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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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19218116 No.19218116 [Reply] [Original]

hello. i made a hamburger. along with tomato it also has sweet onion and bell pepper. and mayo, ketchup, and mustard. i seasoned the patty with salt, pepper, sugar, garlic powder, rosemary, paprika, cayenne, and chili powder. it was yummy. i ate 2.

this is the thread to talk about burgers.

>> No.19218122

That's not a burger, that's something from a comedy show that california and euro types pay big bucks for.

>> No.19218131

>pay big bucks for
the total ingredients i used cost probably less than $3

>> No.19218145

Yeah but doesn't stop freaks that don't know any better from paying big bucks for big buns and horse meat.

>> No.19218153
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this is the nicest compliment anyone's ever said about my food. thank you so much anon.

>> No.19218988

that's a big ass tomato slice

>> No.19218992

1 big slice > 2 or 3 small slices

>> No.19218994

That's the upsell for shit like that

>> No.19218999

That looks like something that's sold in airports for about $40, expense account level shit, the fries are not included without added fees

>> No.19219004

Burger looks burnt
also why season it with all that shit? Bad beef?

>> No.19219005

A little too much tomato but otherwise sounds good. Did the rosemary soften enough in the patty? I would have thought it had slightly tougher pieces when heating it that briefly.

>> No.19219007

The sizes of the elements don't match but I'm sure it tastes good.

>> No.19219009

Bun is burnt like the burger

>> No.19219011
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anon please. my burgers are not that impressive looking. it's just meat with seasoning. they're not hard to make. i like making them because they're easy, nutritious, and delicious. i would never sell it for $40. that's absurd.
it's not burnt. the spice makes it look that way. also no i just enjoy those flavors.
i didn't physically feel any rosemary.
they don't. it was.

>> No.19219017

Sounds nasty too much seasoning hides the real beef flavor burgers only need salt and pepper

>> No.19219020

i will consider this

>> No.19219768

no it is toasted

>> No.19219770

that tomato is 5x bigger than it should be negro

>> No.19219778

might as well just drop some water droplets on your burger at that point

>> No.19221009
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>> No.19222931
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really? nothing? nobody wants to talk about what they ordered from mcdonalds or whatever?

>> No.19222942

mcchicken. but you already knew that

>> No.19222960

Needs a cross section or at least a post bite pic to really judge its quality, although that seasoning list does make it sound like a damn fine burger. I posted the burger I made for dinner tonight in anywhere thread

>> No.19224723
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Just ate the second burger I ever prepared. Recipe: ground beef, buns + whatever is left in the fridge after an extended weekend with closed shops.

Taste was good, but visual presentation was a disaster. The bun was atrocius, taught me more about the meaning of goyslop than I ever wanted to know. Next time I will definitely buy them in a bakery not a supermarket.

Overall I had fun and learned a lot.

>> No.19224734

Is there a "best" patty flattener for smash burgers? Can I run to target or whatever and buy a 10 dollar wooden or metal flattener easily? Ive tried other methods and none of them seem to work as well. I really want a double smash burger on home made buns

>> No.19224740

I use a small thinset trowel that I cut the teeth off of and cover in foil.

>> No.19224766

Try making thinner patties. They puff up when cooking. You can put a dent in the middle to help as well.

>> No.19224777

had a burger myself today. was nice

going from bottom part of bun to top:
>a smidge of burger sauce (store-bought)
>slices of tomato
>slices of onion (raw)
>burger patty (seasoned with salt, pepper, cayenne pepper, garlic powder)
>slice of "american" "cheese"
>slice of onion
>slice of "american" "cheese"
>slices of pickle
>a smidge of burger sauce

>> No.19226484

I like burgers. However, beef has no taste. Prefer using lamb or goat for meat with taste. I do like those beef burgers with good condiments; swiss cheese and mushrooms, avocado, classic lettuce and tomato, etc.

>> No.19226496

Tomato is a bit loo large, but looks good faggot, would eat/10

>> No.19226513

They make cast iron presses. Just Google the shit

>> No.19226576

That looks like a tasty burger. Could use some more toppings though.

>> No.19226604
File: 1.13 MB, 2436x2471, 77255B4E-85EC-430A-8465-CA3A12DC8875.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Keep at it lad and keep posting your shit even when faggots try to discourage you. They used to train anger/demorilazation shills here and on other minor boards before they got shipped off to /pol/. Probably still do. Picrel is a shitty looking pasta I made in the limited time during a women's UFC fight. Not great looking but got the job done.

>> No.19226689
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Made this one a few weeks back, used an air fryer for the fries and cheaped out on Chik Fil A sauce.

One of my personal favorites this year, I'll post some more

>> No.19226695
File: 348 KB, 1619x912, because you know i be having that gay sex.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This one was nice, I wouldn't have chosen Coors but that's all we had that night

>> No.19226703
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This is a chicken sandwich, I made the pickles, tender, and sauce myself

>> No.19226706
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Patty melt, quite nice but I made it too sloppy on accident

>> No.19226709
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Would not recommend trying this, tasted alright but we were blazed at the time.

>> No.19226714
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Old pic, was manning the grill for a younger cousin's birthday

>> No.19226959
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Home made patties and home made buns. Can't beat that

>> No.19227596
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>> No.19227601
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>> No.19227665


>> No.19227692

Metal spatula. Press down on it with a butterknife or something.

>> No.19228639
File: 909 KB, 3024x4032, burger.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

a 28 oz can of tomatoes with foil wrapped around works in a pinch. You want something with mass. If you're creative enough you can make your own that works better than some Chinese trash

>> No.19231039

I always spritz parchment paper with some non-stick oil then use whatever heavy item that has a good handle I can find. I have a heavy but small cast iron skillet that works wonders and all you need to do is just lay the parchment on top of the meat and onions and go to town