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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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19646517 No.19646517 [Reply] [Original]

Literally every grain/cereal crop that exists is utter shit and not fit for human consumption. It has always been slave/peasant food since agricultural society has existed. The royal classes in basically every European society got meat and mead/wine and the peasants got bread and beer. In Medieval times, hard wheat flatbread would be used as plates and then thrown to the dogs or beggars after a meal, the idea of eating it would be absurd. It's completely empty calories and it's literally not edible without adding moisture back into it, or grinding it up.

This is why they shill it so hard, muh food pyramid, muh cereal is good for you (even though it's legally mandated to have vitamins and minerals added in many places and is inedible without milk), muh whole grains. It's ALL garbage. The human race has been subjected to literally 5000+ years of Babylonian grain brain agriculture propaganda and sadly I don't see this improving anytime soon.

Stop eating grains. If you want a good cheap healthy staple crop that is easy to grow, process and prepare, that's what potatoes are for.

>> No.19646526

Nah grains are a life hack as long as you avoid whole grains where all the antinutrients are

>> No.19646604

no they are fit for human consumption
>source: humans consume them

>> No.19646635

can't argue with that logic

>> No.19646646

Kings ate white bread while the peasants ate healthier but less pleasant whole wheat bread or oatmeal

Btw please tell me why a simple starch like potatoes are sooo much better than any grain

>> No.19646654

Nah people in medieval times ate their trenchers. It was just a ritzy nobility thing to only eat the food on top.

>> No.19646663
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Absurd! Bread is delicious and quite the wonderful item to consume. You are a fool.

>> No.19646701

Hi /fit/

>> No.19646716

didn't ask

>> No.19646723
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>The royal classes in basically every European society got meat and mead/wine
Also the royal classes....

>> No.19646919

Still lives longer than an African 400+ years later kek

>> No.19646931

I don't like being told what to do so I'm going to do the opposite of what you're saying and eat even more bread, take that

>> No.19646935

>Nah grains are a life hack as long as you avoid whole grains where all the antinutrients are
Why does everyone who has ever said this for years and years on end always completely ignore the extremely inconvenient information that allegedly supposedly normal cooking temperatures pretty much do away with the anti-nutrients in grains and beans? I'm not a doctor or nutritionist though so don't take anything I say as advice. Dr Greger from nutrition facts talks a lot about these things in several videos.>>19646635

>> No.19646942

so youd just have a patty inbetween two lettuce leaves? not very american. next youll be wanting me to eat actual sugar and not corn extract.

>> No.19646952

because you don't die imminently after eating it and you won't starve to death if you have to survive on only grain for extended periods of time.
It was always been survival food for when the castle was under siege and the king needed to keep his subjects alive for 3 years of attrition

>> No.19646962

even assuming what you say is true
1. how are you going to convince 8 billion people to believe you?
2. how are you going to feed 8 billion people on potatoes or whatever it is that you think they should eat? grains can be kept for YEARS. how long are your potatoes going to keep?
now to your question:
>They convinced BILLIONS that this is food. How?
because people prefer life to death.

>> No.19647450
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>not fit for human consumption
Why would something not fit for human consumption smell so good after it comes out of the oven? Checkmate, idiot.

>> No.19647454

Grains are fine and have been since the invention agriculture. There's no problem.

>> No.19647456


>> No.19647496

>omg look at all these scientist, athletes, inventors and sucesfull people striving on carbs and grains
>damn, if only they would listen to 4chinz armchair loser shizos about optimal diet for humans lmao

>> No.19647553

Honestly rice is a worse grain

>> No.19647687

>since the invention of agriculture
There's the problem.

>> No.19647713

>everyone is retarded but me
Indeed OP, indeed

>> No.19647718

It's been food for thousands of years. Sure now it's worse because they strip nutrients from the grain out of it, but it's not like if we all stopped we'd all start living to 200 because of all of the poisonous bread we've been eating

>> No.19647722
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>> No.19647729

its been a long time retard

>> No.19647784

Wga doesnt break down with heat. Just because you dont know what lectins and what antinutrients are, doesnt mean its not true.

>> No.19647806

>Sure now it's better because they strip antinutrients from the grain out of it
ftfy chud

>> No.19648039


>> No.19648049

why can't we make varieties of grains that have no antinutrients and more nutrients?

>> No.19648059

because we make ones that give 10x better yields instead

>> No.19648073

The alternative was starvation.

>> No.19648075

it's not possible to do both? or do growing methods have to improve to increase the yield of the more nutritious varieties?

>> No.19648094

its possible but one is already hard enough and its harder to sell nutrients as well

>> No.19648098

>cooking breaks down the solvents in the seed oil goy

>> No.19648101

i see. i guess population growth is still a concern too. but it would be cool to see all crops eventually become more nutritious and flavorful.

>> No.19648102

Growing plant food without plant protein does sound impossible. Most antinutrients are plant proteins, like lectins

>> No.19648138

>I'm a fat sack of shit who nothing but processed slop, therefore grains are bad!!
Why are ketofaggots so retarded?

>> No.19648143

Really just whole grains are bad bleached grains are the same society driving force they always have been

>> No.19648181

Supremely based

>> No.19649414

Shill thread.

>> No.19649432
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white bread was for rich people.
go back to pol

>> No.19649454

3 phases of russian propaganda
phase 1 seeding:
russian accounts on twitter, and other platforms post made up stories of whatever.

Phase 2 harvesting:
russian news/propaganda sites point to the planted accounts as sources legitimizing the fake news.

Phase 3 amplification:
russians then spread the story through bots on twitter, idiots on twitter, and western news outlets pick up the story don't investigate it, and amplify the story. this includes idiots on 4chan that repost the story because it fits their narrative.

now the story is very difficult to debunk because there are so many sources. congratulations you're a russian propaganda puppet.

>> No.19649466

>The royals all fucked their cousins... but the serfs just hit the gal from down the lane? what gives my mates, what do they know about inbreeding that we're missing?
eat your bread, dear. it's almost bed time.

>> No.19649480
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Ok so neither milk nor bread is food. What is food according to you?

>> No.19649486

Nta but I don't eat rice because it spikes my blood glucose. I'm on the edge of prediabetes though, hence why I wear a glucose monitor

>> No.19649490

because GMO foods are the devil

>> No.19649582

This guy gets it.

>> No.19649985

>what is food according to you?
If you think that me excluding bread and dairy from being food is excluding all food you probably eat a lot of those, you probably eat like shit.

>> No.19650914

Post meals, bmi, blood lipids, blood pressure, lifts, run times. I mog you in literally everything.

>> No.19650917

Do you not realize how much of a fucking fed you sound like right now?

>> No.19650918

It’s okay I mog him undoubtedly because I have sex

>> No.19650937

Fat fingers typed this post

>> No.19650944

The farming methods are susceptible to central control of irrigation water so rice civs become submissive cucks ruled by an authoritarian god-king
Also see: ancient Egypt

>> No.19650987

What's a gum cutter?

Your graphic doesn't make sense. Before I say why, I have never eaten a ketogenic diet. The keotgenic diet is one of the four diets promoted by the american diabetes association for the treatment of diabetes. Your doctor agrees with the alpha Twitter guy. The worsening of t2d on a ketogenic diet is am extremely unusual clinical outcome, and is sort of implausible unless the patient was gaining massive amounts of weight or made some other disastrous lifestyle change at the same time.

>> No.19651008

I still eat bread but keep it to a minimum ftmp. I don't eat other standard staples (rice/pasta/potatoes/etc) at all anymore and haven't for ages unless I'm eating in a restaurant or at friends/family's place
I cut up and freeze a baguette into small rolls and take one out to have with a meat and veg meal

>> No.19651044

Look how no one touches the post about wga, its radioactive lmao

>> No.19651053

god i am so tired of dumbass keto retards

>> No.19651932

Bread was good for Roman soldiers, so it's good for me. The local baker makes oats bread which is fucking great. A lot of supermarket bread sucks tho

>> No.19651939

Which means its promoted by jews

>> No.19653660

Caveman brain know good food smell make hungry.

>> No.19653857

>he thinks it's the grains that smell good

>> No.19653863

Other living creatures
Yes, all of them

>> No.19653887

Nobility never created or built anything in human history

>> No.19653895

Funny how Chad doesn't worry about any of this bullshit and just eats his bread,l and is fine, but for Chantards it's such a big deal

>> No.19653991

The nobels would have rich white bread with their meats and of course all sorts of pastry (made from dough obviously ) for dessert. Lots of meat was for the upper classes but don't pretend nobels were carnivors or ketofags, they could afford more meat in addition to grain based foods, where as peasants had to eat mostly cheap cereals and limited meat they could afford.

>> No.19654086

Nah. Read some history. They didnt eat bread, they used bread as a plate so the meat juice doesnt go to waste. They never ate a slice of bread with butter.

>> No.19654534

Why tf would I care? They were 5 feet tall, fetal alcohol syndrome retards who died at 45 from a lifetime of disease.

If you offered me the chance to go back in time and be a medieval noble I would turn it down.

>> No.19654933

>lectins and what antinutrients
really, nigger? you're gonna believe that shit? made up by some niggerlicious doctor trying to push meme pills to "detoxify" your body or whatever bullshit? so-called antinutrients aren't really real, because we fucking cook, for example, beans, before we fucking eat them. wow, what a concept. stop parroting this bullshit you read in some shitty article on the first page of search results.

>> No.19655099

Go on, tell me how lectins, that were discovered in the 1888 are not real, then continue by explaining how wga gets broken down via cooking.
I am waiting for your peer reviewed explanation on both of them, in the name of science of course.

>> No.19655305

not sure why I'm bothering to reply to you, but anyway...
its the opposite for me. I was diagnosed prediabetic and then I went keto, then I went carnivore, and now my a1c, fasting glucose, and all my lipids are in perfect order, and I'm 90 lbs lighter.

>> No.19655369

Why do the Russians want me to hate grains? Dont they massively export the stuff.

>> No.19655377

Do you have any human outcome data that shows eating whole grains has negative health outcomes? Because all this stupid "antinooootrients" just seems like retarded mechanistic speculation garbage.

>> No.19655524

>be stone age monkey
>nothing to do but try to survive
>literally starving half the time
>food options are unseasoned meat
>and wet, warm grain slop
>maybe bland fruit/vegetable if lucky
>one day
>retard cousin-uncle leave grain slop out too long
>oh fug
>now definitely starve
>but wait
>what if cook slop like animal to remove evil poison spirits
>make new food
>long shelf life
>high calories
>ingredients always ready
>more reason to organize farming
>can now travel and trade more easily
>expand and thrive
>7000 years later
>descendant calls my idea shit
i should have just starved to death

>> No.19656100

I figured it was more like

>be retarded ape monkey man
>neighbor invents fire
>fire makes shit change when you throw stuff into it, like turning wood into ash and neighbor's wife into dead
>throw literally everything into it to see what happens
>hey what the fuck, that wad of grain slop and water turned solid and tastes decent now

>> No.19656126

>eat samiches almost every day for 28 years
>always have a pantry stuffed with various bread types
>very particular about matching breads to meats to sauces etc
>lunch is always a sandwich with pickle and chips
>turn 29
>bread starts making me feel tired, dont realize its the bread
>turn 30
>start getting heart palpitations when I eat bread of any kind
>turn 31
>get hives and shit blood when I eat bread
>have extreme gluten allergy randomly pop up after years
rice and potatos just isnt the same thinking of killing myself. gluten free shit is absolute garbage.

>> No.19656182

there's some prep work involved, intentional or not.
most of our inventive breakthroughs are because something went sideways and someone said, "fuck it, let's do something with it and see what happens."

>> No.19656521

Alexander the Great conquered Asia Minor with troops that ate nothing but wheat and barley. Carbs are magic.

>> No.19656531

forgot to say
>go on internet and lie.

>> No.19656536

why would I lie about a gluten allergy faggot.

>> No.19656545 [DELETED] 
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im tired

>> No.19656549

Cry about it

>> No.19656564
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>> No.19656566
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>> No.19656605

>tastes good
it's food
simpul as

>> No.19656736

What the hell is this schizo shit nobody mentioned your media boogeyman

>> No.19656970

>And unto Adam he said, Because thou hast hearkened unto the voice of thy wife, and hast eaten of the tree, of which I commanded thee, saying, Thou shalt not eat of it: cursed is the ground for thy sake; in sorrow shalt thou eat of it all the days of thy life;

>Thorns also and thistles shall it bring forth to thee; and thou shalt eat the herb of the field;

>In the sweat of thy face shalt thou eat bread, till thou return unto the ground; for out of it wast thou taken: for dust thou art, and unto dust shalt thou return.

OP wasn't wrong, wheat is a punishment for disobedience. It became a blessing later though. You can relax we evolved to eat it. Sourdough is incredibly healthy for you. Try that more often. Your tummy will thank you.

>> No.19657211

you were eating cured meats on the sandwiches eh? those are known to cause autoimmune conditions.

>> No.19657214

i accidentally avoid gluten for months at a time. it's really not difficult, unless you're so boring you were already in a state of prolonged hospice instead of living.

>> No.19657319

Im still waiting
Proper yeasted and sourdough bread has practically no gluten. You were eating a wonder bread analog werent you

>> No.19657360

I just wish grocery stores were required by law to make standardized whole wheat sourdough consisting of wheat, whater, yeast, salt, and 0 other ingredients. No preservatives. No FUCKING added sugar.

>> No.19657364

>Proper yeasted and sourdough bread has practically no gluten.
That's not true at all. It breaks down a bit, and is easier to digest. That can help people who have a sensitivity or intolerance. If you have an actual allergy then even a tiny amount can cause a severe reaction.

>> No.19657465

>That's not true at all
It is true. Practically none doesnt mean zero. It means for a normal human its no issue at all. Try making a 48h cold fermented sourdough bread with quality white flour and try it.

>> No.19657665

sourdough was one of my favorites, id bake it or get it from my local bakery. i was a bread snob. sourdough includes plenty of gluten.
yes, but I have no issues beyond the allergy. almost never get sick and my bloodwork looks great, sans the allergy.
I just like breads. your "point" is gay.
most chain made bread tastes like shit and is shit yes.

>> No.19658801

WGA is a lectin, which is a protein, and it breaks down with heat like all proteins.

>> No.19659217

I read that gluten in sourdough can be reduced by up to 97%. That's really interesting. The protein in milk doesn't disappear like that when it's fermented into yogurt. I apologize for being mistaken about that.

But that's still enough to cause a problem for someone with a true allergy. If you have Celiac disease even small amounts of cross contamination can cause a reaction.

>> No.19659793

>slave/peasant food
You are a slave/peasant faggot
You post on 4chan dalit hijira bloody sir

>> No.19659800

OP is right. Stuff like corn, wheat, and oats are all cereals.
Prove us wrong. You can't.

>> No.19659805

it IS food. its calories.

>> No.19659810

I wonder if it is possible to make bread with psyllium husks. Would that make it more filling, or would the baking process destroy the properties of psyllium that cause it to bulk up?

>> No.19659816


>> No.19659858

If you stop eating grains you'll be weaker and experience brain fog. The invention of grain agriculture was the single event that kickstarted civilization itself because it allows humans to think better and work harder. Cereals are OP as fuck for human fuel. True the royal classes didn't need to eat bread but that's because they didn't do anything. They're frail, mentally retarded and unproductive. It's impossible to be any type of worker, artisan, craftsman, merchant, explorer, or soldier without consuming grains.

Is it bad for you? Of course, but why do you think you're so important that you can just be a leech on the rest of society for the sake of your health? Every ketolard and fruitfag is a walking burden, who contributes nothing, because he has no productive capacity. He has no energy or strength and can't think clearly. He occupies a completely fake position in a bullshit company and creates nothing, and his entire existence is subsidized by the grain-fueled labor of others. You decide what path is really more noble.

>> No.19659884

B12 deficiency.

>> No.19659886

based dr Greiger enjoyer.

>> No.19660040

I cycled 30km eating zero carbs for the past months. How is that possible?

>> No.19660196
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>30km=18 miles
Is this a joke? I have cycled that far in a single trip. You're proving my point dude, that amount of physical output is absolutely pathetic.

>> No.19660606

No it doesnt. You cant pressure cook flour. That would break it down.
Yes, allergic do allergy. Its not an issue for a normal. As for milk, yoghurt is not bad but try week old kefir.

>> No.19661286

I meant in a single workout grain brain. More proof you're retarded

>> No.19661353

They dont understand. Birds born in a cage believe birds flying outside are insane

>> No.19661558

Bread is yummy :3

>> No.19661795

there is no way to eat zero carbs