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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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19285956 No.19285956 [Reply] [Original]

What do you get at your friendly neighborhood cafe?

I usually go for coffee cake if they have it, if not, a muffin of some type, blueberry or banana walnut. Or banana bread if they have it. Pair that with a oat latte and a Stephen King book (working on The Institute now) and I've got a good afternoon.

>> No.19285959
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How many cocks did you suck on the way there? Fucking faggot.

>> No.19285964

Coffee shops are for leftists, fags, and women; all of whom are mindless retarded consumerists overpaying for coffee they can easily make at home. Or some faggot shit drink they want because they're a vain pompous ass and then they cry about how capitalism is LE BAD because they decided to spend 20+ years renting apartments and paying 10 bucks for a coffee instead of buying a home and making their own.

>> No.19286012

>overpaying for coffee they can easily make at home
I don't have a latte machine

>> No.19286018
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Put wip cram in french press
>Wa latte

>> No.19286023

certainly not urs ha rekt u

>> No.19286068

You seem to have a lot of anger. I recommend a latte and a nice slab of coffee cake to calm you down.

>> No.19286076

A fresh lemon bar and a black iced cold brew.

>> No.19286080
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Lemon bars are good. I was once at a place that had a lemon-lavender bar - not a flavor combo that I'd had before but it worked really well.

>> No.19286087

Yeah I bet that actually tastes pretty good, especially to cut through the bitterness of a cup of coffee

>> No.19286088

I don't have a friendly neighborhood cafe. I have a MEAN neighborhood cafe.

>> No.19286090

Be honest, you just wanted to post a pic of those two girls in the short skirts, right? You sly dog.

>> No.19286177
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for me, it's the baseball stadium

>> No.19286207

How is the person who took that pic less of a creep than the old man they were photographing?

>> No.19286542

one of them is taking a funny pic
one of them if taking pics of girls 1/4 their age

>> No.19286580

Cold brew and a muffin

>> No.19286598

touch grass and have sex

>> No.19286611

Where in the world do girls dress like this damn

>> No.19286679

Went to an expensive coffee place for the first time recently. The coffee was genuinely good, better than normal. The atmosphere was weird though, the baristas were all dyked out or if male had eat piercings, also there was an actual trans patronising the place. It was ridiculously expensive, but if had a ton of money I could see paying the price for the taste difference.

Still not gonna go back because of the weirdness. Bros why is it that right wingers and capitalists don't make good coffee?

>> No.19286730

There is no friendly neighbourhood cafe anymore. Of the closest three, one is run and visited by extremely unpleasant hipsters who apparently didn't get the notice that hipsters stopped being a thing forever ago, another run and visited by smelly, thieving Albanians and the last run and visited by smelly Arabs who, while friendly, don't offer coffee I like so I don't go there. Used to be an Indonesian cafe that was friendly and good, but they closed. When they were open, I'd get a chocolate-and-coconut pancake stuffed with banana and topped with cheese (dadar gulung coklat isi pisang dengan keju).

I use a jar and microwave to microfoam milk for cappuccino.

>> No.19286908

I only try the baked goods if the barista can tell me where they were made (usually some local bakery). If it’s generic Sysco shit then I’m out.

>> No.19287000

>What do you get at your friendly neighborhood cafe?
Their beans, they roast them there

>> No.19287044

Imagine flying off the wall when someone mentions a cafe
It's less about "deciding" to rent and pay for highly inflated goods, and more that we're all forced to. No, it's not as essential to buy coffee as it is a home, but don't try and tell me that you think people should buy essential things only. If so, you should probably start by selling your phone and computer, we won't miss you.

>> No.19287066

You don’t need coffee, just eat rice and beans and water until you kill yourself from the monotony

>> No.19287090


They do, you just need to find the right places. It's just like with bars. You'll have bars catering to hillbilly white trash or rich Republicans, then you have bars that cater to blue haired trannies or wealthy middle class liberals.

I feel bad suggesting this advice but you could try asking in the local subreddit for wherever you live. Careful how you ask because obviously Reddit leans left and would ban you if it you asked where to get good coffee without any trannies around, but if you word it right you should get some recommendations.

>> No.19287103

>Still not gonna go back because of the weirdness.
For such a strong American you sure seem sensitive

>> No.19287774

“Here’s your goddamn cortado asshole”

>> No.19287816

this cafe near me serves nice pastries, except for the fact that you get them from the bakery that actually makes them for half the price and it's only 5 minutes away by car from the cafe.

>> No.19289159
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Sugary cakes is a GIRL's snack. Real Men's snacks are meat pies and fried rice with tea.

>> No.19289179

Best little cafe by me is run by an angry little Italian man. The coffee is leagues above everything else available since he sources it and roasts it himself on site.

>> No.19289237

>oat latte

Why oat over some dairy variant?

...For taste or health reasons?

>> No.19289268

I'd be okay with this were it staffed by 180cm+ tall dominatrices in full leather gear and riding crops who swat you or crush your balls under their boot if you order wrong. That would be fun.

>> No.19289284

those whores need

>> No.19289421

there was a nice little Christian one within walking distance of my house
got killed by COVID
I honestly didn't care for their coffee as it always tasted like pre-made shit but I regret now hanging around there more as now I'm a lonely faggot who has to get his coffee from goyslop drivethrus

>> No.19289465

I used to go to a Christian cafe but stopped once they started preaching against people rather than preaching for God (the preacher was talking shit on Jehovah's Witnesses and saying blatently false things about them). It's weird cuz I'm completely nontheistic, but I just don't like it when a supposedly godly community spends their time talking shit on other communities.
After trying several different communities to find one that wasn't about that negativity including the Unitarian-Universalist church (and even they were negative! the first time I went there, the sermon was titled "how the religious right is wrong," ffs sake), Mormons (surprisingly warm and welcoming) and Muslims (I had no idea wtf was going on and it gave me a very bad vibe), I returned to the Quakerism I grew up in.
Anyway, there's nothing stopping you from finding a church or other community to participate in (not even join) but be careful that many communities, religious or otherwise, prey on lonely faggots like you. I hope you find one that helps you out of your funk, with or without the caffeine.

>> No.19289472

>at your friendly neighborhood cafe?
have never been to one of those in 30 years

>> No.19290184

Atmosphere is an important part of the experience, and I definitely want to enjoy the full experience of being at the coffee shop if I'm paying so much

>> No.19290229

>If so, you should probably start by selling your phone and computer, we won't miss you.
People like you will literally stick your nose up at real options and solutions and then act like you're morally superior when all you're really doing is justifying your own consumerism and poor financial choices.

>> No.19290572
File: 159 KB, 1155x768, big_gevulde koeken 7 (Middel).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Capuccino and one of these lil mufuggas:

gevulde koek, a Dutch cookie filled with sweetened ground almond paste

>> No.19290647

Ooh fancy

I imagine they don't carry those many places

>> No.19290876

No they have them all over the place. They're very popular in the Netherlands. Just get a good one from a real bakery, the supermarket stuff has soy instead of almond

>> No.19291029

Imagine living within walking distance of anything.

>> No.19291064

nothing, i dont go because they're all full of fucking tourists
sometimes i'll swing by one and get a jalapeno cheese scone to take home

>> No.19291068
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I loved going right when they opened, getting a black iced coffee and a sandwich, and enjoying the quiet before the place got busy.

>> No.19292700

mmmm sandwiches

>> No.19292702

>What do you get at your friendly neighborhood cafe?
I don't. I'm neither a faggot nor a tiktokking girl.

>> No.19292712
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>> No.19293686

I'm a ancap accelerationist white supremacist and I love coffee shops. There the only place in America you can find decently attractive people. Barely any are fat and there are usually at least one or two cute girls when you go there.

>> No.19293794

>muh age difference
stop talking like a hag

>> No.19294597

I mean bro walk around literally any city for 10 minute and your eyes will be popping out of your head at how many hot women exist in the world

>> No.19294634


Rape should be legal. I'd want to fuck both of these girls right there in front of everyone.

>> No.19294930

Yeah, rape is real funny.
Til you been raped.

>> No.19295033

Whats all on sandwich

>> No.19295375
File: 913 KB, 2422x2736, _20230520_200330.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Egg and some sandwich spread, maybe Japanese mayo? It's been awhile.
Nice and simple, and cheap. 500円 / $3.50ish for coffee and a sandwich.
Here's their BLT.

>> No.19295402

Maybe in American where the only culture you guys have is making money. Here Coffee Shops are a community oriented hangout spot. You go to socialise over a coffee and inexpensive snack.

>> No.19295633
File: 2.33 MB, 4687x2736, _20230520_225814.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Meant for >>19295033
Don't listen to that asshole, coffeeshops and cafes serve a similar purpose in America for meeting and chatting, just like in Europe and Asia.

>> No.19295656

tf when all the restaurants in your area are all bad and its depressing. my standard is the korean food i see on youtube

>> No.19295780

Aye cool. Looks really good!

>> No.19295793

Do cafés always close early? I thought coffee was supposed to keep you awake!

>> No.19295818

My coffeeshop downtown where I work is run by a Frenchman who unironically goes "Hon hon hon!" and jokes with his customers. In the back is a Latina woman who laughs constantly with an infectious high laugh. The other bloke who works there is a Mexican guy who talks very quietly and is nearly incomprehensible, but he's very nice.
I always get a mozzarella sandwich which comes with a crazy amount of Israeli couscous and white beans; a large coffee, black; and one of his homemade brownies.
Whenever I walk in he says, "WHAT. WHAT DO YOU WANT THIS TIME." and other similar banter.

>> No.19295844

Usually a latte because I'm a dairyfag and love that cream in my throat gnome sayian?
My dates often get something similar.
I don't usually do any food because I'm there for conversation (and screening), makes it awkward if I'm also trying to chew on stuff.
I have never been to a cafe alone, nor do I ever plan to.

>> No.19295853

I can imagine it now
>Woah, I'ma get a nice candid shot of this underage girl's ass
>Wait a minute, is that old dude doing the same thing? LOL I GOTTA GET A PIC OF HIM TOO

>> No.19296697

>I have never been to a cafe alone, nor do I ever plan to.
This is what someone that only ever goes to cafes alone would say.

>> No.19296716



>> No.19298523

What does "based" mean?

>> No.19298549


>> No.19298574

opposite of debased