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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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File: 80 KB, 792x792, seasoned.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
19470913 No.19470913 [Reply] [Original]

Is it possible to survive on vegetables with no added salt?

>> No.19470918

Yeah but I wouldn't want to

>> No.19470928

If you only eat vegetables you will have diarrhea every day

>> No.19470931

You will never have diarrhea because you will have adequate amounts of fiber in your system

>> No.19470955

>no salt or seasonings
How very bland sounding.

>> No.19470965
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lol wtf

>> No.19470971

Fucking ketotards

>> No.19470980

Depends what vegetables. If tomatoes and cucumbers only, then there is no fiber. It is the same as only eating fruit.

>> No.19471025
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>> No.19471037

>tomatoes and cucumbers
so fruits

>> No.19471048

I get limiting salt maybe but any seasoning at all???

How are grown people like this, can't even confront her kid about her hurt feefees and has to write in somewhere

>> No.19471049

Is it actually a common thing for people to think spices are unhealthy? I've never heard that before. Usually I hear people with salt issues who are pushed towards heavily spiced dishes to make up for no salt.

>> No.19471053

seasonings and spices are literally good for you

>> No.19471056

Why...why would no seasonings be good for you?
No extra salt, maybe, but garlic? Pepper? Onion?

>> No.19471070

Neurotic puritanism convincing people that anything that tastes or feels good is inherently unhealthy

>> No.19471077

man i feel bad for the kid
like the mom couldn't be assed to go out and buy buns and condiments for her friends, knowing full well normal people don't eat plain burger patties, and then the bitch has the audacity to act like the victim.

>> No.19471094

There are plenty of retarded diets out there that people fall for. Thinking if they eat certain foods they will be healthy or lose weight.
Turns out its not what you eat but how much you eat.

>> No.19471103

white people are so fucking afraid of flavor they decided to believe spices are cancer to justify it

>> No.19471116

godammit I knew about tomatoes but the fruitarians got cucumbers too?

>> No.19471124

Holy fuck this mom is an giga Karen. What a nightmare.

>> No.19471136

No no her husband loves it, it's not bad food

>> No.19471141

>“Jenna” is 15 and has gradually stopped eating any of the food I make. She has started cooking her own meals after my husband and I eat, as the kitchen isn’t free until after we’ve tidied up. She spent the birthday money her grandparents gave her on cookbooks and spices, and has been begging us to buy her certain kitchen appliances.
I just imagine this insane cunt finding her daughter's spice jars and sitting her down for a big talk like she just discovered her weed stash.

>> No.19471147

Every boomer male was trained from birth to tell women their cooking is perfect even if it's hellish slop
Is there an archive of the reply? It wants a subscription

>> No.19471148

this. My parents were the same way. Took "suffering builds character" to the extreme by basically repressing every desire a human can have. Now im a porn and food addict. Dont shelter your kids.

>> No.19471153

How should you approach this as the husband.

>> No.19471158

Job 6:6

>> No.19471168
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>burger with no salt, no spices, no condiments, no buns, just a ball of unseasoned ground beef
>hurrdurr why would she tell her friends that?!
i guess she would've preferred a couple of plates with the food barely touched after the first bite.

>> No.19471171

What a fucking nightmare
Actually, I hav had to do the sam thing whenI was in my twenties and my mother was convinced we were eating too much protein and would make loads of carbs instead, and I wanted to eat more fish, meat and vegetables. Now, after 10 years, she saw some brazilian snakeoil saleswoman on instagram talking about a balanced diet not having excessive carbs and now only wants to eat vegetables. And now she is in a phase where she thinks all fat are ba so she tries to cook without any olive oil and shit isn't even browned properly. When she eats food I make she asks how I make it so tasty, and I just show her cooking with olive oil and she immediately gets appaled. Old people are stupid as fuck.

>> No.19471195

>grow up with brain-addled gen-x parents who had only the most bastardized cooking conventions and retarded knowledge passed down from their lobotomized boomer parents
>get older and attain sentience
>acquire hobby and skill in one of the most fundamental human skills of art and self-sufficiency
>parent takes this as an attack on their self worth and all they know in this world, writes to internet columnists for validation. OMG SHE'S BUYING COOKBOOKS THIS NEW GENERATION IS DOOMED
>push overboiled unsalted eggs down her throat in her sleep

Make no comment on anyone's cooking quality. Insist that it's good because she's developing herself and its an exercise in self actualization and an important lifelong skill. No further comments your honour.

>> No.19471196

so where does she get her sodium? not having enough sodium is not healthy. actually dangerous.

>> No.19471198
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Here, it displays a level of patience I don't think I'd be able to muster.

>> No.19471199

Almost based in a reverse psychology way
Conditioning your daughter to be a tradgirl enthusiastic about cooking

>> No.19471201

sodium explodes if it makes contact with water and humans are mostly water.

>> No.19471203

Fucking lmao, the grandad slipping her a twenty like
>here kid, get yourself some of that "pepper", and don't tell mom

>> No.19471210
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What if it's a clickbait article

>> No.19471220

Damn, Nicole is based

>> No.19471226

That was my first thought. I'm nearly 100% certain it's fiction written for clicks, but it's mildly amusing.

>> No.19471233

>Mother cooks food appropriate for family's diet
>Rebellious teenager wants food that is bad for her
>Will eat like shit for decades as a result and curse her mother for not stopping her
No one needs to cook with excessive amounts of salt and spice

>> No.19471242

chef john isn't enough? buying cookbooks when she probably gets most of her recipes from tiktok seems like some kind of trip.

>> No.19471266

Advice columns usually involve extremely patient people talking crazy assholes off of cliffs

>> No.19471287

>The way that Jenna spoke about my cooking, as though it was something people needed to be warned about, hurt me to my core.

In my experience, both as a child of boomer idiots and observing other people's kids now as an adult, the reason kids develop attitudes like this is because when the kids have, in the past, expressed their preferences to their parents, the parent was either uncaring and ignored it, or had an outburst of emotion, perhaps anger, indignance or some other pretense to make a scene about it. So in order to avoid either the humiliation of being ignored or the threat of the parent having an outburst, the kids just don't express themselves to the parent anymore. Narcissistic boomer idiots believe that their outbursts are actually persuasive rather than threatening or intimidating, so when the kid stops expressing his or her preferences, they believe they have "come around" to their point of view. In reality, the kid has the same preferences, if not with more conviction now, as well as having a chip on her shoulder about being intimidated about her own preferences in the past. So the boomer idiot mother being "blindsided" by her own child's preferences is her own damn fault.

>> No.19471294

Kids don't know good cooking, their palates objectively are not as developed as an adults because they are all "supertasters" with too many taste buds that can't appreciate tastes like bitter/sour/umami etc

>> No.19471304


>> No.19471310

take the bait, enjoy teh lulz

>> No.19471324

You're confusing the ability to discern subtleties in refined flavors with being able to tell if any salt or spices were used. Even kids don't like to eat a bland hamburger patty.

>> No.19471377

Let me give you some personal insight on the matter.

I’ve been with my wife for 10 years now. We met in high school, and I got her pregnant.
She is and always has been a lazy person and a shit cook. I wouldn’t even mind eating shit food if she at least made it on time. But she rarely did.
We’d get into screaming arguments constantly about how lazy and worthless she was. I felt like an asshole for it, but goddamn she was a real piece of work. The only reason I dealt with all this was for the kids, and also because the sex is great.
But one night, I got fed up. Not only did she get drunk, neglect the kids, and made me top Ramen for dinner, but she decided to give me attitude too. She was being real fucking bitchy. So I told my grandparents to keep an eye on the kids and told my wife we were going to go out and have dinner together. I drove maybe 3 blocks to a quiet area (we live in Oregon, it’s not hard to find a quiet field) and I got out of the car, went around like I was going to open her door for her and let her out, and I just beat the shit out of her while she was still seatbelted. After a few punches, I asked her if she wanted to go back to her parents. She started screaming and yelling and said yes, so I beat the shit out of her again. Then I asked her what she wanted to do. She finally got smart and said she wanted to go home. So I took her home and dared her to start trouble. I even handed her my cellphone and dialed her mom’s number on the drive home. I made her talk to her mom, while daring her to fucking say something.
Before that incident, I had never laid a hand on her. But I had always threatened it. I told her “one of these days, if you don’t straighten up, I’m going to lay hands on you.”
All my meals have been on time, and she just recently tried to make a meatloaf. It was mediocre, but I was just thrilled that she tried.
Do with this information what you will.

>> No.19471403

>cow eats grass its whole life
beef is just a concentrate of all the nutrients in grass
beef is basically grass
why don't vegans eat it?

>> No.19471412

Anon, nobody is saying use excess, the problem is the mother in OP's image is not using spices, at all, nothing, zilch - nada. It's bland.

>> No.19471423

Grass is just metabolizing energy from the sun
Why do vegans not just absorb UV

>> No.19471430

Who is this woman? I see her posted fucking everywhere but I've never seen a video

>> No.19471445

Google "seasoning police".

>> No.19471457

Zoe Barrie

>> No.19471505
File: 125 KB, 948x1024, seasoning police.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.19471524

I’ve never heard that but i guess its an extension of the “salt is bad for you” boomer mom science

>> No.19471539

Lady makes tiktak cooking vids. Blacks called out her for not seasoning because she doesn’t use the powdered onion, garlic, lemon pepper, Italian seasoning, salt blends etc they do. She cooks with real ingredients. So she made blacks on ticktack seethe because she made a rebuttal video calling out their horrendous practice of exclusively using powdered and dried seasoning. She basically called them low IQ for not understanding how to build flavor using fresh ingredients and cooking techniques. She is colloquially known as The Seasoning Police and I love her.

>> No.19471565

She's a retard that called aromatics seasoning. The cockiness is off-putting when she fucked up such a simple distinction, even though the blacks are uppity and don't know how to cook either.

>> No.19471578

Honestly I'm on a cut and wouldn't be upset about this but I would ask for that fucker to have a nice char for some sense of flavor. If I was her kid or husband though I would never let her cook

>> No.19471582

it is seasoning THO.

>> No.19471587


>> No.19471594

They're all interchangable. Aromatics are still a form of seasoning. Blacks just want 500% of their daily sodium intake in one meal and claim it's under seasoned when it aint

>> No.19471614

Post hand next to your spice cabinet.

>> No.19471653

As I recall she didn't call aromats seasoning, she just pointed out that seasonings are dried aromats.

>> No.19471691

I fucking hate when people say this. Tomato is as much of a fruit as a bell pepper is, as in fruit of the tomato plant. Its a biological definition but biologically speaking theres no such thing as a vegetable either. In a culinary sense, its still, and always was, a fucking vegetable.

>> No.19471692

Nice LARP, kiddo.

>> No.19471786

I thought this was something that Gen X and Millennial had to deal with not zoomers
Personally I knew my aunt was like this and I always hated going to her house to the point where I started to bring a salt container with me when I visited

>> No.19471846

I know 2 people who stopped eating salt and both had strokes and died after about a year.

>> No.19471861

Go back

>> No.19471873
File: 102 KB, 840x560, F0F5A54A-8829-468C-8154-518A686997FF.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>I don't cook with salt or spices,
Mom, stop being such a wipeepo cook. I don’t care how fresh and healthy it is. The food you cook tastes like an Amish girl’s shit.

>> No.19471901

you kind of need salt to live

>> No.19471941

Table salt is absolute shit and honestly probably caused some issues for people because of the additives and whatnot, but the nutrition "experts" really fucked up a lot of people's perception on salt. Is the crap in your frozen dinner good for you? No. Is the sea salt with 0 additives going to cause hypertension if you add a little extra to your food? Definitely not. The older I get the more I realize moderation and critical thinking are rare occurrences for most of the population

>> No.19471961


>> No.19471965

mama mia what a pasta

>> No.19472006

Blacks just want everything to taste like Lawry's. They even take Lawry's with them to restaurants.

>> No.19472015


>> No.19472021

Based bitch daughter

>> No.19472022
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Post hand

>> No.19472030

You need table salt because it's iodized. Sea salt isn't iodized. Obviously, we're talking about moderation. The mother in OP doesn't use any salt at all. You need iodized salt to stay healthy.

>> No.19472031

My mom has gone through loads of diets like that, although she at least doesn't usually pressure me into following them, even when I visit.

>> No.19472033

She called other people the seasoning police didn't she?

>> No.19472064

you need salt and iodine. You dont need iodized salt specifically.

>> No.19472090
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The media really did a number on boomers perception of food and health

>> No.19472094

This is the most boomer thing I ever read

>> No.19472102

She is going to end up hooking up with either a nigger or a spic Jesus christ

>> No.19472117

I guess she was planning to just bring out completely plain burger patties with nothing else as a total surprise?

>> No.19472130

My grandma gets really jealous of my cooking and tells me he rather taste the meat even when it's plain chicken than taste spices
She has devoured my food, even got sick once after eating hals a massive Chicken, of course she blames me for it. It was my fault for serving her the only food with actual flavor she had in months, even the restaurants she likes are disgusting, they serve plain unseasoned food that nobody likes like it's the 50s, they genuinely having this really old way of cooking, she thinks it's classy. If you order chicken in some sort of sauce they will boil the chicken in the sauce until it's cooked, they won't sear it and won't cook it until it's tender, if the sauce is tomato based it tastes like straight out of a can, if it's cream based it's just a roux with half and half and barely anything added for flavor

>> No.19472135

Yes. She said the blacks act like they’re the seasoning police. But then she was memed into being the seasoning police herself because she so thoroughly BTFO the dumb Lawry’s-Americans and their inability to cook.

>> No.19472149

aromatics is one of the stupidest terms in cooking. like when people say add your "protein" or "alliums"
normal people don't talk like that. trend-hopping cooks do.

>> No.19472154

Specifically she said that she gets a lot of comments on her videos "from the seasoning police", with no other insinuations, and given that comments are basically anonymous the accusations of racism were even funnier.

>> No.19472156

I figured it out about a third of the way in, I'm not as rusty as I thought.

>> No.19472158
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Boomers really are the dumbest generation in history.

>Everyone before boomers were raised in the real world, the radio and books being the farthest removed from reality a person could get to experience escapist entertainment, aside from the RARE chance to go to a big city and watch a motion picture in the theater
>Boomers grew up with television, the most passive, mind numbing form of entertainment ever conceived. The content on television is literally called "programming" and boomers simply ate it up. I won't pretend boomers didn't also go outside, but the VAST majority of boomers took, and still take, what they see and hear on television as truth even above their lived experience most of the time.
>Everyone after boomers had some form of interactive form of escapist entertainment that at least required them to be mostly consciously aware of themselves.

All it takes is for one tv personality to say buns are bad and boomer moms will start cooking burgers like Spongebob making a salad for the first time.

>> No.19472161

Try it, report back

>> No.19472162

What term would you prefer people use for small strongly flavoured vegetables used entirely for what their flavour adds to a meal and not as the main component?

>> No.19472166

You’re right. She gave enough information for us to know she meant the blacks without actually saying who she was referring to.

>> No.19472194

>my family has a history of heart disease
I get so tired of statements like this. Every family has every major problem at some point and there is nothing unique about it. Every family has personality disorders, every family has alcoholics, and since everyone dies sooner or later, every family has one from each of the diseases we use interchangeably with "old age."

>> No.19472205

We call that "seasoning." Aromatics are there mostly because of their aroma. I won't say the term "aromatics" is total horse shit, but it's definitely a trendy cooking buzzword that internet chefs use to sound like their dishes are more sophisticated than they really are. Usually people who talk about aromatics sound like pretentious douchebags.

>> No.19472219
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no seasoning?

>> No.19472218


>> No.19472220

I don't disagree it's a shit term but there's definitely a group of three or four things used in most cuisines that form the basic flavour of it and we could do with a word for it. Like chilli, ginger and garlic starting most Chinese stir fries, I wouldn't call those seasonings.

>> No.19472234

Don't you have to dip your chicken in some Dawn?

>> No.19472481
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>> No.19472483

Yeah but if everyone in your family history died of heart disease it would make sense for you personally to take extra steps to maintain your heart health wouldn't it?

>> No.19472484

that's why you eat a salt of sodium, not the pure metal.

>> No.19472500

Sweet that you don't realise it was a deliberate distraction from the health effects of refined sugar.

>> No.19472503

>a salt of sodium
Nigga wut

>> No.19472536

Iodine is naturally occurring in enough foods to not need it in your salt. They even have iodine supplements now. Stop buying shitty salt

>> No.19472596
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>> No.19472602


>> No.19472603


>> No.19472616

>without salt or spices, as it's healthier
>without spices, as it's healthier
Drinking some water could relieve a lot of your issues you lazy boomer bitch. Your daughter shouldn't have to suffer for your self-inflicted suffering. And what the fuck do herbs and seasoning have to do with your heart? Is the excitement of life going to kill your boring ass. I hope she gives you a pillow for your next birthday. Bonus points if she visits your doctor.

>> No.19472639

time you did learnded you a good one huh

nobody outside out the states is scared of salt.

>> No.19472641

You will never be an ascetic chad, she was trying to help her daughter reach enlightenment.

>> No.19472686


>> No.19472900
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>> No.19472904

>I figured it out about a third of the way in
Bro are you serious? I used to provoke-troll people into posting this just so I could jerk off and get a good night's sleep.

>> No.19472931

I used to think that was just a meme but then the guy from that pasta made a thread about making a kitchen basement and now I 100% believe it's real

>> No.19473030

this article has been on my feed for almost a week and i don't wanna click on it
i assume some current day whore watched half an episode of a gordon ramsay show and is convinced she's an expert
on the other hand, the mom could be some whore from another era who has never learned to cook and her family just expects slop as normal

>> No.19473258

>getting pissed that her kid is really enthusiastic about cooking

>> No.19473262

>or fries
Fries are not part of a burger

>> No.19473266

At least if the mother made fries you could use your illegally smuggled salt shaker to make them palatable

>> No.19473269

Trumptards truly operate on another level.

>> No.19473294

>sitting her down for a big talk like she just discovered her weed stash.

if you don't talk to your kids about cumin, who will?

>> No.19473296

I'd rather let them figure out about cumin on their own time, it's not something I want to be involved in

>> No.19473317

>I'd rather let them figure out about cumin on their own time, it's not something I want to be involved in

then don't be surprised when they come home with fucked up views on cumin that go against everything you stand for. And there will be no one to blame but yourself, all because you were too cowardly to talk to your kids. Pathetic.

>> No.19473401

>if you don't talk to your kids about cumin, who will?
Cumin my ass lmao

>> No.19473460

this is so polite and decent it makes me angry somehow

>> No.19473521

Some people define "ultra processed" just by the number of ingredients. So if you add some curry powder to your chicken, you've instantly turned it into ultra processed food and made it unhealthy.

>> No.19473564

>my husband loves my cooking
My dad says this to my mum too, but as soon as I cook I can see actual enjoyment on his face.

>> No.19473580

>Narcissistic boomer idiots believe that their outbursts are actually persuasive rather than threatening or intimidating
Truer words never spoken, this is how you get old retards who rant and rave in public or at work about whatever political or social issue they read about on facebook that morning and bring it up to strangers constantly as if they give a fucking shit, and actually think they're changing people's minds rather than just being obnoxious and intrusive and making 99% of people automatically combative to whatever dumb shit they're babbling unprovoked about

>> No.19473583

A kid not liking the flavor of whiskey is not the same as a kid not liking the flavor of plain unsalted unseasoned chicken breast

>> No.19473584

For a couple years.

>> No.19473724

You just know there wouldn't be because "Carcinogens"

>> No.19473738

It's because women try to find some logic in their inane reasonings. My mom claims to not like an actor due to some of his roles and how that shows what kind of person he is, yet is fine with literally other actor who's done similar roles and doesn't hold them to the same standard. They try to make logical conclusions, but still fail at it. The husband is pussy whipped.

>> No.19473822

That's the most inoffensive way of saying
>Hey schizo, maybe your daughter doesn't like you because you're batshit retarded and you cook like shit
that I've ever seen

>> No.19473846

lmao holy based, how had I never seen this? I expected it to be some bog standard passive-aggressive "nice" advice TikTok, but instead she all but said
>Hey niggers, use salt and learn to chop an onion you dumb faggots

>> No.19473860

Surely there was no way to link the basement den OP to that pasta?

>> No.19473907

I hope someone saves the daughter. My wife comes from a (less extreme) version of that type of family, and it's been a long road getting her to drop habits and biases she formed as a result of her career cafeteria worker (uh, I'm Italian sweaty, I know good food, nevermind that I grew up in Kentucky with poor white trash parents) mother who thought she was a fuckin Michelin star chef fucking up her perception of what food should be. She still relies way too much on written recipes and getting her to understand heat control is a pain in the dick since she constantly just sets a burner flame to the level she initially thinks it should be then gets distracted by her phone for 5-10 minutes at a time and doesn't pay any attention to what's actually happening in the pan, but she can make a few things pretty well, more if I'm willing to babysit and gently correct when she's doing something retarded ("hey, did you want that at a rolling boil or were you just trying to get it to a simmer?").

Most of the time I just end up cooking which is usually fine by me, but she is fully aware at this point that her family can't cook for shit and what she grew up on was trash and her mother visibly seethes every time she gets upstaged by our food at family gatherings, it's honestly hilarious.

>> No.19473916

there's no way this is real but it still got a chuckle out of me

>> No.19473941

You'd honestly be surprised how not fake this could be. Incompetent people are supremely unaware of exactly how fucking stupid they are like 90% of the time.

>> No.19475099

Why are you like this?

>> No.19475110

>be me
>visit out of state friend
>she makes her 'famous chili'
>no beans (fair)
>no salt (what)
>Just ground beef in a crock pot

Thought she was fucking with me, she was not

>> No.19475113

I may be an election tourist but the election in question was 7 years ago, I've learned a thing or two.

>> No.19475117

Sounds like you get off on women being humiliated.

>> No.19475120

This, boomers spent hours watching bad TV every day. They won't even deny it, go ask them.

>> No.19475125

Domestic violence happens all the time and real life is often way more interesting than fiction. It's kind of silly to assume everything interesting is fake.

>> No.19475133

Have you never been outside? Every third or so mother has a flaming personality disorder.

>> No.19475139

I don’t think growing up on the internet and continuing to post here as an adult is any better. Shitty boomer TV didn’t create the legions of demonic gender specials like SA, 4chan, Tumblr, Twitter, and Reddit have.

>> No.19475142

You clearly don't have any idea what happened during the 1960's.

>> No.19475171

I mean, there was paprika at least.


>> No.19475180

Are you really going to blame the cultural revolutions of the 60s on the television shows of the time?

>> No.19475238

It would be just as reasonable as blaming everything that's wrong with this generation on "charge they phone"

>> No.19475269

>boomer tv was as radically life altering as ubiquitous internet access
Now you’re just being a retard. Fuck off, retard.

>> No.19475329

No one said that, I made a simple statement of fact that boomers watched a lot of TV and you independently starting sperging about trannies like it's the biggest thing in the world so I reminded you that boomers had their load of shit too. They even basically started the tranny bullshit, it just hadn't snowballed yet.

>> No.19475358

seems low

>> No.19475361

It honestly was, it just altered our worldviews so deeply that we can't recognize how anymore, it's just 'normal'

>> No.19475364

who doesn't?

>> No.19475384

If it's tv fucked up boomers, the internet is societal destruction tier

>> No.19475388


>> No.19475393

just drunk

>> No.19475394

Risk of heavy metal contamination in spices.

>> No.19475405

and dumb

>> No.19475417


>> No.19475422

I will accept this burden.

>> No.19475479

>No salt
>No seasoning
>No bread
I already know exactly what goes on in this house
You would be surprised how some people have no idea how to cook. It never occurs to them to look up a recipe. I had a friend who made meatloaf that was just ground meat + bread crumbs + eggs + milk and ketchup on top. That's it. No salt, plain bread crumbs. Cook it until it's burnt.

>> No.19475519

It was lead.

>> No.19475543

go ahead and eat your unseasoned hamburger patty with no bun then

>> No.19475569

But enough about millennial women

>> No.19475628


>> No.19475698

We know a psychotic woman with two illegitimate children, absentee father who's always on "business trips", and a "Master's Degree in Nutrition" who joined the anti-gluten cult early on and points to her bullshit MS thesis, despite the fact that she couldn't pass Ochem. I hope the kids are able to rebel before it's too late and they waste their puberty.

>> No.19475733

Boomers did it to themselves.
>muh Weight Watchers
>muh South Beach diet
>muh Atkins diet
>muh magic grapefruit diet
>muh George Foreman Grill
>muh anything to avoid eating less, moving more
But now the challenge is to avoid becoming the boomers you loathe. The clock is ticking, your metabolism is slowing. Do you understand?

>> No.19475746

same but in the bedroom, occasionally the bathroom

>> No.19475859

Are you a multiple personality schizos?

>> No.19475886

No, we are six multiple personality schizos.

>> No.19476053

Literally rent free in your head anon. Id tell you to take it to /pol/ but I dont think your butthole can take more pounding.

>> No.19476572

vegetable is a meaningless word it just means plant based food pretty much
anyway plenty of fruits are full of fiber including the two you mentioned, not crazy high but definitely enough

>> No.19476585

This is how I feel about the word woman. It literally doesn’t mean anything except human being.

>> No.19476715

>anti-gluten cult
Gluten intolerance is an actual thing though. I thought it was bunk, but my 65 yo mother developed upset stomach. Doc and niece told her to avoid gluten. She gets better at first, but starts eating gluten rich foods again and stomach pain returns. I buy her some cheapo gluten enzyme pills on amazon made for celiacs. Problems go away. Now everytime she has a goyslop meal she pops a gluten pill. If she forgets to take one with her slopmeal, upset stomach. I don't know or care if gluten intolerance is a modern phenomenon or if we always had it, but it exists. I'm sure if she made 100% pure organic farm raised hand-petted backyard garden grown food she would have no issues. But who has time for that shit.

>> No.19476729

When I was her age I bought home a black guy kek

>> No.19476731

>She spent the birthday money her grandparents gave her on cookbooks and spices, and has been begging us to buy her certain kitchen appliances.
based future tradwife

>> No.19476786

Based beyond comprehension. Make America bring back regular wife beatings again.

>> No.19476870

My mother in law is convinced that chilis of any kind and even black pepper are bad for you. Claims that chilis, fresh or powdered, will make "crystals in your bladder". She also hates other spices on principle and only cooks with herbs.
I think it's a Slavic mental illness.

>> No.19477015

Remember that there are people who legitimately believe that "seasoning" food means dumping four-to-eight varieties of store bought seasoning salts into whatever they're cooking.

>> No.19477035

Gluten intolerance exists yes, it's called Celiac's and we've known about it for a long fucking time, but it's relatively rare and that's not even remotely what anon was referring to. He was obviously referencing the well known trend of retards who read online that gluten is literal poison and everyone should avoid it and took it as fact because their brains don't function correctly.

>> No.19477237
File: 191 KB, 1200x1215, 1463952714046.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

So... ground beef in the shape of a patty?

>> No.19477263

Ground beef shaped into a patty: cringe
Ground beef taken straight out of the package and dropped in the pan, wiggles and all: based

>> No.19477765

When I was a kid, whenever my family went to mcdonalds, my sister would always take her fries and put them on top of the patty. I eventually ended up copying her. Fries can absolutely be a part of the burger.

>> No.19477768

imagine dying on this hill...

>> No.19477888

Imagine sounding like this.

>> No.19477906

>I don't cook with salt or spices
Her daughter is right, this bitch deserves all the belittling she gets.

>> No.19478334

I'd find a poisonous animal to bite you in your sleep. After getting a sensible insurance policy.

>> No.19478499

You'd need to get them to bite the poisonous animal if you wanted it to do anything

>> No.19478520

cookbook recipes hit different if it's a good cookbook. At some point your technique is "good enough", them the recipe matters more. At that point you're better than most restaurants, but if you go further technique starts mattering again.

>> No.19478565

my mom used to boil vegetables and bake all the meat or cook it in a pan with pam but without any spices. i steam my vegetables and only cook my meats on the stove with olive oil and salt free spices.

now she's started doing it because it objectively tastes better and says that i learned everything from her and that she's a great cook.

>> No.19478595

If they were my wife, I'd bite it!

>> No.19478601 [DELETED] 

have none of you tards heard of hamburg steak?

>> No.19478621

Fuck you mom and dad!!!!!!

>> No.19478642

That's obviously not what she was presenting it as, you pathetic fucking retard.

>> No.19478645

she called it a burger not a "hamburg steak"

>> No.19478949

>white people literally cant eat salt/spices without having a heart attack
i kind of feel some sympathy for whitoids now

>> No.19479044

according to wypipo on here, the meat they use is of such quality that it won't taste bland even without seasoning, unlike those third worlders

>> No.19479117

You both sound like retards

>> No.19479479

what a bitch lol

>> No.19479508

Which is absolutely true of course (spiritualy), but is grim regardless.

>> No.19479514

yeah but at least my chicken is never dried out!

>> No.19479516

it is quite ingenious.

>> No.19479539

imagine sounding

>> No.19479543

shut the fuck up retard

>> No.19479549

No, now eat your unseasoned oatmeal gregory.

>> No.19479581

your response does not make much sense but I'm still impressed because my third name is similar to gregory

>> No.19479807

you're name is rgerogy?

>> No.19479859

Checked my friend and this post certainly brought out the newfag redditors. Stay blessed.

>> No.19479977
File: 25 KB, 756x429, cookie.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

My dad wasn't quite this bad, but he came pretty close. He'd make "cookies" that I'm honestly having a hard time describing. He would eyeball the recipe each time, add way too much flour, almost no fat, and very little sugar. Instead of scooping them onto the baking pan, he would mold them into a large rhombus shape, and he would gingerly place 9 semi-sweet chocolate chips on top. When baked, the cookie would rise around the chocolate chips, leaving it looking exactly like a couch cushion. They were very dry and almost crumbly, like Dia De Los Muertos bread, but with a little more integrity.

He was very proud of them and would offer them to my friends every time they came over. I had to warn them each time.

He also would make homemade flour tortillas, which he also eyeballed the recipe for each time. He would roll them so thin that they were weblike and transparent, and when cooked on the comal, they would become crispy before they even finished cooking. They held their shape enough that they were usable as tortillas, but the more toasted layer would always crack and shatter when you wrapped your taco.

>> No.19480141

At least they get protein.

>> No.19480179


>> No.19480181

been here too long. read the first sentence and recognize it as pasta

>> No.19480215

You were born pre 1865?

>> No.19480224

A bunch of people who watch tik tok want the rest of us to care about her

>> No.19481584

That's kinda sweet and I liked your drawing. I wonder if he was trying to replicate something he knew with the cookies, because getting tortillas that thin demonstrates some experience.

>> No.19481737

>biologically speaking theres no such thing as a vegetable
You might as well be one yourself, fucking retard. Read a book.

>> No.19481813

based daughter

>> No.19481884


>> No.19481993

She probabky boils the fuckers, less fat

>> No.19482040
File: 34 KB, 331x306, 1481168958235.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.19482068

>fresh onion
>dried onion

>> No.19482084

classic newfag filter

>> No.19482096

Anon I think she doesn’t deserve a relationship and you sunk down to her level

>> No.19482178

>literally just making plain fried patties

>> No.19482450

Salt is bad for you.
I sometimes really hate cooking fudd lore.

>> No.19482486

How can you claim cooking is your passion and present guests a plain ground beef disc as something you've put extra love into?

Is this The Onion?

>> No.19482639

If you don't put anything in the food it forms a vacuum which absorbs more love

>> No.19482667

If you're even moderately athletic and sweat a lot, you need to consume much more salt than average (though processed fast food slop STILL has too much salt in it)

>> No.19482688

The reason they put iodine in salt is because most people DON'T get enough of it from their diet. Top sources of iodine are things like organ meats, seaweed, oysters, and dairy. If you're a lactose intolerant cuck who doesn't like seafood (most brown amerimutts), it's very easy to become iodine deficient

>> No.19482690

Salt is overly demonized because old people. Young people need metric fucktons of it.

>> No.19483521

Habe to ask.. R
Don't you mix something? Tomatoes are rich of iron if not absolutely industrialed food (which they mostly are) and then have mostly non. but iron /= salt. To have iron don't men to have salt (especially in that form that is probably asked for) Cucumbers just have water.

>> No.19483550

Sorry for my bad English. What I meant to sY is that the tomatoe is full of iron. And every natural product that has iron has a natural lack of salt. If there's iron, there should not be salt. Mix them together you have oxidation. That's a "law" in chemistry therefore in food to.

>> No.19483554

If I drink milk and kefir and yoghurt frequently am I not at risk of iodine deficiency?

>> No.19484145

I miss this one, haven't seen it in a few years

>> No.19484324

Are boomers even real people? It's hard for me to imagine a generation that managed to be so wrong and harmful to society in every meaningful way. In a weird sort of way I almost get the whole fucking the economy and culture bits because fine, there are parties with a vested interest in destroying those things and I get how someone could be duped, but to be so hopelessly and unforgivably degenerate down to your very core that you can't even put salt on your fucking vegetables, it's like someone describing a demon to me in that EVERY SINGLE thing they do has to be a departure from goodness and reason. "I read an article on soccermomsofamerica.blogspot.co.uk that salt is bad, so our food isn't allowed to taste like anything and even though the (bullshit) article only mentioned salt we won't use seasonings of any kind because reasons".

It only blows my mind so much because I fucking KNOW people like this, people that don't saute their vegetables in oil and just """fry""" things in water. It's unreal the levels of low IQ and mental illness that just flies completely under the radar in our society because it actually doesn't take that much intelligence to pay the bills and outwardly ape the behavior of a functional adult.

>> No.19484369

>it actually doesn't take that much intelligence to pay the bills and outwardly ape the behavior of a functional adult
in fact it helps to be stupid, anybody with an iq over like 120 has a worse life trajectory than sub-100s

>> No.19484964

it might be made up, but there are people out there in that exact situation

>> No.19484975

of course this burger nigger had to bring politics into this thread. you retard really cannot help yourselfs, can you?

>> No.19485011

tv is much much worse

>> No.19485041

I think if you engage a portion of your brain you may note that they really didn't

>> No.19485042

I generally don’t agree with the woman in the OP, but there are certain herbs and spices to watch out for. Herbal medicine is real, and they can sometimes have weird health effects if eaten in excess. For example, there are certain common herbs known as abortifacient herbs which pregnant women are advised to avoid, as they can cause accidental miscarriages, and others can have different weird hormonal effects, too. In general, they’re pretty well-known to have medicinal properties, such as how garlic is basically an antibiotic. All this not to say to avoid them, but it may be prudent to at least be mindful of what you’re using, in what quantity, and what effect it may have.

>> No.19485134

My mom thinks shes very good at cooking. But cooks like it's 1998 and doesn't understand protein or seasoning.

People are weird about cooking and seem to get stuck at some point

>> No.19485138

I always thought spices was the Most healthy way to cook cause you add flavour without adding butter, oils, fat, grease, frying, cream, mayo, condiments etc

>> No.19485158

>I don't cook with salt or spices.
Well there's your problem.

>> No.19485164

Show me the vegetable of the tomato plant, or the potato plant or any other plant. I can show you the fruit of some plants but sure as shit not the vegetable.

>> No.19485232

I disagree

>> No.19485360

Hope she beats the shit out of her daughter and teaches her some respect. Ungrateful little whores need to be beaten so they understand. Do as you’re told.

>> No.19485366

From the food dingus. You think unsalted food has no salt in it? Get real. It’s the most common mineral on the fucking planet retard.

>> No.19485370

I think about this pasta every day. Every fucking day. My wife stopped hanging out with her friends the day we got married. Quit her hobbies, stopped cleaning, stopped cooking, calls in sick to work 3 times a month. Just scrolls through Facebook all fuckin day every day. I’m ready to beat the shit out of her.

>> No.19485377

Yeah I’d like to cumin cider if you know what I mean

>> No.19486628

>wife just chills at home, not going out to get piped by chad or bitching and nagging you, just wants to be comfy on couch
Some mfs don't appreciate what they have

>> No.19487643

It sounds like she's vegetarian though, there's not enough.

>> No.19487654

I would have to come to terms with the fact that I married a narcissist and would try to protect my daughter from her mental abuse as much as possible

>> No.19487683

how is she still employed

>> No.19488315


>> No.19488524

Why can't wasps just try following some recipe and put some spices on the food as prescribed. It's better that way, i promise.

>> No.19488538

that would require a boomer to concede that someone else knows more than them about literally anything so its not going to happen

>> No.19488620

Why would a wasp cook?

>> No.19488761

That's just how most women are. They naturally have no ambition but to breed and secure some level of wellbeing to their offspring, so once they have reached that they become complacent and useless.
Unfortunately, the only (legal) recourse is to move to some country that doesn't force you to pay infinite betabucks to them after divorce and might give you custody of the kids, moving in there, and filing for divorce as soon as you can.

>> No.19488787

It's probably real. I had a grandma who couldn't cook for shit. Gramps went to a local cafe for breakfast and lunch. Mom couldn't cook AT all. So I'd believe that article, especially given how many controlling Karen tiktok vids are out there. Cooklets definitely exist, and Karens definitely exist, odds are high that some Karens are also cooklets.

>> No.19488804

But, anon. This is NO spice. NO salt. Maybe it is an exaggeration for the article, but I've seen the food gore that people post here. Sure you can live without spice, I sure fucking did, but no salt? You gonna die with no salt in your diet. I get the aversion to sneed oils though, that is the correct response in order to prevent heart disease and live longer.

And even if spices did harm you (despite most being actually beneficial from studies), it would be fucking worth it.

>> No.19488829

>You gonna die with no salt in your diet.
You can get all the salt you need from animal products if you're omnivore, and the boomer mom serves the kid burgers, so it's safe to assume that they are.

>> No.19488831

The internet has proven to have even worse consequences than TV. People literally live in alternate reality bubbles now. Touch grass is a meme because people are inside 100% of the time now.

>> No.19488853

Based boomer knows that there's demons in the spices, and that eating them gets you in your blood.
>Bet you didn't know why globohomo keeps pushing "ethnic" "cuisine".

>> No.19488916

i had a relative (omnivore) suffer stroke from limiting sodium intake.

>> No.19488927

Bet they were diabetic

>> No.19489695

>the boomer mom serves the kid burgers, so it's safe to assume that they are
For all we know they're beyond burgers, boomers don't read packaging and regularly buy the faux meat stuff thinking it's actual meat.

>> No.19489715

This is the most ass-backward thing I've ever seen posted on 4chan, so congrats, you've successfully baited me.

In real life, eating large quantities of dietary fiber will absolutely make every shit an ass-piss, because your system cannot digest it and so tries to purge it from the body as fast as possible. This is why they say that things high in dietary fiber "keep you regular," because reasonable quantities promote bowel movements and thereby prevent constipation that might otherwise occur depending on your diet.

>> No.19489827

My mom is exactly like this, maybe even worse.

>> No.19490356

Excessive salt i can understand, but do tell me of the archdemon called black pepper.

>> No.19490380

Black pepper contains very high amounts of oxalates. Regular consumption can lead to kidney issues.

>> No.19490593

It's fine with a side of potatoes if you feel lazy one day tbtf

>> No.19490612

It's fake af, retard

>> No.19490616

Does it really matter since black pepper is usually consumed in such small amounts?

>> No.19490622

Massive cope, amish food is delicious

>> No.19490627

>>article about a shit cook
>>thinking about BBCs
Calm your fetish down, mutts law is real

>> No.19490633

Spices are generally meant as something separate from seasoning. This blog post tier article specifically mentions spices, though, and I have no idea. I just wrote it off as crazy eating disorder person. There are lots of crazies in the world, especially when it comes to food habits.

>> No.19490639

The suggested amount is like 50mg at most. A teaspoon of black pepper supposedly has 12mg or so....of course you dont straight up eat the pepper like that and the idiots advertising its bad forget that cooking breaks those down a fair bit aswell. Even if thats still a worry: White pepper.

>> No.19490664

This bitch has such a punchable face, she's right about nogs over seasoning but this smug obnoxious attitude is only seen on modern feminist western women who fuck random men

>> No.19490813

This is pretty standard with women, employers just get used to it and women tend to make up for it by being better at fighting through boredom and getting a lot done while they're actually there (not always, obviously). There's actually some open discussion about this, men and women have different hormonal cycles that make men better suited to consistently showing up and doing moderate amounts of work, while women need more days off but can get more volume done when they're on top of their game.

>> No.19490823

>I don't cook with salt or spices
oh, well, I can't imagine why anyone would complain about that.

>> No.19490830

Now you're just making any random response you can think of and hoping for validation.

If that's somehow true, it still doesn't make them vegetarians. They'd just be accidentally eating less actual meat than they mean to.

>> No.19490875

I just don't think it's safe to assume anything about this lady's diet.
>Now you're just making any random response you can think of and hoping for validation.
Welcome to 4chan enjoy your stay.

>> No.19491135

Why are women so fragile? Why would you give this much of a fuck if your child doesnt like your cooking?

>> No.19491439

>In the culinary sense
sure, in Africa.
There is also a very robust botanical definition for fruit...which you obviously don't know at all.
He's obviously retarded

>> No.19492159
File: 653 KB, 1920x973, brave_s2RKD9xEiE.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What did (((they))) mean by this?

>> No.19492827

I'm allergic to allium so can't have garlic, onion, leeks, spring onions...but to compensate I cook with extra other spices??? I literally drink heavily spiced chai for my health this is insane

>> No.19492835

I've seen this exact thread with the exact same replies three times now.

>> No.19492838

shit that is how my mum got me

>> No.19492984

Bell Peppers are fruits, you are correct. Brassicas are all vegetables - broccoli, cauliflower, collard greens, cabbage, romanesca, brussels sprouts, all vegetables. Root vegetables are vegetables and not fruits, and neither are alliums, fennel, or other bulbs (all of which are also used for their non-root vegetation in varying degreed of herb and vegetable. All herbs are vegetables; some spices are fruits, such as black pepper, and generally all seeds are also fruits.

>> No.19492990

Ah yes the classic mommy issue faggot

>> No.19493620

Stop opening it then.

>> No.19493649
File: 46 KB, 1280x720, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I can't speak for the reliability of the article but I know people like that exist because my mother in law is one of them.

>Maniacally afraid of meat to the point she has a tantrum if she ever sees it. An actual violent tantrum like a three year old when she's in her 60's
>constantly says that food needs less flavour because flavour is unhealthy
>Only eats steamed vegetables overcooked into mush
>demands other people cook for her and cook only the things she likes, she never cooks herself
>Gets pissy and passive aggressive if me or my wife cook for ourselves. Constantly hovers over me asking if I'm cooking meat, if it has too much flavour, if it has onions in it.
>Pretends to be allergic to onions instead of just saying she doesn't like them. And dramatically acts like she's poisoned if she realizes she has eaten onions (I've been putting onions in the food for months and she hasn't realized. No allergic reaction. She's full of shit.

That's just the food related bullshit I have to deal with. There's more but it's off topic to /ck/

Basically, if you've watched Better Call Saul and you've seen Chuck. There are people like that IRL. People who actively try to be neurotic as possible because they get a thrill out of inconveniencing other people and watching them try to deal with their demands. It's essentially a form of mental illness that no one wants to deal with so these people are left to be inflicted on normal people.

>> No.19493819

we have become exceedingly efficient at it.

>> No.19493884

If it's necessary, you have to, and you will, snowflake. And without Netflix, your fleshlight and ramen.