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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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File: 89 KB, 900x876, tonkotsuramenfront.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
19366274 No.19366274 [Reply] [Original]

is it possible to actually discuss food on this board? if you don't like ramen, just hide the thread and move on please. I want to talk about people's favorite way to prepare ramen. I'm looking for some new ideas to try.

>> No.19366284

I like to microwave it then suck the fat off my bf's hoggy cock.

>> No.19366288 [DELETED] 

this isn't reddit, kid. This place is mostly about posting a food-related picture and then presenting a topic where you get to rant about women, nonwhites, Jews, liberals, sex-havers etc. with other resentful, anti-social, and alienated terminally online losers

>> No.19366298 [DELETED] 

that gets boring really fast. makes it impossible to find common ground, make friends, and have a decent conversation.

>> No.19366310

i don't get ramen. are you just supposed to eat that entire piece of pork in one bite or look like a retard and chomp half of it off?

>> No.19366323

you're the one eating it. do whatever you feel like. shove your face in the bowl a blow if you want to.

>> No.19366399

Some people don't chew their noodles.

>> No.19366405

here's how we made it in the 80's when I was a kid.
boil water
add cheap ass top ramen noodle
add cheap ass packet of "flavoring".
eat top ramen and wish I had been born in to a family with money.
don't eat ramen for 25 years.
find that there are better brands.
make it.
realize it's still cheap crappy food.

>> No.19366409
File: 1.99 MB, 370x208, eatnoodleslikeaboss.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.19366413

I have no desire for noodle dominant dishes.

>> No.19366415

then why are you here? nobody cares what you don't like. this thread clearly says RAMEN LOVERS.

>> No.19366432

I've found spam to be a good accompaniment to ramen

>> No.19366453

you must be new here

>> No.19366470

Ramen is the food of basement dwelling losers like you. It’s cheap and unhealthy. Like the rest of your life.

>> No.19366476 [DELETED] 
File: 128 KB, 1200x900, preview-full-TFDaUv7_1200x[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


OMFG we love Japanees noodles, my dude. Let's talk!

>> No.19366487 [DELETED] 
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>> No.19366504

i like to add asian fungus, fresh ones like enoki or shimeji or rehydrated mu err or white fungus.
as vegetables i like are pak choi, cabbage, chinese cabbage, kimchi, spring onion, carrots, sweet potato, edamame or corn.
as protein i use mostly chicken, pork, egg, tofu, shrimps or surimi.

>> No.19366512 [DELETED] 

Christ I am tired of the pretend culture war.

>> No.19366513

Fuck ramen, fuck ramen lovers
>verification not required

>> No.19366518
File: 746 KB, 1000x1264, 1664596992482332.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Did they change the shin ramen recipe?
The broth doesn't taste as good as it used to and the noodles seem way lower quality
My go to is the 2x chicken ramen now

>> No.19366523

can't go wrong with SPAM.
that's what I'm here for but I know you're just being a dick.
that has nothing to do with enjoying ramen. personally I hate most of those countries but I enjoy the variety ramen offers.
never heard of pak choi or surimi. I'll have to look them up. love kimchi in a broth with gochujang.

>> No.19366525

Samefag, no (you) 4 u

>> No.19366526 [DELETED] 

Then leave retard. See you tomorrow

>> No.19366528 [DELETED] 
File: 347 KB, 552x884, 1677638786792346.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Say the line bart lmao

>> No.19366542
File: 51 KB, 309x309, 1671119822337361.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

you are a nigger

>> No.19366550

You're the grown man with this gif saved. Not me.

>> No.19366562

Nice bulge uWu

>> No.19366571

never tried shin. they don't sell it in any of the stores I shop at. maybe I'll order some when my supply runs low.

>> No.19366578

Still seems great to me
The buldak ramen spiciness is just different somehow, the shin is blunter and richer. I trued buldak and maruchan fire ramen but they both just taste like knives

>> No.19366693

Are you retarded? A nigger (you) would never save anything like that onto their phone. You're literally just self-identifying yourself as the nigger you are here? What's the strat?

>> No.19366714

Lmao retarded phone poster

>> No.19366804

Ah, so you are retarded, my apologies. I'll let you get back to your loud noises and fun colors, it's not sporting to pick on the disabled.

>> No.19366815

>didn't even deny it
Lmao retarded phone poster

>> No.19366820

are you interested in making good ramen or just adding green onions to your msg packet and water?

>> No.19366831

all I make is good ramen. but I find myself making the same ones over and over and would like some new ideas to try.

>> No.19366837

Kek retard

>> No.19366839
File: 30 KB, 1000x1000, goodsImage.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Since it's on topic: Anyone know of a way to get an instant cooker like EZ cook, Lazo, or Hauscook in the west without jumping through hoops? Something that heats water and has an IH plate with programmable recipes.

I just want one-button instant ramen, and at this rate I'll have to take a flight to fucking Asia, wire my own, or crack open some smart coffee machine.

>> No.19366862

look up electric hot pots on amazon. Dezin makes a good one.

>> No.19366864

No thanks

>> No.19366879

Good idea, but that still means I have to manually fill in water, and wait for it to cook.

>> No.19367085

I make shoyu ramen. Here is a recipe I find has the best balance of time to make and taste:
>homemade chicken broth
I make a lot when I make Hainanese chicken rice, so I often have it left over. You can also buy unsalted bone broth.
>fish broth
ground anchovies and can add bonito flakes

for oil:
>chicken fat from chicken skin, use it to fry garlic, ginger, and green onions
Cook chicken skin, use the fat to fry garlic, ginger and green onions. now you have fragrant fat/oil, a crunchy fragrant topping, and chicken skin as a topping

That's the main base, of course make ramen eggs, noodles, and whatever else toppings you like

>> No.19367092

forgot to add the shoyu of shoyu ramen...
I soak soy sauce in konbu and add that as well.

You choose the amount of chicken broth, fish broth, chicken fat, and soy sauce that you want.

>> No.19367255 [DELETED] 

Learn to read, nigger. Let me spell it out for you because you need your hand held.

"a nigger would never save that to their phone", implies that niggers use phones to post here, not that I am posting on a phone. If you could actually read you'd be able to infer that, but unfortunately your eyeholes are stuffed with large cocks 24/7 so you can't read.

>> No.19367350

Do you have any idea how many goddman ramen threads there have been over the years? It's literally the least interesting food in the world.

>> No.19368071

All "ramen hacks" or "ramen upgrades" are so fucking stupid it makes me mad to see people think they're good ideas.

Because all "ramen upgrades" videos are basically just making fully homemade ramen from scratch but just with the instant noodles. Like, why not just use real noodles by that point.

Or they tell you to do a lot more work like chopping vegetables and dirtying extra cookware and dishes, and spending a lot of time on preparation, to the point where it completely defeats the purpose of INSTANT ramen. Again, just make homemade ramen by that point with regular noodles.

>> No.19369445

it's actully one of the most interesting because ramen is a blank slate to do anything with. sadly most people stick to meme ramen instead of experimenting and that's what makes the unimaginative uninterested.

>> No.19369477
File: 134 KB, 352x389, 2023-06-11_12-10.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Just ate a miso chicken ramen (thin noodles) from fast food spot (Canada) it's not authentic because it's owned by a business and not by an actual chef, it's good enough for my every 2-3 months of ramen cravings.

that's pretty much all it comes with, they just ask you if you want thick or thin noodles, it comes up to $17 with tax.

>> No.19369481

that's less than $3 worth of ingredients.

>> No.19369488

what's your point lil nigga

>> No.19369505

such a fucking racket, at this point we're paying $18+ for ramen that would cost $4-$6 in japan

it's my favorite meal and I can't justify ever getting it

>> No.19369510 [DELETED] 

I'm a proud white blight suppressionist.

>> No.19369520

yeah whites are streaming into your third world shithole because it's so much better living around you people

>> No.19369529 [DELETED] 

Whites are a blight; a disease that will be stamped out. Are you a "white" or are you some retarded pretender? Your answer will determine if you are worth any respect (hint: you most definitely don't).

>> No.19369533

you will never be white, or even comprehend what it's like to be white. intellectually. spiritually. morally. you will always be among the animals.

>> No.19369544

You had me until $17

>> No.19369551 [DELETED] 

>you will never be white
Correct. This is a blessing.
>you will always be among the animals
Incorrect. You are an inferior creature. You should be thankful you even have the ability to read; it is a gift from your betters. Mercy is a foreign concept to those like you.

>> No.19369560

you are incapable of comprehending what it's like to be a human being. it's like trying to read a book to a dog.

>> No.19369564

take this faggot shit back to /b/ or /pol/ where it belongs. this isn't the board for it.

>> No.19369566

shut the fuck up faggot this is 4chink maybe go back to your fucking safe space you crying little bitch

>> No.19369577

enjoy your ban, bro.

>> No.19369580

suck my dick bitch i ain't your fucking bro

>> No.19369767
File: 446 KB, 4032x2268, romaine.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

rate my ramen

>> No.19369781

looks good. would eat.

>> No.19371086

Excellent. care to share what you did for the broth/oil?

>> No.19371154

Show us another picture you took of that same bowl of ramen or else you didn't actually make it. There's no way in hell you took one and only one picture of it before you ate it.

>> No.19371167

Not him but why are you so insecure? It looks excellent, as I said in my previous post but that is absolutely home made.
Here are the signs:
>unevenly, some not completely gun green onions
>bowl not cleaned for presentation
>eggs not completely marinated
None of this is criticisms, I would and do the same thing at home.
also look at the background.

I know it seems impossible but not everyone here is a cooklet who can only poor boiling water in an msg packet

>> No.19371169

is anon insecure, or is the faggot who takes photos of a bowl of soup insecure, or is someone like you who wrote all that whatever the fuck that no one will read insecure? truly a mystery

>> No.19371195

there are some who enjoy talking about and sharing recipes. if you don't like it, why the fuck are you on a food board? just to be a faggot troll? seriously asshole kys.

>> No.19371400

you must be brand new to /ck/ because you don't know that a common shitpost around here is people posting pictures of food they found on some food porn blog or google images and claiming to have made it themselves.

>> No.19371489

that's dumb enough for starting your own thread but why in someone elses?
>r8 my ramen
>looks good m8
I'm not going to do a background check on every post, if I get "trolled" by saying a decent looking ramen is decent so be it

>> No.19371491

i've never ordered ramen before and have always wanted to try it, thanks for reminding me op

>> No.19371524

you really are new.

>> No.19371532

you really are a faggot.

>> No.19371636

depends on where you get it. Some places serve topramen with some toppings for $20, that's not worth it. Make sure to find a place that actually makes it.

>> No.19371688


I will bite even if the ramen Reddit is still up

Did a ramen special tasting a while back where the restaurant did a bunch of ramen styles . The spot prawn tsukemen was the worst among the ramen because of how thick the spot prawn bisque was while the homestyle ramen was the best

>> No.19371714

Tried ramen once at a Hibachi place that we frequent and it wasn't that great nothing to cry home about. I agree it's mostly overrated bullshit just get the instant packet stuff

>> No.19371730 [DELETED] 

>posting a semi-offtopic picture and then presenting a topic where you get to rant about women, nonwhites, Jews, liberals, sex-havers etc
this is how we know you're a 2016 newfag
go back to lurking

>> No.19371767
File: 2.27 MB, 640x360, Anime girl with ramen .webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You have to get the good imported ones. The kind that come with several different packets for different flavorings. The other shit that's produced here or specifically made to be sold here is just lowest common denominator garbage that is made explicitly with the philosophy that Ramen is cheap garbage food in mind.
The local Asian market doesn't always have it, but whenever they do, I buy their entire stock of Ibumie Penang white curry mee. It's got one packet with the msg and stuff, another packet with chilli paste and curry powder, and a third with some sort of creamer. I crack an egg into it as it's boiling and add the creamer right before eating and it's great.
The price was higher last time. I think they've noticed I keep buying all their stock and raised the prices

When I was in commiefornia for a time, I tried some tea ramen from a cafe. I don't remember exactly what it was like, but I remember being disappointed. I doubt there's many good places for ramen this side of the pacific.

Have you considered not being a seething professional victim and card-carrying communist party member that moonlights as a cheap black jewish prostitute?
Maybe try being an actual human being and talk about the thread topic instead.

>> No.19372052 [DELETED] 

you will never be a woman

>> No.19372250

I fucking love ramen, but I've yet to make it myself. It's on the list but I get intimidated and don't know how to start. There are many local mom and pops that serve authentic ramen and udon for 10-17 bucks depending on what you're getting, and I like the atmosphere of said places. They'll have Kamen Rider or weird game shows on and leave you alone to eat, a rare blessing.

>> No.19372251
File: 457 KB, 1054x1288, 73885A5E-B42E-44E5-ABE9-DEC748845536.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.19372254

Clarification: udon clocks in at 8-15 bucks depending on what you're getting and the establishment.

>> No.19372272


>> No.19372273

I like Nissin Ramen, with the chiggun flavor. It's like what people would reasonably expect to pay for food that literally costs pennies to produce, unless you are one of those people that likes to throw money around to impress people.

>> No.19372385

I separate the broth if I boil them so they don't get soggy, then add the broth when serving it.

Sometimes I just stirfry them in a pan by slowly adding boiling water until they're cooked.

Also add the flavouring satchets afterwards for full flavour.

>> No.19373066

I just followed this recipe, and just made my own toppings:

>> No.19373081

oh and forgot to mention that this was just a store bought chili oil from costco. Nothing special.

>> No.19373092
File: 2.43 MB, 4032x2268, shitty ramen pic.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Stop crying you dumb bitch. Here's another picture of my ramen. This one looked dumb as shit so I used the first pic. Happy now?

>> No.19373287

After years of eating many different types of instant ramen, I've realized that they're all pretty shit. When you eat the noodles you barely get any flavor from the broth so it just takes like soggy plain noodles. Indomie noodles are still the bomb though

>> No.19373294
File: 611 KB, 2560x2455, 91gyYstPUKL.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

These cup of noodles rice cups are pretty damn good. The thai curry one was a little on the sweet side but still good and more satisfying than instant ramen

>> No.19373308

sounds comfy.
Also Ramen isn't really worth making at a small scale. It involves cleaning and boiling a large amount of pork bones for the better part of a day

>> No.19373482


>> No.19373498

why do you care about how you look while eating? that sounds insecure and womanly desu

>> No.19373563

>soak dried shiitake overnight
>next day
>get two pots, one for stock, one for boiling water
>remove mushrooms from liquid (keep liquid)
>squeeze gently, cut, brown mushrooms in pot with butter
>add teriyaki sauce (make my own) + garlic
>remove mushrooms from pot (sauce is fine to keep in)
>medium low heat
>add some chili oil, tsp of sesame paste, some miso
>cook 1-2 minutes
>add reserved mushroom water for stock's base
>allow to simmer for a few minutes
>add milk of your choice for creaminess
>cook until combined, then kill heat

meanwhile while doing this:
>cook udon noodles to instruction (I usually make my own ahead of time)
>packaged udon is usually 2-3 minutes
>other noodles can be used, sometimes I just use a regular ramen pack desu
>remove udon and wash under cold water (helps chewiness)
>keep the hot water in pot
>add a little baking soda to water
>bring to boil
>poke tiny holes in bottom of some eggs using a skewer
>softboil for 6-7 minutes
>baking soda + hole will help shell separate from eggs more cleanly
the eggs can be made ahead of time and be marinated

>mushrooms (keep them above soup to retain the teriyaki flavor)
>cut egg
>more chili oil
>green onions
>aromatic oil (optional)
>sesame seeds (optional)

very simple miso ramen recipe, try it out

>> No.19373615

No cap.


>> No.19374183

:| noodles
:0 noodles (japan)

>> No.19374219

why the fuck do you suck other men's cocks? were you also molested. granted it wasn't an uncles thumb up my butt like you and just my friends sister put my penis in her mouth, but i still consider that molestation.

>> No.19374226

I was pleased to find a dozen of them on clearance for $0.60.
They do seem pretty small at 3oz

>> No.19374230

food bank poor here. pro tip use more water.

>> No.19374484

I've made "good ramen" once before and it was delicious but I'm still very new to cooking it. Any good recipes you use? Tips on making the broth?

>> No.19374585

I save all my scraps, bones, and trimmings through the week and make a pot of flavorful broth to use for ramen on the weekend. those packets get used for other things. I'm always adding different stuff. marinated egg, fried egg, soft boiled, poached, thai chilies, chili paste, roasted red peppers or tomatoes, jalapeno, pork, chicken, beef, shrimp, octopus, the list goes on and on. if I'm doing seafood I like to add a teaspoon of lobster bouillon to my broth. ramen is so versatile you can do anything with it. have fun. think of your favorite food and just run with it. I've even made pizza ramen. roasted tomatoes, fresh basil, mozzarella. it's really hard to fuck ramen up. authentic ramen is very simple. you basically just need the broth, noodles, spft boiled egg, a protein, some sesame oil, and scallions. bok choy is optional but always a good addition.

>> No.19374640

>those packets get used for other things
like what?

>> No.19374649

I admire your willingness to experiment. I'm kinda like that, though maybe not quite at the pizza ramen level.
The versatility is not how I usually think of ramen since I typically associate japanese cooking with hyper-specificity but it's kind of freeing in a way to think about it that way.
What do you mean by packets though? Wouldn't you just get some fresh noodles from an asian grocer if you're really gonna make a solid ramen attempt?

>> No.19374674

lots of things. one of my favorites is using it in a dry rub on chicken wings or ribs. in a pinch I've made gravy with it too. sauces, salad dressings, popcorn seasoning, roasted vegetables. I love to experiment in the kitchen.

sometimes yes, sometimes no. I like different noodles for different variations. I've used mafaldine for the occasional thai peanut ramen. every now and then I get one of those little packets of flavoring and just toss it aside for see above.

>> No.19375046

Your broth is vegan? Why? Your broth lacks umami, despite your usage of dried mushrooms, teriyaki sauce, and miso.

>> No.19375050

Looks like a different serving, but regardless of that this does in fact prove that you made it, judging by it being the same kind of bowl among other things.

And now that I know you really made it, after all the fags got triggered and cried about me doubting you, I can say, well done on the ramen bro. Looks excellent and gourmet as fuck. A+ looks delicious.

>> No.19376091
File: 112 KB, 1200x1200, ramen.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I like katsu ramen.

>> No.19376771

I wish I was as experimental as you. I don't leave my comfort zone. I don't have any confidence cooking without a recipe.

>> No.19376857

What meat part is that?

>> No.19377179

>I've never made it and only ever eaten it out of packages but I'm going to post something absolutely retarded.
I'm always amazed at people like you--so obviously stupid; desperate for attention; zero self awareness and always garbage posts. You're the equivalent to a dog turd on a sidewalk.

>> No.19377189
File: 623 KB, 1908x1080, fdferr.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I love that thinly sliced beef from hmart god its so good I made the most shitty pho but it's still so delicious. I just buy a container of pho soup broth mix and add herbs, citrus, sriracha, and fish oil to it

>> No.19377196

your pot is filthy and you use cheap chopsticks but the food looks good.

>> No.19377430


>> No.19377465

give it a rest, you fucking sperg. you're not funny. you're not amusing. you're an embarrassment.

>> No.19378364

what's the best instant brand to buy?

>> No.19378394
File: 9 KB, 225x225, ramen instant noodles.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

These, buy some eggs and drop one or two in while boiling , good and cheap

>> No.19378443
File: 3.57 MB, 4032x3024, 20230613_221533.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Fuck...I'm sorry guys
I tried with what I had on hand but this sucks
I had konjac noodles and just mixed miso paste with chicken stock and some teriyaki sauce
The pork kind of ruined it even more

Everything was really sour for some reason

>> No.19378459
File: 27 KB, 350x350, 1451017093775.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>like ramen
>have tried a few different ramen restaurants near me
>narrowed it down to the one I really like the most
>they've dramatically raised their prices the last 2-3 years, to the point where I can't justify getting it even though it's really good

>> No.19378466

noodles are on the thin side and the egg is overcooked but otherwise looks good. I think the teriyaki sauce might have been your problem. next time only boil the egg for 6 to 7 minutes and don't use too much miso paste. remember the classic K.I.S.S. (keep it super simple) when cooking ramen. the broth is the most important part. did you season the pork or just add it plain?

>> No.19378471

forget what I said about the egg. that's fine. I didn't zoom in the first time.

>> No.19378567

the pork was pre-marinated from the store

>> No.19378594

Pork belly probably

>> No.19378604

you're going to want ro avoid buying anything pre marinated ever. not just for ramen. in general. that stuff is rarely good. get a small pork shoulder and slice it into your preferred portion size. or if you can find it get some boneless rib meat. that's my personal favorite.

>> No.19378612

You can only polish a turd so much...
ancient Asian secret

>> No.19378806

everyone likes fried pork

>> No.19378881

What's the fucking point of frying meat to get a nice crispy crunchy coating only to put it in liquid afterwards thus making it soggy?

>> No.19378892

Why do you usually see ramen broth made from pork instead of chicken?

>> No.19378937

more flavor.

>> No.19378940

shoyu and shio ramen are often made with chicken broth
but yeah this

>> No.19378942

it doesn't get soggy if you make it right.

>> No.19378946

I might make some struggle ramen with spaghetti noodles and a broth made from onions and enoki mushrooms.

>> No.19378951

Will you put pickling lime in the cooking water?

>> No.19378958

It's usually sliced enough that two bites are enough to finish one of the pieces.

>> No.19378967

explain, if you really know what you're talking about.

>> No.19378972

weebs never like to admit this but the japanese love pasta and italian noodles just as much as japanese noodles. there's nothing wrong with using spaghetti in ramen.

>> No.19379414
File: 2.32 MB, 2304x4096, IMG20230605190004.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Cheap bowl I got recently. Cost 890 JPY

>> No.19379491

I buy the spicy one and cook grounded beef first, boil some vegetables too and make it a better meal
Kimchi ones and the other red packet are good

>> No.19379516

Cut it with a spoon? I always get chicken because the only part of a pig I like are pork chops.

>> No.19379527
File: 84 KB, 900x900, shopping.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

All I make is instant. I just throw in some frozen veggies, fry some eggs and it's done. These are the best ones one can find in the average greek grocery store.

>> No.19379534
File: 261 KB, 500x500, angus beef chili.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

When I want something heartier than just carbs, I like to drink the broth then pour half a can of cheap chili on top and 2 teaspoons of cayenne pepper.

>> No.19379557

can you point to the angus?

>> No.19379610

Don't care. It's a canned chili that tastes the least shitty of the other canned chili's I've tried, at least to me. When I want quality chili I cook it myself.

>> No.19379668
File: 739 KB, 3024x4032, McChicken Ramen.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

For only $2 per sandwich, you too can upgrade your ramen to it's ultimate form.

>> No.19379731

toast the bread flakes before breading the pork. it makes them less likely to absorb oil and broth. mind you, if you let it sit there for a while it will eventually get soggy. but if you eat it in a normal amount of time it won't.

>> No.19379793

>for a while
Try two minutes. And god help you if the broth is too hot to drink at first. Katsu or tempura should always be served on the fucking side.

>> No.19379853

you're wrong, but I don't really care. I have better things to do than argue about ramen with a retard.

>> No.19379957

>toast the bread flakes before breading the pork


what do you think happens to the breading when it is deep-fried in oil.........

>> No.19379962

What makes you think pork has more flavor than chicken? Where did that idea come from?

>> No.19379970

The idea came from anyone with taste buds.

>> No.19379989

I'm sorry you don't know how to cook or the difference between toasted and fried.

>> No.19380018
File: 121 KB, 600x899, rosol_z_kurczaka.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Ramen is just rosół with more shit thrown into it and at 300% mark-up for retarded city dwellers and weebs.

>> No.19380048

or maybe rosół is just poor man's ramen. people always hate what they can't have.

>> No.19380357

its pork belly. Boiled it with aromatics, then marinated it in food saver bags with a tare, froze it. When ready to use, slice thinly while frozen and grill it or torch it for color. Delicious.

>> No.19380527

i’ve never tried proper ramen, before.

>> No.19381341

Well since you know how to cook and I don't, then please tell us how bread flakes that are browned beforehand is any different than when they are browned in the deep frying stage as it applies to its ability to absorb broth when its placed in the soup.

>> No.19381383

learn to cook and figure out why yourself. you aren't worth my time. this is your last (You) from me.

>> No.19381393

So you don't know and were just talking out your ass kek.

>> No.19381424

Oil is hydrophobic, and while there isn't enough oil in fried food to completely stop absorption, it slows it down.

Just telling people to 'learn to cook' makes you sound like a retard trying to pretend to know shit you've got no clue about.

>> No.19381437

truly do not care. I'm not here to educate retards.

>> No.19381465

Right. I'm sure you knew the answer the whole time :^)

>> No.19381799
File: 188 KB, 1200x900, 1200px-Shoyu_ramen,_at_Kasukabe_Station_(2014.05.05)_1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.19381906
File: 40 KB, 650x793, Narutomaki.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Narutomaki is a gateway fish sausage of the worst kind. It's a bad sausage, a clusterfuck of blandness and texture that isn't very well done by any aspect, but which attempts to compensate for its weaknesses by adding in excessive food coloring faggotry and ridges. The normal anon can see this as the shit it is, and may enjoy it, hate it or be indifferent to it, but all the while recognizing that the fish sausage itself, regardless of their opinion, is plain bad.

>> No.19381935

you sound mad at this optional ingredient. was your hind orifice violated with a fish sausage?

>> No.19381983
File: 2.55 MB, 4032x3024, 861C5444-6DDD-4742-BA48-A5CF7188F3F4.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I miss Japan

>> No.19382029

never been. I heard the food is good but the portions are very small.

>> No.19382042

>I heard the food is good
Yes, you can be very risky with restaurant choice because most of them are good
>but the portions are very small.
Not at all, you get a lot for your money

>> No.19382071

I don't think so, you can usually order extra of everything if you need more
sometimes noodle refills are even free, and more often than that rice is free

>> No.19382085

> I heard the food is good
Some things are hit or miss. I absolutely love tempura, but over the course of my three week vacation I only found decent tempura twice out of twenty attempts, both times at expensive tenshige (tempura specialty restaurants). All the other places I ordered it from used vegetable oil, which leaves a disgusting aftertaste, and most used way too much batter.

>but the portions are very small.
You get what you pay for, and just about every restaurant has meals of different sizes, while the food was much cheaper than it is in the USA. You could also just order 1 set meal and an extra entree if you really wanted to.

>> No.19382118

japs unironically love soggy fried food for some reason

>> No.19382145

What's the deal with Americans and their love of soggy crispy food? You've got crackers being thrown into tomato soup, croutons added to onion soup, tortilla chips covered in nacho cheese, and chicken tenders dipped in ketchup. I'm telling you, Americans are crazy!

>> No.19382168
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Damn kenji calm down

>> No.19382199

I had this really good kobe beef ramen when I was in Kobe, Japan.
Wish I could get the recipe, it was damn good, went there like 3 times.

>> No.19382211

Just mix kobe, beef, and ramen in a pot senpai

>> No.19382935

Anyone else ever made homemade ramen eggs? I got mirin, soy sauce and replaced sake with white wine since i couldnt find any store that sell it, but after trying to make them i dont know if im doing something wrong since it just coats the outside while the inside looks like a normal boiled egg but it supposed to be absorbed by the egg changing the flavor and color of the eggyolk too right?

>> No.19382953

>boil water
>put flavor packet in water
>put noodles in
>boil noodles in the flavor until nearly done
>crack an egg in there and cook that with the ramen
>let it simmer in there until done

>> No.19382977

You just have to marinade them longer. At least a few hours but overnight is better. It just changes the color of the egg white though, the yolk usually stays yellow.

Another tip:
>To make the marinade, I highly recommend cooking it for 1 minute after boiling. This ensures the sugar dissolves and the alcohol evaporates completely leaving only the natural umami and sweetness in the sauce.

Also honestly if you can't find sake (which even I can find in my flyover) just use extra mirin. sake and mirin are both rice alcohol just different levels of alcohol/sugar. You'd almost be better off adding a dash of vodka than using grape wine imo.

look up ramen eggs (ajitsuke tamago) on Justonecookbook. The author, Nami, is pretty much the go to authority for Japanese recipes written in English.

>> No.19382985

yup. I have a couple in the refrigerator right now for dinner tomorrow. no it doesn't change the yolk. only a little of the white.

>> No.19383006

Ok. Guess i'll try another batch. Is there a noticeable difference between using hard boiled or soft boiled when it comes to the flavour?

>> No.19383031

ramen eggs are soft boiled so I've never tried it with hard boiled. I don't like hard boiled eggs but I love soft boiled eggs.

>> No.19383185

See, the thing is, you shouldn't be bothering with this mediocre crap. You should be caring about and making better food than this.
Ramen is like some bastard combination of shitty pasta and thin watery soup with some stuff thrown in. It doesn't deserve much respect and beyond it being emergency rations, it shouldn't be eaten. It's just a dumb waste of time and money to bother going to some "fancy" ramen place. It's still the same boring noodle soup.

Admittedly, pho is even less worthy of respect.

>> No.19383187

the heat of the broth cooks the egg

>> No.19383218
File: 190 KB, 960x960, yaki.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Not really ramen, but these are so great. Used to have one every weekend. They're even better if you throw in some slices of beef.
They were a great deal as they were on sale most of the time for $0.60, not even twice as much as one Cup Noodles. Now they've almost doubled in price over the past few years.

>> No.19383592

you need that soft boiled jammy center. it helps make the broth stick to the noodles.

>> No.19384178

A pot of spaghetti is cheaper and infinitely tastier.

>> No.19384205

to a tasteless fool.

>> No.19384356

It can be. A few months ago I saw an end cap with some name brand spaghetti for $0.25/lb.

>> No.19384403

Even at 99 cents per package, you get a ton more servings of spaghetti per cent than you do ramen.

>> No.19384546

so you're one of those fat fuck garbage people who takes quantity over quality, huh?

>> No.19384606

Every couple of months I'll make a new set of oil, tare, and freeze some slices of chashu and chicken stock. It's a huge amount of effort upfront but this stuff lasts forever in the fridge and then whenever I feel like ramen I can put one together in less than 20 minutes.
I still don't fully understand shio ramen but from what I gathered it's pretty much just high umami ingredients and salt so I'm currently using a tare that I made from dashi, dried shiitake, vinegar and salt which has worked out well.

>> No.19384783

>your pot is filthy
Are you fucking with me or do you not realize that's from cooking the food literally inside of it

>> No.19384826

not him. there's nothing orange in your food. I see orange crust on your sticks and pot. it does look dirty.

>> No.19384879

Use your deductive reasoning. Look at the skewers. Look at the pot. Imagine that you are cooking. And you add in siracha and stir it in.

>> No.19384907

15.5e here in Finland. The whorefaggots even put in only ONE HALF OF THE BOILED EGG.

>> No.19384968

lmao this nigga at least FIFTY

>> No.19384971

You will be too one day if you are lucky

>> No.19384976 [DELETED] 

looool what's it matter I'll still outlive you chud

>> No.19385197

sriracha is red.

>> No.19385296

There's something wrong with protestant christcucks. To you, if something is easy to do, it is sinful and worthless. Everything must be crying blood before it is good. Instant foods are not inherently unhealthy. Instant ramen is just carbs, just like any other carbs, hand made or not. What you do with it determines whether it is healthy or not. But, no...go ahead slaving over your authentic wood campfire to cook historically accurate gruel.

>> No.19385297

I'm gonna kick your ass

>> No.19385304

I don't know where you think you are. this is /ck/. a place for food and cooking. not politics and other faggotry. take your dopey ass over to /b/ or /pol/ if you can't stay on topic here, shitdick.

>> No.19385510

>thinking instant ramen is higher quality than spaghetti
If we were talking about actual ramen noodles you might have a point, but since we were talking instant, you disgust me.

>> No.19385528

your first post was to OP and it was about spaghetti being cheaper. nobody mentioned instant anything until you did just now. you're a fucking retard trying to save face. eat shit and die.

>> No.19385609

are you goddamn retarded? off your fucking meds? or what

>> No.19386231

Fuck real ramen. Cheap ramen packets are literally better. Pho is also better quality wise. Why the fuck am I paying $20 for butter water and pork when I can get beef broth and beef slices with pho.

>> No.19386246

This is to obviously bait and you don't actually think this, but I agree that cheap instant ramen packets - although they don't taste the same as real ramen - still taste just as good if not better than real ramen.

But honestly I usually only buy the instant ramen packets just for the noodles and i either throw away the powder or i use that powder to season meat in other dishes lol, a little pro tip.

>> No.19386251

your pro tip has already been mentioned by another anon.

>> No.19386260

really? i guess i fucking suck then

>> No.19386267


>> No.19386317
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>> No.19386321
File: 212 KB, 1920x1080, the perfect ramen ingredient.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.19386423

Anyone who disagrees with this is a fag desu

>> No.19386432

Add a little butter and or slice of American cheese (most other cheeses wont melt into the broth the same) to the broth to give it a creamier texture

>> No.19386501
File: 180 KB, 800x1624, koube.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Which is it?

>> No.19387043

My first ramen experience was in a ramen shop in Barcelona that apparently had been dubbed "the best ramen shop in the city".
It was just an egg soup with spaghetti and a shit load of spicy paprika. I'm not saying it didn't taste good, but that's probably now what ramen tastes like, right?

>> No.19387373

there's your problem. did you try your first gyro in Germany too?

>> No.19387629

how are wooden chopsticks compared to disposable chopsticks? does it improve the eating experience at all or am i wasting money? just bought a pack of 5 lacquered wood chopsticks at the price of 50 disposable ones.

>> No.19387710
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Whatever you decide, do it slowly and tell us how you feel. Preferably with screenshots of Ramen.

>> No.19387880
File: 677 KB, 1520x2280, Thai-Coconut-Curry-RamenIMG_0450.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

My favorite ramen are curry ramen and miso ramen. It's also a big plus when they top the ramen with tonkatsu.

>> No.19388357

who is this 'they' you speak of?

>> No.19388789

the ra-men. they're like the x-men but their powers are making delicious broths.

>> No.19390176

I don't eat ramen because they use palm oil in it like nongshim shin spicy ramyun.

>> No.19390338

that's instant ramen.

>> No.19390379

What about ra-women? Why is the history of oriental spaghetti always "HIS STORY"?

>> No.19390697
File: 1.93 MB, 3127x2608, fried onions.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

French's fried onions

>> No.19390714
File: 30 KB, 500x484, Fat_6ed72b_5576352.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

noodles in flavored water? open a can of campbell's chicken noodle

>> No.19390780
File: 34 KB, 480x355, cmon_son.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Where do you think the water in the machine comes from? How do you think the water goes from room temperature to boiling in your machine?

You still have to fill it up. The water still takes time to heat. The rules of physics still apply no matter what the 8-second tiktok you saw showed you. Don't waste your money and counter space on a novelty device to cook shitty food, dude.

>> No.19390814

The only way to have a ramen thread would be to put in the OP that it’s for proper ramen and not instant.
Real ramen is often fantastic and there are so many variations.
Too many instant ramen posts in here. They are completely different foodstuffs.

>> No.19390841

the purpose of this thread was to find some new ramen ideas. instant or traditional didn't matter. but the retards on this board don't have any reading comprehension skills so it turned into this bullshit. I don't think it's possible to have an intelligent discussion about anything anywhere on this site.

>> No.19390888

>pork is the quintessentiel protein people generally associate with authentic ramen
>Haven't been able to find pork flavored instant ramen where I live for nearly 20 years
this is so fucking bullshit

>> No.19390898

chicken and beef bouillon are cheaper for mass manufacturing

>> No.19390901

checked. there's this thing called Amazon you could try.

>> No.19390908

Too expensive for where I live, a 24-pack comes around $2-3/pack, I can't justify that

>> No.19390915 [DELETED] 

wait for a sale. those 24 packs drop to $5 when they're getting close to the sell by date.

>> No.19390970
File: 85 KB, 361x998, 615tcn6cLjL._AC_SL1000_.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

it's recommended

>> No.19391019

A pressure cooker is really fucking dandy if you want to make the broth. I just fry and then pressure nuke chicken in an instant pot for about an hour with some sauces tossed in for the broth and add other stuff to it afterwards, including the chicken which I shred and some actual ramen noodles (not the instant type).
It's really nice, and the broth holds up well so you can just make a large batch and microwave yourself a fresh bowl later. I should try some pork based broth

>> No.19391966
File: 2.44 MB, 3264x2448, 20230307_182924.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I cook a little chicken and an egg to drop in my Cup Noodle. Makes a super good meal. Just cook that stuff and half way through also make the cup

>> No.19391972
File: 1.63 MB, 2448x3218, 20230307_182920.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Fuck. No idea why the photo was flipped

>> No.19392090

I dislike that they changed the spicy chicken one, removed the peas and pepper flakes and replaced it with corn major downgrade.

>> No.19392131

>>Haven't been able to find pork flavored instant ramen where I live for nearly 20 years

We all know who to blame for that, don't we?

Also, the perfect trips.

>> No.19392762

are you watching the exorcist on hulu?

>> No.19393039

broth made with pork trimmings and beef bones is the absolute best. make sure to add 2 tablespoons of apple cider vinegar to the pot. it takes the stock from good to great.

>> No.19393317

the correct japanese way is to slurp the noodles down whole, not even chewing.

>> No.19393456

is this one of those wypipo things like california rolls

>> No.19393681

Nice suggestion, but there' something weird about those onions, I open the tin and somehow it always ends up empty even before dinner is served. Do you think it could be aliens?

>> No.19393689 [DELETED] 

Where do you live? Pork instant ramen has actually gotten easier to find because of the tonkotsu meme. Nissin Raoh is premium, Sapporo Momosan is mid, and Nong Shim is cope but better than nothing.
Yeah Amazon sucks for specialty groceries, it seems like they would sell a lot more if the prices were more reasonable, but blah blah market forces, apparently there are lots of desperate British expat invalids willing to pay $20 for a jar of Marmite delivered tomorrow.

>> No.19393700

tooetnic for MY tastes

>> No.19393707

Where do you live? Pork instant ramen has actually gotten easier to find because of the tonkotsu meme. Nissin Raoh is premium, Sapporo Momosan is mid, and Nong Shim is cope but better than nothing.
Yeah Amazon sucks for specialty groceries, it seems like they would sell a lot more if the prices were more reasonable, but blah blah market forces, apparently there are lots of desperate British expat invalids willing to pay $20 for a jar of Marmite delivered tomorrow.

>> No.19393717

Look at this picture in OP you fucking retarded alzheimers troglodyte, that's not instant ramen.

>> No.19394437

its like 6-9 bucks down here in japan kiddo.

>> No.19394450
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>> No.19395352
File: 2.53 MB, 3695x2188, 20230618_130828.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I made something like a curry ramen with leftover chili using whole beef, brown button mushrooms, baby potatoes and a massive amount of a variety of dried chiles. Extra veg including sugarsnap peas, green beans, carrots, onion. Just saved some of the water from cooking the noodles to loosen up the chili. Very good.

Yes I eat on my cat tree. I injured my back and it kills me to sit.

>> No.19395383

looks good. hearty.

>> No.19395430

Yeah I got through half of it. I'll have the rest for dinner. Kind of wish I reserved half the noodles so they wouldn't get soggy. These are the noodles that come in stick bundles. A little expensive but they blow instant noodles out of the water.

>> No.19395724

I'm surprised they were allowed to portray the Japanese man snorting powder through his nose.
Drug laws are no joke over there.

>> No.19395833

>drug laws
>no joke
>Yakuza has more power than the government
>clutching pearls over a funny commercial
your ignorance is showing, anon.

>> No.19395834

digusting, i bet u also eat cat feces now too.

>> No.19395837
File: 39 KB, 474x474, ramen.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

this shit permanently dyed my skin red

>> No.19395842

its the culture that matters. Asia does have drugs but it doesnt have a drug culture. in usa it is mainstream. you wont see famous celebs or other ppl high and openly doing drugs like usa. Asia will never have celebs openly admitting to drug use.

>> No.19395978

thanks but i prefor pho, with a nice broth thats cooked for at leas 48 hours in some backroom with no ventilation.

>> No.19396028

nobody asked.

>> No.19396031

you sound like a McFatty.

>> No.19396062
File: 122 KB, 534x801, 20200117_3dhnUEbIJbdfWKs.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

use it to get a red tattoo

>> No.19396148

>Doesn't eat his hambaga in one chew

>> No.19397083

My money would be on ghosts. You should make sure to always have multiple containers of fried onions on hand to appease the restless spirits of the dead.

>> No.19398048

the broth looks broken apart.
the broth here looks whole with no fat drops

but i never ate ramen in my life

>> No.19398096

How the fuck is this thing still going? It's over a fucking week old!
And discussing mushy broth noodles of all things.

>> No.19398224

Looked like the top one.

>> No.19398377
File: 110 KB, 800x800, 担々麺.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It may not be famous in the West, but the tan-tan-men noodles are also delicious.
It is the Japanese version of Chinese dan-dan-noodles

>> No.19398382

>Tried ramen once at a Hibachi place that we frequent and it wasn't that great nothing to cry home about

That's because a fucking korean-run "hibachi" place in a flyover shithole is just serving you instant fucking ramen you dumb smoothbrain. Get real ramen in a proper city at a ramen restaurant, not a "hibachi" place with ramen on the menu. Or better yet, go to Japan.

>> No.19398526

Recommend me good ramen restaurants in the hellhole known as San Francisco that aren't chains. I want to eat authentic Jap ramen at a place where the chef is the owner.

>> No.19398573

there's nothing good there. hop a flight to Japan.

>> No.19398580

Yamadaya is pretty good.

There's a couple good things left in sf and one of them is the food.

>> No.19398692

I live outside of SF and I go into the city at least once a month. I think I know the city better than you do. While SF is mostly shit and depressing like you saw on twitter, there are still some nice areas and among the best restaurants in the country in the city.

I don't see any indication of it being chef-owned and they have another location in LA, but I see the ramen looks really good and they do have good reviews.

>> No.19398844

California is its own third world country within a country. that's why I left. your restaurants serve you piss and jizz because tithe only people left are degenerate scum. you'll find better ramen in Nevada than anywhere in Liberallifornia.

>> No.19399122

thats literally just a taco in a bowl

>> No.19399601

lol? are you twelve?

>> No.19399621

lol. are you retarded? you must be to defend that shithole.

>> No.19399883

>good ramen

good joke

>> No.19400007

You've convinced me I'm never eating ramen again, what I fool I was

>> No.19400068

You're welcome, Nerevarine

>> No.19400612

Where did I defend the shithole that is San Francisco? How ironic that you call others retarded. Take your meds.

>> No.19401946

after reading through this thread I can safely say most of you are legitimately retarded. it's embarrassing to even use this site anymore. you all need to get off the computer and go outside. speak like that to people in the real world and see what happens.