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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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File: 193 KB, 1200x1600, IMG_3476 2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
19294009 No.19294009 [Reply] [Original]

Let's have a carbonated spring water thread, anons. In b4 >why don't you just drink tap water, faggot?

Why drink carbonated mineral water? The main reason is that it's delicious and comes from the Earth. The naturally occuring carbonation is extremely refreshing when you open an ice cold bottle of water. It's also rather healthy for you as it's generally high in minerals. The taste also varies due to the mineral content, with different waters having different tastes and mineral content, so you can always switch things up. It's also just really classy.

What's your favourite carbonated mineral water, /ck/? Only real carbonated waters, please. Soda Streaming your municipal tap water doesn't count.

Pic related by the way. Gerolsteiner from the Eifel Mountains in Germany is my favourite. Borjomi is my runner up and it comes from the Borjomi Gorge in the Lesser Caucasus Mountains in the beautiful country of Georgia.

>> No.19294014

Dude, do something about your nails.
Are you some kind of homo?

>> No.19294022
File: 48 KB, 576x576, Polar-Seltzer_Water.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This Polar is pretty good.

>> No.19294036


Not me, I just pulled the picture from DuckDuckGo since it had a nice sunset. I have a dick and this was from some mom blog.

>> No.19294056
File: 985 KB, 1920x1080, Dodge-Gunsmoke.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yeah, right.

>> No.19294064

Based. Gerolsteiner is the best. I do 5 gal of my well water carbonated fairly often. I'd like to get a RO system to try and clone gerolsteiner. Imagine a 5 or 10 gal keg of gerolsteiner. Good lord I would be hydrated.

>> No.19294092
File: 13 KB, 250x250, 49523728_regular.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Gerolsteiner ist super, ich mag auch Nassauer Land.

Aus der Glasflasche irgendwie besser. Medium ist ok, ich bevorzuge aber klassisch.

>> No.19294098
File: 569 KB, 743x1119, Screenshot_20230520_151640_Gallery.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

My current fave

>> No.19294101
File: 154 KB, 232x506, flaschen-classic.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Das hier ist auch super

>> No.19294104

Your hand looks fucked, you should seek medical attention immediatly before you get some infection.

>> No.19294187
File: 92 KB, 404x821, flaschen.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Only Fuhrersprudel is good sprudel. Picture very much related.

>> No.19294239

>It's also just really classy.
Doing stuff because it's "classy" is the fucking definition of pretentious, classy people just do it without such bullshit "excuses". You colossal faggot.

Also: 10 replies and no one mentioned Perrier. Fuck /ck/ is retarded.

>> No.19294246

Gerolsteiner takes a fat steaming shit on perrier.

>> No.19294262

t. butthurt OP

>> No.19294279

I'm not OP. The only person who is visibly upset is >>19294239 who is actively and positively furious by no one mentioning his brand of shitty sparkling water. Lmao.

>> No.19294293

Perrier is in it's own class. But /ck/ doesn't understand quality of course.

>> No.19294377

Is it just me or does Gerolsteiner somehow taste slightly like vomit? Which mineral is it that is responsible for its unique taste?

>> No.19294381

Polar is trash even as a new englander

>> No.19294401
File: 33 KB, 600x600, 31A7D850-E9B5-4B1E-AF66-FDFCFF8B8284.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i am of a man of simple tastes

>> No.19294424

Cope and seethe. Laughable.

>> No.19294557


Figures someone says "not classy" and follows it up with fucking Nestlé water. I mean it's good in a pinch I guess, but it's basically the Aquafina of carbonated mineral water.

>> No.19294618

t. Troglodyte

>> No.19294632

I know you are. No need to state the obvious. I bet you get your panties in a twist over people talking shit about nesquick too, don't yah, nestleboy?

>> No.19294647

>this much projection

>> No.19294660


Please refer to >>19294557, which is not my post, nestleboy. You have lost and there is nothing left for you. Take what little you have and be gone before you truly lose it all.

>> No.19294671

Just because Nestle buys a brand doesn't make it bad, I honestly had no idea about it. There's a reason people with taste prefer Perrier, but you wouldn't understand that.

>> No.19294719
File: 726 KB, 1440x1801, Screenshot_20230520_145858_Google.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Lmfao. Once you hit rock bottom you can only go up, brother.

>> No.19294728
File: 2.13 MB, 1440x7154, Screenshot_20230520_150109_Chrome.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Every single source puts gerolsteiner SIGNIFICANTLY higher than your chocolate milk flavor "sparkling" "water".

>> No.19294729
File: 1.40 MB, 1440x3579, Screenshot_20230520_150232_Chrome.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Lord have mercy on your soul.

>> No.19294733
File: 161 KB, 1440x579, Screenshot_20230520_150335_Google.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.19294745


It's still garbage. It isn't really about the fact it's a Nestlé product, it's the production itself.

>The spring from which Perrier water is sourced is naturally carbonated, but the water and natural carbon dioxide gas are obtained independently. The water is then purified, and during bottling, the carbon dioxide gas is re-added so that the level of carbonation in bottled Perrier matches that of the Vergèze spring.

>In 1990, Perrier removed the "naturally sparkling" claim from its bottles under pressure from the United States Food and Drug Administration.

>Since at least 2019, Perrier water is no longer "reinforced with gas from the source" but "with the addition of carbon dioxide". According to the company, this change allows it to considerably reduce its total water consumption and reduce its ecological impact.

See? The Aquafina of carbonated mineral water. I'd at least choose S.Pellegrino over Perrier. I only get Perrier when I want a drink and wander into a convenience store, since that's usually what they stock. While Nestlé owns S.Pellegrino as well, they don't do any sort of weird manual re-carbonation of the water like they do with Perrier. But really there are lots of other nice waters. Hit up your local Eurotrash grocery stores and you should find good selections.

>> No.19294748

Seriously what makes you seethe so much about Perrier? It's just mineral water, lmao Also:
>anglo sources for taste-related things
How fucking retarded are you?

>> No.19294755

All those facts doesn't change the fact that the small bubbles and it's clean subtle taste is perfect for accompanying a good meal or just a as a refreshing sparkling water on it's own.

>> No.19294760

>ignores literal benzene in his perrier.


Perrier TDS 475mg/l

Gerolsteiner TDS 2500mg/l

Absolutely devastated, demolished, and destroyed.

Your water is weak, pathetic, and literally causes cancer amongst your fellow peers and you still pretend it can hold a candle to the king of water. Thr joke continues to write itself. How glorious!

>> No.19294772

>Borjomi is my runner up and it comes from the Borjomi Gorge in the Lesser Caucasus Mountains in the beautiful country of Georgia
borjomi is trash that tastes like something that comes out of a car's exhaust pipe

>> No.19294791

>One day in February 1990, a lab in North Carolina found a tiny mount of cancer-causing benzene in Perrier
So what? Benzene is everywhere. Again, why are you seething so hard about fucking mineral water? And why do you think more minerals make a mineral water better? It's all about balance. Perriers quality is it's subtility. If you want more minerality or harder bubbles, there are others. Thinking that harder bubbles or more minerality makes a better mineral water is like thinking the hot sauce with highest scoville is the best, in other words: plain retardation.

>> No.19294867

Incredible strawman. You should work at farmville.


I knew it was all a show. Your own wreckless persistence was always going to be your downfall.

>> No.19295831

I have a 5 gallon keg of a gerolsteiner clone on right now and it's been a delight. It's almost gone unfortunately, but it's for sure going to be in my main rotation. This was my first keg of this stuff. It's also the most heavily mineralized soda I have made. So refreshing. I have the recipe somewhere if you waterfags are interested