid.

>> No.19699747

what is leftoc-ack?

>> No.19699788

>There is also a longer limit when you freeze it.
Frozen food is safe indefinitely

>> No.19699804

>Died from a B. cereus isolate that didn't even have the anthrax plasmids or cytK, hlyII, or hblA genes
Immune system skill issue

>> No.19699807

What bothers me most about this is that he was precooking a week's worth of pasta so that he didn't have to cook on week days and instead could just add some sauce and reheat it. It's fucking pasta, you put it in a pot with water for 10 minutes. You may as well toast a week's worth of bread for breakfast while you're at it. I understand some people are lazy and want to cut corners but it really bothers me when the thing they're trying to avoid doing is only marginally more effort than the steps they take to avoid it. It's like scaling the outside of a building to avoid taking the stairs.

>> No.19700276

So? Being too mindful is better than being not mindful enough.

>> No.19700283

>20 yr old
Absolute Poggers momment. No cap fr fr fr

>> No.19700292
File: 102 KB, 519x767, photo_2023-06-01_00-52-12.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This was a respectable board, why people catch this bait so frequently? Jesus christ, 46 posts.

>> No.19700299

This was in 2011 you lying retard. You just proved you people are full of shit.

>> No.19700317

saying it again don't make it real, sweetie. you can report for trolling in blueboards, you know?

>> No.19700345

Are you guys all trolling or can you seriously not eat leftovers lying on the table for a week? I do that a lot and I've never gotten sick from food.
Is this like the meme of not having medium-rare burgers? Like what happened to the kid is surely a once in a blue moon occurrence.

>> No.19700349

Not if it gets freezer burn

>> No.19700355
File: 33 KB, 480x480, 1693106283652745.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>After five days of the pasta sitting out on the counter at room temperature, he heated some up and ate it

I know it's already been posted but I feel like OP needs to see it again

>> No.19700364

Yeah. I cook big pots of sauce and freeze it but l like to cook my pasta and rice fresh. Reheated it might be edible but tastes shitty and you are not really saving much time anyways.

>> No.19700639

What the fuck is fried rice syndrome

>> No.19700669

What do you mean "you people"

>> No.19700674
File: 298 KB, 500x375, 1304376955947.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>not putting your pasta in the fridge

>> No.19700787

It’s not much of a stretch for someone to think pasta is no different from bread. And even bread without preservatives will be edible after 5 days

>> No.19701034

you know the kind of people who can't bother to put the leftovers in the fridge and just leave it all day in the counter because "they have been doing for years and nothing happens"? well, eventually something happens

>> No.19701040

Yes, it's important you quickly cool and refrigerate large batches of food.

Bacillus cereus food poisoning. It's associated with reheated starches.

>> No.19701075

I try to explain this to my friend but he doesn't listen. It's not normal to keep 7 days worth of food in your fucking fridge lol. It's very easy to slip up and leave food on the counter or forget how long the meal has been in there, along with skipping your prep meal for a birthday dinner or whatever. The only logical reason for prepping food is if you're a body builder.

>> No.19701083

>The only logical reason for prepping food is if you're a body builder.

Even in that scenario, you could just buy pre-cooked frozen chicken breast and microwave it to eat.

>> No.19701088

yeah that's retarded, still 5 days is a stretch imo that's the limit even in the fridge for food like that, just freeze it and microwave it if you're a meal prepped you don't care about quality anyways

>> No.19701093

my home ec teacher in hs told my class she threw out pizza that's been out over 2 hours because that's the CDC guideline

>> No.19701100

lol noob got owned next time stick to the PRIME energy drinks and maccy's

>> No.19701892

serves him right. what idiot let a meal stay 5 days not refrigerated and then eat it