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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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19657774 No.19657774 [Reply] [Original]

In a little village in southern Italy getting a sandwich

>> No.19657777

>little village
stop being Chinese

>> No.19657778
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>> No.19657786
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Almost, Naples is somewhere over there


>> No.19657788

cool, let's see your order, my based friend

>> No.19657790

Do you think the staff gets to eat all of these after every week?

>> No.19657793

God, i hate how everything is so unhygienic in italy. It could have been so nice but instead it is gross.

>> No.19657796

>incel moment

>> No.19657808
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Kept it simple and got prosciutto crudo, mozzarella and dressed tomatoes

The gate was open at the church so we sat here for a bit, unfortunately Mount Vesuvius is just to the right

>> No.19657811

that guy looks like he posts on /ck/ too

>> No.19657812
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Got a chocolate croissant thing too

>> No.19657813

Sorry about your weak immune system buddy. Imagine being afraid of a little spit and grease in the current year. Sad

>> No.19657829

can I get some coco kellogs

>> No.19657835

Nah, i can handle it health wise but it grosses me out since it‘s very unnecessary. Why don‘t they just clean their shit like normal people?

>> No.19657849

are those your tits or your mom's, pal?
regardless, looks good

>> No.19657850

That‘s a woman.

>> No.19657852

mama mia

>> No.19657854
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ok krishna

>> No.19657860

southern italy is kino, i want to visit one of the coastal towns

>> No.19657872

cool it with the HRT faggot

>> No.19657875

That‘s a woman (male).

>> No.19657945

I have a weak immune system (on suppressants for lupus) and I honestly don't see anything wrong with that picture. Then again I'm from >>19657786 so that might have something to do with it.

>> No.19657951

Never did like the instant stuff. We were and Orzo Bimbo household when u was growing up.

>> No.19657952 [DELETED] 

americans package everything. if people in the store were black you would want everything packaged too

>> No.19657958

Oh. So anon wants harmful microplastics because she's afraid of patently safe microbes. Got it. That's dumb.

>> No.19657965

all those back shelves behind the counter are covered in dust and mouse feces

>> No.19657969

he better suck my dick too

>> No.19657971

Do they have peanut butter and jelly?

>> No.19657975

stop being poor, bro

>> No.19658019

give me money then

>> No.19658028
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>Saint altar to Maradonna
Most degenerate behaviour

>> No.19658040

You should see all the Maradona shit throughout Naples proper. He's fucking everywhere. I say he should replace Januarius as our patron saint. We know he actually existed lmao

>> No.19658052

You should get taralli since you're clearly not keeping kosher lol
They're biscuits/crackers shaped into twisted rings with almonds, a fucktonne of black pepper and lard as the cooking fat (we use lard quite a lot in the Naples area).
They're good and crunchy and the best shit to have with beer or simply as a snack. Taralli napoletani. Order some now.

>> No.19658122

why did the niggerloving janny delete that?
is the wound open?

>> No.19658128

delicious and beautiful, enjoy it all in good health anon

>> No.19658133

Maybe anon deleted it. You can just read it on warosu anyway

>> No.19658172

Well anon, I sincerely wish you the best in terms of health and longevity. Perhaps my comment was a little too abrasive as well. Maybe someday I can visit Italy and retrace the path of some of my ancestors. It looks like a genuinely awesome land to travel to, for many reasons.

>> No.19658182

i envy you

>> No.19658342

>too abrasive
Nah. It was fine. I have a weak immune system not weak character or sense of self.
Who the fuck would get upset at a comment /not even directed at him/ that was obviously meant as simple banter and not meant insultingly?
I'm not some pearl-clutching American lmao

>> No.19658360

why do italians insist on ruining all their ham and salami by air drying it? all their cold cuts taste like fucking shit compared to the smoked german equivalent

>> No.19658370

Are you blind?

>> No.19658606

what are you trying to say?

>> No.19658619

t. schinken knower

>> No.19658621

thats a fine looking sandwich, anon

>> No.19658655

Likely the fact that there are clearly two nitrate-cured and smoked hams right in the picture IE 50% of the hams shown are exactly the sort you seem to think Italians don't make.
Prosciutto cotto (literally 'cooked ham' in Spaghettispeak; you did know that 'prosciutto' is not a specific "cold cut" but simply the Italian word for 'ham,' right?) has been made in Italy since time immemorial. Possibly long before our northern neighbours started making their hams.
And as for "smoked salami," we make those, too.

>> No.19658659
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>> No.19658841
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Had such a good time with the food. Had these lovely foccacia sandwiches the other day too

>> No.19658878

>good healthy food, small business, less than 5bux
I hate being in a country where this is nonexistent

>> No.19659420
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Fuck I need to get some, even the smaller supermarket ones are nice

>> No.19659541

Different thing. Those are Puglian ones. Neapolitan ones are a whole 'nother beast entirely.

>> No.19659556

why is everything in Mesican?

>> No.19659560

I thought that was a dog owner picking up dog shit.

>> No.19660235

Southern Italy has extremely good food for extremely cheap. The seafood in Calabria is quite impressive. Just a sleepy, lazy world where people eat and nap all day.

>> No.19660239

they also don't have running water and the closest hospital is in lazio

>> No.19660280


>> No.19660402

False and also false.
>and lazio is southern italy, you tard

>> No.19660571

There’s so much incest in Calabria

>> No.19660787

you have my attention

>> No.19661195
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Think I got some anon

>> No.19661209

You just know she's thinking
>Mama Mia why is this faggolotto taking pictures of me?

>> No.19661234

>packaged mass-produced processed crap

>> No.19661237

Oh wow look guys he posted it again

>> No.19661242

you lucky shitter
t: finland

>> No.19661292

are you speaking from personal experience?

>> No.19661366

Not that Anon, but that's the stereotype of Calabria and the seldom visited Basilicata among Italians. Especially Basilicata but Calabria gets it, too.

Waddaya think? I'm >>19658052 and they're some of my favourite snacks.

I spent a month in Finland. It's absolutely lovely. Why be jealous of us? We're equally beautiful countries.

>> No.19661387

southern italy is burundi tier when it comes to living standards and infrastructure.

>> No.19661395

I was recently in Italy and ate sandwiches like these every day. It's amazing how good quality the food is for thr price. Made me consider opening a food truck serving these types of sandwiches. I recon I could make a killing.

>> No.19661410

In some villages they have a tradition of putting flour and salt in a bucket and then pass that around for every villager to spit in it until it forms a gooey mass. Then they boil that and serve it as a side dish with spit roasted guinea pigs.

>> No.19661484

suck his dick then

>> No.19661495

>6 euro for a sandwich in the poorest region of the thirdie zone of the EU
I mean I knew Italians were ripoff artists that overprice everything but I didn't know they did it to their own people.

>> No.19661498

>kellog's in the background
Italy has fallen

>> No.19661806

>poorest region
That would be Basilicata or Sicily. OP is in Campania.
You don't know what that means.

>> No.19661891

I stopped at a gas station outside Milano and got a sandwich a couple years ago and Italians have zero sense of personal space when standing in line. filthy nation

>> No.19661906

they were trying to pickpocket from you

>> No.19661905

It's mostly because we aren't suspicious of one another and we don't have to map an exit strategy in case of a mass shooting.

>> No.19662878 [DELETED] 

I'm not saying italians don't make them but it feels like 95% of the italian ham is smoked. I've tries so many of them. honestly over 50 at this point. didn't like a single one of them. it's ironic because other than all that air dried stuff I love italian food. I just don't get why they don't smoke most of it instead like germans do. I would take schwarzwälder schinken over serrano any day.

as for prosciutto cotto that's as basic as it gets in terms of flavor. only mortadella is worse

>> No.19662886

I'm not saying italians don't make them but it feels like 95% of the italian ham is air dried. I've tried so many of them. honestly over 50 at this point. didn't like a single one of them. it's ironic because other than all that air dried stuff I love italian food. I just don't get why they don't smoke most of it instead like germans do. I would take schwarzwälder schinken over serrano any day.

as for prosciutto cotto that's as basic as it gets in terms of flavor. only mortadella is worse

>> No.19662893

they are just not used to sharing a small space with a 400 pound american. Their bump avoiding reflexes haven't been honed by wallmart yet

>> No.19662898

>they were trying to pickpocket from you
I get suspicious of people when they are literally leaning over my shoulder when I am trying to input my PIN to buy something.
It might be culturally acceptable in Italy, but in the USA it means someone plans on beating the shit out of you and stealing your debit card.

>> No.19663073

>prosciutto cotto [is] as basic as it gets
True but I love that shit. Real nostalgia fodder for any Italian.
And as for air drying vs nitrate curing, the reason we have so many air dried foods is because despite the country being younger than the US, the /culture/ is about as ancient as it gets in Yurp and every old-ass culture air dries food (natives of the Americas, Japanese, Chinese, Indians, Persians, Africans, Arabs, Greeks etc). Some also smoke dry (Chinese, Japanese) and as often as air dry but in none of the ancient cultures do they prefer nitrate curing over simple salt and air.
Personally? I fucks with Polish stuff about as much as I do ours. After the fall, several Poles moved westward to either stable, Catholic countries or the US and Italy was no exception. My cousin's town in particular, Cassino, had a Polish market every weekend in the 90s, which is where my line of their food began. Total bros, too, and their bitches are hot.

>> No.19663122 [DELETED] 


>> No.19665088

They are very nice anon, like you said perfect for beer too, which I will have today watching my particular Norf FC

>> No.19665264 [DELETED] 
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me scuze por favore, uno Speck, uno Crudo melanzane a funghetto e provola una uno Mortadella burrata tarallo napoletano sbriciolato, gratzi una bonjorno, maricone

>> No.19665690

What a joy to the soul

>> No.19666198

lol why was >>19665264 deleted?!

>> No.19666202

1 Philadelphia prosciutto please