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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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19483267 No.19483267 [Reply] [Original]

Chuds be like
>this is healthy because this is how my ancestors ate and it's not seed oil

>> No.19483277

This is just spectacle to get views. He's probaby much healthier than the average ck poster, though.

>> No.19483289

I actually thought about this when I got a thermometer the other day adn saw my sink gets to 130

>>this is healthy because this is how my ancestors ate and it's not seed oil

shit argument because butter and tallow are fine to cook with

>> No.19483305

You shouldn't consume water that's passed through a water heater, high likelihood for contaminants.

>> No.19483308

My ancestors would have used a traitor's head as fuel to cook the steak

>> No.19483469

Nah bruh this how Chinese fools eat they foods.

>> No.19483479

It's not like he was drinking the water. A little incidental consumption will do precisely nothing.

>> No.19483489

>what is accumulation

>> No.19483497

You tell me

>> No.19483502

anyone that uses tiktok is subhuman

>> No.19483516

Nigga do you think there’s mercury pouring of that sink?

>> No.19483529

His ancestors washed their steaks in tap water and ate them raw instead of boiling their steaks?

>> No.19483536

You do you. I'm not drinking water that's sat in a 20 year old water heater for a day.

>> No.19484032


After years of thinking POC were annoying about the “white people can’t cook/season food properly” meme it is unfortunate that they were in large part correct, what a fucking subhuman doing this

>> No.19484047

Look at his face. That’s textbook Lupus!

>> No.19484054

Is nobody going to ask why his cheeks are so damn rosy

>> No.19484058

>Not using instant hot water
What is this 1980

>> No.19484060

It's bleeding!

>> No.19484064
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why is he eating the fat?

>> No.19484076

>Fat is...bad!!!

>> No.19484084

Wait really? I drink my shower water every day am going to die? Is this why experts say to take cold showers?

>> No.19484131
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It's totally fine. You're probably iron deficient anyway.

>> No.19484302

Are we all just going to ignore that he ate a whole goddamn stick of butter with the steak?

>> No.19484320


>> No.19484367

i'm more grossed out by the fact that it wasn't melted onto the steak

>> No.19484474

made in china quarity

>> No.19484882

The heat of the... oh wait.

>> No.19484890

Nothing of any value has come from toktok

>> No.19484969

>dies of ketoacidosis by 27

>> No.19484995

That's scale, you idiot. Mineral deposits. Has nothing to do with how it was manufactured.

>> No.19485081

or any social media shit for that matter.

>> No.19485501

It's not going to kill you, but there is a change that an animal could die in there.

>> No.19485515

how's that different from eating meat that cooked in a soup?

>> No.19485531

Seed oils will probably kill you faster. That's how bad they are. The only saving grace is that at least it's not gutter oil, but considering the ever-loosening food and safety restrictions on everything, we're not far from that.

>> No.19485535

did he cook a steak with running hot tap water?
what the fuck?

>> No.19485590

yup, I did that once with ham. I filled up a glass pickle jar with big pieces of ham, topped it off with water and a lid and let hot water run over it for a couple hours. it's was unironically pretty good.

>> No.19485592

>This is just spectacle to get views
You just summed the entirety of media up in one sentence.

>> No.19485631

>boiled steak
Well do I have news for you! You can do this fuckwit bullcrap even faster in a pan!

>> No.19485637
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>I drink my shower water every day

>> No.19485641
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>i drink my shower water every day

>> No.19485654

Why did he blush he cheeks? It's not even applied levelly.

>> No.19485658

I don't eat my soup with an entire stick of butter.

>> No.19485661

Replace your lead pipes and you'll be fine.
It doesn't kick up, so you're not getting any of that. In the same way that you're not drinking mud and dirt when you drink from a stream.
If for some reason it does get kicked up it's pretty fucking obvious. Though usually you'll notice that more often with kickup from the town's lines when they do work on your neighborhood's pipes. Water company will tell you it'll go back to normal after you and your neighbors run the water for a bit, but won't compensate you for the useless water you have to run though, cheap bitches

>> No.19485662

Everyone is teasing you because they're afraid they haven't been living their best lives. They weep, they seethe, and they remain dehydrated.

Drink the water.

>> No.19485663

why are you such a slob?

>> No.19485664

Most creamy soups aren't much different, if you think about it.

>> No.19485670

*shrugs* food is food

>> No.19485671

Go eat a sink steak, fag

>> No.19485677

I used to live in an apartment with a shitty old water heater that put out a shitload of sediment at all times. The water was visibly cloudy. Also there's the chance of bacterial growth of the water isn't hot enough.

It's a bad idea to drink hot water from the tap. Don't do it.

>> No.19485681

>I used to live in an apartment with a shitty old water heater that put out a shitload of sediment at all times. The water was visibly cloudy.
Yeah, it's very obvious when it happens, like I said.
>Also there's the chance of bacterial growth of the water isn't hot enough.
Valid concern, but more so for situations like you described--apartment complexes and etc.. Shouldn't be a problem in your own home.

>> No.19485685

Most homes have a furnace that causes that exact problem.

>> No.19485694

To be fair, he looks extremely white, maybe this is the white mans diet

>> No.19485695

lol shut the fuck up and accept you're wrong

>> No.19485706

Actually you have to pay for water when it goes out because it is institutionalized and run by the government, if we had free market water people would be able to sue the water company for their money back. It is actually a huge issue that utilities are legally protected. Crazy how government tricked people into being afraid of other people so they could scam you.

>> No.19485717

dry food that doesn't spoil is better. Crackers? Yeah man. Tofu? Great. Oatmeal? Serve it.

But wet, perishable food is nasty. Meat? Ew. Fish? Ew. Milk? Fuck off with that shit.

>> No.19485745

All I know is one day everyone on the internet started saying seed oils are bad for you like they all read articles based on one study and accepted as fact without question. How many times do we have to see that “x” is bad for you then “x” is actually not that bad for you before people become more skeptical of food studies? Remember when animal fats were considered extremely bad for you?

>> No.19485769

Begone demon!

>> No.19485770

the power was out but my gas water heater was working just fine so I improvised.

>> No.19485786

Ahat are you gonna have to eat today?

>> No.19485845

Hot water eggs with mustard broth.

>> No.19485862
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It's hard for me to take food studies seriously for 2 reasons
1) The food pyramid in the 90's was funded by a grain corporation to sell more bread
2) The "keto" diet has so much marketing and mainstream appeal, and people are literally getting tricked into early heart failure.

>> No.19485872

That's the whole point. You can't trust studies, so there's no way to be sure of whether or not these newly created commercially produced oils are healthy, so we default to the fats that people have eaten throughout our existence.

>> No.19485878

>2) The "keto" diet has so much marketing and mainstream appeal, and people are literally getting tricked into early heart failure.
Wrong, the mainstream media go out of their way to demonize keto as environmentally unfriendly
>muh heart failure
Weird how all these heart irregularities have sky rocketed since people took an experimental mRNA injection with zero long term studies on it's effects
Nah it's probably the eggs though

>> No.19485893

Shut up and eat a potato,bitch. This is an anti-sneed oil board, not an anti-carb board. Go to /fit/ if you want to be a ketofag.

>> No.19485901

careful you don't cook your tongue with hot water and eat that too

>> No.19485984
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For me its

>> No.19487446

>showering everyday
skin like a burlap sack

>> No.19487468

Fuck sneed oils and fuck anti-grain posters. Literally go fuck yourself if you can't let yourself enjoy a bowl of pasta or you're so autistic that you won't eat a sandwich because it's on bread. It's pure psychotic behavior to eat the way these autists do.

>> No.19487538
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>It doesn't kick up, so you're not getting any of that. In the same way that you're not drinking mud and dirt when you drink from a stream.
This is not comparable because a stream has laminar flow where all the silts and sediments flow along the bottom layers and the top layer stays clean.
A water heater is a chamber, there is no laminar flow. Cold water is piped from the top to the bottom of the chamber by a pipe to keep cold water at the bottom, where the slight force of the cold water inflow meets the bottom of the tank and unseats whatever loose microscopic particles its small force can affect.
>If for some reason it does get kicked up it's pretty fucking obvious.
Yes, if the entire mass at the bottom is disturbed then you will have obviously brown water with visible particulates. But when it slowly and constantly erodes the the smallest particles from the mass, you're not gonna see it in your glass of water. Also, biofilm is invisible, so you have no way of knowing if you're drinking it.

>> No.19487625

are they wearing rouge or do keto-lards naturally look like that?

>> No.19487650


>> No.19487865

lol yeah add an ipad playing cartoons and a spaceship box and cigs and a weed bowl.

>> No.19488123
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Well no he ran it under a bunch of fluoride and microplastics

>> No.19488133
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I got you beat homeboy

>> No.19488139

Hey guys have you heard about snail-chan?
She was just right over there, man
I see her everywhere and
I’m not a schizophrenic

>> No.19488213

>eating a stick of butter
Absolutely revolting.

>> No.19488217

European detected. The rest of the world has portable hot water, retard.

>> No.19488219

Stupid phone poster

>> No.19488234

Is that a milk chuck roast?

>> No.19488239

>steak with hot butter :()
>steak with cold butter :(

>> No.19488267

So this is the power of American sous vide...

>> No.19488272

That's rosacea my nigger

>> No.19488286

Look at his cheeks, boy’s got lupus

>> No.19488296

Only if you have galvanized or lead pipes like a fuckin retard

>> No.19488337

Another retard

>> No.19488468

He said nothing about the temperature. It's the entire stick of butter that's the issue you fucking dipshit

>> No.19488770

>to sear a steak put an entire stick of butter in a pan :()<-3
>eat an entire stick of butter cold with a steak :(

>> No.19488776

The pipes aren't the problem. It's that if you have a furnace for hot water you're going to be drink from a warm bacteria stew.

>> No.19488783

Do you not know what a furnace and not know what pasteurization is at the same time? Are you a bot or a zoomer?

>> No.19488792

The problem is not everyone sets it high enough to do that, it has to be scalding hot in order to kill some kinds of bacteria. And people will often lower it to save money on their energy bill or because they don't like getting third degree burns in the shower. Also furnace water isn't always at max temperature, if a few people are taking a shower or something and running a lot of hot water, then the temperature in the furnace is going to plummet.

>> No.19488810

I don't get it. Isn't all just municple water? They treat that shit before it gets to your house. You don't really have a cistern like some kind of poor person right?

>> No.19488815

The chemicals they "treat" the water with are the reason its not safe to drink. Get a water filter or enjoy your fluoride and lithium.

>> No.19488827

It is but there are still small amounts of bacteria in tap water. And when they sit in a pool of hot water for a long time they have an opportunity to multiply.

>> No.19488921

The entire hot water tank is never boiling hot, there is always cooler water at the very bottom where the bacteria grow. That's also where sediments settle, giving the bacteria food and surface area to colonize.
The city/county/etc water supply is still allowed to have a small threshold of bacteria, there's no way to get rid of it. Then it goes through all the pipes eventually leading to your house which have literally never been cleaned and are lined with a biofilm which flakes off as the water flows.
When this is cold water directly from the pipe to your tap, it's safe to consume because the bacteria count is low. In a hot water tank, the bottom is where the cold water comes in and the sediments settle, creating a little habitat of adequate temperature, nutrients and surface area for the bacteria to grow.

>> No.19488986

Just let them drink the rusty bacterial stew, they're too dumb to take sensible advice and rather argue.

>> No.19489036

You can trust the studies if you read them. Studies rarely lie because it's difficult, but, more importantly, they don't really need to. When I was looking at nutrition stuff I came across a study that compared omnivorous, vegetarian, and vegan diets in relation to, I think it was cholesterol, and found that they all had equal outcomes on differing diets. The catch was that the vegan and vegetarian diet were given bouillon-like beef boosters so they would have the same outcome. This was then reported as "Omnivorous diets are fine, actually, this study said so.". A lot of studies are like that, and pretty much all the bad info you hear are just interpretations of those studies. Make no mistake, there are studies made to deceive, but they rarely outright lie.

>> No.19489147

This. Hot water can also be full of bacteria, since it can often sit at perfect temperatures for long periods of time, which allow bacteria to rapidly multiply. Although the bacteria will be killed if the water tank heats up again, the water will still be full of toxins and endospores, which the bacteria produce, which can be extremely resistant to heat, and survive beyond even boiling point.

>> No.19489156

Its fake retard

>> No.19489157

I'm going to drink the toxins to own the chuds. What do you think about that, DALE???

>> No.19489158

You can only trust real scientific studies done on animals like rats, where it's highly controlled. Studies done on people and their diets are completely untrustworthy, since there's so many variable factors involved that it becomes impossible to prove causation of results.

>> No.19489162

It's 40 degree all year round where I live
The water is already hot

>> No.19489167

I'd actively encourage you to do it dumbass, film it and post results.

>> No.19489178

Yeah, I only really trust studies done on people and their diets that have pretty expansive scopes, or, a meta-analysis of a whole bunch of them. I wouldn't call them completely untrustworthy, but they definitely don't have anywhere near the control of animals where you can like, feed them directly and see the subject eat it instead of dropping off food and hoping they don't fuck off and eat mcdonalds instead.

>> No.19489306
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>heh, you wouldn't get it. It's IRONIC, that means it's actually good and bad things are actually BASED (that means GOOD) because my dopamine-addled brain craves inane novelty

>> No.19489369

How can you be so clueless

>> No.19489388

if you put the steak in a ziploc bag it basically becomes sous vide

>> No.19489393

>eating half a stick if butter
>posting on tiktok for validation
Yeah so healthgy

>> No.19489509

retarded nu science take. what do you think ur consuming when you eat nuts and seeds? their fucking oils. and dont give me any bullshit about how processing creates evil chemicals, the oils are extracted by pressing the seeds

>> No.19491411

>uses fat chick meme
>talks about other people's health
OP... lose some weight or be less gay.

>> No.19491416

Yeah then they dona second run with tye pressed seeds washed in sodium hydrochloride to increase yield. Then they bleach it. Then another chemical process to remove the bleach. Its not just pressed seeds.

>> No.19491424

>Is nobody going to ask why his cheeks are so damn rosy

>> No.19492458

is drinking hot tap water really bad? I drink hot water in the morning often

>> No.19492601

Hes a fernboy that’s why

>> No.19492613
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>just pressed seeds bro

>> No.19492642

I heckin love science.

>> No.19492757

>no! everything was 5 steps or less when people lived on farms!!! live expectancy should be 65 years MAX!!

>> No.19492763

>moving the goal posts when wrong
>"Oy vey! Guess I'll have to hit him with the ol naturalistic fallacy"

Nice try, Schmuley

>> No.19492829
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>> No.19494260


>> No.19494263

Yes steaks bleed.
Raw beef isn't unsafe or unhealthy.