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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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19567987 No.19567987 [Reply] [Original]

>MSG is a crutch for mediocre food

What are some of your controversial food opinions, /ck/ ?

>> No.19567992

fresh tomatoes are good

>> No.19568008

it's not difficult to make good barbeque, it just takes time and prep. people who brag about their barbeque just like showing off over how long they have to wait for their food to finish cooking

>> No.19568014 [DELETED] 
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Most French pastries and desserts wouldn't be praised nowhere near as good if they weren't part of "muh French cuisine" in the first place.

>> No.19568020

there is nothing inherently superior about "ethnic" food it is just the novelty factor + ethnic narcissism by people from the rainforest

>> No.19568024

Potassium salt is better than sodium salt in most cases

>> No.19568030

MSG in excess is used to make mediocre food more palatable, but MSG used in moderation to elevate good food to an even more enjoyable level in fine.

My controversial opinion is that runny yolks kinda suck. I won't complain about being served a runny yolk but I prefer them sort of medium well where they are gelatinous, but not liquid.

>> No.19568033
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Most French pastries and desserts wouldn't be praised anywhere near as much as they do if they weren't part of "muh French cuisine" in the first place.

>> No.19568037

Boy people like French pastries because they're delicious, not because they're French. If Eclairs were suddenly called choccy creampuffs everyone would still love them. French pastries are light and unique, that's why they're popular.

>> No.19568048

BBQ is basically autism the food. Right up my alley.

>> No.19568050

How? Most of this other shit I can agree but this stuff tastes metallic if you're not mixing it with real salt

>> No.19568052

Parfaits are livestock feed for white trash teenage girls.

>> No.19568056

1. Frozen pizza like Tombstone is worse than local joints
2. One doesn't have to be a bitch about fake italians.

>> No.19568060

Fresh high quality ingredients are a crutch for cooklets.

>> No.19568063

My one caveat is that I do enjoy a perfectly poached egg with a runny yolk. The silky texture of the whites is complimented by the runny yolk, but any other preparation of egg is better with a gelatinous semi-solid yolk.

>> No.19568073

Italian pizza joints aren't fronts for money laundering operations and cocaine sales.

>> No.19568083

My opinion is that seasoning only refers to the specific alterations of a food's bitterness, sweetness, sourness, savouriness and saltiness, black pepper is an exception due to convention
Anything else is not seasoning
I see a lot of people use spices or herbs in their meals and they call it seasoning, no actually what you're doing is flavouring, not seasoning

>> No.19568084

the vast majority of japanese food fucking blows

>> No.19568177
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I fucking love olive garden bros

>> No.19568214

breaking the spaghetti in half makes it the perfect length for a half twist on the fork. full box length is too long and is no more close to 'authentic' than half box.

>> No.19568255

Junk food is made to subjugate large populations.

>> No.19568267

For me seasonings are either
1. Salt
2. processed spices that have been altered to have instant effects and mixed together ("italian seasoning (spice and herb mix)", "cajun seasoning (spice mix)", "curry powder (spice mix)", garlic powder, onion powder, etc)

Only raw unadulterated spices are spices
Only raw herbs, or dried herbs that haven't been obliterated into powder, are herbs.

>> No.19568865

if you can't afford to tip at least 25% you can't afford to eat out

>> No.19568871

$10 worth of ingredients
$75 worth of food

>> No.19569138

My farts smell good

>> No.19569142

That's the stupidist thing I've read this week and it's only Friday morning.

>> No.19569147

This is the chick claiming MSG gives you headaches

>> No.19569152

If you can't afford to pay your employees a living wage, then you don't need to be in business.

>> No.19569170

That's the tipping scheme here in the states, put the wages onto the customers instead of the employers.

>> No.19569180

This kind of opinion never makes sense because it doesn't comment on the usage of something, in this case msg, outside of their one stated view.

If it's used as a crutch for bad food what happens if it's put on amazing food? Nothing? Makes it worse? Better? My controversial opinion is fags who state a basic opinion as being controversial just because they leave out context. Nobody would disagree that ANYTHING you do to mediocre food is a crutch to make it seem better.

>> No.19569188

Dude, it's as if you have an axe to grind or something, OP just asked for opionions not some manifesto. Are you going to shoot up a school later?

>> No.19569198

I know that's the narrative being pushed, but that's just the wrong way to look at it. Tipping in America was originally just a way to legally not pay blacks once slavery ended. These days it's just something owners use to disguise the costs and guilt customers into paying more than they intended to.
>if you don't pay a minimum 10% top, you're responsible for this poor hard-working girl's miserable life
>wait, just kidding, the minimum standard is 15%
>wait, it's 20%
>wait, it's 25% and actually most of it doesn't even go to the servers anymore; with modern pay software it's split between the software provider before being merged into the company's bottom line

Covid broke the back of the lie that is the American tipping narrative. Stop falling for it, force the companies to balance their own books.

>> No.19569200

MSG doesn't do anything to the flavor.

>> No.19569206

no, he's right and you're a Mongolia

>> No.19569224

You two should get a room and shoot up a school you freak jobs.

>> No.19569226

Mongo like meat!

>> No.19569920

Cuck post

>> No.19570093

>gelatinous, but not liquid.
are they ever really liquid?

>> No.19570099

I know objectively it's bad but I live in a small town with few good restaurants. So many places have either raised their prices or gone to shit. I don't even go to chipotle any more because it's $20 for shit service, sitting in the restaurant but having to order on the app, and then they're out of shit.
At least at olive garden I get nice service, it's consistent, and I can take extra breadsticks, salad, and soup home.

I don't think olive garden got great I just think every other chain restaurant has gotten that much worse.

Not to rant, but even my local poke place is shit. $20 for barely any fish. I asked for cucumber and avo, I literally got 2 paper thin slices of cucumber, and one single 3 mm thick slice of avocado, and they had the audacity to charge me an extra dollar for it.

>> No.19570207

you dont get to have this opinion unless you also dont salt your food

>> No.19570263

"Seed oil" is not a meaningful categorization of cooking fats, they each have a wide range of fatty acid ratios and phytochemicals. The seed oil cult is stupid.

The #1 way to get healthier is just to cut out all ultra processed foods. My opinion? Ultra Processed Food is not food, it's an industrially processed edible substance. The appropriate amount to consume is 0.

Other opinions:
>whole wheat pasta is better for almost every application
>mediocre cooks overuse garlic. For most dishes, one clove of garlic per serving is a good rule of thumb
>mediocre cooks also overuse dry spices, you don't need to season the fuck out of good food. Some exceptions can be made for cuisines like Indian that rely on complex spice blends/pastes. I'm talking about typical westerners here.
>Vegetables are.. good for you (my most controversial take by far)
>The average American cannot cook worth a damn and therefore does not deserve to breathe Earth's precious air

>> No.19570271


Junk food is made to generate maximum profits for the shareholders of food manufacturers. The fact that it turns populations into fat, docile, chronically ill, junk-addicted slobs is merely a side effect. This side effect is probably the reason regulators don't care enough to change the food system.

>> No.19570277

>"Seed oil" is not a meaningful categorization of cooking fats, they each have a wide range of fatty acid ratios and phytochemicals. The seed oil cult is stupid.
>The #1 way to get healthier is just to cut out all ultra processed foods. My opinion? Ultra Processed Food is not food, it's an industrially processed edible substance. The appropriate amount to consume is 0.

>whole wheat pasta is better for almost every application
I always eat whole wheat pasta and think "this isn't so bad" and then when after months I eat regular pasta again I am amazed at how delicoius regular pasta is
>mediocre cooks overuse garlic. For most dishes, one clove of garlic per serving is a good rule of thumb
true and describes myself
>mediocre cooks also overuse dry spices, you don't need to season the fuck out of good food. Some exceptions can be made for cuisines like Indian that rely on complex spice blends/pastes. I'm talking about typical westerners here.
true and describes myself
>Vegetables are.. good for you (my most controversial take by far)
agree people don't eat enough. I at least have a salad (no dressing) everyday but I'm trying to eat more
>The average American cannot cook worth a damn
>and therefore does not deserve to breathe Earth's precious air
a little harsh. maybe just not pay for their healthcare

>> No.19570284

I laughed

>> No.19570288

pffft, you must be poor. I tip 30%.
I know what it is to have to work in a shitty job, and I try to brighten someone's day just a little.

I have enough money that I doing this won't hurt me in the least.

>> No.19570315

It's not hard, which is why it's so funny that so many retards fuck it up so badly.

>> No.19570651

Never, not until employers start paying proper wages and end the so called tipping system.

>> No.19570654

Retards dont know any better, that's why they're retards. Hence tipping.

>> No.19570662

msg isnt anything special. its just another flavoring thing or an enhancer at best.

>> No.19570671

I flavor enhanched your momma last night

>> No.19571342

That's rude, anon.

>> No.19571527

It’s more a flex of your fire building and maintaining skills than your cooking skills
That being said good barbecue is fucking incredible and I’d kill for my own private yard where I can grill all I want

>> No.19572298
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If your cuisine doesnt rely heavily on tomatoes, peppers/paprika and garlic and/or onions its shit. Theres a reason why Mediterranean and TexMex food is so great. Theres also a reason why Scandinavian and Russian food is just plain old wrong, starvation food.

>> No.19572317

Dont firget Jenny Flex, she was was from James Bond movie.

>> No.19573442

opinion discarded

>> No.19573499
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>> No.19573872

> me on the left

>> No.19573922 [DELETED] 

christian bakeries should have to bake gay wedding cakes

>> No.19573923

>MSG is a crutch for mediocre food
Yes. I agree, it is a flavor booster for shit that needs flavor boosting.

>runny yolks kinda suck
Yes, I agree here too. It might be because it reminds me of shitty army eggs that were almost soup half the time I got them. Proper solid curds just taste better to me.

Shit ingredients are just the challenge mode for poorfags.

I don't get the hair splitting & elitism here - freeze dried herbs & powdered spices are just as good, if not better, than the raw herbs. Powers are highly useful in making stuff where you don't want lumps quickly - be it soups or sauces.

>> No.19573957

>"Seed oil" is not a meaningful categorization of cooking fats, they each have a wide range of fatty acid ratios and phytochemicals. The seed oil cult is stupid.

Protip - the seed oil crew is worried about PUFAs, which is present in high levels in all oil from seeds, including olive oil. The only fats exempt are animal fats, coconut oil and butter, all with low PUFA levels. The science is that high PUFA levels cause rats to get fat as fuck, hence the demonization of PUFA, and all seed oils as a result. Or at least that is the science claim the doctors that shill it use.

Does that shit apply to humans? IDK, but the sneed oil crew thinks it does. The hard part is that it correlates to human fattiness just like several other things do, so everyone gets to play the blame game pointing fingers at carbs, fats, sugar, processing, additives, etc. because we can't experiment on humans to prove what actually fattens us up.

>> No.19573970

Mexican food is shit. Pretty much all of it is poorfag cope meals with better versions of everything in it in other cultures. Just putting in hot peppers to cover up the shit taste does not make it good, and it only appeals to masochistic autistic lefties.

The only special thing they have is hass avocados, hence the reason they guard that shit with grafting super fucking hard.

>> No.19574024

I think that right wingers get a little carried away with how much soy products and seed oils occupy their head rent-free.
I fully understand that they're not great for you, but I doubt small amounts of it are really that devastating.

>> No.19574054

Mayo is fucking gross.
Eggy spreadable grease.

>> No.19574300

You can say that about most new world cuisine where the countries are still relatively new. Especially soul food, which was initially made by what ever raw scraps slaves could find and make it edible.

>> No.19574356

Most seed oils like corn, soy, canola, etc. are ultra-processed. Extra virgin olive oil, butter and animal fats are minimally processed (depending on the brand).

>> No.19574378

muh leftists

>> No.19574514

>making food taste good is bad
you're retarded

>> No.19575154
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africa is culinary bankrupt

>> No.19575696

same. better than carrabas imo.

>> No.19575701

20%, take it or leave it.

>> No.19575733

mexican and asian food aren't that good.
i shouldn't have to include a tip for takeout that i'm picking up, since there is no waiter involved and i'm doing the driving. (this happened to me recently)
spicy food is unnecessary. i don't want to feel discomfort while eating.
there is nothing wrong with being a picky eater.
i think having all your food mixed in and touching each other is gross.
restaurant food is good. fast food is not. also restaurant burgers > fast food "burgers".

>> No.19575740
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I don't know what MSG is
I don't know what gluten is
I don't know what calories are
I also don't care about any of the above

>> No.19576868

using eggs for baking, frying, or anything other than just eating the egg is a waste.

>> No.19576954

Most dishes aren't enjoyable enough to be worth the time, effort, and cleanup when compared to easy shit like stews and casseroles
The amount of salt in pretty much everything should be halved
Soda is an insidious scourge upon humanity on par with tobacco and alcohol
Pretending to have extremely strong opinions on shit like pineapple on pizza or black coffee is extremely embarrassing and the debate equivalent to play-fighting

>> No.19577070

>Shit ingredients are just the challenge mode for poorfags.
Cooking is all about the correct application of technique and knowledge, not how much money you can throw at it. You are not a good cook just because you made some slop using expensive ingredients.

>> No.19577071

People take cross contamination and poultry contact waaaay too seriously. As long as your stuff gets cooked to the proper temperature it literally does not matter that I used the same cutting board for my chicken and veg. Freaking out over poultry contact is just a way for redditors to make themselves feel smarter and superior without actually being good at cooking. They're too dumb to know how to do it correctly and safely so they just go hypersafe and try to shame everyone else into lowering themselves to their level.
Exactly like the dweebs who freak out over trigger discipline on firearms. As long as you're not a complete tard you can do it without shooting off your foot.

>> No.19577075

>mexican and asian food aren't that good.
>restaurant food is good. fast food is not. also restaurant burgers > fast food "burgers".
Today I went to a Mexican restaurant and ordered a burger and it was honestly one of the best I had ever had. I think you may be on to something.

>> No.19577080

goyslop means any food made by a publically traded company not what the actual food is

>> No.19577084

Cheese is just fine with many fish and shellfish, it just depends on the kind of cheese and the dish. If it weren't true, there wouldn't be authentic Italian recipes involving it. But I suppose it's just easier for people to go by rule of thumb.

>> No.19577183

i know more than i should

>> No.19577199

Cooking from a recipe is easy. All you need are enough braincells to follow simple instructions and enough dexterity to not injure yourself around knives and hot cookware.
Anyone who say they can't cook is either suffering from a seriously crippling disability or they're a liar.

>> No.19578508


It does take some level of skill and experience to be able to manage the heat and recognize/intuit when the meat is done with an outdoor grill/bbq. It IS "harder" than indoor cooking because you have many more variables to work with. Variable fuel source, variable ambient conditions. That doesn't mean it's "impossible" or we all have to scream like söyjaks about it like some people are doing in this thread for some reason? It just means if you have, you know, a 3-digit IQ or so, you can handle it.

>> No.19578514

Yes you do.

>> No.19578518

Thank you for reserving your opinion for the "post genuinely retarded opinions" thread.

>> No.19578616
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Food should not touch

>> No.19578622

I'm diabetic and lactose intolerant, and I think sugar is poison, and I think it is unnatural for adults to drink cow milk. Literally only babies drink milk and consume sugar. Also, MSG gives me headaches because it is Chinese poison. I can tell when there is MSG in my alcoholic beverages because I'll get a headache when I drink too much.

>> No.19579822

>MSG in my alcoholic beverages
Uhh can someone tell a non-drinker if this is an actual thing

>> No.19579833

You have fallen prey to a classic 4chan troll, anon. You've been tricked. deceived. bamboozled.
>msg in alcohol
honestly would be based though

>> No.19580441

none of these are controversial

>> No.19580686

tastelet detected

>> No.19580690

Nice, something actually controversial. Also, fuck you.

>> No.19580692

Thats dumb as hell because you could just say that about any ingredient.
>salt is a crutch for mediocre food

>> No.19580864
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>> No.19580915

I like pineapple on pizza.
Also i cant take the food opinions of people serious, if their list of cant eat foods are just things they dislike for some retarded reason.

>> No.19581360

>why would you add something that makes food tastier?
retarded opinion really

>> No.19581570

Asking for verification of a strange claim instead of instantly believing it is the literal opposite of falling for it...

>> No.19581585

>still can't see how that joke was obvious satire and bait

>> No.19581586

>literally have the money to afford the food
>literally can afford to eat out without tipping

woah. This is not an 'opinion' you stated, it's an incorrect fact. You are saying it is factually impossible for someone to afford a meal but not extra, this is just inaccurate to reality. Thanks, fag!!!!!

>> No.19581598

>i live in a small town
>local poke place
you don't live in a small town, citycuck

>> No.19581606
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>food should not touch
>bacon is touching the greens is touching the croutons
>dill is touching the rice
>chicken is touching the seasonings
>sauce is a bunch of liquid and seasonings all touching each other

>> No.19581666

I live in a stripmall flyover hell. One of those places where it's not big enough to have any good or unique restaurants but not small enough to have any "charm"
whatever you want to call it

>> No.19583170


>plain rice is gross and boring and anyone who actually likes eating it that way is brain damaged

>processed cheese is disgusting and should never be served on anything by anyone anywhere, even by fast food places.

>american cheese is garbage because processed cheese is called american cheese, therefore it's dogshit

>kimchi is disgusting and the devil's sauerkraut should be considered toxic waste

>kale is wonderful although pungent and can liven up pizzas and salads

>bannock is fucking garbage tier discount bread and it's only popular because people fetishize native "culture"

>carrots, onions and leeks make a better mirepoix than carrots, onions and celery. I'll gladly die on this hill.

>anyone who doesn't like blue cheese or mold-produced types of cheese is a literal child and their lack of taste disgusts me

>full english breakfast is mediocre and disgusting, and I say that even though I like fried food and meat

>excepting tasty piggies, predators and highly intelligent (but maybe non-sentient) animals should not be eaten by people. And moose. Those majestic beautiful and terrifying creatures should be left alone. I feel bad about eating octopus. I'm still anti-vegan though.

>indian food lacks any sort of creativity outside of spices and is just goop on rice

>plain medium-rare steak is gross, put some flavour on that stuff

>except for salmon lox or maybe deenz, fish is not a breakfast food, unless you live by the ocean. In which case fish stew is acceptable.

>It's better to pay more for quality snacks or pastries instead of cramming low tier garbage down your gullet. Pay more and go for quality potato chips, for example. Or make your own.

>the best tomatoes are always the ones you grow yourself. Find rare varieties and grow them!

>the same goes for many types of produce

>> No.19583575

not a huge fan of french food. i mean it's good obviously but everyone makes a big deal about how it's the best in the world and i just don't see it