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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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19129601 No.19129601 [Reply] [Original]

What's the most disgusting thing you've ever eaten?

>> No.19129606


>> No.19129607

you're mom

>> No.19129612

Fertilized chicken egg in Laos. Pigs foot in SK comes just behind that one. Crickets was fine, live squid was fine, and those rice field worms were ok

>> No.19129613

Sour cream.
I cant eat products from milk, its disgusting to me.

>> No.19129615

Meat is a product of milk...

>> No.19129617

Are all your posts photos you saw on twitter?

>> No.19129631

>What's the most disgusting thing you've ever eaten?
Off brand veggie burguer. The impossible ones taste like cardboard, but that off brand one tasted literally like rotten peas.

>> No.19129651

Drunkenly went down on this chick without doing the bellybutton test and even with the numbness of alcohol the smell was atrocious. In summary the most disgusting thing ive ever eaten was a gooey yeast-infected vagina.

>> No.19129654

i really like milk, and one day i came back from a bike ride and went to take a big gulp from the carton. that shit was curdled for some reason and i've never tasted anything so fucking gross. legit getting sick thinking about it

>> No.19129656
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>> No.19129663

oh god. one time i went down on a girl when i was drunk, and the smell/taste made me gag to the point i had to rush to the bathroom to throw up.

>> No.19129665

My father's cooking.
His most common dish was a stew. He took a slab of red meat, cubed it, dumped it in a pot of water and olive oil, then dumped a wide assortment of frozen vegetables in it.
No salt. No fat trimming. The worst vegetables you could choose, none of the good ones.
It was acceptable to call me "spoiled" because I liked fast food, but now I know it's because my parents can't fucking cook.

>> No.19129695

My boomer of a dad made a sandwich once that comes close. At least from things I've eaten that didn't have something obviously wrong with them like being straight up rotten or something.
Whitest of the cheap sandwiches he could find slathered with a big spoonful of cheapest margarine and a chunk of blandest of cheap cheese. With some (cheap and fatty) processed ham in between. I'm not even picky when it comes to food but god damn. Maybe the taste wasn't the most horrible thing ever but being forced to eat the whole thing with a smile made it pretty bad. I know he meant well and didn't want to hurt his feelings with my whining.

>> No.19129708

How do they get the bean that big

>> No.19129714

The meme shark from iceland really is that bad. And one time I got a samosa full of potato peel on the street in New Delhi

>> No.19129789

morning star makes ok bacon and sausage replacements, otherwise for sandwiches and burgers just use a fried eggplant or maybe a black bean burger instead. normally i wouldn't know or care but my sister is vegan and a lot of my family is vegetarian so i like cooking the good stuff for the anorexic side of the senpai

>> No.19129806

one time i went down on a girl in the back of a car in a parking garage outside of a nightclub and i was so disgusted with her stanky vag that i almost told her off for letting me down there

then i realized it only tasted that way because i had been taking tequila and lime shots and i was tasting the limes i'd bitten into

>> No.19129824

i think my taste buds would of given up count by now after all the shitty drugs i've taken as a teen trying to get by on cheap (or stolen) legal.substances. at the bottom would be drinking a large amount of extracted LSA from morning glory seeds tied with just chewing them to get a trip i nearly died from from hypopnoea after i woke up from tripping. then would be trying to take bombs of 'extracted' dxm from pills mainly containing guaifenesin which resulted in gagging half it down before giving up on tripping for the night. nyquil and robitussin would probably be up there if i did it enough but i usually took the cough gels or robocough syrup. then there's the peyote i tried once from some shitty website that i took a bunch of in the form of raw cactus which wasn't as bad as the LSA or dxm but it was definitely more tedious with little results

>> No.19129826 [DELETED] 

On toast. There's literally a picture of it anon.

>> No.19129827
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>> No.19129829

a slice of tomato

>> No.19129927

I ate some mayonnaise from a 50¢ mason jar with toasted bread at 2am. It was the worst artificial industrial waste tasting mayonnaise i ever had.
The jar had a sticker which said something in Spanish and the 50¢ price was on a smaller sticker. It had no identifying marks, no nutrition info no nothing, obviously someone's illegal home business product

Are you guys not afraid of diseases? I don't even kiss girls because you can get diseases from kisses.

>> No.19129952

Yeah I hear they carry cooties. Thats why I only kiss men.

>> No.19129960

Probably papaya. A lot of people meme on durian for smelling bad but papaya is even worse from my experience

>> No.19130007

My sister once made shepherd’s pie with instant mashed potatoes, frozen peas and the leanest ground beef you can buy. Not only was it a pile of flavorless, gruesome textures, it was like trying to pass drywall through my colon. She was never asked to cook for the family again.

>> No.19130052

literally just confirmation bias/placebo

you're probably one of those anti-vegetarian retards who dickrides the meat industry all day long and you were expecting it to taste yucky because you have the palette of a 5 year old

>> No.19130059
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For me I like it a bit longer and less girthy.

>> No.19130063

Is this a morning star bot reply? Wtf does this have to do with going down on a smelly cunt?

>> No.19130075

nta but go back

>> No.19130078

ate a wasp nest on a dare

>> No.19130098
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Also not him, but you're just a bad person.

I could go the rest of my life without eating meat, but fuck the "substitutes".
Just have a nice vegetarian meal, we don't need to make something that pretends to be meat, and fails in the process.

>> No.19130102

The fuck are you on about, you god daam mouthbreather? I am vegetarian, why on earth would a meat eater eat a veggie burguer?

Seriously, please have a vasectomy, people like you should not reproduce.

>> No.19130119

What's the bellybutton test

>> No.19130122


>> No.19130134

is this real?

>> No.19130170

>going down on a random women
Are you gay? That act is reserved for your wife.

>> No.19130171

They're degenerates, probably have gotten an STI before. Can't think of anything more disgusting that wanting to do anything other than PIV+condom with a nasty slut.

>> No.19130172

I eat meat and I like black bean burgers

>> No.19130180

where does one buy this?

>> No.19130183

Never had one, what brand you got?

>> No.19130219

If you’re heading south and can smell fish or worse from the bellybutton, don’t go further south.

>> No.19130245

Kinda relevant to the discussion.
Why are vegetarians not nearly as pretentious and cunty as vegans? Most vegetarians seem kinda chill actually.

>> No.19130293

It's like agnostics and atheists or latin america and mexicans/central america. The former know there's some cunts that could make them look bad to those who don't/can't tell you apart and so try to act in a way that will set "those" away from them.

>> No.19130327

>Why are vegetarians not nearly as pretentious and cunty as vegans?
Because veganism is rooted in the desire to be morally superior towards others, while vegetarianism is rooted in the simple desire to not kill or at least reduce the amount of deaths needed for us to live.

Hence why we do not mind raising cattle for dairy, bees for honey or sheep for wool.

>> No.19130337


>> No.19130636

Bread with whole cumin

>> No.19130654

Garlic sauce is an abomination. It is actually unholy, a -1 cursed flask with a power-draining vomit-inducing AoE spell.

>> No.19130791

grew it longer

>> No.19130795 [DELETED] 
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I’m 30 and I make my own virgin boy eggs

>> No.19131016
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>I don't even kiss girls because you can get diseases from kisses.
my sure my current gf got tested for literally everything to make sure she was totally clean.

>> No.19131037

>my current gf got tested for literally everything to make sure she was totally clean.
I don't get why this isn't more common and accepted. The germ theory taught in 5th grade wasn't just shits and giggles.
Heck if sub 80 IQ porn actors can reliably do it, there's no reason why normal people with normal intelligence shouldn't. It should be seen as a self preservation thing

>> No.19131107

civil defense biscuit
dated 1960 something
in a big tin like those 3 gallon veg oil cans
looked like an ordinary cracker
tasted like a ball of dust under your bed was compacted into a rock hard poker chip

>> No.19131580

>my ball of dust under my bed > your ball of dust under your bed

>> No.19131607

a long time ago one of my exes pussy stank so much the first time I went down on her I almost suffocated, I was a trooper though and I was already going down so I still tried, held my breath but the moment my tongue touched her pussy I learned that pussy can be sour. Dumped her like a week later after getting bored of sticking my dick in her

>> No.19131616

Vampire detected.

>> No.19131623

What about cheese?

>> No.19131626
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This nasty indescribable taste very strong and will not leave your mouth for a long time

>> No.19131628

That sounds good though

>> No.19131641

I dear old mum once made a smoked fish soup and it was the only thing I ever tried to eat that straight up just did not feel like food in my mouth. It was like chewing on ocean water, and I generally like a lot of salt in my food.

Dad liked it at least.

>> No.19131666

Lol baby first time eating organ meat?

>> No.19131698

Toss up between Bush's brand baked beans. They tasted sweet and past their prime. It is hard for me to describe, but the vegetarian beans are the worse variety since they taste like they were in a mixture of ketchup and orange juice.

This is followed by chicken sausages. I am not a fan of chicken since that is all you can ever find in a lot of stores around here and it just gets plain tiring, but these tasted liked cardboard and cooked up funny, leaking fluid and even exploding after being punctured three or four times each.

>> No.19131699

Corned beef hash from a can. I really, really wanted to like it. I like corned beef, I like hash browns. Canned meat doesn't bother me. I fried the shit out of it, put eggs on it, some hot sauce - fucking hated it.

>> No.19131712

Are you asian by any chance?

>> No.19131719

never thought of it that way

>> No.19131724

the fertilized duck eggs are good, you're just a pussy. pigs feet can be good too.

for me it's probably roast gecko, it was very chewy and had an unpleasant flavor. not a huge fan of tripe either but menudo can be good

>> No.19131732

oh man if we're including vagina, yes
one girl i met had a really nasty persistent odor, she had type 1 diabetes so idk if it was related to that but geez. no bueno. and it became an issue between us because i didn't want to go down on her because the taste would literally linger in my mouth. anyway

you ever picked up what you thought was your beer at a party and it turned out to be full of chewing tobacco spit?

>> No.19131737

i didn't think hakarl was that bad but i didn't eat a lot, only maybe 5 bite-sized pieces and was washing them down with that schnapps/jager type drink they have

you wrong

>> No.19131739

Cant eat it. I kinda hate myself for it because I know it tastes good.
I cant eat anything made from milk.
No. I dont have lactose intolerance, because I eat some smoky cheese a few times, and some pizzas with little mozzarella, and I didnt shit myself.

>> No.19131765

dude probably replied to the wrong post about the guy complaining about fake meat

>> No.19132121

lots to unpack in this statement.

>> No.19132133

because vegetarianism is reasonable and defensible but veganism is not, at least on moral grounds, and on health grounds i just don't find the arguments convincing, but the relatively poor state of knowledge on nutrition forces me to withhold judgement there. but as a moral claim, it is demonstrably false. you cannot convince me that eating my happy backyard chickens' eggs is immoral. they are well cared for and if i released them they would immediately be slaughtered by any number of predators. but veganism denies this distinction. moreover, i think that the underlying ontology of veganism is deeply flawed, seeing us as fundamentally separate from the natural world and unable to have mutually beneficial relationships with livestock that we keep for their products rather than meat. i think it's a really impoverished vision of our relationship with animals. thanks for reading my blog.

>> No.19132177

Pig feet was way worse than chicken feet imo. Stinks the whole time you cook it, tastes like garbage, makes you poop weird. I don't get the pig feet thing

>> No.19132258

>doesn't know how to cook liver
Lmao retard alert

>> No.19132285
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how the fuck can you not like tripe, but eat balut? I had it once because my local friend said it would increase sex, but it is regrettable in every conceivable way

>> No.19132301

How do you cook it so it doesn't taste like the nastiest thing you ever put in your mouth?

>> No.19132304
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Love it just not liver

>> No.19132307
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>> No.19132311

Some street fish this Vietnamese dude I was hanging out with fried up with his family. It tasted like fucking poison but I choked a few bites down to be polite.

Got my revenge when I made that motherfucker eat some blue cheese, let me tell you anons if you ever want to see an Asian that will happily slurp down entrails be repulsed by a food, give them a nice ripe blue cheese.

>> No.19132319
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Like this baby?
ever had it?

>> No.19132344
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Chicken feet are good, fry them bitches up

>> No.19132349
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Poorly cleaned pork chitterlings
Or maybe the time I did picrel

>> No.19132353
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Wait now these are great on crackers with a few beers

>> No.19132406

yeah it tasted offal! also based satanic digits

>> No.19132453

Stuffed grape leaves from a can
Natty Daddy
Cat treats

>> No.19132492


the anon you were responding to was clearly having a laugh. how the fuck am i going to get an STI from oral sex

>> No.19132495

>you ever picked up what you thought was your beer at a party and it turned out to be full of chewing tobacco spit?
luckily, no.

>> No.19132496 [DELETED] 


>> No.19132670

HPV is easily transmitted through kissing and can lead to mouth or throat cancer.

>> No.19132745
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why is a big heinz bean so funny

>> No.19132816

>seeing us as fundamentally separate from the natural world and unable to have mutually beneficial relationships with livestock that we keep for their products rather than meat.
So much this. Vegans take an extremely egocentric and condescending view of the world in which they consider themselves superior not only towards other people but also towards all of nature, believing themselves to be above all other animals instead of acknownledging they are also a part of the animal kingdom.

>> No.19132831

>you have the palette of a 5 year old
You need your vegetables to be presented to you as "nuggets" and "burgers". Maybe get the fuck out?

>> No.19132974

no, it isn't.

>> No.19133020

The chicken hearts at a mediocre churrascaria in Boca Raton. Like eating greasy superballs, wretched shit.

>> No.19133076

Are churrascarias worth going to in general? There is one that opened in my city a couple of years ago.

>> No.19133079

>doesnt like Sour cream
Mexican detected

>> No.19133084

Women dont respect men who perform oral sex on them. Its submissive

>> No.19133090

Lol thats bullshit you just don't like eating pussy, which means you're gay and insecure about your sexuality

>> No.19133369
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>Shirako, called milt in English, are the seminal vessels typically harvested from cod, and sometimes from anglerfish, salmon, squid and pufferfish. The harvested sperm sacs are tube-like in shape, usually white or light pink in color, with the layout and consistency of brains.

>> No.19133487

Post skin colour

>> No.19133493

Show us how thing your arms and wrists are lmaooo

>> No.19133501

>wrap liver in bacon
>roast it in the oven

>> No.19133552

Fucking hell you are triggered and bootyblasted hard

>> No.19133558

t. Junior soprano
And how'd that work for him?

>> No.19133874

Your mom

>> No.19133882

I had a nightmare about eating kiviak after seeing it on a documentary.

>> No.19134082
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>> No.19134174

It's "palate", not "palette", redditfag

>> No.19134695
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finally a chance to post this in the opposite context

>> No.19134867
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Found on Wikipedia.
Why would someone eat rotten food that can kill you?
That is a nightmare indeed

>> No.19134901

fried rocky mountain oysters

>> No.19135312
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Truffles. I don't get why people pay hundreds to eat what tastes like stinky feet. I would count cilantro but it seems unfair since not everybody has the gene that makes it taste like soap.

>> No.19135338

kek saved

>> No.19135505

Animal brains, I've tried lamb, cow, pig. They taste okay I guess but the texture is fucking horrendous. I'd rather enjoy the snotty shittiness of natto before I'll eat brains again.

>> No.19135519

do japs and bongs really?

>> No.19135573

btw for anyone wondering it's disgusting and tastes exactly what you think it tastes like

>> No.19137164
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>> No.19137173

Ah yes, delicious poultry and fish milks, cant go without them

>> No.19137184

Dont know if you mean vermouth in general, but that has to be one of the worst vermouths ever made

>> No.19137668
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The one thing that sticks out to me was a fish and egg pie my dad made like 15 years ago. It was like a chicken pot pie or a Shepard a pie but with fish and eggs

>whitefish like cod or something
>boiled eggs
>mashed potatoes
>vegetables like carrots and celery and peas and stuff like that

It was horrendously gross and my dad hasn’t made it since

>> No.19137682
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Read his post again, slowly

>> No.19137689

shouldn’t you at least try having sex with a woman before making a proclamation like that?

>> No.19137704
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I once ate a fly by accident.
That was the vilest shit I have ever tasted.
I guess bugs aren't for me.

>> No.19137724

i once picked up what I thought was a suspiciously light can of soda only to be met with a mouthful of cigarette ashes

>> No.19137824


>> No.19137849

vegans are to vegetarians as transtrenders are to gays

>> No.19137936

What did it taste like you bug eating fucker. You left that part out.

>> No.19137947

eat meat you fucking pussy faggot

>> No.19137982

>muff diving total strangers
Not sure if you guys are more brave or more stupid. I'm no stranger to trips down south but I still reserve it for people I know are clean.

>> No.19138288

In a factory I used to work at the robot mechanics would wrap their spit bottles with caution tape.

>> No.19138299

I watched someone do this once, but it was a quarter-full bottle of old Pepsi with a bunch of cigarette butts in it.

>> No.19138346

put some Lawry's on it, kang

>> No.19138354

Retards like you delude yourself into believing that shit doesn't taste like trash with your own warped ideological confirmation bias, shut the fuck up.

>> No.19138360

the romans considered eating pussy to be the gayest thing you can do because you are literally submitting to a woman

>> No.19138367

All I can remember is that it was very bitter but different from bitter plants.

>> No.19138368

I ate dog stew in seoul

>> No.19138369

The fact that he replied to -that- post with his vegan shilling makes it fucking hilarious

>> No.19138371

Until the day I die I will never forget when a carvery (a restaurant that is supposed to do good meat by the way) served me a watery tasteless curry with, I shit you not, torn chicken slices that you're supposed to put on a sandwich. A carvery, a place known for making good sauces and meat, served me watery very obviously packet powder curry and sandwich chicken

>> No.19138377

I am asian and I love blue cheese

>> No.19138394
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We shot and roasted a gull once while hiking/camping.
They eat trash and they taste of it.
By far the nastiest thing I've had that could still technically be called food.

>> No.19138412

I’m gonna kill that guy.

>> No.19138413

No way, gays are almost as bad it is not comparable at all

>> No.19138427

You've clearly never been around gulls.
And probably never killed anything, let alone a man.

>> No.19138525

I had this Mexican place recommended to me. It was a taco truck. Looked pretty authentic. I ordered their Cubano. It listed as having ham, sausage, and pickles. It was Oscar meyer ham, BOILED Oscar meyer hotdogs slice the long way, French’s mustard and pickles on a Safeway bun. The hotdogs were still slightly warm but everything else was cold, like it had just come out of the refrigerator. I took one bite and immediately dumped it in the garbage. 9 dollars by the way and I waited 20 minutes. My coworkers had to be taking the fucking piss

>> No.19138529

got em

>> No.19138534

not if I get him first

>> No.19138544

that's not very disgusting

>> No.19138638

Durian wafer cookie
Might as well have been called rotten garbage cookies

>> No.19138716

I fucking LOVE liver. I used to put it in my stews.

>> No.19138883

I'm absolutely not doing that if the girl didn't shower before.
I take a lot of care of having a clean and good smelling pp. The least they can do is shower and eat some Ananas before

>> No.19139373

Oh, that's pretty easy!

My Stepmom had a stomach ulcer so all family meals had to be ESPECIALLY bland.

Her tuna casserole was canned tuna, cream of mushroom soup, peas, egg noodles and Durkee brand onions to top. That's it. Mmm.

No 'spices' ever made it into her dishes so it was like eating that shit from ANDOR. It didn't taste 'bad' because bad is still a flavor. It tasted grey.

>> No.19139379

what kind of moran orders panjeet food at a european establishment?

>> No.19139394

You can get Gonorrhea and chlamydia if you suck an infected vagina or dick,if someone has them on their throat and does oral to you you will get them on your dick,retard

>> No.19139418

And your number is?

>> No.19139448

Foie gras sushi. Drunk ordered a sushi platter and didn't expect it. Thought I had bit into the most rancid piece of fish I'd ever tasted. It was so bad that 8 months later I still have PTSD and can't eat sushi.

>> No.19139535

overripe noni fruit
san pedro cactus

>> No.19139674

Seagulls are piece of shit nasty birds and deserve every punch they get

>> No.19139775


>> No.19139920

Disgusting as in taste or as in presentation/ingredients?
I've eaten lamb intestines multiple times
>Pigs foot
that's tasty though
>fried anything
not disgusting
alright this is strong shit

>> No.19140115

my second gf's pussy, was like a fish left to rot on the docks for a couple days

>> No.19140118

uncle jun go back to bed

>> No.19140127

Fuck no, the waiters either constantly bother you or completely ignore you, and always try to give you the smallest amount of meat they can. It's a deeply frustrating experience.

>> No.19140129

Indian food

>> No.19140136

Did she see a doctor about that?

>> No.19140648

I was saving my taste Werther's Original in a bowl on the bench for a few days.
When I finally went to eat it, I opened it with the fluid motion one has when they've eaten hundreds of them, as in, without looking.
Turns out, despite their not being a trail leading to the bowl or anywhere else I could find, the entire package was filled with ants.

Tasted like chewing a mouthful of old peppercorns and hate.

>> No.19140656

They never do.
They know why it's gross, they just don't care.

>> No.19140831

>tfw liberals made you eat bugs
thanks, Obama

>> No.19140837

I get the joke but Bush was in office.
This happened ages ago but I can still vividly remember the taste.

>> No.19140934

I'm not a schizo so it was indeed a joke, and that sounds horrifying.

>> No.19140943

It really was quite the traumatic event.
I still love Werther's like nothing else, even riding the 'old man candy' joke but fuck me if I can't taste it when opening one on occasion.

>> No.19142349

When I was a teenager, I was hanging out with my supervisors crush because she'd buy me beer. I'd sit at her apartment and watch talledega knights almost every time. One night I got obliterated and woke up on her loveseat with my pecker geting tugged on. I remember her saying it was pretty skinny. Asked her wtf she was doing and passed out again. Woke up again and she was trying to get me to her bedroom. She pulled my clothes off and said to lay down. She got me on top of her and started putting me in her and I thought well, I don't want to make this weird because of the situation with our friends and accusations and whatnot. I remember the smell hitting my face and instantly thinking I should just play oppossum and deadweighted on top of her until she rolled me off. She left the bedroom and I grabbed my shit and made a run for the door while I could, stopped and grabbed her Boonesfarm cuz I was passed off and my pack of nasty ass honeyweiss and passed out under an evergreen a block from my parents. Woke up at like noon to a dog barking at me and ran home before the cops could fuck with me. And that was the first time I can remember being sexually assaulted. Kinda finished my interest in white girls.
Later anons

>> No.19142360

He fired me about a month later because we hooked up. Lol Maybe I quit. Idr. We got into a fight because I didn't watch the second vault door close behind me after an escort for the money team one night.

>> No.19142683
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your mom's cooking

>> No.19142786

Ok, I'm seriously asking.
Is this thing fucking real??!?!?!

>> No.19142911


>> No.19144049
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Damn. This nigger's never eaten the big bean. I pity you.

>> No.19144101


>> No.19144359


>> No.19144530

> I don't get why people pay hundreds to eat what tastes like stinky feet.

Do you know how many footfags exist?

>> No.19144597

All tastes beyond salt/sweet/bitter/sour/umami are sense of smell in drag. Intensely smelly foods are intensely flavoured. Now put on the high heels and walk on my dick, you stupid whore.

>> No.19144752

Was this meant to be ironic or are you actually that much of a fucking retard?

>> No.19144783
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Damn I can't even get a bingo. :(

>> No.19144853

Surprise anon!! We're all we todd did

>> No.19145480

Look at how widely spread out those titties are wtf

>> No.19145596

Once seen, can not be unseen. Damn. That ho getting milked in two different barns.

>> No.19145601
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Going to have to poast it now.

>> No.19145606

Squirrel brain stew my grandparents used to make

>> No.19145614

>The meme shark from iceland really is that bad.
It's 40% fat with a bit of ammonia, and usually served weak for tourists. You're just a pussy

>> No.19145616

Yeah, it's kind of funny--something like 85% of Boomer Dads can't cook to save their lives.
I remember as a kid, my dad tried to make french toast, I don't know what happened to the french toast, but he tried to serve me cheesy scrambled eggs with the rest of the egg mixture--It was HEAVY on vanilla and sugar.
I've choked down some breddy mediocre foods before out of politeness or "This or NOTHING," but that shit was so vile, it got spit out of my mouth after the first chew.
The second most disgusting food was also strangely eggs--cooked by a boomer.
Camping with the Scouts, somebodys dad made scrambled eggs with Treet™
That shit smelled like a chemical toilet.

>> No.19145637

You a goddamned whiny bitch. I hope you got butt fucked by the cool scouts. I kid, of course. There are no cool scouts.

>> No.19145651
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You've been getting into the Jet again, aintcha??

>> No.19145660

The ONLY thing possible worse than this, is someone at the party was a "Dipper"

>> No.19145952

I made a huge pot of curry rice once, but fucked up really bad. It was so spicy and over spiced that I could only eat one bowl of it before throwing away the rest of it. After that, the Italian chicken sandwich from Burger King is the single worst thing I've eaten. If counting drinks, I bought a Chinese liquor that was super cheap but high proof for the price. One shot made me throw up and I poured that shit down the drain.

>> No.19145958

to muni ths manasou to bromiko to gamhmeno

>> No.19145977

salmon sperm is essential to the biotech industry

>> No.19146064

you'd still suck em given the opportunity, fuck you

>> No.19146141

My father doesn't really cook much, but one of his staples is a can of black beans with sharp cheddar cheese, raw onion loads of pepper and maybe some jarred olives, all heated over the stovetop. While not glamorous, there was something kind of cozy about waking up on Saturday and him splitting his rations with me.

>> No.19146146

Black girls are ok, but this one is going to have to be pretty goddamned depraved for me to settle. She's already wearing a collar, so that's a start.

>> No.19146164

A lot of those survival rations were made to be off putting because they didn't want survivors chowing down on them unless you absolutely had to.

>> No.19146206

Colonel Logan had four requirements for the D ration Bar. The bar must:

Weigh 4 ounces (113.4 g)
Be high in food energy value
Be able to withstand high temperatures
Taste "a little better than a boiled potato" (to keep soldiers from eating their emergency rations in non-emergency situations)

>> No.19146208

green salami
wasn't green when I bought it

>> No.19146221
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>> No.19146228

>with a bit of ammonia
yeah just a lil bit taste of pee in your mouth, nothing serious bro. man what a pussy

>> No.19146231

Cooked aloe vera leaf.

>> No.19146245

the nearest ive been to puking was a peppercorn flavored prank jellybean, i legit puked in my mouth and swallowed it. For real food, its a toss up between my fucked up stuffed plantains I made where i dropped the salt shaker into it and it was actually inedible and turned out stupid dry and some chicken salad i made with some REALLY shitty canned chicken a buddy of mine gave me, it was like 60/40 meat to cartilage.

>> No.19146255

Any sharp cheese like parmesan or gorgonzonla. If you made me eat stuff with it on it I would legit puke, it is absolutely revolting and I don't understand why people love it so much

>> No.19146259


>> No.19146273

>doesn't follow politics
>a couple of obviously political boxes
hmm almost like a loser made this bingo...

>> No.19146329

Unironically yes. You're talking about barely cured shark that hasn't even molded over and you're already bitching.

>> No.19146339


>> No.19146378

Pigs feet are pretty good. When I get menudo I request patas in it.

>> No.19146422

Natto. Hands down. Figured I'd give it a shot. Soooo gross.

>> No.19146425

I call it trash fruit. I swear it smells like rotting garbage when it is fresh. Dried isn't bad, but fresh is disgusting.

>> No.19146787

I've had canned papaya and it had a certain unpleasant metallic smell, but I figured that was probably just the can. What does fresh smell like?

>> No.19146797

probably a horse bean
for real food idk. maybe something rotten I ate by mistake but I can't think of a proper dish I've had that was gag-inducing.
I ate mochi in high school that made me throw up violently but it tasted good going down.
I was a picky eater as a kid but ironically I eat basically anything now and have a hard rating stuff as truly vile rather than just disappointing or generally "off".

I got these once as a kid and they were the lamest candy
and I actually LIKED licorice allsorts
the coating they use is just fucking bizarre and they cheap out on the actual licorice part

>And one time I got a samosa full of potato peel
I've gotten bad samosas like this and they aren't The Worst. definitely bad and a waste of 1.50 but not a contender for worst thing ever eaten

>> No.19146805
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So close...

>> No.19146819

Chicken. Threw up a minute later.

>> No.19146851


>> No.19147269
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I've had it pickled and it wasn't bad, very tart and had a pleasant spiciness to it

>> No.19147286

my GF had a nice snatch, but she neglected to clean her belly button and it smelled like an open wound. I poured hydrogen peroxide in the belly button and it fizzled up. She cried in embarassment

>> No.19147342

>horse bean
I had to look that up. Why?

>> No.19147410
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Feeling pretty good lads.

>> No.19147752

>not single

>> No.19147798

my mom made spaghetti and put chicken and cheese in it, have no clue what seasoning. it was so atrocious that i can still remember the taste 20 years later

>> No.19148924

fuck no dude get some standards that's vile

>> No.19149554

sandwich de potito (look it up) and headcheese

>> No.19149570

>go to restaurant
>order black bean burger
>order it with bacon on top
>waiter triple checks my order and looks visibly distressed
I just like black bean burgers sometimes, man.

>> No.19149572


Post hand

>> No.19149827

Why does never being employed or being voluntarily unemployed make you a loser? If anything it’s based.

>> No.19150316

I ordered American bbq off Uber Eats one time from a place that turns out used to be an Indian restaurant and the owners decided to try American bbq instead. It was $40 straight into the trash, unedible disgusting slop that had obviously been sitting around several days and didn't sell. Lucky I didn't get sick.

>> No.19150327

>you have the palete of a 5 year old
>unironically uses the word "yucky"
you ARE a 5 year old

>> No.19150349

Fuck your Satan meat. I hate the antichrist.

>> No.19150415

lol you are like little babby
you didnt even get to the whole cloves of nutmeg. what a chore to eat

>> No.19150420

i am now reminded of trying to eat a salmon hot dog during lent

>> No.19150626

Woman moment

>> No.19150630
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My friends and I were super stoned and tried to make daal. It wasn’t even half-cooked and was disgusting, but dude weed lol I still ate it.

>> No.19150701

The romans also thought fucking a dude in the ass was the manliest thing one could do.

>> No.19150715

> crocodile sausages

it was for some bullshit Aboriginal Day in my Australia highschool. We ate kangaroo, and crocodile sausages. croc tastes halfway in between undercooked chicken and pork sausages. wet, oily, pale, mushy gross.

>> No.19151177

>Sex before marriage
Dude no

>> No.19151249

What if you marry her and discover that you are sexually incompatible?