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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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File: 2.13 MB, 4032x3024, IMG_1605.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
19367257 No.19367257 [Reply] [Original]

Yeah, I know these are adjusted for taxes. Fuck you. If you want to account for the less generous approach, you can put BOTH calculated amounts on there: with and without taxes.
Don’t just stiff your employees. For fuck’s sake.

>> No.19367271
File: 2.13 MB, 4032x3024, IMG_1605.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The heck!? It was upright on my phone. Why isn't it upright here?
Eh... whatever. I'll just repost it from my computer. Thought I didn't have to download the image to my PC to post it here first, but I guess this is how I learn.

>> No.19367276

Whats incorrect about it

>> No.19367277

WHAT THE HELL? I could've sworn it'd be upright if I edited it on my computer. What's going on!?
This is embarassing. I'm a fucking programmer with an applied math degree. I should know better than this.

>> No.19367278

Just take a screenshot next time and crop that. Much smaller file size

>> No.19367279

They post incorrect amount so you'll tip more.

>> No.19367283

just don't tip you damm negro
easier maths that way

>> No.19367289

4chan strips the exif data from image files

>> No.19367291

Sorry to make you tilt your head sideways. But the suggested tip amount is $6.00 for 20%. But if you actually calculate 20% of $32.10 (as I did in my picture), you can see that the ACTUAL tip amount should be $6.42. So they were screwing over the waitresses at this pizza place I was at.
Good idea. I'll do that next time. Thanks anon

>> No.19367293

If youre already comfortable tipping 20% like you have I dont see why youre even bothered by the dishonesty

I personally dont eat at restaurants so I don't deal with this shit. Maybe try cooking for yourself if youre so bothered

>> No.19367296

Shut up nigger. Only niggers don't tip their waiters. This is a well known fact: it is THE reason negroes don't get as good service in these places: because the waiters know that their extr work won't count.

>> No.19367301

Interesting. I suppose that accounts for it. Thanks anon.
I took a screenshot like >>19367278 suggested. If this doesn't work, I will accept that I'm just losing my mind.

>> No.19367308
File: 965 KB, 787x885, incorrect tip ammounts.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Whoops, this was meant for >>19367283. My bad.
Fuck. I forgot to post it AGAIN. Guess I'm just a retard today lol.
I don't think that's it. As you can clearly see in pic related, the suggested tip is LESS than what it's supposed to be.

>> No.19367316

>merchant copy

>> No.19367320

Yup, that's what they call the slip you leave for your waiter in the states.
Guess that explains why the prices are screwing someone over kek.

>> No.19367323

i see a pattern in those amounts. do you?

>> No.19367328

Uh... can't say that I do, actually.
What, is there supposed to be some abstract merchant?

>> No.19367330

kek you amerifats and your tipping culture. That'll be 3 bucks btw

>> No.19367331
File: 73 KB, 666x666, Pink-II.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

15% SHOULD be a good tip for average service--That fucking INCLUDES:
>Silverware, Menus, drink orders and water upon first meet w/ server
>App order and ~5 minutes to decide on entree..
> food all comes out without issue
>Refills on drinks
> ~15-20 minute check-up on table
>Asks about dessert when 1/2 the table "TOP" is almost finished
>Desserts and Check --another ~15-20 minutes unbothered to finish.
This has gone by the wayside easily20 years ago.
20% is for EXCELLENT, attentive yet unobtrusive service.
You totally fuck up my shit--expect $2 in change in an upside-down water glass(still full of water)
t. I don't eat out anymore since it's all overpriced garbage served by shitty, entitled cunts who would rather fuck off in the walk-in or on their SAIL FOAM, and STILL expect the bonus.
That said--I understand that sometimes kitchens have hiccups through NO FAULT of the workers(usually retarded management,) and rushes are always a bitch--That has NEVER effected me tipping a good server who tried.

>> No.19367339

Maybe the employer is somehow pocketing the difference?
I see it.

>> No.19367349

the tips are rounded up or down and give a suggested tip amount that yields a total ending in zero. pennies don't have to be accounted for.

>> No.19367368

Oh! Interesting. That's a good point.
You're actually probably right: that probably IS why they do that. To help people who are still using physical money to pay for stuff.
But still, if they're gonna round the numbers at all, they should round them UP, not down. So these waiters are still getting stiffed like, which kind of pisses me off.

>> No.19367370

I just dont care. I'm not out here trying to empathize with food service workers. Im making my own meals for the majority of the time. I eat what I like and what's healthy. I dont get how people are so fine with paying over 20 bucks per meal.

>> No.19367373

Crap. Didn't mean to leave that "like" in the last sentence there while editing. Ah well. You get where I'm coming from.

>> No.19367376

I don't tip because I'm not a cuckold that falls for tricks to pay Mr. Shekelstein's employees in his place.

>> No.19367382

I just add a couple bucks and fill in the total. In that example I would write 35.00 and circle it leaving the tip blank

>> No.19367396

You know your "I never tip" sigmapol stance doesn't carry any weight when you only ever eat from a drive-thru right? Also your parents paying and tipping isn't a loophole either

>> No.19367407

Interesting. That's actually a sound approach. I might do that going forwards as well.

>> No.19367409

Pay your employees yourself, cause I'm not doing it.

>> No.19367414


the price of your check before tax was $30;
the rate of taxation on your check is 7%;
the price before tax, which the tips are based on, is $30;
the price after tax, to which you add your tip of 30 * (1.18/1.2/1.23), is $32.10;
the total would then be (37.50/38.10/39)

the restaurant is correctly not demanding tips on tax, which is money owed to the government BASED on service, and not a service for which you would tip.

pray that life throws no more difficult problems at you than this. you aren't equipped to meet them.

>> No.19367459
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Life hasn't thrown ME a difficult problem, though. This is a problem for the waiters, not me. If I was an asshole like you, I could just not tip the waiters at all.
But I think life's hard enough for Americans who work in the service industry. And I think you can really judge a person by how they treat minimum wage workers. So you can go ahead and follow your own standards, but I've got mine.

>> No.19367473

>But I think life's hard enough for Americans who work in the service industry.
>which is why i will perpetuate the system that keeps their lifestyle unstable because i'm a gutless faggot that falls for guilt trips

>> No.19367487

why don't americans include tax in prices

>> No.19367489

It doesn't even require the cashier to do any calculation as the only field they have to input is the total

>> No.19367495

People will buy more stuff when the price looks lower, we're not good at math

>> No.19367511


Tips are calculated on the price before tax because the price before tax is the amount you are charged for the goods and services rendered. The tax and the tip are calculated from the same pre-tax number and added together. Your check reflects that this has happened and that you cannot read or do basic math and that do not know how tips are calculated.

>> No.19367513

>Why the fuck do restaurants keep suggesting incorrect tip amounts?
those numbers are correct moron. why would you tip based on taxes no idiot does that.

>> No.19367527

Based. OP is down syndrome or something

>> No.19367533


I subtract in the tip line. What are they gonna do about it? Tell the judge? Lmao

>> No.19367544

Times change and 20% is standard now. Everything is more expensive, ofc the tip goes up too. I hear people say that all the time and its fine idc but.. if the whole restruant is priced retardedly high now.. the tip will still be higher even at 15%. Why does it have to increase with inflation?

>> No.19367582

>if the whole restruant is priced retardedly high now.. the tip will still be higher even at 15%. Why does it have to increase with inflation?
Because you're being tricked.

>> No.19367613

More folks are tipping 0% so you tip more to offset their lack of a contribution

>> No.19367622

kys phoneposter

>> No.19367696
File: 984 KB, 1600x1200, IMG_8457.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>I just dont care.
I get it, Anon.
As I poasted, I also cook 100% of my own meals..
FFS, You can't even get non-Pozzed bread these days.

>> No.19367711

>$15 burger and a 15% tip is $2.25
>price of burger goes up
>$20 burger and a 15% tip is $3
>enter american logic
>the burger is now $20 so I deserve a 20% tip, $4
>the server's role in all this is unchanged, yet they somehow now deserve almost double to tip
Why does your country just love tipping so much? I only tip if I pay cash so I don't have to take whatever resulting loose change is created.

>> No.19367718

i will eat out whenever i want and i will never tip

>> No.19367734

>Everything is more expensive, ofc the tip goes up too
That would be the case with the same percentage, mongoloid.

>> No.19367759

enjoy spit and snot in your food.

>> No.19367798
File: 320 KB, 888x1188, Pandora4U.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Times change
Yeah, They're GREAT right now..

>> No.19367813

It's all a scam. Restaurants don't have to pay their staff as much, waitresses earn more. The only downside is for the person who gets their money stolen

>> No.19367817

Don't you pay the bill after you eat?

>> No.19367824

Yeah, only tip in places you're going to go back to

>> No.19367834

Are restaurants notorious for low turnover rates and hiring staff with photographic memories or am I thinking the opposite?

>> No.19367843

When some retard is paying 10x as much for food, does the extra scam really fucking matter?

>> No.19367888

If you don't want the waiter to get stiffed, always carry some $5's and $1's with you. Tip with cash so they can pocket it and the boss doesn't steal a cut.

>> No.19367901
File: 234 KB, 2000x1000, o-AMYS-BAKING-COMPANY-facebook.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Laughs in hebrew and cat

>> No.19367904

I do find it rather amusing that some industries outright encourage bribing their employees for better service.

>> No.19367942

Who gives a shit? Bitches can suggest anything but that doesn't mean I have to buy into it or pay it. They can piss the fuck off. I'm not paying some restaurant employees, that's the job of the employer and certainly not mine.

>> No.19367970

The actual reason is because we have 50 different states, each with their own laws (or lack of) on sales tax. It allows interstate companies to save resources with consistent marketing, especially in areas right on a border.

>> No.19367979

you can tip manually yknow... with cash or just inserting the amount manually. here in Canada, I tip 3 dollars for good service, 5 for excellent or delivery.

I live in a small town.

>> No.19367990

Every customer should stop tipping.
Even if you care about the employees, you should stop tipping. Hell, if you actually care about the employees, you should really stop tipping.
Working conditions will not change until we take a stand and stop contributing to this shitty system.

>> No.19367998

>5 for excellent or delivery.
For deliveries I always tip the amount of one gallon of premium.

>> No.19368002

I really wish waiters and waitresses gave a fuck anymore, they just collect tips doing the bare minimum and write down everyone else.

>> No.19368012

>I really wish waiters and waitresses gave a fuck anymore, they just collect tips doing the bare minimum and write down everyone else.
I can kinda understand it. Imagine you were able to live comfortably on $7 an hour and with tips, but now you earn $15 and even with tips you can barely pay your rent and buy instant ramen noodles.
It's not hard to see why they clock in and check out.

>> No.19368015

If every restaurant closed where would they go

>> No.19368020

>If every restaurant closed where would they go
Where would who go?
They would cook food at home, I would imagine.

>> No.19368060

people actually calculate tips? i just drop a 10 dollar bill on my table and walk out

>> No.19368061

Is that legal?

>> No.19368092

My place just fucked me over. our new POS, if they pay with a card, they enter a tip amount on the keypad the same way they'd enter a PIN if it was debit. i just tell customers our new policy is that we have to take payments at the register due to theft.
i'm not about to recognize your car, get your drink, start your food, have your booth you sit at ready, do all your dishes, AND run your payment up to the register myself where i can't enter your normal $4 tip.
it was a lot easier when it printed the slips where they wrote a tip and left it on the table so i entered it manually.

>> No.19368097

>My place just fucked me over. our new POS, if they pay with a card, they enter a tip amount on the keypad the same way they'd enter a PIN if it was debit. i just tell customers our new policy is that we have to take payments at the register due to theft.
So basically, the new policy is for you (a thief) to take payments at the register because you are a thief that wants to steal from customers.
Now everyone here knows the scam.

>> No.19368103

we just lost 6 of our workers, regulars notice "where has ??? gone?" "they were stealing" (true). We lost 2 morning girls, and 4 night guys.
i accidentally outed them when checking with my boss about my drawer count and he said he'd look into it.

>> No.19368112

My restaurant bill will always end in a 0 or 5 when I check my credit card statement and my gas is always $xx.00

>> No.19368116

I work at a diner. On my shift the cooks a bitch, he hates and complains nonstop about his prep, he won't do his own dishes. I do part of his prep, I do all his dishes, along with my own prep and wash every dish a customer touches. If a single customer comes in, I just take care of everything and don't even call him from the back. When it's a bigger order I'm next to him helping him out.
Then when boss comes to do tip out and cook overhears I made $?? amount, he bitches about "they only tip him 'cuz of my food".
Sorry you're cutting vegetables in the back making $17 an hour not having to deal with customers.

>> No.19368264

what else do you want them to do? suck your cock under the dining table?

>> No.19368322

NTA and while I know your question is rhetorical, I actually would like that. I think this should be a real thing in countries where prostitution is legal.

>> No.19368323
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>> No.19368601

wow won't somebody think of the marketers

I've never understood this argument. Americans can put a man on the moon but they can't advertise prices gross of tax

>> No.19368678

So a 50$ meal would require a tip of 10$ (20%). Is it always that high in the states? I'm on vacation in Florida in August how much is the recommended tip there? Why is it so high? And what happens if I tip only around 10% as I'm used to?