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19102669 No.19102669 [Reply] [Original]

what the hell does EVERYTHING have fucking soybean oil in it now?

>> No.19102680
File: 68 KB, 1163x715, you are stupid.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

you are stupid.

first reason why X is in everything...


>> No.19102685

It's probably the globalists targeting you personally, better go build a shack out in the woods

>> No.19102799

cheap is not healty to consume

>> No.19102816

probably better than palm oil at least

>> No.19102822

farm subsidies from the feds, big ag lobbyists, the usual culprits

>> No.19102827

nothing is healthy
things are just less bad

>> No.19102829

Why would kroger, kraft, tyson, conagra, campbell's, proctor and gamble, kellogg's, post, general mills, hostess of any of the others give a fuck about whether a product is healthy or not?

>> No.19102847

I think OP is terminally retarded and never passed middle school. Everyone point and laugh. Probably a ketolard too.

>> No.19102950

please tell me why its healthy to consume soybean oil with every single food you eat each day?

>> No.19103032
File: 115 KB, 1000x432, smug.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

if people refused to buy unhealthy shit, they wouldn't sell it.

they make it because, when given the option side-by-side, people repeatedly choose the cheaper one if they can rationalize that it's just as good and the other one is just an unfairly marked up scam

>> No.19103131

Soybean oil is a lot less bad than palm oil. Palm oil just gets in you and coats everything, hardly ever gets out. For the most part soybean oil is not that much different than other vegetable oils like canola.
We went from consuming, maybe, a tablespoon of palm oil on average per year in specialty manufactured foods to about 12 lbs. per year per american per year around 2010. 13 years of consumption, no testing done, no idea if it's going to be safe, I'm waiting for the other shoe to drop.

>> No.19103144

what are the most based alternatives to sneed oils?

I want to try duck fat but it's $1.07 / ounce. is that normal?

>> No.19103160

yes. Chicken fat no less than $2.73 / ounce. Goose fat no less than $3 / ounce. Etc. bird fat is a specialty product today, unless you were rendering your own expect to pay.


>> No.19103302

Unironically true.
Calorie restriction, the reduction of dietary intake below energy requirements while maintaining optimal nutrition, is the only known nutritional intervention with the potential to attenuate aging.

>> No.19103314

just don't re-use sneed oils and you're fin-
>what's most based
i'm sure we'd all be impressed if you just switched to pork fat

>> No.19103321

All prepackaged food is full of stuff like that and HFCS because it's cheap and convenient, how are people still surprised by this in the current year?

>> No.19103324

>Prepackaged salad dressing
Why are you surprised it's made of garbage?

>> No.19103964

lol did you think BIG COMPANY cares about your health?

>> No.19103972

Johnson and Johnson had a forced recall because there was asbestos in their baby powder and they FUCKING KNEW IT.

>> No.19103975

i've been vegan since the late 1900s, which means i've been aware of every ingredient in any product i touch, and normie slop has been like that at least that long

>> No.19103980
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I will never stop eating it

>> No.19104019

At the point I noticed it popping up everywhere I cut palm oil from my diet. It may not actually be that bad, but avoiding palm oil usually means avoiding trash-tier food so it's always a win in the end.

>> No.19104162

>if people refused to buy unhealthy shit, they wouldn't sell it.
nobody looks like ingredients anymore. people willing buy 200% DV sodium or 60g sugar drinks without question.
also by fucking with food formulas that have been around for decades. nobody would expect to find bad ingredients in a food that never had them for 50+ years

>> No.19105890

wtf is it

>> No.19106063

palm oil flavored ramen from Indonesia

>> No.19106629

Tallow, ghee, olive oil, and coconut oil are good. All other vegetable oils are bad. Bird fat is highly polyunsaturated. Lard is almost as bad as vegetable oil now because they feed pigs soy and corn to fatten them so their fat becomes mostly PUFA.

>> No.19106630

You make a lot of sense. Thanks for the suggestion, anon!

>> No.19106684

Okay, then pay more to get a healthier product you fucking ape

>> No.19106685

that's not how it works

>> No.19106687

i picked up a big bottle of arizona ice tea the other day and was surprised to see oils in it

>> No.19106690

>Palm oil just gets in you and coats everything

>> No.19106696

Arizona doesn't have sneed oils, retard

>> No.19106701

cheap filler. 95% of the average american's pantry is nothing but corn and soy goychow puffed, fried, baked and/or artificially flavored to make zero nutrition foods that just make you want to eat more.

>> No.19106702

excuse me sir, hfcs. same thing

>> No.19106709

soybean and canola oil are both incredibly bad for you. They are extracted using benzene based solvents, heavily oxidized to improve shelf life and deodorize the rancid taste, this means it's full of free radical oxidative compounds that cause DNA damage (ie, carcinogenic, and also increasing your genetic age even if they don't give you cancer).
These oils are also rich in Omega-6 fatty acids which is advertised as a health benefit and essential nutrient. Which they are, but you only need a tiny amount of them. Your omega 6 to omega 3 ratio needs to be around 1:1 to minimize inflammatory stress on your body. The average American's is about 20:1. A very large proportion of the health benefits of Omega 3s are imo just a result of how the average American has such a horrifically out of balance ratio, so anything that brings you a little closer to parity has an apparent positive health effect.

The really fucked up thing is olive oil is commonly adulterated with industrial seed oil and companies hardly get penalized for it. There are only a few brands/places I trust for olive oil. Olive oil and butter are all you need. Coconut/MCT oil are ketard nonsense and I don't trust avocado oil for shit.

>> No.19106794

what kind of places do you recommend anon?

>> No.19107015
File: 32 KB, 641x729, expert on this topic.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>soybean oil good because organic vegan cruelty free ethically sourced
>palmoil bad because picture of sad monkey

>> No.19107400

You WILL be a woman

>> No.19107413

solution:only buy organic fresh food or even better grow your own

>> No.19107416

Every single mainstream bread manufacturer in my country uses soy flour. It tastes like shit! Only two ways about getting real bread now, bake your own or find a proper bakery.

>> No.19107425
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>soybean oil bad because sad monkey (me)

>> No.19107436
File: 2.89 MB, 358x640, fuck yeah mayo.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Best foods mayo used sunflower oil tastes so good I eat it out of the jar.
Duke mayo on the otherhand uses soy oil and tastes rancid.

>> No.19107457

>can't identify good olive oil
In seriousness, your olive oil should come in a glass bottle or metal tin. It should be EVOO, dark green, and possibly a bit cloudy.

>> No.19107498

come on now, you know why

>> No.19107510

This seems so much simpler than my pseudo-intellectual challenging life

>> No.19107539
File: 1.80 MB, 2560x2560, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>bottle says Mayo with OLIVE OIL
>read back label
>ingredients eggs, olive oil, SOYBEAN OIL


>> No.19107548
File: 833 KB, 1280x1242, Atherosclerosis_timeline_-_endothelial_dysfunction.svg.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

its an exaggeration to simplify the details. palm oil is prized by manufacturers for its extraordinary shelf life. the same things that give it an extraordinary shelf life also reflects in the body. Fatty deposits in the arteries. Literal palm oil deposits.

>> No.19107577
File: 236 KB, 1200x900, Rainforest in Brazil.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Because it became dirt cheap.

>> No.19108234

>farm subsidies from the feds, big ag lobbyists, the usual culprits
I am genuinely disappointed that one person posted the right answer. The average American has no idea how big Ag-lobbying and its corruption is. It's the same for HFCS because of subsidies and import taxes on refined sugar.

>> No.19108395

> literally everything wrong
this is what happens when you are stupid as fuck, you can just make shit up and refuse to actually educate yourself

>> No.19108405

> lying on the internet

>> No.19108487

>only eat and buy slop
>wonder why everything has slopsauce in it
Well gee I wonder why?

>> No.19109036

uh, your article just confirms what I said? Hexane is a benzene solvent. The heating and deodorization process oxidizes the oil, damaging the fatty acids and also producing free radicals which he does not discuss. He doesn't get into the specifics around n3-n6 ratio but notes that the n3 fatty acids that do exist in seed oils are largely destroyed by heating which is part of the process. He also adds in trace transfats concern and tricks they can do to show "0%" according to the FDA which is also real.

The article is correct that sneed oils, in moderation, are not that unhealthy. I will occasionally eat food cooked in them. But EVERY processed food is loaded with them. The average Amerigolem consumes 20% of his daily caloric intake from seed oils.

>> No.19109090

>gubbermint subsidizes the ass out of soybeans and corn
>farmers grow tons of it for money because $200k tractors don't pay for themselves inb4 hurr durr consooooooooooooooooooooomer just luck yourself into owning some handmedown 100 year old tractor from grandpa
>there's a fuckton of it
>corps will buy them and use them
It's the same reason there's all the partially-corn-ethanol gasoline mixes out there for the past couple decades. Why not just make engines that run purely on ethanol? Who knows.

>can buy potatoes and meat for cheap
Piss off wanker.

>> No.19109299

Its unethical to not offer healthier food.

>> No.19109349

>he same things that give it an extraordinary shelf life also reflects in the body.

>> No.19109374

>Why not just make engines that run purely on ethanol
Ethanol fuel has no shelf life, that's why.
If you leave it to set for any significant amount of time, it decomposes. The actual fuel part of it will settle out on the bottom, leaving the water and other additives to float on top.

This is bad enough for most fuel systems. However, it gets worse. There are microbes that can live within the water that separates out. They feed on the carbon compounds in the fuel; it's still organic matter, after all. This turns the whole mixture into slime. It gets into fuel pumps and destroys the whole fuel system.

>> No.19109422

No, it's deliberate poisoning by "people" who hate humanity because their demon god is jealous of humans

>> No.19110444

Your mom needs to get her nose out of my life, that cheap whore.

>> No.19110474

how about you cook your own food instead of gulping down whatever slop that is

>> No.19110664

The only nutrients you need to avoid are sugar, trans fats and saturated fats

Hfcs is purely sugar so obviously avoid that

Palm oil is high in saturated fat

Soybean oil is not the worst (but not the best either). Trans fat content might be concerning but trace amounts of trans fat can be found in any oil.

>> No.19110670

literally the most popular instant ramen on the market

>> No.19110676

>The only nutrients you need to avoid are sugar, trans fats and saturated fats
what a miserable life

>> No.19110698

Yeah it sucks

But the mires is what keeps me going. Once I'm old and ugly I will start to enjoy food more but for now I am perfectly content eating clean.

>> No.19111311

>sacrifice all happiness and comfort so you can maybe do and enjoy things when you're old and decrepit and no longer able to do or enjoy things
What a terrible mindset.

>> No.19111670

5G antennas from the vaccine use it as their main fuel source.

>> No.19111757

In contrary, I sacrifice a tiny bit of happiness and comfort to feel even more happy and comfortable (especially when I go to festivals which is at least once a month). I am your typical festival-going zoomer with a small but ok sixpack that gets some attention.

You might call it sad but I am happier this way.

>> No.19111794

someone poisoned the well and now you discredit any possibility that big business could possibly sell you something that's bad for your health; despite history. While you're trying to mock people to feel smarter, the fool here is you.

>> No.19111806

>A very large proportion of the health benefits of Omega 3s are imo just a result of how the average American has such a horrifically out of balance ratio, so anything that brings you a little closer to parity has an apparent positive health effect.
based, i've been saying that for years.

>> No.19111810

nigger if you are already buying goyslop, it's on you if they decide to add another toxic ingredient.

>> No.19111822

butter, baconfat

>> No.19111864

because, the deep state wants all men to look like Ben Shapiro or Tim Pool

I'd rather look like a fisherman