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19229236 No.19229236 [Reply] [Original]

I can't drink more than a beer unless I'm alone because I go down a spiral of binging alcohol and then I cause fights when I'm drunk and it ends really badly for everyone. I end up feeling like a retard after and I cringe at anything that reminds me of the previous night forever.
That's why I only get drunk when I'm alone and then I'll drink until I vomit and drink some more. luckily tonight is one of those nights so let's go bros

>> No.19229246

I drink 12 beers every single night and have never once started a fight. You should explore the root of why you are a retard, it’s not the alcohol.

>> No.19229247

come and fight me faggot

>> No.19229252

Okay. Let's fucking fight

>> No.19229255

I sorta do the same, except I start jokingly start calling people faggots and niggers, in bars and stuff. I would say I do it 1 out of every 10 times I drink. I try to just stay home but I fear I’ll say it outside my neighbor across the street is black and I own my home. Sorry for the blog, op I hope you have a fun night. Stay safe

>> No.19229268

Hey guy. It sounds like you have some stuff that you need to work out that isn't necessarily related to, but is revealed by drinking. I'm a pretty hard care alcoholic, but i'm the same nice fun interesting guy and everyone who enjoys my company sober enjoys it while i'm drunk. my wife, who is a physician, always confirms that her concern is wholly for the physical effects of alcohol consumption on my body not my behavior.

all this is to say, i'm not one to shame or vilify alcohol consumption, in order to say is sounds like you have some problems that you might consider seeking help over. that help can come in any number of forms, and it can be as simple as reaching out to a friend, family member, or somebody you trust to talk about this stuff. i'm sure it's nothing you can't work on and improve if you try. good luck, Anon.

>> No.19229273

How did you get a physician wife.
Do you think I could get a psychiatrist wife to help me

>> No.19229279

I’m a little weirded out by that anons post because I also have a physician wife. We met right after high school, long before she became a doctor.

>> No.19229284


>> No.19229295

Why not

>> No.19229300

well, we've been together since before she was a physician, but we're both accomplished well educated people and met at a fancy-ass Big Deal college. i'm not sure how i would meet her now.

also this guy >>19229284 is not wrong. my parents were both therapists and they are fucking nuts, and even they always said all the nuttiest people they knew were all in mental health.

>> No.19229317

But pretty doctor lady

>> No.19229372

Why does you do that

>> No.19229394

>I cause fights when I'm drunk
why do you have small man syndrome?

>> No.19229397

imagine thinking psychiatry is real and not just other people telling you their hot opinions about their own perception of what they are assuming is your thought process.

>> No.19229405

Dunning Kruger effect is real

>> No.19229409

It’s actually much worse than that. It wasn’t that long ago those fuckers were driving around slicing up people’s brains out of an RV. Walter Freeman.

>> No.19229509

The drunker I am, the more love I feel for others. You are a broken man that shouldn’t be alive.

>> No.19229524

>Fighty drunk
I don't understand angry/fighty drunks or maudlin drunks
Drinking makes me happy because when I'm drunk I'm not thinking about all the horrible shit in the world and/or my life

What goes on in your head when you get fighty drunk?

>> No.19229531

Come and kill me then

>> No.19229592

I imagine you've passed out since you already got aggressive and then stopped responding
From some research it seems that "angry drunks" tend to not think much about the future and have a much greater loss in intelligence and conscientiousness when drunk than most people.

Have you considered trading in alcohol for a drug that won't make you dumb and angry? It doesn't sound very pleasant for anybody, yourself included.
Have you tried weed?

>> No.19229825


>> No.19229844


>> No.19229845

Did you pass out again?

>> No.19229855

When I drink too much I fall asleep, mid-conversation I will just drop my head and snore. Thankfully I drink at home 90% of the time.

>> No.19229921

>not my behavior
you forgot a comma here

>> No.19229929
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they usually don't have very big milkies anyhow

>> No.19229936
File: 870 KB, 2220x1080, Screenshot_20230320-001106_NewPipe.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.19230004

Who's she

>> No.19230093

Alcohol isn't at fault for you becoming belligerent. You need to work through your inner problems

>> No.19230347

You guys still do /alcgen/, I think it was called before the mods banned it?

Anyway, I sharted and ruined a pair of undies for the second time in a month when I'd never sharted before in my almost 30 years of life.
I know it's the drink causing my loose shits but I don't want to stop, even if it means a second shower every now and then and a slightly higher budget for underwear.
I don't feel ashamed or anything, just mildly inconvenienced.

>> No.19230355

Alcohol reveals ones true nature.
Ur an asshole low iq troglodyte.
Its better you quit alcohol and step over to LE WEED BRO, atleast u wont get into fights