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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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19102183 No.19102183 [Reply] [Original]

>be amerilard
>get addicted to this vile australian bile
>$10 for a 4 day supply on amazon
Where the FUCK can I get this shit for cheap in America?

>> No.19102217
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What in tarnation?

>> No.19102319

Fellow burger here. I expected to hate it, but once I kept eating it, it has a flavor that is kinda addictive. I brought some back and melted it on bread with provel cheese, it was so good.

>> No.19102329

I like marmite, never had a chance to get vegemite though. I've wanted to try it it since the Wild Thornberrys came on tv.

>> No.19102339

Marmite is just Vegemite but with sugar in it.

>> No.19103076

>4 days
How much are you eating cunt?

>> No.19103103
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Pro tip: try it with kalles

>> No.19103106

>he can't divide 200 by 4
Nice Australian "education".

>> No.19103111


>> No.19103119

To me, it tastes like a thick soy sauce albeit with a lot less salt

I'm surprised australians don't use it more often in their cooking.

>> No.19103124

I have the exact same cutting board.

>> No.19103135

Good in a beef stew

>> No.19103218

vegemite or marmite?

>> No.19103445

If you want to experience Marmite just add sugar

>> No.19103475

Are gut megacolonies of saccharomyces cerevisiae essential to being a fair dinkum Aussie?

>> No.19103561
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I've lived in Hawaii, California, Oregon, Texas, Florida, Minnesota, Illinois, New York, and Rhode Island, and I don't think I've ever been to a grocery store that didn't carry both Vegemite and Marmite.

>> No.19103982

Not him but nowhere did OP specify that 200g = $10. Even that is a lot to eat in four days.

>> No.19103984
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>> No.19103993

Yes, that is the weight. Now how the fuck am I supposed to deduce the price from that? Retard.

>> No.19103997

idk, but a toddler could deduce you're a faggot

>> No.19104000

>1750 milligrams of additional added salt each day, on salted shitty sandwich loaf

might as well just kill yourself now, because your life will only get worse on your current trajectory

>> No.19104003

toddler should fear more if it can deduce that

>> No.19104006

>vegemitefag impotently ripping on toddlers
sad. many such cases

>> No.19104007

don't rip toddlers

>> No.19104018

I can deduce that OP is a fag and he's (you)
Which is it you fat retard? $10 worth or 200g because how the fuck is anyone supposed to know what you pay per volume?

>> No.19104023
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how upset are you on a scale of 1-10? and why?

>> No.19104030

How fucking stupid are you? I'm guessing at around that level where you're too stupid to know that there's anything wrong with you.

>> No.19104040
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christ on a bike anon, you couldn't seriously be this dense

>> No.19104041

you're mad and I don't give a fuck

>> No.19104044
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>> No.19104047

>having a reaction folder

>> No.19104050

Here you go then faggot. Go fly to Sydney and waddle from there to the nearest supermarket, buy as much as you can fit up your arse for aud3.80 per 200g (I'm guessing this could be a lot by how much of a faggot you are) and then fly your fat retarded cunt of an arse home... profit??

>> No.19104051

make it yourself bitch it's not hard

>> No.19104054

I accept your concession

>> No.19104057

I concede you're a faggot

>> No.19104126

I accept your concession

>> No.19104129

thank you, faggot. any more hot takes re the price weight ratio of Vegemite hmm?

>> No.19104132

It sounds like you're mad. And stupid, an unfortunate state to be in.

>> No.19104136

i'll take that as a no. OP is well advised to pick up a caterer's size tub of vegemite

>> No.19104153

Is that the difference? Never had vegemite. So vegemite is more similar to cenovis, then? Does it have the slight vegetal taste cenovis has, hence the name "vege"mite?

>> No.19104160

Never heard of it

>> No.19104166

Swiss version of the same shit as marmite and vegemite, but no sugar. It's a beer yeast extract with highly condensed vegetable broth, sold in little tubes you squeeze out onto buttered toast.

>> No.19104237

vegemite thread on page 2!? not on my /ck/

>> No.19104247

whos the brown one?

>> No.19104816

i use it in sloppa as a substitute for salt

>> No.19106252

>eating 50g of Vegemite a day
What the fuck

>> No.19106281

goes really well in braised steak and onion

>> No.19106309

Who said I was eating it?

>> No.19107882

I've been in your mum's cunt and i told her not to birth yet another liar into this world but she didn't listen and here you are. Should've given the bitch the Slinky treatment when i had the chance.

>> No.19108027 [DELETED] 

Dude you are supposed to spread it thinly on buttered toast. A jar should last months.

>> No.19108647

>despite never having been to america i know what they have there!
>you have to listen to me!
>americans are making things up!
That shit is sold everywhere. It's nothing special.

>> No.19108949
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What are you doing with it

>> No.19109221

Cost Plus world market
Most Indian grocery stores (in their British section)
Marmite you can get at most upscale grocery stores, havent seen vegemite in them

>> No.19110153
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>> No.19110307
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>> No.19110692
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>> No.19110795

>He doesn't have thousands of reaction images ready to go

>> No.19110945

I use it in most sauced dishes that require salt and savoury.

>> No.19112558

People do use it a lot

>> No.19112565

I hate australians so goddamn much is unreal

>> No.19112602

Marmite doesn't have sugar in it. At least not in the UK...

Yeast extract (contains BARLEY, WHEAT, OATS, RYE), salt, vegetable juice concentrate, vitamins (thiamin, riboflavin, niacin, vitamin B12 and folic acid), natural flavouring (contains CELERY)

>> No.19112620
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Well done. We used to mix vegemite (called yeast extract in ration packs) with cheese in the Australian Army.

>> No.19112738

It tastes like instant gravy mix

>> No.19114553
