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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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19252952 No.19252952 [Reply] [Original]

Now my smoke alarm goes off everytime I cook
What do?

>> No.19252956

Switch back retard. Electric is superior in every possible way.

>> No.19252960

Get a better smoke alarm, that doesn't happen on anything modern

>> No.19252961
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>> No.19252966

turn it off while cooking dumbass

>> No.19252972

Put a shower cap over it if you can't disable it or remove it temporarily. Also, stop huffing natgas.

>> No.19252978

Went from gas to induction and it isn't bad. My wok sucks and it takes a little longer to heat up, but otherwise it's just fine.

>> No.19252979

I lived with gas stoves and ovens for about 40 years since I was a little tike and never once did my smoke alarm go off from that. Once or twice when windows were open the pilot lights would blow out but that's an easy fix especially with those crazy long matches. I have some eledtric crap now and I really miss the gas stoves. Gas really blows the shit out of electric.

>> No.19252989

Lol no. Dad switched out the old gas stove for an electric one (with built in heating elements, not induction) and it sucks ass. Controlling the heat is fucking impossible. Literally the only benefit is not having to go buy gas once in a while.
Also used induction stoves, they're better but they throw a hissy fit if you lift the pan. They also don't work with all cookware, you can put one of those metal discs down but at that point you're just using it the same way you would a non-induction electric stove, with the same drawbacks.

>> No.19252996

Didn't those California freaks try banning gas stoves and that fag social engineering law got thrown out in court? NY is trying that bullshit also and I suspect it'll also get thrown out.

>> No.19253031

I've read that the induction stoves suck becuase they pulsate, it's not really a constant as can be done with gas even electric isn't pulsating. By pulsating I mean that the induction goes on and off, on and off, there's no consistancy to it. And these anti-gas laws make no sense in reality, they're political bullshit like some creepy political type either did or didn't get paid off.

>> No.19253035

The glass tops break really easily also and who needs that, is that a way to keep union types employed?

>> No.19253040

Stop burning your food retard

>> No.19253042

Adam pls.

>> No.19253045

>Now my smoke alarm goes off everytime I cook
1 stop lying.
2 stop burning your food.

>> No.19253047
File: 517 KB, 806x631, 2023-05-08 - 14-59-16 - Biden Energy Department Starts Crackdown On Dishwashers - The Daily Wire.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

They're not stopping at stoves.

>> No.19253049

These anti-gas fags really need to stop with the social engineering laws, it's like the bitches have nothing better to do than bitch like the creepy cunts that they are.

>> No.19253051

Take out the smoke alarm, duh. What are you gonna just die, like a little bitch?

>> No.19253052

Those freaks need the rope.

>> No.19253055
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you should just go for a dedicated wok gas burner, they make portable ones or if you wanna have a good time get one of those outdoor set-ups that's basically an iron ring to hold the pan over a fucking jet engine with temp control pedals.

>> No.19253058

I am amused by the thought of you living in a household that has shower caps ready to hand

>> No.19253068

electric coil is the master race but its been subverted because (((they))) want you to buy new stoves every 10 years or poison your family

>> No.19253070
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I'm old enough to remember how way way way back in January of 2023 it was a conspiracy theory that there was going to be a banning of gas stoves.
I'm actually old enough to remember how for decades they have praised the European model of living standards.

>> No.19253075

you got tricked by industry astroturfing. gas is slower and less comfortable. pray you never make candy.

>> No.19253078

Haha the europeen model, the model of faggotry and top down government control. More like the cunt model.

>> No.19253085

never lived with a woman I take it

>> No.19253091

Not the OP there but I got lucky that way, I enjoy the silence of not getting hollared at 24/7 so yeah never had to live with a woman by choice, lived with my mom and my older sister for a good amount of time and that was more than enough.

>> No.19253108

I'm cooking it for the same amount of time as before

>> No.19253117

>Literally the only benefit is not having to go buy gas once in a while.
That's easily fixed if you live in modern society where you have local gas piped into most residential homes already. You just pay the monthly gas bill (dirt cheap) and the gas flows.

Gas stoves are great when the power is out too, just need a match or lighter and you're good to go.

>> No.19253120
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I've read anecdotes of how Brussels reduced the power of dishwashers in the EU.
Is it really true that they have to handwash first, the run the machine twice and sometimes even thrice?
That seems counterintuitive to energy and water conservation.
It's almost as if the true goal -- one hidden by the merits of green policies -- is to make the lives of the underclass / proletariat as miserable as possible.

>> No.19253148

You know you're still supposed to use pots and pans with a gas stove, right?

>> No.19253149

Guessing they pulsate to maintain temperatre. Do yeah they go on and off but the temperature should be more or less stable.

>> No.19253151

Smoke alarms only trigger when you produce white smoke, not steam
And that only happens of you're searing meat, heating oil to smoke point or burning food

>> No.19253152

Ive personally witnessed smoke alarms trigger for shower steam and vapes so im gonna call bullshit on you

>> No.19253164

Learn to cook and stop burning your food.

>> No.19253171

This is, somehow, the worst advice I've ever heard on this board.

>> No.19253178

>have a nice hot bath
>didn't close door
>steam wafting everywhere


>> No.19253251

I just mainly use the propane grill

>> No.19253252

I solve this problem by not having any fire alarms.

>> No.19253261

You don’t really need smoke detectors. The smell of smoke should wake you up if there’s a fire.

>> No.19253266

Smoke alarms waste more human life than they save.

>> No.19253402

My smoke detectors go off when I step out of the shower without airing out the window first.
Or when I deep fry anything with moisture without my back door open.
House is brand new

>> No.19253409

Enjoy your brain damage and Alzheimer's, retard!

>> No.19253416

your alarms need replacing, probably.

>> No.19253435

Once they ban dishwashers, and people start using 4-6x the water to wash by hand, they'll then start rationing water. Imagine a sin tax on water

>> No.19253468

>My smoke detectors go off when I step out of the shower
its yur hot bod

>> No.19253489

>Is it really true that they have to handwash first, the run the machine twice and sometimes even thrice?
you already have to handwash first with household dishwashers anyway. the only dishwashers that can get all shit off relatively consistently are commercial ones used in restaurants, and those use an insane amount of water/energy.

>> No.19253541

There are different types of smoke detector, some might go off from steam.

>> No.19253561

Required viewing for this thread

>> No.19253574

Op nobody has answered your question yet so I hope this helps

Usually when you get a new gas stove or a new gas oven the smoke detector will go off the first couple times you use it. Basically it’s just burning off some stuff it’s got on it. Coating I’m assuming. It will stop after a little bit and won’t ever be an issue again. Just make sure you are burning the gas and not spewing gas into your home

>> No.19253616

I'm sorry but how, unless you're a literal smooth brain its perfectly fine

>> No.19253634

Also make sure that flames are blue, which mean complete burning. You generally need a serviceman if they are yellow.

>> No.19253669

Is that gif real?

>> No.19253698

>cook with gas all my life
>move somewhere else
>stupid electric coils
>cooking is nightmarish
Moving again and specifically going to gas. Sorry you cooklets were born cooking with garbage controls. I use fire like a real human being.

>> No.19253747

All according to plan

>> No.19253811

My younger sister went to electric recently and she loves it. She does a lot of home cooking.

>> No.19253868

Buy the other type of smoke alarm instead.
There are two types, you have the older and worse version.

>> No.19253977

This is a troll post. OP is trying to pretend he has a gas leak and doesn't know about it and his combo CO2/smoke detector is going off.

But ck is too dumb to take the bait and just says buy a new smoke detector turn it off (lol)

>> No.19253986

anon could
(a) forget to turn it back on
(b) not be alerted to immediate issues in the kitchen if something is awry while he's shitting
(c) have an accident with no alarm to notify anyone

>> No.19253993


>> No.19254021

>forget to turn it back on
>not be alerted to immediate issues in the kitchen if something is awry while he's shitting
>have an accident with no alarm to notify anyone
like I said no danger unless you're a smoothbrain, in which case your death is for the greater good

>> No.19254046

I'm not whoever you're replying to, but you're an idiot. You failed to sniff out the C02 troll because you're a tiny brained man child, then give horrible advice in an authoritative tone and when it's explained why it's bad advice you just double down. Aggressively stupid people are always the cockiest, most annoying fuckers you come across. I hope you stub your toe.

>> No.19254070

hahaha you're getting so mad and for what? to defend the retards who will burn to death the second the smoke alarm is off? I bet you wear your seat belt for a trip to the corner store too lmao talk to me again when your brain has fully developed buddy

>> No.19254095

you're not only putting your own life in danger, but also the property and livelihoods of the people around you. you should have listened in elementary ; you are the smooth brain. your negligence can be criminal.

>> No.19254101

is it so hard to believe it's a genuine question? he didn't mention anything about co2, and I've never seen a combined detector in my life. the answers are written above your post.

>> No.19254106
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>> No.19254115

Current year induction is only slightly worse than gas. Get with the times boomers

>> No.19254118
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>you already have to handwash first with household dishwashers anyway
Not in America. Or at least in my household.

>> No.19254123

you're not putting anyone in danger if you're paying attention like you're supposed to, and if you aren't the smoke alarm won't do fucking shit either

>> No.19254491

Replace it with a heat alarm instead. I need to do the same, my shitty smoke alarm has gotten old and oversensitive and even boiling the kettle too much sets it off.

>> No.19254502

I believe this 100%. If government is involved it is worse than it would be otherwise.

>> No.19254508

it's true my brother died of a smoke alarm

>> No.19254510

induction is great, i have one. but you have to treat it tenderly to not scratch or crack it. i miss the heavy metal that you could shake a pan on when tossing stuff and you didn't need to worry about banging a pan on it.