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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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File: 800 KB, 2000x1428, paella.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
19297271 No.19297271 [Reply] [Original]

Why is it so overrated?
they have nothing, only tapas and prosciutto and that rice they do with rabbit, pork, beef, fish, shellfish.... what a shitty mix from hell.

>> No.19297285

posting in a Moor thread

>> No.19297288

so you have something so much better, let's see it then

>> No.19297378
File: 491 KB, 220x275, 1684684426388816.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm going to Spain in a few weeks and I will incessantly post my meals to this board just to piss you off. You've been warned.

>> No.19297440

Hmmmm. When did you last visit Spain?

>> No.19297524

he's probably a room temperature IQ amerilard that doesn't know the difference between prosciutto and jamon serrano

>> No.19297525

>how did you spend your weekend anon?
oh, i was angry at spain

>> No.19297526

Try the Basque stuff, that's really good.
Bring a cute girlfriend with you, that'll be sure to impress her.

>> No.19297543
File: 128 KB, 608x856, 1642740053970.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

prosciutto jamon air dried meat...........go fucking gatekeep yo momma's pastrami cunt, you fucking redditor.

>> No.19297546

many such cases

>> No.19297558

Its definetly overrated but it doesn't mean its bad.
Also fideuà > paella.

>> No.19297562
File: 119 KB, 456x337, 1665628286965621.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Spanish food is shit
>their colonies go on to produce some of the most delicious and beloved food in the entire word
Explain this

>> No.19297563

4chan, I introduce: The Amerilard

>> No.19297575
File: 575 KB, 1280x1280, 42841 - SoyBooru.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Spain and Italy are the hecking same thing chud

>> No.19297578

Because Spanish food isn't shit, OP's retarded.

>> No.19297602
File: 30 KB, 322x376, 0n7.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

the process is the same you gastronomic illiterate mongoloid.

>> No.19297607

spaniard opinions discarded

>> No.19297670

That's what I thought. He's probably the type of moron to call you a redditor (whilst secretly being one himself) and post an infantile søyjak picture. It's all a form or cope. Make sure not to give him any (You)s and he'll probably go away.

>> No.19297680

This. Spanish food is fantastic.
t. Bongloid

>> No.19297685
File: 54 KB, 480x300, TELEMMGLPICT000327361084_trans_NvBQzQNjv4BqpVlberWd9EgFPZtcLiMQf0Rf_Wk3V23H2268P_XkPxc.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

If Spanish food is so good, explain THIS.
>t. Been to costa del sol me

>> No.19297729
File: 56 KB, 554x554, images (12).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Overrated by whom? Spain is one of the most hated countries on 4chan. For me it'all their iberico sausages, their prosciutto and manchigo cheese. I could feed off that every single day of my life.

>> No.19297730

let's talk about your food, it must be great food

>> No.19297739

>explain this
>what are tourist traps
it gets worse, they serve you microwaved trash for top dollar

>> No.19297751

Becuase morons from tourist class on cruise ships pay for it and think its somehow exotic. duh.

>> No.19297764
File: 13 KB, 270x203, The_Love_Boat.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

A lot of these idiots have watched too much Love Boat and think that's reality.

>> No.19297771

Good thing I'm not Spanish then, retard. I'm an American that visited Spain and was honestly blown away by how good the food is there.

>> No.19297794

>they have nothing
Here's ten, only counting egg dishes.
Fuck, just yesterday there was a huge thread praising the nasty nonsense the Brits eat, and there's one right now about kidneys.

>watched too much Love Boat
You know it's set in Mexico, not Spain, right?

>> No.19297799

Same here. Although being an American eating in Europe is a bit like being a pig that was allowed to eat fresh table scraps instead of the usual trough of rotten slop.

>> No.19297805

i dont think its overrated because its not popular.

>> No.19297824
File: 135 KB, 1050x700, iberico king.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

literally anything iberico is god tier

>> No.19297836
File: 104 KB, 750x1000, 1653071381642.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I am also going to Spain soon. What are some must try dishes while I'm there?

>> No.19297854

pretty much anything but you have to understand 1 basic rule. For each place that cooks it right there's like 100 places that do it awfully and some are even done by literal pakis that can't even

I'll list you some.
. patatas bravas
. estofado
. albondigas a la jardinera
. croquetas de jamon
. fabada
. gazpacho
. paella de marisco
. tortilla de patatas
. calamares a la andaluza/ rabas
. some nice quality fish oven recipe (do your research I literally don't know any names only that it can be top tier)
. arroz a la cubana
. huevos al plato
. huevos fritos con patatas fritas y chorizo
. costillas de cordero

And in case you go to the basque country, just go crazy, they have arguably one of the best gastronomies out of all spain eventhough their style is rather unique and different from the classic spanish one

>> No.19297862
File: 196 KB, 1200x800, paella_pan.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

GTFO, this is a proper paella pan

>> No.19297864

oh and try to get some high quality sobrasada and make yourself a nice sobrasada + abguette, you need plenty of sobrasada though, like the bread-sobrasada ratio must be bold in favor of sobrasada, also spicy sobrasada is realy good
You have to put the baguette bread in a pan and toast it a bit

>> No.19297878

Spniards have very low opinions on spanish food, for us it's average shit (outside of Jamón)
t. espiñol

>> No.19297894

Thanks anon, I'll save this list and bring it with me.
>And in case you go to the basque country, just go crazy, they have arguably one of the best gastronomies out of all spain eventhough their style is rather unique and different from the classic spanish one
I hope I do. I've wanted to try authentic piperade ever since I watched that Marco BBC Maestro video.

>> No.19297920

who considers iberico pork or proper charred paella low tier?

>> No.19297928

>Spain is one of the most hated countries on 4chan.
is it though

>> No.19297946

>one of the most hated
Maybe. But it can't come close to how many Europoors hate their betters (America).

>> No.19298025

I do. I don't like greasy ham. Bacon can be greasy, but not ham. Ferran Adrià's ceaseless advertising inflated the price of this dodgy, diluted, cross-bred greasy garbage. It's no better than Bayonne, Ganda, Schwarzwald or Ardennais. It's nowhere near the emperor of ham, San Daniele.

Paella isn't low tier. It's rice with rabbit. It's not prunes with Geuze and rabbit. It's not Bordeaux with rabbit. It's rice (not arroz bomba). With rabbit, not fish or seafood. Respectable, honest food. If only someone managed to prepare it correctly.

And that's why Spanish food is overrated. They sell out. Anything for the tourism industry and Instagram foodies. Paella with the wrong kind of rice? Sure. Giant paella? Of course. Call any pig that ever set foot on Spanish soil Pata Negra or bellota? Hell yeah. That'll be 140€ per kg, please. Don't get ripped off people.

PS: Basque Country, Catalonia and Extremadura still have hidden gems. Good luck.

>> No.19298039

paella means pan in catalan

>> No.19298084

Cousine is more than 2 plates. There's some really good shit but lost is mediocre.

>> No.19298108

We don't hate you. You're just fat clowns, shitting yourselves, shooting up schools and kneeling for black people. You're also the main capital of homosexuality and tranny shit. You're comedy. No hate though. I'm sending a hug right now.

>> No.19298159

t. Pretencioso cerdo comunista viviendo en la costa.

>> No.19298199
File: 89 KB, 311x311, 21534472.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.19298221

they have to compete with America, Israel, China, India, Russia, Korea, every south American cunt, every self-hating Euro cunt and then down the line is some actual mediterranean hate

>> No.19298234

I'm just saying that anything made with iberico pork is beyond delicious, even iberico burgers are more interesting than any beef burger, that flavor is really unique. it deserves the same status as parmigiano reggiano for example.

anyone who has ever eaten paella like this will also agree that it's one of the best if not the best rice dish in the world and it doesn't really matter what toppings you use as long as you don't use more than one layer of rice and overcrowd it. this rabbit fetish>>19298025 is completely autistic and is just as cringe as italians acting offended when someone enjoys pineapples on their pizza

>> No.19298397

Yes jamón is unironically the best produce that comes out of pork period. Proscuitto is really good but Jamón is just better, specially the expensive stuff, it has no competition there. I'm sorry italy.

>> No.19298424

nta, as a spaniard I could live perfectly fine without jamon serrano de bellota, it's good, but nothing I would need. Sobrasada and a good chorizo on the other hand...

>> No.19298432

jamon iberico completely destroys jamon serrano and proscuitto

>> No.19298474
File: 2.60 MB, 1999x1733, 9BE05983-749A-4315-8E23-C66F35F98663.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Name a country better at sniffing hams

>> No.19298489

Kek. I wouldn't mind getting that job. No HR ladies, cunts, office politics... just you and your hams

>> No.19298568

Why is Spain so overrated?
Can someone please name one spanish scientist or inventor

>> No.19298737
File: 296 KB, 974x978, Screen Shot 2023-05-22 at 00.38.04.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

my dog would maul me if i'd give him this shit

>> No.19299389

ahhh.... /ck/ at it's finest.
Yet another "what the fuck is that, and why couldn't you just tell us" post.
No go on, call me an idiot because I can't quite guess at what that blurry nonsense is.

>> No.19299444

>only tapas and prosciutto
murrican education

>> No.19299448

>their prosciutto and manchigo cheese
what the fuck man, its not Prosciutto, thats Italian, its Iberico or Serrano. Also, it´s Manchego cheese.

>> No.19299632

Jamón serrano tastes better albeit

>> No.19299691
File: 672 KB, 524x568, xsq.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i had some very delicious food in spain, pic related (squid on top of fried potatoes, not my pic but the same restaurant - O xachegou). it's pretty touristy so you do get some places that are shitty, but i also had some great pizza in alicante - infraganti was the restaurant, also a great tapas place there, abarrote.
just look around and you'll find good stuff, touristy areas are a double edged sword: there's great stuff and shitty stuff all at the same price

>> No.19300070

Is Alicante worth visiting? I want to find a nice little beach town in spain.

>> No.19300088

I liked it, but it wasn’t a little beach town, it was full of people from all around. you get a ton of restaurants and shopping because of this, but it’s a trade off

>> No.19300361

Hmm doesn't sound nice, I'll give it a miss maybe. I know I won't get a remote island experience but would at least prefer somewhere without mass tourism.

>> No.19300407


>> No.19300409

Un loco diciendo locuras.
Claramente fideuà < paella.

>> No.19300420

so much talks but i don't see any decent picture of spanish food........because there isn't many good stuff.

>> No.19300428

sorry paco spicy food gives me el diario

>> No.19300441

A pitbull I presume?

>> No.19300450
File: 7 KB, 192x262, nannydog.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

why would you say that, they're nanny dogs

>> No.19300529

A tu puta casa valenciANO, que seguro que nisiquiera le pones allioli al arroz con cosas ese que tanto te gusta.

>> No.19301087

Juan de la Cierva, who invented the gyroplane.

>> No.19301136

It s not tre, and bytheway prosciutto is italian

>> No.19301542

it's true. they only have that jamon air dried meat, paella garbage, poor man's food omelette and fucking tapas.

ps: jamon, presunto, prosciutto same shit you effeminate.

>> No.19301549

why are you talking like that with him? actually valencian paella is the least garbage paella you have in the whole country.

>> No.19301674

He called me insane also I like to insult people because I spend too mutch time on /int/, it's just a bit of banter innit. Yes Valencian paella is the best, they made up paella, they are also paella purists and call anything that isn't the original recipee "rice with things".