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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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File: 1.05 MB, 1080x1371, coffee .jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
19595486 No.19595486 [Reply] [Original]

>30 people waiting for coffee in America vs 30 people waiting for coffee in France

Really makes you think

>> No.19595489

yeah you're right

>> No.19595491

Is that café seriously called the two maggots?

>> No.19595492

Shit bait thread, ti.e to earn your pay jannies

>> No.19595495

Top gets their coffee quicker, gets to work quicker, and increase the productive output of their nation.
Europe just jelly they ran out of land to time-optimize commerce so effectively.

>> No.19595507
File: 1.77 MB, 2386x4675, 1656440502621.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

watch it anon, you just triggered a horde of shart's subroutines to come to the thread to tell you how obsessed you are and how brown your country is

>> No.19595514

>top gets their coffee quicker so they can get to the office faster to make money for shekelberg
uh huh...

>> No.19595521

>posted a picture of the american countryside
now post a pic of your countryside
bet it's dirt roads, 100 year old commie blocks and an eu mandated recycling bin

>> No.19595533

Americans are fucking weird man...

>> No.19595540

Imagine how much of those cars smell like absolute shit and lard. A true Parisian banlieue in every automobile. God bless the USA!

>> No.19595541

how long until africans unionize and cut your country off uranium and your entire frog country loses power?

>> No.19595549

>Pulls the negro card
>Lives in muttland
Epic no u my homo

>> No.19595557
File: 335 KB, 1280x908, feature-picture-14-e1650796908612.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>now post a pic of your countryside
sure thing bud :-)

>> No.19595564

kek that's all you sharts can say. either it's "obsessed" or "y-you're brown!" literal fucking NPCs with stock responses

>> No.19595571
File: 327 KB, 1920x1238, Les_Deux_Magots_(figurines).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

yes but but the ''magots'' are the chinese statues in the café,
magot either means a monkey or a very ugly and grotesque man ( so it's racist as fuck )

and it's a overpriced tourist trap, no one goes there except for instagram pics

>> No.19595574

That french photo must be dated. Not nearly enough africans.

>> No.19595579

i said neither of those things

>> No.19595583

I don't understand why people get so defensive about car-reliant infrastructure. I wish that I didn't have to drive to get something to eat.
>and increase the productive output of their nation.
Where is that output going? Whom is it benefiting?

>> No.19595608

anon you had "africans" in your post. what's wrong, the corn syrup cutting off circulation to your brain that you can't remember what you said 5 minutes ago?

>> No.19595618

>africans unionizing and cutting france off from uranium, starving them of their main energy source
>is the same as africans fucking your wife
genuine brainrot

>> No.19595619

>I wish that I didn't have to drive to get something to eat.
We can fix that. By relocating you to some nice very affordable government housing in the cities where mass transit options are far more available.
That way the rest of us who like our car oriented infrastructure can keep it and you get to experience the magic of vibrant high density housing.
It's a win-win.

>> No.19595624

>I don't understand why people get so defensive about car-reliant infrastructure.
because of american exceptionalism. everyone in america alive today grew up in a country that repeatedly inculcated unto them that they are the best, we do things the best way, etc. propaganda is a very strong tool especially when wielded onto children.

>> No.19595625

See like why do they do this

>> No.19595626

>Where is that output going? Whom is it benefiting?
Cool it with the antisemitic remarks.

>> No.19595636

>Being this disingenuous
I feel sorry for your parents

>> No.19595637

>another guy who hates "jews" but probably loves and staunchly defends the system that empowers "them"
yeah yeah yeah

>> No.19595639

Sunk cost fallacy and unwillingness to change.

>> No.19595647

Right back at you, though. Why are you so averse to living in situations where mass transit is already more prevalent? If there is a better, likely more affordable option available that will suit your desires, why don't you want to take it?

>> No.19595648

you have a better chance of proving the existence of antimatter than you do of getting an american on this board to talk about their country's flaws

>> No.19595658

>Why are you so averse to living in situations where mass transit is already more prevalent?
Because I'm autistic and the thought of ever moving away from my home and the people I know makes me panic
I'm doing that right now though

>> No.19595662

30 American's waiting for their high fructose corn syrup and cream with coffee flavouring.

>> No.19595669

Sounds like you like safety and comfort brought to you car centric infrastructure, you just don't understanding why or how it has empowered you to live comfortable life.
Or maybe you do, but you just don't care/are being disingenuous because you want to destroy that. It's hard to tell on this site. Either way, you not being able to get food without driving is entirely a problem of your own creation.

>> No.19595670
File: 1.82 MB, 1076x719, 1666539320148398.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

that's not how the drivethrough is supposed to work. if you want to make fun of us, make fun of that.

>> No.19595673

>I'm doing that right now though
no you're not? you immediately changed the topic talking about mass-transit to the other guy. why do you always have to change topic the second things get uncomfortable for you?

>> No.19595676

I don't live a comfortable life, because I have to drive everywhere, and every time I drive I fear for my life.

>> No.19595681
File: 913 KB, 2500x1406, DJI_0511-2[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's kind of mindblowing how many people on 4chan live in the exact same village in the Swiss Alps, just based on how often this gets posted. Imagine if every American posted pic related when asked what small town USA looks like? (This is actually where I'm from, btw.)

>> No.19595682

How is answering a direct question honestly "changing the topic"? Was I supposed to ignore it, or lie? I'm still bitching about America's car-centric culture.

>> No.19595689

>don't live comfortably
>don't want to move either
>scared of a simple activity hundreds of millions of your fellow citizens do every day
Sounds like you have severe mental issues and it would best if you just let someone else do all the hard stuff for you.

>> No.19595690

Americans can't queue.

>> No.19595692

Not as soulful as the Swiss one. The pinterest girlies have some taste at least.

>> No.19595693

That's literally all we ever talk about, though. It's just that with how fucked up America is, it's still better than most other places.

>> No.19595703

>getting an american on this board to talk about their country's flaws
??? It's not hard to get us to acknowledge california.

>> No.19595706

Boomer humor but you know what, just what I needed. Thanks friend.

>> No.19595708

Well I mean, it is an american website. You may as well have posted this on mcdonalds wifi it wouldn't be any less hypocritical.

>> No.19595709
File: 120 KB, 1000x726, Hanalei-Town-10964[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Instagram filters aren't "soul".

>> No.19595726

top looks like it was specifically setup at a busy intersection

>> No.19595734

>If there is a better, likely more affordable option available that will suit your desires, why don't you want to take it?
Because they damn well how shitty cities are. They also know how busses and subways/light rail contribute to that general shittiness and how no one neighborhood is truly "safe" or "quiet" because of it. They just don't want to admit it. Their sole desire is to eliminate the safety and comfort enjoyed by those who live in car-reliant suburbs. For equity, for the climate, whatever, anything but a pure desire for "walkability" with zero ulterior motives.

>> No.19595740

True, even an instagram filter can't make the american countryside appealing.

>> No.19595744

>30 lazy fatasses who wont get out of their car
this is /ck/ related?

>> No.19595760

I don't understand why retards think cars are a scam, cars are just how it all happened naturally, it is more efficient because you can choose the most efficient path between your particular errands. State infrastructure would require an entire reordering of society such that everyones day is organized into the same order of trips in order to be more efficient. That means that everyone also has to be the same person, everyone needs kids to take to the day care because they are going to the day care anyway.

>> No.19595762
File: 144 KB, 1023x708, hanaleibridget[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I know, right? What an ugly country.

>> No.19595763

I've been to that town in Kuaui, really nice place.

>> No.19595767

>just trap people in the drive through if the line is long

>> No.19595771

>cars are just how it all happened naturally
They like to say it's not natural and was all the result of oil company propaganda. As if at the time the rail industry wasn't a massive entity constantly fucking with the democratic process to get their way, and hadn't been doing so for over a century.

>> No.19595772

>cars are just how it all happened naturally
buddy, car companies in all major cities lobbied hard to rip out cable cars everywhere and build infrastructure more favorable to the automobile. whole neighborhoods were demolished to make way for bigger boulevards and the interstate highway system. none of this was "natural" and it's sad that you think that was. shit man learn some fucking history

>> No.19595798
File: 54 KB, 566x480, 14A6DB47-425C-4755-9417-9B08266C2351.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Ok fine. Cars didn't happen naturally. They should have in theory though, meanwhile central planning is both awful in theory and doesn't even work in theory.

>> No.19595799

>car companies in all major cities lobbied hard to rip out cable cars everywhere and build infrastructure more favorable to the automobile. whole neighborhoods were demolished to make way for bigger boulevards and the interstate highway system
And these upstarts were able to do this in spite of the rail industry, the same ones that were once the largest companies on earth, that had at that point lmurdered tens of thousands if not hundreds of thousands people who opposed their interests?
Yeah, I'm not buying.
Not that there wasn't anything lobbying, but that it was their lobbying alone that created car culture. It just doesn't add up with what we all know about money and it's corrupting influence: the ones with the most money win, and that certainly wasn't the car and oil industry at the time.

>> No.19595808

>old enough to drive
>changes his mind about where to eat like a child

>> No.19595817

This gave me a chuckle. I know Hawaiian uses more vowels than any other language, but their order does matter. If you asked me if I'd ever been to "Koo-ah-ooey" I'd have no fucking clue what you were talking about.

>> No.19595832

You’re from Hanalei? Went down to the beach there just the other day. Very nice area.
It’s kinda cheating though. Hawaii chads mog mainland America into oblivion.

They really need to build a second bridge there.

>> No.19595847

What the... You can sit down and have coffee in Europe??????

That's impossible....

>> No.19595853

Because they choose to live there
You can choose to live in any area that's walkable too but instead you whine

Not a complex situation

>> No.19595860

>humans vs the french
not much to think about really

>> No.19595907
File: 552 KB, 1200x800, fr2021-_0005_Tree+Tunnel+24x16[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>kinda cheating though
That was the point. Anon cherrypicked a scenic mountain village in the Swiss Alps (which gets frequently reposted) as though that's just what the average European countryside looks like. I posted the US equivalent. The difference is that I am actually from the place I posted.
>really need to build a second bridge there
It became a historic landmark and was restored something like 20 years ago. People would riot if they replaced any of the one-lane bridges.

>> No.19595916

>The difference is that I am actually from the place I posted.
you're also a shitskin so that kinda cancels it out

>> No.19595948

>You don't want to live in a boring suburban hellscape where going literally anywhere takes a 30 minute drive?
Mental derangement.

>> No.19595951

Americans sure love to defend the country jews created for them. Why is it so difficult to accept that there are manny things you could do better? You do not have to like being surrounded by niggers, nor needing to pay extra for "the fancy stuff" that just means that it is not full of plastic and hormones. This are never going to get better unless you recognize the problem, you are like a nigger telling a free man that his chains make him stronger or keep him from getting too uppity

>> No.19595952

You can go live in a commune, they exist. They are awful because they are filled with communists but what can you do.

>> No.19595953

>tiny latino population
>miniscule arab population (mostly lebanese)
>virtually zero blacks
Yeah, sure. Also, I'm haole.

>> No.19595959

>Non sequitur about communism
Watch out, he's about to snap.

>> No.19595966

Nice digits filthy commie retard

>> No.19595971

>if you dont like [one extreme] you must like [other extreme]!
low IQ thought pattern

>> No.19595982

Why don't you just move to the city if you don't want to live in the suburbs instead of forcing the people that do want to live there to change to your whims?
>there's no affordable housing!
If that was true (it's not or otherwise the hood wouldn't exist), that's already starting to change as we see more unused office space getting converted into living space.
>my friends and family all live in the suburbs!
Great, tell them about the wonders of the walkable city and convince them to come along with you to start a new urbanist life.
>they don't want to
I guess you're gonna have to respect their choice and move on with your life. Time to leave the nest, eh?
>but there's my job is in the suburbs!
Get a new job? It's not like work would be hard to find in the city. It should actually be much easier.
There's zero excuse for you to not be packing right now, other than you're lazy or you just want to ruin everyone else's good time (which would make what I said true, despite your attempt at hyperbole).

>> No.19595983
File: 139 KB, 675x499, CD059B1C-1BD3-4019-B8F0-AC515312DE1E.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>low IQ thought pattern
So be it

>> No.19595986

It's logistically just not possible for America to be like Europe when it comes to cars, as it's so big and spread out. We also have terrible public transport infrastructure because one political party is bought and paid for by big oil and a handful of other corporate interests. There are a few places that are actually nice to live in without a car, such as Portland (OR), and they're all run by liberals, because they're the only ones who want nice things. Unfortunately they're all ridiculously expense these days because everybody wants to move there.

>> No.19595994
File: 690 KB, 2000x1333, ddd.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Anon cherrypicked a scenic mountain village in the Swiss Alp
No I live in Switzerland :)

>> No.19596014

>it's so big and spread out.
go check out how big china is and their terrain and how many railways they've built over the past 20 years
>b-but they're le commies!!!!!!!
modern china is more capitalist and has freer markets than the US

>> No.19596017

>No I live in Switzerland :)
And every American posting in this thread lives in America. What's your point?

>> No.19596024

>'Burb dweller assumes everyone still lives with mommy like he does
I do love a good projection.

>> No.19596026

>It's logistically just not possible for America to be like Europe when it comes to cars, as it's so big and spread out.
Makes no sense
>We also have terrible public transport infrastructure because one political party is bought and paid for by big oil and a handful of other corporate interests.
As if only one party is corrupt
>There are a few places that are actually nice to live in without a car, such as Portland (OR), and they're all run by liberals, because they're the only ones who want nice things. Unfortunately they're all ridiculously expense these days because everybody wants to move there.
No connection drawn other than a cheeky assertion that left = good

And to think this is the smartest post ever made by the smartest left winger in the world

>> No.19596031

>because everybody wants to move there
Turns people don't actually want walkable cities. They may think they do, but once they get an actual taste of it, as with most things slackivists like to complain about on the internet, the grass wasn't actually greener on the other side after all.
Most people prefer the suburbs. That's why most people love there. You just need to move out of your parent's house.

>> No.19596032

>And every American posting in this thread lives in America.
Can't you imagine a scenario in which this affirmation is wrong?

>> No.19596039

>*most americans live in america
Happy now? Done making a stupid, irrelevant point?

>> No.19596042

That post never said anything about living with parents?
And I thought I was supposed to be the delusional one. And the one that was projecting.
Wild, innit?

>> No.19596045

nta btw desu

>> No.19596050

>people are moving out of coastal cities in droves!
>surely this is because of all the woke politics!
No, you fucking moron. People are leaving because it's gotten too expensive, and it's gotten too expensive because too many people want to live there. It's basic supply and demand.

>> No.19596056

>nobody nootices that only boomers can afford the french café

>> No.19596061

>drive thrus are bad because... they just are, okay?!

>> No.19596062

>makes no sense
How does that make no sense? Have you seen what 99% of the country looks like?

>> No.19596063

>people leaving one city for a host of reasons explained in the article that has nothing to do with walkability
>"see this proves people hate walkable cities!!!!!!!!!"
why are you being disingenuous? says a lot that that's the only way you can argue

>> No.19596069

Nobody mentioned woke policies, schizo.
>It's basic supply and demand.
Surely there should be a population rebound any day now, since it's so gosh darn desirable?
In two more weeks, perhaps?

>> No.19596079

Hawaii will become a Hapa Haole ethnostate inshallah.

>> No.19596081

>people want to live in portland because it's walkable!
>"the population is actually declining, so I guess people don't actually like walkable cities"
Do you think it's possible that that could've been my point?

>> No.19596088

cagecucks get the rope

>> No.19596090

It's because people who enjoy cars have something to lose when enough people start repeating that rhetoric. You're not just insulting me when you say that car ownership is backwards and wasteful. You're threatening my way of life.

>> No.19596101
File: 20 KB, 314x419, 244E17AD-9E07-4DF7-A74B-3949E58D52C3.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>modern china is more capitalist and has freer markets than the US
Man I wanted to contest this but sadly I think you might be right. The chinese are enslaved, they can have their business taken from them just for being successful and they aren't allowed to travel without government permission etc. but at the same time just not regulating business has been fucking huge for china, yeah nobody wants shitty chinese products but every good producer wants the chinese to make their good products and as a result they are all making money. Maybe outright stealing and enslaving your populace is better than implicitly doing it because the implicit slavery of the west can be so much more refined and efficient in its stealing, and maybe that just comes down to the disadvantages of democracy. An autocrat would be like a single big leech coming by and draining you of some blood and moving on careful not to kill you, a democracy would be like the exact calculated amount of leeches that can be permanently attached to you before you collapse. This is a great book on the evils of democracy and how monarchy was in fact freer in practice.

>> No.19596104

>nobody mentioned woke policies
That was the entire reason Portland was first mentioned. It's well designed, has great public transportation and bike lanes, is very walkable and full of parks, etc., which are all attributes of a liberal city. There's no "population rebound" when housing prices have reached the point they have. The people from there leave, business close, demographics change, and everything that made it so appealing in the first place slowly fades away. It's the same shit that happened so San Francisco when all the real estate was bought up by investors and the tech-bro crowd. People love to bitch about how people are leaving blue states for red states, but it's really the opposite that's the problem.

>> No.19596106

China has four times the population of the U.S. living in the eastern half of their country and they still don't have the ridership to justify all the high speed rail they've built. Their HSR is supported by loans.

>> No.19596108

back to your containment board on /his/

>> No.19596110

As long as all males are drowned at birth I'm okay with this. Imagine the most beautiful place on the planet full of the most beautiful women on the planet.

>> No.19596114

I am an anarcho capitalist as is hoppe

>> No.19596122

>anarcho capitalist
Almost as retarded as identifying as a libertarian.

>> No.19596123
File: 24 KB, 480x531, BF4661F1-8F5C-43FF-BFB4-230CAE1507BD.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Not an argument

>> No.19596128
File: 292 KB, 766x430, 1678392225697294.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

which one anon?

>> No.19596130

>It's well designed, has great public transportation and bike lanes, is very walkable and full of parks, etc., which are all attributes of a liberal city.
But no affordable housing, huh? Maybe it's not as liberal as you claim. Or is affordable housing not liberal?
I'll admit, I'm very curious as to how you'll wave this away.

>> No.19596147
File: 1.99 MB, 4032x3024, 19257C04-7F1E-4D03-A1D8-047E6D24EF94.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Based Hawaiichads dunking on landlubber europoors.

>posted from Makena beach

>> No.19596155

Chinas GDP is a dangerously large amount of speculation but they are probably thinking about world war 3 and reality and not long term pay off in a free economy. How the belt and road initiative works is they go around offering to build up massive trade infrastructure on developing countries with guaranteed loans to the countries for that purpose from the bank of china which bankrolls the local economy for a while until it is all built and they can't pay china back so they subrogate the deal and give china ownership of the infrastructure for 99 years or whatever. The ultimate goal is to own so much of the worlds trading infrastructure that they can force the digital yuan to be a reserve currency.

>> No.19596157

i'm white and you 2 aren't. you're not doing any dunking, sorry :)

>> No.19596159

lmao, French racism is so underrated

>> No.19596169
File: 3.21 MB, 4000x3000, IMG_20221019_164206943.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I used to live in Hawaii. It was pretty but so expensive it wasn't worth it. I do miss all the Japanese cougars though

>> No.19596171
File: 55 KB, 648x672, 88D824C0-9DB6-4E70-878B-E04678BC1971.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Shoulda posted this image, damn

>> No.19596173
File: 39 KB, 407x323, FlGJJzHWAAA6RH6[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>I'm very curious as to how you'll wave this away

>> No.19596174

From the point of a view of a libertarian this guy was on the money

>> No.19596180

>ignore it and just post an image like a bitch
Honestly, wasn't expecting that. My fault for setting the bar too high for ya, bud.

>> No.19596185
File: 35 KB, 458x458, 1-kilo-de-chocolat-en-poudre-banania-1-kg.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

you have no idea mon ami anonyme

>> No.19596184

If you don't understand the image then you're not worth arguing with.

>> No.19596211

Enlighten me, pretty please.
Are you trying to say that because we live an economically liberal society, that portland isn't allowed to be as socially liberal as it wants to be?
That's pretty wild, my guy. I didn't know that rent control and government housing didn't exist. Or that governments aren't allowed to give tax credits to affordable housing developers, or allowed to increase taxes to fund housing projects.
Truly eye opening.

>> No.19596226

>wanting the government to get involved like a magic fairy and make everything right even though they can't and will only ever create 2 unsatisfied parties by interfering in relationships
Government is the problem bucko, there would be no homelessness or housing issues if not for government. It is only because it is against the law that we do not have housing options for every budget every where you go, maybe that housing is a $5 a night cot in a repurposed gymnasium with no curtains, but its a roof. Funny how communism made its name on a hatred of middle men and now you are exactly that, middle men trying to solve a problem created by being middle men by trying to be a middle man again and facilitate the peoples resources.

>> No.19596236

needs more roads

>> No.19596239

>are you trying to say that because we live an economically liberal society, that portland isn't allowed to be as socially liberal as it wants to be?
No. I'm saying that because we live in an economically liberal society Portland is also part of that economically liberal society. And your suggestion was, what? Everyone in Portland could have come together when things started getting too expensive and decided to have the state build a bunch of cheap housing so that they could move out of their homes in their small neighborhoods and into the fucking projects?

>> No.19596244

please tell me about these japanese cougars so that I might live vicariously through you

>> No.19596250

Why would anyone wait for coffee when they literally sell INSTANT COFFEE at like every store?

>> No.19596255

Anon asking the big questions

>> No.19596263
File: 496 KB, 3240x1920, 1671749642318187.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>there would be no homelessness or housing issues if not for government. It is only because it is against the law that we do not have housing options for every budget every where you go
This might be the dumbest thing I've ever read on /ck/. I mean, think of all the venture capitalists in San Francisco who could be billionaires by now if only the government would let them turn real estate into $5 a night cot rental warehouses instead of measly luxury condos!

>> No.19596270

>It is only because it is against the law that we do not have housing options for every budget every where you go
I want to preface this with the disclaimer that I never made any arguments in favor of drastically increasing affordable housing. I think the affordable housing crisis is (for the most part) entirely manufactured because pussies just don't like living/are unable to coexist with their parents like people do in most other countries. So again, I'm not advocating for more affordable housing. And (for the most part) homelessness is directly connected to the drug use epidemic, not because they don't have their own floor to shit on.
That said, poorhouses were a thing for centuries. And they were pretty much as you described, cheap cots that were just roofs over heads.
Yoy want to know why they got rid of them? It's not because of big oil, or big housing. It's because they vectors of disease and misery, not just for the people who frequented them, but for the entire area surrounding them.
Turns out, you can't maintain sanitary mass budget housing very cheaply. So either the poor people get priced out eventually or the big scawy gubbamint has to step to run the operation at a loss, but safely, like we see today.

>> No.19596276

I’m serious. I understand the quality difference, but when it comes down to it, nobody is drinking coffee just for the taste. It’s really all or nothing. Primo espresso or instant coffee, it seems absolutely insane to me to spend an hour every day waiting for some crappy mediocre bullshit that your gay job probably provides for free in the break room, anyway.

>> No.19596279

I think it would be a great business honestly, it has all the hallmarks of a good business. You got the extremely low time preference market of the homeless poor, they are begging for a high time preference individual to profit off of providing for them an easier life.