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19480770 No.19480770 [Reply] [Original]

Thread for discussing coffee and coffee-related topics.

Cum yourself cold brew edition

If you're new or confused, start here: https://pastebin.com/UEzwuyLz
If you're old and confused, remember when this general was good?

Previous thread:>>19479141

>> No.19480792

Coffee is just flavored milk.

>> No.19480801

You're drinking the wrong coffee.

>> No.19480805

>flavored milk
>flavored water
>cold milk with a splash of coffee flavor and ice
It's all milk.

>> No.19480843

Real previous thread : >>19463933

>> No.19480855

>almost 1pm
>know making another coffee will probably fuck up my sleep
>but reaaaally want another one
the daily struggle

>> No.19480856

Help me incorporate clams in my coffee.

>> No.19480883
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11:50pm, just finishing the last of a cup of natural process bali. Life's good.

>> No.19481010

lmao. look at this faggot!

>> No.19481449
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>> No.19481452

Just put 'em in, it works for clamato

>> No.19481577

What's an espresso grind setting for the k6? I tried 45 clicks and my shot chocked so hard literally nothing came out.

>> No.19481588

>muh natural chicory, they used it in the old days bro!
yeah no fuck off

>> No.19481596
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I'm about to brew coffee in a v60 over ice cubes, adding milk at the end. What else can I add to spice things up? No idea what could go well with cold coffee and milk desu

>> No.19481667
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Fuck cold brew, iced aeropress coffee much better.

>> No.19481681

uhhh anon?

>> No.19481687

How can I tell if my espresso is over or under extracted? Both taste sour to me.

>> No.19481700
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>> No.19481710

Didn't think that increasing the yield would lower sourness, I thought it would be the other way around. Unless I'm reading the chart wrong.

>> No.19481714

Use Speculaas spice with your coffee. Tastes great.

>> No.19481731

im not an espresso guy so i cant help you from a personal experience level so i thought i would just send some links.

>> No.19481740

Thanks, they helped. Increasing the yield turned it from unbearably sour to incredibly bitter. But I did increase the yield by a lot (partly because my scale lags behind a bit) so I look forward to seeing if I can't hit a sweet spot inbetween.

>> No.19481751

(also when asking for help its good to list the gear you are using :) )

>> No.19481754

A sage bambino and k6. I didn't think it would matter that much for very general adjustments like this.

>> No.19481759

Ended up adding a few thin slices of an almond thing that's basically 40% almond and 60% sugar (panetto di mandorla), tastes great. Didn't put too much so the almond flavor isn't prevailing, still quite a nice combo

>> No.19481766

I need to get a new coffee maker. Current one has this red plastic part that was supposed to be some kind off feature. But it gets moldy easily and is impossible to clean. Also I keep running vinegar and water through this thing and the message telling me to clean it won't go away (I do the pot, filter basket and machine with soap and water fairly often).

>> No.19481875

Just get a French Press, A Moka or a Chemex. Stop using plastic.

>> No.19481921

Three of the lowest tier recs you could give.

>> No.19481948

you mean 2 right anon?

>> No.19482003


>> No.19482053

yes you do :)

>> No.19482121

Just got a switch brehs. I'm using lance's technique but without the no bypass or mono autism. It's great. It's impossible to fuck up. Great coffee everytime. No need for pouring samurai training. (I can have normal people brew good coffee everytime with this) Not buying any pourover gear from now on. Consistency is just too good to sacrifice for measly gains.
It's also much less of pain to use than an aeropress and more flexible. I love it.

>> No.19482159
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Anon that ordered a bambino a few days ago, I got it today and have been fucking around with it (as evidenced by several posts itt). I haven't been able to pull what I'd call a good shot of espresso so far, it's all either too bitter or too sour. My coffee probably isn't helping because I'm using my backup grocery store beans, I did order nicer ones but didn't notice the roaster is on vacation so they won't arrive for a while and I don't want to buy from someone else and end up with double the coffee I want.
I did get a confidence boost just now because I tried steaming milk with it for the first time and when combining it with the coffee it tasted about on par with most cafes I've been to. Not that that's some ideal to aspire to, but I feel better knowing that I've managed to achieve at least that.
Excuse the mess, I've been experimenting with it and only really cleaning up the bare minimum to keep the parts I'm using clean.

>> No.19482224

Good shit anon proud of you.
I like my switch. I just used it for a week before switching back to my origami tism setup. I definitely prefer the origamis more, but if you can't get you can't get your brews consistent the switch is a solid braindead option. Good brews going full immersion and room to improve if you get bored. I think the ceado hoop is probably another great pick for lazy but great coof.

>> No.19482404


Just like a clam in coffee? Or should I get small slam for in my portafilter?

>> No.19482407

Fresh and quality beans pull better shots more easily and consistently. It is the curse of expresso.

>> No.19482410

Oh yeah and water quality is extremely important for eggspresso also. Get a few different types of water bottles and make shots with them. You will see.

>> No.19482413

The bambino comes with a filter for the water tank, so I wonder how much of a difference it would really make.

>> No.19482416

You will see

>> No.19482418

Well I'll try, although I'll hold off until I can pull at least a decent shot with what I have now before adding water variability to the mix

>> No.19482433

If your water sucks you'll be fighting a losing battle. You should aim for dialling in a good shot in regards to shot time and output not necessarily taste.

So like a standard 30 second shot time with an output of like 1:2.

You can start with distilled water and thst will give you a very neutral shot some say is sort of bland. They sell packets of minerals you add to 1 gal containers of distilled water and they work great and are quite convenient.

>> No.19482607

Maybe I'll look into it.

>> No.19482632

At the very least try something like distilled, high tds mineral water, and your tap.

You will see.

>> No.19482665

For my first hand grinder should I get the K4, K6, or 1zpresso JX

>> No.19482676

Don't know about the jx but the k4 is more espresso focused and the k6 is more pourover focused (both can do the other too, just a bit less well)

>> No.19482699

I prefer the ayspresso model 51. Expresso so good it's out of this world.

>> No.19482779

How does that even work? Genuine question because I assumed a higher quality grinder would just be better at everything.

>> No.19482781

Cappuccino machines are so fucking expensive

>> No.19482785

Look into getting a brappuccino machine. They're usually more affordable.

>> No.19482801

Usually it's whether they're more resistant to producing fines or coarse bits. Also the adjustment itself is often tailored more to pourover (bigger steps, wider range) or espresso (small range, very fine adjustment) but that's not the case with the k4 and k6 since they both have the same adjustment and took the path of "just give them a trillion clicks" to cover both ranges. Some grinders have more clever solutions, or are specialized for one or the other.

>> No.19482881

>Cappuccino machines
also its about the cost of a year of buying coffee.
over time its cheaper to do
coffee making
coffee roasting
at home.

>> No.19483008

You need something that can withstand and pump water at high pressures. You could do it on the cheap the same way you can make a submarine on the cheap.

>> No.19483070
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I wanna try turkish, but is the ibrik really necessary? Couldn't I just use a little stainless pot?

>> No.19483085

Jx is functionally identical to the k4. Same burr, different stepsize. K6 is the 1zpresso K burr.

>> No.19483111

>but is the ibrik really necessary?
its like less than $50
and if you dont like turkish you can use it for hot chocolate
but instead of water you use milk and instead of coffee you use chocolate powder(dont stop stirring or it will stick to the bottom)

>> No.19483169

Less than 50$? More like less than 20$. It’s nothing fancy, just a pot with a narrower top so that the foam/crema is preserved when the coffee is close to boiling point.

>> No.19483184

yes 20 is less than 50

>> No.19483264

You are beyond retarded

>> No.19483290

no i understand EXACTLY what you said.
but it is a worthless thing to say
because i have already said what you said by saying its less than 50 because 20 AND anything less than 20 is less than 50
so when i said less than 50 i am right and there is no need to correct me because i cant be corrected because i am right
you can find an ibrik below $50
you actually worthless nigger
fucking kill yourself you vile faggot.

>> No.19483374
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>> No.19483391

Can you recommend an ibrik for under $50? Are there things you have to look out for?

>> No.19483393

When you say something costs below a certain price you need to pick that price for a reason you malformed troglodyte
>hurr durr you can get an ibrik for under $2000000
Wow thanks for the info nigger

>> No.19483411

i bought mine for $25
but when buying mine i saw a VERY wide range and actually a good number were over $50
but the majority were less than $50
so i actually chose the number 50 for a very good reason based on my own lived experiences you retarded monkey brained nigger
maybe try using some critical thinking before you post, cunt.
"less than $50" is an actually reasonable thing to say whereas "under $2000000" is not.

>> No.19483736
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ITT people bragging about overpaying for aliexpress cevzes

>> No.19483781
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my milk expired on the 4th
it smells cheesy
i drank it anyway

>> No.19483807
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>paying 10 bucks for mystery chinesium and a cheap plastic handle
>when I can buy an enameled one from a local manufacturer for almost half the price

>> No.19483819

leaded enamel from the killing fields

>> No.19484317

If you have a Moka pot you could try using the bottom of it. May not be optimal but you'll at least get the foam & a general idea of how it works.

>> No.19484365


>> No.19484436

Nice try REI. The Bripe doesn't give you any foam.

>> No.19484490

What goffee beasn for interesting expresso beside Ethiopian ones?

>> No.19484517

Spoken like someone who's never briped in their life.

>> No.19484786

(You) should obtain Euterpe Stingershipyards.

>> No.19484849

What the fuck Ima do with 4 ounces of hot chocolate. Nigga.

>> No.19484929

Utilize that shiet, mang.

>> No.19484933

The plastic v60 is the best pour-over in general

>> No.19484990

I'd assumed the glass V60 was "better" for a long time before I learned the plastic ones are superior because they don't get so cold.

>> No.19485026

Literally doesn't matter. The Temp difference barely makes any difference in the finished cup. As long as its at or above 80 degrees it's fine. Just try making a cup where you preheat and one where you don't. No difference.

>> No.19485051

I am a retard and phoneposted on the wrong board.
Are there any good coffeeshops in Geneva?

>> No.19485117

Why should I get a pour-over kettle and everything if I have a French press?

>> No.19485228

>4 ounces
why would you have a 4 "ounce" ibrik?

>> No.19485242

opinions on chock full o nuts?

>> No.19485361

>gf fucking loves Starbucks, boutique coffee shops, pop up espresso carts, all of that shit
>I buy store brand coffee and drink it with some creamer; maybe I'll add some cinnamon to the coffee grounds
>she moves in with me so I decide to put in some moderate effort to meet her needs
>buy some shitty Torani syrup
>pour normal brewed black coffee over tap water ice
>add some syrup
>add more ice
>pour in some caramel oatmilk creamer
>add more ice
>stir some more
Blew her fucking mind.
My issue is the chocolate syrups all suck so I can't make an iced mocha to save my life; but vanilla, cinnamon, and caramel I've all mastered.

Any cheap bullshit ways to make a homemade iced mocha taste more mocha-y with resorting to dumping 500 calories worth of chocolate shavings into every cup?

>> No.19485401

Make clam broth and put it through your espresso machine
Alternately load the basket with minced clams and pull a shot

>> No.19485416
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Hereago. serve it cooler than being cool. Replace the half and half with sweetened condensed milk since it's for a woman

>> No.19485687

Where the fuck can I get an Aeropress Clear in yurop?
I just want to make my coffee in something that doesn't look like the cheapest plastic shit imaginable.

>> No.19485708

>in yurop?
not available yet
but i think it is in uk
so depending where in europe you could just drive to uk buy it then drive back?

>> No.19485800

So you can make better coffee?

>> No.19486176

Most on the copper ones I see on amazon are 5 ounces. Now I wouldn't want to fill it all the way if I intend to make a frothy drink. And I KNOW you ain't clowning on me B.

>> No.19486256

i went to a local seller.
i have 1 200ml and 1 400ml
when making hot chocolate in a turkish coffee way it makes a very intense drink so having just a small cup is no problem
and i use the 400ml if i am making it for multiple people or if i want to combine it with my moka coffee and i split both between 2 cups and top off with a teaspoon of panela and a touch of cold full cream milk to cool it down(milk at the end is optional, sometimes it isn't needed)

>> No.19486583

Have you tried either of your suggestions? How does it effect extraction?

>> No.19486584
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What snacks should I have with my coffee? Also, does anyone feel zooted as fuck when drinking coffee?

>> No.19486638

Afraid not too many local sellers carry that joint in the Mid-Atlantic region of the USA. I'll check World Market ig

>> No.19486728
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oh and sometimes
depends on the coffee and how i make it.

>> No.19486736

Biscotti and no never, even if I was already zooted and I drink coffee I lose the zoot.

>> No.19486758

>anti zoot juice

>> No.19486799

is cafe du monde the only show in town for chicoree coffee?

>> No.19486971


>> No.19486985
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I just bought this on a Prime Day sale for 400 eurobucks. Has anyone already tried it?
Is the integrated coffee grinder decent?

>> No.19487030

38mm cones, probably italmill made. Should be roughly equivalent to a knock aergrind or kingrinder k1, but with a higher peak of fines from high rpm.

>> No.19487047
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Today I went to my old friendly neighborhood roaster and bought 2 blends specifically to be used with my moka and to make espresso.

I chose 1 decaffeinated (100% arabica from Brazil and Mexico/Colombia) and 1 Italian blend called Piave which is 20% Indian robusta and 80% arabica from Brazil and Mexico.

I didn't take pictures of the beans (will post them tomorrow) but I just tried the Piave blend with my moka.

Oily beans, dark roast (not quite dark as your typical Italian roast but dark enough) and nice strong smell.

The coffee is balanced and you can feel the robusta because it hits you as soon as you take your first sip with notes of chocolate, hazelnuts and wood, maybe a hint of earthy flavor. The aftertaste is quite bitter, but it's pleasant and woody.

I need to try the decaffeinated but so far the 100% arabica is their best blend imho, lots of sweetness and malt.

Very very good prices though.

>> No.19487052

Go back.

>> No.19487074

You did good anon, it's basically a Lelit Anna with the PID and an added grinder which you can skip using.

As for quality, don't expect anything exceptional or particularly good, it does its job and it's well suited to the machine if you don't own a grinder.

Let's put it this way: if you're not a coffee enthusiast/autistic person then it's good for what it is even though being built in to the machine you can't open it and clean it inside, so at worse you will use it for some time and upgrade at some point, but if you're an enthusiast you may want to upgrade to something more precise and uniform, with better control like a 1Zpresso J-Max or K-Ultra which are specific for espresso.

Still here? Go to hell.

>> No.19487112

K ultra is 1z's flagship filter grinder. Please stop giving advice and go back to trying to figure out how to moka/aeropresso. Try stirring for 26 seconds this time.

>> No.19487164

Home made or high quality store bought ginger snaps. I, being a freak, also really enjoy potato chips with coffee - particularly sweet chili ones. The flavors go together marvelously.

If you want something more substantial, have an open faced rye sandwich with spreadable liver pate and pickles.

>> No.19487193

Not him but it's multi style and it's good for espresso too with 20 micron clicks.
Fuck you for being rude also.

>> No.19487231

So would you consider
>multi style
To be
>Specific for espresso

>> No.19487243

Would you consider multi style to be
>flagship filter grinder

>> No.19487316

It's an updated k series. The k series is their filter focused line. Dropping from 22 micron steps to 20 doesn't make it
>Specific for espresso
The xpro has 12.5 micron steps. I guess Hario minis are espresso specific now.

>> No.19488073
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Gonna start putting molasses in my coffee

>> No.19488086


>> No.19488132

Where do you source your mole asses from? Are they organic and free range?

>> No.19488183

They're not real mole asses unless they come from the Molase region of Italy.

>> No.19488245

Giving the moles too much space ruins the flavor. Plus they don't even want to live like that naturally. Retard.

>> No.19488257

Small piece of butter melted into a cup of coffee. Thoughts?

>> No.19488271

I kneel. I am but a lowly molelet seeking answers on the finest mole asses in all the land. Please show mercy on my tender soul.

>> No.19488275

So bulletproof coffee lite? I think the original was coffee+ghee+mct oil and used as a meal replacement so ketotards didn't eat breakfast.

>> No.19488291

Idk about that. But just butter coffee is what I would call it. I find it takes some edge off of strong coffee without diluting the taste like milk does. Really don't like milk coffee. But personally find a coffee with a teaspoon of butter quite nice, on occasion.

>> No.19488312

Why do it when cream already exists? Butter just seems like an inferior form of cream, at least as a coffee additive

>> No.19488328

Have you ever heard of/tried tibetan butter tea? Long duration boiled tea with yak butter added. Someone just mentioned it over in /tea/ because I've got some bricks of extremely cheap tea meant for export to tibet. Apparently drinking it is what gave Dave Asprey the idea for "bulletproof" coffee.
>In the late 2000s, lifestyle author and the CEO of Bulletproof, Dave Asprey, returned from Tibet after drinking yak butter tea at high altitudes. In the years that followed, he began to promote coffee mixed with butter, which swept the United States and became a favourite among fitness enthusiasts and those on low-carbohydrate, high-fat diets.

>> No.19488999


>> No.19489172


>> No.19489183

How about you waffel my stroop, babe?

>> No.19489203

I stored my k6 in a kitchen cabinet for 2 months because I was testing something out, and now it smells like dust. How should I go about in cleaning it? Just dump it in a vinegar bath or can just wipe what I can reach with cotton swabs?

>> No.19489230

I'd just give it a quick wipe and run however much coffee you feel like through it as a "purge". 20g should get it smelling like coffee again. If you want to do a full teardown kin has a guide on their blog.

>> No.19489232

ok I'll get some stale beans tomorrow to try it out. It's already pretty late right now.

>> No.19489244

If you do tear it down be careful. People have posted here that the little "circlip" is a bitch to get on and off.

>> No.19489307
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>> No.19489580

>feel zooted as fuck
drank a total of 700 ml of pourover (ratio 1:10) between sunday and monday, had anxiety for half of the day on monday

>> No.19489891
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>The CHAD dark oily roast bvll
>The virgin pale light roast

>> No.19489903

>the CHAD lame halfassed thing
>the VIRGIN thing that is actually good
wow i've never heard that one before. simply epic my friend.

>> No.19489995

I bought Kenyan goffee.
Its kinda intense, like a cum glob of fruity taste aftertaste going down my throat

>> No.19490055
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>hear that getting a grinder is really important for making better coffee
>decide to get the Kingrinder K4 as a first grinder
>someone says you need to buy a coffee brewing scale
>another says you need to get better WATER
>need airtight coffee bean containers
>apparently French press is for noobs so I need to get a pour over setup with filters and everything
>for that I'll need a fancy gooseneck kettle

>> No.19490096
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Post goffee. Those beans look unsullied. Must've been a delectable cuppa.

Don't listen to the merchants. Simple as.

>> No.19490194

You don't need an expensive grinder or a gooseneck kettle for pourover.

Everything else you listed is pretty inexpensive.

>> No.19490204

get influenced bitch
(just become a moka chad its easy :) )

>> No.19490212

I would recommend the gooseneck kettle, it's significantly easier and more consistent. You don't need a fancy electric one though, you can get much cheaper decanters you can just put boiling water in

>> No.19490287
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new kino just dropped

>> No.19490291

nah im good thanks.

>> No.19490295

i've been a french press guy for a while but recently i've been enjoying iced espressos and would like to start making them at home, but i dont have space or budget for a machine. It seems like a moka pot is my best bet, or should i go for an aeropress instead?

>> No.19490311

Neither of those make espresso. Watch the budget espresso video anon just posted.

>> No.19490329

i mean, really i'm just after a strong, small volume coffee that tastes pretty good, i dont particularly care about it being actual espresso
trying to keep things cheap and hopefully not cluttering my counter any more than i need to

>> No.19490340

>order cafe latte
>tastes scalded
last time i ever order milkshit

>> No.19490345

moka pot is definitely a good pick. aeropress also, probably the more versatile choice even

>> No.19490358

Cheap is relative. A jar of instant will be less clutter than a moka or aeropress.

>> No.19490374
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>You don't need an expensive grinder for pourover
So why are all the ones that are "worth it" (according to most people) around $150? Seems like the grinder is the most important part but I'm not entirely sure
>you can get much cheaper decanters you can just put boiling water in
Why didn't I think of that... I have pic rel which I use as a kettle for tea but I can probably just use that for pour-overs instead of my electric kettle with a basic small opening as a spout. It's like 800ml so it seems pretty good, thanks for the idea. Now I just gotta find a good pour over starter kit or something off Amazon. Found a nice one for $30 that comes with the dripper, carafe, and 80 paper filters.

>> No.19490394

What's wrong with french press?

>> No.19490405

its french

>> No.19490426

Grinders have gotten progressively cheaper over the last couple years. In 2018 you were looking at $300+ kinus and comandantes, in 2019 kinu dropped a cheaper model for $200,the chinese companies scrambled to copy it giving you 1zpresso jx for ~150, then an ex 1z exec made a cheaper clone of it for $88 in the k4.
>Now I just gotta find a good pour over starter kit or something off Amazon
Buy a hario mizudashi as your carafe. Its a cold brewer that uses heat safe glass so you can pull double duty with it. The big 1L one is like $18. Then snag a $8 plastic v60 and a pack of cafec filters. If you can push that budget a little bit, hario switches are only $27 on amazon and plastic origami size 2s are only $24 on slowpoursupply.

>> No.19490472

were the staff zoomers?
you shouldn't order coffee from anyone under 40 anon.

>> No.19490495

its a teapot
also its just kinda, the lowest form of coffee you can make and consume
well other than cold brew of course
but if you like the press then thats ok :)

>> No.19490630
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>finally worked up the courage to go to the russian store & buy chicory powder
>it's completely flavorless

>> No.19490704

true, just retard kids working summer jobs.
i was working from there since my internet was out at home, first ordered an americano and they randomly made it iced even, like what the fuck

>> No.19490755

how fresh was it and what temp?

>> No.19490771

Was it roasted or no? This is important here.

>> No.19490891

Why is it called a pot of coffee if it isn't going into a pot? Stupid hobby.

>> No.19490918

Not a hobby. Its a beverage.

>> No.19490923
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Continental beans in Aeropresso(tm)

>14 gr coffee
>55 gr water @ 100ºC
>30 seconds bloom
>40 seconds stirring
>30 seconds rest

It’s very very close to the moka pot coffee

>> No.19490937
File: 130 KB, 1000x626, Coffee-and-Butter-2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What type of cream? Whipped cream, like in a cappuccino? If so, no it would taste differently. Butter in coffee has a smooth neutral, oily taste, nothing like the slightly sour taste of cream.

>> No.19491245


>> No.19491289

Post urs

>> No.19491323

Is this the Continental with robusta? Nice cuppa you've got there anyways. You seem to master the brewing method.

Don't pay attention to the retard.

>> No.19491338

>Is this the Continental with robusta?

Yes, it's the lightest blend with robusta they offer (80/20).

They offer various blends down to 30% arabica and 70% robusta, I tried one espresso with the 70/30 blend and it was good but the bitterness was becoming stronger for my likeness.

This 80/20 blend is very good but as I said my heart goes to the 100% arabica which has the best aftertaste I've ever experienced.

Still, these blends with robusta shine when brewed with the moka, since they're basically made for it.

Tomorrow I'll try the Aeropress cold brew for breakfast, with milk, and the other methods.

Also, I'm pretty positive that this blend would make a 10/10 tiramisù.

>> No.19491340

Unfortunately I ordered from Alberto two weeks ago and he hasn't shipped anything or responded to my emails :(

>> No.19491352
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It's was birthday btw.

>> No.19491646

I use my milk steaming jug for turkroach coffee. It's stainless so I can just yeet it into dishwasher when done.
Although real turkroach coffee sets are kino, I'd get one if you are into it.

>> No.19491676

get swindled bitch

>> No.19491686

why is what called a pot of coffee?
the only time anything is called a pot of coffee is when you use a pot to make and (potentially) serve coffee.

>> No.19491766
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there are different types of chicory anon

>> No.19491913
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>2:20 drawdown
>lily donut+4 melo pours, one stirred
Absolute fruit juice, incredibly sweet and bright. I'm really starting to like lower dose pourovers. Two years ago I was doing 35g+ brews.

>> No.19491955

nice :)
im about to have my first coffee

i mixed together a bag of guatemalan washed and brazil natural which i mixed with the last 100g of indonesian fermentation.
it was too much on its own and this has mellowed it out.
i've had a weird few days.
night work will ruin your brain.

>> No.19492564
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>get purple honey
>Make it on moka pot
>Tastes good, chocolatey, fruity, molasessy
>Super freaking thick texture, still liquid but has a slimy sensation after swallowing, like drinking oil or something
>Not sure if gusta
I liked red honey better but this is starting to grow into me

>> No.19492579
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Peru is nice

>> No.19492586
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Just go dig up your own chicory root. That shit grows everywhere

>> No.19492591

based 0-20w aficionado

>> No.19492615

so thats what an incorrectly large grind tastes like in an espresso machine.

>> No.19492620

I like badly brewed coffee. Sometimes it's more interesting to keep tasting it and analyze where you went wrong and why it tastes like it does

>> No.19492630

no flavour essentially. i should have left it as a shot.

>> No.19492672

Well that's a little less exciting than an aggressively sour or bitter goff

>> No.19492820

lol he fucked up and compared 2 $100 products to a $444 one and had the gall to say it was the best.

>> No.19493051

The hell are all those ingredients

>> No.19493105
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>> No.19493475
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espresso time?

>> No.19493771
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im guessing like a milk powder or something.

>> No.19494285

Oat milk is bad, it distracts from the goffee

>> No.19494311

Make me an eggspresso. Now.

>> No.19494325

i agree

>> No.19494826

It's probably common sense, huh.

>> No.19495097

Milk is milk, anything else is a cope.

>> No.19495786

Coof is coof, anything else is a goof

>> No.19495989

has anyone used the joepresso attachment for their aeropress?

>> No.19496872

You could make a clam simple syrup perhaps

>> No.19496871

He's still trying to make espresso in an aeropress kek.

>> No.19497099

must be stale if i cant taste it anymore, right?

>> No.19497302


>> No.19497417

goffee :3
home made cheese cake(it didnt turn out well)

>> No.19497450

if i mix my coffee grounds in my phin after pouring hot water what kind of coffee does it become

>> No.19497497

>what kind of coffee does it become
Vietnamese coffee

>> No.19497517
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fair enough

i mix it because the drip is too slow, probably because the pre-grounds are too big for the holes in the phin? i can't be bothered to buy some other coffee-making gizmo because the phin was just given to me

>> No.19497572

fair enough.

>> No.19497682
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You think a thing like this will work? I found it on the world wide web.

>> No.19497992

10pm coff :)
homemade lemon and coconut slice.
honestly, not bad.

>> No.19498236

i'm aware of the requirements for espresso, dingus. just having fun trying different things.

>> No.19498341

have any of you faggots gotten the AeroPress XL yet?

>> No.19498354

using a peculator, and only doing 4 cups at a time
does the thing just keep pushing water until I unplug it or does it run once and stop.
mine is old 20 years at least
basically I want to know if I leave this thing on for 10 minutes will my coffee be to strong

>> No.19498368

You should buy it and bitch for two weeks. Prismo2.0

>> No.19498374
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good morning gentlemen. a piccolo for today. what are yall having?

>> No.19498414


>> No.19498422

you seem to believe i'm the other anon who was having trouble dialing in his aeropress. i'm not, but don't let that stop you from looking like an ass.

>> No.19498466

The unwashed masses are faceless and interchangable. You should buy it and commiserate.

>> No.19498469
File: 14 KB, 277x486, 68747470733a2f2f73332e616d617a6f6e6177732e636f6d2f776174747061642d6d656469612d736572766963652f53746f727949...52f2d414a3066316739587a77494a773d3d2d3935333936313538332e313633353463376636326234623437333838353436383531343838382e6a7067.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

mfw an anonymous stranger called me anonymous

>> No.19498479

I got my Mr. Coffee.
I got my can of French Market.
I make my pot and drink from it morning to the afternoon, even with the heat.
Break the cycle, anon. Don't get advice from weirdos on the internet.

>> No.19498498

Here you can have fun with this too.

>> No.19498508

That's tough man. I can drink as late as 5 pm and still sleep like a baby at midnight

>> No.19498661

this didn't answer my question
only a fool would watch a faggot babble on for 24 minutes, when all I want to know is does the water keep running up to the coffee as long as it plugged in or does it run one course and rest?
can someone else answer my percolator question

>> No.19498680

i just use starbucks via instant packets

>> No.19498782

It circulates water through the coffee, the water it's pushing up comes down into the same reservoir it came from, so it loops infinitely. It results in very overextracted and burned coffee (because you're constantly heating up the already brewed coffee as well).
If you want strong coffee get a moka pot.

>> No.19498801
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Today I'm having a can of Starbucks Tripleshot French Vanilla for my coffee

>> No.19498934

ooooh im tempted to do this but i probably wont because im too lazy to manually grind beans

>> No.19499682


>> No.19500755


>> No.19500792

you should get that checked out anon.

>> No.19501434

any gesha drinkers? are panama gesha's peak? i had one from columbia and it was not that great, granted it was cheaper

>> No.19501463

not right now.
gesha's are pretty hit or miss from my experience.

>> No.19501842

Depends on the roaster.

>> No.19502174
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>> No.19502369

my geshas only see the aeropress. incredible body and punchy.

>> No.19502440

K4 or K6 is worth the cash

And a basic kitchen scale is more than enough.

And French Press mogs pour over. Pour over can be a cheap plastic v60

>> No.19502459
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Moka pot. Ignore faggots who bitch about le it's not espresso. It's close enough for home espresso and milky goffee.

>> No.19502461

>And French Press mogs pour over. Pour over can be a cheap plastic v60

>> No.19502966
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There is a slight layer of silt at the bottom of my cup after I brewed with a Moka pot. Did I:
1. Use too fine of a ground
2. Put the pot on too high of a heat setting.

>> No.19503000

what grinder

>> No.19503511

store bought ground coffee

>> No.19503586

well there's your problem

>> No.19503616

tell me the answer to what i asked then, is it too finely ground?

>> No.19503703


>> No.19503754
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>t. would rather jerk off than have sex with a biological female
its close enough breh

>> No.19504056

Could I hack the moka pot coffee by running the finished moka coffee through a coffee filter so theres no more silt? I really like the flavor, it's buttery syrup pancake IHOP flavor

>> No.19504130

>through a coffee filter so theres no more silt?
yes, but it will probably change the flavor.

>> No.19504393

Jerking off is better.
t. Sex haver

>> No.19504577

tried some honey processed coffee for the first time today
slightly more acidic than i would prefer, but a nice, sweet body and finish
tomorrow i will try slightly hotter watter and a finer grind

>> No.19505550

>page 9
the caffeine can't keep you fags up to keep the thread alive

>> No.19505573

Has the moka pot autism ran its course here? Haven’t been here in months

>> No.19505665

Its still going strong and now its even worse. The mokatard is now trying to aeropresso.

>> No.19505706

>The mokatard is now trying to aeropresso.
you mean the italian trabazzi fag right?
months is an exaggeration.
and if you are talking about "moka, burundi natural process, vertically cranked hand grinder" anon thats me and im mostly busy with real life shit.
and the general in general had a few very active threads a few threads ago, so probably in a lull for a bit.
kill yourself.

>> No.19505764

any tips to choosing geshas? i had one last year from a different roaster, was good delicate, sweet and delicious. had two this year both from the same roaster, again the panama was good but columbian wasn't. Although initially i did fuck up, later i pushed the ratio from 1:14 to 1:16 and flavors opened up a lot. i see ninety plus or some random farms, no clue what's good, or which origin is on average v good. do i get washed? or should i fuck with anaerobic? natural? what are interesting taste profiles you went for and got good results?

>> No.19505940

thanks anon
i'm gonna be pouring it over ice anyways so it doesnt matter too much to me

>> No.19506041

>trabazzi fag
>months is an exaggeration
He started posting about the shitty gianonni in march. April he ramped up the tism.

>> No.19506100

i misread sorry
you typed "Haven’t" but i read it as "hasn't"

>> No.19506234
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cake is a lie...

>> No.19506421

just made iced coffee. what do i think of it?

>> No.19506427

you wish you had some lemon slice to eat with it.

>> No.19506446
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lemon with goff?

>> No.19506456
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>> No.19506462

What is the oppostite of left out sour coffee. It kind of taste like floral coffee to me and I hate that. Bitter coffee doesn't do it for me either unless it's specitlity like espresso but I can't afford it.

>> No.19507015
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Should I buy this grinder? $60

>> No.19507018

treat your fuckin self

>> No.19507023


>> No.19507041

some illy can coffee

>> No.19507070

just get a kingrinder instead

>> No.19507581
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Hmm...oily. :Q___

Like Jesus intended.

>> No.19507587
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>> No.19507610

WTF?!?!! this is a blue board anon.

>> No.19507621

the robusta continental?

>> No.19507629


Very good and versatile classic Italian blend.

>> No.19507640

Compared to the Nespresso you guzzle down?

>> No.19507704

Kingridner shill never stops

Get a timemore C2, best bang for your buck

>> No.19507728

Enjoy, looks incredible. Don't remember if you said it but 20% robusta?

>> No.19507732


>> No.19507776

Yes 20% robusta 80% arabica.

I'm not sure if next time I want to try the 30% robusta and 70% arabica, maybe I'll buy 100 grams just for the sake of trying it.

These are blends for the moka and espresso specifically, in the Aeropress they come out tasty but sweet, unless you use the Prismo but it's still 80% as strong as when brewed with the moka.

>> No.19507901
File: 38 KB, 1260x343, 1665921740884970.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

DO IT! Explore the goffee game. I've been 20% robustin' last month and the choco tasting is unreal.

>> No.19508298
File: 327 KB, 1080x1350, IMG_4886.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I’ll do.

I should have enough goffee for 1 month, then I want to visit Torrefazione Hodeidah to buy in person.

I still have:

>250 grams of Continental Piave
>500 grams of Continental Decaf
>70 grams of Caffè Verrè Ethiopia El Kurud
>250 grams of Caffelab Ethiopia Aramo Kebele

I want to try a new roaster each month while keeping Continental my trusted local roaster for all rounder goffee.

>> No.19508325
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is it wrong to be completely satisfied with this? Got it as a gift from my folks. Use local roasters and just make plain lattes and cappuccinos. I make my own vanilla syrup for my girlfriend (male) and will occassionally buy salted caramel syrup for myself, though I usually just prefer a brown sugar cube in a cappuccino.

I really want to learn how to make the syrup for a ginger latte that I had when I visited my sister in the midwest, it was spicy, sweet, intense and super flavorful. But there's no recipe. I tried making ginger syrup which just completely kills the spiciness of ginger, and then I tried squeezing ginger juice raw which I discovered curdles milk.

Anyone know how the fuck to get spicy ginger syrup in a latte without the milk curdling?

>> No.19508433

>is it wrong to be completely satisfied with this?
>Anyone know how the fuck to get spicy ginger syrup in a latte without the milk curdling?
have you checked youtube?
or this? maybe gingerbread syrup would be better instead of just ginger syrup

>> No.19508469

I do like gingerbread, but the first video is more what I was looking for. Unfortunately all the necessary equipment pretty much means I'm shit outta luck.

>> No.19508529
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>> No.19508534

When will they have a clam syrup? PLEASE!

>> No.19508536
File: 68 KB, 903x508, Screen_Shot_2019-11-14_at_12.59.03_PM.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>I really want to learn how to make the syrup for a ginger latte

>> No.19508589

For me its the 33% robusta blend. Stirred 35 times in 40 seconds, then pressed.

>> No.19508657

i usually stay away from anaerobic naturals and would definitely apply that to geshas. it can get reeeeaaall funky. washed is preferred but naturals can be good too. you really just have to go about it like they're any other specialty coffee and you won't know if you like them until you've had them.

>> No.19508672
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>visit Torrefazione Hodeidah to buy in person.
based. place looks mint.

>> No.19509280

supposedly a good choice for milk drinks, and for lazy people (auto frother). I can't for the life of me eliminate minor channeling though, always one hole when looking at a bottomless portafilter that spray coffee to the side no matter if i use IMS basket, user water screens, or adjust grind/dose/tamp/wdt. is it just the way it pumps water, or perfect syrupy slowmo shots from high end machines is actually rare? don't get me wrong, there's not really any defects in the cup but I just hate the mess of it

>> No.19509361

I get a lot of mess too desu, considering getting one of those portafilters with this thing on them but then I can't tell if I'm getting a good press. If I get the money I may consider upgrading the machine but desu I don't know if I care THAT much.

>> No.19509367

Altoids, or lifesavers?

>> No.19509478

>perfect syrupy slowmo shots from high end machines is actually rare?
You'll only get super syrupy "rattail" shots from beans that are roasted too dark or are way too fresh and need more time to offgas. Oily beans+co2 make the instagrammers cum themselves.
>always one hole when looking at a bottomless portafilter that spray coffee to the side
If its happening consistently it could just be a fucked up jagged hole in your basket. I'd try a bottom paper filter before snagging a new basket.

>> No.19510292
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On amazon prime day I bought these assorted starbucks nespresso capsules and I'm not sorry.
Might as well try some of their beans because they're not bad, especially the blonde roast.

>> No.19510332

The gomandante c40 is a pain to use. I wish I had a beans to cup machine right now, but you have to clean those which is also a pain. Le sigh~ I just want my goff with no extra effort

>> No.19510463

>The gomandante c40 is a pain to use.
how weak are you?
anyway, should have got a vertically cranked bench mounted hand grinder instead.
much better ergonomics.

>> No.19510483

Didn't know about the good bench mounted ones until after it was too late. I listen to you guys too much, and you shit on anything that's not Kinu or Comandante. Cranking for over a minute just for 60mls of brew or so... It's kind of a bitch

>> No.19510495

i mean the c40 is a good grinder.
but yeh that sounds annoying.

>> No.19510501

oh you could use a power drill(which kinda defeats the purpose of a hand grinder but...)

>> No.19510510

what's the best single origin? single origin is better right?

>> No.19510514

Not a shame to potentially ruin a 300$ grinder not designed for that kind of torque? What a crazy man

>> No.19510523

>what's the best single origin?
>single origin is better right?
its not a standardized definition so depending on who is farming/processing/roasting/selling it could mean totally different things.
but generally the more accurate info you have on beans the better.
and "single origin" is just another data point to refine the accuracy with.
like "oh ok this bean is this variety from this farm from this farmer and it was processed at this place and it was roasted by this company and then it was sold to me"

>> No.19510549

Fuck it. I gave up on making goff today >_>

>> No.19510568


>> No.19510572

Shut up <_<

>> No.19510592

The good cheap hand grinders are knockoffs of the expensive German ones(zp6 being the exception, it's a tweaked etzinger design). The good benchtop hand grinders are 5-8x more expensive than the kinu and comandantes, but use a shittier burr design. Give it a couple years and you'll have 83mm comandante geometry for $500.
The original kinus would lock at 0, then some asshole on homebarista fucked his up by grinding at lock with a Makita so they adjusted 0 a bit further out. If grinding with a c40 is that big of a deal, there's always the gawoody. The c60 should also be way easier with it's longer arm.

>> No.19510608

Not bad, but it's also 200$ more to spend on stuff that isn't really essential

>> No.19510637

Out of the two in the picture: Sumatra.

I liked the blends more btw, however the dark roasts have a burnt flavour that disturbs me, especially the espresso roast.

>> No.19510645

And it's $100-300 cheaper than the older alternative. I don't even think they make skopes anymore but the site is still up. Either way, if one was considering buying a c40 to motorize, I'd urge them towards a lagom mini instead.

>> No.19510671

>I liked the blends more btw
yeh but you can make your own blends by buying multiple single origin and combining them each time you make goffee.

>> No.19510693

I was talking about the Starbucks capsules

>> No.19511517

Hello! I am newly minted poor fag but need my coffe fix still. What are your best cheap or grocery store beans? Under 10 dollars a pound is where I am aiming for

>> No.19511705

Try sam's club/costco/bj's. Usually some cheapish 2.5lb bags there.

>> No.19512524

Goff came out overwhelming and intense but still pleasant because the beans are naturally sweet and freshly roasted. Hmm...
Not sure how do I decrease yield with the preinfusion method. I just count to ten while keeping pressure low and then pull it all out once I feel like the puck got saturated enough. Maybe I could count to 7 or five or something

>> No.19512567

You can get a K6 for almost the same as a c2. As someone that had both the difference is abysmal

>> No.19512569
File: 7 KB, 128x128, 386674289635622933.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Just bought a Baratza Encore for my first burr grinder. Good choice for a (relative) poorfag and a french press enjoyer? Seems like the most common issues people have with grinders is imperfect uniformity and losing grounds to the grinder. Anyone know how they really fare there? I dont trust user reviews because most of them are by retarded boomers that dont know how to identify quality.

>> No.19512581

I also have one. I don't do any sifter fuckery, but while I'm sure it's not quite as consistent as real expensive stuff I haven't had any real consistency issues like I had with my Krups grinder. I don't make espresso with it but it's been good in the moka pot.

It does have some issues with static and getting grounds everywhere if you're not careful. Pop a few drops of water in with the beans before you grind them and after grinding rock it back/tap the front down a few times to know all the grounds out of the burrs and it will avoid almost all the mess.

>> No.19512628

Performs about as well as a $40 hand grinder. Price of convenience.

>> No.19512646

Interesting thanks
Seems like a reasonable price to pay considering 5-7 days of the week i'm in a hurry to get ready for work. The $120 difference would be less than 35 cents per day over just one year.

>> No.19512675
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what does /ctg/ think of him and his demand

>> No.19512730


>> No.19512819


I can't afford it anymore, but this is the only coffee I've ever been able to drink black.

>> No.19512942

Bump limit reached.
New thread >>19512937