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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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19285115 No.19285115 [Reply] [Original]

And what's your favorite dish of theirs?

>> No.19285124

I don't have any women in my life

>> No.19285183

Your mom
Her roast beef

>> No.19285191

my mom and sister

>> No.19285198

What do they make that you like

>> No.19285363
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My aunt I guess but I've never had her cooking outside of Christmas and thanksgiving dinner, which is just turkey or ham.
No one in my family can actually cook. I barely can. It's embarrassing.

>> No.19285367 [DELETED] 

The lunch lady at my secure mental health facility does great spicy wings. I think you call them buffalo wings in America haha. I'm in Australia. The child sex offenders wing gets the best food apparently. Great tacos too.

>> No.19285374

My grandma was the best, she used to be a chef. She's dead now though, I regret not learning recipes from her.

>> No.19285375 [DELETED] 

My mom makes delicious raspberry jam and my sister's is twelve and loves to make toasted cheese sandwiches and pure smut.

>> No.19285393

>and my sister's is twelve and loves to make toasted cheese sandwiches and pure smut.

>> No.19285410

me when dress as a woman
I cook better than my mother, my ex-wife (who didn't know I'm also a woman) and my gf (she also doesn't know)

>> No.19285415

My ex

>> No.19285422

Me. Bioholes can't compete

>> No.19285435

My polish ex
she's a sushi chef now in an expensive restaurant in a major city

back when we were living together, she was studying and taking care of the house while i was working - the best part of my day was coming home from work to a hot meal (wow very trad)

I found someone new and I'm very much in love with them, but it's hard to forget that special feeling regardless, especially since I haven't found anyone that can cook meat better than me, which includes my friends and family

>> No.19285586

My ex girlfriend made slow roasted beef and sweet potato soup. I miss her.

>> No.19285594

Literally none of them. Women can't cook because they refuse to take the time to do it right...just like everything else they attempt.
>t. married guy that does all of the cooking in my house.

>> No.19285606

wife makes some mean ass breakfast foods. fluffy pancakes, perfectly toasted english muffin sammys, bacon just slightly chewy and she will bring it to me in bed with a mimosa

>> No.19285610

Mom, by default.

>> No.19285636
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i have older parents so all their female relatives can cook

aunt can cook about anything and used to run a restaurant with her husband

both my grandmothers cooked simply but everything they made was tasty consistent and filling.

mom can frill anyhting and makes great italian and pies

i have never met a young person under 30 let alone a women who can cook something better than me except for one that is literally a trained chef. most of them cant even cook pasta or vegetables correctly despite having access to the internet. makes me sad. people live out of the freezer section because they can't find an extra 20 min to cook real food.

>> No.19285645

Nijika does, as you can see in that picture I took

>> No.19285666

My sister makes good pancakes, which is good because pancakes are the only thing I can’t make.

>> No.19285667

My wife will be once I find her :(

>> No.19285688
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>> No.19285726

My mom

>> No.19285809
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did she put it under A STREAM OF FLOWING WATER?!!

>> No.19285812
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Water kill fire

>> No.19285855

My mother is an amazing cook, she can cook basically any kind of cuisine well. I live with my grandparents these days and i noticed that my grandma is an even better cook than my mother. Grandma doesn't like to cook foreign cuisines but she cooks ours perfectly (Western Indian). My aunt is an excellent cook and i love her dosa (fermented rice pancakes)

>> No.19285869

Why didn't it work?

>> No.19285872

Oil and water doesn't mix so throwing water on an oil fire will cause the burning oil to splatter.

>> No.19285880

post tits

>> No.19285910
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I was going to say
>my mom is the only woman in my life and her cooking is shit aside from Mexican food because she's a beaner
but then I remembered my one female friend who invites me over for dinner to hang out with her soiboy husband sometimes. She can cook fine (though most of her stuff is Pinterest recipe shit) but I don't know about having a favorite meal from her. It's weird to think about.

>> No.19285916

All of the women in my family suck at cooking but are extremely defensive about sucking at cooking so they will not take advice or learn.

They are so locked into the idea that they need to be cooks because they're wives/mothers and so unwilling to accept that being the latter does not make them the former that I am banned from cooking for holidays because it makes them feel bad.

We could have a delicious, juicy, well brined and seasoned and cooked Turkey for Thanksgiving, but that would make my sister sad so instead we'll have her dry tasteless bird and packet gravy.

Then she'll complain about having to cook to prompt complements.

Fuck I hate my narcissistic-ass family

>> No.19285947

That's so precious and adorable. Good little sister

>> No.19285948

Most of the women in my life were too "liberated" from "feminism" even to know how to cook. The best one of them had was literally just opening cans into a crock pot.

>> No.19285978

grandma was the GOAT cook especially when it came to any kind of stews but she's too old to stand around in front of a stove for hours anymore

mom is decent enough at a handful of things, usually baked goods, but hand her any recipe outside of her comfort zone and it's almost guaranteed to end in disaster.

my sister struggles to air-fry frozen french fries

>> No.19286036
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My mother in law, she makes a mean lasagna. Good baked ham, too. My fat hog of a wife can't cook for shit. She mostly eats frozen food and she can't even do that right. She undercooks Digiorno pizzas and insists it's ok because she likes it "loose." ugh.

>> No.19286045

My mom or my sister are probably the best chefs, because they actually have to do it for their families. Neither are particularly good, but my sister does a great job making the prime rib for christmas eve dinner. I'm by far the best "chef" in my family.

>> No.19286065

sounds like my mom
>grandma was a bored drunk housewife with four kids who loved julia child and martha stewart
>really crafty and smart lady, loved gardening, raised chickens and rabbits for food, threw excellent dinner parties and was an amazing cook through practice and dedication
>depressed and aloof parent however, did not include or interact much with her children
>mom simply thinks she is a good cook by association
>acts like he shitty cooking is an abstract art and whoever isn't enjoying it is just too uncultured to understand her sophisticated take on a classic dish when actually she for some reason poured a glass of vinegar into a pot of stew right before serving because she remembers something about finishing with vinegar, or neglecting to season a dish at all to let 'the natural flavors shine'
>i became a trained chef because that's what all highschool dropouts do in my city and i'll set her to some task like making a vinaigrette for an hour and a half while i cook everything else. then she'll complain that my cooking lacks creativity because i cut my vegetables in uniform pieces so that they cook evenly or declined her suggestion to add strawberries to a grillades sauce

>> No.19286081

my mother's mother

>> No.19286096

Maybe you should be nicer to your wife. If you want her to learn to cook just ask her to.

>> No.19286111

Maybe you should dump your wife and marry her mother.

>> No.19286112

My wife isn’t the best cook, but she makes my favorite dish. Bowtie pasta, blistered cherry tomatoes, sautéed mushrooms and a little bacon all tossed in some pesto and topped with shaved parmesan. Not a michelin star dinner, but it was the first thing she ever made for me when we were dating and it’s comfort food for me now.

>> No.19286139

You must be an in law that I haven't met yet, because she's my wife.

>> No.19286144
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My older sis. She is the best at making deserts and it's not even close. She's not good at stove top (besides frying) but she's amazing at baking. My favorite of hers would be cherry torte that looks like this:

>> No.19286146

At least she lets you cook
I literally am not allowed to because people liking my cooking better is too much for their egos to bear, they are a wife/mother/woman of the house! That's their identity! Fuck reality!

>> No.19286159

Which is why the best thing you can do is throw a wet towel over it. It literally can't splatter and it suffocates the flames.

>> No.19286162

That looks great. Must be tasty. Is big sis pretty?

>> No.19286180

my grandma made fucking top tier Danish meatballs, i never really liked candy or chocolate as a kid, so one easter, she brought me a giant easter egg, like the ones usually made of chocolate, but she had bought one, emptied it, and filled it with danish meatballs instead and re wrapped it

one of my friends (girl) is very into spanish cuisine and she cooks up some really nice things, i dont know what they are called and i suck at using rice beyond just white rice, so its magic to me

my mom owned 3 resturants but shes a lazy ass and her cooking is just ...err..

>> No.19286188

My mom.

My GF can't cook for shit. All she knows how to make are salads and smoothies, she can't actually cook anything proper.

>> No.19286191
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Yeah she's pretty. Chubby but pretty

>> No.19286197

That's cute.

>> No.19286243

my neet sister is best cook, she watches food network all day. i enjoy her meat, potatoes and veggie dishes even though im a pizza/burrito type of guy

i definitly enjoy my mom and dads mexican dishes way more, but my sister is the superior cook.

>> No.19286262

my lil brother NEET'd for years and did the same, his cooking is delicious and tried several times to get him to take a line cook job so I could vicariously love through him since I can't cook for shit

>> No.19286343

My grandma(dad side) was hands down the best since she was the town cook during the spanish civil war in her teens but since she is dead it doesn't count. The rest of my female family members all have ups and downs you be the judge.
Great with trad slavic dishes and desserts but sucks ass at doing anything simple. Her fried chicken involves throwing vegetables and chicken breasts into a pot with olive oil rendering them boiled in veg juices and can't do stews at all.
>granny(mom's side)
Can't stew and has a weird habit of always buying pickled ingredients or a huge variety of cold cuts of meat and always using it as a side for everything. Unlike mom she does know how to do simple fried dishes properly and also good at desserts but her dishes are inconsistent in timing so it ends up being like a russian roulette whether it will turn out a succesful exper8ment or a massive slop.
Life of Boris in female form. She mastered budget college dorm cuisine and can make magic out of basic shit ingredients. Also after she lived in greece for a while mastered the art of salad but she can't cook fish seafood whatsoever and soups or stews are impossible, also no baking or any will to do anything that takes more than 20 minutes to cook at all.
.Inb4 gfs
Had 3 and all couldn't go beyond shallow fried eggs and ramen/frozen pizza, we seriously need another world war have modern women learn how to cook.

>> No.19286475

Would you impregnate your sister

>> No.19286483

my sister is neurotic perfectionist cooking wizard

>> No.19286572

I would if I could but I can't

>> No.19286642

My friend Stéphanie makes zander with a hazelnut crust, smoked eel, mushrooms in Gueuze, velvety potato espuma and a coulis of fresh herbs.

>> No.19286865

My mom. It's a toss up between her chicken and dumpling soup or her Thanksgiving stuffing.

>> No.19286877

Why would you? Is she hot?
Why can't you?

>> No.19286881

Where are you from

>> No.19286889

is she in shapely?

>> No.19286906

Why do you care?

>> No.19286959


>> No.19287099
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My grandmother has like 5-6 signature dishes, and she is an absolute master at them.

The main ones are Pierogi, Kopytka with beef stew, Wiener schnitzel, but she also makes some insanely good pork legs in gelatin(pic related). I've been learning from her most of my life but I'm still far away from the dough she makes for pierogi for example. She doesn't measure, and gets perfect peirogi dough every single time.

>> No.19287136
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Liru is actually a pretty good cook. She loves Matsuzaka Steak and lots of meats.

>> No.19287149

Are you fucking retarded?

>> No.19287159

Yeah, but she's a drawing...

>> No.19287180
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Wut? Anon... She is a great cook and I love her dearly. She also loves meat which is wonderful. I am living the life O'Reilly.

>> No.19287187
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Did I mention she is also beautiful?

>> No.19287194
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>woman in your life

>> No.19287234

Little girl in your life?

>> No.19287235

Pretty blondey.

>> No.19287268
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Yeah, she is a beautiful werewolf princess.

>> No.19287583

I hate these threads. I miss cooking with her.

>> No.19287593

>he comes from an inferior family
All the women cook my family and they’re great

>> No.19287607

There's a vtuber I'm in love with who can't be trusted to brew coffee normally so she exclusively drinks instant coffee.

>> No.19287671

I'm sorry for your loss, anon.

>> No.19287819

i like pretty blondes. for two reasons: one is the first crush i had in grade school was a petite blonde, and then my sweet loving cousin who I adore is so shapely blonde.

>> No.19287833

My mom. My sisters and cousins are super pretentious and only do recipes that are picture worthy.

>> No.19287840

Do they have nice bodies though.

>> No.19287866

>My sisters and cousins are super pretentious and only do recipes that are picture worthy.
yeah, this is true. ive seen women make a dish with three ingredients and the rest was garnish. meanwhile, throwing a bunch of vegetables in a pot with a broth and the right seasonings at the right temperature for the right amount of time creates a bowl of heaven even if it just looks like brown slop

>> No.19287871

I had a friend whose mom could cook pretty well
and I had an aunt who was semi-pro

that's it
idk any other women who can cook worth shit

>> No.19287902
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It's the blonde, tanned skin and werewolf that does it for me.

>> No.19287910

What's they make you like

>> No.19287922

Thank you

>> No.19288021

Hope you're okay anon. I recently lost someone and it hit me hard.. can't walk into a simple doctor's office without being reminded of the hospital. Shit dude, I went to IKEA yesterday and the hallway to the bathroom looked like the hospital again..fuck man. We'll be better, eventually, I hope..

>> No.19288079
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Nijika is unhinged

>> No.19288091

No, she's not. She's a girl girl who only wants to be loved.
If everyone keeps calling her lame and saying her bow is stupid, then maybe she will become a little emotional.

>> No.19288253
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She's normal

>> No.19288335

My mother. Every time I visit, I call in advance to make a very specific dish request, and every time she rises to it. Last time I came over I asked her to make Kingfish steak tartare, and she absolutely knocked it out of the park. The time before, it was from-scratch Cincinnati Chili (we don't live in America, so it was a novelty slow-cooker type deal).

>me when d-ACK!
>Bioholes can't comp-ACK!

>> No.19288343

why don't you cook for your mom for once instead of being an entitled and needy dickhead as a grown man
>hi mom, I know I'm a grown ass man but I'm gracing you with my presence so you must cook this specific advanced dish to please me

>> No.19288362

Why should I take that away from her? She's a great cook and loves to please.

>> No.19288378
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She's crazy

>> No.19288391

>red beans and rice
she orders andouille and smoked pork necks from louisiana and it always comes out incredible.

>> No.19288395
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She's tired of your slander. She is not a psycho. She is a nice girl who can cook.

>> No.19288421


Try to think of places where she might have found comfort and solitude, even before she met you. Runaways usually gravitate towards familiarity from their past. Go there and wait.

>> No.19288425

>I'm very much in love with them
Lol this dude is dating a tranny

>> No.19288456

Sounds like they died? I’m sorry, I’ve never had someone close to me die. I don’t know how hard that is but I hope you have people you can talk to. I just got left is all. I feel like the dead one.

>> No.19288509

My mom isn't a top tier chef or anything, but she has a few good dishes. I love her cheesy potatoes. She also does some canning on the side since she retired and grows her ownn vegetables. Her pickles and fresh salsa are delicious.

As for my wife Kita, she can make a mean omurice.

>> No.19288583
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>bio mom is a barely average cook and never taught me stuff
>step mom was also kitchen naïve and learned to cook with me growing up
>still cook together sometimes
>she cooks professionally now
my stepmom makes this wonderful chicken and penne in cream sauce. would have it every day.

>> No.19289025


Aww anon that's really sweet, cooking with family is the best part of life.

As for me, I'm the only woman in my life rn and I'm getting pretty good at making traditional pastas, I love puttanesca because anchovies and olives fuck hard. My best dish is salmon grilled on cedar planks, I always soak the planks in white wine or sake to release some nice steam into the fish. But that's only once or twice a year for me, good wild salmon is expensive.

>> No.19289362
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my grandma was the best though I was really picky when I was little so I didn't appreciate it till I was older, really good soul and texas style sloppa, rest in peace granny :(

>> No.19289619

My mum's dead so it's my babymomma, though all she cooks is carib stuff.
Not complaining, just that she doesn't know (and nor does she care to learn) how to cook anything else. She won't even cook up some instant oatmeal because she grew up eating farina and rice porridge.

>> No.19289669
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Every time I'm in the kitchen I wish I had a gf to cook with.

>> No.19289792

Can I get her number

>> No.19289992

Unironically my daughter. Love her pea soup or corned beef hash. Sometimes we snuggle after a good meal. Just father daughter love.

>> No.19290683

My aunt is a fucking wizard in the kitchen, love her to bits.
My mother comes second and my grandma third.

>> No.19290694

none of them, which is why i learned to cook.

i remember when i first started dating the woman i would eventually marry she was convinced she was a stellar cook. everything she made was very mediocre, but she was cute and had a good personality so i smiled and told her it was delicious.

the first time i cooked for her we'd been together for a while. i'd made things like burgers or whatever the fuck other simple shit for her before, and she liked it, but she probably just figured i was a bit of a grilldaddy and that was fine by me. i didn't want to hurt her feelings.

i think we'd been together for about two years. we'd fought recently over something stupid that got bigger than it needed to be. her birthday was a couple of weeks away. after the argument finally fizzled out we talked about her birthday. she told me that she didn't feel like i put enough effort into things around the house. she wanted me to cook something for her. something thoughtful.

i think it was meant to be a bit of a dare, or some sort of comeuppance for me. and i was still sour about our fight. so when the day drew nearer, i went grocery shopping, got what i needed. made the dough from scratch, salmon wellington with dill and lemon sauce. potatoes boiled and baked until gold and crispy, with garlic infused oil. roasted asparagus with parmesan. i've never been a dessert man, so i stuck with something simple and made her lemon tarts.

she was quiet when she ate it. a belief she'd had for years that she was the better cook in the relationship dissipated in the blink of an eye. to her credit, she just told me it was great and didn't press the issue. but it hurt her confidence.

she started asking me to cook more, after that. we never revisited the fight. we never discussed it further.

>> No.19290704

I dont have any women in my life. In fact, I only have a big fat idiot internet friend who keeps me company every day after work. I like that anime picture though, thank you for sharing and I hope you have a blessed day.

>> No.19291021

Probably my grandma from my mother's side.
I'd say her pierogi are my favourite of her, since they're truly divine. No one in my family (or anyone else I know) comes even close.

>> No.19291255

My mom. The two best dishes she prepares regularly are a minestrone soup and a fish soup with saffron. The single best thing she cooked in the last year was meatballs made of lamb with more kinds of herbs and spices than I can remember, I know they were fried alongside capers. They were the best meatballs I've had in my 41 years on this earth.
I've been told plenty of times that whatever food I made was good, and my mom says that I make some things better than she can, but those meatballs were out of this world and I don't know if I can replicate them.
She's getting old, and doesn't always put her all into her cooking anymore, but when she does... Holy shit, it's delicious.

>> No.19292399

my sister, she makes incredibly good miso pulled pork

>> No.19292429

She's married

>> No.19292434

My maternal grandma was an excellent cook and taught me a lot but now she has heavy dementia and is like a baby.

I've inherited her recipe notebook.

>> No.19292537
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>> No.19293610

Why does that matter

>> No.19293624

How cute desu

>> No.19293629

Did you want to get married

>> No.19293633

>She's a great cook and loves to please.
yeah, you don't have to tell me that. i know that better than anyone

>> No.19293697

>woman in your life

>> No.19293957


>> No.19294124

>When you were here before
>Couldn't look you in the eye
>You're just like an angel
>Your skin makes me cry
>You float like a feather
>In a beautiful world

>> No.19294171


>> No.19294217

beat the fuck outta her like a ream man.

>> No.19294222

so your dad.

>> No.19294313
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Myself. Although, i had to turn myself into one first. I was so tired of my mom burning food

>> No.19294391

sad to say neither my mum nor my grandmothers are great cooks. my mum's cheesy pasta always puts a smile on my face, though. one time when i was little i ate so much i puked.

>> No.19294935

Don't talk to grandma #2, grandma #1 is dead, mom sucks at cooking, girlfriend doesn't throw out expired/old food

They all fucking suck at cooking

>> No.19294985

With cards and flowers on your window
Your friends all plead for you to stay
Sometimes beginnings aren't so simple
Sometimes goodbyes the only way

>> No.19295158 [DELETED] 

Grandma bouncing her fat tits between your cock.

>> No.19295167 [DELETED] 

oh, granny, keep doing that and im going to Fucking cum!

>> No.19295175

Based, I went the "trad" boywife route, no husband yet, tho.

>> No.19295184


>> No.19295201

the got chick in my class that i never hooked up with becuase i was scared of ruining our good friendship

>> No.19295217

Men can be such better women than women, can't they?

>> No.19295265


>> No.19295288
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Girls are better than women or men.

>> No.19295296


>> No.19295308

she learned her place - good

>> No.19295319

You should have been brain scanned and euthanized at birth pdf

>> No.19295419

Ignorant anti.

>> No.19295511

That really stinks. My favorite part of the holidays is cooking with my family. My mom is a competent cook, best dishes are crawfish etouffee and gumbo. One of my sister's is an extremely prolific baker and has made the best cherry pie and cheesecake I have ever had. Another sister is very good with Cajun, Creole, French and Cuban cuisine. It is fun just being in a kitchen and chatting with your siblings and other relatives about food and having a good time.

>> No.19295527
File: 2.99 MB, 4032x3024, 4C001E42-AAA8-49E7-ABF1-612163ADD031.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

My mom :)

>> No.19295559

My mom and my aunt are tied, especially if they work together the food is great. Dolma and chikeufte and khinkali were my favorites growing up. Recently tried making dolma for the first time but I have many areas to improve upon

>> No.19295585

>Aunt can't even cook kraft mac & cheese without fucking it up
>Sister can't even boil pasta correctly
>Mom fell for the keto meme diet and lost all sense of taste, but makes good desserts
My grandma makes amazing enchiladas, I guess.
Enjoy the holidays while you can. They are nice until some stupid family drama happens and rips your whole family apart.

>> No.19295820

just looked it up and it sounds lovely, thanks for the new recipe idea anon

>> No.19296297

>I love her dearly
I'm in the situation man
>parents decide i need to get married (26, Indian)
>arrange marriage interviews for me with potential girls
>I can't give a shit about them or marriage because I am still infatuated with an anime girl

>> No.19296331

Most animefags go a slightly more direct route to embarass their parents via liking anime

>> No.19296336

Can’t think of any. Even my dad cooks better than my mom and both my grandmas are dead. So yeah, none.

>> No.19296341

Also wanted to add my sister and I do not speak

>> No.19296353

What do you mean, you're mute?

>> No.19296360

Did it dead?

>> No.19296373

No, the snake is fine.

>> No.19296421


>> No.19296436

Probably my mother but it's not exactly a great showing. My mother and grandmother are alright at basic dishes, but my grandfather is better at all of them. When it comes to "more complicated" dishes, my mother handles them well enough, but refuses anything outside her comfort zone. My sister always overloads everything with potatoes or cheese. My wife is scared of cooking (she never refuses, but HER mother never taught her much, and I cook much better than my wife so I cook most meals at home by my own volition, so she gets little practice) So yeah not much competition.

>> No.19296451 [DELETED] 

fuck off and die goddamn normalfag

>> No.19296454

Great grandma and great aunt were amazing cooks. I learned from them when they babysat me. Then the art skipped two generations. Now everyone asks me to cook. Sometimes I wonder why nobody listened to them in the first place. My boomer grandma had such a bad relationship with her parents.

>> No.19297248

Uhh some girl i knew from school, we watch TV every now and then at hers

>> No.19297257

Go back to your board of losers on /r9k/ retard
You really think /ck/ would be a community of khv incels?

>> No.19297281

Sounds relaxing

>> No.19297319
File: 140 KB, 529x660, 1684686262289.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

My sister.

>> No.19297323

This is our board faggot. You think a bunch of weeb neets know how to cook?

>> No.19297324

Is that her? She's jaw droppingly beautiful

>> No.19297353

>Which woman in your life cooks the best?
My best friend's mom, but she died 22 years ago.

>> No.19297388


>> No.19297398

my assistant manager. she's actually from africa and came to the US ten years ago. we work in a restaurant and she's my cook half the week, and she always makes stuff for her and her kids, but now she also makes some for me.
the best so far is the lamb chops

>> No.19297429

You think I have a shot with her?

>> No.19297451

does she talk like this?

>> No.19297457
File: 1.36 MB, 1080x1080, 1680890651320963.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yes Anon, she is always interested in good looking /ck/ men.

>> No.19297847

I'm looking for something that lasts. Is she too?

>> No.19297934 [DELETED] 

Go back retarded normalfag

>> No.19298244

She's pretty young don't worry

>> No.19298468

I'm saying I want to marry your sister and start a family together.

>> No.19298597

It's usually pretty chilled, yeah. It's not just me and her mind, another mutual friend comes.
She may be a veggie, but she sure knows how to operate a spice rack

>> No.19298753

What's it like having friends?

>> No.19299063

Casual sex.

>> No.19299277

She's so pretty in that picture.

>> No.19299286
File: 33 KB, 400x499, 1181072323130.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

so are you

>> No.19299877

My mother is the worst cook ever and possibly my sister is the best because she watches those asian recipes and actually goes the the trouble to buy the ingredients while my mother just over cooks shit and because of her fear of getting sick

>> No.19299882

>the women in his family cant cook
No wonder you are so mad at women

>> No.19300461

Reminds of when my gf freaked out because her brother put a bit of olive oil in the boiling pot of water for the pasta.