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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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File: 449 KB, 1536x2048, BC3DCD70-D2F5-4E61-BF66-CFFCC8623142.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
19165974 No.19165974 [Reply] [Original]

Ever just eat your pizza in the car?

>> No.19165999

I usually finish it before I get it home and my wife gets mad. When I tell her she should have come with me if she wanted some she gets even madder. Sometimes she pays the extra cost for delivery and that makes me mad. She says it's worth the cost because the delivery driver isn't a fat greedy guts and that makes me madder. These days just saying the word "pizza" can start an argument. It's one of the bad things in our relationship.

>> No.19166007
File: 126 KB, 402x398, really nigga.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


do white people really eat in their car

>> No.19166024

I once eat a pizza roll while on the bus, I was hungry as hell so I did not care. Luckily I didn't make a mess.

>> No.19166025

No. I'm not a dirty American.
I eat my pizza on my bicycle.

>> No.19166087 [DELETED] 

well you know niggers do because they always throw the empty cartons and bags out the window and onto the road

>> No.19166108

Leather seats are overrated, they don’t soak up the grease from your fingers like fabric.

>> No.19166119

yeah beacuse unlike you pigskins we wanna keep our cars CLEAN

>> No.19166138

I used to eat in my car so much it unironically got roaches. I had to bug bomb it.

>> No.19166151

Oh shut up, it's not even your car

>> No.19166253
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Only if it's from a place I trust. With Little Caesar's I keep the box closed the entire ride because my car is getting old and I don't want to give it aids.

>> No.19166258

ESL here. What is the purpose of "just" in this sentence?

>> No.19166262

Just your mother

>> No.19166279

The implication is that the pizza looked/smelled so good that he *just* couldn't wait to get home and eat at a table with a plate. You're losing a lot of nuance by not catching that, as OP is pretending Little Caesar's is better than it is, that he's an uncontrollable fatty just like the rest of us (lol), and that he actually has anything to look forward to back at home. But most of all he's really *just* sharing a picture of his pizza.

I guess this probably has a lot to do with the "do Americans really" shit. A lot of times ESLs are just taking things too literally and miss any of nuance or irony.

>> No.19166305

I ate a slice in my car once but I didn’t like how much the pizza smell lingered

>> No.19166359 [DELETED] 

I like to go to McDonald's and get double qpder meal, with two mcdoubles, two mcchickens, and two apple pies. I eat it in my car while listening to art bell on coast to coast am. It's the first cold day of fall, in 2009. I finish the food as I feel nothing. Life wasn't supposed to be like this. I guess I never even thought about what it was supposed to be like. As a child I never felt much happiness. I didn't know what it was. I thought everybody felt like I did. My first year of college I felt happiness and joy for the first time. I thought this is what life is now. I began to realize things are not as they seem. I always lived in the moment, having had no benchmarks low or high throughout my life to be touchstones to snap back to. As my joy ebbed and flowed, eventually, it left. I felt the light on my skin, on my soul, and without it I kept moving forward. Not realizing the process I was in. As time moved on, my way of not making goals and reacting to things as they came left me in roadway of my own nature. As I eventually looked back and translated events through other persectives, realizing miscommunication and confusion causes events to be much different to others, than they seemed to me. Eventually coming to the conclusion that everything from my past was me misinterpreting reality in my own way. To know how others feel and see, is not possible. Realizing people were not genuine and were not in the same world as me, I became unhinged. Unhinged from what was. I saw beyond the vail, and came to the conclusion that some people come into perception without the vail. And later become covered by it. Some are born into it, and leave it behind. I don't know if you can go back. And if you could, it could be very disturbing.

>> No.19166366

>I saw beyond the vail
You're retarded

>> No.19166378 [DELETED] 

Do you know what vail means? I saw beyond the act of submission. You gutless worm.

>> No.19166387
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>keeping something clean

>> No.19166389

The only time is when I got two medium pizza hut pizzas on the way to a friend's house for D&D and snacked on a slice or two on the way.

>> No.19166403

When I was a pothead we used to smoke weed then drive to pizza pizza and get a hot n ready and crush it in the car under a shady tree in the parking lot. Good times.

>> No.19166404

think of the bigger picture, wouldn't you want your city to be clean too? just cram it into the trash when youre buying newports dummy

>> No.19166423

what the fuck is going on with that pizza? It has the longest crust I have ever seen.

>> No.19166435

It's literally 3.14159 * diameter long, same as every other pizza.

>> No.19166437

my fucking eye

>> No.19166441 [DELETED] 

>3 posters
Fucking hell...

>> No.19166443

Eatin' the 'za in the 'esla (More like the 'ocus)

>> No.19166453

That's what trash collectors are for.

>> No.19166459

No, I'm a man and don't want a disgusting car like women have.

>> No.19166461

I’m sure your light leather seats will look absolutely vintage when the grease dripping from the box stain your seats leaving a beautiful patina

>> No.19166474

burger king sucks mac is better

>> No.19166501

just ma balls

>> No.19166508

aint my city plus some cracka gets paid to clean that shit up I aint finna pick up trash fo free

>> No.19166562

As soon as I get my car, I'm going to pick up a 13" pizza, drive to a secluded spot and eat it all in my car while listening to Joy Division.

>> No.19166575

It’s purely to create a conversational tone. It adds a “silly” and “spontaneous” element to the speech/action.

>> No.19166587

Not really. In that context it means you do "just" that with no frills attached, as in that thing alone instead of something more elaborate like sitting in a normal chair while eating it or using a plate or table.

>> No.19166597

Back in high school and the first couple years of college I'd go out on weekends and eat some Little Caesars alone in my car while telling my parents I was going out with friends so they don't think I'm a loser.

>> No.19166627 [DELETED] 

Your parents think I'm gay bro...
>verification not requiredtag0d

>> No.19166633 [DELETED] 


>> No.19166689

Too late, my parents think (you)'re gay.

>> No.19166729 [DELETED] 

I know... I forgot the apostrophe in the first word of my sentence. >>19166633

>> No.19166742

This is exclusively an amerimutt thing

>> No.19166790

The only times I ever really ate in the car was when I was a kid in the backseat and maybe we picked up fast food or something, or if I was on a long drive and pulled off real quick to get something from a drive through and eat it in the parking lot to save time. That said, I really don't understand why yuros get so triggered by it. Do you never sit on the couch and eat something while watching a movie? or at your desk? or maybe even in bed when you have company over? Like, you generally try not to make a mess in everyday life, and you clean your shit regularly, or at least when it looks like it's due to be cleaned, right? Do you not do the same thing for your cars? I can understand thinking that a bunch of kids dropping fries and opened ketchup packets between the seats is gross, but if it's just you, what exactly is the problem?

My first thought would be that yuros see a thread like this and think Americans can't even drive home from work without eating an entire pizza (because they have the sense of humor of a 9 year old), or more likely they just don't own cars, and see them as these pristine luxury items, like how people used to get dressed up to take a flight. Either way it kind of makes them look like the stupid poor people.

>> No.19166794
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>Americans can't even drive home from work without eating an entire pizza

>> No.19166829

I weawwy want Little Caesar's now...

>> No.19166833
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What's stopping you from getting a delicious Hot n Ready?

>> No.19166839 [DELETED] 

You are a very poor writer. You use low class references and style. You don't see it, but we all do. I can pigeonhole you after the first few sentences. You are probably average height. You are dumb enough to actually think you are happy. You own a car... But any real man could physically take you're keys and drive wherever they want to. They could steal anything you have if they wanted. They choose not to. But they could. You don't know how nice we are to you. We let you be. Because you are a slug on a branch. We might even trick ourselves enough to think we like you. But with the slightest breeze we stop thinking of you.

>> No.19166840

2k calories

>> No.19166849
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You know what, actually you're right. I think I can get one. I'm gonna start reading Berserk and have a nice night with some pizzer.

Should I get the normal one or the pretzel one?

>> No.19166900

Pretzel baby. Get it while it lasts

>> No.19166920
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>> No.19166949
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I always offer to go pick up take away so I can order extra and eat it on the way home. Friday night we had McDonald's. I ate a big mac and drank three beers on the way home and then pretended I hadnt eaten anything all day.

>> No.19166955

>8 years old
>overnight car trip to see dying aunt
>wake up at a gas station hungry as fuck
>look over and see mom handing me a mini pizza box
simple times..

>> No.19167046

I wish I thought of that trick. Once I told them I was going out with a girl and tried to hide in my bedroom, but they figured it out.

>> No.19167110
File: 213 KB, 1110x761, Screenshot_20230415-231223.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What a sad excuse for a pizza

>> No.19167114

Looks great!

>> No.19167115

t. little caesar

>> No.19167132

Little Caesar did what he could ok. He even put the marks on the pizza to make it easier for the wage slaves.
Unfortunately it seems the wagie was too stupid to do the paint by numbers topping assembly.

>> No.19167330

I bought it and crazy bread and had a few slices, then i threw all the bread and the rest of the pizza away

>> No.19167358

I would have ate it.

t. your dog

>> No.19167484

>i can pigeonhole you after the first few sentences
Lol. Can I go next, senpai?
>grew up lower middle class
>predominantly white suburb, but never really thought about it
>too far from a city to experience anything resembling culture
>too poor to experience nature
>nothing particularly special about the homelife
>weren't abused, but always felt neglected and lacking in physical affection
>parents waited until you were in high school to get divorced
>stayed with your mom
>last friends were in middle school
>were never bullied, and mostly just kept to yourself
>didn't adopt a style or try to fit in, so ended up just going under the radar
>more than anything people simply didn't notice you
>even the goth kid with the fucked up homelife was better known than you
>he also got a girlfriend towards the end of high school, and that always irked you, because despite being the biggest loser in your class he still found some happiness and people at least knew his name
>once out of school you had no reason to interact with people your own age, so spent most of your time playing video games
>years went by, and you tried holding a job a couple times but it was too much anxiety
>still living with mom, but now more like roommates who only talk when necessary
>starts spending more and more time on reddit forums and learning about incels and pepe
>moves to 4chan after getting banned
>people still ignore him
>starts using a name and larps as some chad who finally made it
>now people still ignore him, but occasionally recognize his name and call him a fag
>this is the most recognition he's received in his entire life
>the persona begins to overtake what little personality he had
>at first he told himself that it was a joke, even though he knew nobody would ever find anything he did funny or interesting
>now spends hours searching for anyone to bully who makes him think about what he could have accomplished if he were just a little smarter, and confident, and motivated

>> No.19167492
File: 1.83 MB, 2048x1536, 5ABC2725-D829-4DFD-A77C-D99CBEE38A52.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It implies eating pizza in the car is quirky so it implies op is quirky but it really implies he’s a faggot

>> No.19167497


>> No.19167524

Why they get repossessed anyway.

>> No.19167526

Your last few sentences reminded me I have to share this website with third worlders and brownoids. So messed up

>> No.19167538

Reposessing stuff that hasn't been looked after is a waste of time because you can't sell it and have to spend money to dispose of it.

>> No.19167589 [DELETED] 

I'm so sorry you went through all that, bro. Sorry I bullied you, as well.

>> No.19167605

lol are you samefagging

>> No.19167617

just the pizza *and a 4 pack of steel reserve*

>> No.19167632 [DELETED] 

Ok, Sam...

>> No.19167635
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Masterrace beep beep outa da way poors and homosexuals! beep beep!

>> No.19168450

I can't enjoy a good meal anymore without a show to enjoy it with. Like a king who wanted entertainment performed by a jester during his feast

>> No.19168465
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did you sleep tight after?

>> No.19168480

No, but I did eat a ribeye in the car. They didn't give me a fork and knife, so I ate it with my hands like Kronos eating his children.

>> No.19168482

Americans are the only ones who can afford cars. Now get to walking, peasant.

Verification not required.

>> No.19168485


>> No.19168525
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>> No.19168546

This chick used to have a stuffing youtube channel, used to watch her all the time when I was like 15. I didn't learn to jerk off until I was 18, though. My dick would get hard and I'd precum and that was enough for me. Sometimes I wish I could return to that simplicity.

>> No.19168554

I'm a white American and I don't eat in my car or let anyone else eat in my car.

>> No.19168558

>little C's
cmon man

>> No.19168566

until the uber driver starts screaming what I assume is a fatwa or something on me

>> No.19168585
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The Little Caesar's near me closed down. I miss it every day brehs. At least I still have Speedway pizza.

>> No.19168607
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Speedway's breakfast pizza isn't bad, it's not Casey's but in Livonia, Michigan I take what I can get

>> No.19168608

Dude what? I was jerkin' it at like 11 or 12 years old. You missed years of masturbating. Tears.

>> No.19168612

probably a fat microdick sperg

>> No.19168615

Yes, but aren't we all?

>> No.19168646

nice 2013-2019 Ford Escape fren

>> No.19168722

No, I prefer to take my pizza home with a Monster Energy Ultra Red (R.I.P. Ultra Sunrise) and enjoy with the door locked and the curtains closed. Comfy.

>> No.19170134
File: 6 KB, 480x360, 35B88DDC-037E-4B4C-8983-65B7A666D59F.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

All the time, pal.

>> No.19170175

I ate in my car a few years ago. Was going to eat outside, but it was raining, the wind was blowing a gale, and it was just above freezing.
Even eating in the car is better than going out in that sort of weather.

>> No.19170292

As opposed to eating pizza AND ass in the car. Both is risky.

>> No.19170376

I was in a shitty relationship towards the end I'd go out drinking alone before I left the bar I'd order a pizza to pick up. One time while driving home I was like fuck it and I pulled over at a rest area, I have a van with a nice bench couch in the back I locked the doors and drew the shades and ate the pizza and passed out
This became a habit

>> No.19170562
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Eatin' pizza in your car... Eeesh! That's a bad look, bozo! You are garbahge-a-reeno up in here.

>> No.19170592
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always do

>> No.19170593
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You sound like Jean Teasdale. This can't be true. Seriously the most fucked up idea I can imagine. You don't understand why she gets mad? Then YOU get mad when she pays delivery to ensure she actually gets to eat? You're insisting she ride along to get the pizza if she intends to have any dinner? That's nuts. You're nuts. And she's a little nuts for EVER allowing you to go pick up pizzas since you have a history of eating it yourself in the car. You must lie to her and tell her it'll be different this time. Otherwise this would never happen. Probably a bullshit story, but ya got me steamed so congrats.

>> No.19170595

not my car not my problem :33

>> No.19170630


>> No.19171649

im an ausfag and when i buy a 12 inch hot n ready pepperoni for $9 ill usually eat it in the car or save half for when im home, i enjoy eating in my car its like my own personal restaurant on wheels. Also ill usually go into the supermarket beforehand and steal a tub of random dip ive never had before to try with the za and will get a drink for cheap so only pay bout 10 bucks for a mean feed which is good for cuckstralia.

>> No.19171652

It just makes sense, I don't know what to tell you.

>> No.19171668

Rookie mistake. You gotta put the crock pot in a box just big enough for it so it doesn't slide around and put it on the floor.

>> No.19171669

Lil Caesers went bankrupt in Australia years ago.

>> No.19171708

i call it a hot n ready because its what it really is its some pajeet pizza place aint bad tho

>> No.19171718

Megaboss maneuver.

>> No.19171740

Yeah I do since I live in my car

>> No.19171996

But then it’s cold by the time you get home.

>> No.19172010

Cracks me up to read about the ridiculous shit married anons do

>> No.19172035

Drive faster idiot.

>> No.19172050

You were carrying cooked pizza rolls? Or did you just eat them frozen?

>> No.19172090

>Ever just eat your pizza in the car?
I have never done this and have never thought to do this, but I think I might try it one time and just watch the world go by for however long it takes me to finish it

>> No.19172101

From what I remember only once, I got a "too good to go" box from a pizza place down the road, I was getting home was late like 11pm and there was a pizza place open with too good to go, took a family pizza for 5€, ate it in a parking lot near there because the pizza was still warm and I had still 30 minutes of road ahead so I tought to eat it immediatly.

>> No.19172277

LMFAO fuck

>> No.19172289

Milky mommy

>> No.19172309

toppings at minimum


next time buy two, one for the ride one for her to eat when u get home

>> No.19173900

Yeah I was able to leave for lunch in high school and I would get a little Caesar’s hot n ready that’s how I became so fat.

>> No.19173916

Our cars don't cost 5 times what our house does.

>> No.19174016
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>> No.19174017

I did it when I was younger. There was a restaurant opened at 3 or 4 am in my town who also served pizza. When me and my friends were hungry after hanging out in the weekend we would usually get a pizza + some beers and ate there in the car
I miss those days

>> No.19174023

Pretzel pizza is way too salty

>> No.19174035

Nah, you're just a big wuss.

>> No.19174143
File: 703 KB, 4500x3000, D06F6FE0-00FF-45AC-B622-C9B8468C05AE.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I used to love to burger drive but the price of gas and my borderline diabetes has held me back in the past couple years

>> No.19175611
File: 44 KB, 800x533, 0A9362B9-AEAB-43C8-AED6-5BB6CB69786E.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>I used to love to burger drive
I used to love a good burger drive as well but since Covid hit I work at home remotely and never leave the house

>> No.19175676

One of the best things about road trips is pulling over to a drive thru getting burgers and fries and drinks and then hitting the road again while your buddy hands you a burger and places your fries where you can reach them and you chow down while you put the miles down

>> No.19175804
File: 33 KB, 470x265, A53E1EBB-84ED-45C2-B337-3D541C9B6525.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>burger driving
Nothing better than taking a big bite of cheeseburger while you step on the gas and roll down the highway

>> No.19175828

Yes. I can't stand pizza that isn't hot n fresh. That pizza looks bad too.

>> No.19176024

Especially with a cold one in the cup holder. Eurofags don't know what they are missing.

>> No.19176114

hachi machi
>the one time Kevin said he still only puts in $20 at a time because filling up the gas tank was "too much of a capital investment"

>> No.19176124

Gonna be in Ann Arbor for work next week.....let's grab a slice.

>> No.19176234


>> No.19176341

Europeans would do things in a car too, if they owned one.

>> No.19176365
File: 16 KB, 299x475, B502F016-DEA3-438C-A2E2-7190466E5559.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

pretty much this

>> No.19176379
File: 602 KB, 899x579, uk tries to deal with us burgers - C.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

that guy is driving a right-hand drive car. he's likely british or an aussie brainwashed by burger culture. we unleashed our burgers upon the world

>> No.19176851

kys culvers-let

>> No.19176907
File: 63 KB, 680x478, 1494886870261.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Casey's isn't even good

>> No.19177146

Funny how different this thread was received on /o/

>> No.19178471

tf, we have the same car