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File: 787 KB, 1037x584, auntie j.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
19344404 No.19344404 [Reply] [Original]

Why couldn't we save her bros?

>> No.19344411
File: 61 KB, 914x548, MrsButterworth.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

kinda amazing it took a guy overdosing while having a knee on his neck to remove the caricature label

>> No.19344414

I think it's great to eat pancakes without thinking about them.

In fact, I don't think the cartoon of a sirvienta/Maid is racist

Maybe because in mexican soap operas the Maid becomes the housewife or is kind to children. I will never understand why anyone would think the memory of a housekeeper is racist

>> No.19344416

>food crime
What does it matter when it's exactly the same shitty product that it's always been? It's the same thing with Bud Light. I couldn't care less who a shitty beer is trying to advertise to when I never drink it and never will. Only a chud worries about culture war garbage and what kind of "pay cuts" a multi-billion dollar corporation is making for its investors and CEOs.

If you want a real food crime, look what's happened with foie gras regulations in the US over the past 15 years. Stupid little state bills that went into effect briefly and were then overturned essentially put every American foie gras producer out of business overnight.

>> No.19344420

Which tastes better:
American pancake syrup, Dark corn syrup, or Light corn syrup?
As an additional challenge, tell me why maple syrup tastes better than everything listed without resorting to nationalism. I mean, if it is genuinely superior, you shouldn't need to threaten people, and it should be capable of being recognized for its merits, right?

>> No.19344423

i looked at a bottle of syrup one day, and saw that it said "pearl milling company". i assumed it was just an off-brand of glorious Aunt Jemima, as I didn't know the name of the parent company.
she's gone, bros. our based auntie who adorned our pancakes and waffles with so much diabetic coma inducing maple-flavored high fructose corn pancake/waffle syrup.
i'd look at the box of mix, or the bottle of syrup, and i'd know my auntie was there for me. not emotionally, of course, but inasmuch as she would assist in making pancakes and/or waffles and topping them with syrup.
i felt a hollowness upon learning Aunt Jemima was phased out (for some reason i don't understand), like a smiling black mamie caricature i was used to seeing...i would have to get used to not seeing anymore.
she was like a real auntie to me. but more like the family cook. except she wouldn't get paid. i don't know exactly what to call that. always so happy...i'd call her Aunt Jemmy and thank her for the pancakes every morning. I even invented a birthday for her and celebrated by making special pancakes that i would offer her as tribute. sometimes we'd get into some light voodoo pancake magic, but nothing too serious, just clowning around, y'know...
oh, aunt jemmy, to see your warm smile once again...

>> No.19344425
File: 8 KB, 154x327, download.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This tastes better

>> No.19344432

Okay boomer
Who is Aunt Jemima?
Don't you think you are a little OLD to be studying stupid shit like history?

>> No.19344434

If you know the Pearl company you know her well
Auntie J can't help you now

>> No.19344441

i'm not a boomer, zoomie
aunt jemima was a character for pancake syrup and mix
i don't know why you're asking about studying history, it's not my best subject and seems irrelevant

>> No.19344445

>Maybe because in mexican soap operas the Maid becomes the housewife or is kind to children. I will never understand why anyone would think the memory of a housekeeper is racist
Probably because they're all Mexican? I'm actually second cousins with Tony Kushner, who wrote a Broadway musical something like 20 years ago about the black maid/housekeeper he grew up with in the 50's/early 60's, and when I asked my grandma about it she said, "LOL! She became our maid after your grandpa and I got married! We loved her! Isn't it great to see her become so famous that's she's on Broadway!!?"

It was pretty funny, but also kind of eye opening about how differently people looked at black help back in the day compared to today. It neve even crossed peoples' minds that it was racist. It was just like, "yeah, we fucking loved her and thought of her as part of the family. Why were all the maids black? Well, that's just how it was." There's definitely been a loss of perspective recently, but people always seem to get really political every 30 years from what I can tell, and then things go back to normal again.

>> No.19344450
File: 397 KB, 1392x1025, Goysyrup.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

That shit's always been trash.
Just buy the real stuff. It doesn't cost that much more.

>> No.19344464

First they killed Aunt Jemima. Then Uncle Ben. They won’t stop. No more syrup. No more rice. No more lovin’ from my favorite people.
This little light of mine
I'm going to let it shine
Oh, this little light of mine
I'm going to let it shine
This little light of mine
I'm going to let it shine
Let it shine, let it shine, let it shine

>> No.19344466

>What does it matter when it's exactly the same shitty product that it's always been?
I wish people would want companies to focus on value/quality for their products instead of using/not using minorities.

>> No.19344481
File: 651 KB, 1382x2048, MV5BMTM5OTMyMjIxOV5BMl5BanBnXkFtZTcwNzU4MjIwNQ@@._V1_.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Heh, they made a movie about this subject.

>> No.19344489

Holy shit dude. Get out of your right wing bubble and have some actual discussions with people irl from time to time. You're just repeating straight up disingenuous talking points and using an argumentative style that pretty pretty much precludes any critique or possibility for self-reflection.

>> No.19344500

They're not all mexicans. You don't even know how to dismiss us hispanics and I bet asians and turks would have something to say too. In this dynamic the Spanish would have indigenous native people as servants. It's seen as an honest job

Arrogancy and pride got the best of them when they called it racist and it blinded them from the fact that It's an honest living. Trabajo honrado. But since blacks aren't poor anymore... they're americans, of course this abomination of a misunderstanding happened.

Hard to type it in english since it seems alien to you.

>> No.19344502

Yeah. It was based off a book written years after the book I was talking about which was adapted into a Broadway musical.

>> No.19344504

What makes you think I'm right wing?

>> No.19344509

Corn syrup tastes like dogshit. Table syrup was designed by multi-billion dollar corporations to taste as close to maple syrup as physically possible while being made of corn syrup.

I'm canadian so I may be biased but actual maple syrup tends to have smoother, milder, and more nuanced flavors than table syrup, even when using a darker syrup.

>> No.19344510

The fact that you opposed the left a little I bet

>> No.19344517

Gringo syrup isn't Honey.

It just isn't. I remind myself this every time I think it's good. It's just like sour cream. Goyslop

Honey is better. So is cajeta

>> No.19344518


>> No.19344519

Your disingenuous style of making an argument, as I originally said. I can go into more detail if you really want, but I'm pretty sure you know what you said.

>> No.19344522

Honey is a completely different beast than maple syrup, it's like comparing apples to oranges. you are retarded.

>> No.19344526

I respect your pronouns

>> No.19344528

I'm not right wing though.

>> No.19344533

I've never understood people who argue over whether maple syrup is better than honey or vice versa. They're both sticky and sweet, but they taste completely different and aren't interchangeable. It's always been really weird to me. I've seen a few threads with people trying to argue that sour cream is better than heavy cream, and it's the same thing. Like, what the fuck recipe are you even talking about? Maybe there are some cases where you can use one or the other based on preference, but for the most part they're completely different ingredients.

>> No.19344539

>I'm canadian

Yikes! stopped reading there

>> No.19344541

Okay, but do you consider yourself left leaning? Or do you completely deny the validity of the red team/blue team dichotomy? If it's the latter you're either from a different country and shouldn't be commenting about Aunt Jemima, or you're right wing, because only people on the right deny the reality of the extremely divisive political climate we've been living in for our entire lives.

>> No.19344544

It's not it's fake Honey

It's margerine to butter

The big 3 for pancakes are strawberry Jam, honey and cajeta.

Nutella or any other modern shit and there's something wrong with you. Nutella is racist too.

>> No.19344581
File: 117 KB, 584x680, 1680295319744014.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Who's next?

>> No.19344588

the horse that the oats were meant for

>> No.19344639

Shut the fuck up spic, nobody even knows what the fuck cajeta is, everyone knows what maple syrup is.

>> No.19344693

I miss my sweet mamie and her delicious syrup. Take me back lawd to dem good ol days

>> No.19344699
File: 12 KB, 300x140, do-land-olakes-indian-butter-boob-trick.300x140.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>you will never be able make butter boobies again

>> No.19344752

I think you’re getting a little too heated about syrup bro.

>> No.19344758

Cajeta envinada doesn't exist to you because you're a retarded piece of shit. It shows when you try to speak broken spanish

>> No.19344767

>aunt jemima was a character for pancake syrup and mix
aunt jemima was a character from a minstrel show, later adopted by the pearl milling company to be their mascot.

>> No.19344773

Lord they sho nuff be scurred to death of scrong black womans

>> No.19344781

The Laughing Cow is next. Methane from cows is killing the planet.
You WILL eat cheese from the Chirping Bug.

>> No.19344933
File: 388 KB, 1131x2049, 81TKURsRyXL.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

He did nothing wrong.

>> No.19344966

She sells cornmeal too u know.

>> No.19344993

Aunt Jemima and Uncle Ben are two symbols of a world that no longer exist. Every brand now has to outdo each other in simplifying their logo. It's the same with tech companies

>> No.19345030

I doubt it, they're too appealing.
Have you seen rule 34 of the laughing cow?