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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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19696173 No.19696173 [Reply] [Original]

I despise even seeing the new packaging when I go shopping. Has anyone else refused to buy Land O Lakes since they removed the Indian from the packaging. It just looks bland and boring now.

>> No.19696176 [DELETED] 
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>> No.19696179

We call it
>Lib O Woke
in my household
refuse to buy it
we're now a kerrygold butter family

>> No.19696180

Too expensive, even on sale. I just buy the store brand.
And the whole removing offensive mascots on packaging is obviously retarded

>> No.19696204 [DELETED] 

I only buy food from companies who are antisemitic.

>> No.19696255

Costco brand or kerrygold if I'm doing bread.
I tried the Costco grass fed and didn't like it as much as kerrygold I don't really care what they've put in it

>> No.19696277

As a feminist and POV indigenous activist i refuse to support this erasure of female native american representation

>> No.19696284

I honestly don't know a single person who buys their butter now that they removed the amerijeet

>> No.19696295

I refused to buy it because I come from a well-off family and it seems like trash

>> No.19696301

No one is choosing their butter purchases based on packaging. All of you are lying faggots. You don't know a single person who changed butters over this non-issue.

>> No.19696326
File: 66 KB, 640x508, RedManChew.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I always just buy store brand butter so this doesn't change anything for me. I did get pretty mad when Red Man Chewing Tobacco got rid of the indian and changed the name to America's Best Chew though. Even though Red Man was never my favorite chew (Beech-Nut and Levi Garrett are better) it is the most readily available so I still buy it when I need a pouch of chew and the alternatives aren't available.

>> No.19696329

Granted, that's pretty much exactly how I bought Red Man before the name change. It was always my third choice of chew.

>> No.19696393
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>> No.19696430
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>> No.19696482

Based and Amishpilled.

>> No.19696510

I refuse it because it's dogshit butter, get literally any kind of cultured butter.
Based, it's kinda expensive at $6/lb though so I usually get plugra since it's like $4

>> No.19696539
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is this stuff good? how is it amish? i like the idea of having a big block o butter

>> No.19696554

>As a feminist
Stopped reading right there. You're a demon.

>> No.19696569

>No one is choosing their butter purchases based on packaging. All of you are lying faggots. You don't know a single person who changed butters over this non-issue.
Is there even a difference from brand-to-brand when you're dealing with this low grade butter? I know that fresh butter tastes great because I've made it myself, but whether it's Walmart brand, Land O Lakes or whatever other shit in the same price point, it all tastes about the same to me.

I wish I could say that I will never touch a woke brand because I don't like buying products that have had the mascot removed from, but Blackrock, State Street and Vanguard are the top 3 stakeholders in just about every major stock on the market, and Larry Fink, the Jew-Lord of Blackrock and last boss of Corporate America, literally invented ESG. The others all kowtow to him. I seriously doubt any alternative butter available at the grocery store, at least in the same price point, ISN'T controlled by him.

>> No.19696570

North Dakotan here. Do other states sell Land o Lakes too? I thought it was a Minnesota/Upper Midwest product.

>> No.19696581

Have you ever left North Dakota?

>> No.19696584

t. mad

>> No.19696586

>I wish I could say that I will never touch a woke brand because I don't like buying products that have had the mascot removed from, but Blackrock, State Street and Vanguard are the top 3 stakeholders in just about every major stock on the market, and Larry Fink, the Jew-Lord of Blackrock and last boss of Corporate America, literally invented ESG. The others all kowtow to him. I seriously doubt any alternative butter available at the grocery store, at least in the same price point, ISN'T controlled by him.
t. schizo

>> No.19696587

I thought Lutherans were everywhere in the world until I was like 24.

>> No.19696589

It's literally a national brand.

>> No.19696596

Major shareholders of stocks are public record, you dumb fuck.

>> No.19696601

It's just as expensive as Kerry gold, an objectively better butter, why would I buy it at all

>> No.19696606

And Land O' Lakes isn't a public company you dumb faggot

>> No.19696607


>> No.19696612
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I know that feel. Picrel was my favorite brand before they changed the name.

>> No.19696627

That doesn't mean they aren't influenced by the same forces.

>> No.19696630

I buy Kirkland unsalted for baking and Kerrygold salted for everything else

>> No.19696639


>> No.19696641

You're THIS eager to virtue signal about what a good Biden supporter you are. Neat! Why don't you send your daughter to the White House as an offering while you're at it?

>> No.19696680

I did. My disdain for injuns is nothing in comparison to my hatred for the conglomeration of dipshits in PR, HR, legal, and marketing at LoL who got rid of her.

>> No.19696729

I fucking love that I no longer have to see nonwhite people. Best thing those whining retards ever came up with. Soon when they finally implement segregation 2.0 in order to stop gentrification we'll be right back to the good ol days.

>> No.19696787

Mandella effect, she used to have her tits out implying it was a dairy product.

>> No.19696795

when you buy it on the receipt it says LOL Butter
LOL Butter

>> No.19697010

It wasn't their choice to remove it. It was forced upon them.

>> No.19697013

oh lawd

>> No.19697075

had a beavis and butt-head comic book where one of the pages was about how to cut the box of butter so that you could make a flap on her chest. it looked normal, but you lifted the flap and saw her knees as if they were her tits.

>> No.19697087

I love blackrock. I am a good goy with good social credit score, i mean, a good ESG. I always support and trust banks and the megaconglomerates, they just know better

>> No.19697481

enjoy your mouth/throat/gum/ cancer anon

>> No.19697494

Thanks I will. I just enjoyed your cancer of a post...not.

>> No.19697821

get a real problem

>> No.19697837

>Anyone else refuse Land O Lakes?
no now that they kept the land it's better.

>> No.19698213

It's probably just as well. Indians wouldn't have known anything about dairy since they didn't have those kinds of animals here until European settlement. Just like horses, hogs and tomatoes.

>> No.19698262
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>> No.19698384
File: 128 KB, 739x925, FsPhVpW.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Take your meds pal. My last post clearly indicates I hate niggers. Why would I care for a government that acknowledges Nmen as people?

>> No.19698407

we're on /ck/, what more of a problem do you want?

>> No.19698415

You write like a bot.

>> No.19698418

Sales would skyrocket if they brought her back in an anime style with a whole line of merch

>> No.19698560

Ad hominem

>> No.19698566

I have no stake in your argument, I'm just accusing you of being a bot.

>> No.19698596

No you dont

>> No.19698606

I like Cabot butter for baking or breakfast foods(pancakes, french toast, eggs n toast), but I switched to olive oil for most pan frying, etc. Now because 1.its healthier and 2. It goes farther than melting tbsp of the Good stuff.

>> No.19698609

if you care about shit like this you 100% spend way too much time on the internet

>> No.19698928

It's not even sold here so I DON'T CARE.

>> No.19698935
File: 90 KB, 276x254, costanza.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>grown ass man getting triggered by butter packaging

>> No.19698976

Fair enough
Dubs checked

>> No.19698993

t. schizo

>> No.19698994

Why not get upset at the grown-ass men who were so triggered by butter packaging they got it forcibly changed in the first place?

>> No.19699023

i have never bought butter, and i don't touch margarine either, but this new package's emphasizing of lakes is much more appealing to my Minnesotan eyes.

>> No.19699049

Challenge butter is better.

>> No.19699053
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If Land'o was Irish they would have blacked themselves instead of just sanitizing the label.

>> No.19699146

You are now aware of the fact chewing tobacco is illegal in nearly all western countries besides the US and Scandinavia

>> No.19699155 [DELETED] 

I love how while the IRA were fighting the British they just decided to flood their country with more immigrants

>> No.19699158

T. Triggered at a cartoon doodle of a squaw on a butter package

>> No.19699243

Checked. And subjugated themselves to the EU at the first opportunity.

>> No.19699360


>> No.19699686

The amish dude down the road with the farm and cows and shit milk said cow, turn milk into butter, and sell you the butter. So it's like all butter, no filler, no oil, no chemicals added. But might have whatever farm contaminants in it due to it being a local product.

>> No.19699703

How the hell have you never bought butter?

>> No.19699797

>they removed the Indian
Uhm, sir, we refer to them as Native Americans now

>> No.19699852

i've been vegan since childhood

>> No.19699971

>remove minority from (product)
>/pol/ hates it

>put minority in (product)
>/pol/ hates it

>> No.19700850

You're a moron if you needed a contrived grievance to realize how much better Kerrygold is.

>> No.19700860

>why do people have to get upset over mascots

>> No.19700894
File: 43 KB, 693x546, ''Bob'' Skinflayer, D.R.A.--DLM.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

As a Demon/Undead advocate, I refuse to support this post. I find this kind of language both hurtful and is fundamentally Being-ist.
Also, Comparing Demons to feminists is a vulgar and completely unsubstantiated slur towards Demon-kind.
Demon Lives MATTER!
Also: LOL butter is overpriced--store brand is better, and as other anons have replied, cultured block butter is best.

>> No.19700907

>ctrl+f tillamook
>0 results

>> No.19700910

desu it's a bit more woke to not remove the minority from the product but who knows

>> No.19700920

I'm sorry your parents abused you

>> No.19700932

As a cultured butter advocate, I refuse to support this post. I find this kind of language both hurtful and is fundamentally dairy-ist.
Also, Comparing uncultured butter to cultured butter is a vulgar and completely unsubstantiated slur towards cultered butter kind.
cultured butter MATTERS!
Also: LOL A5 wagyu is overpriced--American wagyu style is better.

>> No.19700958

they had nothing to do with it

>> No.19700977
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>> No.19701991

>t. Johnny redfoot

>> No.19702252

>I will get more triggered than anyone else ever

>> No.19702509
File: 108 KB, 850x401, King-Arthur-Baking-Company-New-Logo.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Never bought LoL, but I stopped buying King Arthur flour because of pic related.

>> No.19702822

you have autism.

>> No.19703835

did they really get rid of the crusader because of backlash? the new logo just looks like the newer globohomo graphic design aesthetic so i would've figured they just went through a brand update.

>> No.19704983

They could sell this butter for $0.25 and I wouldn't buy it. I feel bad for the family of the native artist. Fuck this shit tier corporation.

>> No.19705199

i'm here for you Bob

>> No.19705254
File: 2.62 MB, 1298x1352, Screenshot 2023-09-09 at 4.21.27 PM.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yup. I boycott their products, the same I do with Aunt Jemima. I choose other products that aren't gay.

>> No.19705262

triggered, snowflakes?

>> No.19705267

You should have seen their corporate blog after the change, quite a "coincidence". P.S. Don't buy Conagra either.

>> No.19705268

my money's on the viper. boy's first/last name begins with the same letter too. he's destined for stardom

>> No.19705270

i just get great value butter.
ooooooh no! it's not a major brand name! muh brand loyalty!!!!

>> No.19705275

arent you fags the ones that got mad at butter packaging in the first place?
land-o-lakes was doing just fine before the outrage.

>> No.19705279

>mooooom this brand is using caricatures that i didn't give a fuck about until twitter told me too!

>> No.19705280
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>UCB Baby Fights are real
mfw..... also i'll put $10 on The Viper

>> No.19705300

I actually began to purchase it after the package change. Same with Peral Milling

>> No.19705333

I buy lurpak because the adverts have toxic masculinity and no women

>> No.19705339

I mean this sincerely and genuinely; you are a based retard.

>> No.19705342

>removed the indian
>kept the land


>> No.19705344

James May it’s great to post with you, why do you like Dacia so much?

>> No.19705352

if you didn't give a fuck about it, why is it suddenly such a big deal that they changed the logo?

>> No.19705359
File: 435 KB, 788x546, Untitled.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

land-o-lakes actually did the right thing and hired an ojibwe artist to draw the mascot, and they did it in the 1950s which is even more impressive.
"Mia" as she was known was not a generic hollywood indian pastiche, she was specifically ojibwe and was illustrated as such.
even the landscape behind her is a familiar sight for a particular tribe.

>> No.19705365
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>> No.19705368

>butter changed the logo
>literally nobody cared
>right wing retards (bit redundant
, I know) on twitter go on about they went woke or someshit and go out of their way to show how unwoke they are by showing that they didn’t buy it
>get called retards
>”why do you care about a logo so much”

It’s all so tiresome, right wing faggots always go on about how shit is woke and how they should cance-boycott corporations and all this dumbass shit

Literally nobody cared about fucking land lakes butter until right wingers brought it up, many such cases! Sad!

>> No.19705384

why did you need the logo to change?

>> No.19705386

so racism did win.

>> No.19705389

>heh right wingers are so stupid!

>> No.19705391

Nobody cared about a corporation changing its logo until right wing fags brought it up

>> No.19705396

>nobody cared about a corporation changing its logo
corp wasn't going to change the logo until you fags cried racism.
why do you care about logos so much?

>> No.19705421

why do you?

>> No.19705443

if they changed it because they just wanted to change it, i wouldn't give a fuck.
but we all know it was done to cave into the screeching liberal minority.
any censorship is bad censorship. but im sure you have some kind of disingenuous rebuttal that makes sense in your mentally ill mind.

>> No.19705541

This isn't "right wing" it's normal people (everyone center-left and then to the right) vs. you mutant child abusers and virtue signaling predators. The corporatism we see on display is just an added bonus to your repulsiveness.

>> No.19705672

answer my question first

>> No.19705702


>Get rid of the Injun

>keep the land


>> No.19705741

I refuse land of lakes because I like to demean poor people, you refuse land of lakes because they removed the butter waifu. We are not the same.

>> No.19705748

>I refuse land of lakes because I like to demean poor people
How does this work?

>> No.19705830

>don't change the logo
>no one cares
>change the logo for obvious political reasons
kill yourself.

>> No.19705950

10/10 bait, got a few fucking faggots.

>> No.19705994

they stopped because you can cut out the knees and glue them to her chest and it makes it look like she is holding her boobies

>> No.19706363
File: 100 KB, 1200x675, IMG_0678.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I like the new packaging.

>> No.19706425

Because the point is that it's fragile and laughable to change a logo because it's '"racist" even when it isnt.

>> No.19706507

Did you forget your estrogen pills today? Someone seems a little strung over big bad orange man.

>> No.19706535
File: 882 KB, 684x720, 09E9C05A-B2BA-478C-AE33-DFEA5DE67D9F.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>North Dakotan here
Is your freezer filled with pizza corner pizza?