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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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File: 34 KB, 984x344, 1678932009860095.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
19072227 No.19072227 [Reply] [Original]

This thread we had last week really messed with my mind.
Why dont young people want to share?
Does it really not feel good to them?
Did they miss the "sharing is caring" campaign ?
I honestly cant wrap my head around this disturbing trend

old thread

>> No.19072236

nypost with a rare L here. whenever I go out with others we always order for the table with the intention of sharing everything family style
t. zoomer

>> No.19072237

>twitter thread
>x vs. y
>sensationalized garbage based on a stupid poll
Are we unironically not above this sort of thread on this board?

>> No.19072238

We just did this one

>> No.19072244

OP is probably some midwit reporter trying to do research that's why he re started his own thread.

>> No.19072247

Nope. Just wait until the amateur psychologists get here. It was a trip last time, but frankly it ran its course.

>> No.19072265
File: 316 KB, 1807x1200, Restaurant_serving_turntable_restaurant_in_China,_1987.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why are you asking this in response to an OP which clearly does that?

Anyway I'm 25, dunno or care where that puts me, but >>19072236 is similar to me. I think my favorite places with friends are the cai, dim sum, etc. style restaurants where the food is shared around a Lazy Susan.

>> No.19072275

How do you ensure that everyone gets the same share of the food?

>> No.19072286

No such concern, price is normally split evenly and no one cares as long as everyone is satiated. We just order more if someone is still hungry.

>> No.19072297
File: 135 KB, 866x1390, excited-fat-man-punching-the-air-DBXC66.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

That sounds awesome!
Can I come with you guys?
I LOVE me some Dum Sum !!

>> No.19072301

Unless that is the guy from those Paypay commercials from Japan years ago this one just flies over my head.

>> No.19072305

>so worried about non-issues
First things first, social intelligence is a prerequisite. You would never take someone or go with a group whom permitted spergs, spastics, autists or asocial fatasses. Amazingly enough when you FILTER people you have a better time.

>> No.19072308

Fatty's gonna eat more than his fair share while everyone else at the table subsidizes him by paying an equal amount of money.

>> No.19072310


Dim Sum is chinee

>> No.19072312

With society as fucked up, low trust and atomized as it is, the "Fuck you I got mine" attitude tends to be a mindset of necessity.

>> No.19072317

Reddit thread part 2

>> No.19072322

>Lazy Susan.
Ablist much? She's not lazy. She does the best she has with her fibromyalgia.

Bro, I'm Jewish and even I'm not that concerned about splitting costs evenly by what proportion everyone eats when we go out.
Just how cheap and money-grubbing are you?

Sharing is woke, evil and communist so many zoomers today were taught not to.
I like sharing my food with others. Always have. And I don't usually want someone else's food, either. People eat fucking garbage, man.

>> No.19072327

Every time I go out with a group and they just combine the check and split it evenly there's always at least 1 or 2 people who take advantage by ordering expensive bullshit knowing they won't have to be responsible for the full cost. I won't do it any more. I don't mind buying an appetizer and sharing it with the table or whatever but if I do that I'm still paying for the whole appetizer. That's what sharing is, if I then told the server to split the appetizer across everyone's bills then I'm not sharing.

>> No.19072331

There is literally a friend of mine who is extraordinarily wide and tall and does exactly that. Seems fine to me.

>> No.19072334

imagine having to cuck yearself out of what you want to eat because your friends are poorfaggot misers lmao

order what you want and transfer the amount you ate for to the person who picked up the bill, how hard can it be ffs

>> No.19072336

Seems unfair to me.

>> No.19072338

>order what you want and transfer the amount you ate for to the person who picked up the bill
That's never how it works. They just get the bill and split the total and tell everyone to pay them evenly no matter what everyone ordered. I will go out of my way to request a separate bill, because fuck that shit.

>> No.19072339

You are free to feel that way about my situation. I don't

>> No.19072348

Told you.

>> No.19072355

In the situation where I want to try out something or order something egregiously pricy I'll usually just put it on my own check independent of the larger order.
In the age of apps that can synchronize group spending, it's less of a logistics issue and more just based on the norms if your friends, getting back to OP.

>> No.19072357

>there's always at least 1 or 2 people who take advantage by ordering expensive bullshit
Get better friends. Literally no one I know pulls that shit.

>> No.19072360

I did get better friends who don't ask for combined bills like assholes.

>> No.19072394

A lot of people grew up with boomer parents that are shit at cooking.
But also, the economy is fucked and people are stressed out about it.

>> No.19073200

>This thread we had last week really messed with my mind.
is it because you're a vapid bitch?
only vapid bitches want to steal from another's plate to try and garner attention away from the food and put it back on them.
>Why dont young people want to share?
nobody sane shares food once it's plated.
you share a dining experience, not your dish.
>Does it really not feel good to them?
again, you'd have to be insane to want to share it once plated.
>Did they miss the "sharing is caring" campaign ?
did you not realize how cringe that shit was in the first place?
fuck that girly sentimental bullshit.
>I honestly cant wrap my head around this disturbing trend
is it because you're a vapid bitch?
only vapid bitches want to steal from another's plate to try and garner attention away from the food and put it back on them.

>> No.19073202

>nypost with a rare L
all they do is fuck up and lie to people.

>> No.19073351

>nobody sane shares food once it's plated.
this is just not correct

>> No.19073413


>> No.19073474

I've been hanging out with zoomers kind of recently and they do have a weird thing about food. But maybe my generation did too and I just don't remember those times. I just remember it was common for someone to be like "hey try this" or even offer to share a glass. Maybe zoomers all have STDs or something idk. Oh and if a plate of something ran out fast from all the sharing, someone would offer to buy more like no big deal. That'd probably cripple a lot of them financially though. Food should also be a bonding experience which means sharing but they probably ate a lot alone in front of a glowing screen so they might have missed that.

I've also noticed that zoomers are an interesting mix of super nice/cool and combative so the food sharing thing is a pretty good example of that.

>> No.19073556

My neighbor is 50 and rants about sharing food.
He can barely handle sharing a plate of appetizers.
It's autism.

>> No.19073564

yeah but those reports never affect me. this one does, thus making it an 'L'

>> No.19073603

1. boomers think stealing shit from you without permission is 'lol sharing' when in reality it's a kind of bullying/psychological manipulation.

2. genx thinks sharing means taking stuff from you and keeping it for themselves and never giving you your 'fair share'.

3. millenials and zoomers who grew up with less resources and oppertunities tend to value what little they have more and want to keep it for themselves
4. sharing your food with strangers/people you know but arent really your friend does not benefit you in the current low trust environment, it makes you look weak and a pushover and you eventually get taken advantage of.
this is my no no square, do not touch any food there.

>> No.19073622

>that thread
>why are zoomers so isolated and depressed?
Has the 2 year pandemic and all the lockdowns and online schooling been memory-holed?

>> No.19073633

>order plate of food for myself
>not allowed to eat all of it

>> No.19073664

>hey man, that looks great, can I try some?
>am I not ALLOWED to eat my own food??
Niggle, you sound hella gay.

>> No.19073666

It's even worse: People have actually convinced themselves that staying indoors and only interacting with others online is perfectly normal and healthy, so they're now becoming confused as to why shut-ins who only interact with others online could possibly be unhappy and lonely.

>> No.19073674

Of course not, they dont even know how to cook. How can they share it if its raw lmao

>> No.19073692

Last thread was case closed after the 'study' counted millennials as anyone 40 and under, which is 99% of 4chan's demographic.
It's not a them 'problem', it's us

>> No.19073743

>1. boomers think stealing shit from you without permission is 'lol sharing' when in reality it's a kind of bullying/psychological manipulation.
this is totally wrong and it where you completely go off track

>> No.19073769

The average meal at a restaurant costs $20+ at bare minimum. You can't really afford to share, unless you're getting some food back.

>> No.19073874

it is.
get your own plate, we have more than enough.
once [plated it is designated as somebody's.
don't stick your fingers in my food or you'll lose your fingers.

>> No.19074136

sharing is a communal trait, modern society does not value the in-group, if anything it chastizes it.

>> No.19074620

Pandemic? When? Did americans really ruin their lives over a cold wave?

>> No.19074628

They're tight

>> No.19074744
File: 16 KB, 404x273, 1649239079330.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Just gonna grab a fry real quick bro

>> No.19074780

I love this style of post. The subtle mental illness mixed with slight ESL ways of typing.

>> No.19074795


>> No.19074858
File: 261 KB, 551x491, 1668498902714.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>wanting some vaxxie normalfag shedding spike protein all over your food

>> No.19074989

"People" like you are the biggest sociopaths around. You talk about sharing but that's only because you know you'll grab more than everyone else and get the most value out of it. And if someone point it out you whine and gaslight them like the psycho that you are.

>> No.19075012

They’re not your friends. I have to argue with my friends to let me pay

>> No.19075013


My friends are super cheap so sharingg isn't really a thing unless someone doesn't finish their food. Also, I've notice millenials don't bring wine or put out snacks at their houses. I always have chips/candy/other stuff

>> No.19075021

Damn is it really? I totally fell for it

>> No.19075045
File: 1.71 MB, 270x480, chinese restaurant.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's not a generational thing, it's a protestant thing.

>> No.19075048

It's not just with food. Young millennials/zoomers literally just lack any etiquette with treating or 'taking care of' friends and loved ones. Every item must be itemized down to the last cent, whether that be food, drinks, tickets to some show or concert. There's no more 'I get you, you get me.'

My girlfriend is part of a bridal party for her cousin and is spending well over $3,000 on her dress, hair/makeup, hotel accommodations for the wedding and bachelorette party, etc. and this girl has not offered to pay for even a single thing for her bridesmaids. She's a doctor and he's a lawyer. They both make a combined half a million dollars a year.

>> No.19075092

>dont get mad anon, we're just sharing :D
>as they grab whatever they want from your plate

it's pure, unadulterated spoiled 70 year old richfag mentality. If you had an unironically poorfag boomer relative, they might actually/genuinly share with you. Obviously your mileage is going to vary when generalizing an entire generation you sperglord. And there are regional cultural differences.

The average boomer doesnt think they are doing anything wrong when they do this, they really think this is what sharing is, but thats because they have a JUDEO-CHRISTIAN view on sharing which is a subversion of actual mutually beneficial community behavior where people just give things to each other and take what they need in a context where people are fine with it. The eteneral boomer always assumes that they have the right to help themselves to the communial plate, or even your own plate, because they are in a constant state of resource bliss. Surely they wouldnt mind if you did the same... but the problem is, the younger generations would not dare to risk offending the people higher up in the social hierarchy. So the 'sharing' tends to be one way. Which means it isnt sharing.

This is the only (you) you will get from me, I do not care if you agree. This came to me in a dream, and I am the chosen one.

>> No.19075115

I just want to grab my food and sit down to watch some youtube or a stream in peace. Eating around others is weird and uncomfortable.

>> No.19075134

This is absolutely not a young-people thing, loads of old fucks are selfish shits too, thinking they can just take without any consideration, permission, thanks or respect.

As for food, no, I would not share due to how disgusting and lacking in manners most people are too.

>> No.19075135

Keep your filthy fucking fingers away from my food. Simple as.

>> No.19075163

>food costs shittons of money
>wtf why won't you give it out for free to someone else????
On this board? No. On this site? No. A site that would be above this stopped existing at least 7 years ago.

>> No.19076109

>Did they miss the "sharing is caring" campaign?
No adults just dropped that because it's not real.
1-16: You have to share your snacks because its right

>> No.19076231

ck's never been more than "post bullshit hot takes to farm easy (You)s for dopamine hits"
dont kid yourself

>> No.19076233

In my opinion, the idea of "sharing food" begins and ends with feeding the guests in my house. Beyond that, don't fucking touch anything on my plate.

>> No.19076331

>it's pure, unadulterated spoiled 70 year old richfag mentality.
tragically wrong
you misunderstand some important stuff anon

>> No.19076577

>hey man, that looks great, can I try some?
>If it looks so great you should've ordered it
Not my problem

>> No.19076582

>go to a restaurant
>order a delicious single plate of food for myself
>other people at my table are entitled to my food
Why are people so entitled?

>> No.19076585

t. gullible idiot
They are going to spend it on drugs or booze. Majority of homeless folks have a mental illness or addicted to drugs. Volunteering at a food drive is more than enough. The idea that giving someone money helps them is false because it doesn't include educating them on what to do with the money.

>> No.19076588

People like you shit up every communal space you encounter then turn around and complain that communal spaces are all shit.

>> No.19076590

The only time someone is getting food off of my plate is if they're offering their food as a barter. If you want to eat my food for free, you have to pay for it.

>> No.19076603

>New York Post
Good sign to not bother wasting my time.

>> No.19076605

You guys are really screwing up op's fragile little brain. Poor kid has the mind of a child.

>> No.19076686
File: 2.85 MB, 190x300, 1660284932488792.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

First they killed Applebees now they won't share their food? Those damn kids need a foot in the ass and a firm handshake.

>> No.19077079

They are the two most obese generations out there. This isn't a surprise.

>> No.19077678

>Why dont young people want to share?
>Does it really not feel good to them?
>Did they miss the "sharing is caring" campaign ?

reason1: food is expensive
reason2: nobody got any money
reason3: diseases come from sharing

>> No.19078204

>i pay $30 for a dish
>faggot expects me to share with them
Nah, finna I eat my food

>> No.19078212

>Calls that poster a sociopath
>Pulls some sociopathic theory out of his ass to claim anon never wanted to share even though he has no evidence of this
Anon, consider getting off the computer.

>> No.19078232


>> No.19078269
File: 825 KB, 1771x2417, 91XbyTZkYkL.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Sharing is Caring
Complete bullshit. This book perfectly exemplifies the concept. Rainbow fish is told to give away his colorful beautiful scales to gain the "friendship" from all the other lame fish. He caves into peer pressure and is left with almost none of his shit, but he gains their gay communist meaningless friendship.

>> No.19078277
File: 133 KB, 611x168, BRO.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

total gpt death. kill robots. execute robots. judo throw robots into the sun. stir fry robots in a wok. crucify dirty robots. throw robots into the trash compactor. abort robotic children. tell robots to kill themselves. curb stomp robots in the street. round house kick robots into an incinerator. sage robots. report robots. set robots on fire. drown robots in water. fry robots with an emp. put robots in the oven. denounce the talmud infront of robots. deny the holocaust infront of robots. check the early life history of robots. only respond to robots with copypasta.

>> No.19078330


>> No.19078373

If I like you, you can share my food. If I don't know you that well, order your own shit so that I can know that you're a conscious human being who's capable of restraint and self-responsibility, and not a developmentally stunted freak who's compelled to engage in boundary-crossing behavior just because it's "social".

>> No.19078378

what do they mean by sharing food? Someone is visiting and you give them something to eat or you're eating with someone and they want some of what you're having?

>> No.19078379
File: 492 KB, 594x843, 1650473470103.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Young people are not supposed to be obeast and they are supposed to be kind a sharing
The whole of western culture is on the ropes

>> No.19078422

>men are designed to be physical and active at all times
>modern society has removed physical labor and activity and replaced it with """mental labor""" and """intellectual activity"""
>everyone is miserable and depressed and devoid of purpose because of it but most just sit around whining about it
>one man actually decides to do something about it and dedicates himself to a long-term physical pursuit building something great with his own physical labor
>he has no friends because other men are too weak and feminized by modern society to see the virtue in this type of physical pursuit
>his girlfriend just sees him as weird and thinks he needs to remove this purpose-creating activity from his life instead of marveling at the dedication and determination required to work toward something like this
This man is living a better life than the vast majority of people and he receives nothing but scorn. We live in a broken world.

>> No.19078598

hurr durr lets make a claim about millions of people

>> No.19078663
File: 1.70 MB, 480x608, 1661221803925798.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

By your logic, reporters and doctors from the 1800s would have been fat guys, there were not.
Plumbers and carpenters of today would be skinny, they are not

>> No.19078667

Millions of fat people anon

>> No.19078668


so far off it makes me sick

>> No.19078683

Whats so wrong about digging a whole ?

>> No.19078761

When did I mention fatness a single time in my entire post? I was talking exclusively about purpose, meaning, and happiness.

>> No.19078765

I was only responding to the image, in case that wasn't clear from the content of my post.

>> No.19078832

Oh yes, the image
Women are horrible of course

>> No.19079429

Mental illness. germophobia.