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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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19667826 No.19667826 [Reply] [Original]

Does it not bother anyone else that theres a lack of variety of foods on this earth? I run out of ideas in what to eat and get bored regularly.

90 percent of recipes contain Garlic and Onion. That just goes to show.

>> No.19667832

It doesn't bother me because we have a massive variety and you're an idiot

>> No.19667834

Learn to cook faggot /a/ poster

>> No.19667872


Obviously within those categories there's variety but a Bean to a harricot Bean doesn't give you much excitement. Courgette to cucumber isn't a huge leap (even though still appreciated).

The Foods that are completely different from eachother are very few.

You're only satisfied because you're boring.

>> No.19667881

Putting your readymeals in the oven isn't cooking.

>> No.19667902

>Courgette to cucumber isn't a huge leap
Holy... pleb.

>> No.19667907

You're depressed, seek help

>> No.19667911

Go back, you spoiled little mama's baby

>> No.19667919


>> No.19667923

holy FUCK this cursed motherfucking board never fails to go a notch further under the dreg like god damn
here let me finish your future coping post:
>all foods eventually gets turned into glucose anyway, there's little different between them
now shut the fuck up and get the fuck out, you underage twat, stop making this board worse. And stop browsing 4chan for at least 3 days.

>> No.19667934

Alright cut beef, onion, garlic, potato out of your diet and tell me if your life isn't greatly lacking.

Especially Onion and Garlic, there should be at least 10 good equally significant as these. Food would be much more interesting. I try to not use the same ingredients all the time to enjoy them more when I do.

>> No.19667973

i didn't read any of the dumb shit you wrote, but i like your image.

>> No.19667978
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Simpler food is better as is many other aspects of life

>> No.19667980

Oh yeah, it's all so tiresome. This is why I've moved onto alcohol and drugs, at least there's some variety there.

>> No.19667985

Then change up how youre cookin. Get a nice wok or air fryer, or try Sous vide. Maybe plant your own stuff for better ingredients

>> No.19668048

You are not very smart.

>> No.19668077

i wish i could take one of those plump little boys stick it in my mouth and kinda suck on it while puffing because it's still hot and when it finally cools down a bit do a solid chomp and let the juices pop into my mouth

>> No.19668082

Anon I think you might be gay.

>> No.19668086

I didn't object to simple food. I've actually been eating more simple meals because it leaves room for more options later in the week.

>> No.19668087

Death to pedophiles is typically slow and painful

>> No.19668090

why are you complaining about anime on an anime website

>> No.19668091

You definitely are though aren't you? I can tell from your intelligent contribution.

>> No.19668095

That’s probably because you’re broke anon

>> No.19668115

Bored. Eating.

Try skipping meals altogether and just go full soylent. Infact, whenever you feel bored, take your soylent container and shove it up your ass. That'll teach you about variety options in life. In fact, you can contemplate about your choices in life as you now have more free time not cooking and cleaning.

>> No.19668450

Start looking into Chinese recipes from China, its like a whole different world with a million obscure vegetables, shoots, pickles, fungi, and seasonings.

>> No.19668476

Wow a useful comment, didn't know these were allowed.

I'm going to China soon so I'll definitely get deel into Chinese cuisine.

>> No.19668480

based alien mascarading as a hooman

>> No.19668481

try heroin or coke, you obviously need the hard stuff

>> No.19668483
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I avoid anything with onions. I don't care if people like it for its MUH unami placebo, that shit is overpowering. Ruins every order in my opinion.

>> No.19668485

>No spices
No wonder you hate your own cooking anon. Desu~~

>> No.19668503

do me a favor and look up a list of aromatics

>> No.19668511

baby palate

>> No.19668515

Mushrooms are like onions, but doesn't ruin the entire meal.

>> No.19668525

>got sick real bad in 2020
>Lost my sense of smell/taste entirely for a month
>It slowly came back but food never tasted the same
Half the food I eat barely tastes like anything or has minimal flavor. I now need extreme levels of spicing to taste anything.
Should I just kill myself?

>> No.19668533

Yes. My tastebuds are very sensitive so every meal is fun. Even water is delious to me.

>> No.19668535

Unfortunate. I guess I'm just screwed then.
At least I won't get fat...

>> No.19668538

Yeah, there really is. Especially once you start focusing on foods that are healthy and ecologically sound.

There's only so many varieties of brassica. There's very few sustainable fish available in a given area. Vegan protein options are just legumes.

>> No.19668646

>healthy and ecologically sound.
Wow you're a cunt. That depends on so many factors in an area

>> No.19668659
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I seriously have to ask you this question OP.....

Do you realize there are only 12 notes in the traditional Western musical scale?

12 notes and you get the multitudes of music created by people throughout history.

Same with food really. You have some basic elements but they can be combined and reformulated endlessly.

"There's nothing new under the sun", as they say. Yes there's limits but it's like there's infinite combinations within them

>> No.19668833

this is some elaborate chat gpt trolling or you genuinly have brain problems. Meat alone can be grilled, fried, stir fried, boiled, stewed, and baked. It can be cooked raw, seasoned, or marinaded. Even pairing a dish with a different drink or cutting it up a different way can dramatically change its taste.

You either don't know how to cook or have genuine brain problems if you think all food tastes the same.

>> No.19668839

>and ecologically sound.

eat the bugs then kill yourself you agenda pushing faggot.

>> No.19669071

Come on, don't steal man. You can't get bored of hearing the same notes but you can from tasting them. Well if you don't that's fine.

>> No.19669079

Staw man*

>> No.19669170

Look into learning to forage. There's tons of edible veggies and fruits that aren't particularly easy to transport and store so they don't get on store shelves. Easy plentiful examples in my area are dandelion and clover.

>> No.19669176
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>the food is to blame for me being uncreative
Lol, no.

>> No.19669195

t. refuses to eat foods outside of his culture

there's insane amount of variety between chinese, veitnamese,and japanese alone. Completely different ingredients and flavors. But I bet your only exposure to asian food is panda express so you think it's all the same huh. That's just the way of the simple, small-minded fool

>> No.19669203

Garlic and onions are universal, you are supposed to add other ingredients to them

>> No.19669216

Damn, I've done literally exactly this (plus bell peppers) and put that mix on baguette slices to bake into mini pizzas for parties
like hotcakes man

>> No.19669224

>panda express
The fuck is that?
>That's just the way of the simple, small-minded fool
I bet you have tattoos.

>> No.19669243
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>90 percent of recipes contain Garlic and Onion. That just goes to show.
seasoning police wrote this

>> No.19669252

erm.. i'll have what he's having!

>> No.19669262

tell me the last 5 meals you ate OP

i bet its all slop with no variety, it would literally have to be lobster, caviar, roasted pheasants and whole roasted hogs for you to have any way of saying food is boring

>> No.19669274

Have you ever tried bolivian peanut soup with potatoes, pasta and french fries?

There are millions dishes in the world

>> No.19669339

We live in a world of refinement, not invention.

>> No.19669351

because he's a newfag

>> No.19669361

what a fucking retard

>> No.19669367

Listen, man. I'm 26. You'll grow out of anime eventually. We all do.

>> No.19669376

You just gotta keep trying new stuff.

Seriously, though, is there a site with reliably good recipes out there for when you're just looking for something new?

It always feels like I have to run into a dish that looks cool and then spend hours looking for a good recipe.

>> No.19669454

So a newfag. Thanks for confirming.

>> No.19669459

I've been here for 7 years. I came after they kicked me off reddit. How does that make me a newfag?

>> No.19669469


>> No.19669475

We all had to get here somehow, genius.
Did you have a dream this was a website and just typed in the URL the next day, in hopes it was true?
I mean just how organic was your first four channel experience?
I'm on this board because /pol/ got taken over by losers.
You can just reeth and seeth

>> No.19669486

Other way around. If I tried to eat every single meal option in every restaurant in my city it'd probably cost like 100 grand or more

>> No.19669494

>I've been here for 7 years.
So a newfag. Thanks for confirming again.

>> No.19669503
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>only here for 7 years
>from /pol/
>and from reddit before that
>"four channel"
>all this and he's complaining about anime on 4chan
are you trying to make yourself look worse and worse? am i getting trolled?

>> No.19669504

Pasta Arrabiata cooked by an Italian, sweet potatoes with cheese stuffed peppers, roast duck yesterday at Four Seasons, Beef and rice, bowl of Prickly Pairs.

Glad it's not a weekday and I've had a bit more time so I could put you to shame. I know you had your disgusting American delicacies. How was the extra extra thick Dominoes Pizza with dog food like toppings?

Your turn now.

>> No.19669514

Make a thread about not enough stuff existing.

>You've just got to try new stuff

>> No.19669519

Not talking about dishes. Obviously there are infinite dishes to be made.

>> No.19669533

>am I getting trolled?
Yes. It's blatant, too, you dumbass.

>> No.19669851

You would say bread is not a huge leap from wheat? You know you can cook these foods into different things right?

>> No.19669888

look into wild edible food native to your area. Oftentimes these have interesting flavor profiles that are (though sometimes a little bland) completely unique to what you are used to

>> No.19669896

as in, they taste the same to you? really?

>> No.19669899

just say screw it and eat to live instead of living to eat. Only let yourself eat super healthy stuff from now on

>> No.19669904

its just all so boring now

>> No.19669944

2 microwave curry+rice ready meals
nothing today, sandwich and snacks
baked chicken thighs, lentils and roast vegetables
baked chicken thighs, spicy rice and frozen vegetables

i eat food for its nutritional value, i love eating food and i regularly have an appetite and craving for steak, fish, and im not a passive aggressive bitch like you

your turn

>> No.19669974
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>theres a lack of variety of foods on this earth
There's edible asian plants we don't have translations into english characters for. There is no lack of ingredients, just a lack effort.
>90 percent of recipes contain Garlic and Onion
Which kind you dumbfuck? That's like saying most grill competitions have mammals.

>> No.19670067

That is straight up slop. And it probably tastes great.

>> No.19670084

It's your own fault for eating the same 4 things, champ. How about you broaden your horizons instead of blogposting on /ck/?

>> No.19670099
File: 47 KB, 863x617, wtf.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yo, what are you talking about?

>> No.19670140
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>does it bother anyone ...lack of foods?
>i run out of ideas and get bored
>90 percent of recipes contain garlic and onion
what a massive faggot. this is the biggest cook-cel post i have ever seen
90% recipes contain garlic and onion
what a massive fucking cope

>> No.19670255

Sounds to me like you just don't know food.... pick up a book and read.

- On vegetables
- the sauce Bible
- the herb bible
- the meat bible

All four of those aught to educate you and get you up to speed on your basic food pairings and then some..

The sky isnthe limit when it comes to what you can do with food, you just don't know enough yet to expand upon you skill and that's okay, that means there's lots of growth ahead!

>> No.19670267
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No, but they do the same thing.

>> No.19670274
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- fennel
- radish
- celery
- leaks
- chives ( or any other herb in the allium family)
- asafetida (root)
- any kind of scape or ramp
- Bell peppers

ALL of these are substitutes for both garlic and onions, I could and can keep going if you'd like BUT I don't really want to.

Have some salt cured blueberry salmon

>> No.19670598

>Does it not bother anyone else that theres a lack of variety of foods on this earth?
>90 percent of recipes contain Garlic and Onion. That just goes to show.
Are you retarded?

>> No.19670808

There are probably more foods on other Planets.