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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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File: 1.12 MB, 2487x2252, 20230403_214633.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
19124698 No.19124698 [Reply] [Original]

Stuffed with blue cheese

>> No.19124699

I stuffed your mom with blue cheese

>> No.19124708
File: 339 KB, 600x489, Progressa Product 570x700 1.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

did you forget to cook the patty?

>> No.19124817

it's a blue blue cheese burger

>> No.19124825

the heat from the pan didn't cook the burger

>> No.19124833


>> No.19124896

it's fresh ground meat not some shit that's been on the shelf at walmart for a week, what are you so afraid of?

>> No.19124904

>he fell for the thick patty meme
Enjoy your e coli

>> No.19124938

looks great, I am not a fan up bleu but I respect your creative vibe.

>> No.19124959

A Juicy Lucy with blue cheese? Did you add caramelised onions or some caramelised pears?

>> No.19124975
File: 53 KB, 750x832, 20FE044C-C390-44FE-B135-4981FCFD18C4.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>uncooked patty

>> No.19125005
File: 1.49 MB, 4000x2252, 20230403_215124.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It wasn't raw fellas
Basically, my meat guy used to be a chef and recommended it over having clusters of it. Just the raw red, greens, and some seasoning and special sauce, pears sounds interesting
I'll try to remember that, I eat pears all the time.

>> No.19125024

You slew the cow and cut out its flesh yourself and then ground it up and put it in the pan? If not than it's not in fact fresh.

>> No.19125026

I love a burger with blue cheese
Nice , did you put it between two patiies and ball it up and flatten out or place on top of the patty?

>> No.19125030

fresh cut from a butcher, goes to the fancy grocery store the very next day, then I freshly ground it and assembled the patty. 6/10 I replied.

>> No.19125056

Ball method, 6oz of beef so not quite two patties worth. Just a little on top as well to let it blend with the vegetables

>> No.19125061

I'm a freak about burgers I buy all kinds of steak, Ribeye, tenderloin, ny strip, filet mignon, porterhouse and I grind them into burgers, friends think I'm crazy but I'd rather have a good burger than a steak

>> No.19125065

Nice sounds good

>> No.19125071

Yeah bro caramelised pears and blue cheese go together well, especially with walnuts, charred asparagus and vinaigrette on a bed of micro greens.

>> No.19125076

do you eat your steak well done you dumb paranoid fuck

>> No.19125091

Who said anything about well done? I'm just saying that calling processed meat you buy in a store "fresh" is a misnomer. If anyone could actually taste meat that was freshly butchered and cooked they would never eat the store bought stuff again. It's so good you don't even need seasoning it sings in your mouth all by itself.

>> No.19125098

>eating nearly raw ground beef
Enjoy your intestinal worms.

>> No.19125099

he's clearly talking about having the butcher grind the meat in front of him

>> No.19125108


>> No.19125110

He didn't do that though.
>fresh cut from a butcher, goes to the fancy grocery store the very next day, then I freshly ground it and assembled the patty
That meat is at least 3 days old at that point at the very least. Assuming the butcher got it and sold it the day it was killed which is a big assumption. Realistically it's at least a week old. Sure it's still fresh like, but it's nowhere near the real thing and certainly not as safe. Especially when you eat it ground and raw, all of the bacteria you mixed in don't get killed off like when you sear a steak.

>> No.19125121

I used to work there. It is as I said, it's butchered, goes literally straight there within 24 hours. It's an expensive store, the much lower volume makes it easier to keep the highest QC measures. Didn't eat it raw either.

>> No.19125133

My butcher still wraps meat in brown paper with a string, good stuff

>> No.19125143
File: 44 KB, 422x318, 257625675454.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Dunno looks pretty raw to me, you can even see a chunk of unmelted fat. I don't know why people still associate eating thick uncooked burgers with manliness. It's such a silly thing, you get way more flavor and ease of prep from a good smashburger. There really is no better way to cook a burger.
I blame gordon ramsey for brainwashing people.

>> No.19125165
File: 708 KB, 3811x2125, hamburgers in hand.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Looks good, OP. I'm not a huge fan of stuffed burgers (just never really saw the point, as it feels more like a gimmick rather than adding anything to the experience), but that's still one of the best burgers I've seen posted in awhile. Most people just troll these days with overcooked hockey pucks, or worse, "smash" burgers. It's refreshing to see a normal fucking burger that's properly cooked once in awhile. I don't know what's in your special sauce, but I'd recommend playing around with the toppings and condiments. At the end of the day a burger is essentially a hunk of beef with some bread, and as long as you don't lose sight of that there's an infinite number of things you can add to a burger that will work.

>> No.19125169

>you can even see a chunk of unmelted fat
anon... that's blue cheese...

>> No.19125182

It's not that thick, the burger is smaller than you're imagining. The roll was about baseball size before I cut it. I don't like stupid fat thick burgers either. You'll notice the burger crust is nice and crispy as you'll get with a smash burger.
>I blame gordon ramsey for brainwashing people.
huh? isn't his one catchphrase every normie knows "IT'S FUCKING RAWWWW"? and he has his bit about how rIdiCuLouS large burgers are (despite making that monstrosity in his back yard)

>> No.19125186

Thanks! This was very far from my first burger, just kinda just threw a couple salad ingredients I had around and the usual suspects condiment wise this time. The real focus for me was the blue cheese stuffing as I'd not done it before. It's cool how many ways you can change up the form factor of the humble burg.

>> No.19125188
File: 45 KB, 422x318, 257625675454.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

No the shit at the bottom is blue cheese. That stuff in the middle is glistening because it's raw fat.

>> No.19125202

I made it and ate it, it's blue cheese. it's mayo on the bottom, the blue cheese is stuffed in the burger, the heat of the burger melts the cheese

>> No.19125220

You sound like me. I got a meat grinder attachment for my stand mixer and ever since I’ve been grinding everything up to make burgers, meatballs, sausage, etc. It also saves a lot of money. Not only is it cheaper to buy cuts to grind rather than purchasing ground but also I don’t ever get ripped off when 25% of it evaporates in the pan and it shrinks down to nothing.

>> No.19125221

Whatever you say to cope, don't know why you can't just admit that you like eating raw meat like a caveman. It's clear to anyone with eyes that that is blue cheese at the bottom and not mayo unless your mayo has mold in it. Pretty sure blue cheese doesn't have enough fat in it to glisten either.

>> No.19125225


>> No.19125230

>Not only is it cheaper to buy cuts to grind rather than purchasing ground
A pound of steak is cheaper than a pound of ground beef? Where are you buying your cuts of beef, at the dollar store?

>> No.19125231
File: 144 KB, 800x533, glistening-water-13377137[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

fact: the ocean is 98% fat

>> No.19125233
File: 158 KB, 1241x1186, 59082F9C-155D-45E5-BA37-AC908CEEB58C.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>all this backpedalling & cope

>> No.19125235

Yes you will need them for all the intestinal worms you are building up in your system with your raw hamburger habit.

>> No.19125243

plenty of places will denote what cut of cow their mince is; obviously their labor increases the price when it's ground. unspecified ground beef could be offal for all I know

>> No.19125251

Sure. The store will eventually get around to pricing chuck at 2.99lb or pork butt at $1.99 but their ground beef is generally always around $7lb and you have no real idea what all they put in it.

>> No.19125265

Holy shit I pay less for fresh organic grass fed, where are you living that shitty ground beef is 7$ a pound?

>> No.19125282
File: 204 KB, 672x379, 1624910518065.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Anon, I get the feeling you haven't been on /ck/ very long, so let me give you some advice. When someone starts talking about how smashburgers are the best thing ever, or refers to a burger as a "thick burger", or starts screeching, "it's fookin raw!" whenever they see a hint of pink, that person is shitposting, and should just be ignored. This place was never perfect, but it used to be a slow board with regulars who actually cared about food and cooking, but at this point it's mostly just people who come here to talk about e-celebs and fast food, and they have a disdain for anyone who knows anything about cooking, or is even genuinely trying to learn. Keep posting OC and don't let a few trolls gaslight you into thinking you're doing something wrong just because they're on the food and cooking board.

>> No.19125290

Ignore any HATERS, Anon.
9/10--Only that Bcus, I'M not EATING IT.
Looks fucking GREAT.

>> No.19125293
File: 87 KB, 700x795, WET PUSSY.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

MASSIVE, non-Milk havin' Pajeet cunt.
I MEAN to say...

>> No.19125294

I can guarantee that I have made more burgers than both of you combined. I've made them thick and thin and everything in between. I've seen every possible state of being of hamburger and that my friend is a blue as fuck burger with raw unmelted fat.
The OP's mistake was not in making his burger the way he liked but in showing his insecurity by not owning up to it and trying to deflect it instead of just admitting that he likes his meat like that.

>> No.19125300

South Mississippi. My town is currently struggling with one chain of stores called Corner Market running, like, 12 locations, and price fixing with the local lone Winn Dixie. The place is a food desert. I leave town to do major grocery shopping. That organic grass fed ground beef you’re paying $7lb for is over $12lb here now.

>> No.19125301
File: 250 KB, 2048x1200, forbidden cotton candy.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is Sacred/SECRET k-nowledge, anon...

>> No.19125308

Wow that's rough, sorry about that anon. Food prices really are insane everywhere these days. Kills me to think what I used to be able to buy with 20 dollars now barely gets me anything.

>> No.19125309

jesus fucking christ

>> No.19125313

Eh, If you're going to use bleu cheese for a burger, its better to make a bleu cheese mayo for a topping imo. Bleu cheese doesn't work well in "cooking" situations involving heat IMO, its better to just keep it cold and utilize it that way,
The fuck?
chuck is literally 2.99/ld every single day at my store, and they often have the giant packs of ground beef for like 1.50/ld when they overorder on it.

Granted, I know I live in the sticks and inflation is super low, but still, 7 dollars, WTF.

>> No.19125316
File: 2.60 MB, 600x600, HORS-PAYST.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You can enjoy HORSE PASTE every 3 months.
Cheap and effective--and OHHhh!! That cinnamon Apple FLAVOR!!
Full MOON is tomorrow--
The great Worm rut begins at DUSK.

>> No.19125319
File: 124 KB, 220x143, MOTHER!!!.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>having the butcher grind the meat in front of him
>checked but...

>> No.19125320
File: 36 KB, 360x480, 7-11 cheese and chili.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Pack of smokes and an iced tea and hotdog

>> No.19125326

Well, when your city allows the literal mob to corner the market on groceries, these are the prices you get. I leave town to do major shopping, peck away at local “sales,” order non-perishables online, and grow as much produce as possible. I would have ditched this shithole city years ago, but have to take care of my mom.

>> No.19125327
File: 1.39 MB, 1080x1609, Forbidden popsicle.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I know...
It's fucking bad.
Some people--to be fair--that house was probably abandoned.
Have some NICER forbidden food:

>> No.19125328

Fuck, that's almost what my kitchen looks like right now. I've just kind of given up trying to fight the mold and don't answer the door because I don't want anyone to know how I've been living.

>> No.19125331


>> No.19125335
File: 1.49 MB, 900x9794, Dat Fridge doe.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

That's SAD, anon..
YOU can be better.

Is it as bad as SOUR CREAM Anon??
That guy was LOST.

>> No.19125340

Fuck that do what op did and put that blue cheese in the burger

>> No.19125347
File: 185 KB, 1024x1024, WetBeef.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Almost scored Chronizon digis
/ck/ has GALLONS of this putrid slop...in the archives.

>> No.19125370

It doesn't look as bad, but I'd have no problem cleaning that place up. Just fill up a garbage bag every so often when you get a little motivation and nothing is really that bad. My place has mold - everywhere. It's in the walls. You can try to catch it when you see it, but it always comes back, and spreads, and before you know it it's on the ceiling and behind your furniture and on your books and electronics and everything is damp and you're coughing and, yeah. Sometimes I hope the entire place burns down and I can just claim the insurance and start over.

>> No.19125384
File: 311 KB, 1997x1123, Black Mold--Not even ONCE.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm SORRY, anon.
As a Builder, I Know your pain.
ALWAYS use peroxide NOT BLEACH on clean-up, Bleach just causes it to SPORE and you'll be right back where you started with HARSHER LUNGS.
Any way you could remediate??
Molds can fuck you up to the point of NO LONGER CARING...
Take care of yOU, anon.

>> No.19125401

I had to help clean a place almost as bad as that, once. A family member owned a home he was renting and was letting a realtor handle things. Apparently all the realtor did was cash the checks. No inspections, no nuthin. Well, the checks stopped coming…. Because the tenant died on his bedroom floor in a pile of his vomit. It was very sad. That guy died alone and the only reason he was found was because his rent was late. Nobody in his life cared about him. The house was filled with garbage. Walls lined with it with paths clear from bedroom to kitchen and to bathroom. Every sink filled with crap, every table piled, tub full of shit- Like that anon this guy had clearly given up. We filled up two dumpsters with food garbage, ruined furniture, broken random items. It was one of the saddest things I had ever seen.

>> No.19125552

>Apparently all the realtor did was cash the checks
I've NEVER known a boomer realtor to do OTHERWISE.
Fuck those shitheads.
Any competent anon should
>Buy own Property
>Do the 36 minutes of paperwork THEMSELVES
>Rent ~OR~ Lease option to Other White anons..
>Long term Profit.

>> No.19125555

Looks like shit

>> No.19125558

Poast last meal, FAGGOT.

>> No.19126125

it's a blue blue cheese cheeseburger

>> No.19126148

Sharpen your knives. That's the worst cut I've ever seen on an onion.

>> No.19127197

Kek I never noticed how ragged those onions were until you pointed it out. Looks like he sliced them with sandpaper.

>> No.19127443

Cope seethe and dilate, frylet.

>> No.19127463
File: 123 KB, 626x417, side-view-snacks-onion-rings-mozzarella-sticks-french-fries-sauces-board_141793-5101.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
